Friday, July 11, 2014


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> I ran into this post on DINAR GURUS and thought it to be the most
> informative of any information I have run into.
> For those who haven't read This update from "DINAR & DONG VIETNAM UPDATE:
> Should give you much hope regarding this whole global event and here
> it is;
> Hopefully here I will explain why the Iraq Dinar revaluation was
> designed in the first place. This is based on a historical view of
> what has happened the last two decades. Some may read this and say "no way" and that is ok.
> My goal is to properly inform you why we are where we are at with the
> speculative investment called the Iraqi Dinar. Also it may be an eye
> opener to many on how governments do what they do. So here it goes.
> To tell the full story, I would have to write a book, so I will try to
> condense as much as possible to bring the main points to life.
> Understand my writings are my view from all that I have gathered and I
> am sure any who are mentioned will deny at any moment this is or could
> be the truth.
> During the term George Bush, Sr. was president, I will say a group of
> people who have more power than any one government saw the way our
> country was going to be financially in the next ten to twenty years.
> ....
> Due to the way we allowed financing to be done, the way mortgages were
> done it would cause our monetary system to fail in years to come.
> It would cause millions to be without jobs, to lose their homes, allow
> millions to be in a position not be able to feed their families. Sound
> familiar? That time frame they saw back then that would be was from
> five years ago to our present time.
> They saw back then that we were going down a path where we would be
> spending more than we could pay. United States as we know it would
> self destruct. From this, they had to do something that could change
> the course of events, otherwise, we would financially destroy ourselves.
> If it wasn't for what they did, we would have.
> But what they did, will change the course of events just temporarily,
> until a more permanent fix could be implemented. The more permanent
> fix was and is a one world currency. But not to get ahead of myself,
> let me tell the story as I know it.
> In order to fix a to be broken financial country, they needed to "use"
> a country that had all of the right "perks" that could be basically
> crushed and rebuilt, which would cause a new currency to be developed
> and then revalued. From this, the monies profited from this could fix
> the debt that would soon swallow the country if not corrected.
> So, they saw that Iraq had all the "perks" needed to be the "fix". But
> how to get Iraq in a position to where this could happen.
> Well, this group that I mentioned earlier that has more power than any
> one country government, paid Saddam Hussein to invade Kuwait. This
> provided the opportunity to go in Kuwait and drive Iraq out.
> Having Iraq invade Kuwait, provided the event to oust Iraq from Kuwait
> which meant Kuwait needed a new currency and then revalue their currency.
> This in turn, caused the United States to have a large surplus during
> the Clinton administration as the profits obtained from Kuwait
> revaluing their currency.
> How that happened is when Iraq invaded Kuwait, they took their
> currency. So when we came into Kuwait, we had the UN devalue the
> Kuwait currency so Iraq could not buy weapons with it. Once, Iraq was
> removed from Kuwait, we had the UN create a new currency and re-implement the previous value to it.
> The United States took Kuwait dinar as payment before the revaluation.
> When it revalued, the US made a huge profit causing a surplus for our
> country during the Clinton administration.
> Now that is what happened that led to us invading Iraq later stating
> they had "weapons of Mass Destruction", which many found out later was
> never there.
> It was a term used for US to gain access to invade Iraq, so the same
> scenario could take place once again like it did in Kuwait so the US
> could make a huge profit and cure the deficit we created.
> The big difference is it also provided us with a new allie in the Arab
> world that sat right next to Iran. In addition it allowed us the
> position to create a democratic Arab nation that in time would
> replicate itself throughout the Arab nations.
> We see this happening now in Yemen, Libya, and other Arab countries.
> But the main reason as all already know is it gives us a stronghold on
> the oil situation in the Arab community.
> But back to the story.
> Once we invaded Iraq, overthrew Saddam and freed Iraq from its
> dictator, we now had to rebuild Iraq. Like Kuwait, but drastically different. Why?
> Kuwait was already established as a democratic country. All that was
> needed there was to re-establish their dinar value after creating a new currency.
> With Iraq, it had to be rebuilt from scratch.
> We had to assist them to form a government through electoral process.
> We had to rebuild their electrical and water grids. Had to rebuild
> their roads and highways. Not to mention their oil pipelines and pumping stations.
> Unfortunately, there was some drawbacks that was not foreseen such as
> no one in Iraq could trust each other for hundreds of years. So to
> create a government where the people of Iraq could trust took many
> years, and to this day is still not completely functional as you can
> see with the continuous feuding between blocs as Maliki and Allawi.
> Both think they should be the Prime Minister and both think their way
> is the only way. It took over 9 months for Iraq to have a
> semi-functioning government that could start passing laws. And to this
> day, by their constitution, every law to be passed must be read three
> times in Parliament, allow any Parliament member to tear it apart
> before it can be passed by all before it is a law.
> So the rebuilding took much longer than did Kuwait. Kuwait, 3 years
> verses Iraq 11 years and still going.
> So when we invaded Iraq, we did the same thing as have the UN devalue
> the Iraq currency to zero, invaded, ousted the dictator, then printed
> a new currency, and now we are in the process of re-valuing the currency.
> This is the part that makes you and me money. When the new currency
> was printed in 2003, the US spent $500 billion dollars to print new
> Iraq dinars, when printed, we took some of the new dinars as repayment
> for the
> $500 billion spent.
> This was in the amount of many trillion dinars which is tucked away
> waiting on revalue. When Iraq re-values its currency, many feel it
> should be closely aligned with Kuwait which is at around $3.64 to 1 Kuwait Dinar.
> When this happens, US will say ok Iraq, I have all these trillions of
> Iraq Dinars I want to cash out.
> There will be more than enough to pay off our national debt if it is
> chosen to be used that way. In addition, the more than 4 million US
> citizens that will cash out their dinar, will create millions of jobs
> that those who are now wealthy will end employment.
> Businesses will prosper due to millions buying things. Real Estate
> will prosper, banks will prosper and IRS will prosper. All will
> benefit from this.
> But, during the process of this being about us, things changed.
> Different countries who modeled our way of doing things also started
> tanking and before the Iraq Dinar could re-value it was stopped and
> the purpose for Iraq re-valuing had to be changed from a US fix to a
> global fix, which is where we are now.
> At this point we have over 140 countries needing the Iraq Dinar to be
> the fix.
> The global financial situation continues to grow into a gigantic world
> overhaul, which many presume was the purpose from the beginning.
> Hence, the one world currency which is still yet to be a threat by
> those same group that are more powerful than any one country.
> So today, we have Iraq finalizing the Erbil (governmental power
> sharing
> agreement) which will be the immediate fix for the HCL (hydrocarbon
> law, which divides the profits of oil revenue to the different states
> of Iraq) as well as will complete the passing of the law of the 2012
> Parliament Budget. What is important about the 2012 Parliament Budget
> being passed is the re-value is in this budget.
> Now that you have been updated as to how the events took place to make
> this happen, lets go into why it will happen.
> During Saddam's reign he created a massive debt to many countries.
> Owing $ billions of dollars to many.
>  Once we got him out of power and started rebuilding Iraq, we had to
> get these countries to not go after the profits Iraq would make on their oil.
> Understanding that Iraq has the 3rd largest oil reserve in the world,
> and soon to be the leader in oil reserves. Saudi Arabia is 1st and
> Canada is 2nd. I know, you are surprised that Canada is 2nd. I was too.
> Anyways, to get the countries that Saddam owed to not come after the
> oil profits, we as in the UN (United Nations) and IMF (International
> Monetary
> Fund) froze Iraq Oil Profits and kept the countries that Saddam owed
> from gaining access to it.
> Eventually we worked out with them that to trade in exchange for Iraq
> Dinar that was now worthless if they would forgive Iraq of their debt to them.
> Well, eighty percent forgave the debt owed to them completely in trade
> of a present worthless new Iraq Dinar and the other twenty percent
> forgave over eighty percent of the debt owed to them in exchange for
> the new worthless Iraq Dinar. Makes you go hmmmmm.
> Now we have many countries around the world holding the new Iraq
> Currency that presently is worthless. Why would they go for this?
> Well, they know that in time, it will be worth what it used to be
> $3.22 per dinar or more somewhere down the road.
> So, we have many countries that will not allow this to fail because
> they are holding a lot of Iraq's new currency.
> We have a country (Iraq) that is pulling more gold out of their ground
> per day than they are pumping oil out. Which was just found a couple
> of months ago, right under the streets of Baghdad. Funny thing is,
> they was trying to fix their rain water run off when they discovered this.
> Now, they already had well over 500 thousand tons of gold in storage.
> So we know they have massive amounts of oil, natural gas, and gold.
> They also have the most fertile ground for agriculture along the
> Euphrates river. At one time, Iraq was the number one producer of
> grain in the Arab nations, and will be again. So Iraq has the ability
> to cover the re-valuation of the Dinar just in assets alone but that
> is not how they will cover the re-evaluation.
>  Let me explain the process, when the Iraq Dinar re-values and we cash
> out our dinars.
> Here is the cash out process. (IMO)
> When Iraq re-values their currency they will have to set a rate of
> exchange for it. They will do this through their "Federal Reserve"
> they call the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI), their website is
> <
> enc=AZMteEF2IDgcLR9z2VoqLa11rH2YDGmsypkGmG86EL0rDTHEdn7tm66-wpY8pOI_v7
> MnEDFexF6w7hm22U3Ol-I3SGjF1xYQvtIXCVRuQ-RXKup56Je2Jjznao8wDe-zhUrDUe40
> 6_e1-xQ2rq7R4qwaIbMMhT_dZaMSYd5oFUH8Tg&s=1>
>  .
> Once this rate is set, we go to our local bank, probably one of the
> main four of either Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo or Citibank
> (the same banks that right now say they will not cash out Iraq Dinars,
> because, they say its not a tradable currency at present).
> They, will most likely want to give you a little less than what the
> CBI states the value is and this is called a spread, which is a
> percentage or profit margin the bank will make to do the exchange for
> you (unless you group up with other dinarians and bring the bank an
> amount that will make them go WOW, lol). I'll explain more later on this.
> But lets say for example their spread is 1%. What this does for the
> bank is the amount of cash, that you make from this exchange, that
> goes into their bank, will be used in a term called fractional
> banking. This means that they can now loan money out, ten times, what
> you put in the bank. So it gives the bank money to make money (Fractional Banking).
> The bank will take your Iraq Dinars, give you money in your account,
> then send the Iraq Dinars to the United States Treasury (UST). The UST
> will give the bank the money either virtually or wire transfer the
> amount the CBI rate is. The UST now either sends Iraq the dinars or
> tells Iraq, they have this much Iraq Dinar, and in turn Iraq will give
> USA oil credits at $35 a barrel of oil (This has already been agreed upon and is in the records).
> Now the USA can either take this $35 a barrel of oil and use it here
> or it can resell it for $100 a barrel or more to other countries. If
> they sell it, they just tell Iraq send 200,000 barrels of our oil to
> Germany for example.
> Now, you have been paid, the bank has been paid and UST has been paid.
> Iraq cost to get a barrel of crude oil out of the ground is around
> $13. So, Iraq now has made a profit of each barrel of USA sold oil of $12.
> In essence, it does not cost Iraq anything to cover the cost of the
> re-value (RV). Actually they made money by re-valuing their currency!
> If this does not drop your lower jaw then I don't think nothing will.
> A well executed plan to not only fix USA's debt problem, cover many
> other countries debt problem but also, place us in a position in the
> Arab Nation where we can indirectly control the western hemisphere, as
> well as get rid of the remaining countries dictators which will bring
> peace to the world all in one swoop!


Here is another big DOT for you!!

I am grateful to our Northern Copperhead Compatriots as yourself who, like your ancestors, saw the real Transparency of this false Ideology and stood with the South and risked all.
This is ENTIRELY the Big Dot, as you aptly described it Tony, of the Beast itself and it sums up why & what the Civil War was Totally based upon- Money, Power & Control.

  To possess Power & Money was NOT enough to sustain the Washington Cabal, then as now for, without CONTROL (Central/National Government), those two components would be meaningless.

  And, in sum total, that is why they could NEVER LET US GO!

  Those People knew full well & fully understood that a comparison would soon arise from which the People could & would compare BOTH types of Governments and Countries and the Confederacy, that CONFEDERATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL SOVEREIGNS, would TRUMP the thesis of their baseless Central Orthodoxy.

  Thank you Sir for forwarding.

God Bless,
  Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America

PS- And this is WHY they FEAR us to this very day…. because we remain the Voices on the Wind from which the Republic was founded and that is why they want us SILENCED….NO MATTER HOW!

From: Tony Smith []
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 9:34 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Here is another big DOT for you!!

Mammon Money and Modernization

By JC Collins
Does modernization feed money printing or does money printing feed modernization?  Or do they both feed each other through an invisible process of mulching and chewing?
The modern method of money creation which is personified in our debt based system is little understood by the masses.  There are many reasons for this but  none more obvious than the fact that the disorganized masses are not educated about the esoteric nature of money and how the alchemical process of turning nothing into something is a secret formula hidden from all but a few.
Politicians make promises about change and better times based upon falsified and illusionary arguments which never draw attention to the method of money creation or how culture is structured around it.
The sole purpose of everything in society is about promoting and sustaining the debt based system.  The system, a method by which wealth, the time and labor of man, is converted into currency to service yesterdays debt so debt tomorrow can continue, requires a continuous creation of debt, or expansion of credit.
This credit, the act of money creation, has injection points into the sociological structure, by which expansion is not only necessary, but guaranteed.
Some of these injection points are home mortgages, car loans, student loans, credit cards, including department store cards, and the other numerous and spin-off injections points, such as home equity loans, vehicle title loans, etc..
The increase in population further expands the credit injection points as more debt requires more time and labor to service, and more potential time and labor requires additional capital to secure tomorrows debt expansion.  It gets to be that both feed continuously on one another until there are no differentiating components.
The injection points themselves, once established, have to continuously draw in the additional time and labor to ensure the flow of money creation is not disrupted.
The human propensity for mammon is capitalized on to effortlessly widen the injections points.  Methods used include the slow leakage of technology into the sociological sphere at a pace which feeds both modernization and money creation at a level of conscious symbiosis between man and matter.
Every year we are introduced to the latest automobile models and lambasted with endless marketing telling us why we need the latest and greatest.  Fashions change from season to season and year to year.  Home renovation television shows convince us that our home is in fact not good enough and we must get an equity loan to upgrade the inferior aspects of our lives.
Careers are increasingly more difficult to obtain without education and the required level of education can only be reached by ever larger student loans.
Then there are the ancillary aspects of money creation which drain away our so-called disposable income.  The endless list of these distractive and intangible injection points include the latest must see trip to the multiplex theater, music, games, food that isn’t food, shoes, speeding tickets, parking tickets, virtually everything at Walmart, and all other segments of functional civilization.
All this money goes back into the system to continuously feed the process.  It is virtually impossible to go through life and not accumulate debt while maintaining the lifestyle which is promoted to us.
The more money is printed the more injection points are required and the larger they must become.  This is why money printing has increased dramatically in the last decade.  The system is being prolonged until the replacement system is in place and ready to be activated.
Think of it like an individual collecting so much debt that they can no longer service their own debt, so they either declare bankruptcy or get a debt consolidation through a recognized financial institution.  Then the debt collection and money expansion can continue once more.
The same process happens with sovereign debts.  They can be expanded endlessly until the new system is ready to consolidate the old debt into the mechanics of the new system.
Today we are on the verge of such a new system.  In fact the system should have changed alongside the collapse of the Soviet Union but was prolonged.  The two big opposing paradigms since the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 were the intentionally opposing paradigms of democracy and communism.  Both ideologies were locked in the embrace of the cold war with both sides funded by the same international banking interests.
After the fragmentation of the Soviet Union the western world appeared to inherit a unipolar world.  With appearances being deceiving the United States was forced to instigate the first gulf war and ensure that Iraqi oil continued to be denominated in dollars.
From there the unipolar world was lead from one crisis to another, all in efforts to extend the life of the dollar until such a time that the international banking interests were able to secure and implement central bank infrastructure, along with policies and procedures for the remainder of the world.
Along the way new injection points were created and old ones were expanded to facilitate the increased flow of credit.  The great credit expansion of the late 20th Century and early 21st Century was realized through easy mortgages and abundant credit cards and vehicle loans.  All sorts of mammon devices were created to ensure the dollars being printed had somewhere to go until the time came for the next economic reset.
A somewhat distorted level of negotiation is still taking place around the world which is pushing the life of the dollar based system as far out as possible while still being able to effectively manage the expansion of credit.  The world is running out of places to dump debt and the hired politicians are hard pressed to sell the script.
The modernization and urbanization which took place after World War Two likely had more to do with our debt based system of money creation.   This growth in the sociological sphere had to be handled and engineered to hold the disorganized masses within invisible fences.  The marketing and financing of the injection points began and a new way of life was promoted.
Another pattern which can be extrapolated from this same line of logic is that the Industrial Revolution, which began in and around the year 1760, was only possible because of the new methods of money creation which began with the founding of Stockholms Banco, the worlds first central bank, in 1657, by the Dutch merchant Johan Wittmacher.
Wittmacher was credited with introducing paper money to Europe and was the first banker to implement the system of loaning out depositor money and using paper certificates as a means of ensuring the depositors would not come back for their original deposits.
This was followed up in the year 1694 with the founding of the Bank of England, the worlds second central bank.  From their the money flowed and there was plenty of it to finance development, modernization and industrialization.  The world would never be the same.
Of course modernization is a wonderful thing when compared to the bare existence in years gone by.  But it still begs the question proposed at the beginning of this post.  Does modernization feed money printing or does money printing feed modernization?
Was the potential for modernization simply bulging at the seems of civilization and just waiting for the right system of organization in order to finally break free and push humanity in new directions?
Or was modernization a by-product of mass money printing by way of credit injection points?

If our modern and developed world is built on mammon how are we ever to escape its clutches and push forward with the full realization of humanities potential?  – JC



Omegaman: prepare for disinformation, believe nothing until you hear FOREX LIVE...

Bold n courageous: It appears from the clues that the Admirals group is getting paid for their dinar in Kuwait right now

Omegaman: if true then the admirals group could be getting paid tonight, or tomorrow, then the floodgates will open

Goodies2014:My guess.  it's live in Kuwait.  army/airforce etc are flying to Kuwait, to do their exchange.  First tier people are also now being paid out.  CBI is live in Kuwait.  Hopefully we're not too far away..

Ok..i / commerce/ phone systems/ communication systems/ electronic banking systems have all been switched ON!....and things are taking OFF!!!
..Iraq is open for business... i wonder if there's celebrations on the would be like Christmas in would be amazing!!

Nana7:t's only live in Kuwait right now.

J. Harv:Live! Iraq dinars are on the tiers rate..for Kuwait. US Military service personnel are being transported in to Kuwait to exchange.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

ArchAngel Michael: Rewiring Your Brain to Receive Joy

ArchAngel Michael:  Rewiring Your Brain to Receive Joy

AA Michael:

We have asked our channel to send you a message every day until the Revaluation of Currencies takes place.  There is much for us to talk with you about, and it is a time of high energies and high emotions.  This also makes it a very good time for learning new ways of thinking and being.

I want to talk with you about the quality of your relationships - the ones with your loved ones, your friends, your boss and your leaders.  You have come through thousands of years of conflict, disappointment and pain.  It has prepared you well for continuing conflict and pain, but not for unconditional, unending Love.  This is one of the reasons many on Earth now find it so hard to imagine that we in the higher dimensions do not condemn or punish; it has become inconceivable to your poor bruised egos to imagine that anyone in authority could be so kind and accepting.

It is not your fault.  How could you imagine something you have never seen in this lifetime?  This is only possible if you are living deep inside your heart, and are able to unlearn all the conditioned responses that have been laid down in the overworked fight-or-flight patterns in your brain.  This is the neurological programming to your physical body that we are going to help you with now.  It is a different kind of healing - one which will affect everything you feel and especially everything you experience in your relationships.

I will begin with the illustrations of how these patterns in your brain are laid down, and how we see their effects in your behavior.  Then, tomorrow, our beloved Sanat Kumara, the one who has been Kathryn's teacher and friend for 40 years, will help you to devise a meditation and a clear pathway to freedom to help you leave behind these handicaps you now carry in your human brain.

We are delighted to have as our channel the one whose work it was to develop and practice these methods over all these years.  There are no accidents, are there?  We will work with her knowledge base and consult with her was we present these Lessons in Change.

You see, we always work with you in this way too, combining our talents and sensibilities, our wisdom and yours.  This is the way we have brought humankind to the place you are now, poised on the threshold of dramatic and triumphant Ascension.  There is another profound step toward freedom which you all need to take now.  Come with me.  I will show you what we see.

The human body is a magnificent creation, developed over eons to be the most adaptable, sturdy "machine" in the Universe for the inhabitation of a soul.  Oh, yes, there are other magnificent creations as well, but none as perfectly designed to allow for the expression of the feelings, actions and will of the Creator.

You may be shaking your heads in disbelief, even though you have heard many times that you were created in the image of our Creator.  Of course, there are some loose ends to be tied up and some temporary adaptations to be reworked, but on the whole, you are brilliant even in the relatively primitive state of development you are experiencing now.

Do not feel insulted, Dear Ones, as if I were judging you and your own development.  This is not what we are now working together to improve. Your beautiful human equipment (not the soul identity you are) is now up for an overhaul, an upgrade, you might say, and we are going to do that together, you and I.  This time, you will not turn your equipment over to a doctor or mechanic to fix it.  You will be in charge of the level of upgrade you are given, and how you will use it.

I am going to give you a picture of what we see when we look into your brain and your body.  It is very easy for us to see the patterns of energies as they are expressed in the cells of your various operating systems in your body.  We can read the patterns of light and darkness, colorings and intensities which show up on our "screen" as we observe your actions and the physical response to your feelings.

This ability to see energy patterns and their effects in the body are the basis for all the new "energy healing" techniques your healers have been developing and using very effectively in recent years.  They are discovering how to use the abilities you have as a matter of course in your Higher Self - to bring that awareness down into your body consciousness.  It is just one expression of the ongoing evolution of human abilities you are experiencing now.

Let us begin with an example of how living in anxiety has affected your nervous system and therefore your entire body.  You can refer to Kathryn's book, "Who Needs Light?" for a full explanation of how emotional patterns from infancy are laid down in the brain and become the superhighway for later emotional responses.

Imagine our two friends, Dave and Sue.  Both had what most people would think of as a good childhood.  They grew up in moderately prosperous suburbs in the U.S. where fathers went to work and most mothers were also entering the work force but still carried much of the responsibility for childcare.  They went to school, graduated from high school without any obvious outward trouble, and both attended college before they married and settled down to begin a life of striving to "succeed" in the workplace.

Given that both were able to find jobs and bring in enough money to support themselves and their healthy, growing family, you would think they must be happy with their life.  Unfortunately, all is not right in their version of Paradise.
Sue feels exhausted and overworked, and often resents Dave's activities apart from the family, when he spends a day playing golf with his buddies or watches long hours of sports on TV while she cares for the children, cooks for all of them, and spends her weekends driving to children's activities and running errands in between.

Sue wants to be loving, kind and patient with her children, but she finds herself being short-tempered and dictatorial when the list of responsibilities she shoulders becomes overwhelming.  She loves her children deeply, but finds it difficult to express her love through gentle tolerance.  She feels helpless to change the situation, because all her friends seem to suffer from the same malaise, and their husbands are much like her Dave.  Sue doesn't want to deprive him of the leisure time with his friends because she knows it would create resentment toward her, and her position of being economically dependent upon him as the father of her children leaves her feeling wary and uncertain.

Sue must hide her feelings of resentment and jealousy out of fear that she would sound shrewish and demanding, and she does not want to see herself that way.  She knows that the decision for her to go out to work was partly her own, but now she regrets the hours she spends at a desk doing work she does not particularly like, wishing she could be at home with her kids without being rushed and stressed out.

Dave is not faring much better.  Life is not the beautiful picture he envisioned when he and Sue decided to get married.  He had great hopes for his success in his work, but the economy has not prospered the way he had hoped, and the market for his work has waned enough to make him feel afraid for the future of his family.  He would prefer that Sue not have to work, but the thought of being the sole earner fills him with dread.

He sees how hard she works, but cannot do what she does very well, and it makes him feel even more guilty and inadequate when he tries to help her out.  It makes him feel like a child himself.  He hates the feeling of being overwhelmed, and he does everything possible to avoid it.  A night out in the bar joking and flirting with his coworkers helps, but of course it means he is leaving Sue at home alone to do laundry and take care of the kids.

He does love his children, and loves to play with them and take them to the park or coach their games, but he is at a loss when it comes to braiding his daughter's hair, and his squeamishness about diapers and personal hygiene is entrenched.  He only wishes he and Sue could restore the sweet feelings of physical attraction they used to have, but it is more and more difficult to find time for being intimate.  They are so often uncomfortable in each other's presence, and leftover small squabbles from the day are brushed aside because they can't seem to find a way to resolve them.

Dave and Sue are skirting the edge of the cliff, living a life of unfulfilled promises which lead to resentment and divisiveness.  The more uncomfortable they are with each other, the more their children are expressing it in tantrums, aggressive behavior and sullen pouting.  Everyone in this "ideal" family is feeling the strain.

How do we know the intimate feelings and thoughts of our beloved human charges?  We see the patterns of emotion light up in their bodies and their brains as they experience their life challenges.  When Dave calls Sue to tell her he will be late, we see the flash of energy/light flow like lightening from the place in her pre-frontal cortex (forward brain) down through her brainstem, igniting the fight-or-flight response which touches off a flood of adrenaline and other hormones which are immediately released into her bloodstream.

Her heart begins to pound (we can hear its echo on the airwaves) as she struggles against anger and jealousy, both of which show up in the color of the energy produced in the limbic (feeling/emotional) center of her brain, just forward and below the adult operating center we have been teaching you to adapt as your command center.  As we watch, we see the flashes of intense energy touching off responses in her body - in her stomach, her solar plexus, her gut, and her lungs.  The brain circuit, from just behind her eyes to the limbic system, to the brain stem and downward into her body, engages her adrenal glands, then cascades through her body like a waterfall of intense energy which her body will need as much as 72 hours to reabsorb and balance.

In the process, Sue's heart is engaged to pump blood faster to her extremities, to allow her to fight or flee, but the intensity of the adrenaline response does not allow her to engage the deep feelings of her heart, her Love center.  And so she struggles, trying to overcome the anger at being left yet again to shoulder responsibilities she expected to share, losing her grip on the gentle comforts of being in love with her partner.

She feels the only recourse to try to calm the rising panic is to take the drug her doctor recommended.  It subdues her feelings and allows her to float free, disconnected from her feelings and therefore from her life and the joy it might offer, if she knew how to access the connections to her heart.

Meanwhile, Dave's brain is going through a mirror process.  His brain registers first the feelings of longing for something he cannot quite identify.  It is a familiar response which originates close to the hunger centers in his brain, in the hypothalamus, a small but powerful little gland tucked deep into the lower brain, behind the palate.

Dave does not know how to find satisfaction for the feelings of longing he feels, and so he turns to food, alcohol, and a night with friends who will joke and play with him.  He does not absorb the joy which might have resulted from his encounters because the alcohol inhibits the transmission of feelings, but this is not the only reason.  The connection from his hypothalamus to his heart is so little used that he does not know how to access it.  Years of training to "use your head", be "rational" and "control yourself" (meaning suppress your feelings) have created a feedback loop within his brain and body which has no outlet in his heart.

As he turns to join his friends, a momentary wave of shame and guilt floods the limbic centers of his brain, lighting up dark purple, with waves of red and orange.  This is a complex, far-reaching response to emotional needs which have gone unfulfilled since early childhood.  As the initial fear-based response floods his body, it touches off another survival-oriented system which sends energy caroming around his brain to areas which are associated with identity, self-worth, security and well-being.

In moments of threat to his primitive (child-like) feelings of psychological safety, the energy flow organizes into established patterns we would call "ego." We identify these entrenched patterns by their dark colors and intense, circulatory, repetitive quality.  They flash and course around the lower systems of the brain without breaking through into the center channel which leads to the center of the heart.  The heart does indeed beat faster, but it is with fear, and so the living heart center is not activated.  Instead, Dave feels an aching heaviness around his heart, as energy coagulates rather than flows.  This is the beginning of what we see as a "heart condition" in its early stages.

Dave responds by fighting his way out of the guilty feelings with defiance.  His ego kicks in to remind him of his right to do whatever he wants since he is an adult (a child's view of adulthood, originating from his center of focus just behind his eyes), and he feels a sense of recklessness and abandon which is the closest he can get to freedom.  He feels titillated, daring, and sexually stimulated.  He is an affair waiting to happen.  We see wreckage ahead in his life path, and feel the pain of knowing how these beloved human travelers have suffered in their valiant but unsuccessful attempts to find any kind of real balance or fulfillment for themselves and each other.

In both Sue and Dave, the deepest body and brain centers - from the center of your heart to the center of your adult brain, to the crown chakra where you connect with us in higher dimensions through the energy channel which naturally runs downward through your entire body and into the loving, nourishing Mother Earth - have been discredited, denied and nearly obliterated by long years of training and "civilization."

We see your suffering, Beloved Ones, in the darkened colors of your physical body and your aura.  The vivid picture of your being reads pain.  How could we feel anything but compassion and love for you?  You have braved the rapids of this tempestuous river you call life.  You have come here to learn, to teach and to grow.  It is now your time to be free of these old patterns of pain which, ingrained, create a repetitive cycle which brings further pain.

Now that you have heard and felt the truth of my description of the cycles of emotion you have been caught up in, use the picture of your brain and body (there are many available on the internet) to dislodge old patterns.  Create new channels to carry different sequences of feelings which will light up higher areas of your brain, literally, bringing comfort and love to every nerve ending, every circuit that fires, every spark of life in your body.

Begin with the true center of your physical being, which is your heart.  Breathe deeply, concentrating on the center of your heart.  Let go of your brain entirely, physically.  Feel the muscles and nerves ease as you breathe healing oxygen through your resting brain, directed by your overseeing Higher Self.  Your Higher Self has no need for the thinking parts of your brain right now.  No thoughts are needed, just images of the inside of your head, your living brain, absorbing the sweet energy of Light to ease and erase all pain.

See the channels which have carried old images and thoughts of fear, but DO NOT GO INTO THEM.  Instead, surround them with Light energy as it flows with the oxygen into your entire system.  Here is the key:  As you renew and cleanse these areas of your brain, especially those that connect with your brainstem where the fight or flight response originates, be acutely aware and mindful that you must not re-ignite them, or your hard work is for naught.  It would be like scrubbing your floors till they are spotless, then walking across them with muddy feet.

This is the reason change is so difficult.  Your "natural" tendency is to immediately re-establish the pain channels and their corollary ego channels which are so familiar, tried and true, so to speak.  You will catch yourself at it when you hear yourself thinking about past hurts, unresolved anger and pain.  Do not go there!  Instead, turn your sights to the Light, connect with me and feel the great Love I have for you.  I offer you the power of my great silver sword and great blue flame to cleanse and release you from all past suffering.

Reach now for the highest vibration you can feel in your heart and soul.  Reach for us, Beloved Ones.  Feel the love for yourselves that we feel.  Banish all the old feelings that required an intense ego response which is always based in fear.  Let the warmth of acceptance, Love and hope wash over you, replacing pain with Joy.  You then become the receptacle of Joy that you were meant to be.

It is in your nature, Dear Ones, to be happy.  You do not have to learn it from scratch.  You were born with the capacity to Love and to communicate with us and with God.  Claim your birthright now!  Let your Light energy fill every pore, every fiber, every nerve. You will feel the light dawning inside your Self! This is your new day dawning, and you will teach all humankind with the example of one who arises from the proverbial ashes, brand new and in Love.

I celebrate you, I Love you eternally, and I await your return to my embrace.

I am your Michael, Archangel in loving service to humankind.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, PsyD, July 10, 2014, 5 PM, New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website,

BREAKING: Resolution Filed for Arrest of Lois Lerner!

BREAKING: Resolution Filed for Arrest of Lois Lerner!

July 10, 2014 By

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On Thursday, Tea Party Congressman Steve Stockman announced that he and several other lawmakers had “filed a resolution directing the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Lois Lerner for contempt.”

Lerner has been at the center of the IRS scandal as she was the head of the nonprofit department that oversaw tax exempt status designations. She and the IRS waged a years-long campaign of harassment against Tea Party groups in an apparent effort to stymie political efficacy.

On Wednesday, Congress discovered emails that show an attempt by Lerner to cover her tracks as investigators investigated her department’s actions.

On Thursday, Rep. Stockman announced the resolution calling for the arrest of Lerner. 
“Asking the Justice Department to prosecute Lois Lerner for admittedly illegal activity is a joke.  The Obama administration will not prosecute the Obama administration.  How much longer will the House allow itself to be mocked?  It is up to this House to uphold the rule of law and hold accountable those who illegally targeted American citizens for simply having different ideas than the President,” said Stockman.

“Democrats have openly stated the House has the powers to arrest those in contempt of Congress and imprison them in the Capitol.  I don’t want to go as far as Democrats in exercising the House’s powers to arrest.  Ms. Lerner will be held in the D.C. jail,” Stockman said. 
Arresting Lerner would place her in custody where she would retain all legal rights and be offered an attorney. 
“It’s time to for House to stop tacitly endorsing this administration’s illegal activity by refusing to hold him accountable.  I expect Democrats to defend and even praise criminal activity.  The question is whether Republican leadership will join them in mocking the House and breaking the law,” Stockman continued. 
Undoubtedly, Democrats will take issue with the resolution. However, a statement from Stockman’s office clarified that the power exists within Congress. Quoting a New York Times article, Stockman’s office wrote, 
“From the Republic’s earliest days, Congress has had the right to hold recalcitrant witnesses in contempt — and even imprison them — all by itself. In 1795, shortly after the Constitution was ratified, the House ordered its sergeant at arms to arrest and detain two men accused of trying to bribe members of Congress. The House held a trial and convicted one of them,” the Times wrote in a Dec. 4, 2007 editorial.

“In 1821, the Supreme Court upheld Congress’s right to hold people in contempt and imprison them. Without this power, the court ruled, Congress would “be exposed to every indignity and interruption, that rudeness, caprice, or even conspiracy, may mediate against it.” Later, in a 1927 case arising from the Teapot Dome scandal, the court upheld the Senate’s arrest of the brother of a former attorney general — carried out in Ohio by the deputy sergeant at arms — for ignoring a subpoena to testify,” the Times wrote. 
Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has even mentioned how she reserved the right to arrest Karl Rove and hold him in the Capitol.’s Executive Director, Niger Innis, was delighted with the news, saying, 
“Unlike Watergate, which was an inconsequential, incompetent robbery job, Lerner’s crimes are not just her obstruction and cover-up, but it’s the very act itself of using the police powers of the Executive Branch of our government as a partisan, political weapon against Tea Party and other conservative groups, harassing and denying them the opportunity to exercise their First Amendment rights.”

Germany Races To Stop US-Backed July Terror Attack

July 9, 2014
Germany Races To Stop US-Backed July Terror Attack
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A chilling new report prepared by the Federal Security Service (FSB) says that Russian intelligence experts were contacted earlier today by Germany’s foreign secret service agency Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) and warned that the Obama regime is planning a “catastrophic 9/11-type false flag terror attack” to occur on or about 28 July in order to “mask” the pending collapse of the current global economic system.
According to this report, the BND contacted the FSB earlier today after it had arrested a second Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent engaged in “grave terrorist offences” in Germany relating to “nuclear devices” being smuggled into both Europe and America for an attack(s) to be blamed on the shadowy Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who like Osama bin Laden before him is being funded by both Saudi Arabia and the US.
The uncovering of this plot by the BND, this report continues, was due, in part, to secret National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) documents released by former CIA agent whistleblower Edward Snowden and which were due to be published last week.
When contacted last week by the reporters due to release this information, this report says, the BND “requested and received” an “assurance” from them not to publish the full details of their discovery until Germany intelligence agents were able to arrest the CIA terror cell members and (hopefully) stop their planned attack. 
Critical to note in support of this FSB report is that the highly respected freedom of speech, cryptography, spying, and surveillance organization Cryptome, upon their learning of the planned suppression of these Snowden documents warned last week:  “July is when war begins unless headed off by Snowden full release of crippling intelAfter war begins not a chance of release, Warmongerers are on a rampage. So, yes, citizens holding Snowden docs will do the right thing.”
Also important to note, Glen Greenwald further explained that his failure to release these Snowden documents by stating: “After 3 months working on our story, USG [the United States government] today suddenly began making new last-minute claims which we intend to investigate before publishing.”
Germany’s fears relating to a planned false flag attack engineered by the US, this report explains, is rooted in their previous experience dealing with Washington during and after the tragic 9/11 events, and which in a suppressed 2002 official German government report shockingly stated:
“On Monday 6, August, 2001, at 17:50, [German] Ambassador Ischinger personally  notified the President of the United States that information developed by the  Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz [German domestic secret service] as well as the  BND [Bundesnachrichtendienst, German foreign secret service] indicated that an  attack by a radical Arab group partially based in Germany was to occur on 10-11  September, 2001.
The President was at that time in residence at his farm in Texas. Our [the German’s] Ambassador was acting in direct response to instructions from Foreign Minister Fischer.
This information was developed from official surveillance of Arab extremist groups operating in the Federal Republic as well as from intercepted communications between the Embassy of Israel and the Israeli Foreign Ministry in  Tel Aviv concerning this matter.
The information was “gratefully received” by the US President who stated at the time that he was also aware of the same pending assaults.
Subsequent to these attacks, the office of the US President, through the US  Department of State, made an urgent request to the government of the Federal  Republic of Germany that no reference whatsoever should be made to the official  warnings given by Ambassador Ischinger.
In order to clarify the background of this matter, this Gesamtubersicht [overall survey] of the events leading to the assault was prepared, basing on extracts of reports from our [BND’s] foreign stations. Overall, it is evident that the American authorities were aware of the pending attacks.”[Read full report HERE]
As to the timing of this/these false flag terror attacks being planned by the Obama regime, this report continues, is due to the rapidly collapsing global economic system, and which caused the “central banks’ central bank” Bank for International Settlements (BIS) to order during the last fortnight that the world’s central banks “stage a market collapse now rather than later.”
Information coming from America, this FSB report further notes, is that the US Federal Reserve is now apparently heeding this order from BIS and is planning a “controlled collapse” of the American economy, and which with the collapse of Portugal’s largest bank today, Espirito Santo International SA, shows may indeed be “too little too late”.
Important to note about this coming global economic collapse are that the “drivers” of it are the same as we warned about in our 28 June 2007 report US Banking Collapse ‘Imminent’ Warns French Banking Giant in which we forewarned: “French banking giant Société Générale Group, through its subsidiary SG CIB, the 3rd largest corporate and investment bank in the Euro zone, has warned today in a confidential report that the American banking system is in danger of ‘imminent collapse’ due to the hedge fund failures at US banking giant Bear Stearns…”
Most unfortunately, especially for the American people about our 2007 warning, was that they had been “conditioned” by US intelligence covert agents to only believe what their government propagandists told them was true…but which the Financial Crisis of 2007–08 showed how wrong they were when they lost trillions of their savings and pensions, and tens of millions more were thrown from their homes.
In fact: As we had warned on 28 June 2007 that the collapse was coming in order for people to be able to protect themselves…as late as 11 March 2008, top US financial expert Jim Cramer of CNBC was screaming at his viewers… “Do NOT take your money out of Bear Sterns! Everything is FINE!”  Six days later…Bear Sterns collapsed.
To the events being described in this FSB report, however, it should be noted that (hopefully) these Western peoples are much wiser to “The Great Game” being played with them being, once again, the pawns who will suffer the most…but who are less likely to believe the “official story” now being drilled daily into their minds…even as these planed Obama regime terror attacks are about to be unleashed.
July 9, 2014 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]

Obozo Sends Pink Slips To Soldiers In Iraq And Afganistan....

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Obozo Sends Pink Slips To Soldiers In Iraq And Afganistan....
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Thursday, 10-Jul-2014 21:58:33

The message is: If you survive your deployment, you will be laid off...
In a stunning display of callousness, the Defense Department has announced that thousands of soldiers — many serving as commanding officers in Afghanistan — will be notified in the coming weeks that their service to the country is no longer needed.
Last week, more than 1,100 Army captains — the men and women who know best how to fight this enemy because they have experienced multiple deployments — were told they’ll be retired from the Army.
The overall news is not unexpected. The Army has ended its major operations in Iraq and is winding down in Afghanistan. Budget cuts are projected to shrink the Army from its current 520,000 troops to 440,000, the smallest size since before World War II.
What is astonishing is that the Defense Department thought it would be appropriate to notify deployed soldiers — men and women risking their lives daily in combat zones — that they’ll be laid off after their current deployment.
As one Army wife posted on, “On some level I knew the drawdowns were inevitable, but I guess I never expected to be simultaneously worried about a deployment to Afghanistan and a pink slip because my husband’s service is no longer needed.”
Yet the issues go far beyond thanklessness. The nation should worry about the increased national-security risk of separating such a large pool of combat-experienced leaders. The separated soldiers are those who carry the deepest knowledge base of counterinsurgency operations.
A senior Defense Department official warned: “If the force is smaller, there’s less margin for error. Let’s face it — things are pretty uncertain out there.”
Commenting on the extraordinarily large number of captains being retired, Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. John Campbell said: “In other times, they’d probably continue to stay in the Army. But these are not normal times.”
Indeed not. While mass layoffs in the private sector generate front-page headlines, the media have largely ignored the reduction of our military. But who can blame them?
The war-weary public doesn’t want to hear that the cuts put the country at risk.
After more than a decade of fighting, even the most faithful — who used to rally behind the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan by sending CARE packages filled with cookies, candies and reminders of home — have moved on with their lives, with few thoughts of the soldiers still serving there.
And for far too many, a soldier is an uncomfortable reminder of what we have failed to do in the Middle East.
The most famous soldier in the country at the moment is not Lance Cpl. Kyle Carpenter, who was recently awarded the Medal of Honor for absorbing the brunt of a grenade blast in order to save a fellow Marine.
Instead, the media has focused on Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, a soldier who appears to have deserted his unit.
Consumed with the Bergdahl trade, most have ignored the death of Capt. Jason Jones, a heroic Special Forces commander killed by the Taliban in a firefight in Afghanistan less than a week after the Bergdahl release.
Capt. Jones was mourned by his family and his friends. He will never be forgotten by the soldiers who served with him and the cadets he led in his years at West Point.
The US Military Academy has paid a high price for these post-9/11 wars.
According to the Naval History and Heritage Command, the West Point cadet-to-death ratio in Iraq and Afghanistan is 11 times higher than the ratio experienced for the Academy in World War II, four times greater than during the Korean War and more than three times greater than in the Vietnam and Persian Gulf wars.
None of our soldiers has ever asked for our gratitude — they never really expected it. But they did expect to be able to finish the job they trained to do.
Sending pink slips to commanders still serving in a combat zone is wrong. They deserve so much better than this.
Former US Army Capt. Jon­athan Hendershott (West Point, 2007) served in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division and as a company commander in Ft. Hood, Texas. He lives in New York City. 

Obama Could Be Limping After This Arizona Sheriff Just Blasted Him

Obama Could Be Limping After This Arizona Sheriff Just Blasted Him

"...that's what President Obama has just done."

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Pinal County, AZ Sheriff Paul Babeu reported that the federal government continues to release illegal aliens into his community–and that his officers have arrested individuals who have already been deported up to 15 times!
“[The federal government] has released dangerous violent criminals right in my county; and they refuse to give me the names of these criminals, and that there are cartel scouts ushering the drugs through all the way up to Phoenix,” Babeu said. “We have a guy just yesterday we arrested and everyday 10 times deported, 15 times deported, because there are no consequences for breaking the law.”
Babeu also put President Obama’s claim on blast that the $3.7 billion he requested from Congress will help remedy the situation at the border.
“What the president is doing here is wasting this money because there’s no enforcement of law, there’s no consequences for breaking the law. And what he’s doing is sending an invitation to the millions and millions of illegals who will come from Mexico and Central America… that’s what President Obama has just done.”