Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Legal Birther Record

The Legal Birther Record

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It does not matter when little festering pustules for the Obama regime engage in smearing campaigns against Birthers, when the American Courts continue to find in the Birther's favor as in Dr. Orly Taitz.

Judge Orders Investigation Into Obama’s Fake Social Security Number

The case of Harrison Bounel is a legitimate one in a most illegitimate Birther Obama world. A court order has now been issued into an issue which the Obama image has a fraudulent Social Security Number as many Mexican illegals utilize for employment in these United States.
That is a matter of fact and the finding, delays of the Social Security Administration or other such gambits, does not change that. This is a court record now, that a sitting Judge ordered the federal government to produce evidence and explanation.

Dr. Taitz has been mocked a great deal and has taken actions not productive, but in this case, she has kept on the track when all others have left it for other profits as Dr. Jerome Corsi of World Net Daily.

This is an issue which is a breach in the Obama regime push back in attempting in epitaph now to rewrite the Obama legacy being formed. The trolls are attempting to smear the Birthers by picking out stooges who were designed from the beginning in this to make this appear as tin foil hat wearers, when the evidence was admitted to by the foreign agent Barack Hussein Obama Chin from the start.

Let no one ever forget that in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord, Obama hisself, admitted he was a British subject, and that citizenship "expired". That is Obama admitting he was a Birther and illegitimately usurping the White House from the American People.

It does not matter in any of this how this will be covered up or if Orly Taitz goes puffy pink as Andrew Breitbart did, because this is an action which history records of the United States Courts found legitimate concern to enact a legal filing and order.

These pustules of Obama psychopathy should be ashamed of themselves, but are psychotic instead in not caring that a Hero like Lt. Col. Terry Lakin was destroyed by this regime and the cartel for the crime of being married to an Asian woman, in questioning whether Obama could issue commands as an illegitimate Commander in Chief.
This Obama of Filipino origin has a strange brew psychologically in possession of Asian females as his grope tour showed psychologically in photos of Indochinese women. Apparently Birther Chin in hating colonialism of white men marrying Asians, it was a psychological obsession with him that only black men could own and defile Asian anchor wives or as prostitutes in Hawaii at Lederer's Bar, as the imported Anna Chin was subjected too, before fleeing for her life back to the Philippines to be silenced there.

Harrison J. Bounel is the issue as this abstract appears in Chicago, Illinois. Snopes can continue on with there is no foreign agent in the room, but the reality is, the United States Courts issued an order that there is.

1.    Articles: Barack Hussein Obama and Harrison J. Bounel

American Thinker
Apr 17, 2014 - Who is Harrison J. Bounel, and might the name suggest something about possible Obama ID fraud? To be sure,'s failure to ...

2. Obama Stole His Social Security Number from ...
corrected.) Aside from that temporary erroneous entry, there is no evidence whatsoever that Barack Obama ever used the name "Harrison J. Bounel" as an alias, ...

3.    President Harrison J. Bounel (aka Barack Hussein Obama)

Free Republic
Feb 15, 2013 - Who is Harrison J. Bounel? According to the 2009 tax return submitted by President Barack Obama, he's the President of the United States.

That is the important issue in this. The regime has had Fang Jinn out mocking this issue as a Kenyan joke. It matters now to them the issue of LEGACY in the fiction they will attempt to write in history books. It is the issue though as the incompetence of Jimmy Carter being branded upon him.......and still Mr. Jennifer Garner issues propaganda for Hollywood Awards, trying to propagandize that democratic disaster.
LEGACY matters to these occupants of the White House, and now another piece of framing has been nailed into place for the assembled history forever making Obama illegitimate and all those who voted for him and defended him as dupes.

Fact: In 2008, someone hacked into Social Security for the records of Birther Hussein and it was covered up by the inclusion of records of John McCain and Hillary Clinton.

Fact: An American was murdered in parking lot over his knowledge of these records.

Fact. Harrison J. Bounel is directly associated with legal papers dealing with property.

Fact. A United States Court has ordered Social Security to respond to the dual use of the number used by Barack Hussein Obama.

Articles: Barack Hussein Obama and Harrison J. Bounel

American Thinker
Apr 17, 2014 - Barack Hussein Obama and Harrison J. Bounel .... Obama's Hyde Park Chicago home address and SSN with the name “Harrison J. Bounel.”.

Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web

Aug 22, 2011 - WASHINGTON Harrison J. Bounel, an alias identified for Barack Obama ... for Obama's Social Security number and home address in Chicago.

These are realities which the smears attempt to cover up, but can not be denied. The Birthers were right, are right and will always be right. The smokescreen of diversion and deception will not work as the clouds always clear long enough for someone to point out the realities of Birther Obama in he admitted he was illegitimate, stated that Filipino American cross children were the most important people in the world, and his Social Security Number is being fraudulently used in the same manner as Mexican illegals.

It does not matter the smears nor the cartel wedge, because there are always more people who will keep picking at this after the scab of Obama is gone and these trolls are off defending other traitors and agents in the halls of power.
The same Chris Matthews who is propping up Obama is the same Chris Matthews who was tearing the heart out of Hillary Clinton. The leftist will always do the work as they are paid to do this political assassination. The day will come when "Obama's people" will to gain favor or under orders, will tear him down after 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. Then the Birthers will set the chatter for the next 20 years in the simple phrase unanswered, "Obama was a foreign bastard who destroyed America".

With America destroyed, that evidence will birth the reality that the Designer Negro and the image of the Fang Jinn were the ground zero of this.

As I commented online, those leftists whose names are now engaged in terrorizing Americans who put up Flags in their own windows, need to be recorded in an archive along with the rest of this treacherous trash, for a time when Revolutionary Courts appear in the taking back of America and in Robespierre trials they will be legitimately hung by the mob.

That is what this is about, and these smug political bastards should comprehend in being stooges for a crook like Obama, that when the tide of battle turns, all of this will be remembered and in a revolution, the mob will require tinder for their fires to consume.


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7/01/2014

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7/01/2014
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 1-Jul-2014 19:57:44

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7/01/2014
12 Caban, 0 Kumku, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We come on this day with good news! Our various earthly associates are diligently readying your blessings for delivery. We wish to devote our message this week to discussing your origins. We are all descendants of an aquatic ape-like creature that lived on the third planet from its sun, the star you call Vega. This planet was a water world, filled with what you might think are very unusual creatures. The worst of these was a large predator, and our ancestors had climbed over a series of craggy mountains to escape it. There, they developed into great fishermen and began to spend a vast amount of time at sea. Eventually, they lost their dense body fur and took on some of the characteristics of a marine mammal. Around six million years ago, land cetaceans visited them from the Solis system. These gentle Beings asked them if they wanted to become fully conscious Beings and eventually migrate to their former homelands. They were reluctant at first. However, the intervention of the Spiritual Hierarchy convinced them to do so. They were then granted full consciousness and met with other such souls from the stars, which surrounded Vega.
These meetings led to the formation of a Light confederation, which began to slowly expand its influence across the Lyra constellation. Four million years ago, they had reached the star Sirius and had morphed into a new organization, the Galactic Federation of Light. It was this sacred union which eventually colonized the Solis system. These colonies were ravaged by the Ancharan Alliance and forced to flee. The colonists returned around 900,000 years ago and decided to only settle on Gaia. This group set up its headquarters in Inner Earth and also settled on a large island continent known to you today as Lemuria. This surface colony began to slowly expand. Its task was to support and maintain the various ecosystems. Around 300,000 years ago, Earth was colonized by Beings from Centaurus and the Pleiades. Most of them went to a large island continent in the present-day Atlantic Ocean. Its inhabitants called this new colony “Atlantis.” It soon became a silent rival of the Lemurians. Around 50,000 years ago, the Lemurians gave each of its colonies equal status. The Atlanteans saw this as a possible opportunity to exert their dominance over the surface lands of Earth.
Approximately 25,000 years ago, the Atlanteans and their dark allies struck and destroyed the surface lands of Lemuria. The Lemurians retreated to their Inner Earth realm. This left the Atlanteans in charge of the surface lands. Over the millennia, the Atlanteans began a policy of banishing the many children of the ruling elites who strongly opposed them to a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea called “Ionia.” The Atlanteans eventually attacked this colony. The Ionian scientists had prepared for this eventuality with a series of special devices. With these they were able to counter this threat. Atlantis was consumed by its own weapon and soon sank beneath the waters. The residents of Atlantis and their global allies fled to another world, which orbited a star in the Centaurian constellation, known to you as Beta Centauri. This disaster left behind two groups of Beings. The first were a group of special human hybrids called, in your legends, the Anunnaki. The second was your limited-consciousness ancestors. These groups, with the help of Heaven, soon formed a symbiotic relationship.
Heaven desired that your ancestors survive and learn a number of vital lessons, which were to become useful once the Light returned in full force to your world. This strange relationship, which consisted of the Anunnaki as “gods” and your ancestors as their devoted followers, continued for some 13,000 years. The time arrives for this to end and for you to resume your former state. This stage of your long journey is merely the beginning of how you are to be made fully conscious once again. We are here to be your mentors and to permit your return. The Anunnaki left behind a ruling group that morphed over the millennia into what you know as the dark cabal. This group is being ousted from power. It is aware that its time has come. The immediate present is to see this group step aside and be succeeded by our earthly allies. The pieces are in place for a great change to happen in the “twinkling of an eye.” This transformation includes sacred Beings who come from all parts of your globe. Their programs are to liberate you and to provide prosperity and new governance.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters. Your world is suffering under the last vestiges of the dark cabal. Our mission is to provide a means for you to get beyond their heinous rule. In addition, Heaven sent us great fleets of ships that are to bring us mentors, to aid in your transition to full consciousness. We welcome them. These brothers give us the ability to overcome any power still possessed by the dark cabal. A natural blessed movement is underway that is to move you toward full consciousness. Our divine task is to oversee these developments and ensure that they affect you positively. The purpose is to make certain of your timely success. Our associates have the tools required to forge a new epoch for humanity. This new epoch is already blessedly forming around you. The dark’s agents fear arrest. They panic about the facts to be presented at their trials and know that this present realm is indeed crumbling. The dark’s time is over. A new era of freedom, peace and prosperity manifests.
We realize how this is forming. At a special time, we are to address you and confirm what Heaven is doing to formalize its numerous sacred decrees. The dark set up a global set of societies founded on war, division and unwarranted hatred of each other. We need to apply remedies to millennia of profound abuse. You have in you hidden hatreds and odd beliefs set forth by your former overseers. Lessons are required to be taught by us so the equality of all and the surfacing of a mutual benevolence can reappear. In this light, you can truly come together and begin to set the foundations for a new global society. This society is to recognize your spiritual sovereignty and divine rights. It is also to ensure your prosperity by giving you the means to secure these for yourselves and your intertwined families. This is all a preface to what your galactic mentors are to teach you.
This is merely the time when you start to comprehend who you really are and how you are dearly related to one another. Your Ascension is to finally give you a special code for forging what we and your mentors teach you. Be in joy and be blessedly aware of how Heaven constructed this and righteously forged the path for your grand reunion with us all. We have sat in Agartha and watched how the dark manipulated you and kept you apart. This injustice is now ending. We have visited many parts of this globe over the last year and seen how things are changing. Heaven works in strange and wondrous ways. The dark cabal cannot escape its fate. Even so, these scalawags are our brothers and sisters who at the time of full consciousness are to return to the fold. We know this and see the purpose of this final part of our mutual journey: to learn a simple fact ­ we are indeed All One!! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we continued our message. Remain ever aware that Heaven is our sacred guide. Our divine service is to welcome back all of humanity. We come to teach, to mentor and to prepare you for the final great spiritual leap, full consciousness! The moment comes for us to take action and bring us all into this new blessed Age! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization

"Ret. Air Force Generals Say UFOs Will Stop A Nuclear Holocaust"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Reader, fwd: "Ret. Air Force Generals Say UFOs Will Stop A Nuclear Holocaust"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 2-Jul-2014 02:16:21

(Thanks, B. :)
Reader B. forwards to us:

Generals from several US nuclear

missile facilities convened to share

their information with each other,

which they had heretofore been

prohibited from discussing publicly

of a decades-long and ongoing

intervention by UFOs of their activities,

with the disarming of their weapons

and the interference in their tests,


Moreover, we find that officers from

other nations with nuclear arsenals

have long been reporting the same


What gives?

(Video: under 5 and a half minutes):

- Alexandra

P.S. Please share Forbidden Knowledge TV emails

and videos with your friends and colleagues ...

That's how we grow. Thanks!

Shooters Grill opened in Rifle, Colorado

Welcome to the family restaurant where diners are encouraged to bring their guns ... and even all the waitresses are packing heat

·        Shooters Grill opened in Rifle, Colorado, in May 2013
·        Customers are encourage to carry weapons at the restaurant, as allowed by Colorado law
·        Owner Lauren Boebert said: 'We don't worship guns - we worship Jesus.'
·        They do not serve alcohol, which pleases local police
How does a Swiss and Wesson grilled cheese for lunch sound?
Or a Guac 19 burger for dinner?
And would you like to attend a concealed carry class after your meal?
All is possible at Shooters Grill, a family-style American diner situated in the hunting-loving town of Rifle, Colorado.
All nine of the servers at the restaurant pack heat, from Glock semi-automatics to Ashlee Saenz's thigh-length Rueger Blackhawk .357 six-shooter.
Shoot yeah: Shooters Grill owner Lauren Boebert and her husband Jayson, who have four children together, encourage customers to bring their weapons with them while they eat at the diner in Rifle, Colorado
Shoot yeah: Shooters Grill owner Lauren Boebert and her husband Jayson, who have four children together, encourage customers to bring their weapons with them while they eat at the diner in Rifle, Colorado
Carrying: All nine of the servers at the restaurant pack heat. They have been safety certified to carry concealed weapons
Carrying: All nine of the servers at the restaurant pack heat. They have been safety certified to carry concealed weapons
This greets customers as they arrive at the restaurant in Rifle, southern Colorado
This greets customers as they arrive at the restaurant in Rifle, southern Colorado
Owner Lauren Boebert, 27, said she encourages people to carry weapons but, at the end of the day: 'We don't worship guns - we worship Jesus.'
Owner Lauren Boebert, 27, said she encourages people to carry weapons but, at the end of the day: 'We don't worship guns - we worship Jesus.'
However owner Lauren Boebert said that, despite the name, she did not set out to create a saloon when opening the doors to the place in May last year.
'We don't worship guns - we worship Jesus,' the 27-year-old mother-of-four 9 News.
'We're here to serve people.'


But amid endless debate about America's gun control epidemic, an eatery that encourages customers to carry their weapons - complete with a sign saying 'Guns Are Welcome' - should be controversial.
But it isn't.
Set in ranch and natural gas country in southern Colorado, the 9,200 residents - as well as visitors - of Rifle seem to have embraced it.
Hungry? The Uzi burger is one of the most popular items of the menu, which features American and Mexican fare
Hungry? The Uzi burger is one of the most popular items of the menu, which features American and Mexican fare
Waitress Ashlee Saenz' (center) carries thigh-length Rueger Blackhawk .357 six-shooter
Waitress Ashlee Saenz' (center) carries thigh-length Rueger Blackhawk .357 six-shooter
A family arrive for dinner at Shooters Grill and are greeted by owner Lauren Boebert (left)
A family arrive for dinner at Shooters Grill and are greeted by owner Lauren Boebert (left)
Of the 11 reviews of foodie website Yelp, all are overwhelmingly positive.
Shooters also doesn't serve alcohol.
All of the waitresses have been safety certified to carry concealed weapons.
For $75, the grill offers a handgun safety class, with the price including dinner and a seminar.
'We encourage it, and the customers love that they can come here and express their rights,' Boebert told The Post Independent.
'This country was founded on our freedom. People can come in carrying their gun, and they can pray over their food.'
Rifle has maintained a low crime rate.
The staff at Shooters say they never expect to use their weapons but, as residents of Colorado, they have a right to carry them.
Local police say the open carry policy would be different if the diner did serve alcohol.
The Guac 9 burger is another popular order. The food at Shooters has been reviewed positively

The Guac 9 burger is another popular order. The food at Shooters has been reviewed positively

World War I in Photos: The War at Sea

World War I in Photos: The War at Sea

Moving troops and supplies by sea was vital to all armies involved in the war. The battle for control of the seas led to an arms race, new deadly tactics, and unprecedented loss of life at sea.

Alan Taylor
JUNE 8, 2014
The land war in Europe became a destructive machine, consuming supplies, equipment, and soldiers at massive rates. Resupply ships from the home front and allies streamed across the Atlantic, braving submarine attacks, underwater mines, and aerial bombardment. Battleships clashed with each other from the Indian Ocean to the North Sea, competing for control of colonial territory and home ports. New technologies were invented and refined, such as submarine warfare, camouflaged hulls, and massive water-borne aircraft carriers. And countless thousands of sailors, soldiers, passengers, and crew members were sent to the bottom of the sea. On this 100-year anniversary, I've gathered photographs of the Great War from dozens of collections, some digitized for the first time, to try to tell the story of the conflict, those caught up in it, and how much it affected the world. Today's entry is part 7 of a 10-part series on World War I, which will be posted every Sunday until June 29. Come back next week for Part 8.



OMEGAMAN: according to my Pllatform, the Chinese have been meeting for the 

last two nights with the UST...with regards to the TRNS...they are expecting the 

release of the TRN tonight...if so, the trade will begin this week


[SpecialAgentGibbs] I'm going to give you a little clue....

[SpecialAgentGibbs] This newly declared "holiday" within Iraq is just a ruse....

[Americana] wow

[SpecialAgentGibbs] The Parm (Parliament)  did not (DID NOT) adjourn as has been reported....

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Eyewitness says they are still in session

[Patience] SpecialAgentGibbs HMMM

[Americana] hmmmmmmmm

[diditrvyeet] SpecialAgentGibbs interesting

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Watch & see if what I have said doesn't come out in the wash

[SoldierofChrist] SpecialAgentGibbs you just confirmed my suspicions

St. Germain: Love, Justice and Our New World

St. Germain:  Love, Justice and Our New World

St. Germain:

I want to talk to the world about Truth and Justice. 

There have been some very cruel attacks on good people around the world, and I feel pained to see the ones I love dearly being defiled in the media and on the internet.  Here in Higher Dimensions, we do not keep minute tabs on every tiny faux-pas and every minor slip of the foot walking to a microphone.  We love all of you; we support all of you, and we consider it a triumph of major proportions when a human being is able to live a life in which they not only survive, but are also able to accomplish something which uplifts a number of people along the way.

We are now seeing the dismantling of the cabal.  The most powerful of its leaders are being forced to come into line by the fact that there are now investigations going on to gather evidence which will incriminate most of the most powerful and wealthy people on the planet.  All involved are aware of this development and are beginning to realize that they can no longer get away with horrific crimes against humanity.  It has been a long time coming, but the wheels of justice are indeed turning.  For the first time in hundreds of years, the White Hats are gaining power over the dark ones.  The tables have turned, and we are not going back.

Unfortunately, the media does not cover these developments.  Tiny, 9th page announcements are sometimes made about an investigation or an arrest, and then the legal process begins, but without any fanfare, so no one really knows what is being investigated and why.  Ironically, this is most true in the U.S., where speech is anything but free.

Meanwhile, the people on the ground who have been promised a better life are feeling impatient.  Then, who do they turn on, to criticize, vilify and insult?  The very people who have been trying desperately behind the scenes to bring about the changes - the ones who are the Lightworkers: the hardworking political leaders who struggle against all odds to hold off the high-paid arm-twisters-for-greed; the dedicated spiritual channel who has given her life to the goal of helping others ascend; the force for freedom in the economic world who has brought crucial knowledge (and therefore power) to thousands of people; the conscientious financial "advisor" who has given of his time and energy to keep people informed about the coming prosperity opportunities - all have been insulted, accused, and hounded by the less educated, less dedicated, less awakened observers who do not have the hard won knowledge, courage or integrity to do what these Lightworkers have done.

Those of you who have taken part in the character assassination campaigns, or who have allowed them to take root because you kept silent, look into your hearts.  What dark pleasure does it bring to see a person dragged through the mud, when they have reached a high level of accomplishment through genuine effort?  What do you feel when you hear a detractor itemize and define their personal opinion about the actions or attributes of the person in question?  Why must our Lightworkers be punished for the love which inspires them to reach out to those they wish to embrace?

Here is a reliable tool to help you identify the difference between reporting facts, and slander:

Does the accuser use emotional words like "frightening," "shocking,"
and "disturbing"?

Does the report include unfounded or unproven theories or opinions, as in the following:

"Given that the earth is flat, it was disturbing to discover that Mr. C was overheard suggesting a life-threatening voyage, which would put his innocent family and crew into dire danger.  We are shocked to learn of Mr. C's fall into irrational and dark imaginings, which are undoubtedly a result of his recent association with Mr. B, who is a known member of a secret society of murderers and rapists.

We are deeply disturbed to find that our beloved Mr. C. has "taken a fall" of such proportions, like Lucifer, and is clearly now working for the Cabal.  We can only send him love and plead with God to restore him to his senses, for the sake of all the people he has influenced in the past.  We tell you this with great pain and concern, for Mr. C. was beloved by us, and we regret that we must warn you against any association with him because of the dark energies he has become involved with, which are of great danger to unsuspecting victims."

You see how easy it is to create a campaign of lies to discredit one who has stuck their neck out for the Greater Good. Why would anyone want to do this?  It is an age-old story of competitiveness, fear of financial losses, fear of losing status, fear of losing friends, jealousy, and sometimes just a case of plain old needing to be right.

Now, how does one identify so-called "conspiracy theories" which are founded in truth?

First, look for the motive behind the exposure.  What does the person have to gain?
Whistleblowers, who are so often reviled for their exposure of inside corruption, seldom gain anything personally by their revelations, and are often ruined financially by the people they challenge.  It is to the ones with the most to lose that you should give your thanks.

People who have posted videos on the internet showing how an animated drawing was used to create the picture of an airplane hitting the Twin Towers have backed it up with testimony from experts in the fields of metallurgy, architectural design and engineering to refute the overly simplified, and therefore inaccurate, drawings which were used to describe the buildings.  It requires trained chemists and physicists to explain the use of chemically-based explosives, not a TV personality or a panel of politicians or propaganda experts.

Next, look at the results.  Do the assertions of wrong-doing discredit the person's character, or are they designed to point out specific actions, illegal activities, or direct quotes which can be corroborated by witnesses and written evidence, or are they heresay or statements by third parties?    For instance, Person A said that Person B said....and I, Person C am quoting the "incriminating evidence" of their interaction.  Or even, I, Person A had a private conversation with Person C, and here is my interpretation of that conversation, which I use as evidence that Person C is - insane, crooked, guilty, delusional, etc.

None of these tactics should be taken seriously, nor would they be admissible evidence in a fair court of law.  We are now on the verge of creating NESARA law throughout the land, and we are encouraging you to begin to think in 5th dimensional terms.  It will be your work soon to help to create a fair and just system based on Universal Law.  In order to do that, you must learn to be discriminating, to identify real evidence from the "cooked" variety.  It will help you in every area of life, from your personal relationships to deciding who your leaders should be, and it will help you to free yourself from the sticky dark ideas and thoughts which can hold you back from raising your vibration to the highest level.

We are now in a period of tremendous change when it comes to seeing clearly, reaching deeply to find new inspiration and a new sense of balance based in deeper understandings of the way God works.  He/she is bringing forth the teachings which the Company of Heaven has agreed will be in your best interest, individually and as a group.

You are each being challenged to reach deeply to uncover and resolve soul issues going back for thousands of years, to Atlantis, Lemuria and beyond.  It is a time of spiritual cleansing, and this creates something which will feel to you like upheaval.  Be open, Beloved Ones, to look beyond the present moment.  Look deeply within yourselves to clear away all old feelings of resentment or confusion.  It is time for you to anchor into the Universal Truth where you will feel no confusion or doubt, but only Love.

This is the most challenging time of all the incarnations you have experienced, because it is the ending of a long and arduous journey which left many scars, many feelings of sadness and despair, and it is the beginning of a completely new time.  How will you make the shift from the past atmosphere of competition and conflict, to acclimate to breathing fresh air, drinking in the energy surrounding you which tastes, smells and feels like never-ending joy and love?  How will you learn to subdue the instinct to flinch when someone raises a hand, or to feel dread walking into a room full of strangers?

Will you truly find it in your hearts to feel forgiveness and kindness toward those who have wronged you?  Perhaps you will truly begin to see that those incidents where you were abused by others were a blessing in disguise, because it taught you how strong you could be, and how resolute you can be when you make up your mind to move on and keep your head high, your heart filled with God's love, and your mind at peace.

We are using these messages, Beloved Ones, to encourage you and cheer you on to higher and higher vibrations.  This is not possible if you are still stuck in an old paradigm of 3-dimensional thinking in which feelings of lack, fear and hesitation are familiar and commonplace.

Begin with simple steps.  Vow to never do or say something to someone you love which will require that they "fight back" in order to restore their dignity or their integrity.  By this we do not mean you shouldn't express an opinion which differs from others, or speak the truth of your heart.  No, we suggest that you first empathize with where the other person is in their personal development, and tailor your comments accordingly.

Do not approach someone you love as if you are a lawyer, and you wish to prove them guilty of something.  Do you understand?  Aggressive accusations are unloving.  Accusations of any kind are inappropriate in a world in which compassion is the fundamental law of the land.  Temper your questions and your assertions to allow instead for the other person's deepest feelings and needs to be addressed, whether you think they are justified or not.

This is a complex and thorny dilemma for all of you who have been raised with CSI episodes and the endless presentation of courtroom drama in which the most clever and relentless attorney wins star status because he is able to defy reason, logic and common sense to free his shady client from having to answer for his crimes.  The message of television life has been that the most calculating, conniving and clever manipulator of the facts is the celebrity of the day.  How are you to compete with this?

The answer is simple, and difficult to accomplish.  Transcend it all, Dearest, Beloved, Precious Ones.  Leave it all behind - the images, the conversations, the belief patterns, the worries and fears.  Leave it all behind and soar, into the endless possibility of Love.

I invite you, Dear Friends, to join me in the greatest conflagration of Love the Earth has ever known.  We will burn away all the old, tired ideas which came from fear, which is the antithesis of Love, and we will fly away, into a new and shining day in which Love will truly reign supreme.

Join with me, Precious loves of my heart.  Join with me in Love and exultation and joy.  It is a new day, and we will join together in new ways, the likes of which you have never imagined, even in your fondest dreams.

Paradise awaits us, my friends.  Do not be the one to turn your back on possibility because of old fears and beliefs.  Open your hearts.  Feel the wind on your face.  Fly with me, Dear Friends.

Today is a new day, and Love is in the air.

I am your St. Germain, and I send Love from the center of my heart to yours.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May PsyD, with love, on July 1, 2014, 11 pm,  New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website,

I UV | Top Secret Banker's Manual

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Secret underground base beneath Denver International Airport now revealed by whistle-blower

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Secret underground base beneath Denver International Airport now revealed by whistle-blower
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 1-Jul-2014 16:16:11

For what it's worth?!?
Anyone in Denver want to check this out?
Send pictures!
There is a militarized intermediary entrance located in the “United Airlines” section of the underground. The actual door number was reveled by my source with great hesitation. The actual door code is “BE64B” unknown until now to the general public.
A swift door will also allow access to the intermediary entrance of the facility if you have the proper “speed-pass” clearance on a Department of Defense (DOD) level. This door was also a secret to the general public until now. The actual door number is “T-47 M” located on the level 4 exterior. Update: Airport Staff, “I just went in to T47-M… nothing goes down, no steps, no elevator”.
The dirt in parts of the train tunnels looks unnatural, and “if anyone steps on it they know”, said my source.
Gates can “lock-down” certain sections of the airport in the event of an emergency.
A nearly 3 mile long tunnel heads out from the intermediary entrance “BE64B“, to a full-blown Department of Defense (DOD) sanctioned militarized entrance nestled in a set of 5 buildings 120′ beneath the surface located Northeast of the Jeppesen Terminal.
All VIP activity typically originates under the Northwest section of “Concourse C”

Cobra Update

I have a new update on my blog. Please post it on your blogs and share it if you feel so guided:
Victory of the Light,



7-1-2014 Newshound Guru Millionday ...dont get political and
economical confused. i do not agree that they will have to put the
trade and the isx and the smart cards and budget and all of CBI
independent work on hold. i think that they are moving very fast
compared to what we have seen in the past and CBI has moved mountains
-- yesterday they declared they are basel III compliant -- that is
international compliance -- very good news.

...and they have announced once again -- the smart cards are being
loaded with all gov benefits TODAY. LETS DO ONE THING...FOLLOW THE

Visit stage3alpha at:

Frank26 and KTFA Members ThoughtsTuesday Afternoon

Frank26 and KTFA Members ThoughtsTuesday Afternoon

tmellraney:   Hi Frank and Delta. Now that you guys are on now. I know your probably waiting for tonight's CC. But can you give us a little something of what's actually going on?
A temper tantrum with strategic emotional outbreaks usually associated with children or those in emotional distress but in this case to grab hold of political positioning before it is TAKEN.

As in toddlers this is typically characterized by a wide range from whining and crying to screaming ... Kicking ... Hitting and ........ Biting.

Hey ........ You asked ......

"What to expect next"............. Hmmm.

Remember ......... I STRONGLY BELIEVE we will see a GOI and an IR in 2014.

Almost to point of gar ran teeeeee ........... Thank goodness I do not know how to spell Guarantee...................... lol   I better go now ........ Pure Aloha ...KTFA,  Frank


SA2 :   Frank or delta, was today's action just a photo op for the media?   sa2


   IMO ......... No

Tell me .......... What do You call a National Holiday conjured up in a matter of hours that has .......... No name to it?

Bull      KTFA,  Frank


harley_1:  Frankie Frankie... Just needing some clarification....the article below refers to the ISX upgrading their existing NASDAQ trading platform software (which they have been using since April, 2009) to the newest platform that "complies with" international standards which will "equip ISX with a sophisticated and robust trading platform that increases investor involvement both in the Middle East and internationally".
The article never states that on July 1 (or 2) that they "will" be trading internationally, only that the new platform will provide them with the technology and enable them to do so (at some point).

I guess my analogy here would be if I bought a Corvette, it wouldn't mean that I would actually use the horsepower under the hood at all times, but it would be there for me when I am ready to use it at the appropriate time.

Is there anything we can point to that says, yes when they turn the computers on they will be trading internationally regardless of the rate of exchange?

Thanks for your time.


June 28, 2013

The Iraq Stock Exchange Upgrades to NASDAQ OMX's X-Stream Technology

NEW YORK and BAGHDAD, Iraq, June 28, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The NASDAQ OMX Group (Nasdaq:NDAQ) has entered an agreement with the Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) to upgrade its current trading platform. Under the terms of the agreement, ISX will replace its existing NASDAQ OMX platform (Horizon) with one powered by the renowned X-stream technology. The upgrade is expected to be rolled out by mid-year 2014.

"We are committed to becoming one of the most innovative and groundbreaking exchanges, in the Middle East and across the world," said Taha A. Abdulsalam, CEO, Iraq Stock Exchange. "Upgrading our trading technology and continuing our partnership with NASDAQ OMX is a clear indication to investors, regulators and other exchanges that Iraq will continue to become a financial center for more regional and global businesses."

The upgrade to X-stream will provide ISX with a widely deployed high-end, multi-asset trading platform that complies with international standards. The migration to X-stream is a step in ISX's ambition to become a Middle Eastern hub, able to host and facilitate other regional markets. NASDAQ OMX has delivered trading technology to ISX since 2007.

"We congratulate the Iraq Stock Exchange on their commitment to a trading platform that is certain to put them at the technology forefront of exchanges in the Middle East," Lars Ottersgard, Senior Vice President, Market Technology, NASDAQ OMX. "The upgrade to X-stream technology will equip ISX with a sophisticated and robust trading platform that increases investor involvement both in the Middle East and internationally."

In less than a decade, traded shares in ISX increased almost 10-fold, to more than 1.2 billion traded shares expected in 2013, while market capitalization increased more than seven times over the same period to over $12,170 billion USD in the first six months of 2013 alone.

"We are extremely proud to support ISX's positive development and their vision to provide a well-recognized marketplace in the region," said Michèle Carlsson, Head of Business Development, Middle East and Africa, NASDAQ OMX. "ISX recently implemented one of the most successful IPOs in the Middle East and 
by upgrading to our X-stream technology, ISX will be running a resilient market place that will attract both Iraqi and international investors."

NASDAQ OMX's X-stream technology is currently used by over 25 exchanges globally.


The inventor of the electronic exchange, The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc., fuels economies and provides transformative technologies for the entire lifecycle of a trade - from risk management to trade to surveillance to clearing. In the U.S. and Europe, we own and operate 26 markets, 3 clearinghouses and 5 central securities depositories supporting equities, options, fixed income, derivatives, commodities, futures and structured products. Able to process more than 1 million messages per second at sub-40 microsecond speeds with 99.99% uptime, our technology drives more than 70 marketplaces in 50 developed and emerging countries into the future, powering 1 in 10 of the world's securities transactions. Our award-winning data products and worldwide indexes are the benchmarks in the financial industry. Home to approximately 3,400 listed companies worth $6 trillion in market cap whose innovations shape our world, we give the ideas of tomorrow access to capital today. Welcome to where the world takes a big leap forward, daily. Welcome to the NASDAQ OMX Century. To learn more, visit Follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter ( (Symbol: NDAQ and member of S&P 500)
About Iraq Stock Exchange
Iraq stock exchange (ISX) was established according to law 74 on April 18, 2004 and began trading on June 24, 2004, ISX held its 1st session on June 24th 2004 using manual trading, written auction on white boards, orders get executed in the specified units either partially or in full, priorities are given to highest price in the buy orders and the lowest prices in the sell orders, since 24th Jun 2004 till 19th April 2009.

To enable companies to trade electronically, Electronic trading was introduced to the market for the first time in the history of Iraq by using NASDAQ OMX platform in April 2009, The White boards have been replaced by Electronic trading workstations. ISX operates 5 trading sessions on Sunday, to Thursday every week.

According to the regulation rules, ISX tasks include: Regulating, controlling, disclosing, and launching continuous trading on listed company's shares, in addition to controlling both trading operations and activities of Brokerage Companies financial solvency.

   B I N G O ............... I will talk of this on CC tonight.

Well done Friend ..........

Part of ......... Un-opened file.

KTFA,   Frank


moneytalks1:HI Frank, Do you think the media is not exactly accurate today? What is your feelings? Just another day in the Iraqi dinar saga....

P.S. I still think July is our month. I am not phased by this news. My mind is made of teflon.   Chow

Frank26:   I wish to wait till tonight to talk ........... But REMEMBER this :

If they do something and not tell You ............ That intel alone is priceless until TEAMS ......... Find it.
You ACTUALLY believe they did not meet today ?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL........... Oh You silly rabbit that I so Love and will ............ Help tonight.

C U on CC ……….KTFA,    Frank

justinanddeb » July 1st, 2014,
Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq for CNN:
Despite the events we have enough to support our currency 



SAMHAIN: When will everyone realize that the news is never going to know what's really going on? Iraq's parliament has been seated for over a week (based on Tony's intel). Our media outlets are reporting misinformation, doing their jobs. How correct was the news about isis? Maybe 10%. They are nothing more than spreaders of "doom & gloom". Wake up folks. 

Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 12:21 PM