Friday, July 18, 2014

Everything about the Anunnaki reptilians and our true history

Everything about the Anunnaki reptilians and our true history

by Alexander Light (
Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Anunnaki Built The Pyramids

I must admit that I have delayed this article for too long, because I am not yet able to explain all its implications and ramifications, and I was not able to find all the missing pieces.

I was planning to gather a lot more information, connect as many dots as possible, and turn everything into a long and brain-storming article. But it had to be ready before December 21st, 2012. We must have a wide perspective, just in case something special takes place after all.

Before proceeding, I suggest you to read this article first, because it demonstrates why the Egyptian pyramids could not have been built without advanced: technology, mathematics and astronomy. It also provides an amazing connection between the Giza Plateau (where the Great Pyramids of Egypt are located) and the Cydonia Complex of Mars. Thank you!

I. Brief introduction

I have no doubt that most of my constant readers know a lot about the arrival of the Anunnaki (literally meaning "those who from heavens to Earth came") on our planet. But for the following piece of history to make sense to the newcomers, I will shortly outline the main events leading to their colonization of Earth.

According to the Anunnaki themselves, our solar system has one more member, a huge planet that is orbiting the sun in a 3,600 years long ellipse. They called their planet Nibiru, which means "the planet of the crossing" -- because together with its moons they form a cross image, and Nibiru is located in middle (in the crossing).

Because the planet has such a long orbit around the Sun, the Nibiruans relied on its very thick upper atmosphere to shelter them from cold, like a warm blanket. It also had the task of keeping the oxygen from escaping in the outer space, hence making life as we know, possible. 

Unfortunately for them, they were faced with extinction when, the "volcanoes, the atmosphere's forebears, less belching were spitting up! Nibiru's air has thinner been made, the protective shield has been diminished! (...) pestilences of field made appearance; toil could them not overcome."

(...) "From circuit to circuit, Nibiru's atmosphere more breaching suffered. In the councils of the learned, cures were avidly debated; ways to bandage the wound were urgently considered."

Long story short, they've tried everything: from creating an artificial shield (which eventually fell down to the ground), to bombarding the volcanoes with nuclear-like weapons in order to make them active once again, but all their efforts ended in failure.

Nibiru's scientists had one final suggestion to heal Nibiru's atmosphere: to pulverize very fine, sub-atomic, gold dust into the breach. Because it was so fine, the nano-atomic gold dust would remain suspended and, in time, completely repair the breach. But gold was extremely scarce on Nibiru, though "within the Hammered Bracelet (inside the asteroid's belt) it was abundant."

Artistic depiction of our solar system -- not scaled
Soon, "rains were withheld, winds blew harder; springs from the depths did not arise." The Nibiruans grew restless and  stopped worshiping Alalu, for not being able to bring them salvation. Anu seized the opportunity and dethroned Alalu from Nibiru's kingship. 

Fearing death, Alalu boarded a "missile-throwing celestial chariot" and set its course for Earth, where he discovered gold. He delivered the good news back to Nibiru and requested the throne back, but instead, Anu promised him Earth's leadership. 

Anu and his two sons, Ea and Enlil, arrived on Earth to make plans for the future. He decided to give Earth's leadership to his son, Ea, and renamed him En-ki (Earth's Master). Alalu was greatly offended and challenged Anu to battle, but lost again.

Alalu was sentenced to die in exile, alone, on a foreign planet. I will continue this story in the final chapter, where I will make some interesting connections.

Another very important aspect is the enormous life span of the Anunnaki, who live for hundreds of thousands of years. This means that many of the Anunnaki mentioned in this article are probably still alive today.

II. The Great Flood
Today's Great Pyramids of Egypt
According to the tenth Sumerian tablet (written in Enki's own words), the Anunnaki built the pyramids of Egypt as beacons for their new main spaceport on Earth, after the old one had been wiped out by the biblical Great Flood. In the Sumerian tablets it is known as the Deluge and it was activated by Nibiru's passing, but not solely caused by it.

Here is how the events unfolded.

Long before Nibiru reached its perigee, other significant changes were already taking place: black spots appeared on the Sun's surface, Earth's magnetic field became weaker, the temperatures raised and the ice caps begun melting. 

(All these events are similar to what we experience today, including the more recent sun's black spots).

The tablet does not explain what caused these important galactic changes, but presents the concern of Nibiru's scientists. They understood that Nibiru's passing will cause huge tidal waves, which will cover most of the lowlands. And this is exactly what happened.

"For days before the Day of the Deluge, the Earth was rumbling, groan as with pain it did;
For nights before the calamity struck, in the heavens Nibiru as a glowing star was seen."

(This means that Nibiru was not necessarily seen as a huge object in the night sky, otherwise it would have been mentioned as such: half the size of / as big as / bigger than the Moon, for example. 

This may imply that Nibiru's passing could go unnoticed by most people. What if comet Elenin was really a smokescreen for Nibiru, as so many people and amateur astronomers suggested? According to the Sumerian tablets, Nibiru enters our solar system from the direction of the Leo constellation -- the same as comet Elenin did.

There have been many videos and articles from amateur astronomers and people with above-average knowledge who presented evidence of a possible brown dwarf approaching our solar system from the constellation Leo, at the same time as NASA and the MSM were chatting non-stop about merely a comet -- NASA's most studied comet in history, I might add. 

Unfortunately, because their possible pole-shifting scenarios did not occur, they chose to remove important information from the internet, fearing ridicule. But they might have been right all along, because Nibiru usually passes without causing harm. The Sumerian tablets describe a period of about 500,000 years, or about 138 completed orbits, and this is the only reference to a disaster caused by Nibiru).

Just before the deluge started, most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru, but some of them decided to stay. Those who remained, watched the destruction from their "celestial boats", while circling the Earth.

"Then there was darkness in daytime, and at night the Moon as though by a monster was swallowed. The Earth began to shake, by a netforce (i.e. gravitation or electromagnetic force)  before unknown it was agitated. 

In the glow of dawn, a black cloud arose from the horizon. The morning's light to darkness changed. Then the sound of a rolling thunder boomed, lightnings the skies lit up. (...) On that day, on the unforgettable day, the Deluge with a roar begun."

Next, the South's Pole huge ice sheets smashed into each other, broke, and fell into the ocean, creating a gigantic tsunami. The waves traveled North, towards the lands of the Abzu, which was an Anunnaki gold-mining domain in South-East Africa.

(Actually, the oldest discovered Metropolis on Earth is located in the South-East African Continent, and it is dated 160,000 to 200,000 BCE. The metropolis measures and astounding 1,500 square miles, it is thought to be part of a 10,000 square miles community and it was built around thousands of gold mines. Click to read the complete article).
Mount Ararat's twin peaks, in today's Turkey
The tidal wave continued North, until it reached and submerged the city of Edin (meaning "the home from far-away", it was the first Anunnaki settlement on Earth, hence its name; the biblical Eden, located underneath today's Persian Golf) and all the inhabited lands of the Anunnaki, together with their gold mines, spaceports and cities. Some of the very few humans to escape the flood were Ziusudra (biblical Noah) and his family, who had been secretly instructed by Enki to build a boat, seal it with bitumen (in order to make it waterproof, even if submerged by the waves).

A great storm with heavy rains started. The tidal wave kept sweeping the Earth for seven days, until it finally came to a halt. But the heavy rains continued for forty more days and nights. When the rains finally stopped, Ziusudra and Ninagal directed the boat toward Mount Arrata's (today's Ararat Mountains, located in Turkey) twin peaks that were still visible. They were able to find dry land while heading for the peaks.

(Must-Read Article: The remnants of the so called "Noah's Ark", were indeed discovered near the peaks of Ararat Mountains, in Turkey).
How Ziusudra's boat probably looked like, according to the on-site discoveries
This event took place in the 120th Shar, earth-year 432,000 since the Anunnaki arrived on Earth.

But there were other humans who survived the Great Flood, not only Ziusudra and his family. Another group of survivors had been found by the Anunnaki in the Americas, and they were the direct descendants of Ka-in (the biblical Cain), who was judged and banished from the Edin (the biblical Eden), after killing his brother Abael (the biblical Abel) in a dispute.

III. The construction of a new Mission Control Center (MCC)

After the Deluge, the reconstruction begun with a new spaceport. The text describes how the Anunnaki made their buildings according to the position of the stars:

"Let the heart of the plain, the heavens reflect! so did Enlil to Enki suggests. Once Enki to this agreed, Enlil from the skies of distances took measures."

Indeed, the pyramids and monuments of Egypt are aligned to the stars!

The Hidden Records Website
"Wayne Herschel contends that all 50 pyramids in Lower Egypt replicate the prime stars on one side of the Milky Way. He also confirms Robert Bauval’s theory that the three main pyramids of Giza conclusively represent Orion, however he identifies a new scale interpretation very different to that of Bauval’s. If one were to look for clues as to why the ancient Egyptians only represented one side of the Milky Way in their pyramid star map, what becomes evident is that all the stars, except for one, are not Sun-like. 
"Focus on the star pattern of the Pleiades and its important Sun-like star nearby.
This is an obsession shared by virtually all ancient civilizations."
Also, it hardly seems coincidence that all except for one monument do not display the distinctive pyramid shape. It is the obelisk shaped Sun Temple of Ra near Abusir that exhibits this very unique scenario. It turns out that the pyramids at Abusir represent the Pleiades and that this nearby ‘sun’ monument may explain the reason for the entire star map."

Next, Enlil chose the spot for a new Mission Control Center:

"A suitable mount he selected, the Mount of Way Showing (i.e. most probably the famous Temple Mount of Jerusalem) he named it.

A platform of stones, akin but smaller than the Landing Place (i.e. the so called "Temple of Jupiter" from Baalbek, Lebanon; where Enlil's abode was also located) to be built there he ordered."
Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, Lebanon -- Either Enlil's abode, or Roman construction on-top of the Landing Platform. The ancient site of Baalbek encompassed a paved stone platform of about five million square feet.

Important to notice: Baalbeck means The City of the Master or Lord, both titles being used by the humans to address the Anunnaki 'gods'.
Before proceeding, I must share some mind-blowing facts regarding the Baalbek site. According to "fully qualified and practising American civil engineers", the Baalbek terrace is an amazing achievement, because of the size and weight of the stones involved in its construction.

"The platform and large courtyard is still retained by three walls containing twenty-seven limestone blocks which have no equal in size anywhere in the world, as each of them weighs in excess of 300 metric tons."

"One of the three 64 foot long megaliths in the Baalbek terrace.
Notice the man in the lower lefthand corner."
"Three of the blocks, however, weigh around 1000 tons each. This block trio is world-renowned as the "Trilithon". Consider also the even larger monolith lying in a quarry over a half-mile away from the main Acropolis. It measures roughly 70 X 16 X 13 feet and weighs an estimated 1200 tons." -- Source.
One of the biggest cut stones on Earth, weighing approx. 1,200 tons
"In its midst a great rock was carved inside and out, to house a new Bond Heaven-Earth it was made.

A new Navel of the Earth (a.k.a. MCC), the role of Nibru-ki (i.e. the original MCC and Enlil's city in Shumer; called Nippur in Akkadian) before the Deluge to replace."

A new landing corridor for the ships coming from the outer space was also needed:

"The Landing Path on the twin peaks of Arrata in the north were anchored. To demarcate the Landing Corridor, Enlil two other sets of twin peaks required, to delimit the Landing Corridor's boundary, ascent and descent to secure. (...)

Where the second set of twin peaks was required, mountains there were none,
Only a flatland above he water-clogged valley from the ground protruded.
Artificial peaks thereon we can raise! So did Ningishzidda to the leaders say."

Ningishzidda = Son of Enki, he was a master of genetics and other sciences. Later, in ancient Egypt, he was known as Thoth. This is the reason why I warned you to be cautious about the so called "Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean" -- it's just another Anunnaki deception!

IV. The construction of the artificial mounds = the Great Pyramids of Egypt

"On a tablet the image of smooth-sided, skyward rising peaks for them he drew.
If it can be done, let it so be! Enlil with approval said. Let them also as beacons serve!"

The following passage is very important, though it may be overlooked if careless:

"On the flatland, above the river's valley, Ningishzidda a scale model built,
The rising angles and four smooth sides with it he perfected.
Next to it a larger peak he placed, its sides to Earth's four corners he set;
By the Anunnaki, with their tools of power, were its stones cut and erected.
Beside it, in a precise location, the peak that was its twin he placed."

If you have read the suggested article in the introduction, then you understand how important is the description of how Ningishzidda aligned the great pyramid to Earth's four corners. Here is an excerpt from that article:

"The geographical orientation of the great pyramid, is probably the most amazing characteristic. Its sides are almost perfectly placed from N-S and E-W. It is almost perfectly oriented on Earth's True North!

The True North is calculated on a map, by using the longitudinal lines and it's not the same as the Magnetic North, indicated by the compass."

Probably, a fairly accurate depiction of the completed pyramids
The above passage of the tablets also explains how the Anunnaki used their "tools of power" to cut and put in place the massive stone blocks. 

Erecting pyramids was probably a small effort to them, and as a result, we have already discovered thousands all over the planet.

The Great Pyramid was built to have "galleries and chambers for pulsating crystals". As I mentioned before, we have a lot to learn about crystals, and I am sure that we will use them for multiple different purposes, in the near future.

Ekur, covered with white limestone and its
electrum capstone in place
"When this artful peak to the heavens rose, to place upon it the capstone, the leaders were invited. Of electrum, an admixture by Gibil (another son of Enki, in charge with metallurgy and maker of "magical" artifacts) fashioned, was the Apex Stone made. 

The sunlight to the horizon it reflected, by night like a pillar of fire it was, the power of all the crystals to the heavens, in a beam, it focused."

According to different accounts, the pyramids had been covered in white limestone, and we can only imagine how beautiful they were, gleaming in the desert's sunlight. Marcus Antonius, a Roman politician and general, described the Great Pyramid more than 2,000 years ago as "shining like a precious jewel", while being visible from 100 miles.

The description of the Apex Stone's role in the night, can be accepted both literally, and figuratively, and personally I think both description are accurate. Literally, the capstone was somehow able to emanate the light of the "pulsating crystals" from inside the pyramid toward the heavens, and figuratively, it was also used as a GPS-like landmark by the Anunnaki space ships.

Further, the Sumerian tablets describe the interior of the Great Pyramids:

"When the artful works, by Ningishzidda designed, were completed and ready, the Anunnaki leaders the Great Twin Peak entered, at what they saw they marveled; 
Ekur, House Which Like a Mountain Is, they named it, a beacon to the heavens it was." (...)

"Then Enlil by his own hand the Nibiru crystals activated.
Inside, eerie lights began to flicker, an enchanting hum the stillness broke;
Outside, the capstone all at once was shining, brighter that the Sun it was."

(On a separate account): "Its interior with a reddish light of heaven glows."

Now we have the confirmation that the capstone was not reflecting the sun's light, but it was in fact emitting an even brighter light, once the device was activated. Hence, my previous assumption (that the pyramid was used both as a visual landmark and Global Positioning System) is proven correct.
Click the following two pictures, in order to enlarge them:
NE: Mount Ararat's tallest peaks, equipped with guiding beacons;
SE: The approximate location of the Edin, the biblical Eden;
W: Enlil's abode and location of the 1st spaceport, after the Deluge;
West (lower): The location of the Mission Control Center;
SW: The Great Pyramids of Egypt, equipped with guiding beacons;
Possible flight path, as seen from above the Ararat's Peaks, towards the Great Pyramids of Egypt
V. The construction of the Egyptian Sphinx

While the Anunnaki were still celebrating the construction of the "artificial mounds", Enki offered a suggestion to his brother, Enlil:

"When in the future days it will be asked: when and by whom was this marvel fashioned?
Let us beside the twin peaks a monument create, the Age of the Lion let it announce,
The image of Ningishzidda (later known as Thoth), the peaks' designer, let its face be,
Let it precisely toward the Place of the Celestial Chariots gaze,
When, by whom, and the purpose let it to future generations reveal!"

Enlil agreed with Enki's suggestion and decreed:

"Let the gazing lion, precisely eastward facing, with Ningishzidda's image be!"

Ekur and the Lion with Ningishzidda's face (artistic reproduction)
Marduk, Enki's firstborn child and his legal heir, was enraged of his father's and uncle's decision. He demanded for his image to be carved on the lion's face, because the pyramids were situated on his domains.

This stirred the other Anunnaki to ask for more domains and human slaves, and the ceremony was about to degenerate.

Ninmah, a half-sister of Enki and Enlil, intervened and proposed a fair spread of lands and human slaves, among the ruling Anunnaki. The proposal calmed everyone down for the moment, but eventually led to many infamous wars, this time acknowledged by our history.

Marduk received the lands known to us today as Ancient Egypt, where he was later worshiped as Ra.

VI. Summary of the events that followed

The next chapters are long and not strongly related to the main subject of this article, so I will make a short summary of what happened next:

- Marduk (Ra) replaced Ningishzidda's (Thoth's) face from the Lion monument.

- Marduk lost the first war of the pyramids (a.k.a. the Great war of the Anunnaki) and went into exile. He became known to the Egyptians as Amun Ra, meaning the exiled god, Ra. Enki and Enlil divided Earth among their other sons.

- Ninurta (Enlil's foremost son, mothered by Enlil's half sister, Ninmah. He was Enlil's legal successor) was celebrated as victor after defeating Marduk.

- Ninurta, later established alternative space facilities in the Americas.

- Anu (Nibiru's king for the past ~500,000 years) decided to come to Earth one more time, but accompanied by his spouse, Antu. The Anunnaki debated many plans for the future, including how to keep mankind obedient.

- To celebrate Anu's second coming to Earth, a new year count was established by the Anunnaki.

- Pardoned by his grandfather Anu, Marduk remained rebellious and later usurped a site, planning to build an illicit launch tower. Frustrated by the Enlilites, he also seized the Second Region.

- Ningishzida, who was known in Egypt as Thoth, was deposed by his brother, Marduk. He took with him followers and flew to the Americas.

- Marduk declared himself Ra, the sun god, and replaced the Moon/Lunar calendar used by the other Anunnaki, with a new one, based on the sun's movement. He also started a new religion, in which he was worshiped as a god, and the sole ruler of Earth - which greatly worried and upset the other Anunnaki. He is the one who introduced the Pharaonic reign, with the intention to mark the beginning of a new civilization. 

- For the first time, demigods (half Anunnaki and half human hybrids) ruled as kings on Earth. They also served as priests in palaces and temples. They are today known as Monarchs, and rule mankind in the name of the Anunnaki ever since.

- Enki was known as Ptha in Egypt, which meant "The Developer", and commemorated his greatness in reestablishing the civilization after the Deluge.

- The Anunnaki were known as "Neteru" in Egypt, literally meaning "The Guardian Watchers". 

- Marduk proclaimed the coming Age of the Ram as his sign and demanded Earth's leadership. Ningishzidda started building stone observatories to prove otherwise (this is clearly one reason for some of the dozens monolithic stone observatories erected all over the planet, in all major cultures).

- Marduk built Bab-Ili (Babylon) in Mesopotamia, literally meaning "The Gateway of the Gods". Armies raised by his son, Nabu, attempted to seize the Anunnaki spaceport. Overruling Enki, the Anunnaki decided to use the Weapons of Terror (similar of today's nuclear weapons).

- Ninurta and Nergal obliterated the spaceport and the "sinning" cities with nuclear weapons. The drifting nuclear cloud brought death to all in Sumer.

- Bab-Ili is among the few places to survive the calamity, and Enki's sees it as an omen of Marduk's inevitable supremacy. Finally, Enlil accepts Marduk's supremacy and retreats to the faraway lands.

Apparently, this chapter was not strongly connected to the main subject, but my intention was to show you that important Anunnaki figures went to the Americas, where they built new space facilities (most probably including pyramids as well). This is strong evidence that the Mesoamerican civilizations (Toltec, Maya, Aztec, Incas) had also been established by the Anunnaki.

They had the same stories as the Sumerians: the creation story; accounts of flying gods which arrived on Earth from the stars; the story of gods revealing great knowledge to the humans; the practice of human and animal sacrifice in the name of their gods; demigods serving as kings and priests; worshiping rituals; astounding knowledge of the stars and the passing of time; incredibly accurate and complicated calendar; finally, they had the knowledge to build dozens of pyramids and megalithic structures across the Americas.

But one of the most amazing connections, at least for me, is Ningishzidda's name in the Americas, according to the Sumerians. He was known as...get ready for it...the Winged Serpent! Does this ring a bell to you?

All major Mesoamerican civilizations worshiped the same god. The Incas called him Viracocha, the Aztecs Quetzacoatl, the K'iche' Maya Q'uq'umatz, and the Toltec and Mayas Kukulcan. His name means the same thing, in all cultures: the Feathered Serpent -- which means that he possessed the ability to fly! -- Read More

My final connection refers to the story of how the gods of Mesoamerica returned to the stars in their flying vehicles, just like it happened in all major cultures. And since I've mentioned the flying vehicles of the gods...

VII. The flying vehicles of the Anunnaki

Here is how Endubsar, Enki's scribe, described one of the flying crafts of the Anunnaki:

"I looked up and lo and behold, a Whirlwind came out of the south. There was a reddish brilliance about it and it made no sound. And as it reached the ground, four straight feet spread out from its belly and the brilliance disappeared. And I threw myself on the ground and prostrated myself, for I knew that it was a divine vision."

(...) "The Whirlwind lifted itself as a fiery chariot and was gone. (...) It carried me swiftly between the Earth and the heavens, as the eagle soars. And I could see the land and the waters, and the plains and the mountains."

Egyptian papyrus depiction of Ra's (Marduk's) arrival on Earth in a flying disc
Definitely a famous Anunnaki "Whirlwind"

The Anunnaki used the so called "Whirlwinds" for flights inside Earth's atmosphere. The so called "Celestial Boats" were bigger flying crafts, that could host numerous whirlwinds. The celestial boats were also used for space travel (similar to the concept of a Mother Ship).

The celestial boats had been used by the Anunnaki to travel from and to Nibiru, but had also been used by the remaining Anunnaki in the time of the Deluge. For the entire period, they were able to stay aloft in their Celestial Boats, which did not require any kind of fuel.

Finally, the third flying craft model of the Anunnaki, were similar to the concept of a rocket, and were used to send the refined gold from Earth to the Anunnaki bases on Mars.

VIII. The Martian bases of the Anunnaki

During NASA's Viking Missions of 1976, the orbiters Viking 1 and 2 took aerial photographs of Mars' surface. In an area that is now referred to as the 'Cydonia Complex of Mars', the orbiters took some very controversial pictures, consisting of a large and detailed humanoid face, the size of a small mountain, and several pyramidal structures in its vicinity.

Original 1976 'Face on Mars' image, from the Viking Orbiter. Credit: NASA
NASA, of course, rushed to deny the possibility of anything else than a natural rock formation, stating that the resemblance to a humanoid face is nothing more than an optical illusion.

The second released picture, of a vaster area, was even more controversial, because there was also a pyramidal complex visible and what appeared to be the ruins of an ancient city.

The Face and the 'City of pyramids' from VIKING 1 -- July 25, 1976. Credit: NASA
Even in black and white color, to the untrained eye, the resemblances to pyramids seen from above and humanoid face are striking.
According to author Wayne Herschel, the Martian pyramids are a replica of the Pleiades:
Mars - Pleiades Connections. Credit: Wayne Herschel
The Anunnaki built permanent bases on Mars

As I have promised in the introduction, I will now continue the story and make the necessary connections.

After sentencing Alalu to die alone in exile, Anu continued:

"Neither on Earth nor on Nibiru shall the exiling be! On the way, there is the Lahmu (Mars) planet, with waters and an atmosphere endowed. Its netforce (gravitational pull) is less than that of Earth forceful, an advantage in wisdom to be considered. (...) 

On my departing from Earth he with me shall make the journey. Around the planet of Lahmu we shall make circuits, to Alalu a sky chamber we shall provide, to the planet Lahmu in it he will be descended. Alone on a strange planet an exile he shall be, his days to his last day by himself to count!"

Anzu was the designated spacecraft pilot for Anu on his way back to Nibiru. He decided to "make his name" and stay with Alalu on Mars until his death.
As I mentioned before, for space travel the Anunnaki used the so called "celestial chariots", which were large mothership-like spacecrafts. There are many references in their accounts of how the space chariots were influenced by the gravitational pull (or, how recent alternative studies suggest, electromagnetic force) of the planets. Which meant, that these crafts were not "anti-gravitational" vehicles, which are entirely unaffected by gravity. 

(As alleged insiders from our real space programs suggest, we currently have very advanced space crafts as well, which are able to create and "ride", so called, "anti-gravitational waves". This concept is similar to a surfer riding a wave. And it is only logical that this type of craft has limitations when it comes to entering inside a planet's atmosphere, because it is not shielded by an "anti-gravitational bubble".

For example, even the most advanced of NASA's Space Shuttle Orbiters, the S.S. Discovery, faces serious challenges when reentering Earth's atmosphere. It needs to enter at a certain angle and at a certain speed, otherwise it would break into pieces. For example, in 2003, the Columbia orbiter broke up during re-entry, over Texas -- all 7 astronauts died).
Anu's daughter, Ninmah, who was a medical officer, was sent to Earth. On the way, she landed on Mars where Anzu told her of Alalu's death. He found a cave inside a big, mountain-like rock and buried the former king of Nibiru  there. Alalu ruled his home planet for 9 Shars = 32,400 Earth years.

"For the first time in our annals, a king not on Nibiru died, not on Nibiru was he buried. So did Ninmah say. Let him in peace for eternity rest!"

And now, here is the most interesting part!

"The image of Alalu upon the great rock mountain, with beams they carved. They showed him wearing an Eagle's helmet (astronaut-like helmet); his face they made uncovered.

Let the image of Alalu forever gaze toward Nibiru that he ruled, toward the Earth whose gold he discovered! So Ninmah, in the name of her father Anu did declare."

Weekly World News published this artistic reproduction of the so called Martian Face:
Reproduction of Alalu's tomb and face
"Anzu, to you Anu the king his promise shall be keeping! Twenty heroes with you here shall remain, the way station's building to begin. Rocketships from Earth the golden ores shall here deliver, celestial chariots from here the gold to Nibiru shall then transport.

Hundreds of heroes their abode on Lahmu shall make, you, Anzu, shall be their commander! Thus did Ninmah, in the name of her father Anu, to Anzu say."

This is how the construction of permanent bases on Mars started. Six hundred Anunnaki came to Earth in the beginning, while tree hundred more went on Mars. The second ones were called the Igigi. For the next approx. 500,000 years, the Anunnaki sent refined gold from Earth to Nibiru, via the Martian base.

According to the Sumerian tablets, the Igigi left Mars in the time of the Deluge, and never returned, because Nibiru's gravitational pull made Mars' atmosphere and waters to escape into space - hence making the planet unsuitable for life.

History is written by the victors!

In closing, I can only hope that I was able to make some interesting connections and live up to my promise. This article brought us closer to the truth, but I want to remind you that history is always written by the victors -- in this case, the Anunnaki. I'm sure you understand what this statement implies.

If you wonder why I refrained from making any connections between the Anunnaki and the reptilians, it is because I want to dedicate an entire article to this fascinating subject, where I will also present one of my alternative theories regarding their involvement in our evolution.

Love and Blessings,
Sources: "The Lost Book of Enki" by Zecharia Sitchin and his official website; Wayne Herschel's "The Hidden Records" website; NASA's website; Wikipedia; other mentioned websites. ________________________________________________________________________________________ is and will always be free to access and use. All my personal articles are and will always be Copyright-Free. If you appreciate my work and want to buy me a coffee...

"No Golden Timeline Or Set Date But Chain Of Events To Follow"

"No Golden Timeline Or Set Date But Chain Of Events To Follow"


Post From Peoples Dinar -- Stevel & Ray Update

Greetings all.

.-You all know that Ray and I do not like to post or share information as it gets taken out of context on other forums. So be it. If that is the only way they can succeed, then pretty sad.

-There has been a lot of confusion regarding who is appointed and who is left within the new government.

-They talk about the three presidents which confuses many. The three really means the following:

* The President of the Parliament.

* The President of the country.

* The President in general.
  -So, now we have number one done. The president and the two vice presidents (deputies). What happen here was huge, more than you can imagine. The parliament now complete.

-Here is the key to all of this, Iraq has a full sworn in (under oath) parliament. This is huge, actually the best news yet because the completed parliament has the power to move the country forward. This means the next step is the appointment of the President. This is the person what will will replace Talabani's position.

-With all of the articles being posted in our site, it is very confusing as they are talking about one thing but meaning another. I will try and jump in and define the meaning of each post.

-Now add this to the other comments from other areas in which I will not go into, we need to focus on what is left.

-So, the very next step is that the new president of Iraq need to be voted on. This is done by the seated parliament. Do you see now how important this process has been? Huge!

-The Kurds will submit their candidate for the president of Iraq and the parliament will approve it.

-Now is the million dollar question, who will be the next Prime Minister of Iraq. I can assure you the the current one is no longer a factor.

-The Prime Minister is submitted by the largest bloc and yes, the parliament approves him too. So, are you starting to see how important that the seated parliament is?

-Now one article was posted that confirms Ray's and mine sources. The parliament has full control at this point. This again is huge with respect to our investment.

-I have been asked many questions regarding the CBI and the current appointed Governor. He was appointed by the Prime Minister, so this means that the next Prime Minister can appoint a new Governor of the CBI.

-The next huge question is the federal budget of 2014. They finally combined both the 2014 and 2015 into one. This is a huge plus for our investment because they are now looking forward into the future. I have not seen anyone yet pick up on this. Well, now they will because this will be all over the internet and they will claim some new concept.

-Think about it, 2014 and now 2015 into one? Wow. Do you really think they will promote a current rate as is for the next year until 2016? I sure hope not.

-So, the next thing on everyone's mind is the rate. The rate I posted a while back stands. This is the richest country in the region and a currency with no value will simply destroy the economic model they are trying to achieve.

-Regardless of what the news is saying, both Ray and I have a clear perspective on what and when this will take place. There is no golden timeline or set date but rather a chain of event you need to follow as I have outlined them above.

-You all know Ray and I do not like to share much due to the bashing on other sites because their leaders have no clue as to what is going on. We do and will continue to bring you only information that is shared to us regardless of the outcome.

-Speaking of outcome, with the positive news and this being done and over (for our investment) but not for the Iraqi citizens, I am going to ask the mods to interact with you all to see if there is any interest for a gathering of members to share our journeys.

-Now is the hardest part I do not like to share, but will, as for a timeline and based on the speed of the importance of the budget, I feel that by the end of next week which is close to the end of this month, we will finally share reality that was only dreams prior to this.

-What Rays contacts and mine are sharing is simply incredible.

-Both Ray and I have had a few set backs because Iraq just did not do what was predicted. According to the articles, they are on a fast track to getting things done.

-If your spirits have been down, I hope to lift them up. If your dreams have been crushed, I hope to revive them. This is as real as it gets.

Until you experience the reality that this will finally happen then your hearts will change as well.

I pray for all of the members and their families that have lost love ones that was not able to share in the excitement, but rather they will share in spirit as we all need to be thankful for our destiny.

-I believe all will admit that this has been a journey that we will never forget and share with our family and friends.

-For those less fortunate to share this once in a life time experience, my wife and I will continue to pray for this family.

-God Bless and see you all soon.  Steve

-I believe all will admit that this has been a journey that we will never forget and share with our family and friends.

-For those less fortunate to share this once in a life time experience, my wife and I will continue to pray for this family.

-God Bless and see you all soon.  Steve

Downing of Malaysian ‘Flight 17′ Was a Staged False Flag with a Dummy Plane?


Downing of Malaysian ‘Flight 17′ Was a Staged False Flag with a Dummy Plane?

Now that I’ve had the time to read a few articles and watch some videos, I’m thinking this:
The downing of the plane was definitely a false flag attempt to make Russia/Ukraine look bad because the cabal wants to start WWIII, there’s no question about that, but…
First, a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777—again? Really? One of my first comments was, is this related to Malaysian Flight 370?
It HAS to be. There are no coincidences. And Boeing is in these events up to their eyeballs.
Then there’s the related intel saying there was an exact replica of a Malaysian 777 located in a hangar in Tel Aviv.
So… they have at least one ‘spare’ Malaysian Airlines 777 and it’s looking like they used one to make us think either Russia or the Ukraine shot it down. Someone shot down a dummy plane, not Flight 17, and I don’t believe there are any victims.
They said two fighter jets were ‘escorting’ the plane minutes before it was shot down. What’s that nonsense about? They love throwing all these details out there.
AND, they’re saying all the relevant radar records were confiscated. If that’s true, obviously they have something to hide.
AND they immediately confiscated the black box, which is evidence they can’t have any legitimate investigators finding.
Dahboo77 is right. As usual, the lamestream media IMMEDIATELY knew whodunnit, and even said they used Buk missiles. They had it all scripted in advance, before any evidence or investigation.
Is this sounding familiar? As in 911?
They learned something from 911, though. They learned that bodies, personal effects, luggage, etc. are always at the crash site, which they weren’t in Pennsylvania’s non-existent crash site. So this time they included some passports, bodies (dummies) and other things to make it look more realistic.
And there is at least one grisly video, too, with what appear to be bodies… but they have been identified as dummies. Sound familiar?
The only time the media shows bodies, blood, etc.  is for false flags, like the footage they showed after the so-called Boston Marathon Bombing… the war vet actor who was already missing a leg—remember him?… dripping bright red movie blood with paramedic actors trying to hold his prosthetic on as they ran alongside his wheelchair—not a gurney, a wheelchair for pete’s sake… it’s too insulting for words.
They pulled similar airline hoaxes on us before, too,  saying a plane crashed in San Francisco when it didn’t. I’ve shared these stories and videos on this blog previously.
You can go to YouTube and search ‘Asiana Flight 214 hoax’ and see what you get. And you’ll find far more than you asked for. These staged events the cabal’s media helps them pull off are getting really old.
Then there’s the numerology of Flight 17, Boeing 777, 7/17/2014, etc. The Illuminati love numerology and someone even went through Christine Lagarde’s speech again to find how it could relate to this false flag.
Malaysian Airline officials claim they have sent personnel to the crash site to do an investigation. Are they in on this, too? It certainly sounds that way, and if they are, then they were in on the hijacking of MH370, as well.
Next thing you know they’ll be collecting money for the families of ‘Flight 17′s’ non-existent ‘victims’ just as they did for Sandy Hoax.
In my humble opinion, this staged event is a major distraction from other very important events taking place on the planet and off, and I suggest we shift our focus, rather than using our energy to cover an event that was pure theatre to further the Illuminati agenda.
They’ve got us scrambling and spreading information and disinformation FOR them to confuse everyone—just like all the other false flags, and our attention is fragmented for weeks, months. Have we learned anything? ~ BP

Relevant History: The “Other Russian Shootdown” of a Passenger Plane in 1983 [video]


Relevant History: The “Other Russian Shootdown” of a Passenger Plane in 1983 [video]

The Illuminati loves to pull pranks out of their old playbooks, and that may be what we’ve witnessed today.
If it’s successful once, they usually try it again. Now, more than ever, they would love to make Russia an enemy the ‘allies’ will go after. It didn’t lead to war the first time, however, and I don’t believe it will work this time, either.
During the cold war most of us didn’t have the Internet at our disposal. Today it’s a different story. We can share intel in a split second with millions of people and we’re onto their many false flags.
Motive? Drake mentioned tonight on his radio show that Germany is about to pull out of the EU and join the BRICS group, with France hot on their heels.
The RV/Global Currency Reset is in the wings, the BRICS bank—so many reasons—some we  probably don’t even know about yet—for the terrorists to create another distraction/retaliatory false flag.
They will do anything to instigate WWIII, and this move over the Ukraine is so typical of them. They don’t blink an eye when trying to pit one nation against another.
The New World Order is about to go down in flames, and they know it. They’ll be happy to take as many innocents as they can with them.
Here’s a history lesson from 1983 from BrasscheckTV that may shed some light on what occurred today, how and why. 
Note the “7″ in the flight number of yet another Boeing—this time a 747.  ~ BP

Flying the unfriendly skies

The untold story of the Korea 007 shoot down
We’re providing this as background information.
During the Reagan years there was another “Russian shoot down” of a passenger plane.
Careful analysis revealed there was a lot more to the story.
The real story of the shoot down of Korea Air 007. The world is a complicated place.
—Another Oliver North production?—
It was a massive shock when it happened and could have easily led to war.
Fortunately, it didn’t.
Unfortunately for the passengers of Korea Air 007, it was their last flight and their last day on earth.
What really happened?
It’s not a mystery, but the US news media did a good job – as they always do – of making it into one.
Here’s what you were never told…
It was a massive shock when it happened and could have easily led to war.
Fortunately, it didn’t.
Unfortunately for the passengers of Korea Air 007, it was their last flight and their last day on earth.
What really happened?
It’s not a mystery, but the US news media did a good job – as they always do – of making it into one.
Here’s what you were never told…
- Brasscheck TV

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Drake’s Radio Show from July 17, 2014, plus a personal Skype conversation with Peter Eyre

Drake’s Radio Show from July 17, 2014, plus a personal Skype conversation with Peter Eyre

Posted on by Jean
Peter Eyre contacted me on Skype very early (for me) this morning. He was on the run to catch a plane. I was able to share with him the info from Abel Danger, which I have every reason to believe is reliable.
He gave me permission to share the following:
“Hello Jean….I have sufficient research to show that MH17 was 200% a false flag event that had no connection to the Russian President’s aircraft. All of the details shown by various cabal controlled media are totally false and simply do not add up.
“I have sufficient personal experience to prove both were false flags and that the evidence in both cases is bogus.
“. . . Yes, and they want WW3! What better way to rub up the Russians into some sort of conflict which would bring China and the BRIC countries into the fray. What better way for the US to clear is IOU with China (its main provider of finances, etc.) by going into conflict, boosting arms sales and putting up the price of fuel etc. Job done — except to say the US is no longer capable of fighting such a mammoth consortium….. [THANK GOD!!!]
“I will not offer the proof right now, but documentation shown via the media is false, aircraft details are false . . . I need to keep it close to my chest as the false flag details keep changing.
“Suffice to say that the aircraft that was photographed at the gate was not the aircraft that came down if the ATC details were correct….there is one clue.”
Peter suggests that everyone listen to the interview section of Drake’s radio show — advance the cursor to the second hour . . . which includes him, then Neil Keenan, Rob Miller, and Dr. Aidun as guests. I have just finished listening, and I can tell you for those seeking the truth it is well worth your time.

A reader, W, updates the story on Jim Stones website . . . ~J

A reader, W, updates the story on Jim Stones website . . . ~J

Posted on by Jean
July 17 2014

Strong emperical evidence Israel shot down plane
Plane shoot down: approximately 14:15 UTC. Israeli assault on Gaza: 14:00 UTC. See a connection there? And when you consider the fact that it took time to confirm the downing, the two times actually match even more closely. Israel’s assault on Gaza is viewed badly by the world community, what better way to bury it in the news than a plane shoot down, complete with the threat of a war with Russia?

And even if Russian forces did do this, it only takes a couple Jews among them to cause something like this. In my opinion it is case closed regarding this, with the only question being: was this used as cover for disposal of flight 370? Come on now, TWO MALAYSIA 777 AIRCRAFT IN 4 MONTHS? YEAH RIGHT. Any three year old would catch that B.S. if it involved airplane cookies instead.
UPDATE: now shows flight MH17 taking off ON TIME (July 18.) Yet when flight 370 vanished, it took weeks to resume. So either Malaysia airlines has multiple planes on this route, or they did not lose one. AND EVEN WITH THE NEW DEPARTURE TIME ESTIMATED, THE OLD DEPARTURE TIME FOR JULY 17 IS NOT LISTED AND THE FLIGHT STILL SHOWS AS CANCELED.
UPDATE: BUSTED: High level tampering with this web site over MH17 DOCUMENTED. If I log in to administer this web site, and I click the front page link to Flightradar24, I get This version of events, yet if I am not logged in to administer this site and hit the page like a random user, Flightradar switches the page served to THIS PAGE And they show a departure time of 10:31. Why then does this WIKIPEDIA report show the departure time as 10:14? THEY HAVE SCREWED UP AND DID NOT GET THE TIMES STRAIGHT IN THIS FALSE FLAG. PEOPLE HOP ON THIS AND GET AS MANY CONFLICTING TIMES AS POSSIBLE DOCUMENTED. is messing with results and screwed up a non existent departure time as proven by THE MSM. This inconsistency first noticed in a Wikipedia post is not a false edit or mistake
Keep in mind it is the minutes that matter here because time zones vary. 10:31 does not equal 6:15 no matter where you are on the globe, and for the record, this now confirms 3 different departure times, proof of a B.S. departure and re-enforcement of the possibility this really was the disposal of flight 370.
more on Jim’s website

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Marine Corps Intelligence Activity Malaysia Cultural Field Guide

Malaysia, U.S. Marine Corps

(U//FOUO) Marine Corps Intelligence Activity Malaysia Cultural Field Guide

Marine Corps Intelligence Activity Cultural Intelligence for Military Operations

  • 14 pages
  • For Official Use Only
  • January 2006
Malaysia’s population consists of 58 percent ethnic Malays, 24 percent ethnic Chinese, 8 percent ethnic Indian, and 10 percent other groups.
The three main ethnic groups (i.e., Malays, Chinese, and Indians) can be differentiated by their appearance, language, religion, and customs, though there is significant variation within each ethnic group.
Malays are predominantly Muslim, and as a result, the country is strongly influenced by Islam. Most Malaysian Muslims are moderate in their views. They do not want Malaysia to become an Islamic state, and regard Islam primarily as a religion, not a lifestyle. Some of Malaysia’s smaller religious and ethnic groups are concerned about what they perceive as the increasingly Islamic nature of Malaysian society.
Racial polarization is common in Malaysia, as there is little ethnic mixing or integration in either urban or rural areas. Malays living in rural areas rarely come across non-Malays, and Malays in the city tend to live around other Malays. Ethnic segregation is especially apparent in the separate school systems for each ethnic group.
The three main ethnic groups generally coexist peacefully, but there is an undercurrent of tension, especially between the Malays and the Chinese. Inter-ethnic violence has occurred several times over the last several decades; the Chinese are occasionally targeted as scapegoats for the country’s problems.
Malaysians place strong emphasis on social order and deference to superiors rather than on individual achievement or personal initiative. Age, rank, social standing, wealth, and education are all used to determine superior-inferior relationships between individuals.
The most important unit of society to Malaysians is the family. Within the family, traditional concepts of the roles of women and men persist. Clan, lineage, and geographic affiliation also strongly affect the cultural attributes and ethnic identity within each of Malaysia’s ethnic groups. These attributes are often considered to be determining factors for one’s current social status and future opportunities.
Malaysians have mixed feelings toward government affirmative action policies, which were designed to provide a disproportionate economic and political advantage for the majority ethnic Malays. Conversely, Malays often harbor resentment toward the ethnic Chinese, who dominate the economic sector.

• One gets another person’s attention by waving all fingers of the right hand with the palm facing down, in a downward fanning motion; it is considered rude to wave by curling the fingers with the palm facing up
• Pointing at someone or forming the rounded “okay” sign with the fingers is considered rude; to point to something or someone, it is best to open the palm facing upwards and extend the hand in that direction
• It is always better to use the right hand to give and receive objects or to point
• Prolonged direct eye contact may be interpreted as a sign of aggression; it is polite to catch a counterpart’s eyes for a second, then lower the head and look down
• The head is the most sacred area and should not be touched by others unless absolutely necessary
• The foot is considered the lowest part of the body, so it is rude to show the bottom of one’s feet or soles, or to move important objects with a foot; most Malaysians cross their legs at the ankle when sitting instead of resting the ankle on the knee
• Tapping the foot implies a lack of interest
• Pounding a fist into an open palm is considered rude or vulgar

While conversing or listening, Indians commonly shake their head from side to side in a circular way resembling the way Americans signal “no.” For Indians, this movement signifies consent or agreement with what is being said, or appreciation for what they are hearing.
• It is generally impolite to arrive late for meetings and business events, though many Malaysians do not follow the practice of punctuality
• It is common to remove shoes before entering private homes and most sacred sites
• All ethnic groups place a strong emphasis on family, and tend to visit relatives often
• It is usually impolite to refuse initial offers of food or drink; to refuse seconds, place the hand above the plate; when finished, place the utensils together perpendicularly on the plate; if they are not placed together, more food may be offered

The concept of saving face is significant in negotiations with all Malaysians, and most significantly with the Chinese. A person loses face by making a mistake, failing to live up to others’ expectations, demonstrating ignorance, or losing his composure. One gains respect by remaining dignified and by showing respect to others, by showing care for guests, arriving early or on time to a meeting, praising someone in front of that person’s superior, and not drawing attention to others’ mistakes in public. During negotiations, if negotiators feel at any time that their own image or that of their organization or country has been harmed, they may terminate the discussions. It is also considered a loss of face to say “no” outright. Phrases like, “It is difficult,” or, “It is inconvenient,” are used instead. Subtle changes in body language also give clues to the outlook of the negotiator. Leaning forward slightly tends to signal agreement, while having a stern face or looking down indicates opposition to the idea. Raising one’s voice is not likely to be productive, as it causes a loss of face for all involved.
Displays of Affection
Malaysians maintain separation of the sexes in terms of displays of affection. They generally do not touch members of the opposite sex in public, and public displays of affection are more rare than in the West. However, this attitude is less strictly observed by younger Malaysians and non-Malays, and is most evident in urban areas.

Malaysian business frequently draws on family and personal connections. Therefore, nepotism is considered good business practice rather than a corrupt practice. Introductions or referrals are extremely important for an outsider conducting business in these cases. It is customary to arrange meetings in advance, and meetings are generally more successful when arranged by a mutual acquaintance if the parties do not initially know each other.
Cultural Views
United States and U.S. Military
Malaysians have an appreciation for U.S. culture, especially popular culture. U.S. movies and television programs are broadcast with both Malay and Chinese subtitles, although they are frequently censored for content. Some Malays have strong negative views toward the United States because of its perceived immoral and overtly sexual culture. U.S. involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and as military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq also have caused many Malays to consider the United States as being anti-Islamic. Misbehavior by U.S. service members is often used as a pretext to voice these grievances. Other Malaysians see the United States as providing an important counterbalance to increasing Chinese influence in the region.
Other Ethnic and Regional Groups
After gaining independence, Malaysia had tense relations with its regional neighbors and the minority ethnic groups within its borders. Malaysia continues to have a somewhat strained relationship with its northern and southern neighbors, Thailand and Singapore, respectively. Thailand has implied that its problems with Islamic insurgents have been complicated by insurgents which may have trained or been based in Malaysia. Singapore and Malaysia have not fully reconciled their differences regarding the race-driven separation of the ethnic-Chinese city-state from the Malaysian Federation in the 1960s. The Malays are particularly uncomfortable with the economic success of ethnic Chinese throughout Southeast Asia, and view the Chinese as a threat, especially with the growing economic and military power of the People’s Republic of China.

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Tlar & Friends News & Comments

Tlar & Friends News & Comments

Dr. Gann:     Kurdish source: Akila Talabani agree to run for the presidency in favor of return for abandoning his party

Wednesday, July 17, 2014 23:43  

 [Baghdad - where]

A source familiar Kurd, said Ibrahim Hero Talabani, the wife of President Jalal Talabani agreed to nominate the leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Barham Salih, the presidency of the Republic in exchange for waiving his party in the Union.
The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), announced yesterday that the party's political bureau has canceled its meeting scheduled to be held for the selection of one of its candidates [Barham Salih Najm al-Din or cream] for the post of President of the Republic with a view to a vote in the parliament next week after naming the Presidency of the Parliament.

The source said on Thursday that "Hero, accepted the nomination, Barham Salih, versus giving up the post of second deputy secretary-general of the Patriotic Union."

The source pointed out that "all of the leaders of the Kurdistan Democratic Party Kurdistan leader Massoud Barzani and the MDC Nushirwan support the nomination of Mustafa Saleh, for the presidency, while opposing the nomination of the governor of Kirkuk Necmettin cream for the job."

The source indicated that "the rejection of cream to take over the presidency of the republic, due to his recent issue of the independence of Kurdistan, which expressed the desire to stay Kirkuk autonomous territory and not return to the Kurdistan region, and this attitude, which he described as coordinator of the MDC Nechirvan Mustafa b [treason nationalism, The situation is unacceptable and irresponsible. according to the source.

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, had announced on Thursday that he will announce the name of its candidate for the post of President of the Republic within three days and will teach everyone, especially the presidency of the Federal Parliament that he will approve within this period, the final decision on the presidential candidate, as well as to brief the President of Kurdistan on this decision. "

The news was attributed to Kurdish sources knowledgeable about the "failure of the leadership of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) to agree on a candidate to succeed outgoing President Jalal Talabani because of disagreements led his wife Hero Ibrahim."

The sources said that "Hero failed to attend the meeting, which was the vote for the Deputy Secretary-General of the National Union, Barham Salih, a candidate for the presidency and the leadership of the party canceled at the last moment an official announcement nomination in favor of fear of getting splits inside because of the opposition of the wife of Talabani for this candidacy."

He added the sources "Hero would like to nominate one of the two leaders of the party are the governor of Kirkuk Necmettin cream and leader of the Party of Omar Fattah," adding that "the Union is now witnessing a situation is not enviable because of the presence of the candidates for the position of one and the presence of significant differences Other escalated" likely "not Union's ability to resolve differences and resolved to hold a hearing before the House of Representatives fourth scheduled for next Wednesday. "ended.

BlueyesinLevis:     There are two main parties in Kurdland. They have some level of autonomy.. and have their own government. They need to decide which party is going to have their guy become the President of the Iraqi Republic. Their internal kurdish struggles are what is discussed in the article.

-Talibani's widow , Hero, is a power player and wants the governer of Kirkuk, Nec Cream..

-Barazani is a power player and wants Saleh/Salih......

-we shall see soon enough who in Kurdland gets the big prize.

-Iran was just there.. and they want to influence whoever wins... Iran had Old Fat Talibani in their back pocket and he was complicit in Iran and maliki raping the country. They probably want neck cream to win.... so Hero will help them with her power behind the scenes. IMHO

-Barzani's man Salih woudl be the better choice.. again JMHO

-Either would be better than a dead president .. "weekend at Talbernis"

BlueyesinLevis:     Wednesday? The train is rolling along at breakneck speed right now.... I keep smiling.. because I see with every article...  the Parliament is working at a rapid pace... the opposition is hanging tough.. The SoL is losing strength... and what do we hear from the Big Loudmouth? Not much.

-The train is rolling along.... I can hear the clickety clack..... :)

Yep, Rev... it is scary to be able to understand Arabish as well as we do.... I/ we could have learned Spanish or French with all this energy we have spent.

-Ne c'est pas?

Schiz:    We should be excited about this new Maliki, no Allawi, no Jaafari, no Nujaifi and no talibaloney!!!!  Hpw frickin awesome is that???!!!

Man the Iraqi people must be so excited, well apart from the idiots that voted for sol, they can go do one :)   We been waiting over 4 years to see this type of government.

In a few weeks political stability will no longer be the reason why this dinar we hold does not have any value.   3 weeks or less Turki has nothing to hide behind anymore, all eyes will be on him, no more excuses!

Tlar:       Hero's phych.  Talabini's wife Hero, wanted the Presidential job herself.  When her husband fell ill she approached Barzini and asked if she could assume his position.

 That is the equivalence of Hilary Clintion wanting to assume Bills presidency if he had fell ill.  Barzini said no.  Nobody wanted her then and nobody wants her "pick" now.

 I am sure she only picked Cream because she thought she would be the power behind the thrown.  Somebody through which she could get power.

 She has muscled her way onto the scene by attempting to usurp the love of folks for her husband. 

She was resoundly beaten along with her pick Cream, mainly because everyone in Kurdistan knows she is a power crazied person who has tasted but never swallowed authority. 

She has great aspirations of power for herself and sees herself as a leader or a picker of presidents. 

She may have lost this round but she will be back.  She is a power crazied billionair's wife who thinks she knows best because she married well and is seeks noteriety.  That's a combination that won't just go away.  She is a spoiler, nothing more.  tlar

DreamWeaver:      Read comments that Talabani along with Maliki have been Iran's puppets, both complicit in the harm they have done to Iraq.  If this is true, why do people love Talabani?

Maliki has been renounced in Iraqi press but I don't remember ever reading anything negative about Talabani?  Is it because I wasn't in this investment until after Talabani suffered the stroke and there was bad press before that time? 

Schiz:   He was just a useless politician DW, yeah the people loved him but from our point of view he was a waste of time and space. He was the only one in Iraq with the power to stop M doing the stuff he was doing but he just burried his head in the sand and called for meetings and dialogue which actually achieved absolutely nothing in achieving anything. Most of the time M didn't even turn up.

He is as bad as M for the mess Iraq got into, the guy was a joke!

The people loved him because he always played the nice guy, the one who wanted friendly meetings and agreements. He just loved to sit on the fence and do fack all Scared to make enemies.

He was a useless politician and Iraq are much better off without him.

The people love him yes but it is clear a good ole bunch of them love M too, so that's gotta tell you something lol.

Ralph:  Here Schiz- :D "Uncle Talibani retunrs!"

 Qubad: President Talabani to return to Iraq next Saturday   Friday, 18 July 2014 13:10 | | |

  Erbil (AIN) -Deputy Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government Qubad Talabani informed PUKmedia that President Mam Jalal enjoys a good health and will return home tomorrow Saturday, July 19.

it is worth mentioning that the Presidential Office announced today that President Talabani will return home tomorrow.
07/18/2014 13:56    Tomorrow's Press /    

Baghdad announced presidency, said Friday that President Jalal Talabani will return on Saturday to Iraq after a trip therapeutic in Germany that lasted more than a year, indicating that Talabani was cured by the bidder of health, who was passing by.

said in a statement for the presidency received "tomorrow Press "that" President Jalal Talabani will arrive home on Saturday after he recovered from the bidder health which has passed through the completion of treatment in Germany, which leads all responsibility known about his duties and his work. "

 and added, "embodies this sense of fulfillment and gratitude to President Jalal Talabani through feelings of the great under our various components follow their health status has a sentiment across the Iraqis of references Cram and the forces of toast and political figures, social and citizens,

 for the love and pride and appreciation for the great role played by the President during the years of struggle and work, and what is known about the spirit of national always stayed focus pride everyone proud of these sentiments great. "

wounded President Jalal Talabani unwell, in the 17th of December, 2012, enter the evacuated Medical City Hospital in Baghdad, and after stabilizing positioned to allow transferred for treatment abroad, was transferred to a specialist hospital in Germany.

Ralph:  Tlar, would  having Talabani back be a detterent, or an aide in The process of the selection of the POR, & ultimatley the PM position?    Thoughts?

Tlar:   I don't believe it would change anything anymore.  tlar