Wednesday, October 29, 2014



Sep 14, 1998 ... Clinton CFR Speech "If a President of the United States ever lied to the. American people"

By now you should have figured out these Presidents are trying to overthrow the Nation and kill off the People anyway they can.. now it's allowing illegal aliens with here-to fore U/K DISEASES in this nation, or diseases that were killed off years ago in the U.S.A.

Barack Obama, Sr. and Ann on his return visit to Hawaii, December 1971
During Obama’s campaign for the 2008 presidential election he portrayed his mother as a conservative girl from Kansas; however in reality she was a radical leftist and cutural Marxist.  She lived in the Seattle area; spending her teenage years in Seattle’s coffee shops with other young leftist radicals. Obama claims his mother’s family were conserevative Methodists or Baptists from Kansas. However his mother’s parents were members of a left-wing Unitarian church near Seattle. The church located in Bellevue, Washington was nicknamed “the little red church,” because of it’s communist leanings.

The school Ann attended, Mercer Island High School, was a hotbed of pro-Marxist radical teachers. John Stenhouse, board member, told the House Un-American Activities Subcommittee that he had been a member of the Communist Party USA and this school has a number of Marxists on it’s staff. Two teachers at this school, Val Foubert and Jim Wichterman, both Frankfurt School style Marxists, taught a critical theory curriculum to students which included; rejection of societal norms, attacks on Christianity, the traditional family, and assigned readings by Karl Marx. The hallway between Foubert’s and Wichterman classrooms was sometimes called “anarchy ally.”
Dunham has been described by her friends as “a fellow traveler…” meaning a communist sympathizer. [6]
In an interview, Barack Obama referred to his mother as “the dominant figure in my formative years… The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of politics.”

Memo: Obama Eyes Bringing Foreign Ebola Patients to US

Tuesday, 28 Oct 2014 08:08 PM
By Greg Richter

Read Latest Breaking News from
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!


Did you know he and his wife left Arkansas a tad under $300,000.00 in debt, the wife absconded with the Yellow Diamond that the State of Arkansas loaned her which she never returned.. and that little $300K Debt along with the CFR and the Office of Public Trust called the Office of the President of the United States.. with cutting a deal here and there.. or here a deal there a deal.. end up with a 20 Acre Estate, a Mansion, and life time pensions, guards, staff etc..  Oh well.. it's Politics you say..

Ever notice where the politics of these Nazi-Fascist, and Marxists, -Communist presidents have tried to make the world believe THE CONSTITUTION IS JUST A G#D Damned piece of paper as they destroyed the International Good Faith and Credit of this Nation with "Bogus Derivatives"...?

Sep 14, 1998 ... Clinton CFR Speech - Sept. 14, 1998. clinton_face.gif (49243 bytes). "If a President of the United States ever lied to the. American people



During the 1980s, Lee Wanta was brought into the White House as the first National Intelligence Coordinator. He was tasked by President Reagan and CIA Director William Colby to destabilize the Soviet Union through establishment, with funds from the US Treasury, of a worldwide currency trading scheme.

Wanta, with the help of Reagan, amassed a fortune of $27 trillion, funds earmarked by Reagan to pay America’s national debt, restore the nation’s infrastructure and fund a world free of debt based currencies.

However, after Reagan left office and George H.W. Bush assumed the Presidency, Wanta was kidnapped and imprisoned in Switzerland, transferred to an American prison where he was held without due process for years and the money disappeared, taken by the Bush family.
The rest is history, stolen elections, 9/11, war upon war, and a world that has descended into crashing debt with nearly every currency floating on “air,” derivatives and a sea of Rothschild debt.

Who influenced Ronald Reagan into executing Executive Order 12333?  Could it be..
UP FRONT AND IN YOUR FACE.. We have a Big time NAVY LEAGUE problem.. starting at the very TOP of the US CORPORATE GOVERNMENT, the Corporate US House and Senate. Beginning with the individual disclosed in DEATH BED STATEMENT OTTO SKORZENY i.e. former president of the United States G.H.W. Bush confirmed by former NAZI associate “Otto Skorzeny”

Per: Earl Hightower [Senior International Corporate Counsel Tennaco Oil Corp]; The meeting consisted of personages such as the details, and the agenda of that meeting at

HUD scams dealt with insurance premiums. People buying properties with mortgages provided by HUD paid mortgage
insurance premiums up front for the life of the loan, amounting to several thousands dollars on each HUD transaction.
Formerly, the buyer of HUD properties paid their insurance premiums on a monthly basis with their mortgage payments.
But in 1983, the same Congress that passed legislation making the looting of savings and loans possible, passed legislation
known as “HURRA” (Housing and Urban- Rural Recovery Act), pushed by Philip Winn, one of Denver’s high flyers, requiring
the mortgage insurance premiums to be paid up front.
CIA asset Gunther Russbacher described to me how this worked, as he saw when he headed Red Hill Savings and Loan.
He said that this was another of the many CIA scams that defrauded the American people of many millions of dollars.
It is probable that the CIA involvement in this scam is what kept the Justice Department from prosecuting those guilty
of the mortgage premium insurance fraud.
Russbacher described how the scram worked:
  They were using reinsurance companies with policy premiums that were never paid. Money was paid for the reinsurance
but it was never paid [to the reinsurers]. The policy money, the premiums, were never paid in to where the policies were active.
American International Groups was one of the big ones [involved in the scam]. Transatlantic Holdings was involved, as well as
Transpacific Holdings. Maurice Greenberg, a close associate of Denver’s Leonard Millman, headed some of these companies.
Dublin International Insurance was part of AI [American International]. We insured Putnam and Company.
  Upon close of escrow, the insurance premiums were to be sent to brokerage companies that would then order the mortgage
insurance. Among the companies involved in these activities was the American International Group, headquartered in New York.
AIG was at the head of hundreds of companies and trusts throughout the world, and reportedly headed by Maurice Greenberg,
a close friend of Denver-based Leonard Millman.

AIG owned other companies involved in these activities, including Transatlantic Holdings and Putnam Reinsurance, which are
in the reinsurance business. continued;read=141853

Stew Webb another Investigative Journalist tangled with “MILLMAN”.. as did Durham Holding Trust and
Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd;   Cash payoffs, bonds and murder linked to White House 911 finance
 an as yet unidentified operation; however, a far more important piece with more “congressional and senate bad
boys covering up the financial frauds..

(Posted 11.10.05)
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Office of Deputy Attorney General
Washington, D.C.
Declassified by James A. Baker

Mary Jo White
United States Attorney
Southern District of New York
Louis Freech
Federal Bureau of Investigation
LOUIS FREECH [Freeh?] comes under Presidential scrutiny ..
Pegasus Targets Freeh – On Orders From The President.  The attack on Freeh sends a clear message. “We are aware of your intentions. Stand Down or Pay the Price.”

"General Questions to Ask Wealth Advisors" Posted by Exogen at Stage3Alpha

"General Questions to Ask Wealth Advisors" Posted by Exogen at Stage3Alpha


General Questions to Ask Wealth Advisors

Choose the questions that are most relevant for your situation

When interviewing a wealth advisor, it is important to ask the right questions and know how to interpret the answers.  Here are select questions to get you started.  I

In a formal selection process the family should come up with additional relevantquestions that will isolate important criteria.

Firm Background and Ownership

    When was the firm founded?

    When did the firm begin providing wealth advisory services? What was the impetus behind the creation of the multi-family office business, if applicable?

    What is the firm’s organizational structure? If family-owned, what is the percentage of the family s interest?
    What is the firm’s ownership structure? If family-owned, what is the percentage of the family’s interest?

    Does the firm develop an annual strategic plan? If so, what are primary initiatives for the firm in the next two years?

    What is the firm’s stated mission?

    Is the firm a Registered under the 1940 Act of the Securities and Exchange Commission? Please provide a copy of the firm’s ADV Parts I & II filed annually with the SEC.


    Describe your expertise in each of the following service areas:

        wealth transfer planning

         financial planning

        foundation and philanthropic planning

        investment management

        performance analysis

        tax planning and tax compliance

        bill paying and cashflow management

        client education process

    What are your areas of greatest strength when providing wealth advisory services?

    What new services/service enhancements are you planning to introduce in the next year?

    What aspects of your business distinguish you from your competition?

    Do you work with outside investment consultants to enhance your research?

Client Relationships

    How many family relationships does your weath advisory business have? What is the distribution of clients by type (business owners, wealth owners, wealthinheritors, foundation, etc.)?

    How many new clients have you added/lost in each of the past three years?

    What percentage of your clients are full-service relationships? What services do you typically provide to the clients that don’t use your firm for all services?

    How do you get new business? Do you have an active new business development effort?

    What are current assets under management?

    Please provide a breakdown of:

        growth in new assets due to new client business over the past three years

        growth in assets due to new assets from existing clients

         loss of assets due to client attrition in the past three years

    Provide references from three clients that have worked with your firm for at least three years?

    What were the reasons why former clients terminated your services in the past three years?


    How many employees do you have in each major department? Provide a breakdown of employees in the following categories:

        senior relationship managers

        investment professionals

        tax and accounting professionals

        philanthropy specialists

        information technology professionals

        marketing professionals

        operational/back-office personnel

        administrative staff

    How is the typical relationship management team structured? And how is technical expertise provided to support the relationship team?

    How are the relationship managers compensated? If they are paid incentive compensation, what is that basedupon? Do they share in firm profits?

    What is the typical account load for a relationship manager?

    Please provide the biographies for senior management and key personnel who would service my account.

    Provide the number of employee hires and terminations/resignations for the past three years.

Client Servicing and Reporting

    How do you most frequently communicate with clients?

    Do you have regularly scheduled client meetings? If so, what is the frequency and who typically represents the firm?

    How do you interact with the clients’ other key advisors?

    Do you provide electronic versions of client reports? Do clients have on-line access to their reports?

    What is the ?

Client Education and Research

    What kind of client education do you provide?

    Do you offer formal seminars or other educational opportunities?

    Do you publish research or newsletters for your clients benefit? Please include a list of research papers distributed to clients with the date of publication.

Pricing and Fees

    Do you have a published fee schedule? If so, please provide. If not, please describe how you determine a fee for a new client.

    Is there a minimum account size or minimum fee requirement?

    How does the fee structure differ for different client types?

    Do you offer any performance-based fees? As an alternative to basis points?

    Do you accept soft dollars from any product providers?

    Do you accept fees of any other type of service providers? If so, under what circumstances?

Here’s What Mad-As-Hell Sheriff Joe Just Said He’ll Do To Stop Obama’s Amnesty "This has to stop..."

Here’s What Mad-As-Hell Sheriff Joe Just Said He’ll Do To Stop Obama’s Amnesty
"This has to stop..."
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 Norvell Rose — October 28, 2014
The suspect in the California shooting rampage that left two sheriff’s deputies dead was known to law enforcement in Arizona, specifically to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The alleged killer reportedly had been in Arpaio’s jail, but had twice been turned over to ICE and then deported…only to return to the United States.
Identified as Luis Bracamonte, he surrendered Friday afternoon in Auburn, Calif., after an intense manhunt that lasted several hours. Bracamonte was arrested in Maricopa County in 1996 on drug-related charges and was previously deported, Arpaio says.
Sheriff Joe was visibly angry when he appeared on “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” telling the Fox News host that he will call for a congressional investigation into the federal government’s repeated release of illegal immigrants like murder suspect Bracamonte.
“This has to stop when these guys keep coming back,” said the Maricopa County lawman.
You can see Cavuto’s interview with Sheriff Joe by clicking on the video above.


To those who have taken the Oath, Remember the Oath!
To those who have not and believe in the Constitution,
Take a similar Oath now to the Constitution!
Remember that those who make laws contrary to the Constitution,
Those who enforce laws contrary to the Constitution,
And those who give orders contrary to the Constitution,
Have become domestic enemies of the Constitution!
It doesn't take a Judge or a lawyer to know the difference!

All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 164, 176. (1803)
"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 491.
"An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed." Norton vs. Shelby County, 118 US 425, 442.
Teddy's Answer to Diversity!


Walter Burien - Who is taking our Tax Money?... Sucking 15-20 Trillion $s from the World Economy-

Governments seize colloidal silver, TIME TO PROTEST, THE BAD GUYS WANT YOU DEAD

Colloidal silver is an excellent natural aid in fight against Ebola and viruses in general. So. . . . why do you think the U.S. Government would do that?


Craig's list ad -- Read it closely folks ... a good one!


To the Guy Who Tried to Mug Me in Downtown Savannah night before last.
Date: 2011-11-27, 1:43 am. E.S.T.
I was the guy wearing the black Burberry jacket that you demanded that I hand over shortly after you pulled the knife on me and my girlfriend, threatening our lives. You also asked for my girlfriend's purse and earrings. I can only hope that you somehow come across this rather important message.
First, I'd like to apologize for your embarrassment. I didn't expect you to actually crap in your pants when I drew my pistol after you took my jacket. The evening was not that cold, and I was wearing the jacket for a reason... my girlfriend was happy that I just returned safely from my 2nd tour as a Combat Marine in Afghanistan .. She had just bought me that Kimber Custom Model 1911 .45 ACP pistol for my birthday, and we had picked up a shoulder holster for it that very evening. Obviously you agree that it is a very intimidating weapon when pointed at your head ... isn't it?!
I know it probably wasn't fun walking back to wherever you'd come from with crap in your pants. I'm sure it was even worse walking bare-footed since I made you leave your shoes, cell phone and wallet with me. (That prevented you from calling or running to your buddies to come help mug us again).
After I called your mother, or "Momma" as you had her listed in your cell, I explained the entire episode of what you'd done. Then I went and filled up my gas tank as well as those of four other people in the gas station on your credit card. The guy with the big motor home took 153 gallons and was extremely grateful!
I gave your shoes to a homeless guy outside Vinnie Van Go Go's along with all the cash in your wallet. [That made his day!]
I then threw your wallet into the big pink "pimp mobile" that was parked at the curb .. after I broke the
windshield and side window and keyed the entire driver's side of the car.  Earlier, I managed to get in two threatening phone calls to the DA's office and one to the FBI, while mentioning
President Obama as my possible target.  The FBI guy seemed really intense and we had a nice long chat (I guess while he traced your number etc.)
In a way, perhaps I should apologize for not killing you ... but I feel this type of retribution is a far more appropriate punishment for your threatened crime. I wish you well as you try to sort through some of these rather immediate pressing issues, and can only hope that you have the opportunity to reflect upon and perhaps reconsider the career path you've chosen to pursue in life. Remember, next time you might not be so lucky. Have a good day!
Thoughtfully yours, Semper fi,

Probably don't have to ask you to forward this one,
it is priceless!


Date: Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 9:31 PM
Subject: RV/GCR UPDATE, 28 OCT


10-28-14 R.V. / GCR: 
Treasury is on lock down and a Black out right now. The problem seems to stem from the roll out of the United States note ....seems Obama has dragged his feet fifty ways to Sunday on this ...the United Nations has been in meetings all day to figure out what kind of fines to levy on America.

And Germany has just announced they will no longer take America’s fiat dollars ....this is huge as it will cascade down and cause a negative domino effect.

Ok the value is back to $3.58
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 5:56 PM

Paul Andrew Mitchell (political prisoner in the USA) letter writing campaign

Paul Andrew Mitchell (political prisoner in the USA) letter writing campaign

Date: 10/26/2014 8:05:50 AM
Subject: GOAL: 1,000 letters (Paul Andrew Mitchell letter writing campaign)
Message: Let's see if we can generate one thousand letters for Paul
(see TEMPLATE letter Paul has drafted for action by
Judge Douglas M. Harpool in Springfield, Missouri).

Ask 10 of your contacts to sign and mail that letter,
and ask each contact to ask another 10, and so on:

10 x 10 x 10

His challenge to the "not self-executing" Declaration in the
Senate's ICCPR ratification does have enormous potential.

Be sure to include overseas contacts as well e.g. in other
English-speaking countries that also ratified the ICCPR.

p.s.  Larry Saccato is acting as Paul's Legal Assistant,
"Next Friend", and Interim Trustee of Paul's private Estate:

Larry's email address:  <>

MANY THANKS, everyone!

Date: 10/26/2014 8:06:18 AM
Subject: PAM letter writing campaign (pls forward widely)
Hon. Douglas M. Harpool
United States District Judge
c/o Clerk of Court, USDC/WDMO/Southern Division
222 N. John Q. Hammons Parkway, Room 1400
Springfield 65806-2515
Missouri, USA

Dear Judge Harpool,

I am writing with sincere concern for the plight of political prisoner
Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S., now detained at USMCFP in
Springfield, Missouri, under highly suspicious circumstances.

On good authority we are now told that the Federal District Court
in Cheyenne, Wyoming, never perfected jurisdiction in personam,
chiefly because of missing -and- defective credentials e.g. Oaths of Office
for Nancy D. Freudenthal and Stephan Harris, among several others.

Consequently, it appears your Court now has jurisdiction in personam,
by virtue of U.S. ex rel. Mitchell v. Freudenthal et al., as mailed to
your Clerk of Court on October 9, 2014, from the USMCFP Mail Room.
See, for example, 31 U.S.C. 3730(h) (relief from retaliatory actions).

We are also extremely interested to learn recently that Paul now intends
to challenge the "not self-executing" Declaration in the U.S. Senate's
ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ("ICCPR")
for violating the Petition Clause in the First Amendment (read "the Right
conservative of all other rights").  On the Internet, please see:


A favorable ruling by your Court on that challenge has the real potential
to open flood gates of valuable and beneficial human rights litigation  --
not only in America, but in other States Party to that important Treaty.

America needs and deserves a private right of action to enforce the ICCPR
i.e. effective judicial remedies for violations of our Fundamental Rights
notwithstanding that the violations were committed by persons acting
in some official capacity.

Such a wise precedent may also begin to reverse the steady decline
we observe in the reputation of the Federal Judiciary across the board.

Please reply with the correct Docket number, so that we may file
correspondence in support of the REMEDIES REQUESTED by Paul's
"Qui Tam" Joinders, etc.

Thank you for your time and attention, Judge Harpool.

p.s. We do not need any repeats of Dr. Sell's ordeal!
See Washington v. Harper, 494 U.S. 210 (1990).

Sincerely yours,
APPLICATION FOR DISQUALIFICATIONS: 28 USC 144 (containing AFFIDAVIT OF BIAS AND PREJUDICE & DEMAND FOR RECUSAL as well as NOTICE TO COUNSELS: USA v. Hill et al. & NOTICE OF ERRORS re: Harris & Harris, P.C.) - from Paul Andrew Mitchell USMCFP/Springfield

The BRICS came near losing Brazil - No thanks to Soros

Here is a link from rumormillnews.con concerning the fact George Soros is using his evil money to try and influence elections, this time Brazil.

Since Mr. Putin has an international warrant out for his arrest, would it be possible for the Patriots to arrest this evil bastard? As I have said several times, make these evil bastards disappear if you have to.

Thanks again.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
The BRICS came near losing Brazil - No thanks to Soros
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 29-Oct-2014 00:14:58

Never Ever forget that they all all on the same team. It's an ILLUSION of choice.
The United States needed just three more percent to get rid of Russia's BRICS ally, Brazilian leader Dilma Rousseff. Money and experience of George Soros was used along with manipulations in electronic vote counting, but it was probably a miracle that did not let that happen. Such miracles do not repeat twice, though. Russia should support loyal governments in Latin America, as they will contribute to the creation of the new world order, of which Putin spoke in Sochi.
Many were surprised about the skyrocketing popularity of Aecio Neves - the candidate from the Social Democratic Party of Brazil (PSDB) - from 15 to 33.5 percent three weeks before the second round, and by 14.5 points - in the last 72 hours before the vote. Surprisingly, according to all forecasts, Neves was not supposed to partake in the second round, but he did, having lost to (who do you think?) protege of George Soros, the prime sponsor of "color revolutions," - Marina Silva of the Socialist Party (PS). She joined the election race after PS former leader Edward Campos was killed in a staged air crash. Apparently, Soros could not come to an agreement with him, Wayne Madsen, a journalist and columnist with the Strategic Culture Foundation believes. Madsen is a career officer of the US Navy, a programmer, a commentator in the field of national security policy on Fox News, as well as ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera and MS-NBC networks. In a nutshell, he is a professional who knows what he is talking about.
Betting on Marina Silva as the person who took Dilma Rousseff's 20 million votes in the 2010 election, Soros lost the first round. Then came the turn to bet on Aecio Neves. Yet, PSDM was losing all elections to the Workers' Party (PT), starting from the first victory of Lula in 2002 (first president from PT was Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva). Neves had chances, although they were slim in fair elections. Therefore, another factor was used, namely the falsification of electronic voting. The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) purchased counting machines from US-based company Diebold.
Brazilian IT-experts say that they were the machines that were used to fabricate the 2004 elections in the US, when Republican George W. Bush won against Democratic Senator John Kerry. The scandal ended with a manual recount, a criminal case against Diebold and penalties in the amount of 2.5 million dollars that the company had to pay. Brazilian bloggers say that the technical servicing for the machines was provided by the firm called PROBAN, whose leaders were included on the lists of Neves's campaign coordinators.
Central Brazilian media outlets, funded by US NGOs, were actively discrediting Dilma Rousseff. "The media were speculating on the subject of corruption in the government-controlled oil company Petrobras. This became another reason for the vote loss, - Brazilian journalist and blogger Armando Barreto told Pravda.Ru. Officials of the country's biggest companies found themselves involved in the scandal, along with commercial banks, speculating on currency exchange rates, and politicians from different parties. It was reported that about $5 billion was misused.
After Aecio Neves left Marina Silva behind and entered the second round, the media began to publish biased polls saying that Neves was ahead of Rousseff. "In a grip of emotions, he committed a gross mistake, which Dilma Rousseff took advantage of very well, - says Armando Barreto. - To please neo-liberals, he said that his future Minister of Finance will be Arminio Fraga, one of the largest financiers, a student of Brazil's mega-investor, George Soros. Arminio Fraga, in turn, said in an interview that it would be necessary to cut the powers of the National Development Bank (BNDS), Caixa Economica Bank and the Bank of Brazil. Al these institutions support social projects of the government. Furthermore, he said that strengthening the BRICS would not be a priority of his work. Obviously, voters responded to the possible curtailment of social programs, with the help of which Brazil halved the poverty level since 2003.
If Neves had won the presidential election in Brazil, one could have forgotten about Brazil as a BRICS member. The loss of such an ally would have cost too much to Russia. Obviously, no one thinks about it in Russia; no one learns the lessons from Ukraine. Why not taking advantage of the Soviet experience in Latin America? Indeed, in many countries, in Argentina for example, there is a large Russian diaspora. One must understand that pro-Russian governments in the face of Ortega, Morales, Castro, Correa and Maduro form a new world order, of which Putin spoke in Sochi last week. Why not setting up joint banks, for example?

David-Kevin: Lindsay live webinar from Victoria, November 8, 9

Subject: Fwd: David-Kevin: Lindsay live webinar from Victoria, November 8, 9


This Fall's Freedom Season continues!
With a Canadian and International Webinar featuring:

David-Kevin: Lindsay
of the Common Law Education and Rights Initiative

Live from Victoria, British Columbia       Nov. 8, 9th   2014

Available for all Canadians from Coast to Coast.

The most accurate, comprehensive and documented information on our Constitutional Right to Property, personhood 
and the Coronation Oath in Canadian freedom history!

All taxes are voluntary – and we prove it!
ü  CLEAR reveals the most powerful message on the impact of the Coronation Oath and its applicability in our Constitutional law to all aspects of life, including how the taxation statutes violate this part of our Constitution.

ü  We will provide the most comprehensive analysis and information on what a 'person' is at law, especially in relation to taxation statutes, and how you can cease having rights and duties under various tax legislation.  All supported by King's Counsel lawyers!

ü  We will define what property really is,* exactly where your property rights are already enshrined in our Constitution -- and the dangers of anyone trying to put property rights into the Charter.

          Did you know that in law, you cannot touch property?

ü    Take discretion out of law - learn the fundamentals of law and how they support your freedom to complete, voluntary taxation. Discover what a "right", "privilege", "liberty", "power", "duty", and other fundamental principles of law truly mean and their support to complete, voluntary taxation!  This is some of the most important new information you will learn - truly the secret of law.

Register Now!

We will present our solution to you on how we can Constitutionally refuse to pay unlawful income taxes and have the documented Constitutional law, and Her Majesty's word and promises, to support us.

This is the most revolutionary Constitutional education in Canadian freedom history. Learn how and when we have the Constitutional right (and DUTY!) to civil disobedience* (especially to tax statutes) and under all present circumstances!!!

     * More accurately this is 'civil obedience' as we conclusively show that it is the Monarch and governments who are breaking the law and their Constitutional          promises (and Oaths) to us. We are simply holding them to their Oaths and their word!

With 20 years of experience, research and over 350 court appearances in all levels of court in seven (7) provinces, David is one of the most knowledgeable, trusted and committed men to freedom in Canada.

We take the "compliance" out of "voluntary compliance"!!!

You don't want to miss this exciting, Constitutional presentation that will significantly change your views on the nature of taxation and Constitutional law in Canada!

The Solution is CLEAR!

Only $35 billion of the $585 billion alleged national debt, is principle.  The rest is usury/interest!   In addition to provincial and municipal alleged debts.

Russia just paid off its last WW1 debt about four (4) years ago!!!

We will provide you with our proposed solution to stop the present usury based monetary system, where the bankers steal and control OUR entire labour and wealth.

And when we do - there is no going back!!!  The gov't does not have the means to stop ORGANIZED ACTIVIST opposition to its unlawful actions.  Remember, it takes only 3% of the people to make a change - at most!  In a short time, we will have the number of people to effect the most positive change in Canadian history.

All changes begin by saying NO, and not complying with criminal governments. We will show you the Constitutional solution permitting you to refuse to allow the Queen to breach her Constitutional Oath and promises any further, and refuse to support, all taxation!

You have the Constitutional right to refuse to comply with statutes that are contrary to God’s laws!

Register Now!

This presentation is documented law - and is a must see event for all Canadians, and all members of the Commonwealth.    
All of our 600+ slides are numbered and the sources of all information relied upon documented for everyone to see and verify for themselves!  

See attachment for all details of this exciting live Webinar presentation from Victoria, B.C.

Information will be posted on Facebook and other locations within the coming week. Stay tuned!

Please feel free to write us back with any questions you may have and we look forward to seeing you soon!!

Resistance is not futile!


FINNICK ODAIR: What's interesting about the supposed Blaino deal is that he doesn't mention the Dong. He mentions the Zim. Someone I know and is a good guy told me the Zim would be offered in the private deals like Mark Messman and Admiral which apparently are tied together. Zim is the true superstar here if what we know and other things people don't know hold true.

 I'm for the first time really getting excited...I may be pulling something out o the bag tonight...RENO tonight?
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 8:57