Tuesday, July 15, 2014

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony & DC conf. call notes (long)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony & DC conf. call notes (long)
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 14-Jul-2014 19:42:59

Hi, Folks -
Mention is made, below, to a recent 'recap' post. That would be this one - discernment is advised:
From An Anonymous "We Are 99.85% There"
Qi = Iraq ATM-type cards
Found at dinardetectives.com/updates:
7-14-14 TNT TONY CC (Notes by Adept1):
Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#
Good evening, TNT! Today is Monday, July 14th, 2014. I know it’s a late call and it’s all due to DC; we will forgive him this time. We have 96 people who want to ask a question, and I see some familiar names at the top. Please put your hands down and let some new people have a chance to be a part of this, now we are so close. Please do that so I don’t have to do it.
This call is going to be a great call, right DC? You guys know that we have the habit of telling you what is really going on, as much as we can possibly tell you without affecting the process as we know it, meaning government actions. Our job is to see that you the people are being treated fairly and justly, not being kicked to the curb, or if the elite don’t want us to participate. We know how things are set up and how they change, and we’ll discuss those if they come up.
There are great things to be excited about. I already have questions about the statement from Anonymous on DinarRecaps. Did you see that, DC? You need to look at it after this call. There is a reason people do things anonymously, because they don’t want you to know they are idiots.
It was a rough weekend, and some new things that were implemented, or trying to be implemented, and some straight up BS. Even this morning, I am up to my ears in BS. It’s is ridiculous and put out by idiots.
DC: I didn’t have another priority this morning, but Tony gets to be a man of leisure while I have to work for a living, so I couldn’t make it earlier today. Let’s go east to west, just to get it moving. In Iraq, we have folks who have agreed with all the positions; they were supposed to make it public over the weekend. There were may windows and people were prepped for it. Due to some interference by international parties (US and others), they pushed off the announcements until tomorrow. That’s when they will announce the top three positions and more. We are scheduled and prepped to be ready. Our understanding that the RV will follow quickly after that. The UN and IMF put their foot down, with encouragement by the US, to make sure the top three positions are announced, and not just promised. We are ready for that, because as soon as it gets done, we are as well. This was a stall tactic and security tactic to make sure it was done beforehand, and stalling by some people who say that Iraq needs to do this. Now it is firmly in place that the three top positions are formally announced on television. And we already know who the top three are, and although some may try to stall, the US and others have agreed to let Iraq do what it wants to, and making sure others stay out of Iraqi politics. A few in the US and elsewhere have tried to stir the pot for their own gain, and that has been seen through, and Iraq is saying “No, it’s our country.”
The CBI did something wonderful that is supposed to be done at the same time as the RV. Their Qi are international and hooked up to the international links. That is much more automated, and that made the RV very straightforward. That’s all for Iraq.
Tony: I want to talk about that international thing we are not supposed to talk about. That was very significant in that we have told people since last winter that their Qi cards were international. Now it’s just like their stock market and IPOs were international, but they were using paper rather than using computers. The significance here is that they have plugged into the Visa/MasterCard system that the rest of the world has.
DC: They have been preparing this to do it at the same time as the RV, but they are now ahead of the game.
Tony: So there is only one way that could happen, right? Let’s go on to the next thing…
DC: On to the US, the UN and DC folks have come down and they are absolutely set on this RV; they want to get everyone lined up and announce the top three officially even though they are already in play. They were prepped to do it all weekend because some DC politicians tried to delay that for personal game. Our understanding is that most of that is solved, and those stirring the post have been isolated. All the other countries said that had to stop. Everyone is ready to go, cued up, with three different windows tonight and tomorrow. We are just waiting on those announcements and then the rest can go forward.
Tony: Iraq was out of this and we could have activated it and it was done. Now Iraq is back because no one trusted Maliki with this, so now that he is out there is not an acting PM, and certain people in the agencies want to know there is a government in place before doing this. Before 1. July, that government was decided, but the US slowed the roll out. That’s what they are waiting on. The UN and the IMF have come out and said they need to firm things up, because instigators in the US have tried to cause troubles. They said we need to get this solved so that no one can cause problems. For the record, those instigators were NOT us, meaning TNT, and specifically Tony and DC. It was not us, just so your understand (though we do know who it was). We said Tuesday, so what should people be anticipating?
DC: The pressure is to get it done tomorrow. There are top diplomats there right now to insist that everyone gets it done tomorrow. We are happy with their situation; they are ready to move on that pretty darn soon. I’ll bet there will be some drama, so everybody’s going to have to keep a calm mind until things settle down. They’ve got it sorted out although a few people will attempt some BS moves tonight. A lot of the international community is strongly in favour of getting this done, and they are seeing through the BS moves some have made.
Tony: These people went over there last week, for the announcement and celebration – after our last call. That was supposed to happen over the weekend, and that is the second weekend in a row when we should have been in the bank on Monday, and they brought up more problems/delays.
DC: Everyone knows who is doing this, and their bosses are saying “Stop it! We’ll let Iraq do its thing” and people are mostly listening to their real bosses. There are many who want to do this immediately after the announcement, some 12 hours later, and some 24 hours later. They’ve sent reports about how stable it is, and these troublemakers are just being jerks. Everyone is ready for their day in the sun tomorrow; all the reporters and politicians are there, and they don’t want to look like idiots in public.
Tony: They’ve said tomorrow in the media, and among the politicians…
DC: Even the dinner has been ordered. We know it to that layer of detail.
Tony: Whatever happens tomorrow, we’ll send you the 800 numbers as soon as we get them. We haven’t got the packages yet, and we will do what we can to make this transition as smooth as possible. If we are NOT part of it, then we are not under NDA and I will tell you what I would do and how I would do it. I think we’ve given you a whole lot of the process so far, how it should work and what to look for.
DC: Plan A is (say) if it goes out at midnight tonight, and life is good. We will end up having a quick “it happened, here are the numbers” on twitter, and then some banks want two hours to set up appointments, while others want 48 hours so that people can get calmed down and get all the dinarians trained up by us and by other gurus. Then we would start an educational show every day going through the procedures.
Plan B would be a pre-recorded thing that would point to a website and you can figure that out on your own. Obviously, we have pointed out that interactive is a better way to go.
Plan C is to jam the websites, put us all under NDA, maybe let us have 15 minutes to say goodbye.
It depends on the day which Plan is in the lead, and we don’t know which it will be. Plan A is release the call numbers and teach you about the process for 10-14 days; Plan B is a little bit of information but you’re mostly on your own; Plan C is it’s a free-for-all with no additional information. We are good with whatever happens as long as you guys get the information and no one is taking advantage of you.
512 caller: With regards to the WF ‘friends+family’ (F+F) program, can you give us an update?
Tony: We came here to help people and be treated fairly. We understand about the F+F program, and I tried to explain to people why they were doing what they were doing, and that we should get to the bank on Monday. They don’t employ me, and most banks don’t like me, but it’s my job to tell the truth. We explained why they were doing it, so that people don’t walk off the job before we get there. Some of it makes sense. It was not everyone in WF, it’s people who were involved in the dinar process, and we don’t want them taking it out on us when we go in for our exchanges. This is why we thought it was okay because on Monday we should be there, too. I don’t care if someone goes two days before me, but when it becomes two weeks or a month, that annoys me. We were asked to bring it up. Even thought I was trying to help them, they got all pissy about it. WF doesn’t want us to talk about it, but it was the first question that came up, so there you are.
DC: The original reason they set up F+F was to benefit those who were beat up in this process. It’s been rough on their employees, so they are working with their little group. If they are taking care of their employees, that is a wonderful thing. The thing that causes friction is how much is training, how much is exchanging in advance. Most people have calmed down about this. Tony and I got slapped down for trying to help and that was not fun. We got over it, and now we are all looking forward to a wonderful couple of days.
Caller: They have put on their website that they do not sell Iraqi dinar at any of their locations, but if they are letting people come through like during the winter, where they are calling their top customers and having them deposit in their bank and making money off it…
Tony: That is not the case; if it were, if there were double-dipping, then I would be the first to be telling you. They did make some mistakes in how they did it. They did limit it to those who already have dinar. Now, though, we just want everything to be calm and fair and make it smooth. That is what you can count on.
DC: They were trying to take care of their own folks, which is good. Because of timing, things go way out of whack, and I think everyone’s going to be okay with that in the end. We all just want to be paid appropriately.
Caller: So long as we get our fair share, and we don’t find that the money is gone or used up.
DC: My understanding is that it does NOT affect the contract rates and the public exchanges. That was set up long ago.
281 caller: I finally got through, after a year! Thank you. It helps me to hear you guys give us the facts as you know them and encourage me. Thanks for answering my question before I asked it.
636 caller: This F+F thing… are these the friends and family in the call centers and such?
DC: Yes, primarily, and a few executives.
Caller: Let’s say my parents worked in the call centers, and they got millions, do you think they would show up the next day for work?
Tony: You’re an honest law-abiding citizen, right? Not for Texas, right? If the police showed up at your door and asked you to do something, you’d do it, right? Before they were trained, they had to sign a document saying that they didn’t own dinar, they wouldn’t buy dinar, and they wouldn’t tell people about dinar. Now they are saying “Because you couldn’t benefit, you can pick a few of your friends and family who can benefit from this, but you have to continue with this job for six months.” Those people understand is that millions of dollars involved, and all they need is time to process us through. The call centers and exchange centers will go away, and people will go back to their usual jobs as wealth managers and such. They just have to do their jobs.
Caller: Will other banks be involved besides WF?
DC: Most banks are tired of this up and down, just like we are. Most banks have said, “Call us when it’s done.” It is like most of our relatives, who are tired of hearing about it. They are tired of losing their people, paying overtime, getting people mad at them, and so on. Most will be notified the same time we will (apart from WF, which his the lead bank). They’ll make appointments for two days on, when they have had a chance to spin up their systems to deal with exchanges.
Tony: You can also exchange with the public currency exchangers. We haven’t talked about the NDA situation, the amount of caps (if any), whatever we can talk about depending on our NDAs. There are some options that we’ve gone through over the years, and you should be able to look at those and decide what is the best option for you. We know that some dealers will bring the currency to you, fi you are scared to pick it up. We may have to go through that again; I’ll call Frank from Sterling and see if he’d like to be on another call. There are other currency dealers, and you also have the option to do business with them, if you choose.
925 caller: I’m not from Texas. A few months ago, you talked about gift letters, and that people will have to sign NDAs as well.
Tony: I would definitely give currency away before the value changes; it belongs to that person, then, and I don’t have to worry about the taxes on it and so on.
Caller: Does our NDA cover people, that they cannot talk.
DC: Whoever does the exchange at contract rates has to sign an NDA, plus your spouse, tax attorney, or lawyer. If you give currency to your son, he is responsible for his own mouth and will have to sign his own NDA.
Caller: What about MCAs? I cannot find anywhere in the US to set one up.
DC: Most international banks have MCA (multiple currency accounts). They handle exchanges for wealthy people who travel a lot; they just have the bank give them the best rates possible. I am familiar with the ones at HSBC and other international banks. Most are set up for businesses; after this, several banks will set them up for individuals. You should be able to talk to your wealth managers, and they can help you set one up.
Caller: I just got a letter from Sterling saying that they have enough to cover their reserves.
928 caller: [appreciation] I think of you as the Moses Team, helping us out so much. What rates are the F+F being paid out at?
DC: I cannot answer that question.
Caller; I wonder about bringing lawyers in; I find that they make things more complicated, especially when there is a lot of money involved.
DC: The complexity becomes more complex when billable hours are concerned. Their intent it to make things so streamlined that lawyers are not involved. That’s why they want us to do more education so that you can get processed smoothly. In the cattle chute, it’s pretty much “take it or leave it” in your 20 minute appointment. It’s more about “Next!” than about negotiation. That’s why it’s important to educate people before hand.
Caller: If they go with Plan C, that may not be the case.
DC: That is the worry or concern with the folks doing this. The banks and the government guys want the least amount of fuss for maximum throughput. They want people to get their money and move on. Our concern is that if people don’t understand the process beforehand, that will cause everyone to ask questions at the bank and low down the whole process. Definitely bring some patience to the table if that happens. These folks doing the exchanges are also going through something here, because they are processing people who have walked off the street and now they are receiving all this cash.
Tony: DC has been both helpful and accurate with his cattle chute, that they will try to get you through in 20 minutes, branded and set loose. If the person doesn’t want that brand, the guy doing the branding is going to have a problem. They may brand your forehead rather than your butt because they are pissed off they are not getting this deal. You can see that the lack of education will make a problem for the banks and the people exchanging. More education will be smarter for everyone concerned.
Caller: We will be the new wealthy customers, too, so they want to treat us well.
DC: You are exactly the new clients they would like, with help to be given and fees to be generated.
520 caller: [frustration] I’m super-frustrated because I don’t know whether to sing “Tomorrow! Tomorrow!” or the Abbott and Costello routine “who’s on first”. [more of the same] What makes today any different?
DC: First, having a call for two hours three times per week is a lot, and with a lot of changing information. We’re giving you ‘in the moment’ information. It’s been so close for a long time, 70 times since 1. April. It’s painful to even say that we are close again. However, that is what we do: we give you as much information as we can without harming the process. We are part of that process, in fact. It’s painful to hear it every day and then be disappointed. That is why so many staff are getting burned out and international diplomacy is being strained. We are all living with that. I t was supposed to go down this weekend. They flew a lot of people into Iraq, and Baghdad in July is not the place to be.
Why is this different from other times? The main difference is that everyone has been picked in Iraq, Maliki is definitely out (although he’s still being a pain) and there is international cooperation about letting Iraq solve their own problems. Security is good, too. But we are seeing it in the banks, in the UST, UN, IMF and BIS. All those were saying GO right now!
Caller: On the one hand we are hearing that people are cashing out, and on the other hand we’re hearing we have to wait until M has gone, or the GOI is seated. Who does that make sense to?
DC: That’s the scenario we are at. We are close, and it will all be taken care of. It will be water under the bridge. There is no point getting mad at these people. If they take advantage of us, then we will do what we did in the past, but right now we don’t want to walk the boat. We agree with you, sir, very strongly, but right now we are trying to say that things happen and we don’t really care as long as we get ours as well.
Tony: I don’t care who they pay so long as we get paid. We do know what’s going on; we do know the rate but we are not trying to start anything right now. J We are well aware of what’s going on, and at this point you’ll just have to trust me for a day or two. We don’t want it to be six months like it was in December; we thought it was okay because last Monday and this Monday you were supposed to get paid. It was all set up and WE were notified that they were getting ready to do this. So we were going with it because nobody care about the rest so long as this goes through. J We are absolutely informed about what’s happening up to the minute.
Skype caller: I’ve been listening to you for a very long time. One of your pearls is “who does this make sense to?” I’ve heard you both agonize over NDAs or no NDAs, whether to take the street rate or not. I’ve decided to take the street rate because I don’t trust the NSA, and I’d rather have a bird in the hand than two in the bush. I value the information you give every week, and I would love it if you didn’t sign the NDAs so that you would be free to continue give us information. [more of the same] I do have one question: I am curious as to the F+F rate as well. We’ve had lots of people go before us; why are they so privileged to go ahead of us? I thought that there were banking laws in place to prevent that.
Tony: I want everyone to understand this… we are all about helping other people be treated fairly. On some sites people were getting used and abuse, and I couldn’t stand by and watch that. That is where we have started and that’s what we still do, giving you the truth. I have watched people do that even in government, and it’s happened to me twice In the last two weeks along. I will have to the sign the NDA whether I want to or not. I don’t know about that yet; I’m not looking for a fight but I’m not running from one either. The reason you have to sign an NDA is different from the reason we have to. Your NDA is five pages, and ours is 33 pages, and we have a lot of things you don’t have. There are reasons behind that, too.
It was not my vision to go through this RV and be paid. There are 500 people on the call in line, with 5000 on the freconferencecall and 30K or more on the internet listening to this call. That is more than 35K who will be brand-new milliionaires and billionaires this week. That 35K are influencing another ten, so that’s another 350K influencing another ten each, so that is 3,5 million who might be millionaires. Those are all people we have influenced through these shows. That is something they have to be wary of, and I fully understand that. If we all decide to move all our money from one bank to another, they take that as a threat. When I say “You are all millionaires and let’s support Joe Blow for governor, or for the Senate” they then get very nervous. I understand what they are worried about, because that is a lot of influence for a couple of dinar gurus. We could take over an entire industry!
As I say over and over again, I don’t want to be in politics. I say, “you are worried about something you don’t worry about”, does that mean they won’t worry or listen to my phone calls? I still have to go through that after you guys all get your money and are on the beach like fat cats. I understand their point, but I have to do what’s right for you guys. I understand you want me not to sign that NDA, and I would love to keep helping people as long as possible as you all change your lives. Before buying the houses, cars and jewelry, ask yourself if you have a plan for your money to make money, and then ‘do I have a plan to create a legacy for my family?” I haven’t read the NDA, so I don’t know what I can and cannot do, but I’ll do my best.
Caller: I know you have been anointed for this, and I know you are God’s man of the hour.
DC: Good Lord, who did I make mad that I’m stuck here now?!
Caller: I know you have quite a burden and you are being upheld in prayer quite a bit.
Tony: I will take all the prayers I can get. Who would have ever thought I would have this many people in the world mad at me, when they don’t even know me? They are accusing me, and they don’t even know who I am! It’s good to be appreciated by so many as well.
Caller: Is the VNN going with the IQN at this time?
Tony: I believe so.
Caller: Thanks also to Pam and the Mods; I’m proud to be a member of the forum.
352 caller: When I started listening to you last September, people talked about the 1-308, and writing “all rights reserved” on the contract. Do you think we are opening ourselves to red flags?
Tony: That is something to discuss with an attorney before you go in there.
DC: You have to get proper legal advice on that because it means different things for different states and/or different people. You have to make your own decision about that.
Caller; We can talk to our attorneys, but they are getting a crash course. Do you think they have the knowledge to address that?
DC: That’s why it’s important to select your attorney very carefully.
Tony: Also, if you are not comfortable, you do have a choice: you can walk out.
Caller: My concern is that we might have to resign something in the future; is that the case?
Tony: We are really talking about when they said something like ‘you will have to sign future revisions”, is that correct?
DC: If they want me to sign something I disagree with, I’m not going to do it, even if that means I take a lower rate. You will have to think that through for yourself.
347 caller: You’ve answered most of my questions, and it sounds good for tomorrow or sometime this week. In your heart of hearts, do you think we will make it past this week?
Tony: In my heart of hearts, I didn’t think we would make it past last week. Many powerful people thought it would go last Monday, and we were notified accordingly. We had a similar level of notification this week. We are confident where things are.
DC: Frankly, everybody has been incredibly ready for this to go, right on the razor’s edge since 1. July, and it’s been such a pain in the neck. We are very much there. Are people trying to delay this? Yes. This is extremely close, it has been in the past, and we have to make a judgement call of whether we tell everyone what we’re doing or not. We hope this is the final deal that pushes this through.
Caller: I listen diligently when I get on the call. I have had a trying month and a half, and today’s call makes me calmer this week and hopefully for the rest of the month.
Tony: Hopefully it won’t be the rest of the month or even the rest of the week.
919 caller: I have also waited months and months. This is Martha and Don on the boards. It’s a stressful time in my life, and I keep telling my husband that it is coming, it is coming. One thing you haven’t touched on lately is about old computer, new computer. I am thinking of using my old computer for web searches, and using the new computer for banking and bills, and then get a third computer for the big money bank accounts and investing. Also, should I use the old computer to make any purchases online with a credit card.
Tony: I think you should have a new computer for security with new email addresses because you gave out all your old information because that will be sold to lists that will hack in, get your passwords and all the rest. You don’t want that to do that with your new bank accounts. Just buy a small laptop just for your bank accounts, because that is too valuable to lose. The only site on that laptop will be the bank account, not even your email. IF you can do away with your old email address, or the old phone number, I would do that. Get a clean number, because they have people who go through and update those sales listen. I will have two computers, the one that goes to my bank and the other one with new email addresses and such. My old ones will be gone; I will not access them to make sure I don’t bring in any viruses. I already delete emails from people I don’t know. Out of all this money, spend $500 on a new computer to protect your bank account.
DC: I have an IT background, and the godfather of internet hacking said that the only way to truly protect yourself is not to power up the computer. It’s smart to have some security things on there. Take that account off your iPhone. Don’t open your existing email accounts on your own computer, use a public one like the ones at your library. Security is a personal thing, but you should look through those scenarios. If you have to do transactions over $25,000, maybe you have to go into the bank in person. I’ve had some bad security things happen to me, so I’m more cautious than most.
Tony: I have various cards, and it depends where I’m shopping which card I use. If a charge is made more than $125, it comes up on my phone instantly. As soon as I use the ATM , that transaction comes up on my phone immediately. Chase and WF both do that. Most of you will have black cards and they will be well-protected.
919 caller: About your own NDA, take the money and run, Tony! You don’t owe us anything! Do what’s best for your family. I have a question for fun, with three possible answers: Yes, No and Hell No! You talked about the gurus and who will get the packages; is dad one of them?
Tony: DC, you said there is at least one guru you respect…
DC: That is Randy Koontz, and he is well-respected. That’s the only one Pam sends on to Tony. He’s an honest guy and his heart is in the right place.
Tony: That would have meant so much more if you hadn’t said that’s the only one Pam sends me.
Caller: I have three kids, and one is in grad school, one is in high school, and one is in primary school. Do their ages still correlate to the contract rates, roughly?
Tony: There are still different rates, and they are being paid out. I want to give everyone the chance to do the right thing. We do know the rates paid out, and we know who has been paid. There is an active list. Let’s just give everyone the chance to do the right thing.
Every time that comes up, I want to re-iterate that you don’t know how many people have put their careers to furnish us with the information and time frames and all the other things we know, not just in the last three months but during the last four years. We know there was a big influx back in November and December as they realized what happened, and some of them were part of it. They didn’t realize it would go like that, and we need to thank those people who gave us that information . Even today there is a sacrifice involved. I’m not even in the government, and the last two weeks of BS that have been occurring, and the things that are being said and done, those people have the courage to stand up and do what’s right. We applaud you even though we cannot give your names. I thank you, all of us thank you, because we understand what it takes when you go into work not knowing if you would be fire. Two weeks ago, people were getting blamed and fired for things they were not even part of! Our guy in Iraq actually got put in jail! They have had their doors kicked in, computers taken, their families threatened, and all because they were doing the right thing and making sure we were staying engaged. A lot of people have put themselves at risk for this, and when this over for us, hopefully it will be over for them.
DC: Bottom line, things look really good. They said they will announce things on Tuesday, which is tomorrow. Some folks will try to cause delays for their personal gain, and that has been noted by the international community. We typically have four connections in all areas. We have folks at the CBI and security forces in Iraq, at the Hague and at the UN. So thank you to all of them, and also folks at the IMF, the UST and folks in the administration. There are a lot in the Senate and the House, and also their staffs, and also at the banks , and they can take solace that they have taken part in the largest financial deal in history. Thank you and I hope to God this is the last call.
Pam: Take your time when this happens. You know more than you think you know. Go back to the calls; take your time and trust yourselves, and also use professionals.
Ray: Looking forward to tremendous Tuesday.
Tony: You have information, suggestions and each other. I know some of you have set up separate systems on Skype and elsewhere, so you will still know how to contact each other if we cannot do Twitter. Regardless, when you go through that door to that appointment, that guy is just like you. He probably knows less than you! Don’t get mad at that guy because it’s not his fault. He’ll have his ten questions to ask you, and if you don’t want to sign the contract, then don’t. He is probably wondering why he couldn’t do this! Hopefully we’ll be able to talk before you go in so you will feel comfortable. If you, I’m sure you will be able to figure it out. Be confident, because you know went in there to accomplish, what you goals are, and where you want to invest and who you want to be responsible for it. A lot of that might happen on your second appointment. We are closer than you think; be ready, have your ten things written out, and hopefully we will be sending out a tweet today or tomorrow.



GOI OFFICIAL formation announcement is THE reason we are waiting.   It is adamantly scheduled for TONIGHT/TOMORROW.
3 time WINDOW after GOI announcement for the RV:   a) immediately afterwards b) 12 hour wait c) 24 hour wait
Iraq WAS out of the equation but this got wrapped into the process this last week and is now a requirement.
CBI 100% ready and is now in the 21st century by the Qui cards interlinked automatically with all other automated international banking systems. 
Previous to this automation much was more manual and not modern.
This automation was supposed to occur with the RV - sooooooo........... (draw your own inference here) (wooowhoooo!!!)
The last two weekends this was scheduled to GO - but BS deliberate delays for personal gains AND no government formed now that Mailiki is not there anymore - had to stabilize both these circumstances to release the RV.
TNT, DC and Tony were NOT the delayers - and want that on the record.
DC says there will be guaranteed more BS will happen again before tonight/tomorrow BUT this has been anticipated, dismissed and not to be taken seriously.  They are identified as the troublemakers and are not going to be allowed to continue.
Cameras are in Iraq, celebration scheduled, for the PLANNED GOI ANNOUNCEMENT from all around the world for TONIGHT/TOMORROW.

Still up in the air on the packages / instructions post RV announcement.  They still don't know if they are going to be allowed to help.

PoD - Portable Power on Demand

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Powerful - Capable of jump starting a car. Functional - Capable of charging four devices at once. Portable - Fits in a glove box.
If you've ever needed a jump start, but there was nobody you could ask to hook their car up to yours, then this is your portable solution. The Power on Demand X4 jump starter is capable of jump starting everything from small atvs and watercraft up to a V-10 engine. It carries a charge for up to one year so you can charge it and leave it tucked away in your trunk or you can carry it with you on business trips and charge up your laptop or tablet or smartphone. It even has a flashlight built in. The X4 is just about to hit the market and already we are developing the NANO version which will be about half the size of the X4. The X4 is roughly 5"x3"x1", and the nano will be closer in size to your cell phone (only a half inch thick).
This unit, the X4 PoD, is already on the market. If you're looking for the present for that guy who has everything...this it! The purpose for this KickStarter campaign is to obtain the funding for us to launch the new NANO version which is half as thick as the X4 and still carries a sizeable battery pack. The X4 battery holds 12,000 mAh, while the NANO holds 8,000 mAh. Both will jump start the same vehicles up to a V-10 engine. 
This video below will show the X4 jump starting a car.
453efbd7f2fbd01bd04bbf2ffb1f1d5d h264 high
X4 PoD jump starting a car
We are launching a new NANO version of this same X4 device that will be thinner and that is the basis for this campaign. This is to help us get this product launched and out there.
The charging cables will charge Apple products as well as Android products! In the picture below we demonstrate a device from each of the 4 charging tips. Unfortunately we didn't have an Android phone to display here, but the micro tip charges Android smartphones.
The X4 unit  charging an iPad, an iPhone 5c, a Bluetooth speaker (micro port), and a Bluetooth headset (with a mini USB port) all at the same time.
The X4 unit charging an iPad, an iPhone 5c, a Bluetooth speaker (micro port), and a Bluetooth headset (with a mini USB port) all at the same time.
Actual functioning prototype (blue device)
Actual functioning prototype (blue device)


We have already put the X4 model on the market and it has proven it's success.  We have developed the nano model and we are ready for production.  The prototype works exceptionally well.  We need a minimal amount to get the first batch made, and this is where Kickstarter comes in.  By funding the initial $1,500, we will be able to produce the first batch.  Since all of the materials have been sourced and the internal components have already been manufactured, we are confident in our ability to successfully fulfill all orders by the end of October 2014.

Risks and challengesLearn about accountability on Kickstarter

We have already successfully placed the X4 into the market and have been successful selling it. The manufacturer has already proven their capability to get the units made and delivered in a timely manner, so we don't see any problems getting these NANOs made and in our hands in time to ship out to you within our expected delivery time. With our projected shipping to be in October, we are confident we will meet our deadlines if not earlier. Once the project gets fully funded I'll send out updates on how the production is going.


    Have a question? If the info above doesn't help, you can ask the project creator directly.
    Ask a question


    omegaman July 14, 2014 many countries (at least 60) had been trading the TRN for weeks; a deadline approached for which is compelled the UST to fly to china and officialize it, prior to these countries' having Legal issues which violate the International IMF/BIS/WB/Federal laws...it was a mandatory move for which the Fed and the Cabal would have paid dearly for...

    Christian D,S, >
    omegaman July 14, 2014 I heard we have actually settled lots debts with the TRN and if we don't release it publicly we are in for some trouble.

    omegaman July 14, 2014 let it be OFFICIAL, not in my opinion,
    but confirmed: TRN's went live last night...payouts could begin tomorrow (Unconfirmed), 7/20 seems significant, but things could happen sooner, (Public, imo)...
    Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 8:16 PM

    Carden: Announcements coming out of Baghdad. There's the NEWS MEDIA IN IRAQ ready to announce the great news!

    This is the original CBI site and not the NEW ONE.... soon to be released.... with NEW LIVE RATES.

    Susan A. Smith:
    The new CBI website is hidden. It is a secret. It is soon going 'live'. 100% confirmed.

    My guesstimate: URGENT TELEGRAM:

    Hide and Seek ... New CBI website coming soon, but being kept hush hush. STOP.

    TRN's are ALIVE, 100% Confirmed. STOP.

    Celebrations, fireworks, news media coverage, Iraq is ready. STOP.

    Are you ready? Yes!!!  Let's Go! DON'T STOP.


    Look for infinitesimal changes on the
    Operational Rates from the UN Treasury (or other places.) KEEP GOING...

    Look for announcements from Iraq, after western business hours (their morning). STOP.

    This is the Final
    Countdown. Keep CALM, it's the FINAL COUNTDOWN, CONFIRMED.
    Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 8:50 PM


    Bailey2: [ Poppy3] to all my rich friends --- dinar news update from poppy3------ guys the news is wild today and tons of it from all the meetings since they adjourned Sundays meeting ended with no official progress .

    Tomorrow thing are said to be ready to go for a finish. They are saying the meetings have produced three solid candidates they have all agreed on and Maliki isn't one of them and he has no vote.

    His own bloc appears to have parted ways with him and will support someone else.

    Stand by tomorrow for a good update late tomorrow evening . I will try and bring the results as we know them if at all possible. They may hold them for an open announcement but news will leak and if it does we should get it very quick.

    Gosh guys I am getting excited again.
    I can see an end to this . Poppy3   www.dinarupdates.com

    Carden: Announcements

    Carden:Announcements coming out of Baghdad.There's the NEWS MEDIA IN IRAQ ready to announce the great news!

    This is the original CBI site and not the NEW ONE.... soon to be released.... with NEW LIVE RATES.

    Susan A. Smith:The new CBI website is hidden. It is a secret. It is soon going 'live'. 100% confirmed.

    Rsnger4564:My guesstimate:

    Hide and Seek ... New CBI website coming soon, but being kept hush hush. STOP.

    TRN's are ALIVE, 100% Confirmed. STOP.

    Celebrations, fireworks, news media coverage, Iraq is ready. STOP.

    Are you ready? Yes!!!  Let's Go! DON'T STOP.

    Superfantastic. DON'T YOU DARE STOP.
    Look for infinitesimal changes on the Operational Rates from the UN Treasury (or other places.) KEEP GOING...

    Look for announcements from Iraq, after western business hours (their morning). STOP.

    This is the Final Countdown. Keep CALM, it's the FINAL COUNTDOWN, CONFIRMED.

    Benjamin Fulford – 7/15/2014

    Press Conference on H.Res 428 with Reps Thomas Massie, Walter Jones and Stephen Lynch
    I joined families of 9/11 victims and Congressman Jones and Congressman Lynch today at a press conference to promote the release of 28 classified pages from an official 9/11 report. The pages are…
    Added on 3/12/14
    Benjamin Fulford – 7/15/2014
    Nazionist mafia circles the wagons as investigations zero in on Bush/Netanyahu
    Posted by benjamin
    July 15, 2014
    The recent brutality by Israel in the Gaza strip, the emergence of the ISIS caliphate in Iraq and the troubles in the Ukraine can now be traced to the same source: the Nazionists.
    Let us start with the ISIS campaign. Here is what MI5 and other intelligence agencies have been able to put together recently: ISIS is controlled by the CIA/RAND Corporation from headquarters in the US Embassy in Ankara, Turkey. This supports earlier claims from separate sources that an outfit known as the Jamestown Foundation runs CIA training bases in Turkey. ISIS also has its own nuclear capability outside of any formal government control, the sources say. In addition, it has been determined that the satellite communications used by ISIS are controlled out of Jerusalem. At the same time, the ISIS drones are run out of the US military base of Fort Huachuca in Arizona.
    Furthermore, genuine Muslims in Iraq are saying the ISIS fighters “do not look like Muslims and do not act like Muslims.” The locals are also very suspicious of the American SUVs and American equipment they are using, according to Green dragon society sources. So, ISIS is beginning to look suspiciously like a re-branding of the Nazi affiliated Muslim Brotherhood and an attempt to seize Middle Eastern oil the Arab spring failed to seize.
    Now let us take a look at the situation in Israel. Here we have a campaign that started with mutual kidnapping and murder (either real or faked) between Palestinians and Israelis. Next we have Mossad’s Hamas subsidiary firing missiles at Israel to reignite the long nurtured paranoia among the brainwashed Jewish population of Israel. Then we have the Israeli army attacking the Gaza strip in much the same way as the Nazis once attacked the Warsaw Ghetto.
    Now let us go to the Ukraine. There, as our sources in Russia point out, an English speaking mercenary army kicked out a legitimate government and installed a puppet regime that immediately began provocations against Russia and Russian speakers inside the Ukraine. The mercenaries further threatened to cut off the gas pipeline linking Russia to Germany. They, like ISIS, also claim to have non-government controlled nuclear weapons. This campaign is also being run by the Rand Corporation, according to multiple sources.
    It is no surprise then that the German government has ordered the head of the CIA Nazi/Bush faction in Germany out of the country and has begun a purge of CIA assets in Germany. Furthermore, a Russian intelligence source told the WDS they had issued a warning they were going to attack the Crimean capital of Kiev with Nuclear weapons if the puppet regime took over the Russian speaking Ukrainian city of Donetsk. The WDS then informed the Russians there would be no sanctions if they went ahead and annexed the Russian speaking portions of the Ukraine.
    In addition to this, the White Dragon Society received e-mails believed also to originate with the same Nazionist Rand Corporation threatening to “magnetic pulsing and nuclear false flags South of Beijing and in South East Asia, courtesy of the CIA.”
    So, apart from grabbing key energy pressure points, what is the Nazi Rand Corporation trying to accomplish with nuclear threats in the Ukraine, the Middle East and China? Why has Israel begun such a vicious campaign?
    We need to go back a few years to the February 2011 when Admiral Thad Allen of the Rand Corporation, together with a large group of Congressmen, visited New Zealand to ask for use of either the South Island or Tasmania as a residence for a group of about 1 million Sabbatean mafia members who wanted to escape from the United States. New Zealand refused and was hit by a massive earthquake just after Allen and the Congressmen left.
    Japan was also hit by a massive tsunami and earthquake on March 11, 2011 when they refused to allow these same would be refugees to live in the Northern Island of Hokkaid, according to Japanese military intelligence and other sources.
    Now, we have Congressmen, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEOF7wCIudA
    engineers for 911 truth, http://highrisesafetynyc.org/ and others creating an unstoppable groundswell demanding a real investigation of the 911 attack. If an official investigation begins, it will lead inevitably to the uncovering of the thorough infiltration and usurping of the US government by this mafia. The end result is that it is they who will end up in the FEMA concentration camps they created for their intended victims.
    Remember, Thad Allen was in charge of the hurricane Katrina weather warfare attack on New Orleans that was run as an exercise to see if a natural disaster could be used as a way to get Americans (in this case almost exclusively African Americans) into a concentration camp.
    Fortunately for us, it seems that Thad Allen and his like are not the only ones with weather warfare weapons. Last week a “once in decades super-typhoon” was headed for Tokyo when it suddenly vanished. It never hit. Something wiped it out.
    Both the alternative and corporate media hyped up this storm enormously before it hit and shut up entirely when it just vanished. This has now happened multiple times. The WDS and its allies will also stop any attempts by the cabal to use HAARP and other such technology to blow up the Yellowstone super-volcano or cause any other man made “natural disaster” mass casualty vents.
    So, now that we are getting a critical mass of Americans who are waking up to what was done to them, and demanding justice, they confront very dangerous and cornered beast but they will find they have many powerful friends around the world who are fighting the very same creature.
    Speaking about the rest of the world, here we are seeing more and more good news by the day. This week the BRICS nations will be having their summit and formally launching the BRICS Bank and BRICS financial stabilization fund. They will be also be promoting a “multi-polar” world instead of a fascist, centralized New World Order.
    In Indonesia, the most heavily populated nation in the world, Joko Widodo, an honest non-cabal candidate supported by the 177 nation BRICS alliance, won a decisive victory over his cabal opponent.
    Meanwhile the Vatican, once a nest of Satanists, is continuing to clean up its house and become genuinely Christian again. The Vatican bank has shut down over 3000 accounts used by the Sabbateans in the past to bribe and control senior politicians around the world. The Vatican P2 Freemason lodge is now saying the final obstacle to the new financial system is the “Bush Khazarians [Sabbateans]. ”
    In addition, the pope is admitting, as a precursor to a major purge, things like the fact about 2% of the Catholic clergy are pedophiles. He also hinting the church will end the practice of celibacy.
    In England the Sabbatean/Nazionist pedophile and associated blackmail network in the Parliament is also being purged. Also, something seems to be going on with the British Royal Family. News reports are saying that Queen Elizabeth has ordered Prince Charles to divorce Camela Parker Bowles.
    Our MI6 sources are saying the next King of England will be neither Charles nor his eldest son William but rather Harold, whose father is not Charles. That would mean England will have a King Harold for the first time since 1066.
    Finally, the gnostic illuminati mysteriously promised the WDS last week they were “going to write a new chapter of the bible.”
    Source: http://src-fla.us/index.php/news2e629/78-news-articles/110-ben-fulford

    Ben Fulford Is Saying Bush Sr. Passed Away On Friday..

    The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

    Ben Fulford Is Saying Bush Sr. Passed Away On Friday..
    Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Tuesday, 15-Jul-2014 07:30:23

    Hi Folks,
    I was browsing through the comments on Fulford's latest post and noticed lot's of people were talking about the death of Bush Sr.
    I think it originated from this post:
    Comment by patricia on July 15, 2014 @ 8:18 am
    Rumor only, but?
    johnMonday, July 14, 2014 2:05:00 PM
    Strong rumors out in Intel alleging that Sr died Friday and it will be announced Tuesday or Wednesday. If so the Jackals will turn on the family as payback. Retribution for all of them. We can but hope. What a farce as they will eulogise a disgusting and vemious crook. Lets see if its confirmed first. Every day he rots in pain is a bonus. Just rumor so far but lets see.
    – See more at: http://www.oneworldofnations.com/2014/07/owon-exclusive-turning-tide-report-1.html#comment-form
    Evidently an email was sent to Ben about that rumor and he confirmed that this was the case:
    Comment by patricia on July 15, 2014 @ 10:23 am
    Looking like the Bush is dead rumor is right?
    Here is an e-mail that Ben just sent me and asked me to post:
    Hi XXX,
    Could you please post this for the readers:
    “Bush Sr passed away on Friday apparently from food poisoning, I hear bad fish. This has been confirmed via his personal security. It should hit the news sometime this week.”
    The source works for a major charitable foundation and has been reliable in the past but I have yet to confirm this independently.
    Benjamin Fulford 古歩道ベンジャミン
    Well I guess this will be interesting to see if this materializes this week. If it does not, we can assume Ben's sources are not to be trusted.

    Monday, July 14, 2014

    Bizarre Video of Light Beam Exiting the Capitol Dome in Washington DC

    Bizarre Video of Light Beam Exiting the Capitol Dome in Washington DC

    Beam me up, Scotty?  There’s no audio, just the footage of a beam of light that appears to leave the building and move skyward,  and some figures moving around inside the Capitol dome at night.
    Seems a little odd. Make of it what you will.  ~ BP
    Uploaded July 6, 2014
