Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Urgent News Flash | Dinar, Dong and the IMF

Urgent News Flash | Dinar, Dong and the IMF

From good Political and IMF sources we have just been advised that the IMF are contesting to stop both Dinar and Dong deals, on the grounds that it will represent a vast distribution of unearned wealth to the undeserving US Public

Simple reality, they feel that no Americans should be allowed to cash in on the deaths of millions and destruction of nations. So, as this is still as yet unclarified, will the IMF now attempt to introduce a new currency bypassing all the Speculators? Clearly, a Political battle will rage now. A ravaging and mercenary Pentagon hoard will be far from happy if now denied their vast, ill gotten war crimes gains. Nothing is decided but clearly its a new spoke in the wheels. Morally of course, the IMF are right. But, Politicians don't do moral values. So what chicanery now?
Posted by OWoN Team, edited by canauzzie on Saturday, January 04, 2014 


Yet, the IMF never objected to all the Wall Street, Comex and gold price manipulation enriching the few, now did it? This objection is ridiculous. I cannot fathom why they would make such a statement. How many world governments accumulated Dinar in hopes of appreciation? Dozens. It is morally OKAY for governments, banks, Wall Street to accumulate unearned wealth, but it is morally wrong for the public to do so? What is wrong with this picture? I may be missing something here..... ~darylluke.
Its the sheer number of Broker racketeers and Military bandits they are gunning for, and vast numbers of Speculators who they feel do not deserve these funds as its way too much unearned wealth which the world needs more. Interpol will look at the Brokers soon.
The IMF have a case.
So now, lets see how it all plays out. This will force action. Kill it or pay it.
The objection is not ridiculous, it's fair and reasoned. Gold prices are down 30%! Hardly getting rich. This is Blood Money! Fact! But, you don't care. Gimme, gimme, more. That is what the IMF object to. Unearned, unwarranted and not worked for.
Let the battle rage now. Time its sorted.

You hit the nail right at the top. I would still understand that Iraq gov would object to this, yet they did not object when they were selling IQD to public neither did IMF as long as little $ were flying from plebs pockets to their accounts.

It is not easy and we are not at the spot to judge and make big shots.

Beside majority of sheeple have no real idea how did we get here to this spot anyhow, neither did I when in 2004 got few IQD probably even before OKIE HOKIE and yet I was buying a packet deal with number of biz options and investments and only then I could make a decision to buy some IQD, it was how it started.

Anyhow, upsetting moods never help anyhow, keep smile on and we wait how it will unfold, beside, even if we go empty-handed we stood for right things and better deals will unfold for us then we have today.

With respect as always...
Actually John made clarification even I posted above, so be it.
Yeah. two planes of same huge size left Iraq all filled equally with dinar, but only one is accounted for. 50% heist by shrub sr. Vietnamese peoples need this now. PP. Why is IMF sticking their long nose into a PP. Play out you Say? Hope springs eternal, no? We wait as always, and watch, sadly, as all degrades to worse. Their forte of delay as counter plans go online,etc,etc,etc.....Get the effer sitting in Lebanon causing mayhem just being allowed to live. I'm just silly, though....~darylluke.
To explain: "allowed to live" means as he lives he allows more mayhem just by living. What do I know?
When are you people going to wake up and realize that the IMF is totally owned, sponsored and operated by the cabal. Nothing useful will ever come out of the GCR including dong and dinar. As long as the IMF is invovled, then the currentcys will always be fucked up.
There is never going to be a GCR as long as the cabal-ridden IMF is involved.

Just to make a simple comment as it feels to me. Definitely it is agreed with the simple fact that IQD and eventually one must say also Dong are blood money. Vietnam’s nation and economy was crushed in similar way as Iraq, probably, I have not been here around...

Firstly, it is blood money with a capital B for those who premeditated this deal and acted upon that and also those probably who supported that invasions and still probably think that it was just thing to do it. That would mean majority of US brainwashed Zionist Christians and all Zionist clan from top to bottom and they believe they have right to take that wealth from Iraq, this is simple fact.

Yet, there are some who had no idea of what is going on and got the picture later on more or less or who just have no idea what is really going on…many invested in it like today in Bitcoin so to speak.

But who can judge that, right?

If it passes by, it passes by us. What a big deal, after night there will be again morning and we will keep breathing again…..I know my wife will be more then OK so will I, if it passes by in silent of a moment. I joined the resistance before Iraq war and am around not because IQD or Dong, so did many. Blood money concept came from you and any honest have to agree on it. Yet deal was struck, it is moral challenge…can I justify myself in it or can I not. I got my family in it with me. I do not even tell them how complicated stuff it, what I told them that I would expect that they give away some portion for some good deeds, they agreed, they can’t English, so hard to explain all details….

Come what may….
Whatever the views it clear all is back now in the melting pot.
I bought dinar back in 2005 because i wanted to help Iraq and her poor people who had been so ill treated at the hands of our USA govt. Helped they could recover I felt. Not bloodmoney to me.
good! nobody deserves to live fat off of genocide and scorchef earth tactics. if the inbreds cannot cash in on this then no need for hedged bets. HOWEVER, the IMF is a Rothy entity so we know whst time it is.

just withdraw your energy from this game folks. it is much like the harvesting at sporting events. stop giving your power to these contrasting souls.
Nice insight, actually, which is quite relevant....Yet, one might ask what's next?
Great question. the problem is that humanity is nowhere NEAR critical mass. The programming runs deep. For starters we need to change the frequency of music back to 432hz to start undoing Mengele's damage in that regards. Second is a complete movement to return the community standards and family values that got shredded once the McMansions and strip malls were in full view. Dare I say that maybe a complete financial decapitation is needed to wake all these reality tv worshipping souls here in the States up. End consumerism, materialism and idol worshipping because you just can't mortgage your left kidney to do it anymore.

A more plausible solution is mass education my guerilla tactics. Explain why crypto currencies are a cabal tactic. Explain why the constitution is NOTHING that applies to nor protects you. Explain WHY you do not have to go to court (if you do you do not consent and do NOT "understand") or follow the statutes. Explain WHY your kids are far less educated than you were and so on down the lineage. Explain WHY and HOW we got in this mess and HOW coming together in and of a community will begin to unravel the problems we have ALLOWED to happen.

These are all currently pipe dreams as so many people are walking billboards in their aeropostale, abercrombie and fitch (not knowing it was started as a clothing line for alternative lifestyle folks) or whatever tag was thrown on some malaysian sewn cloth claiming to be humble servants of the "good lord" all while reaching far beyond their financial means and lifetime capabilities to play this illogical game.

Breaking the subversions and diversions is the key. So how? I have two uncles who are 12 step assholes who now are bible thumping jackasses. People cling to dogma because they need a way, a reason and something to believe in. Educating them properly is paramount. Teach a person to believe in themselves and go within for answers and half that battle is already won. Break the spell of intolerance of difference and acceptance of individuality and we go even further to becoming community-centric capable.

The biggest issue is we are up against thousands of years of planning and execution. We brought a quill and bottle of ink to a assault rifle battle...
Wall Street is Blood money
The IMF is Blood money
The whole Banking system is Blood money
Trading Platforms are Blood money
The whole rotten frigging global system is Blood money
The HYPOCRISY is off the charts.
The criminals in charge create a system of "your damned if you do and your damned if you don't"
My suggestion: Invest in rope.
Many people will hang for the blood that has been spilled.
what he said!
No one has earned more of this blood money than Corporate America and
their war machine. Arms dealers, manufacturers, defense contractors. We
made an investment into a countries currency. As far as I am aware it was
a legal one with the risk associated with it. The fact that it now may actually
be worth far more than we imagined at the time does not make the windfall
illegal or any more immoral then any of the other naked investments sold
and invested into on every commodity known to man-kind. IMF wants to
have 5 million really pissed off citizens after them...they should fully institute
their plans. 
"they should fully institute their plans."

there it is! couldn't get us to bite on Syria. 9/11 is being exposed further with evidence of Saudi ties and Rand "rubbing shoulders with big money" Paul is suing the administration...

sounds like another attempt at creating civil unrest...

Whatever happens at least this mess will be forced towards decisions soon. And NO, its NOT like trading it IS all Illegal Invasion War Looting proceeds. All profits need to be mass taxed and the money given to the poor countries who lost millions and the recovery of all assets stolen by these F Barbarians. It all profiles as human greed at its worst. Gimme, gimme, gimme. Nations destroyed, gimme, gimme, gimme. Humanity does not look good here. Looking in, it's awful.

I deserve. For what????? America at its worst. Homeless Iraqis deserve. How many GIs are paying maintenance for the Gwee Coys ( Unwanted Barbarians children) they bred from poor village girls sold into sex slavery in Vietnam, now left to rot living in a world of hell unwanted by anyone because of these pernicious armies of filth? Their rights? But of course in Tinsel Town it wasn't me. Their poor lives? Their futures? Gimme, gimme, gimme doesn't care. Just I want. Its my right. Yeh, sure. Karma will come. How about thinking of the tens of thousands of rejected children left born unwanted because of this army of filth? Dongs for them? If there is a Hell, it needs to await with real fury.

How about the homeless kids? It's an "American" thing. Like HIV.

How about paying the US in Iraqi WMD's? Shock and Awe was disgusting mass bullying of a helpless nation by immoral thugs. The world will not forget. All cultural respect has been lost.

Thousands of Vietnamese Gwee coys live in hell unwanted. Why. What did they do?
But gimme, gimme, gimme doesn't care. The world is changing. Be careful of what is coming. If the US does collapse, has anyone even thought of the vast invading armies and what will follow occupation?

Start with rage. Empires END! Attrition will be total. As merciless. What goes around? The Russian Berlin Wall said it all. The Iron Curtain. What happened? If the bankrupt US fails? But Disneyland does not show that. Who mass cloned Homer Simpson?

Yes Invest in rope, but for whom does the Bell toll? In truth?
Geez… is like that. No question asked!!!!!! If truth and justice descents now and exposes all who would stand?????
The Bell tolls for the Money Changers....
For their time has come..
Waste knot or want knot...
The perfect neck tie...
Rope a Dope

From good Political and IMF sources we have just been advised that the IMF are contesting to stop both Dinar and Dong deals, on the grounds that it will represent a vast distribution of unearned wealth to the undeserving US Public.

Simple reality, they feel that no Americans should be allowed to cash in on the deaths of millions and destruction of nations. So, as this is still as yet unclarified, will the IMF now attempt to introduce a new currency bypassing all the Speculators? Clearly, a Political battle will rage now. A ravaging and mercenary Pentagon hoard will be far from happy if now denied their vast, ill gotten war crimes gains. Nothing is decided but clearly its a new spoke in the wheels. Morally of course, the IMF are right. But, Politicians don't do moral values. So what chicanery now?
Posted by canauzzie on Saturday, January 04, 2014 
In case some are still living in world of idiots here it comes plainly even for total idiots…

Gay Jews have 'higher souls' than gentiles, says deputy minister
They don't want the public to participate in the wealth because they are scared of what good mankind will do with that money. This is not a good action even if so many people died because they die in vain if the public doesn't get the money to avenge their deaths peacefully.
Scroll down and watch send in the clowns
IMHO, based on the way this information is being presented, this is just yet another “fear alert” backed by NO evidence, NO proof, NO details… just SHOCK value!

“Good political sources” with NO names, websites or email addresses,
+ “Good IMF sources”… with NO names, websites or email addresses,
+ “Clearly, a Political battle will rage now”,
+ “A ravaging and mercenary Pentagon hoard will be far from happy”

I am genuinely starting to hate “truth bloggers” more than I hate the “crooked banksters.”

It is OK, poor it out. We know where we stand and you know what. Nothing else matters. We are fine here because ……..(you fill the dots..)

And you have what exactly? What evidence do you have to suggest we are telling lies and deceiving? You come in here with nothing and speak like you know everything.

Better to sit quietly and be thought a fool, than to stand up and speak and remove all doubt.
You have been paid what to date? Zero! Nor are likely to be. Who would ever fund such a vast Dinar overprinting fantasy? Smacked Butts and Soothers? What a narcissistic statement.

You want me to provide evidence that disproves the bold statements that you posted with NO collaborating evidence? LMAO

Sorry that I embarrassed you, in front of your loyal readers... as EVIDENCED by your emotionally-charged, ill-mannered reply.

Now here's a quote for YOU to contemplate... "You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe." ~ Carl Sagan
You wish to debate but provide nothing in return. I know where our information comes from and its credibility. Yours? Seems you are the believer.

LOL.... you have just proved my previous statement again.
Thank you for confirming my suspicion that you have ZERO EVIDENCE to support this dramatic accusation that "the IMF is contesting to stop both Dinar and Dong deals, on the grounds that it will represent a vast distribution of unearned wealth to the undeserving US Public."

Sorry to burst your bubble... but your self-proclaimed "credible" sources are WORTHLESS if they do not have the courage to reveal something more than just another "trust me... I have inside information" cop-out.

Michael Jackson was responsible for his own death, a lawyer for AEG Live said Wednesday in closing arguments of the wrongful death lawsuit brought by relatives of the late King of Pop.
Jackson's family blame the concert promoter for his June 2009 death on the eve of his sold-out comeback tour, claiming the company hired Jackson's doctor and pressured him to bend medical rules in order to ensure the tour would go ahead.

AEG - where do you want to be hanged crooks and liars??? Pick you tree..

Anybody who watched “This is it” must come to only one conclusion. Michael was fine, dynamic and full of energy when getting ready for a tour…..You just can not fake natural behavior when somebody is shutting video of your rehearsals and how you interact with a crew. He was natural. They have killed him...

do you still skate in the ring….check this one….

From slopes to ice…still in shape…
I haven't as of late but hope to get back to it. I do miss it.

Putin playing hockey, I never knew....
New way to find co-operation…..Pentagon and WH get inspired.
A US icebreaker is on its way to help free Russian and Chinese ships stuck in Antarctic ice, the US Coast Guard said Saturday.
The Polar Star would cut short a stay in Sydney to assist in rescue operations of the Russian Akademik Shokalskiy and China's Snow Dragon after the Chinese ship had helped evacuated 52 passengers from the Russian vessel, but then itself become stuck in the ice.
Folks, this is the biggest lie put forth this year! Hold on to your Dinars, buy plenty more before they RV, hurry, hurry, hurry, time is of essence!
Funny, I would have said "you get to keep your plan and Doctor" or "the NSA is not doing that"

This is no lie. How it will play out is yet to be seen, but the IMF is objecting.
Just where do these lunatics think the funds are coming from? These are the loose comments of fantasists. Naive and no perspective of financial reality. Easy to see how all rights were stripped from under their noses. You cant educate ignorance or save fools from themselves. . .
Paranoia canauzzie,

Can you imagine how it looks at dinar guru’s, I can smell all the way across the big pond, geeez…people are mad ….no reason in pants.

Anthony thank you for stopping by and informing us….appreciated. At least we know what is happening out there inside of the hedge…., here we are free and we will stay free even if we will be passed by in the silent of the night, even then I would laugh and not cry as a child calling mammy help….my IQD are worthless. FREEEDOOOOM
Worthy of checking this one…

IAEA cannot overlook military component in Iranian nuclear program - Russian diplomat

Good night for today….
What "good political and IMF sources" are saying this, and who does it make sense to? Talk about misinfo ...
These Dinar Guru sites have a lot to answer for when the wheels come off. Where is the money to pay for such fantasies. Limited Private Placements only may get done as are progressing now. Vast overprinting will see its own read end. Where is such money? America is broke. Countries economies need to be harmonized and capital pools balanced. Guru sites have fueled false fantasies which have built such false hopes for last hope people. 
lol, this is nothing more than a a blog posting with a opinion. I get sent these all the time over the years when someone comes across them. Best thing to do is if you exchanged dollars for dinars (most call it a investment), put the stuff away and go on about life, leave the sites that produce opinions to those that thrive on them. Is there a agenda? I am sure there is from Top to Bottom but I will not loose sleep over following a one of them... ;)
Sensible stance Neno
We have an stinging insect around here called a hornet. Hornets pack a very painful sting and are very aggressive when provoked. They build their nest up in trees some feet off the ground. These nests range in size from basketballs to even larger diameters. The larger the nest the more hornets live inside. When we see them out in the wild we know to steer well clear of their location. When it comes to hornets nests, discretion is the better part of valor. If you swat a hornets nest with a stick, you can expect some pretty aggressive activity heading in your direction really quick.
I liked the part about Interpol investigating these dinar-guru whack-oes peddling false hope making claims of contacts with inside information from within every nook & cranny of government, banking, etc.....If true, that is illegal insider-trading activity. If false, then that is FRAUD, also sometimes punishable quite severely, as is fitting in these cases.Either way, if & when Interpol intervenes all their gooses are cooked!! Which, of course is a very good thing. ~darylluke.
DL, you can not judge them this way, you should not judge them probably at all. Anyhow, it is like it is. It must be a web of systematic mis-information and they mail pass it on, more or less. What about those who built that mis-info net to feed them with BS, day by day. It has to be intentional mafia that organizes this.
Many gurus are just victims of that with good intentions, some might be shills at the spot paid by Bushes Zionist Jesuits mafia. (More broken people, better for social manipulation….) It is targeted group. Most of them are Protestant Christian Zionist, Protestants are from the beginning a primary target for Jesuits.

Why do you think USA is in such attack beside other things. It is a stronghold of PROTESTANTISM it means it is primary target for Jesuits.

Whatever people believe about Protestant Christianity, one thing must be understood plainly. Moral character of previous generation of the West was built on Protestantism. Protestant believers were a pillar of morality and working ethics of the West. This is simple fact…..

The Iraqi economy is c1.5T. The max allowed for currency printing is c 3 times GDP so max out at 5T.
The Iranians and Agencies got control of Saddams printing plates. Having printed reputably over 70T, and sold to Suckers, what a scam heh? They have made vast billions form gullible but desperate people treating them as mugs. No country with a 1.5T economy can carry c70T of paper. How to deal with this vast scam is the question now. There will be winners and losers but a whole lot of Losers. Be sure the Politicos will cash out and also the Top Brass who were bribed to invade Iraq for War Loot gains. Perks for the pigs. Joe Public? Mugged! Sure as hell the Dinar exchanges need taking in and down. Jail them!

Yes, thank you. I do recall you stating that here several times. I suppose because of this scam(IQD over printing) the people of Vietnam get victimized(again). I don't understand why China cannot get their backing in place to re-intstate a fair rate. Right now I believe it is the 3rd or 4th least valuable currency in the world. Before Vietnam invasion it was in the top 10 currency's worth double the US$. Iraq was over triple the US$ value when the US illegally invaded that sovereign country. But, as you say "Where will the funding come from?", so I suppose my points are all irrelevant because there is no way to realistically revalue either country to anywhere near post-invasion valuations. My understanding is that solutions ARE available, but the cabal & the black pope are still holding up ALL those solutions, because "Thieves never give back!". Yet, that can change when some of the top people are faced with incarceration and/or worse. Part of "the big stew now brewing"...... ~darylluke.
Well, I guess "The US$ will not tank" is off the table since it, too got thrown into the "melting pot", along with the rest of this whole mess. Who exactly is the chef minding the main course which is now brewing? ALL the while HAARP is getting things very insane. Insane cold on US soil basically harming all the innocents. While we wait for some break in all the negative news of consequence.

Anti-freeze in cars freezes at -35F, projected to arrive in America now. Nice job. Sure looks like a sinking ship to me. A lost cause. Another year goes by, and still nothing. Leo Wanta funds non-return is a disgrace because it was NOT forced through(out) by PEOPLE WHO COULD HAVE LONG AGO. yes, I agree with John. A special hell awaits those. Eternal torment awaits them one & all, yet they believe they will not be delivered there because of some insane Faustian agreement with some clause regarding scape-goating. Baphomet & Satan are who these psychopaths love. Such insanity rules the day. So much more needless suffering just up ahead. So senseless. FEMA camps for all who resist. What a great plan for this once great nation.

This Vatican "Holos kaustoo”, I need to know how hard on the target is this info, do you back all this? I have never had good views on Catholics and “Rome” but I had to learn to reconcile my feelings and thoughts a long ago about what they have done otherwise I would not be able to make it through. (much anger), now in many ways things are coming back in much larger scale beyond any of my imagination. (I mean I do not get angry as at those old days, but one becomes really sick just reading and learning…)
Chair of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), Sima Samar, told Reuters that the pace and the hideousness of attacks on women intensified in 2013 with a 25 per cent surge in cases from March through September.

"The brutality of the cases is really bad. Cutting the nose, lips and ears. Committing public rape," Samar said. "Mass rape... It's against dignity, against humanity.”

Almost 100 Afghan schoolgirls poisoned in suspected gas attack

If only Assad or Qaddafi or even Saddam did a tiny inch of those crimes covered by UN, US, FRANCE etc….beyond anything…

As long as US gets their heroin or oil from there…..
How fix such societies ?????
The number of obese or overweight people in the developing world has more than tripled in the last thirty-five years, up from 250 million in 1980 to over 900 million today. The figures are revealed in a report from the think-tank, the Overseas Development Institute, which says there are now almost twice as many overweight people in the poor countries as in rich ones. VoR's Hywel Davies reports.

This is an interesting …. do not quite understand the causes...
High Fructose Corn syrup is the primary cause of obesity & diabetes epidemic. Comes from GMO CORN POISON---->MONSANTO!!
We are active on Private deals for Vietnam. Cant say more. Watch this space.
Very good things are coming soon which will help a lot of you via the site. Huge opportunities.
....while HAARP skrewz innocents, etc, etc, etc..... ~darylluke.

Re: "Huge opportunities". I'll settle for a small to medium sized one asap....I think many here may agree. Thanks for the optimistic comment, though. MUCH appreciated during these days of GLOOM & DOOM I find myself trapped in.

Would somebody kindly pull the plug on this effin' HAARP insanity!!! ~darylluke.
Fulford's latest report is interesting. Names many names of people who need to "fly straight" or be arrested. Quite a large wish-list has been itemized. Yet, he states the gnostic illuminati are threatening to blow a nuke in Tokyo!! WTF? I thought those guys joined the WDS alliance!! Can anybody shed some light on that?
Overall he seems optimistic for 2014, fwiw.
-18F here right now , with wind chills of -40'sF. HAARP moved the arctic dome south over the whole great lakes area. Somebody PLEASE pull the plug on that shyte now!! ~darylluke.
Hello John: I believe, the fair thing to do is to limit the dinar exchange, perhaps to somewhere between $2000 to $5000. This will end the corrupt high level people in the Pentagon and high ranking officials from their continued sucking the blood out of the system. At the same time the little guys like me and the rest of 5 million dinar holders will not be again stabbed in the back. It must not be allowed to stop the exchange fully, otherwise, it is like intentionally letting the thief get away with the bread loaf, and punish the guy who picked up the scrums off the ground on the street. This would not be acceptable in the eye of fairness and justice. This cannot be fair or just, and it would make the IMF to be the old corrupt and Cabal-minded entity.
There is no way IQD will "RV" with 87 trillion issued. "RV" to $1 would be $87 trillion, more than everything in Iraq is worth and could ever hope to be worth. But none of Iraq's resources can count toward IQD value because IQD is not owned by the Iraq gov, it's owned by the central bank, a private corporation.

It cannot be valued higher than the central bank's reserves which are $74 billion thereabouts, which prevents any revalue above $.00094 unless reserves rise dramatically.

CBI reserves would have to double for IQD to rise to $.00172. For IQD to rise to $1 CBI reserves would have to be $87 trillion, which is 5 times the size of the entire USD money supply, an absurd thing to even contemplate.

So this "IMF threatening to stop IQD revalue because American dinar holders don't deserve the unearned wealth" is pure nonsense. It's impossible for IQD to "RV" in the first place.


“PSYOPS – Wars Are Fought On and Off the Battlefield

Psychological Operations (PSYOP) has been alternatively known in the U.S. as Military Information Support Operations (MISO) since 2010

● According to the U.S. Department of Defense, psychological warfare is, “The planned use of propaganda and other psychological actions having the primary purpose of influencing the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of hostile foreign groups in such a way as to support the achievement of national objectives.”
○ PSYOPS influence the behavior of governments, groups, organizations and individuals. Read More


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Evidence of dozens of U.S. veterans dying as they waited months for appointments and treatment are just the tip of the iceberg – and the real number of deaths could be in the thousands – according to a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who closely follows the issue.
Jessie Jane Duff spent 20 years in the Marines, rising to the rank of gunnery sergeant. She is now on the organizing committee at Concerned Veterans for America. While the government is essentially admitting to about 40 deaths in Phoenix due to long waits and dozens more facilities are under investigation, Duff said the real number of veteran deaths due to the VA bureaucracy in recent years is exponentially higher.
“Yes, I do estimate it’s in the thousands,” she said. “Let’s go to the backlog that they had. Fifty-three veterans died a day just waiting on their benefits in 2011. The VA itself has those numbers. We’re talking about egregious mismanagement, a culture of corruption that was allowing all these executives to give the impression that they had 14 days of waiting time, not months and months of waiting time, so they could get bonuses. So I expect it will be several hundred, if not thousands.”
Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Jessie Jane Duff:
Duff said another reason the numbers are likely to soar is because of systemic bureaucracy that grinds the system to a crawl.
“In Albuquerque, New Mexico, veterans were waiting over four months with gangrene, heart disease, brain tumors. I didn’t even know you could wait that long with any of those predicaments. In Harlingen, Texas, in 2010, they decided that men had to come back with three screenings that came out positive before they could get in for a colonoscopy. By that time, it was a Stage Four cancer,” said Duff, who elaborated further on some of the red tape veterans are forced to navigate in Albuquerque.
“It came out that they had eight cardiologists on staff. But only three would work a day, and they would see only two patients per day. I’m not sure if that was two patients per cardiologist or two total. Regardless, the report I read determined that they were seeing in a week what most medical facilities could see in two days,” she said.
Duff said a final death count may prove difficult since many vets ultimately gave up on the VA system and sought care in the private sector. Duff said the most troubling aspect of this story is not just incompetent mismanagement but the blatant deceit perpetrated by VA officials around the nation.
“What disappoints me the most out of this is that it was deliberate. I used to think it was just mismanagement. I’ve been reporting on mismanagement for the past year. Now I realize it was all deliberate and it was all in the name of an almighty dollar,” she said. “I’m so shocked and saddened to know that executives at the highest level were training their employees to hide numbers, training their employees to make it look like veterans were only waiting 14 days.”
Duff added, “They were not realizing the reality nor did they care about the reality that this was going to result in many of these veterans’ deaths. And we’re talking often about our Vietnam era and older. Many of those men are not in a position where they can heal quickly and go without medical care for sustained periods of time.
“It’s tragic that these executives became so removed, so removed from the very veterans they were helping that they never looked in the eyes of these family members or went to one of the funerals or watched the pain and suffering that these men went through.”
Federal spending on veterans’ health care is up significantly in the Obama administration, and the president vowed last week to fight for as much additional money as needed to fix the system. That approach to the problem leaves Duff incensed.
“Oh please. I just want to scream when I hear somebody say, ‘Let’s slap more money onto it,’” Duff said. “They have a $150 billion budget. They requested $160 billion for the next fiscal year. They’ve never been denied anything from the Senate or the House, as far as their budget goes. Thirty-nine percent is going to medical costs. Thirty-nine (percent) of the $150 billion.”
Duff reports that 52 percent of taxpayers dollars spent at the Phoenix VA went to administrative costs, including the purchase of expensive office furniture. Another six million was spent on a sparsely attended national conference in Orlando, Florida.
“They’ve wasted thousands and thousands and millions of dollars,” she said. “The money is simply being mismanaged.”
She is also seething at Senate Democrats for blocking the VA Accountability Act, which easily passed the House and would give the secretary of Veterans’ Affairs. However, GOP attempts to approve the plan in the Senate were blocked by Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders, D-Vt.
“Sanders has another bill of his own, another $20 billion in a pork-funded bill that he’s trying to get through the Senate. He used two false arguments. His first false argument is we need time to review the bill. It’s a three-page bill, 27 lines, Bernie. How slow do you need to read?”
Duff explained, “The second false argument is that he said this would give a greater opportunity when we change administrations for executives to be fired and that would be unfair. That’s another false argument. The Department of Defense has this authority to fire executives. This was in place in several previous administrations. Secretary (Robert) Gates used it during the Walter Reed scandal in 2007. We have heard of no executives being fired when the administrations changed so that is a false and ridiculous argument.”
She said executives would still have the right to appeal their termination, so punitive firings would be very difficult. Duff said the case of Sharon Helman is the perfect example of why reform is needed.
Helman deliberately submitted false information on the number of veteran suicides. Instead of being fired, she was promoted to director of the Phoenix VA, site of the initial reports of falsified wait lists for veterans.
With all of the promises of reform flowing out of Washington, when will America know if real progress is being made?
“We have over a quarter-million veterans who are appealing their claims. I want to see where they start getting a very solid ratio of when they grant a claim, it’s not being appealed,” Duff said. “That tells me you’re giving a quality assessment to the person who is making the claim. We’re going to see our veteran suicides drop. Right now, 22 vets a day are killing themselves due to mental health issues. Often there is a huge delay of up to three weeks getting in for a mental health exam within the VA. We’ll see that drop.
“We will also see a greater quality in care. I expect that they’ll start serving these veterans and find out how long they’ve been getting care. And I expect the Senate and the House to be monitoring this a hell of a lot closer than they’ve been. Sadly, they’ve all gotten letters from veterans complaining about the VA, but it wasn’t until Phoenix that we heard them do anything about it.”


Join Us on Tara Hill: Veronica Keen & Andrew Bartzis


Andrew and Veronica Keen discuss bringing together people from everywhere to join them in Ireland.

The call is going out to ALL sovereign leaders to bring their drums and sacred hearts to this historical event. There are many roles to fill: drummers, ley line workers, shamans, healers, transportation, bus tour guides, on the ground volunteers, administration, camera crews, techies, translators, off site remote support teams, sponsor coordinators and more!
Contact them today.


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Here is a list of Executive Orders if you haven’t seen them:

Here is a list of Executive Orders if you haven’t seen them:

Executive Order 10997 (grants government control over electric, gas, and minerals)

The verbiage states: “SECTION 1. Scope. The Secretary of the Interior (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering (1) electric power; (2) petroleum and gas; (3) solid fuels; and (4) minerals. These plans and programs shall be designed to provide a state of readiness in these resource areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.” EO 10997

Executive Order 10998 (grants government control over food and farms)

The verbiage states: “SECTION 1. Scope. The Secretary of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering: Food resources, farm equipment, fertilizer, and food resource facilities, as defined below; rural fire control; defense against biological warfare, chemical warfare, and radiological fallout pertaining to agricultural activities; and rural defense information and education. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.” EO 10998

Executive Order 10990 (grants government control over labor)

The verbiage reads: “The President is authorized by the Act to establish by Executive order a safety council composed of representatives of Government departments and agencies to serve as an advisory body to the Secretary of Labor in furtherance of the safety program carried out by the Secretary pursuant to section 33 of the Act and to undertake such other measures as he deems proper to prevent injuries and accidents to persons covered by the Act.” EO 10990

Executive Order 10995 (grants government control over communications and media)

 The verbiage states: “SEC. 2. Subject to the authority and control of the President, the Director of Telecommunications Management shall:

 (a) Coordinate telecommunications activities of the executive branch of the Government and be responsible for the formulation, after consultation with appropriate agencies, of overall policies and standards therefor. He shall promote and encourage the adoption of uniform policies and standards by agencies authorized to operate telecommunications systems. Agencies shall consult with the Director of Telecommunications Management in the development of policies and standards for the conduct of their telecommunications activities within the overall policies of the executive branch.

SEC. 3. The authority to assign radio frequencies to Government agencies, vested in the President by section 305 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C. 305),including all functions heretofore vested in the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee, is hereby delegated to the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning, who may redelegate such authority to the Director of Telecommunications Management. Such authority shall include the power to amend, modify, or revoke frequency assignments.” EO 10995

Executive Order 10999 (grants government control over transportation, highways, seaports, waterways)

 The verbiagestates: “SECTION 1. Scope. The Secretary of Commerce (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering:

 (a) Development and coordination of over-all policies, plans, and procedures for the provision of a centralized control of all modes of transportation in an emergency for the movement of passenger and freight traffic of all types, and the determination of the proper apportionment and allocation of the total civil transportation capacity, or any portion thereof, to meet over-all essential civil and military needs.

(b) Federal emergency operational responsibilities with respect to: highways, roads, streets, bridges, tunnels, and appurtenances; highway traffic regulation; allocation of air carrier aircraft for essential military and civilian operations; ships in coastal and intercoastal use and ocean shipping, ports and port facilities; and the Saint Lawrence Seaway; except those elements of each normally operated or controlled by the Department of Defense.” EO 10999

Executive Order 11000 (grants government control to mobilize civilians into work brigades under their supervision)

The verbiage states: ” SECTION 1. Scope. The Secretary of Labor (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering civilian manpower mobilization, more effective utilization of limited manpower resources including specialized personnel, wage and salary stabilization, worker incentives and protection, manpower resources and requirements, skill development and training, research, labor-management relations, and critical occupations. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.” EO 11000

Executive Order 11001 (grants government control over health, education and welfare)

The verbiage states: ” SECTION 1. Scope. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering health services, civilian health manpower, health resources, welfare services, and educational programs as defined below. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency including attack upon the United States.” EO 11001

Executive Order 11002 (grants government control over postmaster and creates a national registration of all persons)

The verbiage states: ” SECTION 1. Scope. The Postmaster General shall assist in the development of a national emergency registration system. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in this area with respect to all conditions of national emergency including attack upon the United States.”  EO 11002

Executive Order 11003 (grants government control over airports, airways, and aviation)

The verbiage states: ” ECTION 1. Scope. The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering the emergency management of the Nation’s civil airports, civil aviation operating facilities, civil aviation services, and civil aircraft other than air carrier aircraft. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.” EO 11003

Executive Order 11004 (create new locations for population, relocate communities, designate areas to be abandoned)

The verbiage states: ” SECTION 1. Scope. The Housing and Home Finance Administrator (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering all aspects of lodging or housing and community facilities related thereto. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.

 SEC. 2. Housing Functions. The Administrator shall:

(b) Communities. Develop plans for the selection, acquisition, development, and disposal of areas for civilian uses in new, expanded, restored, or relocated communities; and for the construction of housing for new or restored communities.” EO 11004

Executive Order 11005 (grants government control over railroads, public storage facilities, and shipping)

The verbiage states: ” SECTION 1. Scope. The Interstate Commerce Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering railroad utilization, reduction of vulnerability, maintenance, restoration, and operation in an emergency; motor carrier utilization, reduction of vulnerability, and operation in an emergency; inland waterway mutilization of equipment and shipping, reduction of vulnerability, and operation in an emergency, excepting the St. Lawrence Seaway; and also provide guidance and consultation to domestic surface transportation and storage industries, as defined below, regarding emergency preparedness measures, and to States regarding development of their transportation plans in assigned areas. These plans and programs will be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.” EO 11005

Executive Order 11051 (gives authorization to put all executive orders into effect in times of increased international tensions,  economic and financial crisis)

The verbiage states: “ECTION 101. Resume of responsibilities. The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning (hereinafter referred to as the Director) shall:

(a) Advise and assist the President in the coordination of and in the determination of policy for the emergency plans and preparedness assignments of the Federal departments and agencies (hereinafter referred to as Federal agencies) designed to make possible at Federal, State and local levels the mobilization of the human, natural and industrial resources of the nation to meet all conditions of national emergency, including attack on the United States.

(b) Under the direction of the President, be responsible for the preparation of nonmilitary plans and preparedness programs with respect to organization and functioning of the Federal Government under emergency conditions and with respect to specific areas of Federal activity necessary in time of war which are neither performed in the normal operations of the regular departments and agencies nor assigned thereto by or under the authority of the President.” EO 11051

Executive Order 11921 (allows FEMA to develop plans to establish control over money. Additionally it states that congress cannot review the action for 6 months, meaning it will last at least that long!)

You can also find these Executive Orders in the Government National Archive.