Thursday, July 17, 2014

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Thursday Morning

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Thursday Morning


[Papajack] Yesterday a fellow that goes by the name Txxxx Txx told me I was deceiving everybody in here, it seems he believes the RV is all about Iraq and even though many times I told him we didn't agree he just can't seem to understand people can have a different way of looking at something. That being said I thought I would clarify my position so you all know where I'm coming from and form your own opinion.

[Papajack] First off I believe in ONE GOD, eternally existant in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and first and foremost one needs to be BORN AGAIN. Secondly I'm an American PATRIOT, I believe in GOD and COUNTRY in that order.

I beleive our blessing will come in the form of not only an RV of Iraq but as a GLOBAL RESET that will strip the corrupt bankers and people that have controlled things for the last 143 years by fraud of all of their demonic deception.
 [Papajack] I believe most of the delays have been getting these bad guys under control and setting things right, and I was told by an IMF contact that once Iraq turned over the approved rates to the IMF it was game on and they were out of it. I was told that happened long ago.

I believe Iraq is being used by the DARK CABAL bad guys as a scape goat to delay the GLOBAL RESET as it strips them of all the power they have stolen from the people of the world by deception. However there was a power vacuum created in Iraq by the actions or inaction as the case might be by the cuurent administration here in the US.

But does that make it all about Iraq again? I'm told it doesn't but you can make your own judgement on that. But ask yourself would they have been released ART 7 if they hadn't?

[Papajack] So that is where I have been coming from, I won't go into details because there are so many you can't chase every rabbit trail but please understand I have never been out to mislead anyone and I have always stated that most of what I said was just my opinion.

Nobody have been right yet that is why we are still waiting and things are alive and fluid. I believe we are closer than stink on a skunk and the bad guys are almost cornered so they can't keep messing this thing up. But hey that's just my humble opinion. You all be blessed.



Topic: “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” Abraham Lincoln



musiccitylady] my question of the day is "WHY on earth are we still here?"



More Guesses to Exogens Picture Clues 5:15 EDT

L Klempke July 17, 2014 at 12:38am We are at the finish line.  There was a meeting and the US pleaded with the BRIC's to delay the RV process.  CL watching US plead.  Plan B will go into effect.  CL alluded to date in speeches given prior with numerology references.  Maliki has resigned.  Sanctions against Russia are less than nothing and they are laughing at the US.  The IMF protocol for release of funds was up in 10 days which is today. Frozen digital money is beginning to flow.  US is not invited to the BRIC's interface with CBI? Jack Lew has no cards and folded. Iraq Parliament is done, GOI seated. The rates that were frozen are now flowing


RANGER4564: My cumulative guess. Crossing the Finish Line - The Saga Continues! Meetings are taking place where the US is pleading with the BRICS to please wait on Plan B, please please please! Watch for a woman with stealth binoculars watching CL talking about Numerology. Numerous private meetings are being held behind closed doors, keep out. Parliament seated, shh.

Maliki cornered, the kitten, cat gives up the fight. Putin is laughing hysterically at the US and their sanc-timonious-tions. And probably my guesses. Today is the 10th day, IMF Protocol, HCL (Oil and Gas Law) must be passed for Iraq to relieve pressure on digital transactions. Santa has a Black Belt in whoop a$. He's waiting in the wings to show himself, we're getting peeks of him here and there so we know he's about to pop out.

SURPRISE! US not invited to be part of BRICS Dinar party. Jack Lew gesturing for more time on the final exam, but there are no extensions. Jack Lew failed the final exam and had to fold. Hence his announcement on what he said to China at his last meeting.

Parliament has left for the evening, and Maliki is going home, he will no longer contest his destiny. L klempke:We are at the finish line. There was a meeting and the US pleaded with the BRIC's to delay the RV process. CL watching US plead. Plan B will go into effect. CL alluded to date in speeches given prior with numerology references. Maliki has resigned. Sanctions against Russia are less than nothing and they are laughing at the US.

The IMF protocol for release of funds was up in 10 days which is today. Frozen digital money is beginning to flow. US is not invited to the BRIC's interface with CBI? Jack Lew has no cards and folded. Iraq Parliament is done, GOI seated. The rates that were frozen are now flowing. The new world order has been stopped in its tracks thanks to the BRIC's.


spirit156 July 17, 2014 So there is a new understanding about how the cabal was going to use the TRN's. It is early for me on the west coast, but does that explain why we haven't seen proof of them and why they haven't been released? The cabal never intended for us to see them.

DaWu > spirit156 July 17, 2014 A VP at Chevy Chase informed me that they had a stockpile of TRN's but weren't at liberty to issue them publicly. VP, who happens to be a good golf buddy, asked me how I knew about them. LOL

LBGF > spirit156 July 17, 2014 a BOA told me back in May that is there a new currency coming out. At the time she wasn't exactly sure when, but all she knew was that they were being printed

carden > DaWu July 17, 2014 Thanks for sharing DaWu!
I've shared this fact myself, previously... wasn't it about 2 months ago? The Poof article, stating TRNs shipped 2 days ago (this Monday) is NOT TRUE. Jack Lew was in Mexico in Feb talking about them and it was on CNN in Mexico (and not here). Since then, Mexico is not taking any USD. You can't even exchange USD in the banks. No stores will accept USD. If that isn't clear writing on the wall I don't know what is.  

DaWu > carden July 17, 2014 at 11:06am I had this conversation with my friend (VP) about a month ago and he confirmed that they had the TRN's for at least a month prior, but he hesitated to go into detail.  He was so amazed that I knew and we spoke briefly about GCR.  He said he had heard about the GCR and revaluation of currencies but had not invested and needed to do more exploration before making a decision.  Chevy Chase is not an international bank so I wasn't surprised about him not being abreast of everything GCR related.


Zuvrick Rm > robert July 17, 2014 We've never been here before. So many things have recently happened that are unique. Russia and China dropping the petro dollar, BRICS launching a new IMF replacement, reasons for disinfo intel due to sting operations were revealed. 


Maximus D. Meridius July 17, 2014 at 9:32am

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance or conscientious stupidity." --Martin Luther King, Jr.

" The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate." --Dr. Wayne Dyer

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows." - Epictetus



Posted by EXOGEN on July 17, 2014 at 9:48am
Appearances are of four kinds:

Things either are as they appear to be;

or they neither are nor appear to be;

or they are, but do not appear to be;

or they are not, and yet, appear to be. ~


Something’s Up: Do You Feel It?


Something’s Up: Do You Feel It?

Anybody out there feel like something big is about to be revealed?
I’m getting that, and a friend is pretty excited, too.
We’ve had the lightning bolt at the Library of Congress, the beams shooting out of the Capitol Dome in Washington, news that the cabal arrests are already underway, odd air traffic confirmations and military maneuvers including armoured vehicles…and when most of the world is against the US cabal, you know that’s probably a good thing.
We have virtual silence from the intel community… but messages via alternative means…if we’re open to them…
… such as angels telling us we have been set free… Cobra advising us to watch the stars, readers sharing that they’re seeing ships day and night and many channels saying we’re on the brink.
I have felt for some time that everything is pretty much done in the etheric, just in the process of moving into the physical to manifest in our reality.
Earth’s electromagnetic field is diminishing ten times faster than normal, our sun is predicted to go bonkers and deliver a “kill shot”…
The financial messengers are saying the RV is all but done and that July 20th is THE date—for sure… not to mention the new BRICS nations’ banking system announced to circumvent the cabal/Rockefeller’s corrupt Western Central Banking System…
Headlines that Obama is calling for his own impeachment—what?
And announcements made about the arrests of many child molesters/pedophiles in upper echelons.
And I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many negative alternative news stories sounding like doomsday is about to explode on our doorsteps. The fear-mongering is over the top!
In the past week I’ve been stung by a bee, a flying ant, and yesterday, eaten alive by no-see-ums. I sure as hell felt ‘em, though, and they swelled up and itch like the dickens.
CenturyLink did NOT fix our Internet, and says it’s my PC that’s the problem. Righto! Then why am I also unable to stream a video much of the time on my iPad, as well?
And we have a pack rat problem. I have strong urges to tie up loose ends, clean, declutter and get rid of unnecessary ‘stuff’—especially my husband’s (the pack rat)… while he’s away. Do you think he’d miss these?
I guess that would be too obvious, eh?
I am SO ready to leave this limiting existence behind, with all it’s dark ways, treachery and misery, and make the leap to the upper densities and the Galactic life, with new technologies, free energy, perfected light bodies and abundance and joy for all.
Anyway—for anyone new, suggest you read about ‘The Event‘, fill your gas tank, stock up on food, water, staple goods, meds and pet supplies and prepare to be wowed. It feels ever so close now.  I’d better find the rest of that cash I hid—LOL.
Things are looking up. Eyes to the skies, everyone!  Ahead, warp factor 10!  ~ BP

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British Police Arrest 660 Suspected Pedophiles and an Update from the ITCCS and Kevin Annett


British Police Arrest 660 Suspected Pedophiles and an Update from the ITCCS and Kevin Annett

Token coverage from the Washington Post, no less… but better than nothing.  This story is EVERYWHERE.  ~ BP
July 16 at 7:41 AM
LONDON — British police say they have arrested 660 suspected pedophiles during a six-month operation.
The National Crime Agency said Wednesday the investigation targeted Internet users with child abuse images — suspects who included doctors, teachers, Scout leaders and former police officers.
Deputy director general Phil Gormley said the crackdown was the biggest police operation of its kind in Britain. The agency said hundreds of children were “safeguarded” as a result of the information uncovered.
Britain has been rocked by a series of child abuse scandals in recent years since details emerged about the numerous sex crimes committed by the late BBC entertainer Jimmy Savile.
More details on that story at The Guardian (recommended)
And, in follow up to a post in 2012, Prince Charlie’s good buddy, Retired Bishop Peter Ball will be prosecuted, at 82 years of age, for child sex abuse. (May 2014)
ITCCS Update
July 14, 2014

Who’s really behind child trafficking? Following the big money across the globe

An Exclusive Report by Kevin D. Annett
“Cartels have moved into the human-smuggling business, imprisoning would-be border crossers, charging high rates, or requiring border crossers to act as drug mules or prostitutes … The former Wachovia Bank (now Wells Fargo), Bank of America, and Western Union all made or continue to make millions from drug money collected in the U.S. and sent or laundered back to Mexico … General Dynamics, Motorola and Raytheon are doing well by the (human trafficking prompted) border security build-up.” – The Washington Spectator, July 1, 2014
“The crime syndicate called ‘Ndrangheta provides the children used in the sacrificial killings in Holland, the ones I witnessed, including the human hunting parties. It’s called “The Octopus” in Holland. They are deeply involved in human trafficking thanks to their control of the police and politicians”. – Testimony of “Josephine”, retired lawyer and eyewitness, given in a deposition to the International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels, June 2014
“The ‘Ndrangheta is a Mafia style criminal organization in Italy, having replaced the old style Cosa Nostra. ‘Ndrangheta is currently the most powerful and richest criminal organization in Italy and possibly Europe, with an estimated annual revenue of at least 53 billion Euros ($72 billion US), gained from drug trafficking, extortion and money laundering”. –
Crime pays: that’s why it continues. And nothing pays as well as selling human beings, especially children.
Child trafficking isn’t just some sick illness: it’s a global, profitable business. And this simple fact is too often overlooked by the scramble to blame evil individuals, whether “Lizard-like Royals” or child-raping priests and popes, for the systematic slaughter of vast numbers of innocents.
The details of that global industry have surfaced, almost accidentally, in the course of the Brussels-based International Common Law Court trial of “Pope Francis” Jorge Bergoglio and others for child trafficking.
Commenced as a prosecution of the Catholic and Anglican church leaders for their documented involvement in harming children or aiding those who do, the Brussels case has since May unearthed considerable inside information on the corporate cartels that provide children for rape, torture and killing: and on their ties to the men presently under indictment by the Court.
Last month, I was contacted by a retired Dutch lawyer whose former husband is a member of the criminal syndicate that provides the children and adolescents who are used in ritualistic “hunting parties” in Belgium. I’ll call her Josephine. We’ve spoken three times on skype, and her recorded statements are now in the archives of the International Common Law Court of Justice.
According to Josephine, her ex-husband and other members of”The Octopus” – the local slang term for Ndrangheta, today’s born-again Mafia – provided ten children and adolescents who were hunted down and killed, and then mutilated, by wealthy men in forests near Oudergem, Belgium, in the spring of 2000 and 2004.
“I was there, I saw the whole thing. I was told they were kids from the juvenile detention centres in Brussels. They were let loose naked in the forest and hunted down and shot. The killers included Prince Friso of Holland and his wife’s friend, the billionaire George Soros, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Prince Albert of Belgium. After they shot down the young ones they cut off the boys’ penises and held them up like trophies, cheering and applauding.”
While confirmed by other insiders, these grisly accounts can distract from the bigger story and motives behind the crime. The ‘Ndrangheta syndicate, for example, obtains its child fodder through its deep involvement with the child-snatching roman catholic church and top Vatican officials. According to Matteo Macceo, a Radical Party member of the Italian Parliament,
“The modern Mafia are the same people who run the catholic church and the Italian government. They’re indistinguishable, they’re all in the same club. And their main concern is their assets, which come from organized crime: drugs, and arms dealing, and human trafficking.” (from a statement to the author made in Rome, April 2010)
The Catholic church is clearly the largest baby trafficker in human history, making billions each year by selling catholic newborns to orphanages, foster agencies and undisclosed parties. In Spain alone, 300,000 children were trafficked by the church between 1940 and 1980, reaping over $20 billion. (See ICLCJ testimony of Antonio Barrero). And the present under-indictment Pope Francis himself organized such a marketing of children of more than 30,000 Argentine political prisoners during his stint as front man for the military junta there in the 1970′s and ’80′s. (ICLCJ testimony of Witness No. 32)
This official slave trade ties in directly to criminal groups like ‘Ndrangheta, which often provides the outlets for catholic trafficking, selling the babies through syndicate-controlled safe houses and providing political and legal protection to their Vatican associates.
“For every single child raping priest or baby-dealing nun, there are ten other people protecting them, greasing the wheels, making the payoffs to keep it all working smoothly and hidden from view. And ‘Ndrangheta keeps rearing its ugly head in this whole business” stated a member of the Brussels Court’s Prosecutor’s Office, which is conducting the case against Jorge Bergoglio and others.
And yet even ‘Ndrangheta is itself part of a bigger global cartel specializing in a vast modern human slave trade financed by major banks tied in through their routine laundering of drug money for the mob. These banks include Bank of America, J.P. Morgan and HSBC, which recently admitted to laundering over $2 billion in drug money for Mexican crime syndicates.
This economic empire, in which drugs and human trafficking are so intimately bound, is reinforced politically by the continual use of child prostitution by domestic spy agencies to blackmail and control politicians and leaders. “The CIA admitted their vested interest in child trafficking in their 2008 disclosure that since the Vietnam War they have operated child prostitution ‘entrapment rings” to snare their congressional opponents, in Bangkok and Seoul” (Rock Creek Free Press, Washington).
All told, the recent exposure of royal and church involvement in child sacrificial rituals seems yet another tip in the proverbial iceberg of crimes in high places. But the fact of the common presence of ‘Ndrangheta in so many of these crimes against children, and that syndicate’s own direct ties to the Vatican, has given new impetus to the prosecution of Pope Francis and others who, like the Nazi defendants at Nuremberg, are symbolic of an entire system of corruption and death that must come down.
The release of new evidence and updates from the Brussels Court will be forthcoming.
14 July, 2014 /

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UK police arrest 660 suspected paedophiles

UK police arrest 660 suspected paedophiles

National Crime Agency detains suspected child abusers, including doctors and teachers, and takes more than 400 children into care

Thirty-nine of those arrested were registered sex offenders but the majority of suspects were off the police’s radar. Photograph: Joe Giddens/PA
More than 600 suspected paedophiles, including doctors and teachers, have been arrested across Britain after a six-month investigation led by the National Crime Agency.
The agency, dubbed Britain's FBI, announced on Wednesday it had arrested 660 suspected child abusers and taken more than 400 children into care in the first nationwide investigation of its kind.
Of the 660 arrested, 39 were registered sex offenders but the vast majority of suspected paedophiles were off the police's radar. Those arrested include doctors, teachers, scout leaders, care workers and former police officers.
The operation, which had remained secret until Wednesday, targeted people accessing indecent images of children online.
Phil Gormley, the NCA deputy director general, said: "This is the first time the UK has had the capability to coordinate a single targeted operation of this nature.
"Over the past six months we have seen unprecedented levels of cooperation to deliver this result."
One of those arrested and subsequently charged was a doctor who allegedly kept more than 1m images of child abuse on his computers and had arranged to meet boys.
In another case, a foster carer with no previous convictions or allegations of offending was caring for a vulnerable child when he was arrested. Four computers and one phone have been seized by police and the suspect has attempted serious self-harm, detectives said.
Gormley said the police operation was about influencing potential offenders before they "cross the line" from accessing indecent images to directly sexually abusing children.
"Our aim was to protect children who were victims of, or might be at risk of, sexual exploitation. A child is victimised not only when they are abused and an image is taken. They are re-victimised every time that image is viewed by someone," he said.
"We want those offenders to know that the internet is not a safe anonymous space for accessing indecent images, that they leave a digital footprint, and that law enforcement will find it."
Chief constable Simon Bailey, the national policing lead for child protection and abuse investigations, said the vast majority of forces in England and Wales were dealing with an unprecedented increase in the number of reports of child sexual abuse.
He said: "Sexual abuse is a complex crime taking many forms. Forces are investigating exploitation of children and young people by groups and gangs, non-recent abuse including large-scale investigations into abuse in institutions over many years and sexusal abuse by parents and family members.
"During this operation we've targeted offenders accessing child abuse images. Police must continue to use a range of investigative techniques targeting all forms of abuse if we are going to protect children and bring offenders to justice. Chief officers are committed using all the tools available to them because nothing is more important in policing than protecting vulnerable people."
Another suspect admitted when interviewed by police that he had viewed child abuse images for three decades, since he was 16. The man also admitted that he travelled to Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand "for sexual purposes".
Detectives said that one suspect was part of an online group that shared films in which he abused a child, including footage featuring "the most serious form of abuse against very young children".
Another suspect, whom police described as a registered and violent sexual offender, was already being prosecuted over the rape of a 13-year-old girl when police officers discovered a stash of child abuse images at his home. The images displayed a wide range of abuse, police said, ranging from "erotic posing through to the most severe forms of abuse".
Greg McGill, the head of organised crime for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), said: "These abhorrent offences only contribute to the cycle of harm suffered by the victims in such cases. Specialist CPS prosecutors continue to work with the NCA, police partners and other relevant agencies in the fight against child sexual abuse and exploitation.
"We are committed to helping safeguard young people and, wherever we are able to, we will prosecute where there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest."
Donald Findlater, the director of research and development at the Lucy Faithfull Foundation and Stop it Now!, said: "The Stop it Now sexual abuse prevention line is taking an increasing number of calls from men who are concerned about their online behaviour as well as from their families and friends. Thousands of men have called following their arrest for possession of indecent images of children. Thousands of (mostly) women have called because of a partner's arrest or simply because of a concern about their partner's sexual behaviour towards children."
The Stop it Now helpline provides confidential advice, support and help to try to keep children safe. It supports those who have offended online to take responsibility for abusive behaviour and advises their family and friends on how to manage future risk.
Findlater said: "However many are arrested for possession of indecent images, there are hundreds of thousands more who have viewed such images and have not yet been arrested.
"We urge all such men – young and old alike – to contact the helpline for help to stop their illegal and harmful behaviour.
"Not only do children continue to be harmed by this inappropriate use of their images, but also the offender risks losing friends, family, job, reputation and more should their offending come to light. Call 0808 1000 900 for confidential help before it is too late."

Millions of Americans installing 'perfect spying device' in their own living rooms: Amazon Fire TV monitors and records your conversations

Millions of Americans installing 'perfect spying device' in their own living rooms: Amazon Fire TV monitors and records your conversations

(NaturalNews) is building the CIA's new $600 million data center, reports the Financial Times. (1) At the same time is building this massive cloud computing infrastructure for the CIA, the company is also shipping millions of Fire TV set-top devices to customers who are placing them in their private homes. I have one myself, and it's a terrific piece of hardware for delivering Prime video content. In fact, in terms of its usability and specs, it's far superior to Roku or Netflix-capable devices. Fire TV is, hands down, the best set-top video delivery device on the market today.

But there's something about it that always struck me as odd: it has no power button. There's no power button on the remote, and there's no power button on the box. It turns out there's no way to power the device off except for unplugging it.

This is highly unusual and apparently done by design. "It is not necessary to turn off Amazon Fire TV when you are finished using it," says the website. (2) "Your Amazon Fire TV is designed to go into sleep mode after 30 minutes, while continuing to automatically receive important software updates."

Note carefully that this does not say your Fire TV device WILL go into sleep mode after 30 minutes; only that it is "designed" to go into sleep mode after 30 minutes. As lawyers well know, this is a huge difference.

Fire TV devices linked to your identity

So far, you might not be convinced this is anything to write home about, but there's much more to this story. What we know so far is that is building the CIA's new cloud computing data center, and we also know the company's Fire TV devices have no way to be turned off and are being placed in the living rooms of private homes.

What starts to make this really interesting is when you realize these devices are linked to your identity before they're shipped to you.

Ever notice that when you power on your Fire TV device, it already knows who you are? Your entire library of video purchases on is already available, and those purchases are of course linked to your credit card, which is linked to your social security number, which is linked to your identity.

In other words, knows the identity of the owner of every Fire TV box currently sitting in living rooms across America. This mean it can connect everything that happens around that box (including audio monitoring, as you'll see below) to your personal identity.

Fire TV devices listen to your voice and upload audio to Amazon servers

Here's the next piece of this puzzle that may give you pause: There is a built-in microphone on the Fire TV remote.

When you click the search button, your voice is recorded and uploaded to servers where it is analyzed by Amazon cloud computing applications -- the same kind of thing Amazon is building for the CIA -- in order to return search matches to your local TV screen.

Now, I fully realize that most Americans are too gullible and naive to believe their audio recordings get uploaded to servers, so I'm going to quote here which published an article earlier this year entitled: "How to delete your Fire TV voice recordings - Amazon stores your recordings on its servers to improve accuracy of voice searches. Here's how you can delete that data." (3)

As this article openly states, "To improve the service
   and the voice results, however, Amazon records and stores the voice samples associated with your account to its servers."

It goes on to warn readers that "there is no way to opt-out of Amazon's voice storage."

And there you have it: the Fire TV device was engineered from the start to record your voice, upload it to Amazon's servers -- now being expanded to the CIA -- and link those voice recordings to your identity.

Nothing written in this article so far should be debatable in the least: it's all fact, openly admitted by the company itself. Then again, the average Netizen is so clueless about reality that you'll probably see people denying the fact that Fire TV set-top boxes have microphones and the ability to upload voice recordings to Some will call that a "conspiracy theory" even though it's part of the published specification of the device.

But there's even more to this story that does legitimately qualify as a debatable topic. Let's explore...

The perfect spy devices for monitoring private conversations in your home

How hard would it be for Fire TV devices to monitor and upload your conversations 24/7?

Think about it: Fire TV devices already have the hardware, software and bandwidth to record audio and upload it to That's part of the spec and functionality of the system. The devices have no power off button to discourage people from turning them off. The devices are already linked to your personal identity via your credit card on file with Amazon, and this is the same company that's now building a massive storage and data center for the CIA, which for some reason now needs massive data storage capacity and the ability to process that data using buildings full of servers.

An article published by MHP Books (4) reveals that Amazon may already be working with the NSA to provide surveillance data on U.S. citizens:

...One mainstream source -- Businessweek -- rather
perversely observes that the leaked documents show Dropbox was about to be added to the PRISM program, then goes on to say that "This is a weird one because Dropbox stores its customers' files on's cloud computing service, yet Amazon appears nowhere in the Prism documents." It fails to note that not all the companies suspected of supplying the NSA with info were named in the documents -- that those documents were in fact redacted -- although it does show a modicum of due diligence in asking Amazon if it was participating in the NSA program, and a spokeswoman responds with an apparent two word answer: "Not cooperating."

But are they to be believed? Other non-mainstreamers
report bluntly that Amazon was part of PRISM. To still other observers, such as this reader in the Guardian, it seems obvious: "Does this explain the apparent immunity to tax of Apple, Amazon and co?" she asks.

Full details on the PRISM infrastructure exposed by Edward Snowden are described in this Market Oracle article. We've also covered it here on Natural News.

Another article entitled, "Snowden slams Amazon for leaking customer data to the NSA" reveals how former NSA contractor Edward Snowden harshly criticized for allowing intelligence agencies to read everything you browse on, including book titles, movies and more. This is happening due to's failure to implement proper encryption protocols, Snowden explains. (5)

Corporations spying on their own customers is a conspiracy FACT

You can fully expect that many people who are still living in the pre-Snowden era will immediately decry this article as a "conspiracy theory." But doing so only paints a dunce label on their foreheads, because thanks to Snowden, we already know as a matter of record that nearly all the large data companies routinely spy on their own customers and hand over that data to the NSA. Welcome to 1984, three decades later.

Perhaps in 2004, the idea that all your phone calls, emails, credit card transactions, banking activities, web surfing habits and social media posts were monitored by the NSA could be considered kooky and weird. But today, ten years later, all this (and more) is known to be historical fact.

If you don't believe me, listen to the words of former high-level NSA architect William Binney who now warns that "the ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control," according to a headline in The Guardian. (6)

That Guardian article goes on to report:

Binney recently told the German NSA inquiry committee that his former employer had a "totalitarian mentality" that was the "greatest threat" to US society since that country's US Civil War in the 19th century.

The era of mass surveillance has gone from the fringes of public debate to the mainstream, where it belongs... One of Europe's leading web creators, Lena Thiele, presented her stunning series Netwars in London on the threat of cyber warfare. She showed how easy it is for governments and corporations to capture our personal information without us even realising.

That may be exactly what Amazon is doing right now with Fire TV set-top boxes: capturing our personal information without us realizing.

Huge intelligence value of recording your private conversations

Imagine the intelligence value of having 24/7 audio streams of private household conversations that are linked to all the other information Amazon already has on us: book purchasing habits, video viewing habits, shopping behaviors and more. While many people concerned about digital privacy often point to Google's tracking of your search queries, in truth has a far more intimate knowledge of your psyche than Google because Amazon knows what you're buying, watching, reading and consuming.

I'm sure my own purchase history would be a goldmine of data revealing a long history of purchases of laboratory equipment, firearms accessories, rare books and products related to special interest areas such as aviation history and aquaponics. Imagine the value of this information if combined with live audio of someone holding private conversations in their own living room.

With Fire TV, Amazon may have already displaced Google as the internet company that knows more about your psyche than anyone else. And Amazon is the company that's now building the CIA's new cloud computing center.

Gives you something to ponder, doesn't it?

All Fire TV devices are one update away from being activated as spy devices

I fully realize there may be many skeptics who can't possibly fathom the idea of spying on them in their own living rooms. Then again, there are still people who believe that concrete-and-steel buildings collapse like a perfect demolition job following a few small office fires. Go figure.

But consider this: Even if Fire TV boxes aren't currently being used to spy on you, they could be activated as spy devices with a simple software update.

And guess what? Those software updates are automatic and selective. In other words, could turn on spying functions for certain selected Fire TV boxes belonging to certain people the NSA or CIA wanted to monitor.

The updates happen quietly, in the background, without your knowledge. One day you wake up and your Fire TV box is suddenly monitoring everything you say, without your knowledge, right in your own living room.

Anyone who thinks this isn't possible is living in a world of delusion. Corporations routinely spy on their own customers and turn over that data to the NSA or CIA. The more realistic question is: why wouldn't Amazon already be doing this?

Simple solution: UNPLUG!

Fortunately, there's a simple solution to all this: UNPLUG it!

In fact, the mantra "Unplug" might be the perfect word for the greatest wisdom of our time. If you don't want to be spied on, unplug from the grid: don't shop at, don't run search queries on Google, don't use email, don't use credit cards and don't install spy devices in your own living room.

By simply unplugging these devices, you deny them the stream of electrons they need to spy on you. That's their Achilles Heel: they all need electricity, and YOU control the electricity.

Personally, I love using Fire TV, but I now unplug it when I'm not watching something. This not only protects my privacy from Amazon snoops, it also seems to make the device function a lot better by rebooting it each time.

If you have a Fire TV device, unplug it when you're not using it. You'll save a small amount of electricity, but more importantly you might also save your privacy from the prying eyes at Amazon, the NSA and the CIA, all of which are aggressively expanding their monitoring and surveillance of Americans.

Sources for this story include:




Fellow Debt Destruction Team,
Many of you may already be aware and/or involved directly in the Global Currency Reset (revaluation of currencies including the Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Indonesian Rupiah, Zimbabwe dollars among them), which is TAKING PLACE world wide.
There are more than 190 countries involved. There are at minimum 5 million American citizens invested in the currencies and  a contract rate for the various currencies was agreed upon for the United States. Those 5 million plus people should have been allowed to exchange their currencies at the beginning of December when the rates were delivered to the "Big Five" American banks. Instead, our CURRENT ADMINISTRATION in collusion with the banks conspired to cheat the people out of the money, arrange private exchanges for hand picked people including all those holding currencies in our federal government, their friends, relatives and lobbyists etc. That was bad enough when they determine they are better and more deserving than WE THE PEOPLE but now it has gotten exponentially worse. The banks with full cooperation of this administration are now calling in ALL their current account holders with 5 million or more in their accounts, telling them to go buy the currency at pre-revalue rates ie: .000070 cents on the dollar for example, bring it to them and they will exchange at say 6 to nine 9 not telling the customer the real rate is as high as $32.00!!!! This way the banks and the government are able to STEAL ALL THE MONEY from the people as there is a limit to the amount which can be exchanged at the contract rate.
This is way beyond insider trading, fraud and outright theft. This administration knows full well that many of those 5 million ordinary people holding these currencies CAN AND LIKELY WILL make one hell of a difference to both re-start this economy and REMOVE incumbents in November and beyond. They have flat out said "we don't want you to have it". There is HARD DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE which has been discovered and put in the right hands to substantiate what I am telling you.
Now having said all that, even if you are NOT a holder of these currencies and directly effected by this YOU ARE going to be effected by this as they are a hairs width close to collapsing this country and "transforming" it to what they want at all our expense.  IT IS NOT TIME TO MAKE THIS PUBLIC BY RADIO, MEDIA ETC. Although if what we plan to do does not work that time will come. But it is time for a certain action which will make them aware of the number of Americans who are AWARE of these actions and prepared to do something about it. There are and have been weekly calls for years on this event and its planning and roll out. One of the calls is run by the TNT group and certain "Washington Insiders" and other sources.

We urge ALL who have not listened to the TNTdinar conference call from Wednesday January 22, 2014 to please listen at either of the two links below so you know EXACTLY what is going on and what is being planned.  This is VERY important not only for THIS country but the world as a whole.

REPLAY   805-399-1500        409029#

We are asking that all of you who use twitter to sign up to THE_TNT_TEAM and be ready to receive the "action tweet" which will trigger all team members to begin calling those involved in the banks and government to let them know they are busted. I REPEAT DO NOT GO PUBLIC WITH THIS INFO AT THIS TIME... the last thing we want is to force the IMF to freeze everything until a formal investigation is completed before WE THE PEOPLE are able to exchange. We are talking about billions of dollars infused into our economy and helping those who are in dire need. Help us to stop them from stopping us! We the people can and will heal this nation and they know it, they don't want it and we are being told "LET THEM EAT CAKE". ARE YOU OK WITH THAT?

When you text something you have to have a number to text it to.... the THE_TNT_TEAM needs to be sent to 40404 to sign up on twitter.  This does NOT require people to set up a twitter account.  It just lets you get info that is sent.  People need to know they are NOT signing up for twitter by doing that.
Please go and listen to today's call at either of these links....

The host of the call has been an ARDENT Obama supporter
for years and it has to be extremely painful for him to have to accept the truth about him. Keep that in mind when you listen to what he has to say.