Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Bush Family Exposed

Bush Family Exposed
It began with Bloodline Princess Harriet Fay , descendant of Morgan Le Fay and mother of Samuel Prescott Bush
her son Samuel Prescott Bush joined Skull and Bones and his family stole the skull of the leader Geronimo to use in a satanic ritual . Samuel Prescott Bush became involved in politics through skull and bones and had a son named Prescott Sheldon Bush
Prescott Sheldon Bush was a satanist and made friends with other satanists . He was a dark occultist and in the 1920s he began a friendship with an aspiring german occultist named Adolf Hitler . Prescott Sheldon Bush would later become a united states senator and Adolf Hitler would later become dictator of Germany . Prescott would fund Hitler's holocaust through Fitz Thyssen corporation . He would also hatch a plot with SS General Gustaz Schwarzeneggar to overthrow FDR and establish himself as fascist dictator of america in 1941 . The plot would be foiled by Smedley Butler . Franklin D Roosevelt would later pardon Prescott Bush but would exile General Schwarzeneggar back to Germany . However , Gustav Schwarzeneggar's son , Arnold Schwarzeneggar , would later be invited to america and become a hollywood member and the governor of california.
It was the plan of the elite for the american faction of the illuminati , led by Roosevelt , to be infiltrated by an even more corrupt form of the illuminati , the "new world order" illuminatis , as opposed to the "old world order" illuminatis . This "new world order illuminatis" were the nazis .
So the Nazis began their plan of infiltrating america
Hitler had a nazi named George Scherff . George Scherff's son , George Scherff II , was sent to america in 1944 and adopted by pro-nazi senator Prescott Bush . He was given a false identity , "George HW Bush" . In 1945 , he had a meeting with his Fuhrer , Adolf Hitler . Adolf Hitler revealed that he was secretly the son of Aleister Crowley , and that Hitler had a sister who was also the daughter of Aleister Crowley . This sister was named Barbara Pierce . In 1945 , George Scherff II began a relationship with Barbara Pierce , his Fuhrer's Sister . Barbara Pierce then became Barbara Scherff . Publicly they were "George HW Bush and Barbara Bush" . They had a son named George Scherff III in 1946 , fake name "George W Bush" .
In 1947 , George HW Bush secretly created the CIA and then brought all nazis to america and gave them positions in nasa , monsanto , and the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industries . George HW Bush began to be more involved with his cia in the 1960s
In 1963 , The Illuminati ordered president John F Kennedy to be assassinated . The order went down to the head of the American Illuminati , the repossessed corpse of Aleister Crowley . Crowley with the assistance of the Vatican and the Mafia orchestrated a conspiracy to assassinate John F Kennedy . The final details were then given to Lyndon B Johnson
Lyndon B Johnson then made a conspiracy to send the CIA , the Mafia and a group of socialists over to assassinate kennedy . It was all overseen by George HW Bush , he was the ultimate overseer , and it was George W Bush who pulled the trigger to kill president John F Kennedy . Oswald a patsy was then blamed . The repossessed corpse of aleister crowley then seized control of america and turned the president into a puppet post . Lbj became crowley's first puppet . That is why Crowley's daugher Candy Crowley monitors the presidential debates , she is choosing a puppet for her father .
Crowley turned america socialist through taking away gold and silver under nixon in 1973 . HW Bush thought nixon wasnt neoconservative enough though . So he impeached him . It was at this time that HW Bush was head of the orginization he created , The CIA
When Carter was president he started a conspiracy with HW Bush to make the muslim brotherhood control iran in a dictatorship so that there would be excuse for war in the middle east . Also at this time W Bush began an oil corporation with the memeber of a scion of the saudi royal family , the bin laden family , who were oil magnates . The member was named Salem bin Laden . W Bush and Salem bin Laden then formed bush and bin laden oil company . Salem bin Laden mysteriously died in a plane crash though and all his money went to W Bush . It then became Bush oil corporation .
HW Bush made himself vice president in 1981 . He then realized reagan wasnt neoconservative so HW Bush got his friend John Hinckley to shoot reagan . Reagan then agreed to be a neoconservative puppet for Bush. So he was made to llve
As vice president George HW Bush made a plan for creating a dictatorship in america . It would need an enemy for the people to rally against so the dictatorship would look like it is saving them . But they needed to create an enemy . So they decided to create an enemy but make it appear like a hero first . So in the 1980s HW Bush met his son's oil partner's brother , Osama bin laden , and began making him a "soviet resistor" and trained him as an "anti soviet" cia asset . Osama then became a puppet for the CIA and the bushes . After ruling as president and admitting the new world order , hw bush sold the presidency to clinton and the governorship of texas to his son George W Bush . W then seized control in 2001 and continued clinton's agenda , which was to start to portray cia asset bin laden as a enemy so that the government could begin dictatorship . Bush then orchestrated 911 and used bin laden as a patsy and created an overly powerful government and killed millions of people in wars .
the bushes also were responsible for the death of Tesla .
So the bushes had a role in the JFK Assassination , The Holocaust , the murder of Nikola Tesla , 9/11 , Iran Contra , Project Paperclip , Psychiatric Corruption , Monsanto , The Alien Agenda , Drug Smuggling , The Shooting of Reagan , The Nixon Impeachment , The Creation of Islamic Iran , The War in Iraq and Afghanistan and instability and chaos in the middle east , the seizure of american's liberties , The defaming of Geronimo's grave , and the rise of the new world order.

Your Discernment Is Advised

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Your Discernment Is Advised
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 16-Jul-2014 05:49:11

My sky is full of chemtrails this morning.
The US Supreme Court, and Corporate US Congresscritters are still walking free to infect the air we breathe.
Israhell Nazis are still rampaging on death missions of genocide.
The ISIS marauders are still backed and supplied by Western Interests.
The Rand Corporation is still attacking and destroying Human Beings planet wide, and creating turmoil for profit everywhere you look.
The mission below needs to be completed ASAP....
Escobar: BRICS bank on its way to beat casino financial system
Published on Jul 15, 2014
New Development Bank will provide money for infrastructure and development projects in BRICS countries, and unlike the IMF or World Bank, each nation has equal say, regardless of GDP size. "BRICS Bank will be one of the major multilateral development finance institutions in this world," Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday at the 6th BRICS summit in Fortaleza, Brazil.
BRICS establish $100bn Development Bank to cut out Western dominance
Published on Jul 15, 2014
The emerging economies signed a long-anticipated document to create a $100 billion BRICS Development Bank. The institution will counter the influence of Western lending firms as well as the dollar. DETAILS:
June 17, 2014
133 G77 Nations vow to destroy America’s New World Order
June 17, 2014. Bolivia. The American and European media are doing everything they can to black this news out. But it’s not going to stay a secret for long. As of this weekend, there’s a new New World Order on Earth and its enemy is the United States, the EU, the UN Security Council and the world’s shadow government led by the IMF and WTO. This new alliance of poor countries wouldn’t be much of a threat, except it includes two-thirds of the world’s nations including China and India.
UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon (center) with host country Bolivia’s President Evo Morales and 133 other world leaders this weekend. Image courtesy of the UN.
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It’s a sad day for the American people when their government and state-sponsored news industry blacks out such an important news story. Americans actually have to rely on outlets like the Havana Times in Cuba, The Times of India, and United Nations press releases. There’s a reason this news is being censored across the West. And it’s only the latest global news story over the past two weeks on this subject blacked out from the American people. Read on to find out why.
End of the New World Order
When the richest and most powerful nations on Earth formed the G7, G8, G20 and the like, they united to combine their dominance over the remaining 175 countries that make up humanity. And for decades, the wealthiest 20 countries led by the US have gotten exponentially more wealthy at the expense of the poorest 175 nations, who in turn have gotten even poorer. That’s been the result of the West’s ‘New World Order’, led mainly by self-appointed global governments like the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization.
133 of those 175 countries have had enough of the New World Order’s rigged global financial system based in New York and London. They’ve seen their economies destroyed by corrupt corporations and global governments that create a cycle of never-ending dependence and poverty. They’ve seen their nations’ vast resources stolen by multinational corporations. Their agriculture landscape has been poisoned. Their citizens bankrupted by the IMF and Wall Street. And their democratically elected leaders overthrown by foreign agents from countries like the US.
They’ve had enough of the New World Order. And an alliance of 133 countries, two-thirds of the nations on Earth, signed an agreement this weekend to end the West’s New World Order and replace it with a fair, honest and legitimate World Order - one that lets everyone participate and benefit, not just the super rich.
The Next World Order
The organization is officially called the ‘Group of 77 and China’, but the alliance actually includes 133 nations. Showing just how much influence they have, their meeting this weekend in Bolivia was opened with a keynote speech by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. In the audience were over 30 heads of state from around the world and official representatives from over 100 more governments. Also illustrating the organization’s growing influence, China isn’t even a member of the G77, but insisted on participating anyway in a show of unity with the globe’s Next World Order.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro participated, telling the gathered nations they had to unite to, “fight for fair and sustainable economic growth and for a new world economic order.” Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa went one step further, telling the gathered national leaders and representatives, “Only when we are united across Latin America and united around the world will we be able to make our voice heard and change an international order that is not just unfair, it is immoral.”
A report from AFP on Yahoo News, about the only report found in Western media, describes how Cuban President Raul Castro also participated, but reserved his comments for a call to help their top ally Venezuela. Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and a number of South American countries have insisted they are currently under attack by the United States and the CIA, who they insist are desperately trying to orchestrate coups to overthrow their democratically elected, pro-socialist governments the same way they are accused of doing in the Ukraine recently.
Iran and the UN
An announcement published by the United Nations this weekend touts UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s enthusiastic participation in the G77 meeting. It discusses how important this massive alliance is to the goals of the UN, particularly with regard to reversing the world’s growing economic inequality among nations. Moon and the UN are also sponsoring a separate but related meeting of nations in September to draft new climate resolutions to be enacted in 2015.
The announcement describes a private meeting between the UN Secretary General and Iran’s Vice President, ‘On the margins of today's summit, Mr. Ban met with the First Vice President of Iran, Eshaq Jahangiri, to discuss development issues, as well as the potential role that Iran could play in restoring stability in Iraq and Syria. The Secretary-General added that he looked forward to Iran's positive involvement on climate change and said he very much hoped that President Hassan Rouhani would attend the climate summit this September.’ The report also says the two leaders discussed Iran’s nuclear ambitions and the coming July deadline for compliance with past mandates.
Threats of America’s “second Vietnam”
Many of the government leaders in attendance took the opportunity to strike a blow against what they consider to be the biggest enemy of world peace, democracy and economic freedom - the United States.
One leader even went as far as calling out President Obama by name and threatening the United States with a second Vietnam.
As reported by the Times of India, the G77 conference’s host this weekend - Bolivian President Evo Morales - threatened the United States and the American President telling the gathered heads of state, “If Mr. Obama keeps assailing the people of Venezuela, I am convinced that, faced with provocation and aggression, Venezuela and Latin America will be a second Vietnam for the United States. Let us defend democracy, natural resources, our sovereignty and our dignity.”
Cuba’s President Raul Castro was possibly the most pointed and focused in his remarks regarding the agenda of the participating countries. As reported by the Havana Times, Castro told the alliance of 133 nations, “It is necessary to demand a new international financial and monetary order and fair commercial conditions for producers and importers from the guardians of capital, centered in the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and from the defenders of neoliberalism grouped in the World Trade Organization, which are attempting to divide us. Only unity will allow us to make our ample majority prevail.”
UN Civil War - dissolving the UN Security Council
One of the more ambitious goals of the G77 and its 133 participating countries is the elimination of the United Nations Security Council. World leaders insist it is little more than a five-nation tyranny over the full UN body. With five permanent members of the UN Security Council having veto power over the rest, UN policies and actions have been dictated by those five countries - US, UK, Russia, France and China. Members of the G77 want the Security Council eliminated so the UN can go back to being a purely democratic body.
The Cuban leader went on to describe a global economic system run by American hypocrisy and financial corruption, “The principles of International Law and the postulates of the New International Economic Order are brazenly violated, concepts that attempt to legalize meddling are imposed, force is used and threats of force are made with impunity, the media are used to promote division.”
Dominoes beginning to fall
This is just the latest organized attack on a global financial system rigged by corrupt governments and the multinational corporations that control them. Just last month, Russia and China signed a long term trade alliance that represents the first major crack in the US Dollar bubble. The two countries agreed to stop using US Dollars in their transactions and instead use their own two currencies. The two largest banks from both countries immediately announced they would be dumping the US Dollar as well.
On top of that, the world’s ‘BRIC’ countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China - have publicly declared their goal of replacing the corrupted US Dollar with some other global default currency. Now that Russia and China have finally taken actual steps to do that, the remaining two-thirds of the world will most likely begin making preparations to stop using the US Dollar as well. It was only this weekend that 133 of them pledged to do just that.
The scary part for Americans is that both Washington and Wall Street have promised this would never happen, because if it did, it would destroy the US economic system and possibly the US itself. Read the Whiteout Press article, ‘Russia-China Deals move US Dollar closer to Collapse’ for more information.
To view a full list of the 133 nations that make up the G77, visit the Group of 77 website.
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Court reverses ruling on Presidential Eligibility, 6 years late
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Bush Sr. Photographed Alive July 15th..

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Bush Sr. Photographed Alive July 15th..
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 16-Jul-2014 08:45:05
In Response To: Is Bush Sr. Dead???? Per Benjamin Fulford (Lymerick)

Reader Bob sends this article:
105-year-old woman fulfills dream to meet George H.W. Bush on Tuesday, July 15, 2014, according to this article:

Mutiny! Border Patrol “Will Not Obey Unlawful Orders” From Homeland Security and White House

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Mutiny! Border Patrol “Will Not Obey Unlawful Orders” From Homeland Security and White House
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Tuesday, 15-Jul-2014 21:19:51

As the Department of Homeland Security and The Department of Health and Human Services scrambled to find food, medical care and shelter for up to 60,000 illegal immigrants making their way into the United States over the last several months, they came up with the idea of shipping thousands of undocumented migrants to detention centers in Murrieta, California.
Americans showed up in droves to protest the proposed drop-offs. So much so that the gatherings made national news. Swarms of Americans, many of whom hailed from foreign countries themselves, stood in the middle of the road blocking scores of buses as they attempted to reach their destinations at makeshift refugee camps set up by DHS and HHS.
Given the recent history of such brazen actions by American citizens exercising their First Amendment rights, it was believed that the federal government would step in and begin detaining protesters in free speech zones or temporary holding facilities so that the buses could get through.
But that never happened.
Now, a highly credible insider speaking with GMN in a recorded interview has shed some light on what happened, and according to him things could have gone a whole different direction.
According to the whistleblower, who has thus far remained anonymous for fear of reprisal, the Department of Homeland Security on orders from the White House was preparing to disperse the protesters with physical force if necessary. Federal riot police were being mobilized, complete with riot gear, body armor and armored personnel carriers.
When local law enforcement and border patrol agents, many of whom live in Murrieta, got wind of the plot they reportedly pushed back against the Federal government and themselves protested behind closed doors.
In an exclusive expose regarding the immigration standoff in Murrieta, California, it was revealed by a confidential informant inside the Murrieta U.S. Border Patrol facility that the real reason busses stopped delivering illegal immigrants was due to a virtual mutiny within the U.S. Border Patrol ranks.

A recorded telephone interview with a highly credible and prominent Murrieta community leader on Sunday July 14, 2014 when it was revealed that frontline U.S. Border Patrol agents threatened to stand down if the Department of Homeland Security executed a plan to use force upon protestors [sic] if they impeded buses transporting undocumented immigrants into the Murrieta processing facility.

“Most of the Border Patrol agents here at this facility are residents of Murrieta, and when they found out that the DHS was going to come in with riot gear, the agents declared that they would not obey any unlawful orders which violate the Constitutional rights of peaceful protestors.” said the informant.
“Our contact inside the U.S. Border Patrol told us that we do not even realize how impactful the protest was….it was a shot heard around the world….all the way back to Guatemala; Mexico, and not just the U.S. Government….the influx of immigrants coming over the border has decreased from 1500 per day down to 800 per day…cut almost in half as a direct result of what we’ve done.”
The front line U.S. Border Patrol agents are essentially refusing to perform any unconstitutional act upon the protesters, and they let their intentions be known to their superiors. As a result, the Department of Homeland Security could not proceed with delivery of another busload of illegal immigrants to Murrieta due to the lack of support by Murrieta Police Officers, as well as Border Patrol Agents who are stedfast in upholding their oath to defend and support the Constitution of the United States.
GMN via SGT Report
The reports have yet to be verified because numerous reports indicate that anyone who discusses what’s happening inside of detention facilities or with the immigration process is being threatened with arrest.
However, the federal government backed down surprisingly fast when protesters started blocking roadways, which adds credence to this report because without local law enforcement or border patrol support, it would have been a difficult undertaking for the White House.
In recent years the government has been working to hybridize local policing agencies and personnel by placing their command and control infrastructure under the directive of federal agencies like Department of Homeland Security. If this report is accurate, and all signs indicate that it is, then we have just witnessed how easy it is to take the bite out of federal authorities attempting to overstep their Constitutional bounds. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Dolphin carries for life the scars that show how it was nearly eaten by mystery giant predator as a calf

Dolphin carries for life the scars that show how it was nearly eaten by mystery giant predator as a calf

A battle-scarred Risso dolphin was pictured leaping and diving in the water off Monterey Bay in California last week, presumably overjoyed to be alive. 
Down each side of its sleek sides were long teeth marks - a reminder that despite their playful nature life in the ocean is filled with danger for dolphins. 
The sighting of the dolphin quickly led to speculation among marine biologists and whale watchers as to what predator left the marks. 
Lucky: Long scars left over from an attack cover the body of this Risso dolphin
Lucky: Long scars left over from an attack cover the body of this Risso dolphin
Attack: The scars on both sides of the dolphin likely came from a killer whale attack while it was a calf
Attack: The scars on both sides of the dolphin likely came from a killer whale attack while it was a calf
The dolphin, which was photographed by Monterey Bay Whale Watch's Everett Robinson, appeared none the worse for its injuries, which appeared to have healed a long time ago. 
Killer whale researcher Alisa Schulman-Janiger told GrindTV: 'This dolphin is very lucky to have gotten away. The bite mark implies that the whole animal was in the predator’s mouth, and now it appears to be thriving.'

Many have suggested that the Risso, one of the largest dolphins in the world, had been attacked as a calf, and that the scars had stretched as it grew. 
Possible culprits included a great white shark or even a twin propeller on a boat. But the symmetry of the scars on both sides have led many to believe that a killer whale may have been responsible.
Schulman-Janiger said that Rissos were often preyed on by orcas and, although the scars were wide apart, they could have stretched. 
Damaged: The scars run the length of the dolphin's body, ending in one long scratch before its tail
Damaged: The scars run the length of the dolphin's body, ending in one long scratch before its tail
Spotted: The dolphin has been seen frequently off Monterey Bay by guides leading whale watching excursions
Spotted: The dolphin has been seen frequently off Monterey Bay by guides leading whale watching excursions
She added: 'The scars grow with the dolphin, so the actual size of these teeth were likely somewhat smaller than the scars indicate.'
The dolphin has been spotted several times this year off Monterey Bay, by tour guides leading whale watching excursions. 

Kate Cummings, of Blue Ocean Whale Watch, took some amazing images of the Risso in April, clearly showing the teeth marks.

Sheldan Nidle - Update for July 15, 2014

Sheldan Nidle - Update for July 15, 2014

13 Batz, 14 Kumku, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We come bearing more good news! Those involved with bringing you your wondrous blessings are nearly ready to deliver them to you. Hence, stay confident and positive about your prosperity. It is to come with a new financial system and with new governance. Let us turn our attention in this message to something, which runs parallel to your prosperity, the heavenly preparation of your physical self for full consciousness. This process entails a complete redoing of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. The final reintegration is to happen while you are safely inside a crystal-like Light chamber. This special living cavity of Light is to forge a complete resequencing of your cellular RNA/DNA. It works as a living Light instrument. It orchestrates new sequencing codes, which move you instantly toward achieving your full physical potential. This process, designed by Heaven, takes approximately three Earth days to achieve its divine goals. Your own body guardians and your other heavenly guides direct it. In addition, you are to have a special mentor assigned and expressly trained by us. When you emerge from this living crystal of Light, you are to be returned to full consciousness.

   You are now experiencing painful preliminaries to this process. These operations to your various ethereal and physical bodies are, first of all, to reintegrate them and secondly, to increase the degree of Light frequencies that you can handle. This process also includes the initial increase of your DNA from two to three strands. This procedure is making you able to “feel” more of the reality, which surrounds you. Moreover, as this is combined with a general overhaul of your meridian and chakra systems, it is leading to some degree of inner pain, which confounds most of your physicians. Nevertheless, be assured that a procedure is underway which is divinely designed to ready you for the final three days ensconced in your living Crystal Light Chamber. This heavenly Being is a special gift from the Creator. It is to complete the massive degree of reshaping which you are currently enduring. Hence, each of you is moving through a thorough series of adjustments needed to shorten your wondrous stay in this sacred living Being of Light.

   These preliminary adjustments consist of two types. The first are those which raise the frequencies of each of your present chakras, or else permit new chakras to be introduced. The second type is actual changes in your physical body. Let’s look at these in more detail. The first kind is more frequent. Heaven is moving you to the very edge of a vast alteration of your physical consciousness. Thus, your physical body is able to take in even more divine Light than before. This increased Light forces your body to augment the operation of your limited conscious, and allows us to position new chakras in your body to more easily handle this growing stress. This increased physical consciousness permits your physical self to initiate a process to connect more easily with your spiritual consciousness. This sets the stage for what the living Light Chamber is to accomplish. The second type is more rare. As your meridian system alters its response patterns, we can use this to actually “split up” some of your present chakras.

   The best example is what is happening to your heart chakra. This chakra is now separating in two, producing a new heart chakra and introducing the thymus chakra to your body’s energy system. At present, the new heart chakra is in effect. The newer thymus chakra is in various stages of construction. The thymus is to handle your increased immune system and to work with the new diaphragm chakra to eliminate the tragic effects which fear can cause to your body. This process has temporarily caused some degrees of discomfort. In the end, it is to limit the pain that those alterations to your head can create. Keep in mind one essential rule —Heaven has mandated a complete redoing of how your physical self operates. When these series of adjustments reach a prescribed threshold, you are to be ready to enter your Crystal Light Chamber. At that point, all the pains you are now going through are then to pay immense dividends. It is to allow you to take three days and transform yourself back into a fully conscious Being, capable of doing miraculous works. One who can help unfold physical Creation.

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Our associates are busily setting the stage for your prosperity and preparing the ways by which the dark cabal is to exit from its current position of great wealth and power. This process is to end their power and bless each of you with a return of your sacred sovereignty and a grand prosperity, which permits you to achieve your true purpose. This process thus needs to be thorough and able to deliver what Heaven has decreed for you. It is as well to introduce governance, which truly cares about your general welfare and diligently preserves your sacred rights. This new governance is to invite you to participate freely in its activities and allow you to be free and able to learn about the true nature of this reality. It is as well to allow you to become aware of your Inner Earth and spiritual families. These wondrous Beings are to provide mentors, who along with us are to teach you a great many truths about the reality in which you now reside.

   Our duties are, at the right divine moment, to appear among you and begin a series of lessons, which Heaven asked us to provide. These interactions are to prepare you for understanding what your new reality is to offer. Full consciousness is a most wondrous state of Being given to galactic humanity. This state has been our blessing for millennia. Each of us takes this experience and learns much about the very nature of possibilities found within each reality. The Creator gives us a special home and a delegated divine service. We take these gifts and use them to help others and to maintain this divine environment. The heavenly Elohim, assisted in this operation by us all, puts physicality together. We exist in a realm, which we helped to design. Our responsibility is to apply our wisdom and our blessed love to maintain it.

   We can learn numerous things while in divine service. We take the simple truth that we are all one, and daily apply it to our mutual service. Out of these sacred tasks come immense wisdom and a child-like Love for everyone. Blessings are a daily part of our service. We chant, we dance and bring joy to all. Joy is the greatest state of divine grace. In it is the laughter that encompasses the life and breath of our Soul. Mercy flows from it. Enlightenment is a result of these simple actions. We use this to understand the beauty of our sacred home and the wonders the Creator gives it. Learn to not take your world too seriously. Be ready to do what is needed to bless and transform it. Remember in your heart how our collective was born and how it is now ready to return to its previous glories. Let us sing, dance and revel in a grand prosperity filled with never-ending joy and freedom. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

   Today, we briefly looked over what is happening on your world and reviewed some of the phenomena now happening to you. You are on a journey, which is very quickly to alter this realm and return it to her former self. This return is to bring us to your door and prepare you for your final grand leap into full consciousness! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)



     Yesterday I was called on an unlisted cellphone and my regular name used by the stranger calling instead of my pen name. This was from a woman I had never talked to before and I checked her out later through friends and none had referred such a woman to call me about our Tree Of Life Moringa seeds. She called from a 215 exchange. I used resources available and soon had confirmed the neighborhood she had called from and it was in Philadelphia, PA. Her questions were like taken from a federal legal frame-up course and if recorded could be altered to make the person talked to sound guilty of some criminal act that he had not done. I don't know if this was a call from an NSA operative, CIA operative, or just a private citizen who had access to private information about me which was not available on the internet. The name she gave over the phone did not sound like the name I found the phone listed for.
    I do check out people sometimes when it may be necessary. But this incident forced me to a legal decision. I am not going to submit to any future legal attempts at frame-up or interference with legal activities by a federal operative trying to tie up my time so I cannot take care of activities that must be taken care of to win for passage of the Omni Law in America. Some time back, one man was trying to force a meeting with me and indicated I would get heavy support from him. I called the phone no. for an organization that he was supposed to be connected to. They had never heard of him! Some kind of fraud was being tried or else he or they were trying to set me up for a federal murder attempt. However,  I would not lose heavy time with a con artist or would-be federal murderer of some sort!  
     I had been notified that some heavy money supposed to help start the reestablishment of the Vatican endorsed food process in America had been blocked from being sent to me until the RV of foreign currencies occurs. The federal claim I understood was that the movement of heavy money to me could create problems with the pending RV of foreign currencies so would not be allowed through banking circles until the RV occurs. The amount of money involved was rather huge and would start the Vatican endorsed food process on a big foundation able to handle the American and international market. Friends of mine suspected that this was a federal dirty trick operation trying to block me from reestablishing this Vatican endorsed industrial food process back in America, so invented a b.s. legal excuse to block it for now from America.
     When making important legal decisions, I like to fall back on firm ground that no one can argue about as being justification for the decision I make. I repeatedly played up in national reports about the $525,000 federally stolen from me back in 2004 and never returned it to me when I demanded it back  in early 2005. I said if Wash., D.C. wanted to prove it had given up its criminal attempts to block the reestablishment of this Vatican endorsed food process, then return the federally stolen $525,000 to me and call it a federal grant which would cover for return of the federally stolen $525,000 from me without legally confessing to stealing this money from me earlier as they had done for real and I have witnesses to what happened back then.
     They had federally stolen from me my $525,000 to block me from reestablishing this Vatican endorsed industrial trade secret food process my father had invented many years ago. And I was just notified of the federal blockage of the large funds that I am supposed to receive at any time now. Doubletalk was used but the reality is the funds committed to me are now at risk whether I will receive them or not due to apparent Wash., D.C. interference. Dirty tricks are dirty tricks regardless if done on a simple level or else on a sophisticated level of legal b.s. intended to con the naive and gullible in American society.
     The large funds were going to be used for buying much land, equipment, construct manufacturing buildings, etc. for setting up the Vatican endorsed industrial food process Pope Pius XII indicated was potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. Pope Pius XII maybe didn't know this point but with the really right nutrition, the body has enormous resistance to cancer, diabetes, heart disease,  highly infectious diseases, etc.
     Separately I have already lined up enough financial commitments that once realized should enable me to easily and fast pass our Omni Law in America. As NSA as Snowden indicated heavily listens in on all our phone calls, reads all of our emails, etc., I have hidden as best as possible the answers where our heavy commitments of financial funds are to come from to help pass the Omni Law. If Obama knows where the support exists for passage of the Omni Law, he will try to assign federal operatives to see if they can derail or else steal these coming funds. That is called dictatorship and tyranny if tried in America.  
     Because the return of the federally stolen $525,000 was to be the legal sign that Wash., D.C. was going to try and straighten out the criminal acts that it had committed against me to try and block me from reestablishing my father's invented industrial food process the Vatican had endorsed even though my father was not a Catholic but hardcore Protestant, my legal patience is finally at a total end. I now up my planned legal financial damages action against Wash., D.C. and criminally involved officials and employees within the national government up to $500 trillion. I would have cancelled this planned legal action if Wash., D.C. had shown any honesty in this matter which they have not. Time is up! The children of Israel in the Old Testament believed that names given at birth were prophecies of the future of that child. Part of my name given at birth in Hebrew means God's Judge or the Judgment Of God. If my name at birth predicts my future character, then Wash., D.C. is in one colossal legal jam as of now! I have engineered legal upsets before and know how the legal game is played to do this! I not only intend to file but also collect $500 trillion in damages from Wash., D.C. and from the evil cabal that it is the front for and which cabal is legally liable for the national government of Wash., D.C. when it commits criminal acts against the American people and people of all nations on earth. I will have business sources sign their certification that my claimed figure of $500 trillion in damages is justified from business standards and not a wild figure invented from thin air! And I might as well go ahead and collect it soon! And by unexpected legal moves, expect to collect fast and not have this fought in courts for years! I know how they play legal games, but they don't know how I play legal games when I intend to make sure I win!
     In a moment I will quote from part of an email I sent to someone today who just placed some money into the Omni Law Loan Program. What I said to him pretty much shows how big the return on a single $25 loan credit in the Omni Law Loan Program can potentially be for him or you or multiples of $25 loan credits in his name or your name. As medical lab reports from all over the world indicate that the entire human race will go extinct soon on earth if my father's Vatican endorsed food product is not added in time to the diets of the people of nations across the earth, the people in America and other nations will be on my side, not that of Wash., D.C. when this legal fight explodes into world headlines in the process!
     Now Wash., D.C. secretly set up the Communist Revolution in Russia in 1917 and as one banker said to a secret Congressional committee in Wash., D.C., Russia would have become the industrial leader of the world instead of America if the amateur Communists had not been placed in charge of the Russian economy when they took over Russia. He said this is why the bankers secretly financed the Communist Revolution in Russia in 1917. But he did not mention that Lenin had to agree to ship all Czarist gold of Russia to Wall Street bankers in New York City as the price for earlier Rothschild, Rockefeller backing, etc. from Wall Street bankers. Also, banking allies in Europe also confiscated Czarist gold deposited with their banks. Russia got robbed of all her Czarist gold which had made Russian currency the only currency in the world 100% backed by gold until the Wall Street bankers got all this gold for their private profit instead of Russia or America. Also, Russian blood mass flowed in prior Czarist Russia as an estimated 40-50 million Russians were ultimately murdered by the Communists who had taken over Russia with $42 million backing from Wall Street bankers and $10 million or more backing from President Woodrow Wilson raiding a $100 million military trust fund under White House control.
     I descend from a minor branch of the Russian royal line, but since other more major lines of descendants of the Russian royal line just sat there and never acted to recover the stolen gold of Russia back to the Motherland of Russia, I hereby declare myself the legal Regent for the Czarist gold of Russia and to compensate for the gold stolen, 10% of all funds recovered by suing Wash., D.C. and the evil cabal behind it for $500 trillion will go to Russia today to compensate for this vast fortune of the wealth of Russia stolen by Wall Street bankers in 1917. I remind the Russian people that Moscow had the legal right to elect the Czars of Russia and so they can also elect or ratify that I am the appointed agent or Regent for recovery of the wealth stolen from Russia. Also, this 10% fund can help rebuild the lost population of Russia murdered by Wall Street bankers with secret support of the White House, U.S. State Dept., etc. in 1917. President Woodrow Wilson in 1917 told Britain to release the Communist prisoners in Canada to travel to Russia to set up the Communist Revolution or else Wash., D.C. would not back Great Britain in its war against Kaiser Germany at the time. The prisoners were released and later traveled in the "sealed train" through Kaiser Germany traveling with Lenin to set up the Communist Revolution in Russia also backed by Kaiser German intelligence as this was to neutralize Russia so Kaiser Germany would then fight a one front war and not a two front war in Europe. I read the military intelligence records on this which were hidden from the American people!
     Americas owes this debt to Russia for bankrupting Russia and mass murdering the people of Russia to make Wall Street bankers wealthy and powerful from the massive rape of Russia back then. And Wash., D.C. is in a legal trap here as the Russian Government under Putin will welcome this opportunity to rebuild Russia into a super nation again. I know Russian politics well. Let the Ukraine rejoin with Russia and they can have equal share with the vast fortune shared with all the people of Russia. Also I studied Czarist economics from London, England and Czarist Russia was growing twice as fast as America industrially 
under the Czarist government and the U.S. State Dept. projected that Russia would be twice as rich as America by around 1970 and be the industrial leader of the world by then. I will be glad to coach the Russian Government on Czarist economics so Russia can resume massively building up her industry and even startle nations like China now how fast Russia can industrially grow again! The minerals are there and just need the right economics and political system to effectively turn the potential of Russia into reality before the world!
     Americans, sometimes I have a clever mind where you maybe don't figure things out. With this approach, there will be no World War III with Russia which was liable to happen before! When the time is right, I will suggest a confederation of America and Russia. This would create a power bloc that would make both nations super rich. Also, I would invite Canada to join this confederation once started. I am an economist and understand how mighty and prosperous such a confederation could be, greatly blessing all nations involved. I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe and understand economic science maybe 1,000 times better than that Mickey Mouse amateur Obama in the White House!
      Okay, we have 90% of a colossal settlement fund to split up. My backers for the Omni Law Loan Program get 10% of the original 100% fund split with them. They get as much money as Russia itself. Even $25 loan units in the Omni Law Loan Program will pay such huge sums of money through the settlement as no one should be poor who has any money in the Omni Law Loan Program at all. With the gold, etc. hidden by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. who robbed both Russia and the American people, there is enough real money to cover the entire $500 trillion settlement once ratified by national and international law. So we don't have to worry about whether Wash., D.C. can cover a $500 trillion judgment placed against Wash., D.C. The evil cabal can cover whatever Wash., D.C. cannot. I studied all sorts of secret economic documents when studying under six of the most brilliant economists of the world and some books sold nationally mention where the secret money is hidden to cover everything!
     Another 10% of the original settlement goes to my Camelot Project which will establish so much agriculture and industry throughout the world as to boom the American and world economy in the process. The remainder goes to the American people which is 70% of the entire settlement money. I am a sound economist and so we start America on a sound economic basis. All federal, state, and city debt is paid off in America. This could lead to a tax-free America if the politicians worked for the American people instead of corrupt interests.The remainder of the money is still so huge as to make all Americans potentially rich beyond their imagination! This applies to native born Americans and not to illegal immigrants.   
      Pass this report around to all of America. And in Russia, pass this report also as this puts colossal pressure on Wash., D.C. that you will be paid your 10% of this final settlement figure in America. Also, make it clear that this would be considered an act of war against Russia if Wash., D.C. tried to murder me which they would love to do if they thought they could get away with it under Obama. He totally corrupts the entire government in America.
      And the offer on the triple credit in the Omni Law Loan Program goes on through the end of July. If our quota is met of the funds to pass the Omni Law with, then this offer is withdrawn before the end of July, 2014. Every $25 loan credit you create in the Omni Law Loan Program now is multiplied by three or $75 in loan credit units for $25 in actual $25 cash in loan units. Each loan money paid for requires $25 loan money in it to turn this $25 loan credit unit over to you. But your paid for loan units are multiplied by three while this offer lasts. 
      Our website is Our email is Our mailing address for those not placing orders and loan payments through our website is NIFI, P.O Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether a product offered on the website  or else our loan program on our website which is the Omni Law Loan Program. Our Omni Law to be passed in America is technically in full name The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America.

      Now my quoted section from an email sent to one of our backers earlier today follows in a minute!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that economist who scares the daylights out of Obama and associates of his if their panic actions are any indication and also the evil cabal is now feeling the heat as they are hidden no longer from public view!) My report "Which Way Will America Go?" on posted on July 14, 2014 lists the bonus offer on the 110 royal suite apartments for the proposed Camelot project with any amount of $25 loan credits created now through the end of July, 2014.  The quote from the email today follows below.

You got into the earlier promotion in time to get your $150 payment increased to $600 credit in the Omni Law Loan Program. The new offer started the day it was released, not dated to before that date. However, as this new apartment offer just came out, even $25 in the Omni Law Loan Program would get you into the royal suite apartment bonus program. We have not firmly committed this far yet, but would likely have as much room to it as a several room house. These apartments are intended to be big, not little! And the triple credit in the Omni Law Loan Program for $25 payments or multiples of that was extended 10 days. The 4 times credit you got is used up and none left for others as all positions were taken in that offer.(The royal suite apartment bonus offer is over once the quota of them as a bonus offer is fulfilled!)
Don't know if John at Nesara News will post this when I release it likely today, but an Obama operative just tried a dirty trick operation on us and this raises the settlement figure from Wash., D.C. up to $500 trillion which is way beyond what Wash., D.C. has, but since the Rothschilds, etc. secretly took over the government, they are personally liable for whatever amount of the $500 trillion that Wash., D.C. cannot directly pay. The Rothschilds are reported to have even $500 trillion in gold and other secret assets and we plan to clean them out. We were targeting them all the time but needed the legal angle so we could go after the secret Rothschild holdings, Rockefellers, etc. and now have the angle how to go after them. You among others will get 10% of the final settlement figure divied pro-rata between you and others for the number of $25 loan credits you have in our Omni Law Loan Program. Even if we ended up with just $200 trillion in collected funds in the end, divide that between not that many people with pro-rata $25 loan units in it ( we put a cap of $100 million for the committed figure for the funds we wanted to raise, even one single $25 Omni Law loan credit would pay a fortune at that rate of collection. Have a bunch of them and you might decide how many mansions, etc. you want to buy for yourself in life. One billion dollars in collected funds and there is $100 million to divide between potentially $100 million in pro-rata $25 loan credit units, you have earned back your original $25 credit in a loan unit. One trillion dollars collected and every $1 in a loan unit now delivers $1,000 in return to you. $200 trillion collected and that is 200 times $1,000 or $200,000 for every $1 in a loan credit unit. Your $600 credit in loan units could be $120 million in return if I followed the math right off the top of my head. Want to shoot for more and get a royal suite apartment thrown in? The first to send in get the best deal and first pick of royal suite apartments which are intended to be like palaces inside once built!
With the Omni Law as backing, we judge that we can get quick collection on seized Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc. holdings across America and the world. We have information on some of their secret hiding places for their assets!
I have engineered legal upsets before and there is timing and logic to how this is done under law. Obama had to try one more dirty tricks operation on us and it was a legal ambush for him as he will now find out! We hold the aces, not him!(We will also serve $500 trillion lawsuits as accessories on those in government who carry out criminal acts against the American people and hiding behind the government to protect them from civil suit and criminal prosecution!)

Check Mating Washington in its Own Backyard with BRICSIANSE

Check Mating Washington in its Own Backyard with BRICSIANSE

Russia and China appear determined that Ukraine and Georgia will be the «line in the sand» for any further encroachments by George Soros- and CIA-led «R2P» revolutions in the Eurasian space. It is also clear that Putin outsmarted Obama in his own backyard.

by Wayne MADSEN

Strategic Culture
As Brazil passes the baton of hosting the World Cup to Russia, Presidents Rousseff and Putin will turn their attention to politics -- BBC Reports
As Brazil passes the baton of hosting the World Cup to Russia, Presidents Rousseff and Putin will turn their attention to politics — BBC Reports
The United States and its closest allies have attempted to isolate Russia and President Vladimir Putin from the world stage. As a result of Western support for the Ukrainian regime that came to power through violence in Kiev, actions taken by Western powers against Russia have included expelling Russia from the G-8 of capitalist powers, the freezing of the assets of Russian government officials and Russian banks, and imposing travel bans on Russian citizens.
However, Putin has check-mated U.S. President Barack Obama in the American president’s own backyard. Obama’s defenders fancy their president as a master of «11-dimensional chess». However, what is transpiring in Brazil at the summit of the BRICS nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa has shown the world that it is Putin, not Obama, who is the master of 11-dimensional chess. In fact, Obama could never even make it to the chess board.
Nuland and neocon KaganPutin is visiting Brazil where he is participating in the 2014 summit in the city of Fortaleza. The BRICS summit comes as members of the Obama administration, including neo-cons like Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, have instituted plans for increased sanctions against Russia, bringing them to the level as those directed against Iran, Syria, and Cuba.

Putin and his BRICS colleagues will sign an agreement in Fortaleza on establishing a BRICS development bank that will help bypass the neo-cons’ attempt to isolate Russia from international banking networks. Any strengthening of sanctions in the same manner that U.S. sanctions have been imposed by Washington on Iran, Syria, and Cuba runs the risk of punishing Brazilian, Indian, Chinese, and South African banks and other corporations, something that could land the Obama administration in hot water before the World Trade Organization court that rules against trade practices that violate WTO regulations.

Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Roberta Beach Jacobson has as her primary mission the ouster of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his replacement with the «Holocaust grandchild» Henrique Capriles Radonski and the prevention of Zelaya de Castro from being elected President of Honduras..
Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Roberta Beach Jacobson has as her primary mission the ouster of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his replacement with the «Holocaust grandchild» Henrique Capriles Radonski and the prevention of Zelaya de Castro from being elected President of Honduras..

The legacy of the Obama administration is that its Cold War-era policies directed against Latin America have permanently ended America’s long-standing political and economic domination of the Western Hemisphere. Obama put the final nail in the arcane Monroe Doctrine that stipulated the United States would bar non-Western Hemisphere nations, including the powers of Europe, from intervention in the Americas.
The interventionist policies in countries like Venezuela and Honduras carried out by Nuland’s fellow neocon ideologue Roberta Jacobson, the Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, have resulted in a large contingent of Latin American leaders joining Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and the other BRICS leaders in Brazil for a summit where the United States will not have a seat at the table.
In fact, the United States and its imperialistic policies will be a major subject in Brazil, a country that has seen its telecommunications, including the private calls and e-mail of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff routinely spied upon by the U.S. National Security Agency.
Putin is making the most of his six-day visit to Latin America. He forgave Cuba’s debt to Russia while visiting Havana and also stopped in Nicaragua and Rio de Janeiro. While in Cuba, Putin met with former Cuban leader Fidel Castro and his brother, Raul Castro, Cuba’s president, two leaders who continue to infuriate the neo-con and right-wing power centers of Washington.
Cuba's former leader Fidel Castro, center, meets with Russia's President Vladimir Putin, right, in Cuba on Friday. Putin began a Latin American tour to boost trade in the region. July 12, 2014.
Cuba’s former leader Fidel Castro, center, meets with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, right, in Cuba on Friday. Putin began a Latin American tour to boost trade in the region. July 12, 2014.
Putin also attended the final game of the World Cup in Rio. Russia is the host of 2018 World Cup. Putin also visited Argentina where he signed a deal on nuclear energy.  The interest of Iran, Argentina, Nigeria, Syria, and Egypt in joining BRICS may soon see the group’s acronym become «BRICSIANSE». Such a development would triumph the nations of the world that refuse to take orders from Washington and the presence of Syria would spell ultimate defeat of the Obama doctrine of «R2P», or «Responsibility to Protect» pro-U.S. and Western intelligence agency-financed opposition leaders intent on replacing anti-American governments with pro-U.S. regimes. Syria joining BRICS as a full or associate member would drive a stake through the heart of R2P.
The Obama administration could not convince a single South American leader to avoid the BRICS summit in Brazil. In fact, two of the South American leaders sitting down with Putin, Xi, Rousseff, and the other leaders in Brazil, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro and Suriname’s President Desi Bouterse, have been the subject of CIA- and State Department-linked destabilization efforts and sanctions threats. Also in attendance at BRICS are Argentina’s President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Bolivia’s President, Evo Morales Chile’s President Michelle Bachelet, Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos, Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa, Guyana’s President Donald Ramotar, Paraguay’s President Horacio Cartes, Peru’s President Ollanta Humala, and Uruguay’s President José Mujica. America’s sanctions against Russia and its saber-rattling against China on behalf of Japan and the Philippines have fallen on deaf ears in South America.
The teenager-like antics of Nuland, Jacobson, along with those of U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice and U.S. ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, are sure to be discussed in sideline gossip by the leaders gathered in Fortaleza.
President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos and President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff.
President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos and President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff.
The presence of President Santos of Colombia is particularly noteworthy. Santos recently defeated a right-wing candidate supported by the same Obama administration’s interventionists who have helped disrupt the economy of Venezuela. The losing candidate, Oscar Ivan Zuluaga, had the full support of Santos’s right-wing and pro-Israeli/pro-U.S. predecessor Alvaro Uribe. Recent disclosures have shown that Uribe instituted an NSA-like national communications surveillance system aimed at his opponents. Zuluaga’s ties with the same elements who are trying to depose Maduro in Venezuela have not been lost on Santos. He continues to engage in peace negotiations in Havana with left-wing DARC guerrillas and improve ties with Venezuela much to the chagrin of the CIA operatives who live in splendor in the Miami area of Florida.
While in Rio, Putin managed to cast off U.S. efforts to isolate him internationally by meeting with Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne, in addition to Hungary’s Prime Minister Victor Orban, Namibian President Hage Geingob, Gabon’s President Ali Bongo, and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel. Merkel and Rousseff have much in common as both had their personal cell phone conversations monitored by NSA, a fact that Putin, who has provided asylum to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, was likely sure to have mentioned in passing.
The only attempt the United States could make to have any Latin American officials criticize contact between Western Hemisphere leaders and Putin was to arrange for Trinidad opposition leader Keith Rowley to condemn his country’s prime minister’s private trip to Brazil. Rowley criticized Persad-Bissessar and her grandson for meeting with Putin and other leaders in Rio because the trip was made during a labor dispute involving Trinidad’s immigration department. The power of Washington to influence events in the Western Hemisphere has truly plummeted to new depths.
Russian President Vladimir Putin meets his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in Fortaleza, Brazil (RIA Novosti / Mikhail Klementiev)
Russian President Vladimir Putin meets his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in Fortaleza, Brazil (RIA Novosti / Mikhail Klementiev)
The agenda of the BRICS nations is as diversified as that of any G-7 meeting, no longer called G8 after Russia was expelled. On the BRICS summit agenda are trade, development, macroeconomic policy, energy, finance, terrorism, climate change, regional security, drug smuggling and trans-border crime, industrialization of Africa, and, kin what should serve as a wake-up call to Wall Street, the World Bank, European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and other tools of western capitalism, international financial institution (IFI) reform.
The security operations by BRICS in Afghanistan stand to replace those of the United State after the withdrawal of its troops from that country. Russia has led BRICS efforts on dealing with money laundering and cross-border crime and it has drawn the participation of Belarus, India, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in its efforts. Observers from Mongolia and Armenia also joined the talks. In the area of security, synergism is apparent between the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) that brings Russia and China into a common security policy with central Asian states like Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Russia and China appear determined that Ukraine and Georgia will be the «line in the sand» for any further encroachments by George Soros- and CIA-led «R2P» revolutions in the Eurasian space. It is also clear that Putin outsmarted Obama in his own backyard.

Wayne MADSEN is an Investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist. Has some twenty years experience in security issues. As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He has been a frequent political and national security commentator on Fox News and has also appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and MS-NBC. He has been invited to testify as a witness before the US House of Representatives, the UN Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and an terrorism investigation panel of the French government. A member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) and the National Press Club. Lives in Washington, D.C.
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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7/15/2014

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7/15/2014
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 15-Jul-2014 18:56:01

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7/15/2014
13 Batz, 14 Kumku, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We come bearing more good news! Those involved with bringing you your wondrous blessings are nearly ready to deliver them to you. Hence, stay confident and positive about your prosperity. It is to come with a new financial system and with new governance. Let us turn our attention in this message to something, which runs parallel to your prosperity, the heavenly preparation of your physical self for full consciousness. This process entails a complete redoing of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. The final reintegration is to happen while you are safely inside a crystal-like Light chamber. This special living cavity of Light is to forge a complete resequencing of your cellular RNA/DNA. It works as a living Light instrument. It orchestrates new sequencing codes, which move you instantly toward achieving your full physical potential. This process, designed by Heaven, takes approximately three Earth days to achieve its divine goals. Your own body guardians and your other heavenly guides direct it. In addition, you are to have a special mentor assigned and expressly trained by us. When you emerge from this living crystal of Light, you are to be returned to full consciousness.
You are now experiencing painful preliminaries to this process. These operations to your various ethereal and physical bodies are, first of all, to reintegrate them and secondly, to increase the degree of Light frequencies that you can handle. This process also includes the initial increase of your DNA from two to three strands. This procedure is making you able to “feel” more of the reality, which surrounds you. Moreover, as this is combined with a general overhaul of your meridian and chakra systems, it is leading to some degree of inner pain, which confounds most of your physicians. Nevertheless, be assured that a procedure is underway which is divinely designed to ready you for the final three days ensconced in your living Crystal Light Chamber. This heavenly Being is a special gift from the Creator. It is to complete the massive degree of reshaping which you are currently enduring. Hence, each of you is moving through a thorough series of adjustments needed to shorten your wondrous stay in this sacred living Being of Light.
These preliminary adjustments consist of two types. The first are those which raise the frequencies of each of your present chakras, or else permit new chakras to be introduced. The second type is actual changes in your physical body. Let’s look at these in more detail. The first kind is more frequent. Heaven is moving you to the very edge of a vast alteration of your physical consciousness. Thus, your physical body is able to take in even more divine Light than before. This increased Light forces your body to augment the operation of your limited conscious, and allows us to position new chakras in your body to more easily handle this growing stress. This increased physical consciousness permits your physical self to initiate a process to connect more easily with your spiritual consciousness. This sets the stage for what the living Light Chamber is to accomplish. The second type is more rare. As your meridian system alters its response patterns, we can use this to actually “split up” some of your present chakras.
The best example is what is happening to your heart chakra. This chakra is now separating in two, producing a new heart chakra and introducing the thymus chakra to your body’s energy system. At present, the new heart chakra is in effect. The newer thymus chakra is in various stages of construction. The thymus is to handle your increased immune system and to work with the new diaphragm chakra to eliminate the tragic effects which fear can cause to your body. This process has temporarily caused some degrees of discomfort. In the end, it is to limit the pain that those alterations to your head can create. Keep in mind one essential rule —Heaven has mandated a complete redoing of how your physical self operates. When these series of adjustments reach a prescribed threshold, you are to be ready to enter your Crystal Light Chamber. At that point, all the pains you are now going through are then to pay immense dividends. It is to allow you to take three days and transform yourself back into a fully conscious Being, capable of doing miraculous works. One who can help unfold physical Creation.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Our associates are busily setting the stage for your prosperity and preparing the ways by which the dark cabal is to exit from its current position of great wealth and power. This process is to end their power and bless each of you with a return of your sacred sovereignty and a grand prosperity, which permits you to achieve your true purpose. This process thus needs to be thorough and able to deliver what Heaven has decreed for you. It is as well to introduce governance, which truly cares about your general welfare and diligently preserves your sacred rights. This new governance is to invite you to participate freely in its activities and allow you to be free and able to learn about the true nature of this reality. It is as well to allow you to become aware of your Inner Earth and spiritual families. These wondrous Beings are to provide mentors, who along with us are to teach you a great many truths about the reality in which you now reside.
Our duties are, at the right divine moment, to appear among you and begin a series of lessons, which Heaven asked us to provide. These interactions are to prepare you for understanding what your new reality is to offer. Full consciousness is a most wondrous state of Being given to galactic humanity. This state has been our blessing for millennia. Each of us takes this experience and learns much about the very nature of possibilities found within each reality. The Creator gives us a special home and a delegated divine service. We take these gifts and use them to help others and to maintain this divine environment. The heavenly Elohim, assisted in this operation by us all, puts physicality together. We exist in a realm, which we helped to design. Our responsibility is to apply our wisdom and our blessed love to maintain it.
We can learn numerous things while in divine service. We take the simple truth that we are all one, and daily apply it to our mutual service. Out of these sacred tasks come immense wisdom and a child-like Love for everyone. Blessings are a daily part of our service. We chant, we dance and bring joy to all. Joy is the greatest state of divine grace. In it is the laughter that encompasses the life and breath of our Soul. Mercy flows from it. Enlightenment is a result of these simple actions. We use this to understand the beauty of our sacred home and the wonders the Creator gives it. Learn to not take your world too seriously. Be ready to do what is needed to bless and transform it. Remember in your heart how our collective was born and how it is now ready to return to its previous glories. Let us sing, dance and revel in a grand prosperity filled with never-ending joy and freedom. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we briefly looked over what is happening on your world and reviewed some of the phenomena now happening to you. You are on a journey, which is very quickly to alter this realm and return it to her former self. This return is to bring us to your door and prepare you for your final grand leap into full consciousness! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization