Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Germany Races To Stop US-Backed July Terror Attack

Germany Races To Stop US-Backed July Terror Attack

July 9, 2014

Germany Races To Stop US-Backed July Terror Attack
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A chilling new report prepared by the Federal Security Service (FSB) says that Russian intelligence experts were contacted earlier today by Germany’s foreign secret service agency Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) and warned that the Obama regime is planning a “catastrophic 9/11-type false flag terror attack” to occur on or about 28 July in order to “mask” the pending collapse of the current global economic system.

According to this report, the BND contacted the FSB earlier today after it had arrested a second Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent engaged in “grave terrorist offences” in Germany relating to “nuclear devices” being smuggled into both Europe and America for an attack(s) to be blamed on the shadowy Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who like Osama bin Laden before him is being funded by both Saudi Arabia and the US.

The uncovering of this plot by the BND, this report continues, was due, in part, to secret National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) documents released by former CIA agent whistleblower Edward Snowden and which were due to be published last week.
When contacted last week by the reporters due to release this information, this report says, the BND “requested and received” an “assurance” from them not to publish the full details of their discovery until Germany intelligence agents were able to arrest the CIA terror cell members and (hopefully) stop their planned attack. 

Critical to note in support of this FSB report is that the highly respected freedom of speech, cryptography, spying, and surveillance organization Cryptome, upon their learning of the planned suppression of these Snowden documents warned last week:  “July is when war begins unless headed off by Snowden full release of crippling intel. After war begins not a chance of release, Warmongerers are on a rampage. So, yes, citizens holding Snowden docs will do the right thing.”

Also important to note, Glen Greenwald further explained that his failure to release these Snowden documents by stating: “After 3 months working on our story, USG [the United States government] today suddenly began making new last-minute claims which we intend to investigate before publishing.”

Germany’s fears relating to a planned false flag attack engineered by the US, this report explains, is rooted in their previous experience dealing with Washington during and after the tragic 9/11 events, and which in a suppressed 2002 official German government report shockingly stated:
“On Monday 6, August, 2001, at 17:50, [German] Ambassador Ischinger personally  notified the President of the United States that information developed by the  Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz [German domestic secret service] as well as the  BND [Bundesnachrichtendienst, German foreign secret service] indicated that an  attack by a radical Arab group partially based in Germany was to occur on 10-11  September, 2001.

The President was at that time in residence at his farm in Texas. Our [the German’s] Ambassador was acting in direct response to instructions from Foreign Minister Fischer.

This information was developed from official surveillance of Arab extremist groups operating in the Federal Republic as well as from intercepted communications between the Embassy of Israel and the Israeli Foreign Ministry in  Tel Aviv concerning this matter.

The information was “gratefully received” by the US President who stated at the time that he was also aware of the same pending assaults.
Subsequent to these attacks, the office of the US President, through the US  Department of State, made an urgent request to the government of the Federal  Republic of Germany that no reference whatsoever should be made to the official  warnings given by Ambassador Ischinger.

In order to clarify the background of this matter, this Gesamtubersicht [overall survey] of the events leading to the assault was prepared, basing on extracts of reports from our [BND’s] foreign stations. Overall, it is evident that the American authorities were aware of the pending attacks.”[Read full report HERE]
As to the timing of this/these false flag terror attacks being planned by the Obama regime, this report continues, is due to the rapidly collapsing global economic system, and which caused the “central banks’ central bank” Bank for International Settlements (BIS) to order during the last fortnight that the world’s central banks “stage a market collapse now rather than later.”
Information coming from America, this FSB report further notes, is that the US Federal Reserve is now apparently heeding this order from BIS and is planning a “controlled collapse” of the American economy, and which with the collapse of Portugal’s largest bank today, Espirito Santo International SA, shows may indeed be “too little too late”.

Important to note about this coming global economic collapse are that the “drivers” of it are the same as we warned about in our 28 June 2007 report US Banking Collapse ‘Imminent’ Warns French Banking Giant in which we forewarned: “French banking giant Société Générale Group, through its subsidiary SG CIB, the 3rd largest corporate and investment bank in the Euro zone, has warned today in a confidential report that the American banking system is in danger of ‘imminent collapse’ due to the hedge fund failures at US banking giant Bear Stearns…”

Most unfortunately, especially for the American people about our 2007 warning, was that they had been “conditioned” by US intelligence covert agents to only believe what their government propagandists told them was true…but which the Financial Crisis of 2007–08 showed how wrong they were when they lost trillions of their savings and pensions, and tens of millions more were thrown from their homes.

In fact: As we had warned on 28 June 2007 that the collapse was coming in order for people to be able to protect themselves…as late as 11 March 2008, top US financial expert Jim Cramer of CNBC was screaming at his viewers… “Do NOT take your money out of Bear Sterns! Everything is FINE!”  Six days later…Bear Sterns collapsed.

To the events being described in this FSB report, however, it should be noted that (hopefully) these Western peoples are much wiser to “The Great Game” being played with them being, once again, the pawns who will suffer the most…but who are less likely to believe the “official story” now being drilled daily into their minds…even as these planed Obama regime terror attacks are about to be unleashed.

July 9, 2014 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  

Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal

                                                                           V.K.D.  SUPPORTIVE BACKGROUND

Jun 28, 2007 ... French banking giant Société Générale Group, through its subsidiary SG CIB, the 3rd largest corporate and investment bank in the Euro zone, ...

Aug 6, 2011 ... Picking up the Pieces: Practical Guide for Surviving Economic .... report titled “US Banking Collapse 'Imminent' Warns French Banking Giant,” ...

Nov 19, 2012 ... Thomas Sowell, American economist, social theorist, political ... a report titled “US Banking Collapse 'Imminent' Warns French Banking Giant”.

Jan 25, 2014 ... Fears are growing that HSBC bank is insolvent, after the Bank. ... HSBC Bank on Verge of Collapse: Second Major Banking Crash Imminent .... The world's second richest man, Warren Buffet warned us in 2003 that the derivatives ... US Military to Launch Giant Surveillance Blimps Over East Coast Cities ...

Sep 16, 2011 ... SEC warns BlackRock of possible enforcement action ... The move by central banks on Thursday to provide extended US dollar loans to ... The market has hammered French banks into the ground first, but banks in Italy, Spain ... Rumors of the bank's imminent collapse caused dealers to pull their short-term ...

Jan 13, 2012 ... Standard & Poor's warned more than a month ago that the long-term ratings of ... The U.S. banking giant's fourth-quarter earnings and revenue both fell short of ... Despite media reports of an imminent French downgrade, BNP ...

May 7, 2014 ... 2 listed bank Societe Generale said on Wednesday it had booked a 525 million ... central bank warning, dollar nurses losses > Gold climbs towards 3-week high ... France's third-biggest listed bank reported a 29.6 percent rise in quarterly ... competition from U.S. giant Amazon Inc and Chinese rival Alibaba.
17 hours ago ... Judicial authorities are investigating UBS after France's banking ... Since 2009, U.S. tax probes have cost Switzerland's biggest banks, .... The huge potential foreign investment losses largely outweigh .... There's no shortage of doomsayers trolling the Internet today, warning of imminent financial collapse.

Feb 13, 2010 ... Collapse of the euro is 'inevitable': Bailing out the Greek economy ... The French bank's warning was echoed by Mats Persson, Director ... is the huge differences in competitiveness between the eurozone's richest and poorest members. .... Do that here in the US, and the value of the USD, the US GDP and ...

Sep 12, 2011 ... Rumors of an imminent default by Greece are flying around all over the ... Number one, major banks all over Europe are heavily invested in Greek debt. ... Right now, the U.S. economy is really struggling to stay out of another recession. ... States is going to be able to avoid another huge economic downturn.

4 Ways to Detox GMOs from Your Body to Minimize Damaging Effects

4 Ways to Detox GMOs from Your Body to Minimize Damaging Effects

by Elizabeth Renter
October 14th, 2013
Updated 05/07/2014 at 5:27 pm
gmo detox ns 263x171 4 Ways to Detox GMOs from Your Body to Minimize Damaging EffectsGenetically modified organisms are hiding throughout the U.S. food supply. And try as you might to avoid them, if you eat at a restaurant, are forced to pick up a snack from a vending machine, or even if you take supplements that don’t explicitly state they are GMO-free, you are likely ingesting some GMOs. But the good news is that you may be able to detox these GMOs from your body – a few tips are just below.

Many GMO foods, but specifically corn, have been studied with frightening outcomes. From simple effects like weight gain to more serious ones like organ disruption and massive tumors, we have only really scratched the surface on all of the potential effects of these lab-created foods. This is why it is vitally important to regularly cleanse and detoxify your body of foreign health-wreaking materials. Keeping them out of your diet is the first step in ensuring you don’t experience their effects, but since GMOs can’t truly be avoided, detoxing is another route you’ll want to take.

Here are 4 simple ways to potentially detox GMOs from your body:

1. Increased Fiber Consumption

One of the best ways to ensure your body is eliminating those things which it has no use for (heavy metals, GM-toxins, and food additives) is through a high-fiber diet. This is achieved by eating plenty of plant foods but also by occasionally detoxing with something like psyllium husk.
Psyllium husk creates a sort of gel that, when consumed with plenty of water, will flush out the digestive tract, essentially taking all lingering toxins along. You can find organic psyllium husk at most health food stores or online.

2. Consume Probiotics and Fermented Foods

Your digestive system should be well-equipped for dealing with foreign invaders like GMOs and other toxins. When you eat fermented foods and consume probiotics, you create a healthy bacterial balance, ensuring your “gut bacteria” is able to break down and eliminate harmful substances in your diet. Consuming probiotics will also help your body to detox the Bt-toxin found in GMO crops.

3. Organic Sulfur

Jonathan Benson at NaturalNews suggests organic sulfur as a must-have for detoxing the liver. He calls this substance, also known as methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), “a critical component in detoxification, energy production, cell oxygenation, and immune capacity.” While it used to be found throughout the food supply, it has fallen by the wayside with “advances” in agriculture. Now, you can find organic, lignin-based sulfur crystals to help make up for the loss.
Read: Bentonite Clay to Detox Pesticides, Heavy Metals, More

4. Other Detoxifying Herbs

Other herbs that can help ensure GM foods don’t wreak havoc on your health are cascara sagrada and wild burdock root. Cascara sagrada is a cleansing herb, one that has been used for ages among indigenous people. It will clean out your digestive system and ensure healthy elimination. Wild burdock root also has cleansing properties, but works in a different manner. It is a diuretic and is considered a blood-cleanser.
Avoiding genetically modified foods should be your first line of defense. But creating a healthy body to fight those that do get in is important too. Regular cleansing and detoxification will help you avoid the negative effects of these and other modern food additives.
Read more:

Are These Cures Already Available? Why Is Nobody Talking About Them?!

Are These Cures Already Available? Why Is Nobody Talking About Them?!

Published on Jun 25, 2014
Dr. Joel Wallach started his career as a veterinarian. He spend countless hours studying health and nutrition in various animals. Here, he talks about how that start translated into his naturopathic career, and how many of he conditions that have been taken care of in animals can also be cured in humans.


Rothschild’s Usurpation Of Israel: Netanyahu Murders 43 In 48 Hours While Rahm Emanuel’s Criminal Sanctuary Of Chicago Shoots 82 In Bloodiest 4th Of July.

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Rothschild’s Usurpation Of Israel: Netanyahu Murders 43 In 48 Hours While Rahm Emanuel’s Criminal Sanctuary Of Chicago Shoots 82 In Bloodiest 4th Of July.

MY BROTHER'S KEEPER Rothschild's Black Gold Empire: Shut Down America's Oil Production And Buy From Rothschild. By: Chloé Benoist Published Wednesday, July 9, 2014 As Israeli forces began their assault on the Gaza Strip, Israel’s leaders and media ramped up a rhetoric offensive, using dehumanizing discourse to garner support for deadly military action in the […]

TNT Call Notes 9-July-2014

TNT Call Notes 9-July-2014

Tony:   Good morning, TNT!  Today is Wednesday, July 9th, 2014.  We’re a little bit late, and I’m trying to calm myself down here, to tell you the truth. We have great information, we’re in a positive place, we’re going to do things differently today.  I have 133 wanting to ask questions;  each will get one question so we can get through as many as possible, and we will answer all that we can.  We will start at the other place, though.

Let me tell you this:  the whole world, and 47 countries and all the agencies listening… we know that they are making transcripts of our calls and passing them to the agencies and the banks and their managers. They know what we are saying and updating. I don’t mind that because we tell you the truth as we know it.  This is what I DO mind – I don’t like when I’m trying to help you and make it a smooth transition,  and then you complain. I don’t like it when you make a stupid ass mistake, and I try to clean it up, and then you get mad at me for doing it. We get all these calls asking why you are doing what you are doing, and we explained the timing and the process… I didn’t tell you to put it out 72 hours ahead of time, so don’t get mad at me!  I don’t like that this is the second time in two weeks, telling people that I got paidThat is bull shoot!  I don’t know whose decisions it was, but that got passed out along with the transcript, and somehow you didn’t think people would call me?  You know that’s a lie, that we are here to get this done as smoothly as possible. I’m not starting a fight but I’m not running away from it either.  If you make up lies about me, I will just tell the truth as I know it, and I have backup.  This has been going on for two days, and I have done NOTHING apart from what I’ve been asked to do. There have been rumors that I have had a heart attack, I’m in jail,  I’ve been killed, I’ve been paid off, but is taking this to a different level.

DC:  Everyone knows the organization Tony is talking about.  Also, we got from ten different sides that people are being blamed when they did not give us the information.  The folks you blamed and took action against where not the ones from which we got information. It’s a lot more than just one person in your organization that is shining the light on some bad practices.  I want to make that point very clear, because that is BS and everyone knows it.  If you are going to spread blame, point it at the people who actually did things, not this crap.  Tony is normally pretty easy-going, but a lot of choice words were said.

Let’s go east to west.  In Iraq, the important point is that we have had phone calls confirming that Maliki has retired and we wish him the best on that, for him and his family.  We are quite ready for the new PM, Speaker and President. They have been selected although not formally voted on. Everyone is in gear and ready to go, in terms of the ministers who have been selectedThe customs, border agents, and CBI are all ready for this to get done. Everyone has calmed down and the security situation in Iraq is better due to actions against ISIS and others.  Most of these guys are so frustrated with the Sunnis have been treated, that they are willing to forgive and forget, so long as the others haven’t hurt anyone.  That is a wonderful thing, and also that the country has matured to the place that that can take place. Iraq is absolutely ready to go.

In the US of A, that is going quite well.  The agencies are all green:  UST, Fed, banks, UN, IMF, administration is absolutely ready to go and get things done. Everyone’s behind is in the right seat for this to be executed. Even those who planned for more time have been pushing eagerly, and read to help execute this. Everyone is geared up to goMany are expecting 800 numbers as early as this afternoon on.  We don’t have the exact time, and I’m not saying it WILL happen this afternoon.  Let me be clear on that.  Now that everything has settled down, it’s ready to go!

Tony:  I’m still pissed off.  Let’s go right to Q and A.  don’t be on your speaker phone, because I’ll go to the next person.

970 caller:  Sending you some love, Tony!  I expected we’d be going through the package, so I don’t know if my question can be answered.  My question is if there are caps on dong or zim;  if so, is there a good way to handle that, such as giving half to my husband and having separate appointments.  But if there is no cap, I won’t have to worry about that.

DC:  First, let me answer in a simple way. I’m not an attorney, and they tend to annoy me because they tend to be nit-picking.  In most states, this is community property;  if you bought it from a joint account, it’s half yours and half his anyway.  Otherwise, we understand that at several times there were caps on contract rates;  for streets rates you can have as much as you can.  These contract rate changed several times, and we heard that they are currently 50, 100, and 150 million dinar.  It won’t hurt if you split it up anyway.  Each contract rate should have a max amount for that rate.

Caller:  So if you exchange at contract rates up to that cap, you can still exchange the rest at street rates?

DC:  Yes, that is our understanding.

Tony: That’s your one question. Let’s say you go above the cap and get street rate.  It would make more sense to me to give the rest to my son, daughter or someone in the street and split it, because you’ll still get more at contract rate.  Or you can do it with a charity, trust or organization.

Caller:  Can you go up to the cap at one bank and then go to another for the remainder?

Tony:  No, because you’ll be in the system.  That’s a great question to start the day!

310 caller:  I do not belong to the forum, and I’m concerned about getting the 800 numbers and NDAs prior to my appointment. Is there a way I’ll be able to do that?

Tony:  First, we don’t know how we are going to do it.  Before, we were told we would load it or it would be on an official site and we’ll give you the  link.  You should be able to read the NDA and the contract before your appointment so it will go smoother.  That’s how I would do it.

Caller: Have you gotten the package and the 800 numbers?

Tony:  We will tweet the 800 numbers on our sites, the new sites, by twitter, and so on.  Other gurus will send out the numbers as well.   How did you get on the call today?

Caller:  I went online at Dinar Detectives and they had the number.

Tony:  Go on Twitter and follow us @THE_TNT_TEAM and you’ll get the tweets like everyone else.

302 caller:  Here’s my question – I have a group of people, and they have tried to simplify the NDA;  will it be simple enough that people need not take a lawyer with them?

DC: They have been simplified and tightened up.  The basic one is very simple. I’ve read a version and it’s straightforward;  I feel comfortable with even my family members understanding it without a lawyer.  It basically says ‘keep quiet’.

Tony:  In all fairness to your family members, DC, everybody can’t go to an Ivy League School! They might be listening to this call!

DC: The ones who didn’t go are much brighter than I am.  It’s not sophisticated;  I’m not a lawyer, but I could see it was very simple and straightforward, put in laymen’s terms. If you do have to talk to anyone like your attorney, tax advisor or spouse, they have to sign an agreement not to talk about it either.

601 caller:  When you tweet the 800 numbers, do we have to dial them as soon as possible?  There are so many who will be calling, especially if there is only so much money set aside for contracts rates.  Or do we call after looking at the NDA and contracts?

Tony:  If I were doing it, I would read out the information before letting out the 800 numbers, so that people would know what to do.  I would probably call, get my appointment within 48 hours, and then listen to the call.  The first mouse gets the trap, the second mouse gets the cheese, and the third mouse gets the cheese factory.  There may be traps or distractions built in;  there are some things going on, but hopefully we have told you enough over the years for you to be aware. It will be fine;  the rate is higher than anyone expected at the beginning.  However, there will still be more opportunity. I don’t know if they will give you the rate on the call, just the appointment.

DC:  I know we are speeding through here, but I want everyone to take a step back when they are talking about the exact rates or times.  This is an amazing thing – you’ve taken a hundred dollars and turned it into millions!  Let’s not lose the forest for the trees.  You want to get the contract rate, but I’m not arguing about a few pennies. This is a tremendous opportunity, and we need to realize that even if one contract rate is gone and you have to take another, this is still an amazing amount of money.

Tony:  there is a better than average chance that during the process the international rate is rising.

214 caller:  I have heard that the banks have agreed a 2% spread;  does it include the UST spread?

Tony: The 2% is locked in, and he says he heard there is also a UST spread, but that is between the UST and the bank.

DC: Yes, the UST gets a backend off this, but that has already been arranged and doesn’t affect you.  It will not affect the contract rates or the options we’ll be offered.  It should be fine.

719 caller:  First, I’m not my sister;  we sound a lot alike, but she cries a lot.  [appreciation]  You have mentioned about getting a Clear and Clean Certificate;  our bankers say there is no such thing.  Am I getting misinformation or are they?  This was a Wells Fargo branch in a small town.

Tony:  I think it’s because they are bankers in a little town.

DC: I’m from those little towns, and I have got CCCs before now.  I don’t think it will be that important unless they asks.  WF will know because they see the transaction codes.  WF can definitely provide those letters for you later.

Tony:  If you don’t plan on transferring these funds to a smaller bank or if you are buying a house or some such, that is when they might ask where the money comes from.

DC:  Most bankers are trained to know your customer, and otherwise, they may ask for the CCC.

Tony:  A lot of people have made this happen for us over the years, and some have been unjustly punished for things they didn’t do.

Caller: My husband and I left government service because they asked us to do such things. It takes courage to stand up for what is right.

586 caller:  [appreciation]  Setting aside 58% for tax purposes, does that include all currencies?  Could you elaborate on this?

DC:  Not as a financial advisor, Tony spoke about his safety net for taxes.  He lives in California, and in that state, you can pay 58% in net taxes.  Are all currencies going to be like that?  Any other profit we make off this, I’m going to set aside the maximum taxes for my state.  I will also get together with the best tax attorney I can afford to figure out how to pay as little tax as you can.

Tony:  Somebody else sent a question to me, asking if they would do the RI today, the RV on Friday and the GR on the 20th.  Or would they do the RV first and the GCR ten days later?  That would not make sense at all, for them to RI people at one rate, and then they have a million dollars to buy more currency, and then do an RV and give them more to invest in the GCR.  That argument doesn’t work for me.  If they do it another way, that’s okay. I think they are smarter than that, although I would love them to do it that way.

Where would I put money?  I could tell you where I would put it, and it’s in currencies that will change, but then they would change it.  There are some other opportunities out there besides the dinar, rupiah, dong and Zim.  There are other countries that will revalue, but as soon as we say what they are, those currencies would change in value and we don’t want to do that.

269 caller:  I made a donation last night, and everyone  should do the same and support TNT.  My question is about the difference between IQD and IQN and/or VND and VNN?  Please can you explain that in brief again?

DC:  Is there a difference?  Not really.  The older currencies are called the IQD, and the newer lower denominations as the IQN.

Tony:  When you go to the bank, you need to ask for an exchange with the IQN rather than the IQD, because the rate is much higher.  [Presumably the same is true for the VND and the VNN.]

920 caller:  Thank you, Pam, for grabbing you for us, Tony, after you were betrayed.  [appreciation]  if you were me, what would you be watching out for at the exchange?  What are we not thinking about that you would ask about?

DC:  Frankly, make sure you are seeing all of the rates available, and all the contract rates.  Ask if there are more or further available.  That’s the main thing to be worried about.

Tony:  “Let me see the screen” is what you should say.

Caller:  I have a request – you keep saying you have something special for those who have been donating all along, since the beginning.  Could you arrange a private get-together with just those people?  [Shriek from on the line]  Preferably, could we have a private get-together where we can buy you that gold cigar, and Pam too… or if you don’t have the time for that, if we could have a private open phone call where we could get a few golden nuggets for our ears only?

Tony:  Initially, when we thought this thing was over last year, I was going to set up a private dinner for those donors, because there are few people who can do that.  Now we have more and more people who have donated.  Pam wanted to do an auction for those people.  I would love to get together with people, smoke cigars and such.  There are a lot of people in Washington who don’t want me to do that –They don’t want me to do the site, have conversations,  where to put your money or who to vote for.  I still want to do at least the four events, so that you can all meet each other if not me.  Also, WF said they would do wealth management classes for all of you, so show you how to safeguard your money, make investments and such.

How I can separate donors from non-donors… some people put in $2, and I appreciate they did what they could… I just don’t know.  We can all still get together, and later down the road, we’ll figure it out.  I have to figure out what this stricter 15-year NDA will be like.  Yours is five pages, and ours is 33 pages.  I don’t know what I can do.  That’s what pissed me off about yesterday – I have agreed to do this and that, and it’s all about you guys being treated right.  I don’t want to run for government or run for office.  I don’t care about fame, but I would  like to do our four events to give you that time of day.  I don’t know about the other side.  I would like to get into groups small enough to really talk;  I know that not everyone smokes cigars.  It’s confusing;  I know you guys when through it and deserve that celebration.

Caller:  It’s BS that they are essentially going to lock you up for 15 years, not taking to anyone.  That’s a crock!

Tony:  It is going to be different and I don’t have a problem with that.  I know we cannot talk about dinar or this process;  I don’t know about future currency.  I do understand part of it, because we are a group could make hundreds of millions of dollars.  We could direct an entire industry.

Caller:  You said to choose people who are smarter than you, and you are my pick!

Tony:  DC is my pick!   He will be at one event under an assumed name;  I’ll point him out!  There are so many people who got involved and helped us by giving information.  Even the ones who got punished yesterday – we never even got information from them!  There are many people we will never be able to thank, but I say thank you, and I know you as well.

405 caller:  Regarding the contract rate, can you tell us the criteria to qualify for them.  Do you have to have specific projects in mind, or can it be just because you want a higher rate?

DC:  It’s busy with a lot of super-positive things going on.  To qualify for the contract rate – are they still available?  They will do a quick background check that you don’t have a criminal record.  You have to be a US citizen, and not have any hard-right or hard-left affiliations, and be willing to pay the tax rate.

Tony:  The higher the contract rate, the higher the tax rate.

Caller:  “He who angers you can control you.”

Tony:  That’s why I am trying to anger them so that I can control them!  <laughter>

Caller:  Instead of coming to a meeting and be seen publically, is there a way you can post some ideas under the radar, as it were?

Tony:  You could set up a private call line or a separate email address just for that…

Caller:  Please ask Pam if she can put me on the forum?  I am from Texas originally…

DC:  He does have a familiar ring, the way he talks…  <laughter>

813 caller:  For both of you, understanding you’re not financial advisers, etc., can you give us examples of where you might invest your own money, besides the ones you’ve talked about.

DC:  In tranches, I would put some in a super-conservative fund with about 4% return, managed by someone else.  The second tranche will be invested by me personally with friends, and ten other tranches will got into a range of investments.  This will help the world economy expand in the emerging markets, and is a great way to make some money as well.  I’m thinking about different products, communication equipment like cell phones, and specifically in Africa.  I really like working Africa, and the Middle East.  Iraq will knock it out of the park, like Dubai or more so.  I like China, and the new president of India – their reforms will change a lot.  They are the largest democracy in the world, and their economy is growing.  So everything related to raw chemicals to products to consumer products… that’s what I am looking at.

The conservative funds would be following the ‘widow grandma’ mentality – I wouldn’t want my grandma to think “Can I afford something?”  I’m looking at conservative munis, AAA corporates, foreign debt at G20 level, major big-cap, dividend large-cap stuff. That’s what I am talking about on that conservative.

Tony:  You can get involved in IPOs that the banks can control for you;  I also recommend 3-D printing as an up-and-coming industry.  Also annuities are good;  I haven’t seen an annuity go bankrupt yet.  If you have more money, go down to the Mayor’s office and look at the 5-10 year plan for your town.  Buy some bonds – it will help your community and your money will be safe because you will have some say-so.  You don’t have to be a whale in the ocean when you can be a big fish in your smaller pond.

DC:  Tony is giving me hell about Ivy League schools when he is an accomplished businessman…

Tony:  I am doing that here in my own city, making investments, rebuilding the downtown area.  Don’t just buy cars, clothes, and vacations;  prove those people in DC wrong, and make sure 50% or more will still have money five years from now, and a residual income on top of that!

732 caller:  I am a born New Yorker, but I’m moving to Texas when this hits.  You threw me a little bit with a previous caller when you talked about caps.  If we have invested and been with you for a while, and we can go get the contract rate up to the cap, and street rate for the rest… is there a cap on how much we can own overall?

DC:  To put out an arbitrary number that could change, let’s say that hypothetically there is a 50 million dinar cap on the contract rate.  If you have more than 50 million, beyond that you can take the rest in street rate, or give it to a charity who can exchange at contract rates, or many other things.

Caller:  That’s what I hop e to do, helping humanity and animals and such.

Tony:  You don’t have to give it away after 50 million, but you can do that so that they can get the higher rate when you cannot.  You might as well give it to someone else, have them get the contract rate and split it with them, or take the difference;  you will still be giving them something.

Caller:  Thanks.  You are like family, and I like listening to you three times per week.  [appreciation]

Tony:  It’s not over yet!  DC is trying to give me subtle hints…

Caller:  You do so much for us and you take the brunt of the pressure, too.  Without you, we’d be lost.  [more appreciation]  We have all set our sights on serving humanity rather than buying stuff.  You have shielded us from a lot of BS.

562 caller:  Short and sweet here – is there a possibility we won’t have to sign an NDA for the dong.

DC:  It depends on the rate – probably yes if you take the contract rate.

347 caller:  This is Dawns from the forum, the DJ.  Will we have to pay taxes on the dong?

DC:  Any money you make, you’ll have to pay taxes on.

Caller:  Wethrin wanted me to say BANANA SPLIT, and DC, would you slow down a bit?

619 caller:  Do you know how long I’ve been waiting?  286 minutes on the line.  Undying thanks to all.  I have sent in small donations when I could, and hope to give more as well as supporting TNT in any way I can.  I have not been able to get on the forum;  apparently bad people were doing terrible things and a bunch of us got kicked out.  If a friend and I put our dinar together, would we get a better rate because we have more, or would that not be necessary?

DC:  Our understanding is that a lot of what was going to happen six months ago has been changed, and in fact due to the caps, the people with the lower amounts will get the higher rate.  And that is a good thing.

Caller:  Will you be able to negotiate bank services according to how much you have?

DC:  yes, but not during the initial appointment.  They want us to go like cattle through a chute.  After that, though, you can shop the various banks until you get the best deal.

Caller:  I am from Beaumont, TX;  I’m humbled again, and I wish Pam would put me in the forum.  At one time, there was the largest Mobil refinery in the world in my town.  [appreciation]

Tony: Someone just texted me to call them because they cannot get their question answered!

810 caller:  I’m tired of people coming against you, Tony;  people are so dumb, saying you have a court date this morning.  If so you would be in court, not on the call!  My question:  if someone has 8.3 million dong.  How would they look after the RV?

Tony:  If they have eight million and the dong come in at $3, they would have $24,000,000!  Don’t worry about those idiots;  the bank knows that I haven’t exchanged!

Caller:  How can I get the list of ten things to do?

Tony:  They are YOUR ten things – which bank you prefer, how much you have to exchange, who you are going to give it to.  While you are calm, list the ten things you want to accomplish at the appointment or after.

404 caller:  We have a couple of businesses to exchange dinar;  can we exchange them all together at the same appointment?

DC:  I have currencies in various businesses, and I have to call for each business and also for myself as an individual.

352 caller:  You said that there are different currencies out there that will be more than others, and I know there are also different currencies called ‘dinar’.  Do you thing Yugoslavia is a good place?

DC:  Do you mean the currency, the country or the car?  I don’t know much about it.

Tony:  Nor do I, sorry.  It’s not one I am looking at;  it’s not on my list.

818 caller:  I was wondering if RayRen was still going to do the classes for the trusts and such…

Tony:  I’ve talked to him about that for about two years.  I’ll tell you how crazy he is, to me.  He tells me he is going to Cancun, but when he comes back, he is building a company around doing those classes.  Why would you want to do that when you could invest your money and go traveling or parasailing.  But he says that’s what he’s going to do!

Caller:  I got his address, but he hasn’t contacted me.

Tony:   Ray was here in the beginning… are you there, Ray?  He wants to know if you’ll do the classes, says he has contacted you but never heard anything back.

Ray:  I’m a glutton for punishment.  Go to Open Mike and I’ll tell you how to contact me.

Tony: Do you know how to get onto Open Mike?  They are special folks there – they are great.  Open Mike is Ray’s favorite place.  I’ll write your number down and he’ll call you after the call.

Caller:  [appreciation]  Boy, I hope this is going!

Tony:  Me, too!  I’m more than ready for it to be done.

901 caller:  I was on another call yesterday, and they were bashing you like anything.  It was horrible.  I have one quick question:  the Zim – how many zeroes are they taking off?

DC:  I have a hard time even getting it out of my mouth.  I believe six.

228 caller:  I’ve been with you, Tony, since Dinar Vets, and I’m still in therapy from that, but at least we are making progress.  Tony, what’s the minimum donation to qualify for the sleepover?   My question is a bit lengthy, but it’s to tie up some loose ends around one subject. About the reserves… if we have our dealers exchange just enough to pay off the reserves, will we be in the system them and not qualify for the contract rate at the bank? Once the reserves are paid off, with documentation,  then they are no longer reserves, right?  If that is the case, and exchanging (say) gold bars for dollars that we want to put in the bank, wouldn’t the bank help you secure that?  Rather than grandmas and grandpas riding around in their Impalas with Uzis?

Tony:  The reserves are not o in the banking system, so you don’t have to worry about.  If this goes tomorrow, I would send the dealer a sale order for just enough to pay off my reserves.  Then in the appointment, I would say “this is what I have in hand, and these are my reserves that I just have to pick up, and I need a guaranteed rate for when I bring them in.”  That’s what I would do.

Caller:  In my mind we are told that all of the dinars will end up at the UST or Wells Fargo;  if they are all ending up at the same place, wouldn’t that banks have a system already in place to protect the currencies?  Couldn’t we then have the dealer send them directly to the secure place in banks?

Tony:  The dealers are private businesses, and their contract and agreement with the CBI, and those dinar will go to the CBI. That’s why they don’t have contract ratesYou go there and do a sale order, they will send the cash or a wire to the bank.  The bank only knows that money has been sent to your account.  You then have the currency in hand, and you take the reserves in to a second appointment.  The banks won’t allow you to cash in the first part at contract rates and THEN use that money to redeem your reserves.

Caller:  As long as reserves are covered and it can happen logistically, I’m happy.

Tony:  There are so many exchange places we will go to in each place that the guys you are worried about won’t have a clue. They don’t know when your appointment is, and they don’t know what you have or even that you might be exchanging until you drive into their parking lot, at which point there is security.  Furthermore, the most you can walk out with is ten thousand dollars, and if you can’t look after that, you shouldn’t have it!

916 caller:  I have 27 questions and I have to narrow it down to one!  I’ve been listening for a year, and the only thing that confuses me is that I cannot get on the forum – Pam keeps refusing me.  A lot of people bought reserves last week;  will that affect process for the rest of us holding currency?

DC:  In the grand scheme of things it won’t, it’s a small percentage, but they just weren’t aware people would do that, which is part of what we were pointing out.

202 caller:   I have a question about the contract rates – what is the highest amount we can turn in?

DC:  I mentioned what the limits were, but they have changed quite a bit, so we don’t know.

Caller:  Now that Maliki is gone, are we looking at the completed settlement, seated GOI and completion of the RI / RV?

DC:  My folks believe that they have selected the top three, and just need to make the official announcementsThe Iraqi parliament met today, and it can be official any day.

Tony:  Whether it’s the US government, UST or IMF, or a collaboration, they are saying that over the limit, you get less for the contract rates, so that others have a chance at the contract rates.  The more dinar you have, the less money you will get.   We have to give them credit for that.

Caller:  Are we waiting for any other people to exchange before us, and if so are they through the process?

DC: We are not waiting on somebody to go ahead of us, we are waiting for things to settle down. Are people exchanging right now?  Yes.   :Bottom line is we are waiting on a few things because things have been changing so quickly;  there is a lot of churn in the water, and it needs to settle down before we can move forward.  One side says we need a formally seated parliament and PM, President and Speaker;  the other side says that it is enough to know who they are.  They have started up the groups again;  they have been given permission to do that because Iraq is more stable now.  They are in the position to be paid now.

Tony:  As of last Thursday, we are all supposed to go together. There are over 300 groups, some at low ratesThat is what we were prepping for – should have happened Monday, yesterday and today.

Caller:  So we could still possibly go  today?

Tony:  Anything is possible, we are that closeThere is one little announcement that needs to be made, and they said that he didn’t have to announce it, just do it.

DC: I don’t think we need anything, just a little dust settling and we’ll be fine.

618 caller:  [appreciation]  What do you think about this jack-wagon joker-broker telling everyone that Iraq and China can’t fund the RV?  He’s only saying it to push his private placement deal.

Tony:  I get the emails.  I have told you about this before, and if you can’t see it, I can’t help you.  I have already told you;  some things are just obvious.  If someone is doing a call and all they have to do is to talk about me, why would you be on that call.  It will not give you any information  about the RV or investments or anything.  They do it to throw off your focus, saying a dollar is all you will get, or everyone won’t exchange for two years or whatever.  You just have to use your common sense to understand what is going on in the world.  If you look at every other country around Iraq, and if you believe there will be an RV or GCR at any point, how can you not see that Iraq has to have a similar rate – that is the very foundation of the whole new system!

Caller:  This guy was saying the Dragon Family won’t fund the RV until the world is put right. Who does that make sense to?

Tony:  The RV and the RI are already funded how else they fund the deals they are making now, or fund the Qi cards as they already have?  People just have to realize that.  Once it’s over and done with, people will see the rate, history will tell the story, and people will see what they gave up their dinar for… they will realize who was telling the truth.  They go to a dealer and say “Hey, I thought I was supposed to go the front of the line!”  Yes, but after the million people before you.  A little common sense is all you need.  Believe me, they will take your dinar!

405 caller:  What is the major difference between now and all the other times the RV was going to occur before?  What will keep the different players from doing it this time?

Tony:  That is a great question.

DC:  First, Maliki is out, which is hugeA large number of the issues lately have been his.  He was driving for hard bargains as well as some other things we won’t go into.  There were several very difficult situations. In  the US, some people have delayed this for various reasons, and now they want to get it done.  They are extremely eager to have that handled right now.  Worldwide leaders are saying “this is enough, we are tired of all this, get it done.”  So it is different.  We have been close before, absolutelyPeople are driving hard to get this done now.  Most variables have now been eliminated, and there is very little left to go wrong.

Tony:  We are still waiting on one thing.  We don’t have the RV until we have the RV.  Give them three hours – or better yet, 15 minutes – and it will be done.

DC:  Everything looks phenomenally good with M retiring and Iraq going through the parliamentary processThe three leaders have been picked, and we are off to the races. Everyone wants this done so bad that is hurts. Everyone is in place to execute at a moment’s notice.  Keep positive!

Tony:  Hopefully the next call is THE call!

Pam:  I think we should auction off you, DC, and all the Mods at one time!  In the future, when you haven’t heard from us for a while, and people say TNT Tony wants you to buy something, it’s not us.  We won’t do it;  we won’t make money off you or go into partnership with anyone.  There are scallywags and scoundrels, so use your common sense and be careful!

Ray:  It’s been an adventure.   I’m going to miss all this.  Enjoy wealth-seeking Wednesday!

Tony: That guy last night could only be responding to what I said about the groups.  They always get pissed. They get a commission for putting people into the groups.  I am going to tell the truth, alwaysI tried to stay out of it, but everybody keeps dragging me back in it. Look at who is being paid when they get you back into that forum.  I love MLM, but you have to know how to do it, with a real leader who stands with you and goes through the process with you, not those who leave you to figure it out for yourself. Those who are signing you up and saying you will get paid are lying to you, because it just doesn’t work that way.

We know a huge hurdle was removed when Maliki left, and since then everyone has been urging on the process. There is one minor player who is important enough that people want to make sure he is sitting thereThey don’t want you to know what time/dateThis is what would make sense to methat they would announce it and shut down the dealersThen they would let us make the call and give you the information.  Then they would release the 800 numbers so that you can go to the bank.  Then everyone would be ecstatic, that they are being trained and they can get their money, although they cannot buy more currency. It would be a very smooth transition for everyone.

Hopefully we will get to a really good call later if not tomorrow.  All the obstacles have been cleared and now we are just waiting on when they make the announcements.  Enjoy the rest of your day;  I’m going to enjoy mine.  Let’s see what happens

Tlar Short Status Update

Tlar Short Status Update

Tlar:  From Tuesday Night:

Blue let everyone know my satellite dish is on the ground. I am having all my roofs done and tomorrow will be the 3rd day I have been unable to communicate with anyone by email or on the site.

I was able to make one post yesterday but can't do anymore. Hang tight. Just know something is going down.

Shortly Maliki will be gone if not already. They will not let one man ruin Iraq. Hopefully everything will be re-roofed by tomorrow  (Wednesday) and I will send out an email. Tlar

Tlar Wednesday Morning: 

This is being done from my phone. This Sunday will make the plan 12-13 days late.
 You all have heard the rumors floating around Baghdad. There was and is much going on behind the scenes; some of it covert to change the situation and remove Maliki.

He has to go and there are rumors including an article saying he has been dropped by the SOL, another rumor of a coup and yet another of Maliki has left the country.

If you recall the article saying both Iran and the US have made strange bedfellows and both want him out, then you can see a little of what's been going on. It also mentioned the CIA in the same article.

 Everything is there in all these articles for all to see what is going on behind scenes.

There is a move to make the SOL do the right thing through incentive (carrot and stick).

This should clear the way for a smooth parliamentary meeting Sunday or before.

The blocks will quickly clean up last minute disputes and get on with the business of creating a government.

Turki is waiting as are you and I and will do his thing shortly after announcement. 

I think within days as in a few. It has been a long winding road to get here since July 1st but I believe we are almost there barring no more unforeseen problems. Keep fingers crossed.

Again this is from my phone and I am worse at typing on my phone than I am on my computer. Excuse typos. Tlar

 New Comment Added:

By the way a note of interest. Nobody including the international community could anticipate that they would have to go to such extremes to get this guy out.

The thought was because there was no way he would be able to form a government that he would just leave.
I actually wrote my last email (not sent yet but on day of RV) on June 29th and it is also late but nothing changed.

I will still send it out and post it on CC where those that are curious can read. It is long and borring but will hopefully fill in the blanks. Most will be to busy as I will also be busy.

Thats why I wrote it in advance. Tlar