Monday, September 1, 2014

David Wilcock: "Two of The Most Significant Events in This Secret War.."

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
David Wilcock: "Two of The Most Significant Events in This Secret War.."
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 1-Sep-2014 13:49:39

Comment by dwilcock on September 2, 2014 @ 2:28 am
Glad Ben caught the epic JP Morgan computer hack, temporarily blamed on Russia, and the revealing statement from Kissinger expressing his regret about the crumbling of the New World Order. These were two of the most significant events in this secret war to have appeared last week.
Both of these show that moves are becoming increasingly high-level and desperate. Everything we are seeing suggests this is all building up to some sort of epic climax.
I encountered some hate comments about the work I have done recently, and the main criticism seems to be “nothing has happened… David and his sources have been thoroughly and totally discredited.”
Patience! Just because it hasn’t happened YET doesn’t mean it WON’T. Look at the evidence. It is becoming increasingly obvious that this secret war is real, and is building up to something big. Only so much can be done before it becomes openly known to everyone.
I just watched “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” last night, since it only just came out as a purchase-only film available for streaming. I think the rental option shows up later in September. The timing of this film becoming available for home viewing may very well be intentional.
Anyone who still doesn’t believe there is an international alliance working to defeat the New World Order, and that this alliance includes members of the US military and intelligence community, really needs to watch Captain America.
The seemingly towering impossibility of one man and a handful of his allies taking on the greatest evil cartel on earth, fully interwoven into the government and intelligence community, and winning, is very satisfying to watch.
If you combine this film with Ironman 3, both of which are part of the same Avengers franchise, you can see that hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent to tell us the truth and prepare us for major changes ahead.
These films are being used to telegraph high-level arrests of the Cabal. It is disclosure disguised as entertainment.
These films are also being used to prepare us for the fact that power must be used to defeat power. We’re not going to blog away the problem with clicky keyboards. Government agencies, such as the CIA and FBI, will need to act against other agencies, such as the NSA. That’s what we are being prepared for.
It is utterly amazing that these films happened at all. I strongly suspect Stan Lee has had a lot to do with it. We can almost be certain that he was contacted by senior members of the US military who are involved with the Alliance, and who gave him extensive briefings on what’s really going on.
Notice how Stan has completely distanced himself from the X-Men franchise, which has blatant Illuminati imagery and propaganda in every film. The primary director of this franchise has now been accused of pedophilia yet again, after the previous accuser dropped his case since no lawyer had the stones to take it:
I know someone who worked on a writing project with Stan and he was very specific in saying that “the good guys need to be good and the bad guys need to be bad.” He completely rejected the modern style of hero/villain ambiguity, which is heavily influenced by Cabal films such as the rebooted Batman franchise.
I think as Stan has continued waking up to the truth, so have his movies. Even if he only has ten points, i.e. 10 percent, of the profits from The Avengers, he has enough money now to send out the message.
The Avengers had typical Cabal elements of alien invasion and no real sign of this Cabal exposure material. It was only after this success that Stan shocked everyone in the truth community with Ironman 3.
The Avengers was the number-one movie of 2012, by a significant degree:
It literally grossed 1.5 BILLION dollars worldwide on a budget of 220 million, making it the number-one most profitable film of all time:
I have no idea what Stan has for points, but if he has ten points, and the net profit ended up being a billion after all the writeoffs, he’d still come out with 100M — more than enough to get films made his way, and then bring in co-financing agreements to finish the film on his terms.
As the owner and licensor of the entire Marvel franchise, there is no question that Stan Lee gained enough political and financial power from this epic hit to start making movies his own way — on his own terms — by his own rules.
I believe we started seeing that right away with Ironman 3, and even more so with Captain America, which was undoubtedly inspired by the Snowden documents.
I do plan on taking some time and writing this up for my next post, which is now overdue, but here are the highlights:
Ironman 3 appears to be a film that was written to deliver a core of information using entertainment. A fearsome Bin Laden villain — the world’s greatest terrorist — turns out to be a bumbling drunk actor, given women and cash as a bribe to play the part. He doesn’t even have the accent.
All of his terror attacks were staged by none other than a corporation working for the Vice President of the United States. The VP is almost certainly intended to represent Cheney based on his hairstyle and demeanor. The VP is literally arrested and marched off in handcuffs at the end of the movie after the whole plan is exposed.
Now you have to combine that basic message of state-sponsored false-flag terrorism — which should still be very relevant with the manufactured ISIS threat — with what we are now seeing in Captain America.
I don’t want to spoil the plot, as you definitely should see it, but at the midpoint of the film, about an hour into it, there is a mini-documentary that completely exposes the New World Order — by name.
Scarlett Johansson says that Nazi scientists were brought to the US under “Operation Paperclip”, which is true. We find out that SHIELD, an organization obviously patterned around the NSA and government intel military apparatus, has been infiltrated and compromised by a group of Nazi loyalists — called Hydra.
The Hydra logo is very close to Skull and Bones — a skull with octopus-like tentacles underneath it that stylize a similar image as the Skull and Bones. All of this is by design, not at all accidental.
During this same section we see a brief image of Julian Assange from Wikileaks — a point that comes back later.
The term Hydra takes the “sting” and stigma out of a word like Illuminati, but it’s literally the same thing. We hear that Hydra’s goal is for a “New World Order,” in which anyone who resists them is killed, and they then can rule over a planet with order instead of chaos.
We see a US senator, played by Garry Shandling, give a senior SHIELD operative a suspicious, Masonic-style handshake, lean in and whisper into his ear, “Heil Hydra.” It is very likely that Shandling knows the truth, as everyone now has been exposed to it online, and wanted to help out.
Hydra’s plan is to launch three hovering aircraft carriers, code-named Project Insight. Hydra used SHIELD’s mass surveillance capabilities to target everyone who is awakening to their plans, or who WILL awaken to their plans in the future based on their current activity patterns, and kill them. The number is estimated in the film to be about 20 million.
The killing is planned to be done by huge batteries of guns on the hovering aircraft carriers. These guns are able to electronically target where everyone is and shoot them. The whole operation will only take minutes to complete itself.
The climax of the film requires our hero and his allies to plant two chips that rewrite the code into the bellies of each of these floating carriers, just minutes before they fire on everyone — in the classic “ticking clock” plot device.
The first area the weapons are targeting is the Northeast — all around Washington DC, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, et cetera. It is implied that they will then move from location to location and systematically take out all Hydra dissenters in the world.
I was amazed to see this in a film because similar weapons platforms do already exist, although they are extremely classified. There is already an ability to target anyone from space and wipe them out, very quickly, in mass numbers. Therefore there was real disclosure in this film — on a variety of levels. I did not expect this and was shocked. I highly doubt Stan came up with this on his own — it was leaked to him by someone very much in the know.
As expected in Hollywood, the good guys save the day, and the leaders of Hydra are exposed. Scarlett’s character is personally responsible for leaking the entire contents of documents about SHIELD and Hydra onto the internet, Julian Assange-style.
The leader of Hydra warns her that if she does this, her cover will be blown and she will be held accountable for her past as well. Indeed, we see her end up in high-level government hearings.
A key moment comes in her speech. SHIELD has been disbanded. Many Hydra members got away and the fight is still not over. The senators are tearing into her, saying that by her doing what she did, she has exposed the United States and the world to all manner of threats.
She then said that the people who worked for these intelligence agencies are still out there, and they are still the most qualified and knowledgeable people to protect us from the bad guys. We then cut to images of FBI and CIA agents we met in the film, and who became heroes, training with their guns.
As much as the truth community tends to want to distrust everyone, and suspect everything, the simple fact is that power is needed to counteract power. Not everyone is “in on it,” as I’ve been saying. This is a very real-world story in which many people are waking up to what is going on, including within the agencies themselves, and are saying “enough is enough.”
So what we’re seeing in Captain America is a 170 million-dollar disclosure film, which has so far grossed 259 million domestic and 454 million internationally.
That’s 714 million — proving that telling people the truth pays. Combined with the huge success of Ironman 3, we can be certain that movies like this will continue to be made… for as long as they are necessary.
These films are obviously built to deliver disclosure. They start with the information that the alliance wants to convey to the world, and then they build a compelling storyline around it to deliver the message in a commercially viable and entertaining fashion.
You will notice that despite the very obvious, in-your-face themes, highly relevant to modern issues just like Ironman 3, not a word about it has been mentioned in the controlled mainstream media.
This is the case despite the fact that Captain America is the second largest-grossing film of the year, only being trumped by Guardians of the Galaxy:
Ironman 3 was the number-two movie of last year, beaten only by “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.” Interestingly, the Hunger Games film also predicts a revolutionary uprising against a New World Order-type totalitarian dictatorship, with a surprising twist at the end.
Seen together, Ironman 3 and Captain America: TWS are now the two biggest, most compelling pieces of physical proof that what we have been talking about is real.
I do not consider it “ego” to be risking my life to leak this, though that accusation is used by almost every hater out there. If I had a big ego I would want to duck down, seek cover and protect my own #####.
No, this is real, and as the Cabal infrastructure collapses, we will step into a wonderful new reality much faster than people could have ever expected. By releasing the six thousand classified patents, we will be entering into the real Space Age — and things will take a remarkable turn for the better.
- David Wilcock

China asked to stop financing US-based Nazionist organized crime syndicate.

China asked to stop financing US-based Nazionist organized crime syndicate.

Posted by benjamin
September 2, 2014
Last week the White Dragon Society asked the communist government of China to stop financing the Nazionist crime syndicate that has illegally taken over the Republic of the United States of America. The request was sent via a senior Japan based Chinese agent. It was explained that rolling over the rogue US corporate governments’ debts after its September 30th fiscal year end would finance a regime that plans to invade and partition China. It would also keep propping up a group of gangsters that is financing terror and mass murder around the world. The Chinese were also prolonging the suffering of the American people by keeping them addicted to snowballing foreign debt, Last week the White Dragon Society asked the communist government of China to stop financing the Nazionist crime syndicate that has illegally taken over the Republic of the United States of America. The request was sent via a senior Japan based Chinese agent. It was explained that rolling over the rogue US corporate governments’ debts after its September 30th fiscal year end would finance a regime that plans to invade and partition China. It would also keep propping up a group of gangsters that is financing terror and mass murder around the world. The Chinese were also prolonging the suffering of the American people by keeping them addicted to snowballing foreign debt, he was told. The WDS told the agent said that if the Chinese government failed to act on this advice it would show they actually worked for the Nazionists. If that turns out to be the case, then China’s 500 million “wandering people” (流民) would have to be mobilized to force the Chinese government to act, the agent replied. A detailed method for doing this was outlined.
Meanwhile, NATO has set up a 12 mile long steel fence to guard 150 VIPS representing 67 countries (NATO only has 28 countries in it) for a big military love fest in Wales, England this week. As the event gears up, US rogue regime “politicians” and military lobbyists are using their manufactured Ukrainian crisis as an excuse to call for European countries to increase their “defense” (i.e. war) budgets. In other words, they are acting exactly according to the Bush Sr. script (as revealed by MI5) calling for a fake new cold war as an excuse to militarize Europe, the US, Russia and Japan in preparation for war against China.
Also, repeated warnings of a new “ISIS” terror event in the US and/or the UK are being trumpeted in the Nazionist propaganda media. This indicates the defense contractors congregating around the NATO meeting are planning to stage some sort of big false flag event in order to get public support for more military spending, MI5 sources say.
There are also growing indications an attempt will be made to take out the US power grid or parts of this power grid. This would be aimed at shutting down the US financial and Google/NSA computer networks, both MI5 and gnostic illuminati sources say.
There are also growing indications an attempt will be made to take out the US power grid or parts of this power grid. This would be aimed at shutting down the US financial and Google/NSA computer networks, both MI5 and gnostic illuminati sources say.
CIA sources in Europe, meanwhile, are saying “a lot of people are going to be dead,” in the US as part of a big push to destroy the network of criminals responsible for 911, the destruction of Iraq, the spread of bio-weapons and other genocidal crimes.
The attempted murder last week of former FBI head Louis Freeh was probably part of the campaign, the sources said. Freeh was deeply involved in the 911 mass murder event, multiple sources agree
Pope Francis is also under attack and P2 freemason sources are saying there is evidence he is being hit with a slow acting poison that causes neurological damage. The pope is being attacked because he is revoking special immunity from prosecution for war criminals like Tony Blair and George Bush Jr, the sources say.
There is also a lot of financial warfare taking place both in public and in secret these days. In public, the FBI accused Russia of hacking the financial computer networks of J.P. Morgan and other major US financial institutions. This attack came after many suspicious deaths of executives involved in running J.P. Morgan’s financial computer
The large US banks are using vast derivatives portfolios backed by nothing to prevent the collapse of the Federal Reserve Board, according to Chinese government and other sources. The attacks of J.P. Morgan are part of an effort to shut down this derivatives fraud, they said.
Also, in what is probably part of a campaign to remove her, IMF head Christine Lagarde announced she was being investigated by French prosecutors for fraud. The IMF under Lagarde, of course, remains unfunded and unreformed mainly because the US corporate government refuses to give up its control of it.
A sign the owners of the Federal Reserve Board are running scared is an article in their flagship publication Foreign Affairs that is calling for Feds to print and directly hand cash over to average Americans.
What this really means is that they are hoping that if they just print out and hand over cash, they will be able avoid to have their private money making machine confiscated. It is like a besieged king opening his treasure room and trying to bribe an invading peasant rabble with it. The problem is the peasants can just take it without asking. The same is true with the Federal Reserve Board, why should a small inbred group of trillionaires have the right to create money when the US constitution states clearly that right belongs to the people.
Senior Fed agent Henry Kissinger also issued a widely pushed essay last week calling for a “New World Order” and the maintenance of “US exceptionalism.” The overall tone of the essay made it clear Kissinger was not happy to see this US ruled order falling apart.
The Feds are also running around Asia trying to find money to keep their fraudulent empire going. CIA sources in Asia reported that Bill Clinton, Richard Armitage and others were in Indonesia trying to get their hands on gold. These sources are also saying the Iran-based second son of the former Shah of Iran has been allowing US corporate government agents to get access to Persian dynastic gold being stored in Thailand.
Also in Japan and Korea last week, multiple attempts were being made by Fed agents to use gold-backed historical bonds of astronomical face value to fund the US corporate government, Japanese government sources say. As a part of this, a WDS representative was offered many billions of dollars by Fed agents to help use some of these bonds to get gold. He was told the WDS would only deal with them when they showed up with actual physical gold, not paper.
All of this unsuccessful Fed activity and cabal war-mongering is a clear sign they are losing the battle for the planet earth. The internet has evolved to the point that their false flag incidents are uncovered almost immediately. It took take decades for false flag events like the Tonkin Gulf “incident” to be uncovered. It took a few years for most of the world to figure out that 911 was a false flag. Now, however, false flag stories like the Malaysian airline shoot down are exposed within hours or minutes.

Most important of all, the US military is no longer allowing itself to be manipulated into war for the Nazionist oligarchs. Remember, the pentagon refused to bomb Syria and is refusing to attack Russia over the Ukraine. Message to the Feds: you are not going to get out of the trouble this time by starting another war.

Mugabe: 'Friendly' China vows to help Zimbabwe

Mugabe: 'Friendly' China vows to help Zimbabwe
Aug 31 2014 17:36
Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe. (AP)

Harare - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, returning from a state visit to China, said on Sunday that Beijing had pledged to assist his southern African country's ailing economy "to the best of its ability".
China will "continue to be as friendly to us as it was before ... The support we have asked for in the various areas, China will provide to the best of its ability," Mugabe said in comments carried on Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) television after his arrival.
Mugabe, who won disputed elections last year, made a 13th trip to China this week to drum up investment for energy, infrastructure development and transport sectors in his impoverished state.
The 90-year-old, a former guerrilla and Africa's longest-serving leader, and his ministers signed various agreements in Beijing whose details are yet to be released.
Zimbabwe faces a severe liquidity crunch, high unemployment and minimal economic activity.

Foreign investment halved
The central bank last week said foreign investment in Zimbabwe halved in the first six months of the year and called for the country to "fight the negative perception" scaring off capital.
Scorned in the West, Mugabe has adopted a "look East" policy, forging new ties and buttressing existing ones with east Asian countries, including China.
China has a long list of business interests in Zimbabwe which span the mining, agriculture and construction sectors.
It invested more in non-financial sectors in Zimbabwe than in any other country on the continent last year, exceeding $602m, according to Chinese government figures cited by Xinhua news agency.
Once the breadbasket of southern African, Zimbabwe now imports basic goods from neighboring countries and is grappling with unemployment of around 80%.

It was forced to slash its growth forecast for the year from 6.1% to 3.1% due to weak economic activity.
Investors have been scared off by Harare's controversial indigenisation law, which requires foreign firms to hand over 51% of their shares to black Zimbabweans. Earlier this year, Harare said it would amend the law.

Hakim: We have agreed to resolve the differences with the coalition forces and we will sign today

New post  Today at 7:33 am

The leader of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, and House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, during a press conference held on Saturday, (August 30, 2014)

Long-Presse / Baghdad - Said the leader of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, on Sunday, to reach an understanding about the full alliance with the National Union of Forces on controversial points, while stressing that he would be today
, “the signing of this agreement.”

Ammar al-Hakim during a joint press conference with the head of the negotiating team of the Kurdistan Alliance, Hoshyar Zebari, at the headquarters of the Supreme Islamic Council, in central Baghdad, on the sidelines of a meeting held by al-Hakim with the Kurdish delegation, attended (range Press), “The meeting, which brought together negotiating committees in the National Alliance, the Federation of powers witnessed a tumble yesterday, “but he also said,” but the two delegations have held another meeting in late on Saturday, which was reached for a full understanding. ”

Hakim said that
“the two alliances will sign today on the agreement, which was yesterday.”

The leader of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim was held on Sunday, (August 31, 2014),
a meeting with a delegation from the Kurdistan Alliance participating in the negotiations to form a government in his house in central Baghdad, to discuss the stages and reached, the negotiations between the political blocs.

And the leader of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, on Saturday, (August 30, 2014), that talks on forming the government are still ongoing, and pointed out that the parties want to form a government quickly, while pointing Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, the need to respect the calls of reference which indicates During the period preceding it calls “wise”, he stressed that there is a will of the political blocs to form a functioning government within the constitutional period.

The MP for the coalition of the Union of National Forces Ali Jassim Mutaiota confirmed, on Saturday, (August 30, 2014), that, negotiations with the Shiite alliance, did not reach the “complete collapse” but faced “an obstacle disappointing,” while the expected return to the dialogue table, building on the willingness of
internal and international pressure is keen on forming a government.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi political forces Marathon began forming a new government, with the National Alliance and the taxpayer so Haider al-Abadi.

The President of the Republic Fuad Masum formally charged in (the 11th of August 2014 Current) leader of the Islamic Dawa Party, Haider al-Abadi, the formation of the new government, replacing Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki, while announced the last-in, (14th of August), pull his candidacy and support the National Alliance candidate, Abadi, to form a new government.

sidekick app (important)


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 31-Aug-2014 22:01:36

Published on Aug 30, 2014
The Dragon Family is coming out of hiding and silence - big time. Representatives from all Latin American nations were invited to a training session with the Red Dragon that last about 4 hours. Not all could get on the conference; but those who did learned about how 555 will overcome 666, how God's children will claim our inheritance. In this video conversation between the Ambassador and Ron, they are joined by Jace to share their impressions. unfortunately, the recording was truncated when the Ambassador shared an image on the screen, losing the last 5 minutes or so of the video.

"ISIL completely fabricated enemy by US: Former CIA contractor"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
link: PressTV - "ISIL completely fabricated enemy by US: Former CIA contractor"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 1-Sep-2014 02:03:03

Hi, Folks -
Found here:
ISIL completely fabricated enemy by US: Former CIA contractor
...article begins:
Former CIA contractor Steven Kelley says that the ISIL terrorist group is a completely fabricated enemy created and funded by the United States.“This is a completely fabricated enemy,” he said in a phone interview with Press TV from Anaheim, California on Thursday.
“The funding is completely from the United States and its allies and for people to think that this enemy is something that needs to be attacked in Syria or Iraq is a farce because obviously this is something that we create it, we control and only now it has become inconvenient for us to attack this group as a legitimate enemy,” Kelley added.
Full article:

UFO News: Amazing UFO Photos Taken In La Crosse, Wisconsin. (Video - Snapshots)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
UFO News: Amazing UFO Photos Taken In La Crosse, Wisconsin. (Video - Snapshots)

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 1-Sep-2014 04:01:38

UFO News: Amazing UFO Photos Taken In La Crosse, Wisconsin. (Video - Snapshots)
Published on Aug 31, 2014
UFO News: Amazing UFO Photos Taken In La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Common Law Gran Jury Indictment

Subject: Common Law Gran Jury Indictment


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WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT : "If you shine your light, others may see how to do the same.  You can ignite a chain reaction of illumination that is unstoppable."

Iraqi President: consultations to form a government has seen significant progress and announced shortly

Iraqi President: consultations to form a government has seen significant progress and announced shortly
2014/09/01 01/09/2014
10:03 ص 10:03
شكرا لتصويت Thank you for voting

التقيم Rating
التقيم الحالي 5/0 Current Rating 5/0الدكتور فؤاد معصوم Dr. Fuad Masum
أعلن الرئيس العراقي فؤاد معصوم إن المشاورات لتشكيل الحكومة الجديدة شهدت تقدماً ملموساً، وأن الإعلان عنها بات قريباً.
Iraqi President Fuad Masum The consultations for the formation of the new government has seen significant progress, and that is announced soon.

ونقل تلفزيون "العراقية" اليوم الاثنين عن معصوم قوله إن هناك شعوراً لدى الجميع بضرورة تشكيل الحكومة وإلا سندخل في دوامة ، مؤكدا أن "الأولوية بعد تشكيل الحكومة ستكون للتركيز على محاربة تنظيم (الدولة الاسلامية) داعش الارهابي". The television quoted the "Iraqi" on Monday infallible as saying that there is a feeling everyone has the need to form a government, otherwise we will enter into a spiral, asserting that "the priority after the formation of the government would be to focus on fighting al (Islamic state) Daash terrorist."

وقال معصوم :"ثمة قناعة كاملة لدى الأطراف السياسية بأنه لا بد من أن نعيد للعراق علاقاته مع دول المنطقة والدول العربية ودول العالم لأنه من الصعوبة بمكان أن نعتمد فقط على أنفسنا لمحاربة هذه المجموعات المسلحة". Masum said: "There are fully convinced with the political parties that it is imperative that we re-Iraq relations with the countries of the region and the Arab states and the countries of the world because it is difficult to rely only on ourselves to fight these armed groups."

وأكد الرئيس معصوم على "ضرورة بناء تحالف واسع لمحاربة المجموعات الارهابية في العراق"، قائلاً إنها "تشكل تهديداً للأمن الإقليمي والدولي". The President emphasized infallible "the need to build a broad coalition to fight terrorist groups in Iraq," saying it "poses a threat to regional and international security."



GBP Change: -2.33%  1000 IQD  =  0.5266 GBP (Aug 31, 2014) 0.0005


100 ZWD   =  0.1614 GBP (Aug 31, 2014) and 1 month ago it was: 

0.0016 GBP  (Aug 1, 2014)
10000 VND   =  0.2872 GBP (Aug 31, 2014)  and it was 0.0000 GBP 

(Aug 1, 2014)
Okay, now let's see it go sky high!

ELAU: Great news Carden, thank You !

Means rates are moving upward yay.

Thoughts From Exogen and Stage3Alpha Members Sunday Evening

Thoughts From Exogen and Stage3Alpha Members Sunday Evening


wilbur grodan August 31, 2014 at 5:05pm


Shabibi may have mentioned 'three day weekend' per numerous online mentions

Gives advanced global access to markets as ours are closed MONDAY

TOKYO is back from lunch and LONDON premarket is open (more advance access)

Markets are dialed in to perfection for this to be THE final weekend

The last report on IRAQI political process may have merit...It appears the sides have reconciled (inclusiveness)

NOBODY is more motivated than IRAQ to see this monetary reform

Markets supporting this as the pivotal time
omegaman August 31, 2014 at 7:02pm from three separate sources we hear that the day for the trigger to be pulled is Monday/tues. that is when funds are released for the Historic Bond funding; shortly thereafter, i would not dare say when, but less than a week from thence, shall we see PBX. note: as always, take as rumor until proven otherwise...hope this stays where it is and doesn't take a lil trip across cyberspace...

a mitchell August 31, 2014 Im even more excited. I got a message from another dinar holder in nyc that saw a private exchange happening w a briefcase full of dinar. They quizzed the banker when the transaction was completed. He would not discuss details but confirmed they have a machine to verify dinar and he would most likely be helping them by the middle of the next week.

Vinman:  (RE: Picture Clues) For those who missed it here is a summary to now: Algorithms for reset implemented. Cannot be stopped. Numbers are changing on screens.

LaGarde has accomplished her mission. Rates projected to show live on Forex- we will be in banks in 24-48 hrs. Notifications sent to banks- confirmed.

TRNs are live and can now be seen. Trillions moving and flowing worldwide starting today....confirmed! We are sitting on pins and needles.

Get ready for gold and silver to plunge before they sky rocket. We are finally at the finish line. What a marathon it has been.


EXOGEN August 31, 2014 at 7:17pm


EXOGEN: She Hilali told the "eye Iraq News" that "the meeting will witness the consensus in with before the House of Representatives to end the file of the general budget,"

EXOGENrevealed an MP for the coalition of state law Ibtisam al-Hilali, Saturday, that the next session of Parliament will be decisive and final adoption of the budget to the public in 2014.

James > EXOGEN What's a Budget ?? Ans : A shopping list with a  RATE !!

As a famous group of musicians once said ..."Let It Be"


BREAKING NEWS: Law: The next meeting will witness the end the dilemma of the general budget: BR

Posted by BaNDiTo.RoX on August 30, 2014 at 7:00pm

BAGHDAD / ... revealed an MP for the coalition of state law Ibtisam al-Hilali, Saturday, that the next session of Parliament will be decisive and final adoption of the budget to the public in 2014.

She Hilali told the "eye Iraq News" that "the meeting will witness the consensus in with before the House of Representatives to end the file of the general budget," indicating that "the budget greatly affect the economic reality of the country and that the stall in assent serves as a drift of the country toward the abyss."

She added that "the previous sessions saw the learning of the file public budget," asserting that "the House of Representatives agreed on a unified position within the parliament to deliver the budget bill once and for all and pay attention to the security problems facing the country in the days to the present."

The file format node biggest budget during the previous parliamentary sessions allowing the responsibility of the House of Representatives to speed up the agreement to resolve this issue because it led to the aggravation of the economic crisis in the country during the months Alhalah.onthy / 6

FBI Raids Kennedy Fundamentalist Compound

> ( • Aug 25, 2014 The FBI says it
> began keeping tabs on the compound years ago following a string of
> mysterious deaths involving members of the eccentric group.
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> TheOnion)
> 77
> i-raids-kennedy-fundamentalist-compound,36767/)
> HYANNIS PORT, MA—In a surprise predawn raid Monday, heavily armed FBI
> agents stormed the notorious Kennedy Compound in Massachusetts,
> reportedly arresting more than two dozen key members of the faction
> and exposing many of the bizarre inner workings of this insular fundamentalist organization.
> According to officials, agents in full SWAT gear disembarked from
> patrol boats just off Cape Cod and quickly advanced upon the 6-acre
> oceanfront compound. The raid followed a multiyear investigation into
> illicit activities by the secretive Kennedy group, which are said to
> have included substance abuse, rampant promiscuity, and carefully
> formulated plans to seize control of the United States.
> “At approximately 4:15 a.m., federal agents entered the Kennedy
> premises, apprehending numerous individuals and charging them with
> multiple counts of attempting to infiltrate the government at federal,
> state, and local levels,” said lead investigator Frank Campbell,
> adding that the group’s steadily expanding network of members has used
> the compound as a base from which to extend its power for decades.
> “Our investigation indicates that several charismatic leaders within
> the sect manufactured an intense cult of personality that, over the
> years, they have used to hold sway over many thousands of followers nationwide.”
> “It appears that the people at the top of this structure possessed a
> near-pathological desire to exert control over others and manipulate
> their beliefs,” he continued. “These are ideologues, plain and simple.
> To the many people who got caught up in this so-called family, these
> individuals’ power of persuasion was irresistible.”
> Searching the three clapboard houses that compose the compound,
> investigators said they found numerous symbols consistent with intense
> fanaticism, including framed photographs of their late leader, John F.
> Kennedy, upon whom family members appear to have accorded a sort of
> godlike status. Sources confirmed that the messianic figure spoke of a
> mystical “New Frontier” and believed the future of his people hinged
> upon making a journey to the moon, a mission he ordered his followers
> to carry out as quickly as possible.
> Records show the compound was established in 1926 by Joseph P. Kennedy
> Sr., a man referred to as “the patriarch” and believed to have more
> than 100 descendants. A survey of land deeds determined that Kennedy’s
> children and grandchildren—many of whom were known to take multiple
> wives and produce unusually large numbers of offspring to propagate
> their ranks—later bought up several of the surrounding Hyannis Port
> properties, apparently to keep family members confined in close proximity while keeping outsiders at bay.
> Providing evidence of the group’s eccentric ideology, FBI forensic
> psychologist Ada Willmann told reporters the Kennedy clan’s belief
> system is structured around the central concept of “Camelot,” within
> which the family perceives itself in grand, mythic terms as a kind of
> modern-day American royalty.
> “Given such profound levels of self-delusion, we’re clearly dealing
> with a group of people who have divorced themselves from reality,”
> said Willmann, adding that interrogators have been able to glean
> little new information from the family members now in custody, who so
> far have stuck to similar lines of strange utopian rhetoric.
> “Remember, many members of the Kennedy group have been trapped in the
> compound for decades. They appear to have been subject to the same
> rigid philosophy and forced to repeat the same mantras again and
> again. Over the years, they have become increasingly closed-off and
> paranoid, and the hardliners who remain are fully indoctrinated.”
> “They all look the same, talk the same, and even dress the same,” she added.
> “It’s very unsettling.”
> FBI officials acknowledged the success of the Kennedy raid stands in
> stark contrast to a botched operation two years ago at the remote
> Cheney family ranch in the Wyoming wilderness, where 14 federal agents
> attempting to serve a warrant were gunned down by extremists on site.


Tidbits Shared By Stryker & Gamaray

Post Emailed To Dinar Recaps

Hello Folks. We are seeing a major change in Iraq and it is all developing right in front of our eyes. From Iraqi forces breaking through the ISIS lines and regaining a town to the Iraqi politicians working around the clock in formation of a NEW Iraqi Government changes are here.

Gamaray and I wanted to bring you good people some great news today as we ourselves celebrate our Labor Day weekend here in the states.

Folks, the backbone of any country are it's working people, the same working people that pay and pave the way so governments that we elect can unite in helping others that can't help themselves.

So on this Labor Day Weekend, folks celebrate your own efforts because you are the ones that enable freedom all over the world.
  Stand proud this weekend knowing you have made a difference as it's your efforts here and across the world that helps the Iraqis there. It's your work that pays for the weapons that will and can defeat these barbarians call Islamic State of Iraq and Levant.

Today's Iraqi military advancement over ISIS saw Iraqi Sunnis celebrating in the streets, knowing that they were next in line and what would have been known as nothing short of a mass exodus of innocent people.

Now our friends from Australia are teaming up with the United States and others to fight these savages known as ISIS, ISIL and where it all started from, al-Qaeda.

Here is where Iraq is today...

Politicians Share Power:

This assures the Sunnis that they will have an equal share in power and an equal share in the formation of the NEW Government.

Quote: A political source from the National Alliance revealed that the National Alliance agreed, late yesterday evening, to equal its share of the ministries with the Sunni lists."

Remember, unite Iraq and we will finally see the true value of the Iraqi dinar because Dr. Turki said he will not hesitate to implement the program when the political situation is right for Iraq.

Hakim Works Hard for The People of Iraq

We have never seen leaders act in such a way as to bring Iraq together as they are right now, Hakim once again is leading the pack.

Quote: Head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim, said on Sunday that the committees of national and Kurdish alliances will meet Sunday afternoon for a ministerial statement acceptable to all parties.

Said Mr. Ammar al-Hakim, in a joint news conference with the head of the delegation of the Kurdish negotiator Hoshyar Zebari.

Quote: "We expressed our support for the government Abadi, and we will work hard through consultations tireless conducted through the day to reach conclusive results, final and the signing of a ministerial statement All reassure Iraqis alike."

New GOI Time Frame:

Quote: "this week will see the announcement the government formation after the arrival of the talks between the National Alliance and the Kurdish blocs to advanced stages."

Quote: "The squad that will be announced will be a surprise for all in terms of the selection and quality of the characters that will provide a lot of Iraq and calling on the media to stand by the next government, service and support for Iraq."
September 11th is the formation deadline itself according to the Iraqi constitution but if they can announce it this week they will have one more week to vote confidence in Abadi and all his cabinet members.

Folks, there are so many great articles out today that I would encourage you to go to the Stryker Daily News Forum and read a few, it will make you feel good about them and your choices on this holiday weekend.

Take Care and God Bless,   Stryker and Gamaray

Wilbur Grodan

Wilbur Grodan:The last report on IRAQI political process may have merit.

It appears the sides have reconciled (inclusiveness)
NOBODY is more motivated than IRAQ to see this monetary reform
Markets supporting this as the pivotal time

Shabibi may have mentioned 'three day weekend' per numerous online mentions.

Gives advanced global access to markets as ours are closed MONDAY .

TOKYO is back from lunch and LONDON premarket is open (more advance access) Markets are dialed in to perfection for this to be THE final weekend:The last report on IRAQI political process may have merit.

It appears the sides have reconciled (inclusiveness)
NOBODY is more motivated than IRAQ to see this monetary reform
Markets supporting this as the pivotal time
Shabibi may have mentioned 'three day weekend' per numerous online mentions.

Gives advanced global access to markets as ours are closed MONDAY .

TOKYO is back from lunch and LONDON premarket is open (more advance access) Markets are dialed in to perfection for this to be THE final weekend



 from three separate sources we hear that the day for the trigger to be pulled is Monday/tues. 

that is when funds are released for the Historic Bond funding; shortly thereafter, i would not dare say when, but less than a week from thence, shall we see PBX. note: as always, take as rumor until proven otherwise...hope this stays where it is and doesn't take a lil trip across cyberspace...

a mitchell: Im even more excited. I got a message from another dinar holder in nyc that saw a private exchange happening w a briefcase full of dinar. They quizzed the banker when the transaction was completed. He would not discuss details but confirmed they have a machine to verify dinar and he would most likely be helping them by the middle of the next week.

Vinman:  (RE: Picture Clues) For those who missed it here is a summary to now: Algorithms for reset implemented. Cannot be stopped. Numbers are changing on screens.

LaGarde has accomplished her mission. Rates projected to show live on Forex- we will be in banks in 24-48 hrs. Notifications sent to banks- confirmed.

TRNs are live and can now be seen. Trillions moving and flowing worldwide starting today....confirmed! We are sitting on pins and needles.

Get ready for gold and silver to plunge before they sky rocket. We are finally at the finish line. What a marathon it has been.