Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday Night Dinar Chatter

Thursday Night Dinar Chatter


2:53 PM EST INTEL SNACK   Posted by EXOGEN on July 17, 2014 at 2:54pm

The European Parliament just passed a national referendum against Maliki
And former Iranian President Rafsanjani who is now the richest man in Iran and has more clout than their President just told Maliki he has talked to O and they both agreed he needs to accept the deal they have for him.

3:02 PM EST INTEL SNACK # 2  Posted by EXOGEN on July 17, 2014 at 3:04pm

Maliki will be officially taking "the deal" early next week....and the POR named on or before Wednesday and the PM shortly thereafter within a PTB timeline to have all done by end of month
3:06 pm EST INTEL SNACK # 3  Posted by EXOGEN on July 17, 2014 at 3:07pm

the position of President of the Republic is the share of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) led by Jalal Talabani, and so far the meetings and discussions are ongoing in order to determine the candidate before Wednesday the next. "

INTEL SNACK # 4 (3:18 PM EST)  Posted by EXOGEN on July 17, 2014 at 3:19pm

Iraqi lawmakers are dismissing Maliki  2014/7/17 BAGHDADIraqi lawmakers said Thursday that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will be out of competition at the head of the new government and the position of President of the Republic is the share of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) currently led by Jalal Talabani, and so far the meetings and discussions are ongoing in order to determine the candidate before Wednesday the next. "

Fact:… There will be no budget till at the least Wednesday the 23rd since it constitutionally requires the signature of the President of the Republic. This needs to be done to officially give all Iraqi citizens their 5% of all oil revenues generated from all Iraqi oil exports. Once the POR is announced on Wednesday, the SOL party being the largest bloc will put up its nominees for PM with the caveat that it cannot be Maliki who should have officially resigned by then, but if not the other blocs will unite and become the largest bloc and will name their own PM which will then bring in the new ministers and replace the old SOL ministers that are there working now.

Aloha Leslie July 17, 2014 at 4:38pm “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.” ― Mahatma Gandhi



Already Blessed :  just got off the phone with tony and DC....THERE is some amazing info coming in...should be an amazing call tomorrow if we have one!



[sonnyday] VATICAN BANK RESTRUCTURED The Vatican bank has been hit by years of scandal, including money laundering allegations and is about to be restructured with a new president and a new board. source: Reuters



[SpecialAgentGibbs] I see WildDuck spoke outside the box today...Glad someone finally did

 [SpecialAgentGibbs] I made an extra point of it last night....READ ZAP's POST!

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Even brought a couple of quips from it in here

[annieh] SpecialAgentGibbs what is your take on what WD said? I found it confusing as helk

 [SpecialAgentGibbs] Saying it again.... stop feeding the caca machine and pay attention to the INFO, not the INTEL!


[SpecialAgentGibbs] Déjà vu, (/ˌdeɪʒɑː ˈvuː/) from French, literally "already seen", is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has been experienced in the past, whether it has actually happened or not. *EG: "The world is just waiting for the Parliment to be seated". "When the PM is announced, the CBI will release the rate". "The budget must be opened to reveal the operational rate". The déjà vu experience, Alan S. Brown, Psychology Press, (2008), ISBN 0-203-48544-0, Introduction, page 1. Cleary, Anne M. (2008). "Recognition memory, familiarity and déjà vu experiences". Current Directions in Psychological Science 17 (5): 353–357. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8721.2008.00605.x.

[SpecialAgentGibbs] The Parliment, the PM, the president, the budget..... seems we have been here before???

[SpecialAgentGibbs] naahhhhhhh :)


[preacher53] LOOKING GOOD My face in the mirror isn't wrinkled or drawn. My house isn't dirty. The cobwebs are gone. My garden looks lovely and so does my lawn. I think I might never put my glasses back on.


[preacher53] You may be getting older: When your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and you're barefoot.
[preacher53] A retired woman calls 911 on her cellphone to report that her car has been broken into. She is hysterical as she explains her situation to the dispatcher: "They've stolen the stereo, the steering wheel, the brake pedal and even the accelerator!" she cries.

The dispatcher replies reassuringly, "Don't worry, ma'am. An officer is on his way." A few minutes later, the dispatched officer calls in. "Disregard." He says. "She got into the back seat by mistake."

Shoot down now confirmed and therefore top posted

Shoot down now confirmed and therefore top posted

Gaza carnage has disappeared from the news over this shoot down, is this a secondary motive?
Judging from what is happening now, I am going to un officially call it - Flight 370 has been disposed of, Russia will be blackballed, and ISRAEL DID IT ALL, because under the waves generated by this shoot down story. The ground invasion of Gaza has started and there is not a PEEP in the MSM about it. How convenient!

Heads up: which is the defining site for flight history says MH17 was canceled and never departed, with no departure time listed. Hmmm . . . . . Good cover for Flight 370? Not enough substance to make a call on that one, but this is something to make note of at least. The site is down now, possibly overwhelmed? That is OK, I got a photograph of this.

UPDATE: Flight "MH17" was being escorted by two fighter jets up until shoot down, which would be PERFECT if it was in fact a zombie flight 370 under remote control to its final death. This is covered more farther down the page.

Malaysia airlines MH17 777 flight 370 clone from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpoor shot down at border between Ukraine and Russia

A Malaysian jet flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down by either Russia or Ukraine. The plane has now been declared shot down, and the media is doing its best to blame Russia. What a GREAT WAY to dispose of Flight 370 if is actually right about this!

And speaking about false flags, remember that Flight 370 clone in Tel Aviv? and do not forget about the 777 that was stopped by the Dutch from crashing the nuclear summit right after flight 370 vanished, as this web site predicted was likely to happen.

Missile system identified

The jet was shot down by a BUK missile. The American press is being quick to blame Russia, but is failing to mention that Ukraine had a large supply of these. And that says a lot - it pretty much proves that 1. The Ukraine uprising had American/Israeli roots and that 2. the real goal is war with Russia, after all if it was not, why struggle to blame them?

What are Derivatives ?

Thank YOU Charles- sharing w/all Compatriots bcc herein w/permission to forward,

  The 2nd Leg of the ‘3-Legged Stool of Reconstruction-‘- The Economical Leg- 1913 and the creation of their Federal Reserve.
All one ever had to do was study a little bit of History, apply some Common Sense, Compare & Contrast between ‘yesteryear’ & today & begin to ‘Connect the Dots’….it was, essentially, that simple.

  We MUST Separate,
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America

From: Charles Prescott III []
Sent: Sunday, July, 2014 4:01 PM
Subject: What are Derivatives ?


- "Derivative investments also allow product developers to create securities that do not actually exist. they mimic real securities but do not have to be real."
Preview by Yahoo

A Minute With GOD

Something told me to send this to you.



        My name is God. You hardly have time for me. I love you and will
        always bless you. I am always with you. I need you to spend 30
        secs. of your time with Me today. Don't pray, just praise. Today
        I want this message to go across the world before midnight. Will
        you help? Please do not delete it and I'll help you with
        something that you are in need of. Just dare Me! A blessing is
        coming your way. Please drop everything & pass it on.
        Why do we feel sleepy in prayer, but stay awake through a 3 hour

        Why are we so bored when we look at the HOLY BOOK but find it
        easy to read other books?

        Why are prayers getting smaller, but bars and clubs are

        Why is it so easy to worship a celebrity, but very difficult to
        engage with God?

        Think about it, are you going to forward this or are you going
        to ignore it because you think you will get laughed at?

        Forward this to all your friends. 80% of you won't. God said if
        you deny me in front of your friends, I will deny you on the day
        of judgment.

        When one door closes, God opens two. If God has opened doors for
        you, send this message to everyone including me....

        God has no BLACKBERRY but he's my favorite contact.

        He is not on FACEBOOK but he is my best friend.

        He is not on TWITTER but I still follow Him, and even without
        the INTERNET I am always connected to him.

        He is not on gmail but he's always online.

        Forward if God's been good to you!

        God has been very good to me,  He has given me a wonderful
        family, great friends and so much more.

Inside Mexico’s house of horrors: Harrowing images emerge of foster children behind bars as officials say victims slept on rat-infested floors and were fed rotten food

Inside Mexico’s house of horrors: Harrowing images emerge of foster children behind bars as officials say victims slept on rat-infested floors and were fed rotten food

·        Relatives say workers demanded ransoms to free children kept there
·        Prosecutors say residents told them they were beaten, raped and starved
·        Nine suspects have been detained by police, including the owner

Youths freed from a refuse-strewn boarding house by Mexican federal police were sexually abused and held to ransom by staff, say relatives and officials.
Parents said they tried to remove their children from the Casa de la Gran Familia in Zamora, Michoacan, western Mexico, but were met with demands for thousands of dollars for their release.
And authorities said residents, including children, told them they were forced into having sex with workers at the home, beaten, starved and locked in a small cell as punishment for rule breaking.
Ten of the residents were so malnourished police couldn't even determine their age. 
Scroll down for video
Children rest in one of the rooms of the La Gran Familia in Zamora, Michoacan State, Mexico, after the federal police raid which rescued 607 adults and children who prosecutors said were kept in deplorable conditions
Children rest in one of the rooms of the La Gran Familia in Zamora, Michoacan State, Mexico, after the federal police raid which rescued 607 adults and children who prosecutors said were kept in deplorable conditions
A view of the interior yard of La Gran Familia, piled up with filthy mattresses. Officials said the residents suffered beatings and sexual abuse, and were forced to sleep on the floor among rats, ticks and fleas
A view of the interior yard of La Gran Familia, piled up with filthy mattresses. Officials said the residents suffered beatings and sexual abuse, and were forced to sleep on the floor among rats, ticks and fleas
What appear to be donated shoes are lined up in one of the rooms of La Gran Familia, which had been a well-respected care institution part-funded by the government and visited by politicians and dignitaries
What appear to be donated shoes are lined up in one of the rooms of La Gran Familia, which had been a well-respected care institution part-funded by the government and visited by politicians and dignitaries
Mainly poor parents and other relatives gathered outside the home last night as a truck hauled away about 20 tons of rubbish from what authorities said was an insect-infested shelter that had housed 607 adults and children.
Maria Valdivia Vasquez, 65, waited to be allowed to see her 17-year-old grandson, Jose Antonio Martinez. She told the Associated Press his mother sent him to The Great Family group home a decade ago because of his bad behaviour.


Relatives were allowed to visit him only twice a year, and shelter employees had recently been sitting in on the visits, apparently to monitor residents' comments, she told the news agency.
Mrs Valdivia Vasquez said that when she decided to ask that the boy be released to her, shelter founder Rosa del Carmen Verduzco, known as 'Mama Rosa', demanded 70,000 pesos ($5,400; £3,200) for his release.
She said Jose Antonio often barely spoke in front of the shelter employees, but once told her 'he wanted his mother to suffer the same thing he was suffering there.'  
Horror images reveal squalid refuge of 458 Mexican children
Reproduction of an image of squalid conditions at La Gran Familia shown in a press conference in Mexico City
Reproduction of an image of squalid conditions at La Gran Familia shown in a press conference in Mexico City
Makeshift beds where residents of the home slept, reproduced from a picture shown at the press conference
Makeshift beds where residents of the home slept, reproduced from a picture shown at the press conference
Bundles of cardboard and other refuse are hauled out to a rubbish truck outside Gran Familia
Bundles of cardboard and other refuse are hauled out to a rubbish truck outside Gran Familia
Mexican federal police swooped on La Casa de la Gran Familia on Tuesday, after parents filed complaints with authorities because they were being stopped form seeing their children.
One was a woman who had two babies at the home. But after she was allowed to leave, the owner allegedly kept the youngsters, which were registered under the owner's name.
The police raid freed six babies under three, 154 girls, 278 boys, 50 women and 109 men who officials said were kept in deplorable conditions, fed rotten food and forced to sleep on the floor among rats, ticks and fleas.
Nine employees of the shelter, which acted as a foster home of sorts, have been detained and are being questioned.
A girl standing amongst relatives waiting to be reunited with their children, stands just inside a police cordon around La Gran Familia. Relatives said staff demanded ransoms in exchange for releasing residents
A girl standing amongst relatives waiting to be reunited with their children, stands just inside a police cordon around La Gran Familia. Relatives said staff demanded ransoms in exchange for releasing residents
A woman sobs as she waits to be allowed to visit her child. Despite the horrors Mexican authorities were keeping residents at the home while they worked out where they can be transferred to
A woman sobs as she waits to be allowed to visit her child. Despite the horrors Mexican authorities were keeping residents at the home while they worked out where they can be transferred to
Maria Isabel Blancas Gonzalez holds her 16-year-old daughter's teddy bear, as she waits to be reunited with her
Maria Isabel Blancas Gonzalez holds her 16-year-old daughter's teddy bear, as she waits to be reunited with her
Raquel Briones Gallegos, a 44-year-old housewife, said she tried to get her 20-year-old son, Luis Oropeza Briones, out of the shelter in April.
'They ran me out of the house and said insulting things,' she told the Associated Press. He would call her on the phone in recent months saying that 'he wanted to leave, to please get him out of there,' she said.
Residents were still being kept at the home while officials look for places to transfer them. Federal authorities said they were ensuring that the residents were being fed properly, and were giving medical help.
Police and soldiers standing guard outside let small groups of relatives in for brief visits. For some families, it was their first time inside in months.
Police stand guard around the home as onlookers and relatives wait for a chance to visit their loved ones
Police stand guard around the home as onlookers and relatives wait for a chance to visit their loved ones
Relatives wait to be reunited with their children. Nine employees of the shelter are being questioned
Relatives wait to be reunited with their children. Nine employees of the shelter are being questioned
Mexican federal police swooped on La Casa de la Gran Familia on Tuesday, after parents filed complaints with authorities because they were being stopped from seeing their children. Now they are waiting to be let in
Mexican federal police swooped on La Casa de la Gran Familia on Tuesday, after parents filed complaints with authorities because they were being stopped from seeing their children. Now they are waiting to be let in
A woman talks to a heavily armed federal policeman outside Gran Familia yesterday afternoon
A woman talks to a heavily armed federal policeman outside Gran Familia yesterday afternoon
An official tries to decide which relatives to take into Gran Familia next to see their children
An official tries to decide which relatives to take into Gran Familia next to see their children
Prosecutors said early statements given by residents described sexual abuse, beatings, hunger and filth in a once well-regarded group home.
Some were forced into sex by shelter employees and others told of being locked in a tiny punishment room without food or water, officials said.
'Victim No. 4 said she had been held in the group home against her will since she was 18,' said Tomas Zeron, federal chief of criminal investigations.
'She was sexually abused by one of the administrators, and got pregnant as a result of the abuse. The same person beat her to cause an abortion, beating her in the stomach on several occasions.'
Two boys told investigators a male staff member had forced them to engage in oral sex and warned one of the boys that 'he would kill him and sell his organs if he refused,' said Mr Zeron.
A police officer walks inside the entrance to Gran Familia, where investigators taking initial statements say residents have complained of beatings, rapes, sexual assaults and starvation at the hands of staff
A police officer walks inside the entrance to Gran Familia, where investigators taking initial statements say residents have complained of beatings, rapes, sexual assaults and starvation at the hands of staff
Relatives were waiting into the night to get a chance to see their children, who are being treated by doctors and interviewed by investigators trying to piece together a picture of what was going on inside Gran Familia
Relatives were waiting into the night to get a chance to see their children, who are being treated by doctors and interviewed by investigators trying to piece together a picture of what was going on inside Gran Familia
For some families, it was their first time inside in months
For some families, it was their first time inside in months
Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam said some other employees apparently tried to protect the children.
'There are statements that truly hurt, that make you angry,' he said. 'But there are others that save your faith in humanity, about those who truly converted themselves into protectors of the children.'
Authorities have said the shelter had been highly regarded and the government sometimes gave money or even entrusted children to the shelter.
It was often visited by politicians, and local media published photographs of the owner with former President Vicente Fox, former Michoacan Governor Leonel Godoy and other officials.

Mr Murillo Karam said the home was subject to government oversight, but the 'institution's prestige may have made the inspections less intense.'

Protein discovery that could reverse the damage of diabetes: Breakthrough could lead to cheap drug that would halt disease

Protein discovery that could reverse the damage of diabetes: Breakthrough could lead to cheap drug that would halt disease

·        Scientists find treatment for type 2 diabetes which could reverse disease
·        They found that a protein produced in the body cured the disease in mice
·        Researchers confident the process can easily be replicated in humans
·        Raises hopes of a cheap drug which could halt one of the world's fastest growing diseases
Scientists have discovered a treatment for type 2 diabetes which could reverse the disease.
The researchers found that a protein which is already naturally produced in the body cured the disease in mice and they are confident that it could be easily replicated in humans. 
The breakthrough raises hope of a cheap drug which could effectively halt one of the world’s fastest growing diseases.
The protein, called FGF1, already plays a natural role in human cell growth and tissue repair - but it never usually enters the blood stream.
Diabetes experts found that when the protein was injected into a muscle and interacted with the blood, it dramatically reduced blood sugar levels.
Crucially, the protein also seems to reverse the root cause of type 2 diabetes - making the metabolic system react to insulin when it had been failing to do so.
In obese mice with a rodent version of type 2 diabetes, just one injection of the protein FGF1 restored blood sugar levels to a healthy range for more than two days.
Continued treatment with the protein reversed insulin insensitivity, they found.
People with type 2 diabetes gradually become less sensitive to the effects of the hormone, forcing up their blood sugar.
Professor Ronald Evans, of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, said: ‘This is a big deal - this treatment is very simple to make. We are at a very early stage but we know all about this protein already so we have a head start.
‘Type 2 diabetes is an epidemic in the modern world and current treatments are not sufficient – it is not properly controlled.
‘This treatment offers a new method to control glucose, in a powerful, potent and very unexpected way.

‘The fact that simple reintroducing the protein to the body in a different way had such an impact was quite surprising.’ 
Currently available diabetes treatments aim to boost insulin levels and reverse insulin resistance by altering gene activity.
But the drugs cause unwanted side effects and may lower blood glucose levels too far, leading to life-threatening hypoglycaemia.
The scientists, whose research was published last night in the journal Nature, found that mice lacking the protein quickly developed diabetes when placed on a high fat diet, suggesting that the protein played a key role in managing blood glucose levels.
When they injected FGF1 into obese mice with diabetes to assess the protein’s effect on metabolism, they found, quite by accident, that a single dose rapidly caused blood sugar to drop to normal levels.
Dr Michael Downes, also from the Salk Institute, added: ‘Many previous studies that injected FGF1 showed no effect on healthy mice.
The breakthrough raises hopes of a cheap drug which could effectively halt one of the world's fastest growing diseases
The breakthrough raises hopes of a cheap drug which could effectively halt one of the world's fastest growing diseases
‘However, when we injected it into a diabetic mouse, we saw a dramatic improvement in glucose.’ 
FGF1 had a number of advantages over existing diabetes drugs, which are associated with side effects ranging from unwanted weight gain to dangerous heart and liver problems.
The scientists do not fully understand how the protein works, but they hope that others will start researching its properties.
Professor Evans said: ‘There are many questions that emerge from this work and the avenues for investigating FGF1 in diabetes and metabolism are now wide open.
‘We think that when others see these findings they will jump in and help with their own research.’ 
Type 2 diabetes, the kind that develops in adulthood and is linked to lifestyle, can reduce life expectancy and lead to complications such as blindness and amputation that seriously affect quality of life. 
Its core problem is the inability of the body to respond to insulin in the way it should.
It differs from type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disorder that is normally present from childhood and occurs when the body cannot produce its own insulin.

RT: SERCO Owns the World, | Big Brother Watch . . . and are we ever paying attention now! ~J

RT: SERCO Owns the World, | Big Brother Watch . . . and are we ever paying attention now! ~J

Posted on by Jean
Published on Oct 16, 2012
Thanks to J. 
Abby Martin takes a look at the biggest company you’ve never heard of, SERCO.
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Alien ET’s final message to Earth, By Jon Rappoport, July 17, 2014

Alien ET’s final message to Earth, By Jon Rappoport, July 17, 2014

Posted on July 17, 2014 by Jean
There was no doubt in inner circles that a message had been received from space. It was sent in English. It was specific. It was so shocking it had to be suppressed.
It was eventually leaked, but the leak was stopped before the general public became aware of the message or its content.
The alien sender never referred to himself by name or disclosed his planet of origin.
Here is an excerpt from his communication:
“As strange as it may seem to you, I am not a prophet. Nor am I an evil invader.
“I come from a place that has developed along radically different lines.
“On my world, there is an unstoppable dedication to the advancement of the individual, and all institutions and structures are stripped of overarching influence.
“In parallel, technology has progressed toward that goal. Discoveries in energy production, for example, were channeled into delivering what you would call self-sufficiency…but not to nations or groups. Again, the individual has been the recipient. Every individual.
“The Group, as a concept, was exposed by several of our most keen philosophers, as an artifact devised in our distant past as a method for holding back the achievement and power of the individual.
“Think of the Group as foreshortened perspective in a painting. The depth of space is curtailed, the ceiling on consciousness is thus lowered.
“Several of our investigators, working on their own, discovered a centuries-old plot to foist the Group on us.
“The wealthy people who were heading up this conspiracy were exiled to far wastelands, with no hope of escape.
“Can you imagine a society that has progressed to the point where it is so decentralized that peace is an obvious given? Can you?
“I am not issuing any warning to you. Nor am I a messiah from the stars. I am not an ultimate authority. I cannot rescue you. You are in the process of melting down, but not from the overheating of your atmosphere. I’m talking about the meltdown into a planet-wide Group of bankrupt consciousness, a Group which is nevertheless confident that ‘peace and love’ are its objectives.
“This is a fallacy and a delusion, fostered by powerful men who see a way of placing you in thrall to mind control, just as your organized religions have done for thousands of years.
“I am an individual. I represent no one. Can you grasp that, or are you too far gone to even conceive the possibility?
“The so-called natural laws of your physics are merely one way of appreciating what is taking place in the universe. There are endless other ways—and on the world from which I’ve come, the technology combines obvious physical capabilities with the power of individual consciousness and imagination.
“You would perhaps call this magic. Many individuals can alter space and time. On their own, they can create energy.
“They are not part of any Group or code or plan or movement. There are no mass movements on my world. None.
“I have sent you images of that world. No doubt they will be censored and captured by your leaders.
“I do not need to be a member of a Group to care about your future. I do not need to represent a council or assembly or government. My world barely has a government.
“I send you this message with the hope that, at some point, some of you, as, yes, individuals will read it and give it the degree of credence it deserves.
“For you, everything appears to be about Groups. The good ones versus the bad ones. You have lost the ability to think in any other way. But those who control your destiny understand that, no matter the struggle, as long as it pits one Group against another, they have won and you have lost.
“In my world, I live entirely by choice. So does every other individual. Strange as it seems, war is an impossibility—for exactly that reason.
“There is no automatic equating of wealth with corruption, as you seem to accept.
“The technology of physical energy production, which on my planet makes the essentials of life available to every person, is not free. This probably shocks you. You believe that “free things” are the measure of humanity. On my world, the energy is available, and inexpensive, and anyone who works can easily afford it.
“Contrary to what you might imagine, this does not make us barbaric.
“You are devoted to an idea of mass unity. You believe this is good and true and that the ‘higher transcendence’ it offers is your best and last hope.
“When an authentic self-governing individual appears among you, you demand that he explain his achievements in terms of what they will offer to everyone else, as if, from the beginning, his only intent and motive force was satisfying the Group.
“I’m baffled at the depth of this delusion.
“If someone presented you with a philosophy that described how every individual could advance higher and farther, you would reject it out of hand as a corruption of thought.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I have no prophetic ‘wisdom of the whole’ to impart, no message written in the sky. I’m just passing through.
“In one of your bibles, there is this statement: ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.’ It is surely a noble idea. On my world, I have seen it in our past. But suppose there was no need for a person to lay down his life? Suppose individual creative power had taken on such fullness that sacrifice was largely outmoded?
“I wish you success, but now I must move along…”
Listening to this message in his spacious bunker in Washington DC, the Holy Federal Minister of Public Education for All Americans wiped sweat from his brow.
This alien was indeed dangerous. He was a terrorist of the first order. His words were germs of a fatal disease.
Education on Earth was, in fact, nothing more than indoctrination into the Group as the fundamental unit of life. Imagine what might happen if the alien’s communication took hold in the halls of the academy.
The Holy Minister clicked on another audio message. This one was recently written by the staff of the US Department of Public Relations. It would soon be released as profound evidence of first human contact with extraterrestrial life:
“My dear brothers and sisters. My name is Gantha and I come from a planet called Zifna, 428 light years from planet Earth.
“I bring a universal message of peace and love. We are many, and we seek your participation in a multi-galactic council of elders.
“It is long past the time for you to join us. A sufficient number of you have forged a deep connection with our philosophy of cosmic unity. Your planet is now one whole, owing to your advanced notion of relationship. You are all one mind, and we are one mind, so it only remains for us to merge.
“Your collective computer power has progressed to a stage where the merge can be accomplished through our All Thing program. It is a beautiful process of sharing…”
The Holy Minister sat back and massaged his temples.
The merge might be a tough sell at first, but, yes, it would work. The population would buy it. They had been well prepared.
The individual had been reduced to dust in the wind. A staged disappearing act.
Without warning, an image materialized in the air before him. The Holy Minister knew, without knowing how he knew, that he was looking at the alien, the man who was just “passing through.” And the alien was looking at him. And laughing.
The alien kept laughing.
Minutes passed. The Holy Minister thought he was going mad. He saw another world, a world Earth could have been, if it had developed along completely different lines.
A thought repeated over and over in his mind: “I am I, I am I, I am I.”
He felt an awakening, a surge, and he did everything he could to stop it and repress it and kill it.
Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at