Friday, July 11, 2014



VINMAN: Shabibi puppetmaster of CBI ready for Plan B and who is going to take the credit and not take the credit.

RANGER4564: So far:
Shabibi plan moving forward. Puppet master.
CBI ready with Plan B.  The
author and enablers of Plan B will remain anonymous.
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 12:55 PM

OMEGAMAN : this just in, from HK, we may see the platform Bond trading tomorrow (11 JULY), which means, and this is just a possibility, that the TRN's are forthcoming TONIGHT (10 JULY)....but,,,,,we do not know...tomorrow could be a great day...FRIDAY 7/11/14...
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 2:14 PM

The New “Swiss Bank Account” for Everyone is Finally Here

The New “Swiss Bank Account” for Everyone is Finally Here

Please find below a message from our advertising sponsor, Laissez Faire Club. Our email report is a free service to you with the help of our sponsors. The products, views, and offerings made by advertisers are not necessarily endorsed by

Incredible new banking system has the Feds rattled...

Dear Patriot,

I haven't seen anything like this before…

An entirely new way to bank is exploding around the world.

It's completely independent of the government and the central banking system.

Best of all its being run entirely by ordinary people just like you...

I call it the "underground banking system."

As you can imagine, Wall Street, the Fed and Congress are freaking out at the benefits this is offering people.

Not only are people getting an unprecedented level of privacy and security… many who have stuck with it had the opportunity to make as much as 5,000% on their investment.

One U.S. senator even asked if this might "replace the Swiss Bank account."

The truth is… it could be much bigger.

You need to see this before they try to shut it down.


Doug Hill
Director, Laissez Faire Club

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© 2014






In finance, a forward rate agreement (FRA) is a forward contract, an over-the-counter contract between parties that determines the rate of interest, or the currency exchange rate, to be paid or received on an obligation beginning at a future start date. The contract will determine the rates to be used along with the termination date and notional value.[1]On this type of agreement, it is only the differential that is paid on the notional amount of the contract. It is paid on the effective date. The reference rate is fixed one or two days before the effective date, dependent on the market convention for the particular currency. FRAs are over-the counter derivatives. FRAs are very similar to swaps except that in a FRA a payment is only made once at maturity. Instruments such as interest rate swap could be viewed as a chain of FRAs.
Many banks and large corporations will use FRAs to hedge future interest or exchange rate exposure. The buyer hedges against the risk of rising interest rates, while the seller hedges against the risk of falling interest rates. Other parties that use Forward Rate Agreements are speculators purely looking to make bets on future directional changes in interest rates.[citation needed] The development swaps in the 1980s provided organisations with an alternative to FRAs for hedging and speculating.
In other words, a forward rate agreement (FRA) is a tailor-made, over-the-counter financial futures contract on short-term deposits. A FRA transaction is a contract between two parties to exchange payments on a deposit, called the Notional amount, to be determined on the basis of a short-term interest rate, referred to as the Reference rate, over a predetermined time period at a future date. FRA transactions are entered as a hedge against interest rate changes. The buyer of the contract locks in the interest rate in an effort to protect against an interest rate increase, while the seller protects against a possible interest rate decline. At maturity, no funds exchange hands; rather, the difference between the contracted interest rate and the market rate is exchanged. The buyer of the contract is paid if the reference rate is above the contracted rate, and the buyer pays to the seller if the reference rate is below the contracted rate. A company that seeks to hedge against a possible increase in interest rates would purchase FRAs, whereas a company that seeks an interest hedge against a possible decline of the rates would sell FRAs.
1 Payoff formula
2 FRAs Notation
3 References
4 See also
The netted payment made at the effective date is as follows
 \mbox{Payment} = \mbox{Notional Amount} * \left( \frac{(\mbox{Reference Rate}-\mbox{Fixed Rate}) * \alpha }{ 1 + \mbox{Reference Rate} * \alpha } \right) 
The Fixed Rate is the rate at which the contract is agreed.
The Reference Rate is typically Euribor or LIBOR.
\alpha  is the day count fraction, i.e. the portion of a year over which the rates are calculated, using the day count convention used in the money markets in the underlying currency. For EUR and USD this is generally the number of days divided by 360, for GBP it is the number of days divided by 365 days.
The Fixed Rate and Reference Rate are rates that should accrue over a period starting on the effective date, and then paid at the end of the period (termination date). However, as the payment is already known at the beginning of the period, it is also paid at the beginning. This is why the discount factor is used in the denominator.
FRA Descriptive Notation and Interpretation
Notation          Effective Date from now        Termination Date from now  Underlying Rate
1 x 4    1 month           4 months         4-1 = 3 months LIBOR
1 x 7    1 month           7 months         7-1 = 6 months LIBOR
3 x 6    3 months         6 months         6-3 = 3 months LIBOR
3 x 9    3 months         9 months         9-3 = 6 months LIBOR
6 x 12  6 months         12 months       12-6 = 6 months LIBOR
12 x 18            12 months       18 months       18-12 = 6 months LIBOR
How to interpret a quote for FRA?
[US$ 3x9 - 3.25/3.50%p.a ] - means deposit interest starting 3 months from now for 6 month is 3.25% and borrowing interest rate starting 3 months from now for 6 month is 3.50% (see also bid–offer spread). Entering a "payer FRA" means paying the fixed rate (3.50% p.a.) and receiving a floating 6-month rate, while entering a "receiver FRA" means paying the same floating rate and receiving a fixed rate (3.25% p.a.).
Forward rate
Derivative (finance)
List of finance topics

Forward Rate Agreements on Wikinvest




(PART 2), 11 JULY






 IN IRAQ TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!




FOB (shipping)

Whoa-- Russia is wading in.

To: "V.K.Durham"
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 4:42:14 PM
Subject: Whoa-- Russia is wading in.

Obama has become an expert in creating humanitarian disasters. He has already had this experience in Syria and Ukraine, and now it is time for the State of Texas. The U.S. president, bypassing the Congress, amnestied ten million illegal immigrants, which contributed to the uncontrolled growth of the flow of migrants and sharply aggravated the situation in southern states.

Posted on 4V.K. Durham



Obama creates another humanitarian catastrophe, this time in USA


Obama creates another humanitarian catastrophe, this time in USA. 53152.jpeg
Obama has become an expert in creating humanitarian disasters. He has already had this experience in Syria and Ukraine, and now it is time for the State of Texas.  The U.S. president, bypassing the Congress, amnestied ten million illegal immigrants, which contributed to the uncontrolled growth of the flow of migrants and sharply aggravated the situation in southern states. For this act, Obama may face impeachment.

The scandal broke out on Tuesday. Texas Governor Rick Perry dared not to meet the president, who came to Texas for an official visit. "I appreciate the offer to greet you at Austin-Bergstrom Airport, but a quick handshake on the tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the humanitarian and national security crises enveloping the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas," Mr. Perry wrote to Obama earlier this week.

The governor expressed his concerns about the growing number of abandoned children, with whom one has to do something - to teach, to heal, to accommodate them. Two years ago, there were 2,500 homeless children reported, but this year the number is 52,000. Perry asked the president to strengthen border patrols, and have Predator drones and National Guard troops involved to monitor the border. In addition, the governor would like to see changes to the federal law that would allow quicker deportation of minors.

The problem is very serious, Alexander Petrov, a historian, Americanist, leading researcher at the Institute of World History believes. Together with immigrants, there is an illegal flow of drugs, weapons and prohibited stimulant drugs in the United States. Child immigration is a complex of problems associated with prostitution and child labor.

"Children's rights are violated, children live in appalling conditions. This is an additional hotbed of crime," said the expert. According to Alexander Petrov, the situation worsened due to the deteriorating economic performance in Mexico and other Central American countries. "We can now see quite a serious influx of immigration in states such as Florida, California, Texas, New Mexico. Texas is a donor state. It is no coincidence that many Texas residents voted for the Republican Party, and some of them even filed a petition for separation Texas from the federation."

Let's go back to Obama. In response to Perry's rant, Obama said on Wednesday said he would not go to the problematic territories to "see the humanitarian crisis," as does not think there is any. Such a trip would turn in a photo session, in which Obama is not interested. Instead, the president preferred to have a beer and play pool, the local press wrote. "This is not theater," he said, adding, "I'm interested in solving the problem."

Obama believes that the election race has started, as he called the Republican Congress to quickly approve the allocation of $3.7 billion for the additional funding of the State of Texas.

The scandal in Texas continued. Republican Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and candidate for Vice President of the United States in 2008, stated that it was time to impeach Obama. "It's time to impeach, and on behalf of American workers and legal immigrants of all backgrounds, we should vehemently oppose any politician on the left or right who would hesitate in voting for articles of impeachment," she wrote on Breitbart.Com. The crisis at the border is the last straw, she added. According to Palin, without borders there is no nation, and Obama knows it. "Opening borders to illegal immigrants was intentional. This is fundamental transformation America," she wrote.

Noteworthy, Palin is not the only one, who wants the impeachment of Obama. Many senators and members of the House of Representatives have expressed such an idea before too.

Many Americans also support the idea of ​​impeachment. According to surveys, about 60 percent of the population believe that the country is going in the wrong direction, and the U.S. political elite remains almost indifferent to their opinion. What are real chances for Obama's impeachment? Two-thirds of the U.S. Senate will have to vote for the removal of the President from office. There are very little chances that this will happen, Aaron Blake wrote for The Washington Post. If impeachment becomes a normal way of expressing dissatisfaction with the president, then every American president risks falling under the procedure. If this becomes a norm in Washington, the U.S. government will be even more inefficient than it is now, the journalist wrote.

Will the border be closed? "Closing the border is currently impossible, as it will come into conflict with the policy of imperial messianism, which the United States pursues in the world," Alexander Petrov told Pravda. Ru. "There will be additional leverage involved in terms of bureaucracy. There will be difficulties created in obtaining visas. It stipulates serious intellectual training to screen out the people who either don't speak English or don't represent the value associated with immigration," said the expert.

The conclusion is the following: the leader of the United States is preoccupied with  totally unnecessary questions of foreign policy, fueling wars away from the United States, and he does not follow the situation inside his country. Moreover, he does not even try to pretend that he is interested in it. In March, Texas announced an intention to secede from the United States, gaining supporters in the face of 29 states. In Texas, there is a belief that the territory of the republic was illegally annexed by Washington in 1845 and currently remains occupied. The movement of the Republic of Texas formed their own government, the judiciary system and law enforcement agencies. In addition, they periodically file large lawsuits against the U.S. government for "undermining the welfare of Texas."

Lyuba Lulko

Read the original in Russian


 r. Jim Garrow is the Christian founder and executive director of The Bethune Institute, a charitable organization dedicated to advance education in China via teaching English, giving free books to poor Chinese, and medical scholarships. Through its branch organization, The Pink Pagoda, the institute also rescues baby girls from infanticide  in China, and finds homes for the unwanted girls. Dr. Garrow is credited for saving the lives of over 50,000 Chinese girls for which he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Last Sunday, Oct. 6, 2013, on the Now the End Begins Internet radio program, Dr. Jim Garrow (email: ) made a bombshell of an announcement.
Garrow claims that up to a week ago he was a covert CIA agent, but was fired by none other than Obama himself because Garrow told the world (on Alex Jones’ radio, Glenn Beck, and several conservative internet mediums) that Obama’s U.S. military was purging top brass using a “litmus test” of sorts. High-ranking military officials were being asked “Would you fire on an American citizen?”. Garrow claims that if one answered no, you would be fired.
But that’s not the bombshell.
Garrow says that he knows Obama had ordered the hits that killed Tom Clancy and Andrew Breitbart!
On the early morning hours of March 1, 2012, conservative media firebrand Andrew Breitbart collapsed on a street near his home in Brentwood, CA. Breitbart was only 43 years old.
On April 21, 2012, the L.A. Coroners Office released its final autopsy report on Breitbart — that he had died from “heart failure.” That same day, a forensics technician or criminalist at the L.A. Coroners Office, Michael Cormier, died suddenly from suspected arsenic poisoning after complaining about pain and vomiting. (To my knowledge, we still have not been told the official cause of Cormier’s death.)
According to Dr. Jim Garrow, Andrew Breitbart did not die from natural causes, but was killed by the Obama Administration.
Best-selling author of techno-military thrillers Tom Clancy died last week on Oct. 2 at the age of 66.
The New York Times said Clancy died at Johns Hopkins Hospital after a brief illness. But neither Clancy’s lawyer, J.W. Thompson Webb, nor his longtime publisher, Ivan Held, president of G. P. Putnam’s Sons, said they knew the precise cause of death. Under “cause of death” on Clancy’s autopsy is “cause of death unknown.”
When Clancy wrote The Hunt for Red October, he was met at the door by Pentagon officials and FBI agents demanding to know where he got top-secret documents. Dr. Garrow states that after the incident, the CIA “spoon fed” him classified information and scenarios to write his novels in a manner that was entertaining but contained elements of truth. Garrow says that is why Clancy was killed because he was getting too close to a secret they don’t want the world to know.
Dr. Garrow states Obama had Tom Clancy killed as well, noting that it takes 5 days for plant toxins and most poisons to break down and leave no traces in the human body. Strangely (or not), doctors did not perform an autopsy on Clancy’s body for 5 days.
Garrow ended his radio interview with one last revelation.
He said the Obama administration is made up of Marxist Muslims who all take their orders from Senior Adviser to the President, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. Garrow said it is well known to intelligence agencies all over the world that Obama is a foreign plant who was placed on the path to the presidency by ultra-rich Saudi nationals. This is why all of Obama’s education records have been permanently sealed.
See also Steve’s post, “Today I bring you Skippy’s version of the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre,” on all the many suspicious deaths connected to Pres. Lucifer.

Dr. Eowyn is the Editor of Fellowship of the Minds.

TNT Call Notes 11-July-2014

TNT Call Notes 11-July-2014

Tony:  Don’t hit record yet!  I just want to say this part.  I think they intentionally made the report of LeBron going to Cleveland to throw us off this call.  I was a Heat fan;  now I can’t be a Heat fan anymore.  LeBron is gone, and now I have to be a Kings fan again.  Now hit record…

Good morning, TNT!  Today is Friday, July 11th, 2014.  I cannot believe we are all the way there again.  We have a smaller group today, only 109 people with their hands up.  If you have been on in the last two weeks or month, put your hand down and give someone else a turn to ask a very intelligent question.  I like it better when you do that on your own rather than me having to skip you.

This is going to be a difficult for me.  It might be easy for DC.  They asked me not to do some things I planned on doing this morning.  I think  there is way too much BS flying around.  I asked DC to cut me off on this if necessaryI don’t see a reason why you guys are not at the bank.  There is no major reason for you not be.  There is a reason and I want to tell you, but I don’t see how to without being blatantly honest, which some folks don’t like. Things are being done and discussed, meeting this morning to finalize everything and to get us  to the bank, is my understanding.  DC, before I completely go off… because you know I want to!  DC, where are we at, east to west?

DC:  Parliament is nice and settled with the right folks, good to go over there.  There is a tremendous security gain, so congrats to the Iraqi army and advisers.  Everyone is notified, everyone is retired, and Iraq is pretty much there.  Everyone is in the right spots.

Tony:  They are taking back their towns, M is gone, they have decided who is in what positions;  does Iraq want this to go another six months?

DC:  Iraq wants this right now.  The question is do they announce the positions first, the RV first, or both together. Friday is a holy day in Iraq, so it would be like doing a major announcement in the US on a Sunday.  However, their Saturday is like our Sunday, so… tomorrow is the relaxation day, although some people definitely work on Saturday, and Sunday is the start of their work week.

Tony:  Follow the steps here.

DC:  Everybody is ready whenever they choose the exact time. There are people jockeying for position with respect to the timing, but it’s not truly settled yet.  There are strong arguments for different times in Iraq.

Let’s go to the US, New York first and the European Union.  The UN wants 24 hours for security’s sake, and some folks got a little nervous and they want six hours to settle everything down. Then someone had the great idea to make sure they have everyone in the right spots, then some more conservative guys said, “let’s make sure we get the vote in writing”, and that has been done now.  That was driven by the UN and conservative folks.

In DC, the UST is very eager to get this done and it pushing. The administration is quite ready;  centers and reps are ready, too. Banks are doing group cash-outs, too, and that is going well. Everyone is sitting around waiting for the exact time they do thisThere are two different rollout plans that are being debated right now --- the old shotgun approach on the one hand where you just turn it on and let it rip on Forex and the banks, letting us do tweets and other news.  That has been the way many want to do it, but now there is a plan for having a slower rollout in the US, meaning 24-72 hours to send out emails to people and then start appointments.  If it goes down tonight, for arguments’ sake, it will leak out slowly and then everyone will start making  their appointments for Monday or Tuesday.  That would be helpful for staffing over the weekend, to have the news after Friday night.  That is what they are trying to work out now.

Tony: Here is the issue as I see it, squarely on my shoulders, just me.  First of all, this is not rocket science;  we don’t have to reinvent the wheel here.  Giving them a little bit of credit, we have some really bright intelligent people who are in another world, different from our reality.  ON the 16th floor, they are making decisions for the ants on the street level.   They have never even been that far down, so they don’t realize what is going on in other people’s world..  They are doing their best but don’t look at our world the same way. So they are trying to make decisions based on how they think people will react, rather than just asking people down here. They are spending more time complicated something that could be simple.  Instead of sending out advance notice to a couple of thousand people, thinking they will not tell anyone and creating a fire storm, why not cut the dealers off so that no one can order anymore? Say “this is when it will start for everyone, and no one goes to the bank until this time”, so that people can call the 800 numbers and set up their appointments knowing what to expect.  That would be so much better than letting it leak out and then having people rush the banks.  If they let everyone know and let us go over the NDA with them so that they know that and can feel comfortable at the banks, and the same with the contracts with the three options, A, B and C., then the bankers don’t have to answer that over and over again because people will get that on the call!  That would make a lot of sense if they are worried about chaos and people storming the bank.  It will go much smoother if they let people know what to expect, and when they get to the bank, that is what happen. People get caught up in indecision, when there is a simple way to get everyone through the process.  Keep it simple!

DC:  That plan has resurfaced again, in terms of the how the US rollout will be.  Internationally It has already occurred, and now they are talking about how to keep people calm, with good security. They have had how many years to figure this out?!  Frankly, it keeps changing based on who is in charge, their affinities, and their inclinations towards those in the process.  Personal grievances are clouding the lenses for some, and that leads to clouded judgments as well. We are all thinking, “Let this go, for god’s sake!”  But that is what they are thinking about, and we would prefer for everyone to get the announcement and we can move on.

Tony:  This is not personal.  You are too big and too responsible. You are public representatives, and I expect more of you than to do it personally.  You are not doing for us, for tony and DC, but for about more of us.  You were voted in to represent the people, and I truly AM representing the people, so it’s mind-boggling to me why you would get upset and mad at someone who is trying to get what is fair to the people. We are doing what you were hired and elected to do!  How can you get mad at that?  We are trying to do what’s fair.  Let’s get this going;  once it’s going it’s in the past.  Once it is going, if we treat people fairly, if we give them a path of success with it, of what to do with that money that will help you multiply it, not just spend it and give it back to us…. That is just the wrong approach to me, and I don’t understand why you are doing it.  Let’s just get it over with. There are a lot of people hurting out here, and there is no reason for delay apart from people trying to work out how to do this!

DC: We don’t want to make this phone call at all.

Tony:  Nor me, when the only delay is they are trying to work out how to do something that is not that hard to do. They don’t trust the people, and they don’t trust each other to do what they say they are going to do. We have already agreed to what they’ve asked, so why they keep bringing that up, I don’t know.  We are willing to do what we are supposed to do if they do what they are supposed to do.  Let’s get this thing done!

DC: Everything is right here, right on the edge, and they are trying to figure out what to do with the public.  Banks, Iraq, administration, they are all ready, so let’s go!  Let’s do the one question again…

Tony:  We went from 109 to 102.  Okay…

908 caller:  Tony, ask DC a question that hasn’t been asked before.

Tony: We know there is nothing holding this back, so if you were in the mood to blame someone, who would you blame?

DC: I’m not a bright man, but I’m not a stupid man.  I’ll let that lie.  Let’s not let that cause any issues at the end.  Everyone will calm down and agree in time.

805 caller:  Sounds like DC is frustrated!  You’ve addressed many times that the old Treasury notes are still valid and spendable if you don’t value them as a collector’s item.  If we hold onto a 25K dinar, can we spend them gradually over the next few years by taking them to the currency exchange?  I saw two currency swaps in Mexico where ten pesos would swap for ten dollars…

DC: The peso redenomination is not a revaluation. Inflation was very high and with poor management of the currency and bad economic conditions, and the currency got devalued. This is the opposite, where they have been holding the currency back while they prove their oil, gas, agriculture and water, so it’s really opposite where they will pop this and let it go.  Yes, you can spend the notes later, but they want to pull the dinars in for the oil credits, and also for money laundering.  I can carry a note in my wallet that would take a truck to carry in USD.  Also, they want to move this on, so we don’t know how long the US banks will accept dinar. They are encouraging everyone to pull those in as quickly as possible.  Their primary concern is allowing criminals to move currency, and they cannot track that in.  they think most world citizens will take the money and run. If I come in with a couple million dinar in three months, they will investigate it, because that’s what they are concerned about.

Tony: There is no reason for people to hold onto these higher value notes when there are lower denominations if you want actual currency for some reason.

301 caller:  About the NDA… if someone is with an NDA doing this, and someone doesn’t have an NDA still talk to those with NDAs?

DC:  You can talk to them about anything but dinar or dong.

Caller:  Which banks started those rumours?  We’d like to withdraw our custom from that bank.

Tony:  I asked for a comment from them, but DC got calls asking us to play nice.

646 caller:  has there been any talk about the RI going before the RV?

Tony:  Hypothetically, the RI comes out on Monday and it’s 4.50;  you cash out two million dinars and now you have nine million dollars.  You know that they will RV this money 3-4 times what it is now. What do you do with that money?

DC:  Take a little bit out for fun and use the rest to buy dinars and watch it go up.

Tony: So the people they didn’t want to become millionaires are now going to be billionaires, so that is highly unlikely.  Then they say there will be a GCR ten days later, so what will you do?

DC:  Make even more money.

Tony:  That makes no sense to nobody, so if they do that and I’m not under NDA, I will come here and show all of you how to do that.  They just won’t do that.

520 caller:  I want to tell you how mad I am at Wells Fargo, and thank those unsung heroes you mentioned who don’t get our applause.  We should be trying to heal the US economy before anything else by creating new industries and jobs, and such.  I do have one question that hasn’t been addressed at all.  Back in November, someone said something about this quarter… is that a new quarter now, and will we have the same opportunity as the banks to invest our capital?  That was a problem back then, that the banks wouldn’t do anything because they were so close to the end of the quarter that they wouldn’t have time to invest.  Will we have time to invest before we have to pay the taxes.

DC:  I think you are getting a few things mixed up.  Q3 is July, August and September, if you have a yearly financial period.  Q3 is when the political guys wanted to do this so that when the numbers come out at the beginning of Q4, it’s right before the November elections. That is why they want this at the beginning of the quarter to give people time to buy houses, furniture, cars, give to charities, and all the rest. That gives the Democrats a chance to hold onto the Senate.  So they want this quarter to show that economic boost.  They don’t have that many days left to get the maximum effect out of this, so that’s why the third quarter is so important. The banks are making 2% off the top, and more in fees and charges and such.

Caller:   We have our companies picked out to invest in, or our non-profit donations before we are taxed, like the banks, at the end of the quarter?

DC: That’s a really good question.  On the tax situation, mostly people will have to start paying quarterly income taxes from now on, once you get to a certain level. This is based on the amount of money you have;  you won’t pay yearly taxes but quarterly taxes, at the end of each quarter.  Some folks will pay games with that, and that’s what tax attorneys and CPAs are for.  Most transactions will NOT be taking taxes out of it because they don’t know what you tax situation is, if you have kids or other deductions, or businesses or whatever.   You need to get together with a tax adviser who can tell you what to pay and when.  Most people should look into the safe harbour rules to minimize their taxes.

Caller:  That’s what I wanted to know, in terms of giving 10% to churches, or setting up trusts, etc.

Tony:  Whatever time frame it is, you will have to the end of the quarter before taxes.

316 caller:  All this fooling around is just letting people like me buy more.  Is there something that might prevent us from qualifying for the contract rates?  Should I take rupiah and pay off my dinar reserves?  Or exchange one 25K note at international rates to pay off the reserves?

Tony:  What I would do, as I’ve said before, is to call your dinar dealer, and put in a sell order to pay off your reserves;  that way you haven’t used any of your contract money to pay them off.  Or go to the airport and exchange some currency and pay off the reserves.  They are going to track that money wherever it goes and whatever you are doing.  That is why they are going to push you to use checks or credit cards because those are easier to track.

Caller:  If you pay off all your reserves before going in for your appointment, you should be good.

Tony:  I will go through my dealer, because the banks stopped even selling the currency.  I don’t care if they make money, so long as I get my money.  They are holding up and complicating the process by not doing what they said they would do.  They say WE are causing this to be delayed because we keep talking about these issues and ideas.

Caller:  Can I be #42 on your call list?  <laughter>

415 caller:  How are you this morning?

Tony:  I’m great;  talking to you guys makes me feel better than I was earlier this morning.

Caller: You said that bank personnel are making their exchange because they were badly treated, sitting at their desks for all those months… I’m sure they got paid when we were hurting out here. Has friends+family (F+F) started cashing out?  Do we need to start up Twitter again?

DC:  Yes they are, and let’s leave Twitter for a few days.  If it shakes out the way it should, most people will forgive and forget.

Tony:  This F+F was being done on the basis that everyone was supposed to go in on Monday, and get the rates we are supposed to get. In that case, it was okay. What are we saying today?

DC:  F+F has cranked back up again and it’s going on right now, but not as renegade people [like last winter];  they are buying that currency from WF, and everyone is fully aware of what’s going on.

406 caller:  What’s going on, Tony?

Tony:  It’s an up and down ride today.  If I had to say it all, everybody is right there, and they are just dotting the Is and crossing the Ts for the hundredth timeThey are just worrying about how people will react because once the RV is out, they cannot take it back. They need to just let it go and deal with it.  You can’t kick a can down the road and pick it up and hammer out the dents if necessary.  Indecision doesn’t help at this point.

Caller: do you think the dong will come out at 40 cents or above, street rate?

Tony:  Not that I’ve seen it, but I’m pretty confident it will.

650 caller:  On the blogs some people are saying the 20th.  What do you think about that?

DC: There was a proposal from the IMF/UST around the 1st saying “We need to do it within this window”.  It had stamps from everyone but Iraq and there are some agreements based on getting it dome by then.  Then they said, How about an RI here, then an RV, then the GCR?”  and they gave back the same reasoning we made about becoming trillionaires.  So they wanted it close to the 1st, but Maliki screwed it up and it’s taken a few days to get it smooth again.  Then others looked at that proposal and the date has peppered itself through the community.  Barring something highly unlikely, I doubt it will take that long.  It’s incredibly powerful to get this done in the next couple of the days, with everyone from Iraq to the White House on down.  There is a strong argument that we will see this within a few days.

Tony:  For some reason people are getting upset at the obvious. We went through the scenario, again, and there are some very intelligent people in this world like finance managers, investment bankers, private investors, and public companies, and they will figure this out!  Who does that make sense to?  That’s why they cannot do it, unless they are purposely trying to make people billionaires and millionaires. Because we know that plan, and now you know it!

601:  Hey!  Hey! Hey!

Tony:  It says you are in Mississippi;  are you really from Texas?!  <laughter>  DC was born in MS, too!

Caller:  I want to ask you, when you have the function in Las Vegas, is the whole team going to be there?  I’d like to meet all the mods, because they do a wonderful job.

Tony:  I’m trying to get everyone there.  Well, Dc will be in disguise.  Some people don’t want me to be there for security reasons, and some want me to be there so they can get a clear shot.  I think you all should have a chance to meet each other having met on the boards and the chat room, and you should have millionaire friends all over the place. You should have to be the only one who knows, because you aren’t going to tell your friends…  I am trying to help everyone right now.  A couple of months ago, a friend contacted me and said Wells Fargo will do workshops to help you all in your future.  Hopefully they will let  us do this.

Caller:  You all helped us so far and when we get to the main event, the RV, they are pushing you away. That ‘s not right. I’m going with my wife, and I hope to see everyone!

Tony:  Let me check this out. “Hope today’s a great day…”  Everyone check your texts, real quick.  We will figure it out.

858 caller:  If we take in one 25K dinar note and exchange it at international rates, that won’t affect our contract rate, will it?  I heard that you have to accept the same rate for later exchanges as for the first one.  Also I’ve been shooting you $20 every time I can…

DC:  Yes, the first note would be at the international rate, but you can still get the contract rate at your appointment.  Most people will get their appointments so quickly it won’t matter, they will just take their 25K with them to the appointment and get the contract rate.

Tony:  Thank you;  we do appreciate the donations.

512 caller:  How are you, Tony?  I just wanted to ask, without being belligerent or raising concerns, isn’t this F+F program what they were doing last winter, calling clients, telling them to buy currency and then exchanging it, then buying more and exchanging it?  That doesn’t seem fair when the dealers are still selling currency!

Tony:  Last time I explained this some people got mad at me, so DC can answer that one.

DC:  First, are they doing F+F now?  Yes, absolutely, and we have multiple confirmations on that.  That is potentially inflammatory and we wouldn’t say it unless it was confirmed from many sources.  Is it going on in a massive way?  No.  What’s getting everyone’s back up is that is does look like back in November, December with political donors and such were making tons of money on it.  What’s different is that the public RV is upon us, and if it goes today or tomorrow then it’s coming  as we are making our own appointments. That is okay, but if they are doing it like last winter, that is absolutely wrong, everyone knows it, and we will use Twitter if we have to.  That’s why I am watching this so closely, if privileged people get in when ordinary people do not.  We understand that everyone is prepped and ready for us to exchange.  IF those who are power-hungry start up something else, then we will start the Twitter campaign again, which I would rather not do.   If that is what we are dealing with, then we know what to do.

Tony:  This is a limited time thingIf there is no action, we’re not going to sit around for it.

DC: We have freedom of expression, and we will use that to the best of our ability.  I do think everything will work itself out, and that we will all get paid.

Caller:  My concern is that the WF will use up the contract rate before we get a chance at it!

DC: That is being watched for and squared away.  Cooler heads are making sure that it’s fairIf it’s not, we will be obligated to bring that forward.

Tony:  What they are getting is supposedly out of a different basket. It is not supposed to be affecting us.  This is one thing you can count on, that we are going to do the right thing for the people. If we feel that someone is taking advantage of us, not using us right or using us as guinea pigs, then we WILL be heard.

951 caller:  I’m sorry you got dumped on the other day.  I’ve had my dinar for about six years, and I have got a bunch of people involved in the last year.  I told them about you and they all started listening.  Now they are saying it’s all BS, and two have sold back their dinar, and they are not listening any more and so on.  I’ve been listening to you for three years;  what makes you think that we’re not going to be here next month, or September or next year?  There’s always an issue! We are crying wolf, and now I have three friends who don’t listen any more and they are pissed at me!  [more of the same frustration]

Tony:  Let me ask you a question.  If it does go on, do they owe you money?  Will they give you 10% or 50% for what you told them?  I didn’t think so.   As long as everyone’s making money, it’s great, but if they aren’t, it’s my fault.  I get that;  some of the people on our intel team, who know what we know, they are frustrated.  We do these calls three times a week, but we do this every day.   MY phone starts ringing at 4.30am and going on until 11 at night.  We know for a fact that there are government agencies who listen to our calls because they say we have better information than they do, and sooner.  If we say we know what is going on, it’s because we get it as people come out of their meetings, and it can change at every meeting!   It’s a very fluid situation and we don’t control that.  We are just reporting what is  going on with world leaders, admin people and bankers. I think they are at such high levels, they don’t see what is going on here on the ground, or in the banks when we ask questions there.  They know what they think should be happening, but reality can be different.  When I was in the military, the only enlisted guy in the briefing, they are asking ME what’s going on in the flight line.  They are not out there living it every day.  When we bring in a 2nd lieutenant, 1st lieutenant, even a captain, they introduce them to the NCOs who are making the minute by minute decisions because they are living it every day. Those are the people who they should be consulting.  This is what we living through every single day.  We are not just telling you stuff, we know what we know, and then it changes.  That’s why when we get to the next call, it’s changed, because there have been meetings and messages in the two days between.  There are misunderstandings between those higher guys and countries, not just between them and us.  At 12 o’clock everything is great, and then at 2 o’clock something else happens.  As soon as we get to the end  of the game, you guys can rush the field and we can all celebrate.  Meanwhile, we are giving you the best information about what’s really going on here!

DC:  I feel your frustration.  Most people don’t know I’m DC guy, they are just surprised at how much information  I have. The process has been stopped and started so many times that it’s driving us crazy. Most people need to put the currency in your sock drawer and wait for the final call.  It’s not like we are making advertising dollars from this;  we’re doing it for free, and it’s brutal.   There has been a lack of leadership overall, so it’s created the biggest clusterf**k overall.  It’s been a huge mess;  since April, they have tried this 73 times! People involve din the process are just so disgusted with each other, their agencies, the politicians.  Indecision has become a paralyzing function that has taken over the process, rather than deciding to work out the problems and move on. You’re never going to get 100% agreement;  now they are starting to take the attitude of “screw it, let’s just get it moving!”  That’s my ramble.

Tony: We got through it.  Friends tell me that others are saying I’m crazy when I’m not there.  One friend I’ve known for 20 years said his wife thinks I’m off my rocker!  Is this really real?

There is so much stuff you don’t know and don’t want to know. When it’s said and done, once it comes out, you will be laughing at them for the rest of your life.  Man, I had all that dinar and I sold it back” or “man, I had an opportunity that would have set my family up for the rest of our lives and now I can’t pay my bills”.  You’re going to lose those friends anyway, so just stick with it and hope that your closest friends have it, keep it and we can live our lives together, without envy.  I know you are going through something with your friends right now.  If they cut you off, cut them off until this is over and done.  Then tell them they owe you some money!  That is our journey but it will also be our reward at the end.

303 caller:  Your lessons on life are jewels, Tony, and also I want to thank DC for his metaphor about the poop in the punchbowl.  Is there any reason dealers would be blocked from following through on the reserves?

Tony:  Legally, no.  Can they fulfill their obligations?  I think some people will be really mad.

Caller:  The exchange for one 25K dinar note before the appointment, can those proceeds be used for whatever we want?

Tony:  I don’t think that would be a problem, but I don’t know. Hopefully we will get the package and explain it all before going to the bank.

Caller:  Is the 50 million cap just for the dinar or also for the dong?

DC:  We don’t know.

Caller:  Do you believe this will happen in July?

Tony:  That’s more than one question!  Yes, I do believe it will.

337 caller:  I want to give you some advice. You were ranting the other day about what they were doing to you.  Remember, “no good deed goes unpunished”.  I can see you are a black man, may be a little overweight, and I don’t want you to have a stroke like I had.  You need to chill out a little bit.  I am from Louisiana, and we have some hungry alligators here, so if you give us the names of these people who are giving you the crap… If you have alligator shoes or purses, there is probably some of Jimmy Hoffa’s DNA in them!  Remember, Jesus picked Judas, who betrayed him for thirty pieces of silver.  We get betrayed by our friends and even our children.  “No good deed goes unpunished.”

Tony:  I don’t mind what people say, because idiots will be idiots.  I do mind when there are meetings and they think, “it’s all about me”.  It’s about us, about the people, and about doing the right thing for the people.   I don’t even understand why you get mad that I am doing this, and making suggestions that will get through this so people can get some relief!

Caller:  We know you are not greedy or selfish, you’ve never bragged about what you have.  We do love you and the good guys will keep listening to you.  I just wish there were no Judases.

Tony:  I’m not trying to point fingers or to blame anyone;  let’s just get over it.  Whatever you get, we can show you how to multiply itWe are not putting it in your left hand to steal it from your right hand.  This is a global event, the first time this has ever happened, and we hope it is the last.   And I will try to lose some weight tomorrow.

936 caller:  Is there any more you can give about what Is holding this up, as one Texan to another?  I was born in Beaumont and I’m in Cotton Row now.

DC:  Everyone is in the right places, and the rollout has been planned but  not executed yetWatch Iraq for announcements.  There is not much left to say or do, just choose a time and roll it out.  The paperwork is completed and they are doing groups in the USall tests have been successful and not much is left.

Tony:  They are not going ‘groups’….

DC:  I meant to say that they are doing F+F and a few VIPS before the big groups got through. Everyone is right on the edge and they are preparing group leaders with their 800 numbersThey are just not authorized to give them out yet. There are many groups, and all those with whom we have at least two points of contact in are wide open and ready to go.  We’ve been given heads up in terms of everything being ready right now.

Tony: there are over 300 different groups.

Caller:  Have they indicated when they will send you the packet?

Tony:  Yeah, we received it but we can’t tell you!  <laughter>  We have been put on standby.

Caller:  could it be this weekend?  Could it be tonight?

Tony:  That’s what they don’t want us to tell you.  It’s very close.  Let’s just hope things go through.  There is a lot of indecision and I think they should just decide and let it go.

DC: The rollout has to be coordinated with Iraq, but the actually timing is with the US>

703 caller:  Thank you for the explanation which has calmed me down a bit.  How is it that people could be paid in November if it hasn’t RVed?  How could the process be okay last week, but not now?  That just doesn’t make sense to me.

DC:  The frustration that is clear in your voice, everyone feels that.  Tony and I are a little testier than normal because of our frustration.  In November, December and January, they processed ‘forward-based contracts’, meaning in the future this will be worth $3, so we will give you that now and we will take your currency. That is how it is legal here. It have been traded between various countries for a while, and between folks that need to trade itThat’s what justifies the guys who have gone ahead of us.  Right or wrong, that’s how they’ve done it, and yes, it rubs me the wrong way, too.  We are just trying to get paid, and every time something gets messed up they use another excuse to create another delay . They have used that for personal and political gains.  However, now everyone is lined up and ready to go, and we hope/pray that this is the very last time.

Tony:  You’ve given the benefit of the doubt where there is no doubt. Let’s just get through the process. We are at the prime opportunity to do just that.  She is right – nothing has changed since last Thursday, and M as gone, and here is it a week later, and we’re still not going.  How are we going to do this and everybody having covered their ass.  Well, you CYA by getting on with this, everyone staying in their lane and making sure they are not hanging out to dry once they have exchanged.  We need to do the right thing, helping people grow with this money.  This is our teaching time, to teach masses of new millionaires how to handle this money correctly instead of waiting for them to crash and burn.

DC:  It looks like everyone is ready for this to go out.  Iraq will lead it, and so they should. This is coordinated with the US. There is nothing really left to hold this up unless people are jerksLet’s see how the  next few days, expect that cooler heads will prevail and we’ll move on down the rad.  If there is more stupidity, we will bring it up and express it as loudly as we can through our various venues.  Let’s hope for the best.

Pam:  We were not expecting to do this call;  trust Tony and DC, we’re for you guys and we’ll get back to you if there is something to tell you.

Ray:  Let’s hope this weekend is the last one to be broke, busted and disgusted. Enjoy the rest of fabulous Friday.

Tony:  We didn’t want to make this call; it was as the result of meeting last night.  We are not trying to make this harder for anyone;  we appreciate that you are on our side in DC, in the agencies and in other countries.  We really thank our special guys here.  We do have to be who we are, and we are here for the people, trying to do our part in getting this whole thing completed, and making a simple transition even simpler.  There are easier ways to do this, but maybe you guys are too high up to see what we see at ground level.  What did Hillary Clinton say, that it’s been 16 years since she has driven a car?  So she doesn’t know how to use the new turn signals or the GPS.  Maybe that is what is causing some of this indecision or concern among people who no longer know the effects of what they are planning on the ground.  That’s the purpose of these calls, so that if after day 1 or 2 we need to do something different, we have an avenue to do that, and if that doesn’t work on day 3 or 4, let’s change it again.  We just want to understand what can be done.  A little communication goes a long way.

Hopefully we will do a call later today; if not over the weekend, then we’ll definitely have a call on Monday morning.  Enjoy your weekend!

Update from Randy Koonce: "How you Makin it"

Update from Randy Koonce: "How you Makin it"

How you Makin it

I have again waited a little while before I send out a note..

I want everyone to breathe we are coming to an end now with the GOI getting formed.... We have been waiting for the GOI to form and it has taken every bit of patience that I can muster to let this thing happen.

Question 1 is Maliki Out........  up unitl now he has been fighting to remain part of the GOI but because of the last thing that he did to remain Prime Minister Like tell his generals to leave their post and let the militants over run them... Yes the fighting in Iraq going on right now is because of Maliki so Maliki will not be part of the GOI or even any position...

Will he fight up to the last minute Yes Yes Yes...... but in the end it will not matter.....

Question 2 who will be the PM....... it will either be Chalibi or Madhi either one for us is fine..... we should know for sure in about a day........  Right now it is Madhi

Question 3 could it take longer for the PM to be seating..... Yes...but we do not think so  if you listen to all the news the GOI will be formed by the first... that has been moved right now any time to get formed....

Question 4 will the fighting stop the RV....... It has nothing to do with RV the money was only an issue if the US had troops that the militants could use  the money to buy weapons against them....

I left the questions on the this note from the last note to let you know we are still in the same position.


Iraq will have to show their GOI before to long.... the last time they did this forming of a GOI after the election it went to the first of December... so I am showing you the time does not matter to them...... Will it take that long this time?

I and this is opinion  do not think the pressure on Iraq to form a GOI will let them go that long.... and they are still broke and cannot pay anyone....

I will give an example  In an article there was 3 nurses in Mosul who have been working for the GOI of Iraq for 6 months and the government of Iraq is already behind paying them 3 months..... that is just 3 nurses... can you imagine the military and police.......... so Iraq is under pressure there too.....

People seem to want to give up on this investment and at times I am frustrated..... but it would take the atomic bomb to get me to leave what i know is the truth that is coming.. if you want to get out then this investment was not for you........   

If you are one of the ones who sees the violence and says this will never happen....... YOU are among the ones who has not a clue on the purpose of the RV and the fact they have been in this same situation since sadam hussein.  and the Rate was 2.65 so it has not one thing to do with currency.

Maliki will need 167 votes from parliament to remain as the PM, and right now he has 65 and that is all he can get.... If he went back and got his whole SOL (state of Law) that is only 92 and for him to get a majority he would have to get Barzani who hates him,

Sadr who says he would just see him dead as pm, and Allawi group who Maliki chased around the county trying to kill him...

One more thing when it comes to what dinar dealer do when they exchange please call them because I have not even asked about any cash outs because when it happens I will have plenty of time after........ Do not get Cart before the horse.

I will pray that all who read this have patience and peace so that they can do what it takes to continue to fight the good fight.......


Check  every day to see if it has changed…

do not take a guru or a post about in country RV or any thing else do not be fooled just check the CBI

Do not let your emotions get to you.