Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hands down Obama is the worst president since WWII: poll

Hands down Obama is the worst president since WWII: poll


What has been the biggest debacle on Obama's watch?

Poll after poll shows President Obama’s approval rating dipping recently, and one new Quinnipiac University Poll finds that voters say Mitt Romneywould have been a better choice in 2012.
With Mr. Obama deploying military troops to Iraq, failing to find compromise with Congress and seeing major defeats in the Supreme Court, voters continue to sour on him.

Quinnipiac found 45 percent of voters say the country would have been better off if Mr. Romney, the 2012 GOP nominee, had been elected, while just 38 percent say Mr. Obama remains a better choice. Even Democrats aren’t so sure — just 74 percent of them told the pollsters Mr. Obama was clearly the better pick in the last election.
Voters also rate him the worst president since World War II, topping even his predecessor, President George W. Bush, who had left office with terrible ratings.
“Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.
A Zogby Analytics Poll released Wednesday also found Mr. Obama slipping — in that survey, to 44 percent approval, while his disapproval leapt 4 percentage points from last month to reach 54 percent.
Nearly half of voters told the Zogby poll that Mr. Obama is “unable to lead the country.”
© Copyright 2014 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.

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[Papajack] Good Morning, lots of voices out there in Dinar world this morning, Maliki, Iraq, UFO's, Global Reset, etc. It's enough to get a preacher to drink.

[Papajack] Let me tell you why we are still waiting, it's called the PETRODOLLAR.

[Papajack] You see since 1913 the Federal Reserve started printing paper money which was supposed to be backed by Gold and Silver. In 1933 FDR passed a law banning Americans from owning GOLD, and in the 60's Nixon removed America from the Gold standard.

[Papajack] The USA has been controlled by the Cabal in one way or another since 1871 when the US Corporation usurped the Constitutional REPUBLIC of the United States of America. All of us were born into this fraudulent system. But we are alive to see things set right again.

 [Papajack] You see this GLOBAL RESET is much more than just an RV, it changes everything and gives the entire world a RESET.

[Papajack] While this ride should have been over long ago, things were so bad you just couldn't put a band aid on them and thus all the delays.

[Papajack] That is why I have been saying all along the KEY to our blessing is the NEW ASSET BACKED CURRENCY.

[~ckgdrums] In other words, if we would have exchanged into the OLD system, the cabal would have figured a way to steal our funds! :(

[Papajack] When the NEW CURRENCY is in place we get paid, otherwise if we exchanged into the old system the BAD GUY's AKA Cabal would just steal it all through their rigged system.

 [Papajack] It has been the Cabal operatives working within the USA that have continually worked to stop the reset and keep the PETRODOLLAR system alive. I won't mention any names as that really doesn't matter anymore as they have or are being dealt with.

[Papajack] Don't expect big fancy announcements in the media, and don't listen to the scammers that will come out of the woodwork, listen to the Holy Spirit as to how you should proceed.

[Papajack] Remember pigs get fat, Hogs get slaughtered, and believers get blessed.

 [Papajack] In God we trust, all else we check.

 [Papajack] When you hear the banks are releasing the TRN's Treasury Reserve Notes,then you will know the blessing is at the door. And remember this is JMHO. I hope this helps because I am believing for Christmas in July!!!

The truth about blood pressure and the dangers of blood pressure medicines

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The truth about blood pressure and the dangers of blood pressure medicines
Posted By: LuellaMay [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 2-Jul-2014 11:41:50

If the number of high blood pressure medications being prescribed today is any indication, high blood pressure has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. However, the truth is that high blood pressure is just a symptom of underlying problems and, in addition to failing to address the underlying problems, mainstream blood pressure medications can have very serious side effects.
Read More: 

American Patriots Stop Busloads of Illegals from being released in Southern California

This not the president's job to stop this illegal immigrant mess.  It falls smack dab on the backs of the bought and paid for US CORPORATE HOUSE AND SENATE! VKD]

American Patriots Stop Busloads of Illegals from being released in Southern California

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The real problem in the immigration debate is that the federal government, which is always looking for more power and more things to do, has abdicated one of its natural and most basic functions. Protecting our borders. (Is it simple irony that the Obama administration is always looking for new things for the government to get its hands into… but one of the things conservatives are begging them to do (and the Constitution demands they do) they won’t touch?
President Obama and his administration need to get back to basics and start protecting our borders so that citizens like these folks from Murietta, CA don’t have to.
It’s not our job – it’s the President’s.

Insight Into Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Now

Insight Into Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Now

Insight Into Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Now   by PAUL LEWIS

Iraqi dinar revaluation is one of the most discussed topics in and outside the Iraq. People want to know the revaluation of Iraqi dinar when it is going to happen in the market so that they may mature and convert their investments and get rich overnight.

As far as my opinion is concern, it is overnight because some people are waiting for Revaluation of Iraqi Dinar for numbers of years. Most of the people want to know the future or Iraqi dinar and revaluation of Iraqi dinar when whole country is in trouble and facing law and order as well as economic crisis.
  The Present Situation And Iraqi Dinar RV

Let me explain that the present situation of Iraq is not satisfactory and the major economic indicator and contributor crude oil is in danger. The militants are about to take control of Baiji oil refinery, the biggest oil refinery of Iraq but the story is not over.

Iraq security forces are fighting back to get the control back to the security force of Iraq and the most important fact about this is that oil refineries of Iraq are fully operational in southern areas of Iraq and baiji is located in northern area which was already under the conflict with Kurdistan regional government.

So we cannot say that the militants have hijacked the oil industry of Iraq. The production of Iraq is same as they produce most of their oil from southern oil fields.

There too few oil fields fully functional in southern area of Iraq that is under the semi control of militants. Therefore there are not any serious threads to the economy of Iraq and the value of Iraqi dinar in the local or international market.

What CBI Says About Iraqi Dinar Now?

The governor of central bank of Iraq, Abdul Basit Turky said in his press release last Sunday that economy of Iraq is fully stable and does not have any serious harm that may destroy the overall economy of Iraq.

He said it is temporary instability in the law and order situation that Iraqi security forces will overcome very soon and people will see the old Iraq very soon.

 Moreover he said that Iraq has $70 billion as cash reserve at central bank of Iraq that is enough to support their currency for a longer period of time, even if the situation remained at same condition.

Iraq purchased gold ingots as gold reserves that enhanced the gold reserves of Iraq three times in the international market.

The 70 billion dollar cash reserves and more than 100 tons of the gold is enough to the currency of Iraq in the international market. He said these worthy reserves are the guarantee of success of Iraqi dinar in the market and assured that it will not lose its value in the market.

The governor also convinced the international companies and foreign investors not to worry about present law and order situation or Iraq as it will be covered in the next few days as the security forces of Iraq have enough ability to crush this kind of elements in the favor of its country.

He said that it is an internal issue of Iraq politics and will be resolve either with dialogues. If Iraq resolved this issue with dialogue or by force in the favor of the country, the economy of Iraq will regain its value back in the market within few days.

Role of CBI After The Unrest Situation

It will not take longer period of time to the central bank of Iraq to motivate and convinced the foreign investors to invest in Iraq as it did in the past. The experts believe that the role of central bank of Iraq will be crucial in this overall situation of Iraq.

The central bank of Iraq is the custodian of the investment made by foreign investors in the country and the other major contracts signed by the government with the other foreign companies of the world.

The central bank of Iraq has already given the trusteeship for the international companies interested in the investment in Iraq and for those companies that are dealing with commercial bank of Iraq dealing with local and foreign clients in the country.

Central bank of Iraq is responsible for any mishap with the foreign investors while dealing with any of the local or foreign bank of Iraq.

The central bank of Iraq announced that it is ready to accept the trusteeship for the commercial banks of Iraq operating and dealing with international and local companies.

In the case of failure of any commercial bank in their legal responsibilities and financial liabilities, the central bank of Iraq is responsible to compensate lose.

This enhanced the confidence of local and foreign investors to invest in the country with the view that central bank of Iraq is responsible for lose caused them via any operational mistake of any Iraq I financial institution.

 That’s why we have seen enough investment in the southern oilfield of Iraq. The new contracts are signed with the international companies to explore and develop the oil fields of Iraq.

The governor of central bank of Iraq said that foreign investors trust us and therefore they are investing in the country with the poor law and order situation of Iraq, as they understand that the situation is temporary and will be handle in the next few days.

The continuous interest of the foreign companies in the investment of Iraq has helped it to maintain its currency stable in the country as well as in the international market.

We have also seen that the Value of Iraqi Dinar is unchanged in the international market that shows its strength and also the result of positive policies of central bank of Iraq.

The central bank of Iraq is planning the things according to ongoing circumstances of the country and according to international economic market condition.

The finance ministry of Iraq is working with central bank of Iraq without any confusion in the mind by leaving the law and order situation of Iraq with the security forces of Iraq.

The stock exchange of Iraq and the stock exchange of Erbil is fully operational in the country and contributing in the development of the country with the total commitment and devotion.

Will Revaluation Occur?

There is no hesitation in these two major financial institutions of Iraq, the central bank of Iraq and the finance ministry of Iraq and need political support to keep their things operational in the future.

There is no doubt that revaluation of Iraq dinar will happen in the country as it is the essential need of Iraq and its economy. It may postpone for few days or months but it will never be canceled.

People like you, me and many others are waiting for the stable political and law and order situation of Iraq so that the revaluation of Iraqi Dinar may occur. But I assure you that it will not take much time.

The central bank fo Iraq and finance ministry of Iraq will must produce some positive results regarding revaluation of Iraqi dinar in the next few days as they are working by keeping their targets in their minds.

What we need to do is to remain calm, cool and determine to see the final step of revaluation of Iraqi dinar.

‘Harmonized’ Whistleblowers Don’t Get ‘Disappeared’; Clif High on David Icke [audio]


‘Harmonized’ Whistleblowers Don’t Get ‘Disappeared’; Clif High on David Icke [audio]

A reader (thanks, Nancy) sent this 9-minute audio from Clif High about David Icke and why he is still with us and hasn’t been assassinated by the cabal.
Interesting concept. David said something to this effect in a video I heard; that because he doesn’t believe they can harm him, he doesn’t give them any power over him and is unafraid.
As for Alex Jones… nah. I don’t think he’s there yet.  ~ BP

A Sobering Gift on Canada (Kanata) Day: A Tale of Genocide [video]

A Sobering Gift on Canada (Kanata) Day: A Tale of Genocide [video]

All I can say is, I’m sorry. I’m just so very sorry. The horrors these souls experienced in my country is beyond imagination, and almost beyond belief, but the witnesses and victims have done their part. It must end now.
People MUST wake up and accept the evidence and stop living according to some myth we’ve been trained like dogs to accept. To revere AND DEFEND! the perpetrators of these unspeakable crimes is sick. 
Where do all the missing children go? Now you know.
Canada—get out of denial, get off your knees and take the child killers to justice. It is YOUR DUTY as members of Humanity. The arrest warrants have already been signed at the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.
She taxes you to death (yes, your taxes go to her and the Vatican) murders your children and you respect her as the British monarch? She is no more royalty than you are. In fact—less!  Remove the imposter and take back your sovereignty.  How can you NOT?!   ~ BP
from Rev. Kevin Annett…
Happy “Canada Day” – Here’s a A Gift of Reality, amidst all the hype
Burned up babies, mass graves, Mohawk children executed by the Canadian army, and Indian women sterilized. Today, the hidden face of Canada and its churches. See the evidence at, share it, and bring down this criminal regime. Long live the Republic of Kanata! Stay tuned.
(Note: One of the witnesses on this clip is William Combes, who saw [Queen] Elizabeth Windsor abduct ten children from the Kamloops residential school in 1964. William was killed at St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, February 26, 2011, shortly before he was to come to England to give his testimony).

Preview of Evidence of Genocide in Canada

Published on 12 Nov 2012
A sample of the evidence in the opening case concerning intentional genocide by the government and churches of Canada, and their sponsoring agencies, the Vatican and Crown of England.

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Sheldan Nidle Update for July 1, 2014: More Earth History

Sheldan Nidle Update for July 1, 2014: More Earth History

Well, we wanted to know our history, and here’s some more.

It’s a little different from what I’ve heard before, but it sure beats the article I saw recently that said Humanity was a DNA cross with pigs. Seriously, that’s what it said.  They’ll try anything to make us feel inferior, won’t they?  Oinkers! 

If we could get the cabal to shapeshift for us while incarcerated, we might be able to create some luxe reptile shoes and accessories.  I bet they’d be extremely popular.  They’re certainly a favourite of mine.  ~ BP

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

The dark’s time is over. A new era of freedom, peace and prosperity manifests…

by PAO
12 Caban, 0 Kumku, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We come on this day with good news! Our various earthly associates are diligently readying your blessings for delivery. We wish to devote our message this week to discussing your origins. We are all descendants of an aquatic ape-like creature that lived on the third planet from its sun, the star you call Vega. This planet was a water world, filled with what you might think are very unusual creatures. The worst of these was a large predator, and our ancestors had climbed over a series of craggy mountains to escape it. There, they developed into great fishermen and began to spend a vast amount of time at sea. Eventually, they lost their dense body fur and took on some of the characteristics of a marine mammal. Around six million years ago, land cetaceans visited them from the Solis system. These gentle Beings asked them if they wanted to become fully conscious Beings and eventually migrate to their former homelands. They were reluctant at first. However, the intervention of the Spiritual Hierarchy convinced them to do so. They were then granted full consciousness and met with other such souls from the stars, which surrounded Vega.
These meetings led to the formation of a Light confederation, which began to slowly expand its influence across the Lyra constellation. Four million years ago, they had reached the star Sirius and had morphed into a new organization, the Galactic Federation of Light. It was this sacred union which eventually colonized the Solis system. These colonies were ravaged by the Ancharan Alliance and forced to flee. The colonists returned around 900,000 years ago and decided to only settle on Gaia. This group set up its headquarters in Inner Earth and also settled on a large island continent known to you today as Lemuria. This surface colony began to slowly expand. Its task was to support and maintain the various ecosystems. Around 300,000 years ago, Earth was colonized by Beings from Centaurus and the Pleiades. Most of them went to a large island continent in the present-day Atlantic Ocean. Its inhabitants called this new colony “Atlantis.” It soon became a silent rival of the Lemurians. Around 50,000 years ago, the Lemurians gave each of its colonies equal status. The Atlanteans saw this as a possible opportunity to exert their dominance over the surface lands of Earth.
Approximately 25,000 years ago, the Atlanteans and their dark allies struck and destroyed the surface lands of Lemuria. The Lemurians retreated to their Inner Earth realm. This left the Atlanteans in charge of the surface lands. Over the millennia, the Atlanteans began a policy of banishing the many children of the ruling elites who strongly opposed them to a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea called “Ionia.” The Atlanteans eventually attacked this colony. The Ionian scientists had prepared for this eventuality with a series of special devices. With these they were able to counter this threat. Atlantis was consumed by its own weapon and soon sank beneath the waters. The residents of Atlantis and their global allies fled to another world, which orbited a star in the Centaurian constellation, known to you as Beta Centauri. This disaster left behind two groups of Beings. The first were a group of special human hybrids called, in your legends, the Anunnaki. The second was your limited-consciousness ancestors. These groups, with the help of Heaven, soon formed a symbiotic relationship.
Heaven desired that your ancestors survive and learn a number of vital lessons, which were to become useful once the Light returned in full force to your world. This strange relationship, which consisted of the Anunnaki as “gods” and your ancestors as their devoted followers, continued for some 13,000 years. The time arrives for this to end and for you to resume your former state. This stage of your long journey is merely the beginning of how you are to be made fully conscious once again. We are here to be your mentors and to permit your return. The Anunnaki left behind a ruling group that morphed over the millennia into what you know as the dark cabal. This group is being ousted from power. It is aware that its time has come. The immediate present is to see this group step aside and be succeeded by our earthly allies. The pieces are in place for a great change to happen in the “twinkling of an eye.” This transformation includes sacred Beings who come from all parts of your globe. Their programs are to liberate you and to provide prosperity and new governance.

10169429 10152062893887444 731732458055474335 n
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters. Your world is suffering under the last vestiges of the dark cabal. Our mission is to provide a means for you to get beyond their heinous rule. In addition, Heaven sent us great fleets of ships that are to bring us mentors, to aid in your transition to full consciousness. We welcome them. These brothers and sisters give us the ability to overcome any power still possessed by the dark cabal. A natural blessed movement is underway that is to move you toward full consciousness. Our divine task is to oversee these developments and ensure that they affect you positively. The purpose is to make certain of your timely success. Our associates have the tools required to forge a new epoch for humanity. This new epoch is already blessedly forming around you. The dark’s agents fear arrest. They panic about the facts to be presented at their trials and know that this present realm is indeed crumbling. The dark’s time is over. A new era of freedom, peace and prosperity manifests.
We realize how this is forming. At a special time, we are to address you and confirm what Heaven is doing to formalize its numerous sacred decrees. The dark set up a global set of societies founded on war, division and unwarranted hatred of each other. We need to apply remedies to millennia of profound abuse. You have in you hidden hatreds and odd beliefs set forth by your former overseers. Lessons are required to be taught by us so the equality of all and the surfacing of a mutual benevolence can reappear. In this light, you can truly come together and begin to set the foundations for a new global society. This society is to recognize your spiritual sovereignty and divine rights. It is also to ensure your prosperity by giving you the means to secure these for yourselves and your intertwined families. This is all a preface to what your galactic mentors are to teach you.
This is merely the time when you start to comprehend who you really are and how you are dearly related to one another. Your Ascension is to finally give you a special code for forging what we and your mentors teach you. Be in joy and be blessedly aware of how Heaven constructed this and righteously forged the path for your grand reunion with us all. We have sat in Agartha and watched how the dark manipulated you and kept you apart. This injustice is now ending. We have visited many parts of this globe over the last year and seen how things are changing. Heaven works in strange and wondrous ways. The dark cabal cannot escape its fate. Even so, these scalawags are our brothers and sisters who at the time of full consciousness are to return to the fold. We know this and see the purpose of this final part of our mutual journey: to learn a simple fact ­ we are indeed All One!! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we continued our message. Remain ever aware that Heaven is our sacred guide. Our divine service is to welcome back all of humanity. We come to teach, to mentor and to prepare you for the final great spiritual leap, full consciousness! The moment comes for us to take action and bring us all into this new blessed Age! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Explore more from the Galactic Federation at PAO.WEB


This is a sponsored message from our friends at

SEE AMERICA - SAVE AMERICA - The Restoration Begins July 2nd!
America, which releases in theaters July 2nd, has a real chance to help shape the future of our nation, but it needs your help to succeed! The progressive narrative about our country has dominated our discourse for far too long, and it is time for people all over the country to hear a different story: the story of American justice and freedom. "I encourage everyone to take their children and grandchildren to see this film on opening weekend," producer Gerald Molen said. "People need to be reminded that America is the world's brightest hope for the future."
Two years ago, Dinesh D'Souza and Gerald Molen shocked Hollywood and the mainstream media when they brought 2016: Obama's America to theaters. However, they quickly realized that they needed to do more than explore the motivations behind President Obama's domestic and foreign policy—they needed to directly combat the destructive progressive ideology that seeks to undermine and abolish some of America's founding ideals.
So they set out to make America, seeking to reinforce the importance of American ideals, argue that America is a force for good in the world, and defy the politicians, filmmakers, and academics who view America as an evil imperialist power. "I made this film because I wanted to help my daughter undo four years of liberal university professors," D'Souza said. "It is time that conservatives sent a message to Hollywood and liberal academia: we will not allow our country to be portrayed as a new 'Evil Empire.'"
This nation stands at a crossroads: will we accept the narrative of American theft and exploitation, dooming our country to slip into decline and obscurity, or will we allow America to remain great, with the strength and courage to meet new challenges in the days ahead? As citizens who love our country because it is worth loving, we must make our voice heard—or the progressive agenda of 1968 will destroy our country.
America releases in theaters on July 2nd! Go see it on opening weekend, and visit the website at to watch the trailer and find more information about the film. And, most importantly, please help spread the word about America! We need our voice to be heard in theaters across the nation in order to make a difference.
AMERICA - Imagine the World Without Her


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The Billings, Montana, Gazette, the biggest newspaper in the state, and, in fact, the biggest in a region that includes portions of neighbors North Dakota, Wyoming and Idaho, is admitting, slightly after the fact, that it was wrong to endorse Barack Obama for president in 2008.
It listed a series of scandals and controversies generated by the Obama administration, and the lack of progress on real issues.
billingsgazette“These are all signs – none of them definitive on their own, necessarily. However, when taken in completely, these demonstrate a disturbing trend of incompetence and failure. It’s not just that Americans are in a sour mood about national politics. That’s probably part of it. Instead, Obama has become another in a line of presidents long on rhetoric and hopelessly short on action,” the paper said.
“Obama’s hope and change have left liberals and conservatives alike hoping for real change, not just more lofty rhetoric.”
The Washington Examiner noted the change of heart with a headline, “That bad, huh? Newspaper so disappointed in Obama it apologizes for 2008 endorsement.”
The Examiner continued, “Better late than never.”
The Gazette explained that for the 2008 election, it believed that “things couldn’t get much worse after the sub par presidency of George W. Bush.”
“But,” the paper wrote, “President Barack Obama’s administration has us yearning for the good ol’ days when we were at least winning battles in Iraq.”
It listed the number of “bungled or blown policies” by Obama, “which lead us to believe Obama has earned every bit of an abysmal approval rating.”
Those issues, all of which have been covered extensively on the pages of WND over the last six years, include the National Security Agency program to spy on Americas, the crackdown by Obama on coal-fired power plants, Iraq, the Bowe Bergdahl exchange in which Obama released five known and feared terrorist leaders, the Veterans Administration scandal, stem cell technology, Obama’s crackdown on journalists and, “finally, Obamacare has become synonymous with boondoggle.”
The criticisms were pointed on these issues.
“”The administration as done nearly nothing to safeguard civil liberties or put in safeguards to protect our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms,” the paper wrote about the NSA spying scandal.
On Bergdahl, the paper said, “What should have been an easy public relations victory for bringing a lost soldier home turned into a public relations nightmare, and continued to erode public confidence, leading some to wonder if Obama’s team can’t even get something as important as bringing home a captive soldier correct, what can it be successful at?”
The VA debacle “was another black eye for the administration which appeared to look incompetent when it comes to taking care of wounded, or in-need veterans.”
On Obamacare, it said, “One thing is certain: The public presentation and roll-out of the program was so riddled with technical glitches and problems, it greatly undermined the public’s confidence in the system.”
The Western Journalism Center pointed out that the newspaper did not endorse Obama again in 2012, after calling for his election in 2008.
At that time, the paper said, “At this extremely challenging time, America needs a uniter, not a divider. In this economic turmoil, America needs a thoughtful, cool-headed optimist who envisions a bright future for all citizens. … Our great nation needs a new leader who can inspire confidence at home and aboard. Obama is that leader.”