Tuesday, December 2, 2014

National Prayer Bank e-Bulletin


December 1, 2014   Vol. 1, No. 99

God has answered so many of your prayer requests!  Below are some of the praise reports from you, His people.  Please continue to lift others up who are waiting for God’s answer.  He is faithful to hear us.  Let those in need know that they are not alone.   Encourage them.  May the Lord bless you as you lift up others in prayer.

I am typing this through tears of gratitude, joy, humbleness, and love. Thank you for supporting me through my journey this past week as I underwent tests and waited anxiously for the results. NO EVIDENCE OF CANCER WAS FOUND ON MY SCANS!!!!....Thank You for Praying! Our God is merciful and good! Vinodh's wife Aroma texted me today to say that his surgery went well and he will be discharged tomorrow…..Thank You for Praying! Thank you everyone for your prayers and thank you Khandielese for your words of encouragment! God heard these prayers, and my mother is feeling much better. No more sickness and made it home safely with no bad weather around her the whole time she came in. Thank you Jesus!....PRAISE REPORT!  MY SON, JODY has been to the doctor this morning and was told that he is cancer free.

God is good.  His mercy endures forever!


Lord please send us a miracle. Please lord, I have many bills past due that need to be paid so that things are not shut off, plus gas, plus groceries.  Please Lord help us.  Also please send the spouse into work today and tommorow as this will greatly help the finances, pay the bills and put groceries in the cupboards.  Lord, please hear our pleas.  Lord, please continue to open the doors and flood gates so that the kids and I can leave in January. A safe home, food, their medications, their therapies, please Lord help us.  Please Lord help us.  In your name I pray.

Please pray for my mum and dad as she comes home from hospital. Mum has cancer and we believed treatment had worked and she was improving but  today is a very different day, we have been told mum has taken a turn for the worse! They are sending her home with a 'care package' to live her remaining days in her home with my dad. My heart is broken for my poor mum and dad. Please pray her time is comfortable and she has no suffering as she makes her way to The Lord. Please pray that The Lord will take her quickly so my dad doesn't have to watch his wife deteriorate. I truly believed she would be healed so am struggling to make sense of God's plan in all this. Please pray for guidance for me so I can accept what has happened and be a strength for my dad. My faith is pretty weak right now and I know this is when I should stand firm with conviction. Thank you and God bless xx

Please pray for my friend's mom. She is in the hospital with a heart blockage she will die in a few days with out a surgery. She has two grandkids living with her that will find it hard without her.

Needing urgent prayers for this hurting family. Son is saying he is wishing he were dead and all of us feel lost and hopeless from years of abuse/court and legal battle, loss of home, health and finance issues..no family to help and loss of all friends with move and divorce. . Need a miracle blessing..need Godly friends and supporters, need court to end this Jan. Need finances, family,  health, family, home all restored.. need a miracle blessing Lord. Fix this broken family! ! Help us love and forgive all hurting us. Put kids where they can serve you and be happy..Help us Lord!!! I can not see hope in this dark place and with winter, absence of 16 year old son, health and finances and the holidays and problems with ex and mom... well truth is I am hopeless

I pray that God blesses this site and all those on here, and elsewhere, who pray for others. It is a joy to see the familiar names who work so hard for the sake of others. This site is a marvel. Those in need can see how they often they are remembered and are kept in prayers. They learn that they are not alone. There are so many people who are in need and who cry out for help. Our praying via this site is a way that God can use us to help these people. They know comfort because they see that others care and that others know that they exist and have listened to them.  I pray that those in need of prayer, find their way to this site. I  also pray that those who wish to help others are also drawn to this site so that they can swell our numbers so that we may pray together for those in need.  Please help me to pray for more helpers to support us and that we may reach out to more of those in need. May God bless you. 

To be honest, I have no right at all to ask for this, I have not been the type of person that is deserving of anyone elses prayers.  I have never done anything bad to anyone, I just have been cynical and not much of a believer of anything.  I am desperate, at the end of my rope.  My wife has left for "a few days" and I am not hopeful of the outcome. She lost her way a little and has been influenced by outside distractions.  I have two children, two children who need our family.  We have cried for the last 2 days, and tried to laugh too with each other.  I realize now that I was looking for my identity and self worth in the wrong places.  It was there all along, as the father of my children and the husband of my wife.  I didn't know that then, I know it now.  I am asking, begging, for one chance to keep my family together and make things right.  Again, I ask humbly because I have no right to ask at all.  This is an urgent request.  Please pray for me, for my family.  Please pray for my wife to come back and give our family a chance to be everything that it can be.  I will never ever ever be able to repay the kindness of those who would take a minute to do this for me and my family.  I beg for these prayers nonetheless.  Thank you.  Thank you.

Please pray that my baby girl gets healed from epilespy & no longer has numerous seizures daily. Pray for peace, strength, financial blessing and togetherness for the family in order to make it through this difficult time. 

I pray that God blesses this site and all those on here, and elsewhere, who pray for others.  It is a joy to see the familiar names who work so hard for the sake of others. This site is a marvel. Those in need can see how they often they are remembered and are kept in prayers. They learn that they are not alone. There are so many people who are in need and who cry out for help. Our praying via this site is a way that God can use us to help these people. They know comfort because they see that others care and that others know that they exist and have listened to them.  I pray that those in need of prayer, find their way to this site. I  also pray that those who wish to help others are also drawn to this site so that they can swell our numbers so that we may pray together for those in need.  Please help me to pray for more helpers to support us and that we may reach out to more of those in need.  May God bless you. 


Update by Rebecca S. at 9:45
I am typing this through tears of gratitude, joy, humbleness, and love. Thank you for supporting me through my journey this past week as I underwent tests and waited anxiously for the results. NO EVIDENCE OF CANCER WAS FOUND ON MY SCANS!!!! Your prayers on my behalf has sustained me through this turbulent time. I am overwhelmed with thankfulness to you for lifting me up to our dear Lord in prayer.
Prayer Request
I have been undergoing chemo for stage 4 colon cancer, and recently had to stop treatments due to side effects.  My tumor tracker lab test is escalating rapidly, and I will be having an MRI of the brain tonight and a full body ct scan next week to see what's going on.  I have been having back pain which is preventing me from sleeping, and am extremely nervous.  I am requesting prayer for complete healing, physical and emotional - as well as peace as I await tests and results.  Thank you so much.

Thank You for Praying! Our God is merciful and good! Vinodh's wife Aroma texted me today to say that his surgery went well and he will be discharged tomorrow. Thank you angel for your encouraging prayer and to everyone else who prayed too. God bless you all.
Prayer Request
Dear all, This Wednesday one of my close friends from church, Vinodh, is undergoing a medical procedure to repair a hernia near his hip.  Kindly keep him in your prayers, for wisdom to be granted the doctors who treat him, for his relief from pain and discomfort, and for his quick healing from the procedure.  Please also pray for his wife Aroma, for her to be comforted and free from anxiety during this time.
Kind regards in Christ,

Update by johnny S
I have been blessed with a job that I start Monday, and plenty of over time. It has been hard but he has blessed me with one and pray that he will bless me with another that I will start Dec 1st. I just thank him and praise his name, and thank you for your prayers they worked and he heard my cry.
Prayer Request
Been on interview after interview and really need a job, I want to support not only myself but help my girlfriend and raise and supprt our child. She is a true blessing to both of us and i ask and pray God will bring us together as a family. We love the lord and praise him all the time, having a hard time finding a stable job and being able to pay bills and support my daugther. i ask and pray that God will bless me with good news and the ability to start a new job, and be able to pay and catch up on all my bills. And help out my girlfriend and buy her a nice ring i want to marry her and be a family. And i just pray for all the lost souls that are falling for the lies of the enemy, he is really busy right now. He is trying to bring the spirit of depression over me and i am trying to fight it but really need Gods help.

Update by Ann 
Thank You for Praying! Thank you everyone for your prayers and thank you Khandielese for your words of encouragment! God heard these prayers my mother is feeling much better no more sickness and made it home safely with no bad weather around her the whole time she came in thank you Jesus! praying many of blessings for all of you whom have been praying! Also, may you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Prayer Request
I humbly ask for prayer of complete healing for my mother Pam.  She woke up yesterday feeling very ill with headache, vomiting, etc. flu like symptoms, she was suppose to leave yesterday from Mississippi to Ohio driving to come home to us to help take care of my grandmother. She is very sick and weak. Plus she has had a hard time keeping anything down and not getting the nutrition in her body that she needs, pray that she will feel better soon and she wants to leave tomorrow to come home so pray for safe travels and for her to be fully recovered as she will be driving alone. Thank you in advance for your prayers. 

Prayer Update #10 by Rosemary H.
PRAISE REPORT .... MY SON, JODY has been to the doctor this morning and was told that he is cancer free. Follow ups in three months. May be sent to John's Hopkins for drugs to prevent a reoccurence.
Prayer Request
My eldest son, Jody was injured on the job and is recovering from his 3/21/14 surgery to repair 3 tears in his upper arm and torn rotator cuff.  He has been working this same construction job for 26 years and never filed a claim ever before.  Now he has been told that his medical coverage for his family is cancelled and his job is terminated.  I have requested prayer before for his two sons, Jacob and Cameron  (with great results).  They have major medical issues and can not go without health coverage.  If Cameron doesn't get his allergy meds/shots he won't be able to function and Jacob is one with nerve damage in his legs who I asked prayer for depression a few weeks ago.  I requested prayer for Cameron for bullying and miracles took place.  Please pray for this request for Jody.  Thank you fellow believers.  The photo I posted is 11 years old.  Don't have anything updated.

Prayer Update #1 by chelsea b. 
I am not pregnant, and I am so grateful for His mercy, I left the guy and am back closer to Jesus. Now, to keep my guard up...Thanks for prayers!
Prayer Request
I made a really rash decision and slept with my boyfriend... I broke up with him yesterday. I think I could be pregnant. Please beg Christ for mercy on my behalf. I love Him but I strayed. Please beg Him to let me have my  period and stay on track with Him. I'm having troubl believing that He will do this because I am terrified of the consequences of my actions. Please ask Him for the mercy that I don't deserve. I have repented..

Update by Thomas W. 
Tom has stated that he has been diagnosed with degenerative disk problems. He does not need surgery, but is undergoing decompression treatments. Your continued prayers are appreciated. Blessings to all ..
Prayer Request!
Tom has a work related back injury and is having pain in the back and also shooting nerve pain down each leg.  Please pray that he will be able to be healed by the loving hands of God who uses all things for the good of those he loves.  Pray for the professionals and for Tom in bringing this to a positive result. 

Update by Thomas W.  
Joe is doing better and is back at home. He painted his ceiling today partially. He is feeling stronger every day. Praise to God!
Prayer Request
Joe is having a valve replacement and is suffering with fear and anxiety.  Please pray for him, his family, and the doctors who will be helping him.  Pray that the hand of our savior reaches out and touches everyone involved.  Blessing to you for taking time to join me in prayer. 

Update by Monique M. 
My mom had admitted to the hospital last Sunday she had HBP problems and it also effected her heart and kidneys too. She got to come home yesterday just in time for her birthday on Thanksgiving Day yesterday My sister and I are very grateful and blessed of people family and friends are there for my mom and us too. She's taking her medications for her BP everyday and follow up doctor's appt. next week she might be a possibility to gete a cardiac catherization so God you are in control nothing is surprise to you God I know you will keep continue to healing my mom She's doing much better please keep continue to pray for my mom's healing Jesus name Amen.
Prayer Request
Hey everybody please pray for my mom she's been having shortness of breath lately. My sister is taking her to ER tomorrow I pray there's nothing serious. I also pray that she won't be at ER longer too and I pray that she won't be admitted to the hospital. Please heal my mom heavenly father. Also I pray that all of my other prayers I pray for be answered too. God I need you to do it for me know. Perform all the miracles thank you for hearing my prayers let  you will be done in Jesus name Amen.

Update by Nancy  
All weekend, as I've walked thru the house doing this or that, I've been so astonished at the power of God in getting me this house! I now look at it thru new eyes - I want to paint this, I want to change that, I want to leave this as it is. Again, I serve an amazing and wonderful God!
Prayer Request
Since filing for divorce from the ex, which became final this past June, I've been trying to get my share of the 401(k) to pay for my house (look on my profile and see the story behind this).  My divorce attorney drug his feet getting the order in and I'm still waiting, five months post order.  I was planning on using this money to pay cash for my house, due to ruined credit during the divorce process, and with so many delays, I'm about to lose this house and I have no where to go.  Please pray I find $25000 somewhere to pay for this house.

Update by Steve E. 
Thank You for Praying! Here is an update on my mother. Since her stroke, she went from no ability to speak, move her right arm, and no movement of the right leg, to great improvements in all 3! We first noticed that she had slight movement (upon command) in her right arm earlier in the week. She can lift her right leg slightly. The most amazing thing is that when I sat with her at the hospital today she said the words “I want to go to sleep”. It was made with great effort on her part but it was clear. So much progress in so little time! God is good!! He answers prayers!!! I want to thank you all for your kind words and prayers for my mother as she continues her long journey to recovery.
Prayer Request
My mother suffered a mssive stroke yestersay. By the grace of God she was in church when it happened surrounded by all of her friends who were able to get her to the hospital quickly. Witin 24 hours she has regained movement in her right leg which was paralyzed 24 hours ago. She still has no movement in her right arm and cannot speak. Please pray that my mother continues to get better with each passing day.

God is answering my prayers slowly but surely Glory be to God and thank you everyone that has prayed for me may God richly bless you all in Jesus name.

GOD IS ANSWERING!  Please continue to pray!
Prayer Update #2 by Isabel
God has been so good to our children and has been leading them and helping me with them. Thank you Lord. My 6yr old said he seen God and he described Him and even distinguished God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. how amazing is that! Thank you all for your prayers and continued prayers. May God bless everyone of you abundantly in His love and Holy Spirit.
Prayer Request
I am asking all prayer warriors for your help in prayer, please. My children are acting out in bad behavior really bad, please help by praying for my children. I have 4 boys, 15yr, 11yr, 6yr, and 2yr and a daughter 3yr old. Thank you in advance. Love and blessings to all of you!

Prayer Update #1 by caroline w.
Glory to God and thank you for your prayers.I am just giving an update almost one year later.My dad is alright now so praise and glory to God.By the grace of God,the cancerous tissue was not much and it had not spread so it was removed.My best friend and I are now engaged as well so clearly,that is the direction in which God wanted us to go.We still have much to overcome individually and together,so please keep us in your prayers.God bless you
Prayer Request
Praise and Honor and Glory be all to the Almighty God!I am writting this prayer request just to ask you to stand with me in prayer first of all for healing for my dad whohas been diagnosed with cancer recently,which is the second time now.I also want to kindly ask you to pray for God's protection and deliverance for my friend and I and our relationship and that God may lead us and do his will in our lives and our relationship.I am praying for the Holy Spirit to lead us both,not only to transform both our lives since he is able to do exceeding abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine,but also show us both clearly, if God's will is for us to get married and build a life together. Thank you and God bless you so much

Prayer Update #5 by EVA  
Thank you God! I was so worried. My son was so late home from school a nd his phone was dead and so I was just writing thank you to you in this plate when his knock came at the door! A prayer answered! Thank you for your continued prayers! God bless you for praying for me.xxx
Prayer Request
Please pray for my son who is fighting against looking after his health properly. I worry that he is becoming sick. He has lost a lot of weight. He is always out chasing round after so many people to try to have their friendship.
He is a lovely boy and I pray he will be filled with a sense of peace within himself and that he will gain a purpose in life and start to focus more on his studies. 
Thank you so much for joining me in my prayer as I beleive that with your help, he can be helped. 

Update by Larry W. 
Thank You for Praying! Thank you Eva, the Lord is moving in our team and we will be productive and blessed. Amen
Answered Prayer!
Thank you for praying for me and the job situation has turned around. Everyone is getting along and appreciates my contribution. Jesus is Lord. Jehovah Jireh my provider. Please keep praying.

Update by Larry W. 
Thank You for Praying! Getting back to you sorry for the delay but I found a job in July. Now it depends on the government not to shutdown and if I can learn new skills and become more of a people person. Thank you!
Prayer Request
Eustachian tube has become swollen due to sinus and allergies. For 2 days I have had a pressure on my ear drum and loss of hearing in my right ear. I also have cronic RSI from a work related injury. Last friday I lost my job and need to find new employment and a place to live by the end of June. In Jesus name amen

Update by Larry W. 
Thank You for Praying! The last pair of glasses is pretty good and they are willing to keep working on it if there are any problems. Thank you for your prayers.
Prayer Request
I have had a lot of enemy disrupting trying to get a new pair of glasses. I command the evil spirit to be cast out and stop interfereing with my trying to get two different eyeglass stores to get my perscription correct. Lord please help. amen

I have a praise that I'd like to share. I've been praying specifically for three people for a long time. Yesterday I decided that I wasn't going to pray for them anymore, that God's answer was no. My son messaged me a while ago and said that as he was walking in the door from work this morning that God told him to tell me to not give up. That I should keep praying for all three. My son had no idea whatsoever that I've been praying for these people or the specifics. He told me what God wanted me to specifically pray for each, which is exactly what I'd been praying. That God was listening and for me to be patient. He hears my prayers and will answer them when the time is right. You have no idea the feelings that I'm having right now. God used my son as a vessel to send His message. I thanked my son because it was exactly what I needed to hear. He said it wasn't him he was just doing what God told him to do, but he'd pass it along to God. I got on my knees and thanked God also because of the loving confirmation I so needed to hear. The three requests below are the ones I've been praying for for so long. I'd appreciate your prayers as well. God bless.

Prayer Update #16 by Jewel H. 
Thank YOU GOD for delivering YOUR daughter home so that she and her family can serve the KING in her new country!
Update by Jewel H. 
ALL G*L*O*R*Y TO THE MIGHTY KING!!!! MERIAM AND HER HUSBAND AND FAMILY ARE FREE!!!! "Ibrahim and her family flew on an Italian government plane, accompanied by Italian minister Lapo Pistelli, the BBC reported. Pistelli posted a photo to Facebook showing the group with the caption, “With Meriam, Maya, Martin and Daniel, in a few minutes of Rome. Mission accomplished.” The Associated Press reported that Pope Francis met privately with Ibrahim once she landed in Rome. The Vatican said the pontiff had "a very affectionate" meeting with Ibrahim, her husband and their two small children. Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said the pope "thanked her for her faith and courage, and she thanked him for his prayer and solidarity" during the half-hour meeting. Italy along with the United States worked for her release." THANK YOU GOD THANK YOU GOD THANK YOU GOD FOR RELEASING YOUR FAITHFUL DAUGHTER and her family!! May they live with GOD in their hearts!
Prayer Update #16 by Jewel H.
Thank YOU GOD for delivering YOUR daughter home so that she and her family can serve the KING in her new country! Prayer Answered!  Update by Jewel H. at 9:15 pm on Thu 7/24/2014  ALL G*L*O*R*Y TO THE MIGHTY KING!!!! MERIAM AND HER HUSBAND AND FAMILY ARE FREE!!!! "Ibrahim and her family flew on an Italian government plane, accompanied by Italian minister Lapo Pistelli, the BBC reported. Pistelli posted a photo to Facebook showing the group with the caption, “With Meriam, Maya, Martin and Daniel, in a few minutes of Rome. Mission accomplished.” The Associated Press reported that Pope Francis met privately with Ibrahim once she landed in Rome. The Vatican said the pontiff had "a very affectionate" meeting with Ibrahim, her husband and their two small children. Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said the pope "thanked her for her faith and courage, and she thanked him for his prayer and solidarity" during the half-hour meeting. Italy along with the United States worked for her release." THANK YOU GOD THANK YOU GOD THANK YOU GOD FOR RELEASING YOUR FAITHFUL DAUGHTER and her family!! May they live with GOD in their hearts!
Prayer Request
There is a 26-year-old Christian mother who has been sentenced to be beaten and death.  She is married to a Christian man and was also raised Christian by her own mother who was abandoned by her Mulslim husband, Meriam father.  Women in Sudan cannot marry outside of the Muslim faith but men can. Meriam is 8 months pregnant and is in jail with her 18 month-old son Martin.  She was accused of Christianity and had days in which it was possible for her to recant--SHE DID NOT RECANT AND HAS NOT ABANDONED JESUS!!!!  Please, please, children of GOD pray for this INCREDIBLY brave woman who has such a heart for Christ!!!!  

Update by johnny S.  
Would like to thank everyone for there prayers, God has blessed me with not one but two jobs. start one on Monday and the other Dec 1st, now prayer mixed with faith really works, and without it and God's grace and Mercy I would still be stuck. I praise him and give him all the thanks, and I thank you for praying for me when I could not pray for myself.
Prayer Request
Been on interview after interview and really need a job, I want to support not only myself but help my girlfriend and raise and supprt our child. She is a true blessing to both of us and i ask and pray God will bring us together as a family. We love the lord and praise him all the time, having a hard time finding a stable job and being able to pay bills and support my daugther. i ask and pray that God will bless me with good news and the ability to start a new job, and be able to pay and catch up on all my bills. And help out my girlfriend and buy her a nice ring i want to marry her and be a family. And i just pray for all the lost souls that are falling for the lies of the enemy, he is really busy right now. He is trying to bring the spirit of depression over me and i am trying to fight it but really need Gods help.

Update by Dino
Today Kath is much better and going home!
Prayer Request
Please pray for the protection and speedy healing of Kathy during the heart procudure she is going to have in a couple of days. In Jesus name thanks you, Amen.

Update by Steve E.
Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. With your prayers, it has helped my wife and I come together. She doesn't express regret to me often after such disagreements, but this time she did. She also sends me texts telling me that she loves me. Thank you God for this and for giving me the words to calm this situation.
Prayer Request
My wife and I have had a rocky relationship for our 10 years marriage. We have 2 beautiful kids. However, almost from the start of our marriage we’ve had many ups and downs as many couples do. I don’t believe in divorce as I know what its like to grow up with a single parent. My wife is bi-polar which makes our disagreements more dramatic. Recently my mother had a stroke and I had to fly across the country to be with her for some time. I’m planning a return trip in a few weeks to be with her again (my brother also sees her when he can). My wife’s attitude turned negative because of the money that was being spent to fly to my mother. We have plenty of money in the bank, supposedly saving for a house (which we will in reality never afford in our area). I understand her concern about putting our immediate family’s finances in jeopardy but I think family comes first. Please pray that we will begin to communicate and become partners again.

GOD IS ANSWERING!  Please continue to pray!
Prayer Update #2 by rachael w. 
Thank you again for everyone that has been praying for my family. My husband came home last week and things have been doing much better between us. We just celebrated our 15th year wedding anniversary. My 2 oldest children which are 13 and 15 are still having behavior problems for which we are still in court over trying to work on, but things seem to be going much smoother now and headed in the right direction finally. We still have another court hearing to attend on the 18th of December when hopefully this will be all over with and our lives can finally get back to normal again. Please pray for a final solution and ending to all these troubles our family has been experiencing and that we can finally have some lasting peace and happiness in our lives. Thank you so much again for all your prayers and well wishes and may God our Father richly bless you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer Request
Please pray for the Wilbur Family to stay together, My husband has a mental illness called sin infecting his brain and causing him to hurt our family in many ways. He is in denial about these sins and sees no blame or guilt within himself. We are due to go to court in 2 weeks because of domestic violence. We could lose all six of our children because of it. My youngest is just 8 months old and is fully breastfed. I fear leaving her in a foster home somewhere where she could be neglected and abused. My 2nd youngest is 2 years old and often runs away in public and plays near the street. I fear that a foster family will not watch over him very well and he may end up dead because of it. I fear for the safety and well being of all of my children if they are taken away.  Please pray for me and my children. All of my family is dead and i have nobody to turn to for help. thank you and God Bless your ministry.

Update by Rachael W. 
Thank you everyone who prayed for my marriage. My husband came home on November 21, our 15 year anniversary. Things are slowly starting to get better for us now. May our Father God richly bless you all. Amen
Prayer Request
Please pray for my marriage and my faith. My marriage is falling apart and my faith in God is falling apart too because of it. I find myself getting so angry and bitter with those around me. I keep asking God "why, why do you make my life this way, if you love me, then why does this keep happening?" Part of my understands why these things happen because of sin in the world, but the flesh part of me wars against the spirit and wants a fairy tale romance that it cannot have. I am literally alone now raising 6 children by myself without any help from my husband accept for  money here and there from him to support the children. The harder it gets, the more angry I feel myself getting with God. I don't want to lose my faith but I have no family or friends to turn to for support. I desperately need prayer from others to support me. I do not want to lose my faith and go to hell when I die. I want to go to heaven and be with Jesus forever with Him in His Kingdom but I know that if I can't let this bitterness and anger inside me go then I will have no chance of making it there. Everytime I buy a Bible player my children break it so I am having a very hard time listening to the Bible on a daily basis and with a 9 month old baby and a 2 year old it is even harder finding time to read the Bible. I also found a church that I want to start attending but I am afriad to go because of my anger and bitterness I do not want to offend the people there.  Thank you so much for this website that I have found to ask for your help in prayer in keeping my faith and repairing my marriage. God bless. - Rachael
Heb 6:7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:
Heb 6:8 But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. KJV


Update by Thomas W.
Melissa is doing well. She will have struggles getting back to herself, but she doing far better than expected. Thank you for you prayers!
Prayer Request
Melissa found that she has a brain tumor on the right side of her head and the only possible answer is immediate surgery.  If it is not taken out she will die within the next six weeks.  She had breast cancer before, and they are sure this is also cancerous. The tumor is in a terrible location and the use of radiation is not possible. They have predicted that there is a 50% chance that she will not survive this surgery.  Still, there is no choice as she will die if the surgery is not done.  

Please join me in praying that she will be able to make it through this surgery without terrible side effects. Pray that they will be able to deal with the cancer and successfully save her life.  

Also prayers for the surgical team and her family as they wait for results.  
I am hoping that with prayer her chance will be better than 50% chance.  

Thanks for your prayers. 


Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways.


If you are in need of prayer CLICK HERE to make a prayer request.  You can also be a prayer warrior and pray for the needs of others!  Like the good Samaritan, stop and minister to someone in need.  CLICK HERE if you would like to pray for others. 


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You may have seen this one before - months ago - but it is still a timely comparison, especially considering the progression of anti-American events and 'laws' initiated by the White House and from some state governments in the past two years.

I thought the comparison between these two states makes for an interesting contrast - the first part about Illinois and the second part is about Oklahoma! 

Be sure to read till the end. I've never heard it explained better. Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago!?


PART 1 - Illinois

"A State with No Republicans"!

Some interesting data on the 'state' of, the State of Illinois...

There are more people on welfare in Illinois than there are people working. Chicago pays the highest wages to teachers than any where else in the U.S. Their average pay is $110,000 year. Their pensions average 80-90% of their income.  Wow!  Are Illinois and Chicago great or what?

Body count:
In the last six months, 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago.
221killed in Iraq
AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire US.

Here's the Chicago chain of command:

President: Barack Hussein Obama

Senator: Dick Durbin

House Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr.

Governor: Pat Quinn

House leader: Mike Madigan

Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)

Mayor: Rahm Emanuel

The  leadership in Illinois - all Democrats          

Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago 

Of course, they're all blaming each other

Can't blame Republicans  there aren't any 

Let us get ALL the facts out while we are at it:

Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the
country. Can't blame  Republicans; there aren't any!

State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country.

Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!

Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% highest in the country. Can't blame Republicans - there aren't any!

This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois. And he is going to 'fix' Washington politics for us?

George Ryan is no longer Governor.  He is in prison.

He was replaced by Rob Blagojevich who is, by the way, also in prison.

And Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. resigned and, that's right, he and his wife both landed in prison.

The Land of Lincoln where our Governors and Representatives make our license plates.  What?

As long as they keep providing entitlements to the population of Chicago, nothing is going to change, except the state will go bankrupt before the country does.

"Anybody who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him better take a
closer look at the American Indian."

Don't forget Detroit, another great example of a Democratic empire. 

With all the bad news, there is hope, so let's go to:

PART  2- Oklahoma

OKLAHOMA may soon have plenty of new residents!


Oklahoma is the only state that Obama did not win even one county in the last election.  Amazing - HONEST ELECTION RESULTS!!!!!  Look what Oklahoma has been doing!!!

An update from Oklahoma: 

Oklahoma law passed - 37 to 9 - an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol. The feds in D.C., along with the ACLU, said it would be a mistake.  Hey!  This is a conservative state based on Christian values  ... HB 1330

Guess what! Oklahoma did it anyway.
Oklahoma passed a law in the state to incarcerate all illegal immigrants and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen. They all scattered. HB1804. This was against the advice of the Federal Government and the ACLU.  They said it would be a mistake.

Guess what!  Oklahoma did it anyway. 

Oklahoma passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegal's to the Oklahoma database for criminal investigative purposes. Pelosi said it was unconstitutional.  SB1102.  

Guess what!  Oklahoma did it anyway.

Oklahoma passed a law, HJR1003, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign state not under the Federal Government directives, joining Texas, Montana and Utah as the only states to do  http://www.wnd.com/2009/02/89842/
More states are likely to follow: Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Carolinas, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia,  Mississippi and Florida. 

Save your Confederate money!  It appears the South is about to rise up once again. HJR 1003

The federal government continues its strong efforts to take away our guns. Oklahoma passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure that was a setback for the criminals.  The Liberals didn't like it, but...

Guess what!  Oklahoma did it anyway. 

The state has passed a law that ALL drivers' license exams will be printed in English and only English and no other language. They have been called racist for doing this, but the fact is that ALL of the road signs are in English only. If you want to drive in Oklahoma, you must read and write English. Really simple.  By the way, the Liberals don't like any of this either. 

Guess what!  Who cares!  Oklahoma is doing it anyway.

What about YOU and YOUR STATE?  Has your state reclaimed 'states rights' and told the 'feds' in DC to take a hike?  Has your state guaranteed your right to bear arms and transport them?  Has your state passed a resolution declaring its sovereign right to refuse illegals any benefits including financial, voting and residency, and even to ship them back home?  Has your state declared that muslims, terrorism and sharia law are not welcome and will not be tolerated?  Has your state declared to be sovereign?  Has your state passed a resolution to secede from the corporate 'government' in Wash DC and return to its sovereign Republic status should conditions warrant such?   Has your state reaffirmed the right to post the Ten Commandments, hold prayer, read from the Holy Bible, and declare that Jesus Christ is Lord?


Marijuana figures big in Ferguson meltdown

​ Marijuana figures big in Ferguson meltdown

Exclusive: 'Linking dope to violence is taboo for most of the media'

By Cliff Kincaid
CNN’s Don Lemon is under fire for making the elementary observation that some of the Ferguson protesters planning violence and mayhem were smoking pot. Linking dope to violence is taboo for most of the media.
Reporting from the scene, Lemon said, “Maybe a minute, two minutes ago we heard a gunshot and watched people scattering. And we’re watching people on the roofs of cars, on the tops of cars and … Obviously there’s a smell of marijuana here as well.”
“Lemon’s comments sparked fierce backlash on social media,” reported Toyin Owoseje of the International Business Times. She said “many members of the online community” accused him of “adding fire to the flames and promoting his own agenda.”
It’s the marijuana, not Lemon’s observation, that added fire to the flames. He was just pointing out the obvious. Are journalists supposed to ignore the use of mind-altering substances by demonstrators planning the burning and looting of businesses?
That Lemon’s simple observation has generated outrage in the press demonstrates how most journalists are trying to play down the harmful effects of the drug and ignore the epidemic of drug use in minority communities. Our media, and some libertarian politicians such as Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. want everyone to believe that police who enforce the laws and the “War on Drugs” are the problem.
No, it’s the drugs and their consequences, including mental illness and violence.
Don Kaplan of the New York Daily News called Lemon’s remark a “culturally insensitive comment,” as if dope-smoking were something indigenous to Ferguson residents. He also called it a “useless observation” that “polarized critics” against Lemon.
Catherine Taibi of the always politically correct Huffington Post said the remarks sparked a “backlash” against Lemon.
Why so much outrage over a simple observation of fact? Aren’t journalists supposed to report facts?
It is apparent that Lemon’s critics were concerned that viewers might conclude that some of the burning and looting may be linked to the weed that some of them smoke for alleged “recreational” or “medical” purposes. The “backlash” probably came from other marijuana smokers, or those sympathetic to the demonstrators.
Lemon’s critics were obviously concerned that his observation of fact would put the protesters in a bad light.
But, remember that Michael Brown, who assaulted police Officer Darren Wilson, was high on marijuana as well. That is something else the media have tried desperately to downplay.
The idea that this “harmless” substance isn’t so harmless after all is something that the liberal media cannot tolerate. That’s why anything negative about the weed has to be suppressed. If it is reported, such as in the case of Don Lemon, the offending journalist must be ridiculed and ostracized.
The Lemon incident brings up another critical point.
Any reporter who reads the grand jury documents in the case and covers them objectively will note there was an extensive discussion of the possible effects of marijuana on Michael Brown.
DeForest Rathbone, chairman of the National Institute of Citizen Anti-Drug Policy, or NICAP, saw the evidence of dope playing a role in the confrontation between Brown and Wilson, and found a strange omission in the Washington Post’s coverage of the grand jury proceedings. In a letter to the paper, he wrote:
“Michael Brown is continually being described as an ‘unarmed black teenager.’ And that mantra prevails among the liberal media and government officials, enflaming [sic] violent reactions by people believing that the ‘innocent’ teenager was irrationally killed by police.
“But in a glaring example of media bias exacerbating racial tensions in the Michael Brown shooting death, Post reporters left out the key exculpatory fact in the grand jury finding officer Darren Wilson not guilty: The fact that Michael Brown tested positive for marijuana, which could explain his irrational violent behavior, not only in the convenience store which he strong-arm robbed while physically attacking the store clerk, but also in provoking the violent confrontation with police officer Darren Wilson.
“If it weren’t for the mainstream media’s reverence for the ‘sacred cow’ of marijuana, they would see the valid scientific studies showing that pot is currently being produced in varying strengths from a mildly intoxicating 2% THC up to school-shooter-psychosis-inducing 40% to 70% THC. And that early childhood use of pot is a major cause of psychosis and violent behavior … which could be the ‘unknown motive’ frequently cited in news articles on the Ferguson affair.”
Rathbone’s reference to the “unknown motive” is the discussion we have seen on CNN and other networks expressing surprise that Brown would have charged or attacked Wilson. Being stoned on pot, as Brown was, explains his behavior. Many notorious cases of violence have been linked to the drug in the past.
Rathbone said Attorney General Eric Holder’s suspension of enforcement of federal drug laws against marijuana in “Stoner States” has resulted in “producing and shipping brain-destroying, violence-inducing strains of pot throughout the nation.”
“Therefore,” he adds, “it’s not the police, or white racism, that is causing this devastation; it is U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder who turns a blind eye to the malignant impact of marijuana and then tries to blame everybody else for the resulting social chaos.”
Rathbone urged “responsible journalists” to focus on the problem.
But that’s clearly not going to be the case. After attacking Lemon for mentioning the smell of pot amidst the protests, some in the media have decided to attack the prosecutors for even bringing the subject up before the grand jury.
Anthony Zurcher of the BBC questions the role of marijuana in the attack on Wilson and quotes Jacob Sullum of Reason magazine as his authority in saying the dope couldn’t have played a role.
Jacob Sullum is a libertarian who favors legalizing dangerous drugs, and once wrote an article on why heroin is supposedly less dangerous than alcohol and how people can use the drug without harmful effects. He has compared heroin to nicotine. “Even daily opiate use is not necessarily inconsistent with a productive life,” he wrote.
However, there are some reporters beginning to cover the subject objectively.
Rathbone points out that Kevin Torres, a reporter for KUSA in Colorado, where marijuana is legalized, has done a balanced story on the issue, noting that researchers from Harvard and Northwestern University recently found “younger marijuana users are more likely to have learning and mental health problems.” He cited an article from the New England Journal of Medicine showing high THC use being linked to paranoia and psychosis.
Michael Brown was not only high on THC but was apparently preparing to smoke more dope when Officer Wilson caught him walking down the center of a street and asked him to move to the sidewalk. The swisher sweet cigars Brown had stolen from the convenience store are notorious for being used to make marijuana “blunts.”
Our media are desperate to maintain the narrative that the police are shooting black youth for no reason. If the media admit that marijuana is being used extensively in the black community, that fact could lead to other disturbing questions. For example, did Brown’s mother and father know about his drug use? Did they do anything to stop his use of the drug? Have they used drugs themselves?
You and I know these questions won’t be asked because they are considered to be “culturally insensitive.” So the problem will get worse.
Such questions might prompt some serious scrutiny of the Obama/Holder policy of encouraging drug use in America’s communities by failing to enforce federal laws against the possession or distribution of dangerous mind-altering substances.
Drug use helps explain the violent conduct of Brown, as well as some of the protesters. It also explains why they continue to blame Officer Wilson for Brown’s death when the evidence shows that Wilson was only defending himself against what he described as a “demon” coming toward him.
Reporters like to laugh about the old “reefer madness” film depicting crazy conduct resulting from marijuana use. It’s not so funny anymore.
Cliff Kincaid is the director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism, and can be contacted at cliff.kincaid@aim.org.

G T December 2, 2014 at 9:14am

G T December 2, 2014 at 9:14am
More Clues.....

Announcements From Iraq.....REGARDING ECONOMIC REFORM are Hiding in PLAIN SITE


"RELEASE THE KRAKEN"....NOW (You like that Bandito)!!!!
Latest Clues (Since Aloha Leslie's)...

The Agreement between Iraq & Ebril is NOW PUBLIC

The Checklist Items ARE ALL DONE (EXCEPT FOR ONE THING).....

We're at the 1/2 Inch Line

We Have HEAVIER SNOW ........AGAIN!!!

BRICS, Russia & 137 Countries Are attempting to make a detour from using the US Dollar as the GLOBAL STANDARD!!!


Then we can look for the RV/GCR To BE RELEASED!!!!

Hale Ali'i December 2, 2014 at 8:51am

Tuesday Intel -
All adjustments to HCL and salaries are now completed. Congress had salaries cut 50%. Everyone is in agreement. The U.S. dollar is now just useless paper to many nations. RV/GCR will rear it's beautiful self soon, as other countries are moving forward and the U.S. has accepted it's out of moves...time to play nice!
Fasten your seat belts, this ride is coming to an abrupt stop!