Thursday, October 30, 2014


Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 10:19:51 PM

Hi All, this is an overview of information that we have received over these many months, once we have received the long awaited 800#

Please keep in a safe place (preferably with your dinars/dong) so it becomes readily accesible.

My email to group:

The RV is finally here , praise God !!!!!
time to call and make your appointment.

Making your Call,     every man for himself no groups
  • Be calm, do not panic,(the list below you get you started) be professional and courteous.  
  • Do not be demanding or you will be put at the back of the line.  
  • There will be no tolerance for any disruptive people. 
  • Not that I expect any of us would be, just giving that facts.
Here is the #800’s choose whatever bank you please from this list. 
You can set up a new account at your appointment. 
All banks are supposed to have the same rate, give or take a penny, so it may not matter which bank you go to.

Websites to find the 800#'s after I send you a text message that the RV has happened

·       You are requesting an appointment to do a ………………… 

·       NOT ! cashing-in  and do not talk about this being an investment.   FOR TAX IMPLICATIONS. 
·      You are exchanging IQN (Iraq Dinar) VNN (Vietnamese dong) if you have it
·      Take the following items. 
 ID – drivers license, passport,
 Proof of address, Utility bill, etc.
 Receipts for purchase of currency, If you have them, don't worry too much about this, at this time
 Letter of authenticity if you have it.
(You may not need it at this point but it would be better to be safe than sorry.)
·      Open a new account – Keep your IQN is a segregated account, do not co-mingle these funds with any other funds. You should be able to do this at the time of your exchange.
·      If you have other currencies open a second account for these funds.
·      Rate of return-
 There will be an international rate. At this time we do not know if it will be a fixed rate or if it will float. The rate as of this moment is expected to be $3.58.  If it floats the price could go up or go down. So if you want to gamble you could get a better rate if you don’t rush in.
 Contract Rates- there are supposed to be contract rates available for a few folks who get in early and pursue the highest yield you can get for your currency. Simply ask to see the contract rates and you are interested in getting the highest yield for your currency. If you choose to go after a contract rate you must understand that you will have to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement). This agreement will require your absolute silence about what you got or how you got it, under the penalty of confiscation or funds and possibly jail time.If you know yourself and do not believe you can keep your mouth shut then don't take it. 


·      Can I get a # for the Wealth Manager
·      You should not pay fees every again (If you have more than a Million)
·      Mark your account to be private and protected from tellers or anyone’s eyes.
·      How is my money insured   
·      What other services are available for me through the bank,..... i.e. free trust setup, tax attorney, tax preparation, etc.
·      Are there sudden wealth classes for family
·      Can I get a line of Line of credit 
·      Will I get a black card
·      direct line to private banker
This is just a short list of what you might ask for, we will be getting an education as these progresses and we can talk in the near future and share what we are all learning.  Once I send you the #800 Please do not call me, I will be doing my exchange and taking care of business.Simply make your appointment and do your Exchange. We will be getting together very soon.    God Bless !!!!

-- Edited by Al on Wednesday 29th of October 2014 01:38:06 PM 


10-29-2014  Intel Guru TNT Tony  Over the weekend, Iraq did ask for an extension to pass some laws they thought they needed[Do you think the negotiations are finished?]  I think they’ve finished. The banks must believe it, or they wouldn’t be bringing all these people into the banks and walking them through the process. Banks that haven’t been engaged for months have been bringing their people back in.

 [Will we be at the bank this week?]  I never thought we’d get to this week because I know we were supposed to be in the banks last Thursday! The banks had people in, and Iraq told their people this is it – last week!   I still think the weekend makes sense, but they could do anything at this point. Everyone is gearing up for now, but they could drag it out for another week, I don’t know. The rate has gone back to $3+, though we don’t’ know for sure where that will come out. [Do you really think we are there now?]  Yes, the amount of preparation that’s gone on in the last 48 hours shows that something big is going on.

29-2014  Intel Guru DC    In the US, on blackout in the UST, IMF, law enforcement, in Congressional advisory positions, all the rest – everyone is in a high, intense level of readiness. They are not doing that for fun or because this is weeks off. The banks are on super-standby.  [Could this possibly come out in the middle of the night?] Many believe it will come out 2 - 5am. Another large contingent of bankers prefers middle of the day. They have nearly done it many, many times – in both time frames.   [Do you really think it will come before this weekend?]  I think everyone is cued up for this to go before the weekend, but I get nervous about giving exact times. However, it doesn’t make sense to me that people have been called in and then this doesn’t happen for five or six days. We strongly believe that everyone is on lock down and blackout because they are ready – bankers, law enforcement, security and all the rest. Iraq is extremely ready to get this done.



R.V. / GCR 
October 30, 2014 at 7:52am what happened last night......the two 

signatories that were in place did their thing at 2 am eastern as the 

corporation of America was declared Bankrupt and they turned on the

 new banking system…. thats what happened last night… so you all 

know where we are at today. have a great day…. lets see this finished 

…its not everyday the corporation gets declared as bankrupt , and how 

often do we hear the new bank system was turned on.................Happy day closer

 October 30, 2014 at 12:14am one more......JC ‏@JCR3758   There is 

literally no turning back now. We will be in the banks very shortly. We 

will finish the month strong.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


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Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Has the mystery of what happened to Amelia Earhart finally been solved?
A new report says a fragment of the lost aviator’s aircraft “has been identified to a high degree of certainty for the first time ever” since her plane vanished over the Pacific Ocean on July 2, 1937.
Earhart had been attempting a record-setting flight around the world at the equator.
According to Discovery News, new research strongly suggests a piece of aluminum aircraft debris recovered in 1991 from Nikumaroro, an uninhabited atoll in the southwestern Pacific republic of Kiribati, does belong to Earhart’s twin-engined Lockheed Electra.
An aluminum sheet that appears to match a part of Earhart's missing plane.
An aluminum sheet that appears to match a part of Earhart’s missing plane.
The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery, or TIGHAR, believes the aluminum sheet is a patch of metal installed on the Electra during Earhart’s eight-day stay in Miami, Florida, the fourth stop on her attempt to circumnavigate the globe 77 years ago.
It says the patch replaced a navigational window on the plane. A photograph in the Miami Herald shows the Electra departing for San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Tuesday, June 1, 1937 with a shiny patch of metal where the window had been.
“The Miami Patch was an expedient field repair,” Ric Gillespie, executive director of TIGHAR, told Discovery News. “Its complex fingerprint of dimensions, proportions, materials and rivet patterns was as unique to Earhart’s Electra as a fingerprint is to an individual.”
The light-colored aluminum patch can be seen toward the rear of Amelia Earhart’s plane as it taxis in Miami in 1937. (courtesy Miami Herald)
Discovery reports researchers went to Wichita Air Services in Newton, Kansas, and compared the dimensions and features of the Artifact 2-2-V-1, as the metal sheet found on Nikumaroro was called, with the structural components of a Lockheed Electra being restored to airworthy condition.
“The rivet pattern and other features on the 19-inch-wide by 23-inch-long Nikumaroro artifact matched the patch and lined up with the structural components of the Lockheed Electra. TIGHAR detailed the finding in a report on its website.
“This is the first time an artifact found on Nikumaroro has been shown to have a direct link to Amelia Earhart,” Gillespie said.
Discovery News states: “The breakthrough would prove that, contrary to what was generally believed, Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, did not crash in the Pacific Ocean, running out of fuel somewhere near their target destination of Howland Island.
“Instead, they made a forced landing on Nikumaroro’s smooth, flat coral reef. The two became castaways and eventually died on the atoll, which is some 350 miles southeast of Howland Island.”
Some believe other parts of Earhart's plane are visible in the waters off Nikumaroro.
Some believe other parts of Earhart’s plane are visible in the waters off Nikumaroro.
Gillespie and his team have recovered numerous artifacts over the course of 10 archaeological expeditions to Nikumaroro. Those items, along with archival research, provide strong circumstantial evidence for a castaway presence.
“Earhart sent radio distress calls for at least five nights before the Electra was washed into the ocean by rising tides and surf,” Gillespie said.


Back from the dust! The petrol-head's dream collection of Corvettes that lay forgotten in a hidden garage for 25 years

Back from the dust! The petrol-head's dream collection of Corvettes that lay forgotten in a hidden garage for 25 years

·        Corvettes that were once part of an artist's storied collection, but became dusty and fell into disrepair are being restored
·        The collection includes thirty-six sports vehicles that were released consecutively from 1953 to 1989
·        Artist Peter Max used to own the vehicles
·        Max sold the cars to members of the Heller family this summer, who will eventually sell the vehicles in an auction 

Corvettes that were once part of an artist's storied collection, but became dusty and fell into disrepair are being restored.
The collection includes thirty-six sports vehicles that were released consecutively from 1953 to 1989 and once belonged to artist Peter Max, The New York Times reported.
Max sold the cars to members of the Heller family this summer, who will eventually sell the vehicles in an auction, according to the newspaper.
New start: Thirty-six corvettes, known collectively as the Peter Max Corvettes, have been sold to new owners
New start: Thirty-six corvettes, known collectively as the Peter Max Corvettes, have been sold to new owners
Historic: Pop Art figure Peter Max owned 36 Corvette models, released consecutively from 1953 to 1989 
Original owner: Dennis Amodeo originally won the Corvettes through a 1989 VH1 call-in contest - and was contacted by Max about potentially incorporating the cars into his artwork
Original owner: Dennis Amodeo originally won the Corvettes through a 1989 VH1 call-in contest - and was contacted by Max about potentially incorporating the cars into his artwork
Dennis Amodeo originally won the Corvettes through a 1989 VH1 call-in contest - and was contacted by Max about potentially incorporating the cars into his artwork, The Times reported. 
Hemmings Daily reported on Max's purchase from Amodeo, stating 'Amodeo received $250,000 in cash, $250,000 in Peter Max artwork and an agreement that if Max sold the collection at a future date, Amodeo would get a portion of the proceeds, up to an agreed upon cap of $1 million.' 
Though Max began his plans with the cars, they were placed on the backburner following various issues, including a tax fraud case, according to the The Times. 
Scott Heller, one of the Corvette collection's buyers, assisted in transporting the Corvettes to the Flatiron district parking after their original West 40th Street garage went on the market thirteen years ago, The Times reported.
Up for grabs: Members of the Heller family, which purchased the Corvettes from Max, hope they are all auctioned off together
Up for grabs: Members of the Heller family, which purchased the Corvettes from Max, hope they are all auctioned off together
Secret treasure: The cars have been in Upper Manhattan since 2010, after being kept in both the Flatiron district then Prospect Heights 
Secret treasure: The cars have been in Upper Manhattan since 2010, after being kept in both the Flatiron district then Prospect Heights 
Soot: Many of the cars are dusty and have fallen into disrepair 
Soot: Many of the cars are dusty and have fallen into disrepair 
The cars have been in Upper Manhattan since 2010, following a stay in a Prospect Heights garage, according to the news outlet.

The Times reported that 'Scott Heller said that earlier this year he had offered to work with Mr. Max, restoring the cars for sale and splitting the proceeds. Mr. Max rejected the offer, he said. But Mr. Heller said that not long after, he was asked whether he wanted to buy the cars outright.'
He reportedly bought the cars with his two sons and his cousin Peter Heller, according to the media outlet.
Time travel: The Corvettes span a thirty-six year period of automobile design
Time travel: The Corvettes span a thirty-six year period of automobile design
Sporty: Artist Peter Max used to own all of the dusty Corvettes 
Sporty: Artist Peter Max used to own all of the dusty Corvettes 
The cars, many of which are damaged, include a 1953 vehicle that was only one of 300 produced, as well as vehicle from 1955 in which only 700 were produced, The Times reported.
Chris Mazilli, who is working with the new Corvette owners, told the newspaper they are looking for all the cars to be purchased together.
'The biggest thing for use was rescuing the cars,' he told The Times. 'It was a good thing [the Heller family] came along. And they’re going to do the right thing.'

Amodeo also told the newspaper 'I would like to see them out there when they’re done. That would be nice.'

10/29/2014 Sovereign Soldier Military Report - 29 Alien Factions Make 4,000 Do Perp Walk

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
10/29/2014 Sovereign Soldier Military Report - 29 Alien Factions Make 4,000 Do Perp Walk
Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 29-Oct-2014 18:07:51

Sovereign Soldier Military Report 10/29/2014 29 Alien Factions Make 3-4,000 Criminals Do Perp Walk
There are more than thousands of alien races interfacing with us that are unknown to us, apart from the more publicized ones.
The alien hierarchical control system used on we humans is also used to control other alien races that are on, in, or under, the surface of our planetary Earth home. This includes all their clones, and all alien enclaves found here. The majority of these alien races are long term angry at the way their own people have been treated by the reigning alien planetary controllers, and have finally had enough.
See for background.
I have written extensively in the past about the dimension-hopping and time-jumping chrononaut Constitution-loving underground and inter-dimensionally based multinational sovereign Earth Defense soldiers. Battle led, since October 2010, by LIGHT BEING Ron Amitron, who is without contaminated DNA like we all have here, and from outside all the space and time that limits us.
He is our Ambassador directly from Source. Source sends one Light Being to heal us every 2,000 years. He is the last one. The last train out. I therefore strongly advise you to study the Creation Lightship Teachings, NOW.
Using future - upgraded by Ron - Source Light technology, the Sovereign Earth Defense Forces have saved us from complete destruction many times, unheralded here and in relative silence, even as hoards of mechanical armies, clones, alien races, and ships repeatedly poured through the breaks in the protective natural dimensional structures. The breaks, or holes/vortexes, in our dimensions are all caused by misguided Spirited humans.
The biggest problem suffered by our multinational sovereign soldier defense army/fleet is all the Earth humans doing rituals, or praying, who think they are calling “light” - into our infected darkness. Invisible aliens are posing as our gods, and other aliens, who are claiming to be our “saviors” and “masters,” or “angels” and “guides,” are fraudulently supposedly “helping us” by encouraging us to project prayer OUT of ourselves - instead of only INTO our own hearts.
IN OUR OWN HEARTS, GEOGRAPHICALLY, THAT is the only place where Source dwells in us as our Spirits. All these OUT of our body directed communication energies are secretly being intercepted by our invisible multi-dimensional alien slavers that got between us and Source, and dumbed us down, and convinced us to worship them in IT's name by controlling all the religions that teach you to "pray harder." Notice they NEVER say ONLY pray or meditate INTO your OWN HEART.
These invisible slaver aliens live on our Spirit/Source energy and our worship, because mostly they have no Source Light of their own. No Spirits. SOURCE needs no "worship." The biggest problem is that all the innocently fervent, and sincere, etc., prayers - and new-ager proclamations, and slaver illumined rituals, are RIPPING HOLES IN THE SPACE TIME BARRIERS - ALLOWING ALL THE ALIEN ATTACKS to rush in here from other dimensions and times.
Ron, seeing the Earth cleansing was taking too long, and to help our soldiers not work so hard, over the weekend of Oct. 20th, 2014, four years after introducing himself to the US secret underground defense fleet Admirals, asked for help in removing the so deeply embedded and intertwined cabal slavers - due to their large numbers. I think they are the invading criminal aliens that Michael Tsarion speaks so eloquently about coming here and interbreeding, the dark Pharaohs.
The Universes’ response was immediate. Emboldened by Ron’s and the sovereign soldiers' many successes in destroying every underground alien base they ever went after, like dissolving Nibiru & its’ Annunaki population after it attacked Japan, and Ron’s Source ability of being able to go inside ANYWHERE in space and time, the oppressed aliens responded en mass.
29 alien factions immediately got together and volunteered to be Kamikazes to attack the Queen and other Illuminati who were doing all they could to stop the economic reset RV. They did this because of their lower hierarchy status suffering, and because of all the harm that was done to their own people in whatever form they took here. 3,000 ships showed up between Earth and the secret Mars and Moon bases.
They even came from Sirius with 500 ships, all to raid the underground palatial uber max Hiltons, and remove all the presidents and psychopath rulers that went into hiding underground. These leaders had left their clones topside to run things so badly for them. Shuttle by shuttle, they dug them up and brought them all out.
Over the days, starting with Wednesday, October the 22nd, the first 500, then 800, then 3 to 4 thousand of the bad actors were captured and lifted away to “stand trial” which is an alien euphemism for “being executed” after their perp walk parade, including wherein all offenses are publicly recited for each criminal.
Ron then checked on the clone factory where all the multiples of remote controlled president clones were hung on overhead turnstiles like laundry waiting to be picked up. The locations were now empty.

"Cliff Notes" version of the TNT Tony & DC conference call

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
"Cliff Notes" version of the TNT Tony & DC conference call
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 29-Oct-2014 17:47:10

Hi, Folks -
Found here:


Tony: “Pass this on too as many peeps as you can: Some groups saying they now have authorization to exchange your dinar/dong. Asking for $30 to set it up for you. Makes me sick doing this when we are this close. It’s absolutely ridiculous. . . using pretense to exchange your dinar, your dong and charge you $30, that’s wrong. Absolutely wrong!

Tony: "Someone asked me for rates of those 4 currencies and they don't want us to talk about rates and date. All four of them are good. Not anything you dreamed of 3-4 years ago. Some people heard that only 2 currencies are coming out, I've heard that 5 are, but they may do it 3 or 10 days apart or all on the same day -- common sense says they would do it all on the same day so you can't go buy more."

Caller: "On the second basket do we have a time frame? Tony: January. . . At least 9 countries supposed to be in 2nd basket."

  • Parliament: Emergency meetings last 2 days, passing laws USA wanted. Working till early morning hours. Three confirmations this works was done. Could have had RV without these laws being passed.

  • 2015 budget not completed. Budget needs military expenses added to it.

  • Delay: Iraq asked for an extension in order to complete issues as mentioned above in meetings.

  • ISIS: Coalition forces have had more successes. ISIS is handing out $100 bills, goats, food, etc.

  • Rates: Dong, Rupiah and ZIM have rates.

  • Contract Rates: there is a pool of money allocated for the contract rate. Limits/caps are in place to keep any one or several people from depleting the pool. People within the TNT circle - call listeners, etc. T- "will more than likely participate."

  • $3.58 IQD rate is NOW world wide once again. US has dropped the $1.00 rate. Iraq had written contracts at $1.18 rate and those have to be re-written. (this is beginning to sound like a Saturday night live skit or "Keystone Kops.")

  • Stand-by Alert Status: UST, IMF, Homeland Security, law enforcement, intel agencies, even congressional contacts.

  • Banks doing Test Runs with real live peeps. A TNT member was contacted. Search for thread in TNT Forum to read about it. ready but tired of being jerked around. They have lost money on overtime, disgusted employees, etc.

  • NDA: 4 pages. DC is comfortable with it.

  • Iraq Citizen frustrated with the announcements; it's imminent, etc. They are taking chance of them losing confidence in the new GOI. ISIS is handing out $100 bills, goats, food, etc.

  • Taxes: Remember to use the word, "EXCHANGE." Attorney on call said, if they ask you if you want to do a cash out, to stop them in their tracks and say, "No, I want to do an exchange." Implication on the call was as an exchange there is no tax on International rate. Tony mentioned an 11% rate on contract rate. Later DC said, "bottom line we just don't know. Don't think we'll find out the tax till month or two down the road"

  • Exchange: 20 minute appt's. DC advised only sign NDA if you know you can "keep your mouth shut." Meet with wealth advisor and negotiate perks at another appt't. Expect to get the TNT influenced circle exchanged within 72 hours. There is a Time Limit on contract rates.

  • Final Call/Package: T & DC still don't know this information. T - "They won't tell me till it's time."

  • Strategy: If it comes out at $1.00 or low rate, remember the IQD is the foundation currency for the GCR; Kuwait is at $3.58 and hedge funds will jump in and push the value higher.


DC : bottom line everyone keyed up in Iraq. Special laws passed to get it done. Strongly believe everyone in lock down and black out for a reason. All . . . ready to help and assist. Look forward to meeting them all very soon.

Pam: from DAZ: One thing is for sure, however it happens. . . we are smack dab in the middle of it and will witness it first hand. . . amazing gift.

Ray: enjoy the day. Short on words

Tony: - (call dropped at first of his statement) We are there. Too much activity taking place in last 48 hours to ignore . . . told people this is their final briefing. Rescheduled people to be back on three shifts. . . .rate went back to over $3. Don’t know what it will come out at . . . . all rates look good. I would consider everyone of them superfantastic rates. Hope this is our last call.. .

Be careful. Be even more careful after you exchange. . . .Can invest it in more solid things in the future. Beware! We will be here as long as we can.

Did you hear the one about the two Cajuns sitting on their front porch when a truck drives by loaded with sod.

Boudreaux says to Thibodeaux, "Now that's what I'm going to do when my Deeeeeenar comes in."

Thibodeaux, "What's that Boudreaux?"

Boudreaux, "Send my lawn out to be mowed."