Friday, July 18, 2014


WUA -  BILL CLINTON'S MILITARY CAREER….and then there is Hillary!........

Very interesting info!!!!!

Oh!  You didn't know he had a military career?

Bill & Hillary got about $12 million for there to-be written memoirs.
Here's some help for them since their memories are getting old.


Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 08, 1964,
accepting all contractual conditions of registering for the draft.
Selective Service Number is 326 46 228.

Bill Clinton classified 2-S on November 17, 1964.

Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968.

Bill Clinton ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969.

Bill Clinton refuses to report and is not inducted into the military.

Bill Clinton reclassified 1-D after enlisting in the United States
Army Reserves on August 07, 1969,  under authority
of COL. E. Holmes.

Clinton signs enlistment papers and takes oath of enlistment.

Bill Clinton fails to report to his duty station at
the University of Arkansas ROTC, September 1969.

Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on October 30, 1969,
as enlistment with Army Reserves is revoked by
Colonel E. Holmes and Clinton now AWOL and
subject to arrest under Public Law 90-40 (2)  (a) -
registrant who has failed to report...
remain liable for induction.

Bill Clinton's birth date lottery number is 311,
drawn December 1, 1969, but anyone who has
already been ordered to report for induction is INELIGIBLE!

Bill Clinton runs for Congress (1974), while a fugitive
from justice under Public Law 90-40.

Bill Clinton runs for Arkansas Attorney General
(1976), while a fugitive from justice.

Bill Clinton receives pardon on January 21, 1977,
from President Carter.

ever to serve as President of the United States.

All these facts come from Freedom of Information requests,
public laws, and various books that have been published,
and have not been refuted by Clinton .

After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, President Clinton
promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia ,which killed five U.S.
military personnel,
Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia ,
which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel,
Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa ,
which killed 224 and injured 5,000,
Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole,
which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors,
Clinton promised that those responsible be hunted down and punished.

Maybe if Clinton had kept those promises, an estimated 3,000 people
in New York and Washington , DC , who are now dead
would be alive today.

It is a strange turn of events.
Hillary gets $8 Million for her forthcoming memoir.
Bill gets about $12 Million for his memoir yet to be written.
This from two people who spent 8 years being unable to recall
anything about past events while under oath.

Cdr. Hamilton McWhorter USN (ret)

Please forward this to as many people as you can!
We don't want this woman to even THINK of
running for President!


Help me help you HELP America! …..Now today!
What We Believe
We believe in limited government, low taxes, a strong national defense, individual freedoms, self-reliance, the importance of the family, and the miracle and authority of America's founding documents. We know that America is the exceptional nation, the best that has ever existed.
It's time to defend our values with confidence and courage. It is our solemn duty to fight for, protect and defend our freedom. We are inheritors of these blessings of liberty, and now is the time to pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off, and man the barricades for freedom.
.It’s our country, ours!
American’s (Solution/Constitution) - Vs. – American’t (Takers/ free loaders/ Pollutant )…  – Info/videos – Work in progress every day!
Bob Burton, Florida State Director, an American
Cell - 941-587-9586
Please check these videos out:
"In God We Trust"
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it and then hand it to them with the well-taught lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don't do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free."
- Ronald Reagan, March 30, 1961

Is it ALL Finally Beginning to Make Sense?

‘ Fighting Terrorism Since 1861 ‘

It was NEVER a Regional War FOLKS as Those People have made it out to be….
They pitted Brother against Brother to CREATE Their Central/National Government and the
Freedom We enjoyed as State Sovereigns fell victim to their Orthodoxy as a result!

The Enemy from Within is Real and has been lurking in the Shadows for some time!


Deo Vindice,
Craig Maus
President, The Confederate Society of America

How To Employ Your "Third Eye" To Identify And Correlate SHTF Indicators

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
How To Employ Your "Third Eye" To Identify And Correlate SHTF Indicators
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 18-Jul-2014 11:57:21

I had a couple really good questions this past weekend about looking for indicators signaling a SHTF situation. How can we tell an emergency event is going to happen before it happens? What can we look for? Those are very good questions but they’re not easily answered. We’ll work on breaking it down here. I want each of you to have a way forward to start developing your own Early Warning Indicators (EWI) for whatever threats you may be expecting.
To best describe EWIs, I’ll start with an analogy. Intelligence analysts identifying EWIs are a lot like insider trading. Inside traders who buy or sell a company’s stock do so because they learn sensitive information signaling a shift in the real or perceived value of that company. Inside traders sell off a company’s stock before news comes out that the company didn’t meet analysts’ earnings expectations. Alternatively, they buy a company’s stocks because they learn that a company will exceed earnings expectations, and then they stand to profit once that news is published and the stock price increases shortly after.
Another fitting analogy is a warning from a fire alarm or tornado siren. The ‘intelligence analyst’ in this case smells or sees smoke and then pulls the fire alarm (or the smoke sensor goes off automatically). Meteorologists or eye-witnesses confirm that a tornado or tornadic activity is in the area, and then the sirens go off, alerting nearby residents of the need to get to cover.
Governments around the world encourage (pay) intelligence analysts to identify EWIs in order to predict future ‘moves in the market’ of conflict and geopolitics. But identification of EWIs is only one part of the equation. Without the ability to ‘see’ the battlespace, intelligence analysts aren’t effective. We need the brain (the analyst) in order to identify EWIs, and we need the eyes and ears (the collector) to inform the brain about the environment. Developing eyes and ears is a critical step but we won’t talk about that now (go to the Collection category of this blog to read all the intelligence gathering articles).
So once intelligence analysts have all this information coming in, we start to get a good picture of the full spectrum of threats in the battlespace. Now there are four types of threats: Conventional, Irregular, Catastrophic, and Disruptive.
Conventional Threat.
The conventional threat is the standing, uniformed army; the police state; the occupation, the tyrant, the powers that be. The conventional threat has doctrine and authority. They don’t need to hide because their strength is partly in their visibility and presence. The US patrol in Muqdadiyah, the FOB in Musa Qaleh District, the police outpost in Ghazni City. It’s the force that carries out the application of law, and the force that defends the interests of the political power.
Irregular Threat.
The irregular threat is the near-opposite of the conventional. The irregular threat is marked by blurred lines. Those blurred lines form along soldier/civilian, political/military, organized/disorganized, centralized/decentralized, among others. The irregular threat are gangs, insurgents, guerrillas, and terrorists. The irregular threat’s power is typically de facto; they’re here, therefore they wield power and influence. The irregular threat typically doesn’t hold de jure political authority, and if they do, it’s manifest in shadow governance. The irregular threat is marked by civilian clothes and military weaponry; and most typically favor opportunistic targeting and remaining hidden over long-term, open maneuver operations and shows of presence.
Catastrophic Threat.
The catastrophic threat is existential: natural and man-made disasters. Threats like tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes; nuclear meltdowns, weapons of mass destruction, and national/financial/monetary collapses. Unlike conventional and irregular threats, you can’t defeat catastrophic threats. Once conflict beings, conventional and irregular threats can be stopped. You can’t stop a tornado, you can’t stop a nuclear explosion once it’s begun, and there’s nothing you can do to stop a nation or society in collapse.
Disruptive Threats.
Disruptive threats aren’t necessarily direct threats like the previous three. If you are a target or in the way of a conventional, irregular or catastrophic threat, then you are facing an existential threat. A disruptive threat disrupts (spoiler alert); it can be considered a ‘strategic shock’. Technology developed at the NSA or Google that assaults privacy and the Fourth Amendment is an example of a disruptive threat. Biometrics and collection of biometrics is a disruptive threat. A computer virus is a disruptive threat. Identity thieves are disruptive threats. Electric cars manufactured by Tesla and others are disruptive to large combustion engine vehicle manufacturers (if not today, then certainly in the years to come). The Chinese ability to target US aircraft carriers (the so-called “carrier killer” missile) is a disruptive threat; it changes the balance of geopolitical or military power. It may never be put to use but the mere ability is disruptive. Disruptive threats won’t necessarily kill you, but they will ‘disrupt’ your life, organization, or mission.
Identifying EWIs.
So in order to identify potential EWIs, we first need to look at the specific threat. One of the threats pointed out previously was martial law. One of the most helpful exercises we, as intelligence analysts, can do is to start from the end state and backwards plan out all the possibilities. (If you’re interested in these and other advanced structured analytic techniques, sign up for one my Intelligence Analysis courses. Email me and let’s set up a course in your area. It’s one of the most practical weekends you’ll spend as a prepper or patriot.)
An easy example: a burned grilled cheese sandwich is our SHTF event (First World Problems). What could have gone wrong? Off the top of my head, (A) the chef could have left the bread on the skillet for too long, or (B) the skillet could have been too hot. Here we start a tree. Why would the chef have left the bread on the skillet too long? (A1) He was distracted. (A2) He’s poorly trained. (A3) He died. Why was the skillet too hot? (B1) The chef is poorly trained. (B2) The stove eye malfunctioned. (B3) The knob is fitted incorrectly. We continue so on and so forth until we exhaust all possible options, regardless of likelihood. We’re brainstorming here; attempting to find the widest range of options. Remember that without knowing the circumstances or context of a situation, even outliers are possible explanations. The low likelihood of an event doesn’t mean that the event didn’t or won’t happen. In 1904, the Japanese launched a preemptive, surprise attack against a Russian fleet during the Battle of Port Arthur. Knowing the context of this battle should lead a good intelligence analyst to make a similar assessment about the possibility of a surprise attack against Pearl Harbor nearly forty years later. Of course hindsight is 20/20, however, seemingly unimportant information paid due diligence could have made all the difference.
Moving forward, we wake up tomorrow with news reports of martial law in the metropolitan area closest to us. That’s our starting point. We ask ourselves, “What caused martial law?” We identify all the potential causes, all highly dependent on many factors such as region, year, political leaders, and others. We create as long a list of causes as possible and then we start looking for our indicators.
An indicator is an observable or potentially observable piece of evidence that leads to a logical conclusion. A stack of newspapers piling up in a driveway and a lack of lights on inside the home at dusk when every other home on the street has its lights on has a logical conclusion: no one’s home, and no one’s been home for a few days. The stack of newspapers and the lack of lights are our two indicators. Tom and Laura loading up the minivan on Friday morning with the kids, beach chairs, floats, and a couple suitcases is an indicator that they’re going on vacation to the beach.
If I was to ask you – the intelligence analyst – when Tom and Laura were going on vacation, then ‘packing up’ should definitely be an indicator we look for in determining when they’re leaving. In this case, you’d report back to me that Tom and Laura have been observed packing and that their vacation is imminent. That’s not much of an early warning, but when talking SHTF scenarios, three seconds, three minutes or three hours could make all the difference. (If this was a real life scenario, we’d be employing all the techniques I teach in the Human Intelligence Collectors Course. If you’d like to collect intelligence information from human sources, then sign up for a future course.)
Back to martial law, identify all the potential contributing causes. Ask yourself, “What would I expect to precipitate martial law in X city?” My list would start with riots, civil unrest, terrorist attack, and monetary collapse. If any of those things become observable, then I’m going to be on alert for martial law. Taking it one step further, I’m going to start looking for indicators of those contributing causes. A white police officer shooting a black man could start a riot. A humanitarian crisis or extreme political event could cause civil unrest. “Increased chatter” or the publication of a credible threat could indicate a terrorist threat is expected. Large swings in the market, a failed Treasury bond auction, or a public announcement of dumping the dollar from a large country or a confederation of large countries could precipitate a monetary collapse.
In business we use Y3 or Y5 analysis – Why?, Why?, Why? It’s our way of investigating the underlying cause of symptoms in order to find the root cause (also called Root Cause Analysis). Event A occurred because of Cause B, Cause B happened Cause C failed, and Cause C failed because Event D happened.
A real world example:
Millions of illegal immigrants are pouring over the border.
Why? Because the Obama Administration’s border policy is not to stop illegal immigration.
Why? Because the administration wants illegal immigrants so the illegal immigrants can be amnestied and granted citizenship.
Why? Because the newly naturalized citizens are more likely to vote for the Democrat Party in places like Texas and Arizona.
Why? Because the Democrat Party wants to turn Texas and Arizona blue from top to bottom so a Republican presidential candidate is unlikely to ever win another election.
Why? Because the progressive, Marxist wing of the Democrat Party wants to “fundamentally transform” the United States of America into the United Socialist States of America.
We could go on for a few more steps until we finally arrive at a global coalition of Marxist nations, one world government, depopulation, whatever theory to which you subscribe. The point is that we’re attributing an individual action to a strategic objective. (Kind of getting off course here, but hopefully you see the value of Root Cause Analysis.)
In the same way, we’re looking at individual components of an end state. Martial law is a culmination of a series of events, and the better job we do at identifying those events and their causes, the better EWIs we form. As long as we’ve developed the ability to observe those EWIs, the better we can do at anticipating future events. Text book stuff.
If you have any questions or want to delve deeper into a specific issue and form some practical EWIs, just...

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This is Boeing's latest version (dash 9) of the 787 Dreamliner

This is Boeing's latest version (dash 9) of the 787 Dreamliner. The 787-8 Dreamliner is spectacular; but check this out.  You won't see many commercial planes do what this aircraft did at the Farnborough Air Show 2014.

Fasten your seat belt.

First video is the air show demonstration. 

Second video is the rehearsal the day before the air show.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 18-Jul-2014 11:43:34

Croatian analyst: 'I do not believe that the Russians crashed plane, here are the two scenarios'
Author: Z. Stupar
Date: Friday, July 18, 2014. At 10:37
Enough is to doubt that this is a scenario that aims to destroy the Malaysian company, which is owned by the state and about to be privatized
Davor Domazet Loso, geostrategic and geopolitical analyst and former Chief of Staff of the Croatian Army, believes that pro-Russian separatists did not destroy Malaysian aircraft. He views tragedy of the aircraft, which took place over Ukraine, through the prism of geopolitics.
- Overall global crisis heats up. It goes by its horrible path. The tragedy of the aircraft I will call the fall because it was flying at 10,000 feet and it is very doubtful that it could be brouht down by missile system the pro-Russian forces in eastern Ukraine own. Destruction of the aircraft at these altitudes must exsist a sophisticated missile system. Buk is mentioned, but I doubt that it was used because it requires a special training, special installations, and intelligence services would know that it exists. It is very doubtful that such a system was used - says Loso.
Our source recalls that recently disappeared aircraft of the same company and explains two possible scenarios for the crash.
- There is enough doubt that there is a scenario that aims to destroy the Malaysian company, which is owned by the state, so it could be privatized. Another possible scenario, in the context of the fact that it happened over Ukraine is, that will now be recriminations on both sides. In a way, this will further complicate the crisis and make even more difficult to be able to say who is right and who is not. It is one of the principles of crisis management.
Part of the entire story Loso believes make sanctions imposed by U.S. President Obama.
- They have not been introduced so much because of Ukraine, as because of the geopolitical moves by Vladimir Putin. They occurred at the same time while Putin was visiting Latin America. He was in Cuba where he wrote off the debt Cuba had versus Russia, and invests the money in the base for intelligence activities near Havana. There is also the invitation from the President of Nicaragua, and meeting with Angela Merkel at the final game of the World Socer Cup, and his visit to Argentina, where the 24-hour broadcast Russian program in Spanish language is emitted. Here Russia has shown the aproach of political intelligence, media and in financial area. In addition, the BRICS countries have established a fund of hundreds of billions of dollars and created a financial system that aims to break down that Anglo-Saxon.
Loso believes that the kill of the aircraft must be viewed in the context of geopolitical turmoil and related reshuffling.
- Russia has, during the last three or four months consolidated anex of the Black Sea Crimea. It started an intensive exploitation of oil in the Arctic. Created a strategic forces for strategic deployment, established the forces for special actions.
On the other hand, China enters Africa. This means that Russia and China are slowly "suuround" America, and as, so far, far America had done the same to them- concludes Admiral Loso.
The plane crash killed 298 people.

Ten Truths You May Have Forgotten In Your Hard Times

Ten Truths You May Have Forgotten In Your Hard Times

10 Truths You May Have Forgotten In Your Hard Times

Communication Motivation by Carol Morgan

We all go through hard times – it’s called “life.” Some people have more hard times than others, but eventually, we all experience pain and loss. It could be the loss of a loved one, a job, a home, or your dignity.

 Whatever hard time you are going through, you might have lost sight of some of the very things that might help you make it through the rough waters. Here are 10 truths that you may have forgotten during your hard times:
1. Pain is part of life and love – it helps you grow.

Sure, we would all love to live a life that is free from pain. We all want to feel good and be happy at all moments. But as you know, this is not possible. But what is possible is having the choice of what you do with the pain.

I have seen many people who go through unimaginable pain like losing a child or being diagnosed with a devastating disease who turn their pain into something positive. They teach others and spread light in the world as a result of their pain and sorrow. You can do the same thing, too.

“Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” -William Goldman

2. Mindset and attitude are half the battle.

Most of success lies in attitude and effort, and not in someone’s intelligence. This shows how important your thoughts are. You can re-frame almost any situation if you try hard enough. Remember this: It’s only a problem if you think it’s a problem.

“A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.” -Patricia Neal

3. Sometimes, your biggest fears are just illusions.

Many times, what we really fear is simply the unknown. We fear that we are not going to be able to cope with a tragedy that comes our way. Or we fear that we won’t know which direction to head if we are thrust into an unfamiliar situation. But as a wise friend once told me, “uncertainty breeds opportunity.” Embrace the fear and face it anyway.

“FEAR is an acronym in the English language for False Evidence Appearing Real.” -Neale Donald Walsch

4. This “problem” is really a valuable growth opportunity.

You can grow from any experience if you chose to do so. Or, you can choose to be a victim and wallow in your disappointment and depression. The choice is yours. When we are the middle of hard times, it’s easy to forget this. It’s all about mental strength and attitude. Simply re-framing the situation will help you learn from it.

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.”  -Oprah Winfrey

5. You can’t change any situation unless you take some responsibility for it.

It’s easy to blame others. But it’s not the mature thing to do. Yes, there ares some times when we are the unfortunate target of another person’s bad behavior. However, there are a lot of situations in life that you had a big part of creating. Whether it’s a bad relationship, a rotten job, or a bad investment, you had some participation in how it turned out. Look at what you can do differently and then take positive action.

“It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.” -Josiah Charles Stamp

6. All we have is NOW – the present.

So many people live the past. They yearn for their “glory days” or their youth. And yet other people live in the future. They think, “when I get that perfect job … or when I meet that perfect romantic partner … or when I get $10,000 saved up … then I will be happy.” But all you have is the present moment. Decide to be happy in the NOW because that is really all we ever have.

“Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”  -Buddha

7. There is always something to be thankful for.

If you have a roof over your head, food on your table, and air in your lungs, you are a lucky person. You don’t have to be a super model or a millionaire to find something to be thankful for. Believe me, there is always someone else in the world who has it more difficult that you. So look at what you do have, not what you don’t have.

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘thank you,’ it will be enough.”  -Meister Eckhart

8. Great things don’t happen overnight.

We live in a world where it seems like everyone becomes famous from a reality show or Youtube. But real success takes time. You have to keep plugging away, day after day. You can’t let rejection or setbacks stop you from reaching your destiny. Keep on the journey and you will get there at the right time.

“Patience, persistance, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”  -Napoleon Hill

9. You need to validate yourself – don’t rely on other people to do it.

If you always look to other people to tell you that you are worthy, then you are going to be a miserable person. Let’s face it – many people are not kind. So why don’t you start working on your self-talk? Change negative thoughts into positive ones. Be your own biggest fan. Love yourself. It’s not conceit, it’s called inner peace.

“I don’t like myself, I’m crazy about myself.”  -Mae West

10. You’re not alone.

Maybe you are going through something that no one can relate to. But even if you don’t have family or many friends, the internet is a fingertip away for most people. Go look for message boards or support groups on social media. There are always people out there somewhere who are wiling to help and give advice. Go find them if you don’t have support in your every day life.
“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

Hard times are not fun. But instead of letting yourself sink into a deep abyss of depression, try to train your brain to re-focus. It does take mental strength, but you can do it. That’s the best way to grow as a person.