Thursday, July 3, 2014

Frank26 and KTFA Members ThoughtsThursday PM

Frank26 and KTFA Members ThoughtsThursday PM

Frank26:  I did not want to get too involved but this is for You:

In numerology it is the numbers or compressed combinations of them that lead YOU to the message in ....... Words.

Yes ........ There is a message within CL.

But know this too ........ Numerology is not magical ........ Maji used The Numbers.

It is not to be feared but to be used in communications.

OLD TIMERS ........... You know I have been using it for 5.5 years ......... You know it as (BK3/Line3)......... 


Have always told You that when I see numbers especially in Combinations they have sound ........ Colors to them ........ For me.......... Remember?

This I share ......... It is the Number 7 she is centering.

Have fun ............ I will count on it.........

KTFA,   Frank  

Christine Lagarde Numerology video:


72 hours set for Iraq to choose New Prime Minister


Frank26: Yes M ........ But The Deal is getting weaker !!!

It was The 1st .... Then today and now the 8-10th.

Your gait may lead u to ...... The Gate.

MOVE FASTER BOZO........... TY Kindly.

Month Numbers are shrinking !!!

KTFA,    Frank


Sager :  
Maliki: Article 140 is not Finished

Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki stated on Wednesdaythat Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution has not yet been implemented and finished.


Frank26:   Then MOVE your donkey ............. DO NOT SQUANDER this !!!

The Stage has been set up for this.

KTFA,   Frank


Greetings… what shaken !!!!!!!!!  Sager & Jim1126 ……………..
This press conference was January 15th 2014 …. did you notice that CL talks about the G7 … and Russia was NOT kicked out until March 24th 2014 ???

What else does she know … in advance !!!

“Oh World Politics …. How you make me want to live in a cave !!!”
Looking forward to July 8-10 (Tues-Thurs)

Happy 4th of July weekend…..

Can you say …………. “Christmas in July” !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Frank26:   And this :

According to KTFA CC's 7 is a good number and so is 26 ............

KTFA,  Frank


moneytalks1:HI Frank, Getting Closer!! 

What is your opinion about this timeline?

Postby walkingstick » July 3rd, 2014, 9:53 am • [Post 223]
72 hours set for Iraq to choose New Prime Minister
03.07.2014    Chow and thanx.


Frank26:  I think ...... That on my last CC I said ............ two more days. Then on TEAM CHAT last night they told me 8 to 10th.

Based on today ......... I appreciate my TEAM's view to be better than mine.

KTFA,   Frank


bill09 :hi frank my question is if they have a maximum of 2.5 months to pick the presidents , what happens if they don't do it. 

Will the high priest of Iraq set his foot down on those behaving like children or will the lawyer file a law suit against the parties trying to block progress.
IMO the high cleric or whatever his title he goes by, should set a meeting with the fighting parties and make them settle their differences. 
The people of Iraq have suffered enough by their hands , let it be done with so they can pick up the pieces of their lives and move on just my humble opinion.


Frank26:   They have 1.5 months ......... IMO they will sit this year.

KTFA,   Frank



EXTRAPOLATED INFO: Would be correct in that Gods Hand is clearly seen in this but leave it up to mankind to want to prove God wrong...Just so they can be infallible. I'm OK with being wrong and YES. It’s good to be back I told you I would see you all in about 29.5 days.

Any ways the Big banks like the top 4 just completed the new currencyexchange seminars and the projected start date is the 9th of JULY.

I predict the & 7th as I give  it all to GOD that he bless himself in all that we do.

So Monday begins Public exchangemaybe that might mean they start making the appointments as early asMonday and to fill the calendars and slots for start day of the 9th.GOOD-LUCK.
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 3:02 PM

7-2-2014   Intel Guru TNT Tony  [via Adept1]  In Iraq...We know that the actual vote took placeMonday night;  we know the numbers and the new PM, and what they did so that people would stay and vote instead of walking out.  There are things in parliament that have already happened, that you are hearing won’t happen until next week.  Everyone is prepared;  there were even some preparatory meetings this morning. I want you to understand that we are really, really close to the end of this ride.  We’re really just waiting for announcements.

On the 4th - think of this

Only one minute to view this, but what a m

 On the 4th - think of this

Food City, a food chain, is located in the Southeast, and headquartered in Bristol TN.  This is a great commercial.   Not a word spoken, and none needed. Very few commercials deserve to go viral. This one does.
Take 1 minute & Click here...Food City- Salute


While 12,000 homes a day continue to go into foreclosure, mathematically perfected economy™ would re-finance a $100,000 home with a hundred-year lifespan at the overall rate of $1,000 per year or $83.33 per month. Without costing us anything, we would immediately become as much as 12 times as liquid on present revenue. Transitioning to MPE™ would apply all payments already made against existent debt toward principal. Many of us would be debt free. There would be no housing crisis, no credit crisis. Unlimited funding would immediately be available to sustain all the industry we are capable of.
There is no other solution. Regulation can only temper an inherently terminal process.
If you are not promoting mathematically perfected economy™, then you condemn us to monetary failure. 

If I were President, I assert that by exercising the following prescription, I could arrest the present monetary failure in less than a day; and I could establish a perpetual, sustainable solution, or absolute economy, in perhaps less than a month.
You may of course never elect me. But still the purpose of this page is to explain how to do so — how to immediately transform unsustainable systems of usury into mathematically perfected economy™. We have already sufficiently explained why.
This program of course could be implemented by any nation, collection of nations, continent, and so forth. While world leaders can and have stood in the way of mathematically perfected economy™, nonetheless I further assert that mathematically perfected economy™ is inevitable not only for the reasons given already, but those to follow as well.
Obviously, present world conditions call for this resolution loudly; and so, unless mathematically perfected economy™ can indeed be invalidated, those who will neither hear nor heed immediately, therefore condemn the rest of us to the calamity before us.
This proposition is no casual or recent matter of relatively little development or survival of test cases. Its initial form was developed seriously since early 1979, before I provided computer models to the Reagan Administration just a few years later. Those models of course readily tested for interest free cases. Primarily however, they projected not only the otherwise unforeseen federal debt which President Reagan's two terms eventually accumulated. They further anticipated in 1983 that for expected interest rates and growth, that public and private debt would multiply at rates which would develop terminal sums of U.S. debt, and potential world wide monetary failure. Our projections determined this would occur at approximately 2010 AD.
Essentially then, the designed power of those elementary but potentially exceedingly accurate models, was to calculate the maximum possible lifespan of any purported economy subject to interest. You can still download the models from our pages.
All subjects of contemporary, pretended economies have critical interests in veritable solution; and rightly, only by prevailing understanding can a publicly approved solutionever have emerged.
That we can say there are legitimate representative governments, true representation always seeks and finds not only the ideal, but the due, certifiable approval of their apprised people. Given the critical circumstances, just such a process is to be expected now more than ever.
Because the problems and consequences before us are universal, a model for real solution must solve for the innate, sustainable interests of all. That is, it must solve for the world — not just a country, not just a generation, not just a time, not just a class, not just a disposition.
Effectively then, we can only seek to prosper so much as our contribution to the pool of wealth; and we must seek to prosper only so much, in whatever way cannot and will not deprive others of the opportunity to prosper likewise.
No matter the issues necessarily addressed then, this is the primary object and final test not only of this proposition, but of any prospective/purported solution.
As we have said, the critical breaking point of the pretended financial systems of the world is predicated by irreversible, perpetual escalation of artificial sums of debt, which ultimately exceed a finite capacity to service debt. Vast, persistent housing foreclosures, marginalization of industry, and destruction of credit-worthiness are obvious, inevitable consequences of the final stages of this artificial, escalated multiplication.
In the terminal stages of its practical lifespan, such a system requires paying the vastest costs of servicing debt out of circulation. Yet these very same terminal sums of debt finally destroy the last remaining possibility of sufficient credit worthiness to assume further debt. So much as the vital circulation can only be replenished by further borrowing then, the very multiplied indebtedness of the final state makes it impossible to justify "credit" as would maintain a vital circulation. It is at this juncture then that "the economy" suddenly collapses.
To prevent this final, potentially sudden collapse, it is necessary therefore to prevent a final/terminal cycle of deflation.
  1. To avert a terminal cycle of deflation, and to arrest further development of the failure by further multiplication of indebtedness, we must immediately suspend all payments against debts subject to interest to "banks" (or "credit"/"lending" institutions), and from all intermediate "banks" to the "central bank."
    1. To sustain other incidental lenders across a brief period of transition to mathematically perfected economy™, the accounts of small, private creditors (home owners carrying the paper on a sale of their home for instance) would be credited (artificially) with so much as the payments they are accustomed to receiving, without taking these payments from the debtor.
    2. Any other possible conduits of deflation are sealed, including taxation. Federal taxes are suspended and the states are asked or required to suspend state and local taxations.
    3. Accounts of retired persons are credited with advance sustenance as will be completed in later stages of what yet amounts to a more or less immediate recovery (4.g.), not just to pre-collapse conditions, but to a level of prosperity several times that.
    4. Necessary government programs are funded temporarily by new circulation, with the tolerance for this brief measure to sustain necessary government activities being the tremendous present deflation of the circulation.
Effective immediately then, not only would critically marginalized home owners be able to stay in their homes, *all* home owners and all surviving industry would immediately have the entire former costs of servicing debt available instead to sustain necessary commerce.Immediately, industry would not only avoid and survive the imminent failure, but prosper across the transition period to substantial further extents which have otherwise been impossible.
A capacity to sustain unlimited further prosperity is eventually provided by converting the present system to mathematically perfected economy™ — effectively concluding a transition period existing only so long as necessary to set up accounting infrastructures, and to refinance debt under mathematically perfected economy™.
Meanwhile, there is no deflation; no need to borrow further to maintain a vital circulation; and we immediately prosper to whatever further degree we are relieved of servicing the existent sums of artificially multiplied debt.
To avoid theft of the liquidity which would suddenly be realized:
  1. Prices would be frozen. Commodities traders would be eliminated from the chain of purchase. Products would be directly delivered to markets by natural processes of distribution, without unearned taking. Commodities traders would be paid for their existing assets with a separate currency, temporarily at least dedicated to unearned taking. Just settlement of their unearned wealth would be settled later.
Having relieved not only the pressures of escalation, but the whole weight of servicing existent debt, no reason persists for bona fide industry to raise prices; and, granted such substantial further liquidity under existing price states, industry would immediately be free to sustain and generate further employment, while sustaining profit margins substantially beyond what was previously possible — if and only if truly free markets are liberated from predation.
False promise of redeemability.
  1. To resolve all debt to the unassented and unlawful central bank(s), I would scribble onto a piece of paper, "Will pay to the bearer upon demand, infinity."
    This like irredeemable promise to pay would be offered with a cordial invitation to challenge this resolution of all debt in a fitting court of law (manned of course and accountable to the people), where on behalf of the people we would argue:
    1. that inherently no private entity has any right deprivable from any other private entity or person to issue irredeemable promises to pay ("Federal Reserve Notes");
    2. that therefore on the one hand, the paper I have submitted satisfies the purported obligations;
    3. or on the other hand, there is no legal basis whatever for the purported debts;
    4. and most of all, that as the implementation of interest inherently multiplies debt in proportion to an obligated circulation, the imposed currency cannot constitute lawful obligations to "repay" debts which ultimately are purposely made insoluble by the very artificial conditions imposed upon the arrangement.
This of course would not resolve whatever assets have been acquired by equally/potentially illegitimate, unlawful means.
For now, like the resolution of assets acquired by commodities traders, I leave it to the people ultimately to determine whether they want to go after these assets, or whether we shall just call termination of all this good enough.
But should these banks or any advocate of the currency they have imposed upon us make any substantial effort from this time forth to obstruct or even discourage us from solution, I recommend instead not only to recover the assets/profits which have been dispossessed from us, but to try all persisting advocates for crimes against humanity — these being explicitly, whatever perpetuation of damages is suffered since these systems were imposed.
These measures, necessarily carried out before the onset of fatal deflation, arrest further failure within a day, with the additional liquidity immediately established being capable of sustaining multiples of present industry.
Those who delay implementation of this proposition therefore are responsible for the consequences this measure would avoid — 10,000 homes daily going into foreclosure, vast further dispossession, inevitable further failures of industry, and so forth. As the present arguments sufficiently demonstrate, all of said detrimental consequences can be arrested in less than a day.
  1. As soon as possible, to restore and sustain the industry we are capable of, an initial implementation of mathematically perfected economy™ is established under emergency conditions. Once electronic infrastructures are established to maintain the people's accounts, that initial implementation comprises:
    1. refinancing of all private debt without interest, with schedules of payment being the rate of consumption or depreciation (which are to be understood to be equivalent);
      1. a general, de-escalated formula for depreciation shall be used for the initial implementation. Specialized formulas may be implemented thereafter;
      2. the remaining value of the related property shall be the refinanced sum, as determined by the general formula for depreciation;
    2. any payments so far made beyond the depreciation so far incurred and up to the full remaining value of the property shall be considered accumulated equity, counted against the balance of the remaining debt;
      1. equity in all property as determined by the general formula for depreciation can be financed likewise;
        thus the whole effective circulation is equal to the whole value of related wealth; and the remaining circulation is always equal to and redeemable in the very remaining value of the represented wealth, with this itself eliminating any cause or need for ostensible alternate monetary standards;
    3. debts which have been paid, in principal and interest both, to the extent of the remaining value of the property, shall be considered fulfilled;
    4. further financing for further production shall be made available under the same terms;
    5. private savings are converted into the new currency;
    6. otherwise, MPE™ currency is not interchangeable with the former Federal Reserve Note;
      mathematically perfected economy™ divorces itself from the previous, imposed system;
    7. to restore sustainable conditions with regard to retirement, the accounts of all working-age people are eventually to be credited with a facsimile of what they would have saved and could therefore have lived on should they have benefitted from mathematically perfected economy™ their whole working lives;
      To replace social programs which are unsustainable as a consequence of unfunded near term federal liabilities, a mandatory savings program is implemented in which the private individual takes an interest in preservation of the value of the currency (which is sustained by MPE™), and by which the individual is compelled to save some portion of their income over working years, which they may spend in retirement.
      For example, if for the purposes of calculation, working years are taken as the years 20 through 60, and savings are taken to necessarily account for 20 years thereafter, compulsive savings of 1/3 of income may be enforced across the 40 years to render the same standard of living across the latter 20. The ultimate terms of such a program are to be determined in the final implementation of MPE™ as agreed by the public.
      All people beyond the age of 20 then are to be credited so much, to establish a sustainable condition akin to what would have existed in mathematically perfected economy™ all this while. These savings of course are to serve in lieu of inherently unsustainable "social security."
Sustainable conditions are thus immediately established; illimitable further prosperity is readily funded; and all this costs us nothing.
Under mathematically perfected economy™ then, a $100,000 home with a hundred year lifespan for instance would be financed at the overall rate of $1,000 per year or $83.33 per month, with the initial/general formula for depreciation dictating higher rates of payment in the initial phases of the debt, and substantially lower payments in the latter phases.
The emergency implementation of mathematically perfected economy™ serves as a proving or trial period, after which the subject populace may determine to retain or reject the proposition, optionally returning to the conditions formerly imposed by the previous system, or electing to adopt any other potential solution.
The time required to implement this trial depends upon development or adaptation of existing hardware and software technology to maintain the necessary accounts. Roughly a month of operation under emergency deflation prevention measures might be required before the necessary infrastructure can be developed/adapted, so that this perpetually sustainable trial phase of mathematically perfected economy™ can begin, for whatever duration the people elect to preserve it.
  1. Should the public elect to retain mathematically perfected economy™ after the emergency trial, its ultimate implementation is determined in regard to specialized rates of depreciation, scope of financed wealth, and potential relationships with other programs.
    It can be said that no risk is involved, because in all respects, emergency or otherwise, by eliminating the vast costs and destructive consequences of "interest," these provisions generally engender as much as a dozen times the liquidity possible under the conditions of interest-bearing systems — particularly of course, prior to the present and ensuing phases of failure.
  2. Ostensible "foreign" debt of the people shall be collected from the sellers of the debt in the currency of which the debts were issued.
No one will ever stand for your liberation from usury so long as you, the people, fail to master the problem and its solution. When, and only when you will settle for nothing but the latter, none of the foes of justifiable economy can afford to stand against you.
It is your obligation then to broadcast this proposition of solution if you so see fit. We have no candidate to serve us. None apparently dare respond; and yet we have a critical election just weeks away. But if each of us immediately sent this proposition of solution to our entire address books, the entire country could be prepared to vote for solution in only days.
Shame on us then, if we can do no better.
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This of course is a serious appeal. Usury is not only terminal; its perpetuation requires usurpation, and that usurpation largely explains the undesirable world as it is. You will have no representation so long as there is apathy toward privatized currencies, which obviously have been imposed upon us for the very purpose of the multiplication of unearned profit which is responsible for the specter of world wide monetary failure before us.
In the introductory quotes with which I began this page, Ayn Rand tells us that"Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money." I translate this and the rest to mean, "they start by imposing interest to multiply debt upon the circulation, for money free from that multiplication is mankind's only protection from those men, and so, it is the only possible harbor of unsubverted moral existence."
At present, while 10,000 homes a day are going into foreclosure, the media those men own suppresses the truth, saying such remarkable, ongoing events — and all the related evidence not just of depression, but of utter world-wide failure — are only fueling "fears" of a severe recession. On the contrary, no distortion could be more conducive itself to engendering failure, because it asks us to remain ignorant of all the things we can no longer afford apathy.
Before putting this matter to rest then, let us consider the opposite, positive case of Rand's postulate:
When we are ready to deliver ourselves from oppression, necessarily, we will so understand first and foremost that "interest" can only multiply debt upon the obligated circulation, that no just person will refrain for a moment from assimilating the opposing, vital principle.
A succeeding republic of course must meet necessary minimal standards, first for deserving, and then for enforcing representation.
A truly positive people are not deterred from unity and purpose by a handful of usurers and whatever panderers, generations, or classes tie themselves to purse strings at so much cost to all the rest; they are not discouraged by anything from the good and due things people can readily achieve. Especially, they do not settle for less than ideals, when the ideal can be handed to them.
Here that ideal is. America used to be such a place; and no one in history has to look far to find that out.
"To find the players in all the corruption of the world, 'Follow the money.' To find the captains of world corruption, follow the money all the way."
mike montagne — founder, PEOPLE For Mathematically Perfected Economy™, author/engineer of mathematically perfected economy™ (1979)
© COPYRIGHT 2009, by mike montagne and PEOPLE For Mathematically Perfected Economy™.
Except for profit making ventures or entities otherwise granted explicit permission to publish this copyright material, this article may be distributed or reprinted in whole only, from and including any quotes preceding its title, through and inclusive of the following permalink(s), by email or otherwise. Visitors may also download our entire directory of regular/main site articles from our downloads page: you want to save your country, we encourage personal distribution of this material to all conducive recipients of your personal address books. Of course, you may also send only the following permalink:



Captain John,

Executive brief: Massive government corruption is discovered in Tennessee State. One component of that corruption and tyranny is the practice of criminal court judges rigging the county grand juries. The judges hand pick the grand jury foremen who act as impostor jurors. These "non-jury" foreman serve careers in the position. One foreman served for twenty-eight consecutive years.

I attempted to bring this corruption to the attention of a county grand jury on repeated attempts. I was blocked by the impostor foreman every time. 

The government retaliated by bringing false charges against me in a star chamber courtroom setting in the operation of a government we don't find in our state or federal Constitutions (a form of TREASON.)

State officials are directly punishing an innocent man without the inspection, permission or the protection of a proper jury system (ATTAINDER.)

A retired Army colonel was the lead prosecutor in this case. What we have here is veteran on veteran in the fight over the question whether the U.S. Constitution is the law of the land. Petitioning the government for redress of grievances is now transformed into a number of felony crimes.

Tens of thousands Americans must come to this issue in righteous and inspired outrage regarding what's just been revealed clearly: The Destruction of the Constitution!

In response to your questions and comments:

Walter, we were recently told you are a retired lieutenant Commander, is that true? Yes. USNA Class of 1975. Surface warfare.

Do you have the personal E-mail address of John Whitehead, I would like to contact him. I've reached out to the Rutherford Institute many times over these past years. No joy.  

We will support your case with other veterans, but we need to know specifically what it is alleged that you did. I petitioned the government for redress of grievance in several attempts to report government corruption to a county grand jury.

Please provide us with the personal E-mail address for Sharon Rondeau, so we can communicate wither as well. Action complete.  

I strongly recommend when you communicate that you don’t send a link, people will not open them and your messages are not getting thru---send clear text E-mails. I have to send links as a forced practical matter, as I'm doing here. I can't be concerned if they're opened or not. It's an issue of working smart, not hard. I was taught by a Marine at the Academy never to take the same ground twice. Providing a link to information already typed out is more efficient than typing it out again. 
Very respectfully,
Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III

Contact information for others:
Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62
Capt              USN(Ret)
Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184
San Diego, CA 92108

TWA FLIGHT 800 - Petition for Reconsideration Denied

The TWA 800 Project presented incontrovertible evidence to the National Transportation Safety Board of the presence of explosive residue in various areas of the Flight 800 B-747 (including passenger seats in the main cabin), as well as damage to the elevator jackscrew in the vertical stabilizer area of the empennage (tail) of the aircraft.

This evidence cannot be explained by an explosion of jet fuel vapor in the empty center fuel tank in the forward part of the aircraft, which was the reported cause of the explosion which brought down TWA 800 on July 17, 1996 and the deaths of all on board.

Even more incredible is the refusal of the NTSB to acknowledge or explain the hundreds of eyewitness observations of one or more missiles streaking from the surface of the Atlantic Ocean to impact TWA 800 and set off a massive explosion of the main fuel tanks.

One of these eyewitnesses was NYANG Major Fred (Fritz) Meyer, a Long Island attorney and former naval aviator with combat experience in Vietnam, who witnessed the entire disaster from the cockpit of his Blackhawk helicopter while conducting practice instrument approaches at an airport on the south shore of Long Island, approximately twenty miles from the location of the final resting place of TWA 800. Major Meyer was never even interviewed by the FBI or the NTSB.

If you take the time to watch this video of Major Meyer describing what he saw that night, you will have no doubt that TWA 800 was attacked by one or more surface to air missiles:

If this is true, the U.S. government is engaged in a massive cover-up of the true cause one of the worst tragedies in the history of commercial aviation.

What are they hiding?


Some 9-11 Related Happiness for the Fourth of July, 2014

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Some 9-11 Related Happiness for the Fourth of July, 2014
Posted By: MaryMaxwell [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 3-Jul-2014 13:04:52

Some Nine-Eleven Happiness for the Fourth of July!!
By Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB
It’s time to celebrate our achievement of real freedom – at least freedom of the mind. The nonsense of the Arab-hijacker story of 9-11 has been laid to rest, and the truth did “spring forth from the earth,” as promised by the Psalmist.
Many American souls contributed to this beautiful effort. So did some foreigners, not least Elias Davidsson, a citizen of Iceland who now lives in Germany. His book, “The Hijacking of the American Mind on 9-11,” is the inspiration for this article.
Much of his work over the last ten years consisted of a painstaking analysis of the phone calls made by 22 persons who were in flight that morning. Seven of those were flight attendants, as will be described below.
Few members of the public realize that there is no need to guess what is in the records of the US government about those calls. The prosecution trial of Zacharias Moussaoui in 2006 led to the release of most of the FBI records of interviews with anyone who had received a call from the air. Then, in 2009, the 9-11 Commission released most of the testimony it had collected. But it took the Icelander to put it together.
How They Read from Scripts
Davidson gives all the proof you could want as to the fact that the seven flight attendants’ narration of events was read from scripts which they had been handed (“as part of a drill”).
It’s a bit embarrassing that we did not think of this earlier, since it has been acknowledged by the Pentagon for years that several “exercises” were taking place that day, many of them involving hijacks and one even involving the use of planes as weapons!
Davisdsson also provides a fair amount of evidence that the callers (including the best known two, Todd Beamer and Barbara Olson) weren’t flying on UA 93 or AA 77 as alleged. They were elsewhere. (Personally, I think they are still alive.)
Indeed, according to now-official records, Beamer’s call on an Airfone lasted well after the plane was said to have crashed in Shanksville PA. Moreover, his own cell phone was used off and on till midnight that night. (Did his widow receive a bill for this?)
Juicy Tidbits for the Media To Use Soon after the Event
There was never a way for anyone to know what was going on up in the planes, except by being told by persons up there calling the ground, right? So, since the official story is a lie, the necessary details had to be composed by a writer and given to “stewardesses,” to announce. From those dramatic statements, the media could feed the shocking news to a horrified public.
Here are items read from the scripts by each of the 7 flight attendants, in chronological order. The airline persons on the ground to whom they made their calls all said that the caller spoke with great calmness. (One exception: CeeCee Lyles cried when she said, on her husband’s message machine, “I hope to be able to see your face again, baby”).
1. Betty Ong on AA11 (Boston to LAX but crashed at WTC):
Made a call at 8.18am on September 11, 2011, to American Airline Reservations. Lasted 1620 seconds.
“We can’t get to the cockpit; the door won’t open. Someone has mace. The first class galley flight attendant and one passenger is stabbed.” [I suppose if the “hijackers” deployed mace they would also need to be wearing a gas mask – MM]
2. Madelaine Sweeney (same flight):
made three calls to American Airlines in Boston, at 8.25 (107 sec); 8.29 (43 sec); at 8.32 (793 sec): The receivers of the calls claimed that she said:
“I’m in the back with Betty Ong.” A man in business class has had his throat cut. Three men were “in the cockpit” and were “in control of the plane.” The hijackers are of Middle Eastern descent. One speaks good English and the other doesn’t. The men “had a bomb with yellow wires.” [Gosh, was bomb technology still at the yellow-wire stage in 2001?]
Note: Today’s Wikipedia says, “It is believed that Waleed al-Sheri made the first move.” [Have we no shame?]
3. Unidentified male flight attendant, on Flight UA 175 (Boston to LAX But crashed at WTC.)
Made calls to United Airlines’ fix controller desk at 8.52 (75 sec) and 8.56 (31 sec). Ground thinks the caller may be Robert Fangman. The receivers of one call claimed he said both pilots had been murdered and a flight attendant had been stabbed.
4. Renee May, on Flight AA77 (Dulles to LAX, crashed at the Pentagon). Made a call at 9.12 to her parents (158 sec) asking them to contact her airlines. Mother reported these items:
The flight “had been hijacked by six hijackers.” They put us in the back of the plane.
5. Sandra Bradshaw, on Flight UA 175, (same flight as above re Fangman)
Made call at 9.35 (353 sec) to Speed Dial Fix at United Airlines and then called her home at 9.50 (470 sec). Richard Belme who took the call at UA said:
“The flight attendant reported two men with knives are on board. One man in the flight station and one man in first class. One man attacked a flight attendant but no passengers or crew were hurt. I asked the condition of the aircraft, she said a few small dives but OK.”
Her husband, Philip Bradshaw, during the second call, told her that two planes had crashed onto the WTC. Per the FBI interview with Philip:
“Sandra told him that her plane had been hijacked by three men with dark skin, and she said “They almost looked Islamic.”
6. CeeCee Lyles, on UA Flight 93, the Let’s roll flight, Newark to SFO, Crashed at Shanksville PA. Made two calls to her husband Lorne at 9.47 (56 sec) and at 9.58 (of indeterminate length).
The first call goes to husband's answering machine. It says:
“I’m on the plane that’s being hijacked. There’s three guys. They’ve hijacked the pane. We’re turned around and I’ve heard rhat there’s planes that have been flown into the World Trade Center.”
Ten minutes later, husband wakes to the ring of the second call and sees her cell number on the caller ID, so he picks it up.
She said “They forced their way into the cockpit.” And “Oh Lord it feels like the plane is going down.”
(Davidsson notes that the FBI files and 9-11 Commission files related to CeeCee Lyles are heavily redacted. So perhaps everything did not go according to Hoyle, or as I would prefer to say, everything did not go according to Murdoch.)
7. Unidentified female flight attendant on same flight as Lyles.
Made call at 9.32 (95 sec) to Speed Dial Fix at United Airlines where Richard Belme took over the call. (He was mentioned above re Flight UA 175). FBI file, probably reflecting Belme, says: “The female flight attendant said the first class section was secured; no passengers were able to leave or gain entrance to [it].”
In sum, we have plenty of familiar-sounding dangers: knives, bombs, and Middle Eastern men. We also have plenty of strategy that the average person could imagine as sufficient to permit the take-over by such a small group: moving all passengers to the back, using mace, storming the cockpit and killing the pilots, and stabbing a flight attendant.
“Murdoch” must have decided that this was sufficient to stop all questions, all thinking. No doubt he was right. Murdoch got A-plus in the advanced course in people control. When I read those goose-bumping events I was as gullible as anyone else. It did not occur to me then (though it occurs to everyone now, thank God) that a newsman is free to state anything, ANYTHING, as fact.
Mary W Maxwell lives in Australia but is spending the Fourth of July at Boston’s North Shore. She recommends that you invest a holiday weekend in reading Elias Davidsson’s magnificent book. (He is not into America-bashing; he loves the law and wants to see it revived. He’s so close to fixing up the 9-11 travesty you can almost taste it.) At last visit, Amazon’s price for “Hijacking America’s Mind” was $21 for a new copy and $49 for used! Never a dull moment, is there?
Mary’s email address is mary @
She would love to hear from you if you are a truther or are on the fence, or are even within, say, five miles of the fence.



  Absolutely excellent!  Watch it soon before it is pulled from the internet.

America calls on Iraqi leaders to accelerate the formation of a new government

New post  MISPLACEDBUCKEYE Today at 7:30 am

- The United States called again the Iraqi leaders to accelerate the formation of a new government after the failure of the Iraqi parliament on Tuesday to elect a speaker, warning that “time is not in favor of Iraq.”

She Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marie Harff American hope for her to move, “Iraqi leaders the maximum speed required by the current situation” in the country.

She said that “the fate of Iraq is at stake,” adding that it is important that the Iraqi leaders agree on forming a government and respond to threats to together.

This came against the backdrop of the failure of the Iraqi parliament in compatibility Alriasaat three in the meeting held on Tuesday, while waiting to hold a second hearing on the eighth of this month.

Harff and commented on this failure, saying “it would be better if they chose President of the Parliament today,” it is declared that Washington understands it is “a difficult process,” indicating that “democracy may be chaotic at times