Tuesday, October 28, 2014



Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 11:51 PM Subject: Ebola can last on surfaces for almost TWO months, tests reveal | Daily Mail Online Found this interesting link on the Drudge Report:Ebola can last on surfaces for almost TWO months, tests reveal | Daily Mail Onlinehttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2809803/Ebola-surfaces-TWO-months-Tests-reveal-certain-strains-survive-weeks-stored-low-temperatures.html

The Official Drudge Report iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch app available in the iTunes App Store:

Sent from my iPhone

     FOLKS, VOTE REPUBLICAN NOV. 4, 2014. Not because they are wonderful which is far from the case, but contrary to the Democrats, they can afford to admit how bad is the news about the Ebola Virus which the Democrats cannot do while trying to cover for Obama for hiding the truth about the Ebola Virus. The Democratic leaders have to block investigations of Obama over the Ebola Crisis. Obama pretends that there is no cure for the Ebola Virus, yet through a confidential source of mine, it was stated that an effective cure for the Ebola Virus was found by the federal government around 12-15 years ago and then hid from the public. Obama knew this and hid this information that the cure for the Ebola Virus was confirmed by the federal government around 12-15 years ago and the policy of Obama towards the Ebola Virus pretends that no cure exists for the Ebola Virus at this time. I obtained the product which was stated cured both the AIDS Virus and the Ebola Virus according to the federal report hidden from you by Obama, but you are not supposed to know that this Ebola Crisis is an engineered crisis created by Obama and Democratic allies who know what is going on but are not going to tell you the American public. If Obama knew a cure  existed for the Ebola Virus when all this Ebola Crisis broke loose, then technically Obama is guilty of high treason and those with him in hiding the cure from the public when they knew the Ebola Crisis could be promptly stopped in Africa, America, and all over the world now. They withheld the Ebola Cure for gain in political strategy, only got caught at it which was not in their plans to be caught for high treason and genocide conspiracy against America and also massive genocide conspiracy against other races and nations on earth.
     I plan to shortly contact foreign embassies and UN delegations in America as to how Obama set up this Ebola Crisis in Africa, America, etc. Members of Congress showed no interest when I offered to show them before the Nov. 4 election what the Ebola Cure was that the federal government found cured Ebola according to their own federal research work and final report. Their conclusion, not mine, was that they had found a successful Ebola Cure and safe for the people to use. This is the information I have. I also have a sample of what their research work said cured Ebola totally and was safe for the people to use. As Democratic sources are trying to protect Obama from investigation over the Ebola Crisis, I will ask these international sources of the UN to criminally indict the involved Democratic leaders of the Senate and elsewhere along with Obama for massive violation of the Genocide Treaty which potentially threatened the lives and survival of all races and nations on earth if not stopped in time! Obama and federal associates in this deadly scheme for power face pending indictments under the Genocide Treaty from foreign governments all over the world, from national indictments cleaning the genocide killers from its leadership ranks in Wash. D.C. and also state grand juries criminally indicting the involved evil scheming leaders for mass murder conspiracy and any Ebola deaths in their states or their state citizens dying elsewhere due to Ebola infection killing them off from the Obama engineered Ebola Crisis in America, in Africa, and elsewhere in the world.  

     I will show foreign governments the legal evidence that Washington, D.C. has engaged in American genocide conspiracy and operation and world genocide conspiracy and operation in the Washington suppression of the stunning food discovery of my father which the Vatican under Pope Pius XII endorsed as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. And medical lab reports from all over the world saying that the human race faces potential extinction on earth if my father's great food discovery is not added to the diets of people across the earth before it is too late to save the human race from extinction. And Obama for insane political reasons was and is behind this Ebola Crisis which could grow big enough to threaten the lives of much of the human race on earth including maybe up to 50% of Americans dead from it if Obama has his way as his C.I.A. apparently set up the Ebola Crisis first in Africa and now is supposed to spread in America until the American people allow him to become dictator of America for life. I suggest that Obama resign from the White House as his further leadership of America is colossally tainted and could engineer the collapse of the entire federal government if they don't get rid of him before he so discredits Wash., D.C. as to wipe out its international influence in the world. America has no more use for Obama in the White House! Time to leave!
     Folks, pass this report all over America and smart to see that all see it before the Nov. 4 election. I can under international law sue Wash., D.C. and selected leaders of Congress, federal agencies, etc. for even $600 trillion in damages for a basic Washington one half century suppression of my father's Vatican endorsed industrial food process in genocide conspiracy against the American people and people in all nations of the earth. I can charge Wash., D.C. with a basic murder of an estimated at least 2-3 billion people on earth by suppression of this unique super health food which is mentioned in the Bible and says that it would give the people good health on earth and longer lives on earth than possible without it. It is mentioned in Exodus 23:25 for those thinking that it is not mentioned in the Bible! Even Ezra Taft Benson, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Under President Eisenhower, and later head of the Mormon Church in America, powerfully endorsed it as so important to American health but Washington leaders ignored his endorsement and urging to use this for the health of America. Corruption is more important in Wash., D.C. than doing what is right for the American people!
     Suppressing so willfully the Vatican endorsed and Mormon endorsed great food discovery of my father and suppressing so willfully the Ebola Cure that the government tested itself and said worked fine as a cure and did not threaten the health of the people is playing with such legal and political fire both nationally and worldwide, better pass my proposed Omni Law and now before I file the legal actions under international law and which I cannot stop once filed internationally. I have proved very clever at law over the years and engineered a number of legal upsets which before I hid from public knowledge until I was ready to play my hand. Pass now my Omni Law shown on my website and which will be the power base to set up my father's great industrial food discovery in America for a giant national and worldwide industry for America. Nazi Germany had tested it and said they could raise a master race with it since it made German students so superior physically and mentally such as in I.Q. scores German students eating this super health food then scored higher I.Q. ratings. The Soviet Union when capturing the Nazi research papers on this then as reported in the Catholic Digest tried to buy world rights to it from my father. As Stalin said to my father in a communication, his advisers told him that the nation possessing this great food discovery of my father would likely become the leader of the world and also incredibly rich off of this worldwide. Stalin also said that his advisers told him that if the Soviet Union had my father's great food discovery, then Communism could win the world soon afterwards to it by solving the food problems of the world with this great food discovery.

     The Vatican under Pope Pius XII endorsed this with a stunning endorsement and contacted all Catholic bishops in the world and 25,000 Catholic priests to publicize this great food discovery across the earth as Pope Pius XII said this was so important to the world health of the human race on earth. This is what Wash., D.C. savagely fought to stop and suppress from the American people. Wash., D.C. is incredibly corrupt and does many things for corrupt reasons and not for honorable nor honest reasons. And now Wash., D.C. has the most evil and corrupt leader ever to occupy the White House who is Obama. Time to pass my Omni Law to turn Wash., D.C. into an honest government again and under control of the people instead of the people being ruled over by a government determined to be their master and not their servant as a national government.
     Passage of the Omni Law shown on my website should soon end the Ebola threat to America and other nations on the earth. It should soon establish for America a world food industry so powerful that this might make America the undisputed leader of the world soon afterwards and draw so much new trade and money to America as to skyrocket the American economy in the process with even millions of new jobs and prosperity from the jobs created. I also have a trick policy up my sleeve how we could use to advantage the Latin Americans illegally in America and by America acquiring new land that I have a secret way of arranging this to happen, they can be moved there while becoming Americans and enrich America in the process. This happens with passage of the Omni Law. I am a bold, cunning leader when needed and this solves the illegal immigration problem in America without selling out border security, people not assimilating into the American culture and becoming Americans culturally in character. After passage of the Omni Law, I would put this up to national referendum. If the American people approve, America becomes a mightier nation in the process and the basic illegal immigration problem pretty much solved for America then. I will not share my secret plan with leaders in Wash., D.C. until my Omni Law is passed. The illegals will no longer be carried by American welfare, would have to carry their own weight by jobs available to them, but be part of America as America resumes its "Manifest Destiny" as earlier Americans called the growth of America as a nation.
     Marching hand in hand with the injustice as publicized by The New York Times that now the I.R.S. claims it has authority to steal all the money from every bank account in America and without court order, etc., just does it on whim if it wants to under new law pushed by Obama apparently to be able to seize all the money of Americans for use by Obama if he wants to steal all the money in America, a federal court has now ruled the intended legal precedent that the I.R.S. will not be allowed to be sued in federal court as to the legality of actions it takes in America. With passage of the Omni Law, we will straighten out the I.R.S. like the Wrath of God just breathed fire down their necks.

     Also restoring the U.S. Constitution back into national authority over the federal government, the U.S. Constitution says, federal judges can remain in office during time of good conduct. This is a wider angle than just impeachment of judges. If they can't uphold constitutional law in their courts, under the U.S. Constitution we can legally fire them from judicial office and they are no longer federal judges and have lost their federal pension plans if we decide to cancel them for judicial misconduct in judicial office. It will be automatic firing of any federal judge saying that the U.S. Constitution is not binding on his court nor will he allow constitutional law to be presented in his court. I have heard federal judges say in their courts that the U.S. Constitution was not legally binding on their court and refused to let constitutional law  be presented in their federal court. If they don't know the U.S. Constitution as law, they are automatically fired from judicial office as incompetent in law and no longer federal judges! And I know how federal judges are secretly paid bribes to rule corrupted legal judgments in their courts. The illegal bribes stop or we will legally hang them for taking bribes as judges. I learned too much when living in Wash., D.C. years ago!
    Okay folks, you have a champion of the people in me. I am a tough fighter by nature and through the passage of the Omni Law, will break the mob psychology in federal circles that they may be bullies towards the American people and no one can stop them. With enough firings and criminal indictments, they will now sing a new song in Wash., D.C. that the federal government is the servant of the American people and not their master.
     Okay, pass this report all over America before Nov. 4, 2014. This is compound math which grows so fast, you cannot believe how big things become mathematically when compounded. Fast send this report to 20 or more people. They send it to others like you did, do this fast and before Nov. 4 you have covered the nation and we don't need the press for anything anymore except to be an obvious propaganda rag sheet of the power elite if they don't publicize our movement of the people of America. We can win without them, but if it is realized that we didn't need news publicity to win with, the newspapers will then lose enormous prestige and credibility with the American people who will then hold the newspapers in contempt as they try to control the people by control of what important news they allow or else block in order to try and manipulate the thinking of the American people. Use the internet effectively which events in the Middle East showed how powerful the internet could be to change the direction of a nation and fast. We use the internet effectively and we don't need the newspapers nor TV nor radio stations to win with! And just so there is no legal misunderstanding. Any attempt to suppress the American people from valid moral uses of the internet such as for expressing political stands, etc., once the Omni Law is passed and should be fast as we will file $500-600 trillion lawsuits under international law against federal leaders we judge need to learn a tough lesson when not to pick deadly legal issues to fight in court to try and suppress the American people with. I win legal upsets. Not smart to fight me where I judge I can win! I normally know the reality of the situation and should win if logic shows it can be done! Washington leaders are up against a mountain of genocide charges against them if I decide to file them in international court actions. Sometimes it is better like a tree to bend with a strong wind than remain stiff and be broken in the back by a wind too strong to resist or stop! I am going to pass the Omni Law and woe to any leaders who miscalculate and think that I will not be able to!
     One final point. I played a little dumb while not dumb. I tied up the legal claims for the land of America under international law so the land remains the property of the American people in the 50 states of America. Washington leaders try to turn over American land to foreign sources, sorry I will contest that and when playing all legal aces, should win and Agenda 21, etc. will all be thrown into the trashcan as no international schemes are going to take away the land of the 50 states from the American people. If I have to be blunt so you get the hint, my mother was once rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to her time, and what brains I inherited from her are going to outclass yours by gift of God and the American people do not lose much, all, or any of their land to foreign sources as Obama has been trying to arrange while the news media kept silent to cover his high treason against the American people in this area of law.
     Folks, while you were reading this report, powerful legal moves were created by this report protecting your legal rights, your future in America, and securing for you freedom and prosperity for your future instead of the legal hell that Obama had arranged for all the American people and Blacks included! Our national website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com Our Omni Law may be read on that website. It gives the American people the right of national referendum over the federal government and 10 legal trustees over Wash., D.C. working for the American people and not corrupt interests. The people win and control of the national government is restored back to the American people who were tricked out of control of government by corrupt, very evil and cunning elements in Wash., D.C. Our email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com Our mailing address for orders and payments sent by mail instead of through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. Pass this report all over America and before Nov. 4, 2014. Pull together as a national team and a giant upset will occur Nov. 4. Under the Omni Law, anyone electronically rigging computers to switch votes to the other side, we find out, you will either hang symbolically or else for real from a rope around your neck after conviction by legal process. Anyone voting by fraud who is not an American citizen, we will prosecute you and you have no future in America after that. We will not tolerate non-citizens to try to poison our national election by voting when they are not loyal to America nor care about American issues important to the future of America. The election of Nov. 4 is for the American citizens, not illegals trying to unhinge constitutional government in America by fraudulent voting. Let poll watchers outside photograph people appearing for voting. If voting fraud is obvious in tallied results, we go through the photos and spot those who are not American citizens and voted anyway.
Then fierce law takes over and you will at a minimum be expelled from America or maybe far worse legally will happen to you such as being assigned to a labor camp for a long stretch. These policies are intended to head off the mass voter fraud of Obama and Democrats in the last elections where such as 130% of registered voters voted in certain areas in certain states. We don't believe that all the 100% of registered voters voted for real nor do we believe that dead people resurrected from the grave to vote in the current election for Obama. And we don't want military votes to ever be massed lost by military mail again. Some people pay heavily if that happens again in America! The vote was not going for Obama in the last election, so a huge number of military votes were "Lost" in the military mail. We won't stand for such corrupt and fraudulent voting tactics again. And Soros, we are watching you and you will be prosecuted beyond human imagination if you try to rig any future elections with your tricks which we know what they are! Enough said!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who believes in the saying of Thomas Jefferson, "The entire art of government consists in being honest!" I have cynically at times said that Washington, D.C. would say back to Thomas Jefferson if alive today, "Mr. Thomas Jefferson, you are an idiot!  The entire art of government consists in being dishonest, not honest!" American people, you want an honest government and future for America, push this report hard all over America and then vote on Nov. 4. You want an Islamic Republic under Obama and out to create maybe the biggest mass killing ever done by any leader over the nation that he ruled over, do nothing and let the evil win in America Nov. 4, 2014 on election day! Vigilance retains freedom. Laziness and indifference lets the evil take over and turn your life into utter hell on earth! Decide the future of America by what you do now!)



5 Natural Remedies Work For First Response Emergency Treatment For Heart Attacks, Strokes, Anaphylaxis, Internal Bleedin

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
5 Natural Remedies Work For First Response Emergency Treatment For Heart Attacks, Strokes, Anaphylaxis, Internal Bleedin
Posted By: LilliHart
Date: Tuesday, 28-Oct-2014 15:27:04

Serious medical emergencies can occur at any time and often strike when we are least prepared. Suffering a heart attack, stroke, severe allergic reaction or internal hemorrhaging is a terrifying experience and is even worse if it happens while you are home alone. There are a few natural remedies and techniques that can mean the difference between life and death in the event of a medical emergency. Educating yourself and others on these procedures may help to save somebody’s life, and will reduce the amount of long-term damage that is inflicted on the body. MORE: http://www.jbbardot.com/use-natural-remedies-for-first-response-emergency-treatment-for-heart-attacks-strokes-anaphylaxis-internal-bleeding/ 



JC ‏@JCR3758 1:58 pm est

Ok guys stop sending me so many DMs. Tweeter is going to "ban" 

me..lol. All is still in motion. Can't give you details. This week will be 

awesome and the public rollout should start late tonight. Keep calm. 

There are no delays. Timing only


 Subject: Graduation
> A young man was getting ready to graduate from collage for many months he
> had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealers showroom,
> and knowing his
> father could well afford it, he told him that was all he
> wanted.

> As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs
> that his father

> had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his
> graduation, his father

> called him into his private study, told him how proud he was
> to have such a
> fine son, and how much he loved him. He handed him a
> beautifully wrapped

> gift box.

> Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the
> box and found
> a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with his name embossed in
> gold. Angrily, he
> raised his voice to his father and said, "With all your
> money you give me a
> Bible?" He stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible
> behind.

> Many years passed and the young man was very successful in
> business. He

> old. He thought perhaps he should go to him. He had not seen
> him since that

> graduation day. But before he could make arrangements, he
> received a
> telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed
> all of his
> possessions to him. He needed to come home immediately and
> take care of

> things.           
> When he arrived at his father's house, sadness and
> regret filled his
> heart. He began to search through his father's important
documents  and saw    
> the Bible, new, just as he had left it years ago. With
> tears, he opened the
> Bible and began to turn the pages. His father had carefully
> underlined a
> verse,
> Matt 7:11, "And if ye,
> being evil, know how to give good gifts to
> your
> children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father which is
> in Heaven, give
> to those who ask Him?" As he read those words, a car
> key dropped from the
> back of the Bible.It had a tag with the dealers name, the
> same dealer who
> had the sports car he had desired.

> On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the
> words...PAID IN FULL.
> How many times do we miss God's blessings because they
> are not packaged as
> we expected?
> If this touched your heart, please pass it on!! Please read before you
> go home or
> you are at home already, read this to the end.

> My name is God. You hardly have time for me. I love you and
> always bless you.

> I am always with you.  I need you to spend 30 mins of
> your time with Me

> today. Don't pray. Just praise. Today I want this
> message across the world
> before midnight. Will you help ?

> Please do not cut it and I'll help you with something
> that you are in need

> of. Just dare Me! A blessing is coming your way. Please drop
> everything & pass
> it on. Tomorrow will be the Best Day of your Life. Don't
> break this chain.

> Send this to 14 friends in 10 mins. The Clock Starts
> Now!

Time Travel Is Possible: How to Send a Message to the Past

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
CGI's C-lo: Time Travel Is Possible: How to Send a Message to the Past
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 28-Oct-2014 13:20:26

A scientist's journey through grief, aspiration, affirmation, and a loop in time

By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times | October 24, 2014
The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In "Beyond Science" Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.
At the Follow the Truth: The Conspiracy Show Summit in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, on Nov. 16, Dr. Ron Mallett will talk about his work on sending information into the past. The summit will bring together researchers exploring the power of the mind, past lives, time travel, and more.
Dr. Ron Mallett is a celebrated theoretical physicist at the University of Connecticut, but he was once a little boy with a copy of “The Time Machine” by H.G. Wells. Mallett’s father died when Mallett was 10 years old, and when he read this book a year later the idea of traveling back in time to prevent his father’s death gripped his imagination.
It wasn’t a passing fancy. He studied physics in college, with a special interest in black holes. He figured that understanding black holes could help him understand time travel. At the time, black holes were considered “crazy, but at least it was a legitimate crazy,” Mallett said; time travel, on the other hand, was considered “crazy crazy.”
“I used black holes as a cover story,” he said with a laugh.
Albert Einstein described time as a 4th dimension and he said that time and space are connected, thus physicists talk of space-time. It is said that space-time bends and twists around rotating black holes. Mallett wondered if he could replicate these conditions here on Earth.
A couple of coincidences helped him figure out how.
When he graduated college, he wanted to start his research right away, but it was a time of recession and colleges weren’t readily hiring. He ended up working with lasers, learning about their cutting capabilities for industrial use. After two years of this work, he got the job he originally wanted at the University of Connecticut.
To understand the progress of his research, one must understand two of Einstein’s theories:
1. According to Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory, time is affected by speed. It’s already been proven in the lab that subatomic particles can be hurled into the future at high speeds. An accelerator has been used on particles known to disintegrate after a certain amount of time. The particles appear in the future, in a young state, without having disintegrating over the usual time period. The particles’ aging slows down as they speed up.
2. According to Einstein’s General Relativity Theory, time is also affected by gravity. It’s already been proven that clocks on satellites in orbit show a slight difference in time than clocks on Earth if they aren’t adjusted to compensate.
Dr. Mallett knew that gravity could affect time, and that light could create gravity. He pondered and pondered, and then his “Eureka” moment hit. Lasers!
He remembered from his earlier work with lasers that a ring laser creates circulating light. “Maybe circulating light will do the same thing to gravity that a rotating black hole would do,” he thought. He wondered if a ring laser could be used to twist space-time into a loop—present, future, and back to the past.
+A concept illustration of how a time machine could look. The lasers would create a circular movement of light, bending the time-space within the machine. (Screenshot of footage in Professor Chandra Roychoudhuri's laboratory, courtesy of Dr. Ron Mallett)
A concept illustration of how a time machine could look. The lasers would create a circular movement of light, bending the time-space within the machine. (Screenshot of footage in Professor Chandra Roychoudhuri’s laboratory, courtesy of Dr. Ron Mallett)
If the laser could create such a loop, information could be sent to the past in binary form. Neutrons spin, Mallet explained. A string of neutrons could be arranged so that some are up and some are down, representing 1s and 0s respectively, thus creating a binary message.
If Dr. Mallett had found the research job he wanted right out of college, he wouldn’t have worked with lasers and gained this knowledge that helped him so many years later. “I had something in my background that my colleagues who work in this area didn’t, so it was having that in my background that led me to that breakthrough, which I may not otherwise have had,” Dr. Mallett said.
Now for the hard part—testing this theory in mathematical equations. That’s where the second coincidence came in. Dr. Mallett was diagnosed with a heart condition shortly before he was struck with his inspiration to use ring lasers for time travel. He was on medical leave from many of his duties at work.
Without having to teach classes or perform committee duties, he was free to concentrate wholeheartedly on his research.
“If I hadn’t had that time, I don’t know if I would have been able to not only have the breakthrough, but also the time to work it out,” he said.
It took him six months to prove that circulating light could twist space. It took another couple of years to prove that the twisting of space could also twist time. Though it was a long, laborious effort, Dr. Mallett noted that it took Einstein 10 years to show that gravity affects time.
“It was worth it … to actually see the equations and to see that they predict that [time travel is possible] is a thrilling thing,” Dr. Mallett said.The next thrill came when a refereed journal published his first article on time travel.
With trepidation, he presented his findings to relativity experts at a conference held by The International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation. He was particularly nervous to talk about time travel in front of Dr. Bryce DeWitt, a prominent no-nonsense physicist who worked with Einstein. Dr. DeWitt spoke right before Dr. Mallett, a tough act to follow.
At the end of Dr. Mallett’s presentation, however, Dr. DeWitt got up in front of the whole audience and said, “I don’t know if you’ll get a chance to see your father again, but he’d be proud of you.”
In one short sentence, years of labor were validated, his aspirations realized, and his initial purpose fulfilled. Though he’d dreamt as a child of preventing his father’s death, he feels the discoveries he’s made, motivated by his father’s memory, are more than sufficient.
His father was the object of great love and admiration in the young Dr. Mallett’s life. His mother worked hard to support Mallett and his three siblings in the Bronx borough of New York City. It wasn’t easy especially in the 1950s as an African American woman to earn a living and the family fell into poverty. He realizes how hard it must have been for her, only 30 years old at the time, to lose her husband to a heart attack so young and to work to raise her children.
Dr. Mallett wrote about his personal journey as well as his discovery in his book, “Time Traveler: A Scientist’s Personal Mission to Make Time Travel a Reality.”



OMEGA MAN platform is hopeful for WED...10 29 AND if the IQD is on forex, albeit still at the 1100 range, that, is a major step; expect to go long on the IQD...shortly...and VND, et al

Goomba1 October 28, 2014 at 11:22am I have received an e-mail from Private Group at the Reno, NV. Exchange. Funds to flow This WEEK.....   STRAIGHT CRAPOLA !!!

R.V. / GCR October 28, 2014 at 11:29am Don't know what time to look but today is the supposed day.........TIMBER

johnk >  If Chase exchanging F&F, what is the rate?



It has already started.....

example at the local Sporting Goods Store. 

When I was ready to pay for my purchases
of gun powder and bullets, the Cashier said
          "Strip Down!.... Facing Me!"
Making a Mental Note to complain to the NRA
about these gun-control wackos running amok,
I did as SHE had instructed.

When the hysterical shrieking and alarms finally
subsided, I found out that SHE was referring to
HOW I should place my credit card into the Card

So now I have been asked to shop elsewhere in
the future.  I told them that THEY need to make
instructions to Seniors a little clearer.

However I still do not think I looked all that bad......

AUTO TRIVIA AT ITS FINEST......................................................

Subject: Auto Trivia

 ......to all of you who know cars,  like cars or hate cars, this is the trivia you've been waiting for.....

Q: What was the first official White House car?

A: A 1909 White Steamer, ordered by President Taft.

Q: Who opened the first drive-in gas station?

A: Gulf opened up the first station in Pittsburgh in 1913.

Q: What city was the first to use parking meters?

A: Oklahoma City, on July 16, 1935.

Q: Where was the first drive-in restaurant?

A: Royce Hailey's Pig Stand opened in Dallas in 1921.

Q: True or False?  The 1953 Corvette came in white, red and black.

A: False. The 1953 'Vett's were available in one color, Polo White.

Q: What was Ford's answer to the Chevy Corvette,
and other legal street racers of the 1960's?

A: Carroll Shelby's Mustang GT350.

Q: What was the first car fitted with an alternator,
rather than a direct current dynamo?

A: The 1960 Plymouth Valiant

Q: What was the first car fitted with
a replaceable cartridge oil filter?

A: The 1924 Chrysler.

Q: What was the first car to be
offered with a "perpetual guarantee"?

A: The 1904 Acme, from Reading, PA. Perpetuity
was disturbing in this case, as Acme closed down in 1911.

Q: What American luxury automaker began
by making cages for birds and squirrels?

A: The George N. Pierce Co. of Buffalo, who made
the Pierce Arrow, also made iceboxes.

Q: What car first referred to itself as a convertible?

A: The 1904 Thomas Flyer, which had a removable hard top.

Q: What car was the first to have it's radio
antenna embedded in the windshield?

A: The 1969 Pontiac Grand Prix.

Q: What car used the first successful
series-production hydraulic valve lifters?

A: The 1930 Cadillac 452, the first production V16

Q: Where was the World's first
three-color traffic lights installed?

A: Detroit, Michigan in 1919. Two years later
they experimented with synchronized lights.

Q: What type of car had the distinction of being
GM's 100 millionth car built in the U.S.?

A: March 16, 1966 saw an Olds Tornado roll
out of Lansing, Michigan with that honor.

Q: Where was the first drive-in
movie theater opened, and when?

A: Camden, NJ in 1933

Q: What autos were the first to use a
standardized production key-start system?

A: The 1949 Chryslers

Q: What did the Olds designation 4-4-2 stand for?

A: 4 barrel carburetor, 4 speed
transmission, and dual exhaust.

Q: What car was the first to place the
horn button in the center of the steering wheel?

A: The 1915 Scripps-Booth Model C. The car also
was the first with electric door latches.

Q: What U.S. production car had the quickest 0-60 mph time?

A: The 1962 Chevrolet Impala SS 409.

Q: What's the only car to appear simultaneously
on the covers of Time and Newsweek?

A: The Mustang

Q: What was the lowest priced mass produced American car?

A: The 1925 Ford Model T Runabout. Cost $260, $5 less than 1924.

Q: What is the fastest internal-combustion American production car?

A: The 1998 Dodge Viper GETS-R, tested by
Motor Trend magazine at 192.6 mph.

Q: What automaker's first logo incorporated the Star of David?

A: The Dodge Brothers.

Q: Who wrote to Henry Ford, "I have drove fords exclusively when I could get away with one It has got every other car skinned, and even if my business hasn't been strictly legal it don't hurt anything to tell you what a fine car you got in the V-8"?

A: Clyde Barrow (of Bonnie and Clyde) in 1934.

Q: What car was the first production V12, as well
as the first production car with aluminum pistons?

A: The 1915 Packard Twin-Six. Used during WWI in Italy,
these motors inspired Enzi Ferrari to
adopt the V12 himself in 1948.

Q: What was the first car to use power operated seats?

A: They were first used on the 1947 Packard line.

Q: Which of the Chrysler "letter cars" sold the fewest amount?

A: Only 400, 1963, 300J's were sold
(they skipped" "I" because it looked like a number 1)

Q: What car company was originally
known as Swallow Sidecars (aka SS)?

A: Jaguar, which was an SS model first in 1935,
and ultimately the whole company by 1945.

Q: What car delivered the first production V12 engine?

A: The cylinder wars were kicked off in 1915 after
Packard's chief engineer, Col. Jesse Vincent,
introduced its Twin-Six.

Q: When were seat belts first fitted to a motor vehicle?

A: In 1902, in a Baker Electric streamliner racer which
crashed at 100 mph. on Staten Island!

Q: In January 1930, Cadillac debuted it's V16 in a car named
for a theatrical version of a 1920's film seen by Harley Earl
while designing the body, What's that name?

A: The "Madam X", a custom coach designed by Earl
and built by Fleetwood. The sedan featured a
retractable landau top above the rear seat.

Q: Which car company started out German,
yet became French after WWI?

A: Bugati, founded in Molsheim in 1909, became
French when Alsace returned to French rule.

Q: In what model year did Cadillac
introduce the first electric sunroof?

A: 1969

Q: What U.S. production car had the largest 4 cylinder engine?

A: The 1907 Thomas sported a 571 cu. in. (9.2liter) engine.

Q: What car was reportedly designed on the back of a Northwest Airlines airsickness bag and released on April Fool's Day, 1970?

A: 1970 Gremlin, (AMC)

Q: What is the Spirit of Ecstasy?

A: The official name of the mascot of Rolls Royce,
she is the lady on top of their radiators.
Also known as "Nellie in her nighty".

Q: What was the inspiration for MG's famed octagon-shaped badge?

A: The shape of founder Cecil Kimber's dining table.
MG stands for Morris Garages.

Q: In what year did the "double-R" Rolls
Royce badge change from red to black?

A: 1933


Ford, who made the first pick-up trucks, shipped them to dealers in crates that the new owners had to assemble using the crates as the beds of the trucks.
The new owners had to go to the dealers to get them, thus they had to "pick-up" the trucks.
And now you know the "rest of the story"

The Clinton joke is on us

The Clinton joke is on us
The Clinton joke is on us ... but it is not funny, even
if you are a lefty         
     Clinton's 20 Acre - $11 million mansion
        Read how the joke's on us!
Hillary Rodham Clinton, as a New York State Senator, now comes under this fancy "Congressional Retirement and Staffing Plan," which means that even if she never gets re-elected, she STILL receives her Congressional salary until she dies.      

If Bill out-lives her, he then inherits HER salary until He dies. He is already getting his Presidential salary until he dies. If Hillary out-lives Bill, she also gets HIS salary until she dies. Guess who pays for that? WE DO.

It's common knowledge that in order for her to establish NY residency, they purchased a million dollar-plus house in upscale Chappaqua. New York .. Makes sense. They are entitled to Secret Service protection for life. Still makes sense.

Here is where it becomes interesting. Their mortgage payments  hover at around $10,000 per month. BUT,
An extra residence HAD to be built by the Government within the acreage to house the Secret Service agents.
Any improvement to property is owned by the property owners... the Clinton 's.
SO.....the Clinton 's charge the Federal government $10,000 monthly rent for the use of that extra residence to house the Secret Service staff, which is just about equal to their mortgage payment.

The ONLY EX-president to use this loophole. This means that we, the taxpayers, pay the Clinton 's salary, mortgage, transportation, safety and security, as well as the salaries for their 12 man staff and this is all perfectly legal!
When she runs for President, will you vote for her?
  How many people will YOU send this to?