Thursday, July 17, 2014

NAZI Paperclip NSA-Israeli Mossad Adamus Group Fingered Again

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Thursday   July 17, 2014
NAZI Paperclip NSA-Israeli Mossad Adamus Group Fingered Again
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

Malaysian Flight MH-17 with 295 on board shot down in Ukraine  source   source

UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that the U.S.-Israeli Mossad NAZI Paperclip NSA stooges, who have infiltrated both the Russian Separatists movement and the pro NAZI Paperclip, U.S. financed NAZI Bush-George Soros controlled Ukrainian government, were responsible for the shoot down of the Malaysian aircraft flight MH-17 out of Amsterdam over the territory of the Ukraine.

BUK.(RIA Novosti / Vadim Braydov),  (r pic)  RIA Novosti / Evgeny Yepanchintsev
source   source
These heat-seeking laser missiles were actually brought into the Ukraine and given to the NAZI-controlled Ukrainian government by the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu three days before the Malaysian aircraft was shot down.
Item: Vicious anti-Catholic bigot Netanyahu immediately ordered a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip within two hours after the NAZI Ukrainian government shoot down of Malaysian flight MH-17.
Ukrainian Army Buk Missile Likely Downed Malaysian Plane

P.S.  Three members of the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force working with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman were warned and refused to board Malaysian flight MH-17 in Amsterdam.
At the same time, five passengers with forged Nigerian passports tied to the Israeli Embassy in Amsterdam, Holland did board the flight.
P.P.S.  At this hour all of this international worldwide staged events coincide with the financial reality that there is no liquidity left in the worldwide banking system for repo's aka liquidity in the worldwide banking system.
All private proprietary secret trust accounts tied to the Bush-Clinton-NSA Adamus Group THEFT of U.S. Treasury funds have been frozen.
Count to ten and think about what comes next.
In closing, we are going to make it clear to the American People what we are dealing with.
We are dealing with a NAZI Jew NSA occupied United States tied directly to the NAZI Jew NSA crooked banks Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.
Reference:  NAZI German former Florida Governor, election stealer, nation wrecker and Constitution shredder Jeb Bush has announced that he is going to use crooked banks like Credit Suisse to finance a possible presidential run.
This is a direct message to TRAITOR and NAZI German Jeb Bush:
From:  The American Revolutionary Council of the 21st Century
It is in your best interest, Bush, to take your entire NAZI bloodline family and get off American soil now!
Finally, direct message to CNN:
You don't need to have Rupert Murdoch buy you out.  You are already under the control of Rupert Murdoch and his NAZI-Zionist filth.
As the 2nd American Revolution commences in the 21st Century identify the enemies:  Wolf Blitzer, Erin Burnett and Anderson Cooper.
As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert gore Jr. remains the year 2000 DULY ELECTED, non-inaugurated, natural born REAL President of the United States

Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law

Plan to Overthrow US Government Exposed by US Intel!

Plan to Overthrow US Government Exposed by US Intel!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 9:33
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Glenn Canady

Note: This interview is VERY important and comes from our patriots and vets at VeteransToday that are being completely censored by the gatekeepers in alternative media!  The Title does this interview little justice because that is only one topic covered of literally hundreds.  I urge you to share it on all social networks to send the truth VIRAL so justice can be served!  If you are a truth warrior please Friend Me on Facebook and get my free ebook on how to spread 1,000 times more truth using simple tips!  Visit my Youtube channel also and LIKE this important Page on Facebook!  We have no more time!  If everybody spreads as much truth as possible we can turn this around!  Let’s do it!

So much is covered in this interview of Gordon Duff, Stew Webb and Preston James that it will blow your mind!  Here’s a quick summary of some of the information.  This information is so hot that the evil ones tried to repeatedly jam this broadcast!  Several times they had to stop the interview but this video cuts out the dead air so you get all the information.  Be sure to share this and everybody must do much more than have done before regarding spreading the truth.  I show you how to do this in my note above.  The stories coming out of (VT) have made them the number one mainstream and alternative outlet in the world and they are relentlessly attacked by the shills!  VT for Victory!

Summary of Interview (Interview covers much more)

Gordon Duff discusses a plan that he is aware of to overthrow US Government and put a Zionist controlled leadership in all positions that will go do more wars.

DHS is totally controlled by Israeli agents and dual citizens.  Their ultimate plan is to literally organ harvest Americans and kill them just as they have done to the Palestinians.  They want to do this worldwide!  

Many in mainstream and alternative media have been blackmailed to censor the stories coming out

Gordon reported that they were leaked the Sandia Labs report that proved that the government knew that 9/11 was a nuclear event as soon as it happened.  We know who was involved.  Thermobaric nuclear weapons were used that created no visible flash.  We know who made the weapons in the US and who made the triggers.

US Agencies have now been making a report on how to exactly take  down the US power grid under the cover that it was to protect it!  US has weapons now to take down the grid.

US agencies are refusing to look at the rock solid evidence for the nuclear weapons used on 9/11. Congressmen know the truth and have covered it up!  CNN was given the data and said they would report but later trashed the story.  

Obama distancing himself from Israel.  Not selling anymore white phosphorus or cluster bombs to Israel.

Israeli helicopters and aircraft are in trouble now due to advanced Russian weapons in hands of Hamas including guided rockets that they have never had before.  These rockets are doing damage and hitting targets but is being covered up by Israel who say they are landing in the middle of nowhere.  

Iron Dome system doesn’t really work too well – needs Aegis destroyers to work effectively.  Those destroyers are not being provided by the US.  We paid for the Iron Dome.

Illuminati Council of 13 kill a child every winter and summer solstice.  VeteransToday broke the story with video proof but this was censored by all gatekeepers in alternative such as Alex Jones and Glenn Beck.

Israel is getting pounded so hard by the rockets that they landed a 25 man commando team on a Gaza beach to find a launch site.  The team was ambushed by Hamas.  The team had to call on help from the entire Israeli air force to get them out of there.  They suffered losses.

Russian Intel traced to Snowden was the 2003 Sandi report that proves 9/11 was a nuclear event.

The nuclear pits used in the mini nukes were machined several times to keep them in service.  We know who did the machining work!

Dept of Homeland security has opened the borders.  They do false flags, hire actors, put bombs in pressure cookers etc.  Nothing American about it.

ISIS is an Israeli organization that’s why they only attack Israel’s enemies.

War in Gaza – Israeli intelligence found (3) Israeli teenagers that they thought wouldn’t be missed and took them and killed them.  One of the teens was able to call police and tell them he was being kidnapped and the police  covered it all up!  The rockets from Gaza now have guidance systems in some cases making them accurate.

Bush I was still pulling strings when Bush II was President and actually controlled Clinton and tries to control Obama but Obama has bucked on some things and that’s why they are trying to get rid of him.  

Israel never thought they would be caught being involved with the nuclear 9/11 event.

Zbignew Brzezinski is now taking big players down in a power play to get people fighting amongst themselves so he can bring in new people.  

Bankster power (City of London) fading.  They will go down so they can put in a new system which will have a leader who will be a wolf in sheep’s clothing that will eventually setup a world war.

Secret Space War going on between secret space programs of US Air Force, US Navy, Alien ET races and other countries in some cases.

The alien agenda – terra form the planet, kill 80% of people.  They really want to get rid American males of fighting age.  They claim they have a weapon that works on a quantum level and can shut down all brain activity on Earth but will they be allowed to every use it by God?

80% of Israelis have no Hebrew blood

Secret NSA base at Bluffdale is connected to an alien base – staffed with alien hybrids that look just like regular humans.  Their agenda is to control the world – this all goes back to Babylonian times.

ICBMs no longer a threat because other countries can shoot them down with their advanced weapons they have kept secret.  Nuclear powered cruise missiles that fly just 10 feet over the ocean are the biggest threat.

Chemtrails are also being used for a military reason so they can spot the low flying cruise missiles.

There’s much more in this interview.  Listen and share it!