Friday, July 11, 2014



Michael Ramirez
Glenn McCoy
Jerry Holbert
Steve Kelley
Mike Lester
Scott Stantis


1. BO: No Consequences for Treason & America’s Final Destruction
Obama Is Now Taking Over All Jurisdiction & Authority of the US States

Sher Zieve

2. The Signs of Dictatorship

Eileen F. Toplansky

3. The Tragedy of the Regime’s Social Engineering –

Law, Order, & Our Borders Have Been Erased By The

Social Engineering of the Current Regime Who Wants to Alter the Demographics

Dr. Illena Johnson Paugh

4. Are We Too Stupid To Face Reality?

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr

5. Importing Revolution

Fay Voshell 

Migrants sit on the roof of La Bestia on 7 August 2013 

6. Time To Close Our Southern Border 

Michael Connelly, Constitutional Lawyer

USA Being Fundamentally Transformed to Estados Unidos of Central America,

7. A Country Without Borders: USA Being Fundamentally
Transformed to Estados Unidos of Central America

Judi McLeod

illegal immigration

8. Ten Steps Needed to Address the Present Immigration Crisis

Dave Hodges

Gen. John Kelly

9. US General Says Crime-Terror Convergence Emerging On Border

Allen West

10. Michelle Obama To Latinos: We Can’t Wait For Congress To Fix Immigration

Charlie Spiering

11. Dr. Jim Willie: Unstoppable Force Will Take Down US Dollar – Time Is Running Out

Stefan Sanford  / Video 



12. New! Karen Hudes: ‘Banking Cartel Going Down, Bigtime, Soon’ & So Is US Dollar!


Susan Dulcos

North American Union IS Here Says General Petraeus

13. North American Union IS Here Says General Petraeus


Sherrie Wilcox discovery of FEMA coffins 50 miles outside of Atlanta.

14. The CDC and HHS Are Planning for Mass Casualties in the United States

Dave Hodges

Nuclear Explosion - Public Domain

15. Hamas Just Attempted To Create A Horrific Nuclear Disaster In The Heart Of Israel

Michael Synder

16. ALERT! EPA Pushing For Power To Take Your Paycheck From You

D.W. Ulsterman

17. What If It Was All True

Coach Dave Daubenmire

18. What The New Caliphate Means For World 

Exclusive: Joel Richardson Says The Potential For Lone-Wolf Terrorism Just Skyrocketed

19. Finding Biblical Truth: The Bible vs. The Newspaper

Chris Schang

Fair Use Notice: This report may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.  I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any suchcopyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest inreceiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that gobeyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

this administrations agenda for the massive illegals that aren't small children but throw away street teens........

this administrations agenda for the massive illegals that aren't small children but throw away street teens........ 
it was said a few yrs ago that the u.s. would collaspe from within.
Illegal alien crisis: MS-13 recruiting youngsters at U.S. shelters
The most dangerous and bloodthirsty street gangs in the United States — including MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) with more than 70,000 members – have discovered a human treasure-trove of potential members and they’ve begun their own recruitment drive at some of the less protected shelters housing illegal alien minors who have entered the United States, according to a top “Inside the Beltway” watchdog group on Thursday.

While U.S. political leaders are scrambling to cope with the crisis created by this mass migration of tens of thousands of mostly illegal alien minors who have swarmed into the U.S. via the Mexican border in recent weeks, it’s believed that among the “children” are members of Latino gangs emanating from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, according to officials at Judicial Watch, the organization that successfully got a federal judge to act on the IRS scandal this week.

The flood of illegal alien young people, characterized by many as a human tsunami, has overwhelmed the nation’s immigration system and is expected to cost American taxpayers billions of dollars to house, process, medically treat, feed and inevitably educate the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) which are being dispersed throughout the country.

They are bringing in dangerous diseases — including swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus and tuberculosis –and occupying our military bases as shelters, according to a July 8 report.

One of the consequences of this de facto invasion is that these recent crop of illegal aliens is supplying the nation’s most dangerous street gangs with new soldiers. The Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and the 18th Street gangs are on a recruiting frenzy at the various facilities housing the newly arrived illegal aliens, according to Judicial Watch’s anonymous source.

MS-13 is a feared gang of mostly Central American illegal aliens that has “cliques” in at least 42 states, according to lew enforcement, It is involved in organized crime enterprises that includes drug distribution, murder, robbery, home invasions, kidnappings and other violent crimes. The Justice Department’s National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) claims that Latino street gangs like the MS-13 are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the U.S. and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs.

Meanwhile, the smaller but just as violent and deadly 18th Street gang is considered the largest gang — larger than the notorious Bloods and Crips gangs — in Los Angeles with an estimated membership of 15,000 who oversee a number of criminal enterprises throughout the region. Last year, ten of its leaders were indicted for running a large-scale methamphetamine and drug trafficking business in South Los Angeles.

A news story about the 2013 case reports that the 18th Street gang leaders who were deported from the U.S. in the 1990′s subsequently spread the gang’s reach across Central American nations and as well as drug cartel-haven, Mexico. “It’s not unreasonable to conclude that some of the members are among the tens of thousands of UACs that have entered the U.S. recently,” according to Judicial Watch..

In June, the president of the Tucson Border Patrol Union, Art Del Cueto, who is a veteran agent, informed Judicial Watch that this latest influx of UAC’s aren’t just little children as the news media largely reports, but many of them “are in their late teens and have possible ties to gang members,” Del Cueto said.

Once Del Cueto was able to assess this latest immigration crisis, he expressed his concern that these illegal aliens — many of whom have not been thoroughly screened — will be relocated in the U.S. with people who claim to be the children’s families at the “urging” of the gangs’ leaders.

Millionday Friday Afternoon Roundtable Part 1

Millionday Friday Afternoon Roundtable Part 1

Millionday Roundtable 7/11/14  Part 1

    Welcome To Friday Afternoon Roundtable With Millionday!

    millionday] ok we do have some whoppers and they all go together and tell oh such a beautiful story smile

    [millionday] so i need you to let me bring it in so we can all read it and i promise we will discuss in between reports

    [millionday] ok so lets get rolling and let me bring the whole thing in before the smiles begin -- because there is more on it too

    [millionday] ok here we go  --   goodness i love bringing news like this
     [millionday] Iraqi Central Bank announced on Thursday, for the use of the payments system for the settlement of the instruments between governmental institutions and banking,

adding that the system would ensure the safety and efficiency of payment systems and clearing operations.

The bank said in a statement received "Alsumaria News" a copy of it, that "the aim of developing financial and banking sector in Iraq and reducing the phenomenon of pregnancy and the circulation of money, it has been taking a number of measures in the automation of processes settlement instruments and

    [millionday] note -- remember automation while reading the rest -- you know what automation means in banking

    [millionday] payment orders between governmental institutions and banks electronically through the payments system Iraqi network which uses safe and effective.

 " The bank added that "the system will allow for the operation and management of the accounts of the settlement between the participants from which to ensure the safety and efficiency of payment systems and clearing operations."

 [millionday] The Bank noted that "the Ministry of Finance has adopted this system in obtaining dues from various institutions instead of instruments," pointing out that "it is considered a key step in the way of comprehensive mechanization of each financial transactions and means of performing the obligations in Iraq."

 It is noteworthy that the Iraqi banks have not kept pace with developments in the work of international banks, and has been linked through the use of telephones and fax machines, and did not enter the Internet, but after 2004,

and sought the central bank to develop the banks associated with it through the introduction of new technologies and linking banks globally automatically , to facilitate the process of transfer of funds to and from Iraq.

    [millionday] note -- as we see -- this is the announcement of electronic banking in and out of Iraq -- this is huge huge for systems and agreements of payments -- and also the use of all electronic banking period

    millionday] we are however going to follow this huge announcement to other international organizations and the big whooopow coming from them

    [millionday] now this is also the way that wiring is done and all data entry is kept up with in the global banking systems

millionday] so this is a huge WHOOOPOW for Iraq to have done

    [millionday] this of course is a huge comment on this >>>>

    [millionday] The bank added that "the system will allow for the operation and management of the accounts of the settlement between the participants from which to ensure the safety and efficiency of payment systems and clearing operations.

" The Bank noted that "the Ministry of Finance has adopted this system in obtaining dues from various institutions instead of instruments," pointing out that "it is considered a key step in the way of comprehensive mechanization of each financial transactions and means of performing the obligations in Iraq."

    [millionday] there are many forms of tender -- electronic works best for global of course so the instruments would be not used but is replaced now by electronic payment systems that we are so accustomed to

    [millionday] end of this report

    [millionday] SO NOW WE CAN ---WHOOOPOW

[quicktolegit96] millionday so this is all set up and a go?

    [millionday] this is huge advancement as has been refered to what is missing with the Iraqi banking system for the banking reform completion in reports

    [millionday] yes they have announced it is all set up

    [quicktolegit96] millionday can banks communicate to each other electronically within iraq - they have that software right? Reason why i asked is cuz poppy brought something in yesterday saying they would have that in 5 days

    [millionday] there may be some banks that have not been operating at all with Iraq but will be after the reform so that would make sense that some may have changes and entries they need to do to complete the globalization

    [millionday] now i have some more reports that will show how exciting this is and how else it will be a huge advancements with other areas we have been watching smile

    [millionday] brb with more -- smile

    [millionday] now here is something else that is an absolute must that comes with this banking change and advancement

[millionday] The Advisor of Association of Iraqi banks, an expert in economic affairs, Salam Sumaisem suggested to include private banks in the project of the electronic cards to distribute the salaries of state employees.

She told the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA / "delivering the salaries of state employees by electronic cards and through private banks will contribute to ease the burden on the government banks."

    [millionday] note -- this is referring to the Visas-Mastercard and not sure if other major cards but also smart cards  --  smart cards are reported to be brought out and covered by Visa

    [millionday] She added, "Delivering salaries through electronic card will maintain the value of money at a certain level of stability levels in addition to upgrade banking performance." Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) has expanded delivering salaries of state employees electronically to include employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Investment Commission, after the success of adoption of project of electronic cards with the staff of the Ministry of Construction and Housing to receive their monthly salaries.

    millionday] She added, "Delivering salaries through electronic card will maintain the value of money at a certain level of stability levels in addition to upgrade banking performance."

Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) has expanded delivering salaries of state employees electronically to include employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Investment Commission, after the success of adoption of project of electronic cards with the staff of the Ministry of Construction and Housing to receive their monthly salaries.

    [quicktolegit96] millionday are these cards loaded yet?

    [Domino] millionday What does "brought out" mean?

    [millionday] so as we see here many other contractors and gov employees will be taking this advanced way of pay as well and they are wanting all private banks to also move to carry a card offer to advance

    [millionday] so that is the end of that report but remember that some of our own banks have taken their time adding cards as well so same concept

    [millionday] this is not a hold up if some banks do not have the capabilities to have the banking card yet -- it is just private banks and they will see the benefit to offering the service ect

    [millionday] so i have something else on the subject – smile  brb

    [millionday] this is a major effect of the enactment of this law and process of banking   huge

 [millionday] Represent automation (conversion exchange dealing fiscal to cash-mail address) in the financial and banking system, one of the means designed to improve the payments system and thus will be reflected on the balance of payments in Iraq,

 despite the expansion of the activities of automation in the world and the proliferation of e-commerce, show the need for the country to enact legislation governing the payment mechanisms external or internal client companies in this way.

    millionday] note -- of course the conversion to this system within the globe is very exciting to see with what we are watching and following

    [millionday] known as the payments system as a range of tools, procedures, and tools taken by the monetary authority to facilitate financial payments and settlement obligations between economic units including debt settlement. In this regard,

 said economist Dr Essam Mahouelle " that there are efforts real by the central bank and the government and private banks to activate the regulations banking modern electronic them, especially after the advent of e-commerce and spread widely among countries in the world that requires legislative bodies to enact laws to regulate the working ways of payment.

    millionday] note -- in other words -- the entry to the globe requires this type of banking and the enactment of these laws makes them comparable and approachable economically for firms and any type of investment and brings them up to the level of process they are capable of doing

 [millionday] Among told (morning) : "the importance of speeding up the legislation of laws governing the payment mechanism external to the electronic commerce between Iraq and the countries of the world to their importance in the current stage and in line with the requirements of the transition to a market economy as it is a way to pave the way for Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization."

    [millionday] note -- as we see here in ink the move to a market economy is the paving of the way to the WTO -- so the enactment of these laws puts them in a position to move to an active member -- with any of the other steps of requirement -- which we have read the requirements and the addition of so many industries and agriculture and the electricity and waterworks being added to agriculture has helped much of those requirements

    [millionday] but it seems to tell us -- moving to a market economy would be hard or may be impossible without electronic banking laws --- e-commerce has been added as well

    [millionday] WHOOPPPER PART OF CBI ANNOUNCEMENT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    [millionday] According to the Central Bank, Iraq has one of the most electronic payment systems advanced in the world, a system responsible for the exchange of payment orders between banks and automatically using the network safe and effective.

    [millionday] note -- obviously every system will be advanced because they are starting from what is newest in all fields now ---

[millionday] here is something else very important and then we will discuss some of this

    [millionday] Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, assigned his deputy for Energy Affairs Hussain al-Shahristani, the functions and tasks of Foreign Minister instead of Hoshyar Zebari.

 The Web site of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) said today, " Maliki's assignment of Shahristani instead of Zebari came after the Kurd ministers decision not to participate in the meetings of cabinet in Baghdad.

    [millionday] note -- now here comes some clarity that is nice to see in ink

    [millionday] Media advisor Kifah Mahmood for Kurdistan region president,added according to the site: What reported by some news agencies about a decision by Erbil to withdraw Kurdish bloc from the federal government is not true, pointing out that the Kurd Minister are now on vacation.

    [millionday] so they did not withdraw (the kurds) from parliament --- but on vacation right now ? very strange way to change a report

    [quicktolegit96] millionday as we know a lot going on behind the scenes. Do you feel M is out yet?

    [millionday] i dont think that he was in London and call that a rumor

    [millionday] so that is some great news

[millionday] end of report

    star877] Wow! Just got here & this news is fantastic! Its almost unbelievable this is really happening! We made it! Wow! We are so lucky to be in this!

    [quicktolegit96] i should rephrase millionday, do you feel another PM has been selected?

    [millionday] oh this news is the best we have had in such a long time and this fantastic

    [millionday] i sure am hoping that they announce on time -- it seems to me that the kurds had their choice ready on time and they seem with this announcement to be actually working to make their deadline

    [quicktolegit96] millionday thx as always

    [clay] the 1st?

    [millionday] clay no they are to announce on sunday -- this one

    [lstar877] Thank u so much millionday! U walked us thru this investment everyday! So much work! Thank You!

[millionday] according to what has been reported

    [quicktolegit96] millionday do u have much on political news, or maybe we will see more tonight, rt?

    [msboomshakalaka] Hello all, just coming in too and sounds like I missed some great news.

    [millionday] yw all the time hun but i am by far not the only one here that is working so hard -- the news on this site is so hard to get and BGG and MRS and Poppy and Chattels and so many work so hard --

I have so much respect for the people on here and the members that work so hard to put in and help all of us to know what is going on -- just a great group of people

    [millionday] so let me go look and see what else i have brb  smile

Comments may be made at the end of
Part 2  Thank You



Anonymous Wrote: The end has begun for many, hopefully we are next. 

Baring any major slips of tongue derailing events you are approaching the final moments on the ride. 

Wise people are free and clear of legal entanglements of the scammers whilst the stupid will soon meet their fate at their hands. 

There are timings of hours and minutes but perhaps days are more likely so keep your council in these final moments.

Wise people have their plan in place and know that the highest rates and protection is offered by the clearance bank – WF. 

Make sure you are getting the best deal possible,  finally the truth and validity of reputable providers of information will be seen.
You should always insist on no onerous NDA which removes statutory rights, a safe branded bank exchange location, with a de la rue machine to validate notes at time of exchange and the ability to see a genuine rate feed.

Do not let that money out of sight, not for one second.  Ask to see VNN; IQN rates on the screens, before you sign anything, open separate Non Interest Bearing Accounts ( you will sweep later) check all paperwork, if you don't agree to a section

Negotiate – there should be no extra fees beyond the banks official spread, don't accept that, they are making plenty from your transaction.

WF plans to have a easy exchange for those who are wise to maximize.  It will be done at branded locations, with all the machinery to validate your currency on site.

The rates will be high without a debilitating NDA other than one which is there for both you and the banks protection which should read in basic terms – don't speak about the exchange and the rate received. 
It should be a quick and pleasant experience.

I wish you all the very best.

You may repost if you wish to.

By Anonymous

Rep Thomas Massie Demands Release of the SECRET, “SHOCKING” 28-Pages of 9/11 Documents -vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Rep Thomas Massie Demands Release of the SECRET, “SHOCKING” 28-Pages of 9/11 Documents -vid
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 11-Jul-2014 18:36:02

Before we involve ourselves in #Iraq, Congressmen and their constituents need to know more about the events leading up to 9/11. Understanding what enabled this tragedy to occur is fundamental to drafting a strategy for the Middle East.
That’s why I joined families of 9/11 victims and Congressman Walter Jones and Congressman Stephen Lynch at a press conference to promote the release of 28 classified pages from an official 9/11 report. Based on my reading of the documents, I am confident that making these 28 pages public would not damage our national security.
“It could be embarrassing but that is no reason to keep the TRUTH from the American people. WHY do you want to keep these 28 pages SECRET?”
- Rep. Thomas Massie

“We Are In The Final Stages”:

“We Are In The Final Stages”:

Rick Wiles TruNews

With Sgt Major Dan Page

Rick Wiles is joined in today’s episode of TruNews by Retired U.S. Army Command Sgt Major Dan Page, who previously warned of the end of our sovereignty and Constitutional Rights in a now viral video. With most Americans still sleepwalking through the destruction of our nation, Wiles warns that our houses are on fire while the masses just watch TV and converse on Facebook as it quickly burns to the ground.


The bulk of this report begins after the 12 minute 40 second mark, when Wiles and Sgt Major Page have a discussion that most Americans are fearful to have and the mainstream media will never allow, the controlled collapse of America, and what comes next. Sgt. Major Page tells Rick why he thinks 2015 is the start date for a series of actions to collapse the USA so that a global regime can emerge.


Millionday Friday Afternoon Roundtable Part 2

Millionday Friday Afternoon Roundtable Part 2

Millionday Roundtable 7/11/14  Part 2

    Welcome To Friday Afternoon Roundtable With Millionday!

    faith1] millionday the CBI announcement and advancement in WTO ,, in amazing news ,,, Thanks You and Team,, WOWPOW !

    [millionday] they stated that they needed this to move to a market economy and i tell you that is in need of a reality rate for fair trade by the international calculation

    [millionday] now that is exciting  smile

    [millionday] here is some confirmation of what they are still saying so it looks good
     [millionday] Ibrahim Jaafari, head of the National Alliance of Iraq with the prime age for the House of Representatives Mehdi al-Hafez, to hold the next meeting of the Council.

statement said Jaafari's office has received the Agency (news): that 'both sides they discussed holding the next meeting, which lifted last week, and confirmed The two sides urged the various political parties on the need for consensus on the three presidencies; for the purpose of deciding them especially that the country is going through extraordinary circumstances need to be monitoring the national ranks and face the challenges.

    [millionday] Jaafari suggested to the importance of finding the required cooperation between the three presidencies, according to the theory of complementarity as well as harmony within each Presidency to establish a new phase that will bring development, fight corruption, and address security challenges.

Hafiz for his part stressed that he did not receive the names of the candidates of the three alliances planned to vote for them so far

    [millionday] so as we see here -- they are still planning on receiving the names for the three presidencies and holding the parliament session as expected for the sunday meeting

    [lstar877] No kidding millionday! I cant begin to express how grateful I am (we all are I'm sure) to all the hard work of so many contributors! We are very very blessed. I've never invested in anything that has amazing people providing me with daily news on my investment! Incredible! Thanks to all the copycats too. So much work!

[millionday] is there an news or comments that you all were discussing that you would like to talk about ?

    [millionday] lstar877 thank you hun -- yw all the time my friend -- so glad to help with all and anything

    [lstar877] I believe the rv is here!

    [quicktolegit96] millionday so nothing on m handing over anything at this point? Correct

    [millionday] not at this point -- but we should see by sunday by the looks of things or saturday night -- it looks like all is falling in place at the same time --

    [millionday] the thing is this -- Maliki doesnt hand anything over -- he is either voted in or not -- no control over this

    [millionday] the electronic banking and the ability to use a visa from an Iraqi bank while you travel as the citizens will be able to do or to send to a commercial account there for your workers to get their pay is a huge huge step toward the abilities they needed to have for success in a market economy and stock market success

    [fishheads] Do you feel that all is being done simultaneously to prevent government interference and corruption?

[jimplants] Imo at some point in the near future the money will over ride the politics and was them all away they will argue forever

    [millionday] i feel that all has to be done at same time to comply with all laws in place -- when they place some of these laws in without the other it creates a problem -- legalities

    [quicktolegit96] millionday what is the significance of july 20th with iran???

    [millionday] i dont know i havent checked on Iran news in about a week -- i will look and see today after i get car inspected ect

    [Florida Country Girl] Just coming in, am I understanding this right they enacted the banking laws

    [quicktolegit96] millionday LAST ONE...

    [graylnjo] Is their electric grid staying online now to support all this electronic banking?

    [quicktolegit96] millionday are laws actually being implemented now in the gazette? Have they been sitting on a shelf like for days? A lot of weird articles coming out about this????

    [millionday] jimplants they will always have issues but actually imo this is very close to an end of complete stance against each other -- they seem to be working together to end terrorism and such fear in their country -- they also seem to be showing pride in the ability to control so -- it may change with the UN announcement at least to some degree

[sczin11] Milhem day have you seen any information on the I SX if somebody could bring in box number 22 from the news forum yesterday which shows three day comparison on the ISX that would be helpful

    [millionday] yes they have laws ready and voted through that have not been published that we watched and never were published so they would have to reflect from each other -- especially economic

    [mimi3] wow just came in! Looks like things are very positive!! millionday Thank you1

    [millionday] yes hun very positive and we will have some more on how this will effect the isx and the move to a market economy tonight -- i am told i will have loads of news for us

    [NRICHARDS] mimi3 Wowzer day!!

    [jimplants] Thanks be blessed

    [lln65] Millionday thanks for all you do friend

    [quicktolegit96] MILLIONDAY ··· ctorId=1

[millionday] sczin11 these laws will make some changes with isx as well so we will have new news on the isx i expect today and tomorrow should produce some statements from the commissioner i would guess

    [millionday] let me look at that brb

    [sczin11] Million day the volume went from about 3,000,000,002 57 billion on Thursday

    [millionday] that is so interesting how they are noting licensed or not -- that would be for global licensing i believe not for domestic so very interesting

    [millionday] wow huge difference too on the reports  hmmm  the news is delicious  lol

    [viacuda] What actually has to happen in the right direction Sunday?

    [MsDiva] millionday in your opinion do you think this meeting will go forward without a delay or postponement

    [viacuda] The voting in of PM?

[millionday] they are supposed to have the parliament session that announces the names of the three presidencies for the gov

    [jtank] vote 4 Pm

    [millionday] it looks like they are working and the meetings do reflect that they expect to be on time

    [viacuda] Is that the only event that is to take place?

    [millionday] yes as a basket all at once is what they have said

    [viacuda] I mean is that the actual seating of the govmt

    [millionday] no they should pin or make official the speaker and the deputies ect -- if they have not already -- i read in i think Jordan news that it had been done -- all parliament elects are listed on their parliament gov site

[millionday] it is supposed to be   they are to then address the budget right away -   so cross everything -- i dont see a hold up at this point

    [millionday] see everyone for newstime at 730 est tonight