Wednesday, December 3, 2014



Bandito. Rox: 
The Washington Post describes the oil agreement between Baghdad and...

The Washington Post describes the oil agreement between Baghdad and Erbil, the "big breakthrough."



ANY HOOT.......





R.V. / GCR December 3, 2014 at 2:45am
we have always been told that we would not know for 6 to 8 hours after the reset we believe that the reset is after midnight GIVING God all the glory
James > R.V. / GCR December 3, 2014 at 2:41am
What will be our indicator that "RV" has happened

R.V. / GCR > James December 3, 2014 at 2:49am

Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 2:55 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014




     Remember Jesus said that the harvest is great, but the laborers are few! In early Christianity, not just the clergy, but also many of the laity members of the local churches also talked up why to believe in God and become Christians. With all that "people power" behind Christianity then which does not exist in America today, they stormed the Roman Empire growing so fast and America today with clergy in their fortress churches hiding behind drawn up draw bridges and hiding inside, they are not much to boast about in our latter day Christianity. And with the vast number of Christian laity leaving it up to others including the fictional neighbor who will do the job so they don't have to of helping to win America back to Christianity, Christianity is losing much of the youth of America and with a recent TV interview of people walking on the streets, a large number had never heard of any reason why they should believe in God. They have heard many reasons in "politically correct" public schools why to have no moral values in life and the mass shootings and other violence in our city streets which did not basically happen when America was a Christian nation in practice reflect the pagan and barbarian culture taught them in our public schools of today.

     There is an old Bible verse which says, "Disturb your household and inherit the wind!" America without moral values is getting ready to burn down as a nation and collapse as a national race. A famous French writer of the 19th century visited early America and wrote, "America is great because America is good. If America ceases to be good, then America will cease to be great."

     When growing up, in one rural part of Indiana I talked with a couple living beside a lake and they commented that they had never locked the doors to their house living there as there was no reason to. No violence in the area. This was a Christian area back then. Back in parts of 19th century Austria raised as serious Catholics, you had villages with no prisons or jails and no local law officer as there was no violence justifying all these manifestations of local law. The closest thing to a law officer was a local Catholic priest to help enforce some moral standards in the village and that was all that was needed to keep the community peaceful and nice to live in. You had areas in America occupied by such as Amish or Mennonites who took living as Christians seriously. Their communities were peaceful and law-abiding and crimes were close to non-existent in these Christian based communities. A national economic study around 1987 came to the conclusion and gave examples why they came to this conclusion that outlawing prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America now cost the workers of America probably over one trillion dollars in wages they would have otherwise earned annually if they lived in a more civilized society like earlier America had when Christian values were taken seriously by the American people. That was also a trillion dollars smaller national market for American businesses to sell to. Even early Chinese moving to America had their own moral standards to live by. You as a Chinese youth shamed your parents if you got into legal trouble in America. So statistically the figure was something like only one Chinese youth in 4,000 ever got into trouble with American law. To mimic Benjamin Franklin with a famous quote of his changed in subject matter: "Good morals makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise!" Good moral values makes a nation much nicer and more peaceful to live in. And also helps the economy grow faster and sounder as I observe as an economist. Now Benjamin Franklin did boast to the French people in a pamphlet he wrote and addressed to the French people when Ambassador to France during the American Revolution that America was a Christian nation and you would have to ride far and wide to find an "infidel" anywhere in the Thirteen Colonies now becoming the nation of America. Even a movie shortly after World War II showing a side of America still existing then and not today showed the wife inside a house asked by a neighbor at the screen door to the kitchen if she could come in the house. The wife says back that the screen door is unlocked so just come in. People back then asked permission to come in with the door already unlocked. The request for permission to enter was just a formality of politeness between neighbors as they already knew the door would be open to this house.

      I took one report of mine and expanded it into a propaganda weapon of truth to win America back to God which basically has abandoned God as too many Christians shadow box with evil in society instead of seriously standing up to it and stopping it in America. My mentioned report is 


     I attached this report to the bottom of another report I issued which is 

DEAR REPRESENTATIVE, PEOPLE ACROSS AMERICA WANT YOUR REPLY BACK TO WHAT WE WANT DONE IN WASHINGTON, D.C. DEC. 1, 2014 . This report calls for the impeachment of Obama from the White House for trying to be dictator of America instead of the constitutional obeying president in the immigration issue by assuming legal powers only granted to Congress and not him under the legal terms of the U.S. Constitution, and for passage of our proposed Omni Law shown on our national website  email is These two reports combined costs you nothing to mail when forwarded by email to others and costs nothing to print out when sent as an email report you forward to others. Just ask for the "impeachment letter" which includes the two reports combined to send to your representatives. With the impeachment letter totally set up to send, just forward what was sent you each time which is easy for you to do. Lies About Christianity shows lies about Christianity and destroyed by the facts and sound truths we bring out that all people can probably easily understand. We give people sound, easy to understand proofs of the existence of God probably all people or nearly all can understand and now realize that God exists for real and not myth. We present stunning Miracles of God which are heavily documented in public records and overwhelm the people that the supernatural exists in life and therefore God and Satan exist for real and are fighting for our souls as to where our souls will go for all eternity.  Send for a copy of our combined report which starts with Dear Representative and addressed to members of the U.S. Congress to get off you know what and do what is right for America for once. And attached to this report is LIES AGAINST CHRISTIANITY as a second report all of America needs to see to realize that God Exists for real and not fiction.

     As far as that report goes, the report would have been too big if I used all quotes that I could have. But one quote I would add for reference here shows one of the teachings I found in the early writings of Christianity I don't think Christian writers of today are probably familiar with. St. Augustine repeated what some earlier Christian writers had also written about in the first days of Christianity after the Apostles. St. Augustine wrote two angles on Christian teachings. He repeats teachings taught him from early Christian teachings passed on to the latter churches that he now attended. This is one of those. Then he was an emerging intellectual and came up with new angles to view the Bible with. I will comment on his new angles that I think that he maybe leaned sometimes too hard on allegory (everything is symbolic instead of literal in meaning) as the way to explain some Bible teachings. I quote from his traditional teachings Sermons 159:1 (411 A.D.).: "There is an ecclesiastical discipline (praying for the dead at the Church worship), as the faithful know, when the names of the martyrs are read aloud in that place at the altar of God, where prayer is not offered for them. Prayer, however, is offered for other dead who are remembered. It is wrong to pray for a martyr to whose prayer we ought ourselves to be commended." (Martyrs are already before God so don't need our prayers to help them. However, we could ask them to pray before God to help us on earth. In many of the inscriptions left at the catacombs, etc. dating even back to the first century, the dead ask the living to pray for their souls in the hereafter. A typical request was, "In your prayers remember us who have gone before you." I know much more what first Christianity taught than most Christians. I paid the price of years of study of first Christian writings. My theory was the first disciples trained by the Apostles knew what true Christianity was or else true Christianity was never delivered to the people on earth. In the outlawed, persecuted Church, there was much integrity to continue on in the original teachings given them by the Apostles of Jesus Christ.

     In the December, 1984 issue of the National Geographic, Pages 882-883 shows the brilliant engineering system set up by God so that enzymes make sure that in nature that the DNA of living cells is forced by enzymes to maintain the genetic code it started with and these enzymes will not allow these cells to evolve to new life forms. Mutilation of the genetic code does not create new life forms, but pending death of the living cell involved. Understand how this works and the Theory of Evolution is scientifically impossible. It never happened in nature. I step on toes by not being "politically correct" meaning following the corrupt party line in control of some field but am independent minded and let truth lead me wherever it is going to regardless of corrupt man. Man does to genetic codes what nature would never do nor could never do by itself does not prove evolution, but man is trying to play the mad scientist and seeing what monsters that he can create in nature by disturbing the natural order that God has given to all life forms on earth.

      These two items of information are just to help support some points I raised in the report Lies Against Christianity. Pass this report on as it helps promote the answers that can win America seriously back to God, restore control of the federal government of America back to the American people who had the government hijacked from them by con artists such as Obama. Sorry but I call a spade a spade and that includes Obama in this case! And since I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only true economic science in the 20th century, my influence with the American economy through passage of the Omni Law will make sure that America does not have to economically collapse as the evil cabal secretly running Wash., D.C. now wants for America as they hate the American people and America as a nation.

     I once met one of the Rothschilds who boasted to me that he and his associates were the secret government of America as the American people were too stupid, too irresponsible, and too morally unfit as to be allowed to govern America, so this secret government of America secretly ruled America through Wash., D.C. as their front. I always wondered what this Rothschild meant when he said the American people were too morally unfit as I had heard that he was a Satanist, and certainly not a Christian! I try to always keep my word of honor. So as I promised him, I never said what his name was that I had met with him. But saying one of the Rothschilds did not break my word of honor I gave to him not to say his name that I had once met with him. He offered a way that I could join "the secret government of America" and be one of its national front leaders. I never joined this Illuminati group but I am sure that Obama did or he would not be in the White House today. Push my report all over America including to members of Congress and you are pushing America the right way with the truth the power elite did not want you to have. And as this Rothschild knew full well, political activities such as passing the Omni Law has to cost money to pass. Politicians go to the secret government leaders often for money for political reasons. They have it and so long as you agree to carry out their secret agenda, they will help finance you into power in Wash., D.C. It is extremely hard to raise decent money for political causes normally from the public. Logically $10 supplied by one million Americans equals $10 million in finances for political causes, elections, etc. but people normally will not pull together to raise that $10 million the easy way, so many of the politicians become friends with such as the Rothschilds such as one U.S. Senator went to the Rothschild social party in London, England to get on good terms with him and I assume his money to back this U.S. Senator with. I saw a picture of this U.S. Senator at the Rothschild social party in London, England. People back this Omni Law Drive with your nickels and dimes if necessary. Nice symbolically but basically $10 and up can grow into a respectable fund fast if people begin seriously committing to do this on a decent scale nationally. I list all financial backing as loans as I am committed to pay back this original money after the Omni Law is passed. There are legal reasons for this approach to financially raise the money to pass the Omni Law with.

       Send us an email to our email address at and request our free "impeachment letter" with its attached report on Lies Against Christianity which answers many of the main issues in America today. If you can, we would also appreciate any financial support you can give either by product orders from our website or else money for the Omni Law Loan Program also on our website . Or if you want, you can send a check, etc. to our mailing address which is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 and tell us what the payment is for. All money raised helps push the Omni Law Drive fast as possible. We cannot tip off the other side how good of a hand we have now to win victory for the Omni Law, but we have a good hand to play once we can show our true total hand to back passage of the Omni Law. Total name of the Omni Law is The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America. This is likely the only hope of America to save our nation and people from being destroyed by the evil policies Obama has set up to destroy America with. His policies are not good and will probably destroy America as a nation and people if not stopped in time by passage of the Omni Law. Pass this report around everywhere you can. Once you have got an email copy from us of the impeachment letter with the attached report, just keep forwarding copies of it to others. If you change a little code at the end of the subject line (such as the time)  with each forwarding of this "impeachment letter" with attached copy of the report, you can keep it organized who you have sent to or not yet. Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who stands both for God and Country as one united cause in America)

UFO Sighting Mothership Colorado!! SUPER CLOSE-UP Flying Saucer! 12/2014 (Video)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
UFO Sighting Mothership Colorado!! SUPER CLOSE-UP Flying Saucer! 12/2014 (Video)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 2-Dec-2014 20:18:53

UFO Sighting Mothership Colorado!! SUPER CLOSE-UP Flying Saucer! 12/2014 (Video)
Published on Dec 2, 2014
Just In Voice Mail Via Skype From "ED"! Video and Photo Raw Attachments! CGI? Take a Look, We At Thirdphaseofmoon See no Evidence Of Manipulation. Video & Photos are UN-Touched. If You Were In The Colorado Area And Captured This Event On Video Contact Thirdphaseofmoon....More Updates Soon!
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Sheldan Nidle - Update for December 2, 2014

Sheldan Nidle - Update for December 2, 2014

10 Batz, 9 Yaxk'in, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! We come before you with more to say. Those who are pushing the dark minions from their powerful pulpit of power are now ready to finish this process. We are informed that a series of important moves are under way, to lead to the arrest of key personnel and the transformation of a number of major governments. At present, the US de facto regime is blocking the release of the new Treasury note. This gold-backed note spells the end of the Federal Reserve note and consequently, the fall of this most illicit government. Those dark minions who control this regime are to be arrested and grandly separated from the public. All of this is ready to happen. The individuals who are to be chosen for the interim governance are in a safe place and fully ready to exercise power. A vast number of special recommendations are to be given to the new congress when it is sworn in, after the four months duration of this governance has expired. These recommendations are to turn congress and its other two branches into true servants of the people.
   The end of a government secretly run by special interests is only the beginning. The U.S. Constitution needs to be restored to its original intent. This means that the now absent original 13th amendment is to be restored, and the illegally ratified 16th amendment stricken. These adjustments are to be further modified by a return to common law. Justice is no longer to be at the whim of a bunch of scalawags who dearly wish to up the number forced to attend their private prisons. Crime is to be apportioned to care for the needs of every community. The key is to create a true rehabilitation process that prepares all for a great and permanent prosperity. Society needs to ready itself for the coming of its mentors. Communities that are torn asunder now require means to heal. Prejudice needs to be confronted, and understanding of each other’s importance brought to the fore. Where necessary, residences need to be provided that bring internal and external peace (inner joy) to all.
   Public projects need to be undertaken to bring roads, transportation systems, sewers and water supplies to a new, higher standard. Technology exists in your various societies to do this quickly. Monies are not to be the cause for delays. Once the monies start flowing, all sorts of humanitarian projects are to get underway. Once we are officially announced, we want to help. We can practically, in the twinkling of an eye, complete these various projects to end the immense disparities that currently exist around your globe. There is either an absence of sufficient water for living, or a great lack of proper sanitation. Transportation is scattered, and there is a lack of proper roads. Housing also requires a vast upgrading. To live in the coming consciousness upgrade requires a standard level of living equal to our own. We fully intend to make sure that this happens quite quickly. Heaven has a timetable we intend to meet.
   As you upgrade your global living standard, you need to do so in a way that does not degrade nature. Human societies have the ability to use technology that can actually assist nature and improve the life of your surrounding ecosystems. Our cities operate in such way that the ecosystems are not disturbed. We are, after all, planetary guardians. We constantly work with the elementals to assure that each ecosystem is provided for, and thrives. Our rituals to enhance our home world and support our planetary Spiritual Hierarchy emphasize this interaction. We are joyous that we possess a technology which keeps us from farming, mining or using any of the resources needed by our world’s diverse ecosystems. Our purpose is to aid, and not in any way to harm the life, which teems both on the surface of and in the inner realms of our home world. We constantly exchange blessings and seek guidance on our stewardship from the planetary Spiritual Hierarchy.
   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We are here to inform you about a number of important events. First, you are blessedly close to the end of a process which is to bring you great prosperity. These blessings are to permit you to fulfill your dearest dreams and allow you to be free and sovereign Beings. It is our collective wish that each of you be joyous and in good health. This realm is finishing a long era in which the dark’s minions ruthlessly ran your lives. Each of these unholy scalawags was raised to see you as a lesser Being, whose sole task was in essence to serve them. This unequal reality was how each of us was raised to our adulthood. We know intimately both the joys and sorrows which you encountered in this life. We come to work with our advisors and associates to transform this and give you much better conditions by which you can easily return to full consciousness.
   What is to happen is really quite simple. The forces of darkness left on the surface of this world are to surrender and accede to Heaven’s demands. It is difficult at this time to believe in what seems to be an immense “pipe dream.” Everywhere there are signs of the truth of this event, yet it is hard to imagine its fulfillment. Here, beloveds, it is important to carry this in your heart and openly support this cause. We have, with your love and vision, worked miracles. The end of your woes is truly at hand. Consider this a pep talk. Frustration runs rampant among you. It is indeed difficult to hold a vision while your savings and your health decline. It is plain to all that some form of immediate relief is required. Numerous elements are about to merge, which make such relief possible. Take heart in this. Know sincerely that you are not alone.
   Our many associates understand that this holiday season is one of desperation for most of you. A good deed is truly needed to help you. We are collectively determined to create such a most wanted event. Winter is a time when darkness increases as the length of daylight lessens. It is a most perfect time for something that gives you cheer, and gladly points the way to the wonders to come at the start of the New Year. You have watched with anticipation, hope turning to sadness, as nothing of import seemed to happen. Let this year’s ending be different. Let some degree of joy come to you. So look closely and see something wonderful happen! Keep your eyes open and be ready to know from this that miracles can indeed occur. Heaven is readying a surprise for you. It is indeed to bring you the joy which you need!
   Today, we continued our set of weekly messages. These very brief reports are about levels of action which are to give much joy, and above all, first contact and full consciousness. We come to bring you a grand reunion with your various spiritual and space families. We come to return truth to your histories, and detail your origins long ago on a water planet in the Vega star system. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Missing" 13th Amendment

 "Missing" 13th Amendment - Posted for John Joseph Little Eagle Freeman

The "Missing" 13th Amendment
Even though the Constitution for the United States of America already had provisions against granting titles of nobility -
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State. - Constitution for the United States of America, Article I, Section 9:
No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. - Constitution for the United States of America Article I, Section. 10.
These two sections are echoing a similar provision contained in the Articles of Confederation.
No State, without the consent of the United States in Congress assembled, shall send any embassy to, or receive any embassy from, or enter into any conference, agreement, alliance or treaty with any King, Prince or State; nor shall any person holding any office of profit or trust under the United States, or any of them, accept any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any King, Prince or foreign State; nor shall the United States in Congress assembled, or any of them, grant any title of nobility.- Articles of Confederation: Article VI.
Why would our Founding Fathers be so intent on restricting the use of Titles of Nobility?
Quite simple -- Our Declaration of Independence declares all men to be equal.
The granting of Titles of Nobility creates a superior class of Citizens.
Generally, if someone has a Title of Nobility they join cliques and private groups that shun those they consider to be of lesser quality than themselves.
Our Founding Fathers knew that many people were very unhappy about being cut off from the pomp and pageantry of England. It was these people, many of whom already held titles and positions of authority under the Crown, that the ban was aimed at.
If we allow people to claim honors, titles, and privileges it will not be very long before the equality of all men is destroyed and we start on the path to having those who have the money, the power, and the position, in short those who consider themselves to be the elite, make slaves and servants out of the rest of us.
Why, if we already had provisions against the Titles of Nobility would our Congress decide that we needed an Amendment to our Constitution?
Congress proposed a Title of Nobility Amendment in 1789 which did not pass. Congress tried again in 1810. This time it passed through Congress and was submitted to the States for ratification.
If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them. - True 13th Amendment
A considerable controversy has arisen concerning whether or not the Amendment was ratified.
Newly located documents verify the ratification was properly done.
For a detailed chronology of the events surrounding the fraudulent removal of the true 13th Amendment click here.
In order to remove the valid Amendment the people have to have the opportunity to remove it, and they must be in a position of power so they can manipulate the records and deceive the public. They must also have something to gain, or they must be afraid the Amendment will take something away from them.
Is there a group that fits the requirements?
Who would have the opportunity to remove the Amendment?
Only the politicians and those in government service - our public servants.
This group is also in a position of power to where they control what goes into the records and what does not get recorded.
Do they have something to gain?
These are the people who have served as Ambassadors to European Nations and have ties and friendships. These are the people who hold Titles of Nobility and positions of influence with the Kings and Queens of Europe.
Many of these people fought hard for the American Independence not for the Liberty and Freedom, but because they saw a chance to increase their power and influence among their foriegn friends. These people were not bothered by the tea tax, or the other taxes that were imposed - they had large plantations and farms and raised most of what they needed and used.
It was the less affluent people who had to rely on imports of goods in order to live that were bothered by the taxes. But these people had no power, opportunity, or even ability to create a new Republic. It took the educated and the wealthy to put it all together so it would work.
This is not to say that all of the Founding Fathers were not honest in their efforts and their remarks. It only takes a few rotten apples to spoil the whole bushel.
The Constitution does not mention attorney, or lawyer, because it presumed that only residency and age would be the requirements to hold any of the offices created under the Constitution.
In fact, there is a little mentioned clause that precludes attorneys and lawyers from serving in many government offices.
No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have increased during such time; and no person holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either House during his continuance in office - Article 1, Section 6, Paragraph 2.
Attorneys and lawyers are officers of the court. As such they take an Oath of Office concerning their activities and allegiance to the court. If they are appointed, or elected to any other office under the United States then they have to take an Oath of Office for that position. Can a man serve two masters?
Holding positions in two different Branches of the Government is a violation of the Separation of Powers established in the Constitution.
For an attorney, or lawyer, to be a part of the Legislature is a direct conflict of interest because they are then in a position to create the laws in such a way as to benefit themselves and their associates.
A few years ago there was a big battle going on in the Utah Legislature. It seems that a school teacher who had been elected to the House of Representatives wanted to serve on the education committee. The lawyers stopped her because she would then be in a position to create laws more favorable to the teachers. Nothing was ever said about lawyers who are serving in the Legislature being able to create laws to benefit their profession.
On February 5, 1790, the third day of the U. S. Supreme Court conducting business, "the first three practitioners before the bar were admitted as counselors...and Rules of Court were adopted as to the form of writs and as to the admission of counselors and attorneys." At that time, without any Constitutional authority whatsoever, five United States Supreme Court Justices and Chief Justice John Jay, all former Crown Lawyers, shall be requisite to the admission of attorneys or counselors to practice in this court, that they shall have been such for three years past in the Supreme Court of the State to which they respectively belong...
The Constitution certainly doesn't make any such requirement. And, remember, the Constitution is the Law of the Land. Violating the provisions of the Constitution is no different than breaking any other law.
Then, to compound the situation, on February 8th, 9th, and 10th, the only business transacted was the admission of sixteen further counselors and seven attorneys. Of the nineteen counselors admitted at this first Term..two were Senators and nine were Representatives. This is a clear violation of the Separation of Powers established in Article I, Section 6, Paragraph 2, as stated above.
Whenever someone was appointed as a Crown Lawyer they were granted a Title of Nobility -Esquire - and swore strict allegiance to the King. Our Supreme Court was staffed by Crown Lawyers.
Is it any wonder that the form of the writs adopted were the ones being used in England?
Starting with the Jay Supreme Court the Separation of Powers clause in the Constitution has been totally ignored. Over the years the bulk of the people in our Legislature are attorneys, in direct violation of the provisions We, the People established in our Constitution.
The very first Supreme Court established government by lawyers, and we are still suffering under that problem today.
As we have attempted to demonstrate, there are ongoing unlawful attempts to abrogate and modify our Constitution.
Our freedom is under attack. Not from an armed outside enemy, but from trusted officials whom we have elected, or appointed, to watch over our Life, Liberty, and our Pursuit of Happiness.
There is no more insidious deceit than to be betrayed by an attack from trusted individuals within the system.
These people have violated their Constitutional duties.
Worse still, because they claim the honor of immunity from prosecution.
They have firmly established their private club - the BAR - as the only ones who can practice law. The only ones who can serve as judges. The only ones who can be attorney generals. All in direct defiance of our Constitution.
Yes, the 13th Amendment was unlawfully removed by the attorneys and their associates. If the 13th Amendment were in place we would not have attorneys in the Legislature because most of them would have forfieted their Citizenship because they claimed honors and privileges.
For some reason it has always been the Lawyers and Attorneys who have destroyed the nations.
Jesus Christ condemned the Lawyers when He was at Jerusalem.

Parliamentary Finance: the integration of the grades for the current year and the next in the budget of 2015 Date: 12/02/2014 17:57

Parliamentary Finance: the integration of the grades for the current year and the next in the budget of 2015
Date: 12/02/2014 17:57

Finance Committee prosecutors announced Tuesday, for the integration of the grades in the budgets of 2014 and 2015, and make it in next year's budget, which amounted to more than 108 thousand degrees and functional.
Said committee member Majda al-Tamimi told / information / A "grades, which was scheduled in the budget of 2014 is estimated at 37 thousand degrees and functional."
She added that "the government has decided to deport grades and merged with the budget in 2015, according to the state need only an estimated 108 thousand degrees and functional."
Tamimi reported that "the Council of Ministers formed a committee to reconsider the budget after the change in oil prices and new pricing will depend not know the new changes will include grades or not."
She explained that "the 2015 budget is made up of 155 trillion dinars, of which 105 trillion and 50 trillion operational investment." Finished / 25 / and

Last updated: Tuesday - 10 Safar 1436 AH - December 2, 2014 m

Agreement between Baghdad and Erbil stipulates that «Iraq's oil belongs to all Iraqis»

Export includes 300 thousand barrels per day from the Kirkuk oilfields
Nechirvan Barzani and Haider al-Abadi
نسخة للطباعةSend by email
London: «Middle East Online»
The Iraqi government has reached an agreement with the Government of Iraq's Kurdistan region, states that "Iraq's oil belongs to all Iraqis," and eliminates the province exported 250 000 barrels per day to the federal government, according to an official statement on the transfer.
According to the government's statement that "the Council of Ministers decided in its meeting held today, to approve the agreement between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, which was attended by the Prime Minister of the Federal Haider al-Abadi, the head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani, stipulates that Iraqi oil is the property of each Iraqis and the Kurdistan region to hand over at least 250 000 barrels of oil per day to the federal government for the purpose of export. "
The agreement includes the export of 300 000 barrels per day by the federal province of Kirkuk fields of government through the oil pipeline in the province of Kurdistan.
Also provides for the allocation of a percentage of the Iraqi army forces Peshmerga budget, determined on the basis of percentage of population, as part of the Iraqi security system.
Barzani said during a press conference in Baghdad, "We have reached an agreement is in the interest of both parties. We will deliver 250 000 barrels of oil wells region and help the federal government on the export of Kirkuk's oil." Thus, the federal government will export 250 000 barrels of oil province in addition to the 300 000 barrels of oil per day Kirkuk.
Barzani added that "the Prime Minister of the Federal Government expressed its willingness to secure trillion and 200 billion Iraqi dinars (about US $ billion) of public Iraqi forces Peshmerga budget." He stressed that "this Agreement will enter into force early next year."
The Federal Government has reached the middle of last month, an agreement with the provincial government to transfer $ 500 million to the region compared to last put 500 000 barrels of oil per day at the disposal of the central government.
The form of the agreement "a first step" to resolve the differences between the parties on various topics, including natural resources and power sharing and the disputed territories, and the region's share of the budget.
Baghdad considers the Kurdistan region to export oil without going back to the central government is illegal, while the provincial government has accused Baghdad to withhold its share of the revenue.
For the region 17 per cent of the budget, but the work so hung since the beginning of 2014, because of disagreements between the province and the former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
He pledged Abadi, who took office in August (last August), working to solve the problems with Irbil, including the dispute over the oil-rich Kirkuk.
The Kurdistan region, announced last month that he has been out since the beginning of the current year 0.34500000 barrels of oil worth 2.87 billion US dollars.
And announced that the Ministry of Natural Resources in the province that "since January (January) 2014 until late October (October), was exported 34.5 million barrels of oil, including 21.5 million through the (port) Ceyhan" in southern Turkey. And confirmed the transfer of amounts "tankering to Mersin" Turkish.

Oil Minister announces reach Baghdad and Erbil agreement on a number of outstanding points in the oil Profile

Tuesday 2 December 2014 - 14:55 Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi
Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi said that the governments in Baghdad and Erbil, reached an agreement on a number of sticking points, both in the oil file or file of the budget.
Said Abdul-Mahdi, in a press conference held after the end of the talks between the two sides that the oil agreement that was reached eliminates that the Kurdistan region secured 250 000 barrels of crude oil per day to the Federal Aovernmh in Kurdistan will export 300 000 barrels of Kirkuk fields through the pipeline of oil flowing from the region to Turkey.
Turning Abdul-Mahdi during the conference that satellite radio tow to the solutions that it has been reached on the draft federal budget law where noted that the federal government has decided to allocate a percentage of the money to the Kurdish Peshmerga forces as part of the national security system.
The Minister of Oil that the talks will continue between the two sides to resolve all outstanding points between them.