Wednesday, December 3, 2014



By: Devvy
December 1, 2014
Below is a small excerpt from a speech I made at an event held by the Free Enterprise Society, July 6, 2002, in Sunnyvale, California. How well it describes America here and now:
"Ladies and gentlemen. These are indeed dangerous and serious times in which we live and not just from mad-dog terrorists from third world countries who hate US. We find ourselves in the same position as those who tried to save the Republic of Rome. I would like to open with a quote from the book, Dear and Glorious Physician, The Story of St. Luke, by one of the most prolific, magnificent writers of modern times, the late Taylor Caldwell. Published in 1959, this book spent 60 weeks on the NY Times bestseller list with more than 1,000,000 copies in print at the time. This is the character Diodorus speaking:
"In this very Senate, not many years ago, a senator was done to death because he spoke the truth. Not by knife or sword or spear was he murdered, and not by honest stones. No honorable hand struck him down, for there was no honorable hand here. He spoke of Rome. He cried out that Rome was no longer a republic, and that she had become a bloodthirsty empire, ruled not by men of wisdom and not by law, but by Caesar and his legions, and his generals and his rapacious freedmen and his palace politicians.
"The senator stood on this very podium and he wept for the Republic. He wept that emperors were not elected by the people, but by infamous legions and the idle and ravenous mobs who wished only to devour the fruits of the granaries and the treasures, and to be amused by charlatans and mountebanks and actors and singers and gladiators and pugilists -- at public expense."....
"For greed, that young senator cried to you, the mobs in this city supported evil Caesars, who lusted only for power, because those Caesars promised them loot from the public treasuries. Venal senators supported those Caesars, for profit and power.
"The lying Caesars spoke to the mobs and told them that our country could not defend itself against barbarians without allies, who must endlessly be bought and cajoled and flattered. And the traitorous Caesars plotted against their nation, mad with the lust to be gilded like gods by the whole world, and to be acclaimed by millions of thieves and beggars and wrestlers and freedmen and the cowardly, who never felt a pulse of patriotism in their vultures hearts!"
"Let me move your hearts!" he cried. "It is not yet too late!
"The course of empire leads only to death. Senators, look at me! Listen with your hearts, and not with your evil minds. Turn back to liberty, to frugality, to morality to peace, to Rome. Think no longer of those who appoint you, those whose bellies demand to be satisfied by the very blood of Rome, the very flesh of Rome, the hard-earned gold of Rome. Bow no longer to false Caesars, who, defying our very Constitution, issue mandates against the welfare of Rome and place themselves above the law which our fathers formulated, and for which they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.
"Rome was conceived in good faith and in justice, and in the worship of God, and in the name of the manhood of man. Return our country to the rule of law and strike down the rule by men. Restore the treasuries. Withdraw our legions from foreign lands which hate us, and will destroy us at a moment's notice when it serves their interests. Repeal the taxes which crush those who work hard and industriously.
"Tell your multitudes that they must work or they shall starve. Drive from the Palatine itself the masses of toadies and self-seekers and thieves! Drive from the Palatine the puny freedmen who say 'Yes, yes!' to Caesar, and bow before him as though he were a god and not human flesh. Cleanse this chamber of rascals and mountebanks and demagogues who declaim in rounded phrases that the welfare of the people is close to their hearts, but who really mean that they will do the will of the mob in exchange for vile plaudits and power, and bribery!"....
"Romans! In the name of God, in the name of Cincinnatus, the Father of this Country, in the name of heroism and peace and manliness and freedom and justice, I beg of you to restore yourselves as the guardians of Rome, to cast out the usurper of the powers which rightfully belong to you, to impeach and to punish those who seized those powers in order to pervert the laws of our fathers! Let your Roman hearts speak and your Roman spirits cry out against the expedient and the corrupt, against the vainglorious and the traitors, against Caesars who anoint themselves as gods and hold court for the depraved and the ambitious and those who would dissipate the strength of our people, our Constitution, and our traditions! If you turn from your country, then she will die, and a thousand thousand legions shall not save her and a thousand bloody Caesars will vainly blow to the winds."
"Tiberius, the Caesar of the time, responded to this attack: "I am a soldier. I am surrounded by sycophants and liars, and in that Diodorus speaks truth. What is lavish and uncomprehending praise given out of self-seeking and fear? "What is flattery if lips that speak it only fawn, and in that fawning profit? The dull ear is servant to a duller tongue. As a I solider I prefer men of simple truth and without complexities who speak in honor and of patriotism. But where are men today in Rome?"....
"Let me tell you this," said Tiberius, quietly. "Venal Caesars, power-mad Caesars, never seize power, never destroy law and their country. Their power is forced on them by an evil and despicable people, a selfish and cowardly people. Where are the guardians of the people's liberty then? You are silent, you are slaves in spirit, you are thieves and cowards. But a people deserve their lawmakers."......
"Rome!" he said. "Do I recognize this Rome of polyglot slaves, of Scythians, Britons, Gauls, barbarians, Greeks, Assyrians, Egyptians, and the scum of a whole world? Where are the Romans? They have lost their identity. They have lost their tongues, their minds, their souls, their virility. What have I to do with such a Rome? I am not an honorable man! I am what my people have made me. I am their captive, not their Emperor. Here is no escaping the evil of a debased people."......
"I am here only to do the filthy will of a nation obstinately determined to commit suicide. If I break the law and the Constitution in their greedy behalf, they applaud me. If I have given up my hope of restoring the Treasury, they praise me for having their welfare at heart. Their welfare! Dogs and jackals!" End of quote from Caldwell's book.
"The rabble, the mob of "democracy" exist only to suck off the productive. These may sound like harsh words, but only a willfully blind person can't see the hand writing on the wall. History does repeat itself. Those who ignore it are doomed to repeat it. Unfortunately, you and I are watching history right now. We are watching America follow the same blueprint of destruction that caused the Roman Empire to wither into dust. America was once a great nation of people who used to be self reliant, determined, masters of their own destiny and strong warriors. We can be that way again and I believe we will.
"Too many coming from third world or communist/fascist countries care nothing for assimilating into the western culture. They are here to leech off the productive. However, every person sitting in this room and watching this video, has the opportunity to make and shape history by committing ourselves 100% to the challenges which face every freedom loving American. While most of the self-ordained slaves in this country will willfully continue to believe lies from the politicians who unlawfully rob the public treasury to support the rabble of the mob, there are millions of real Americans who are becoming informed and determined to stop the destruction of this Republic.
"Those of us who are committed to this cause should not worry ourselves overmuch about the sheep out in America. We will never reach all the people and we don't need to. We only need those men and women who have the stomach to stand up and be counted. Our numbers grow by the day.
"On September 14, 1994, David Rockefeller, speaking at the Business Council for the United Nothing [UN] said: "But this present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for long. Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all of our hopes and efforts to erect an enduring structure of global interdependence."
"We the people who cherish freedom are closing that so-called window of opportunity and we intend to ratchet up the game in the immediate future. For many years I have said that most people don't become activists until they become victims. As more and more of these draconian junk laws passed by Congress and the 50 state legislatures affect more of the general population, we are beginning to see the sleeping tiger awaken. {Note: Think Obamacare]
"What kind of man would defy a King? What kind of American will defy tyranny? I say the same caliber as those who fought and gave us our freedom back in 1776. In the movie Braveheart, Robert the Bruce visits his father and says, "Father, the rebellion has begun." Later in the movie William Wallace bursts into a tap room full of nobles and says:
"My army has marched for more days than I can remember and we still have preparations to make so I'll make this plain: We require every soldier you can summon. Your personal escorts, even yourselves and we need them now."
A noble replies: "With such a force arrayed against us, it's time to discuss other options."
To which Wallace replies: "Other options? Do you wish at least to lead your men onto the field and barter a better deal with Longshanks before you tuck tail and run?"
A noble replies: "We cannot defeat this army."
Wallace replies: "We can. And we will. We won at Sterling and still you quibble. We won at York and you would not support us. If you no stand up with us now I say you are cowards." (End of excerpt from my speech.)
What Taylor Caldwell was describing is the same destruction of our Western culture from the massive human invasion since Ronnie Reagan opened the flood gates back in the 1986 with the "final and last" immigration reform bill. Since that bill was signed into law, wave after wave after wave of illegal aliens from dozens of countries have sneaked across our borders demanding we forfeit our way of life, our treasury and our culture to suit them. Millions of Mexicans who have zero loyalty to this country; they're here only to steal from you, me our children and grand children:
Immigration Amnesty Will Cost American Taxpayers $2 TRILLION. Our treasury is in debt just shy of $18 TRILLION dollars. Every penny being spent by the thieves in the Outlaw Congress, kissed and blessed by the fraud in the White House has to be borrowed. Meaning every penny for Barry Soetoro's (Obama) amnesty will be more borrowed debt heaped on we the people.
Historically speaking, the fall of the Roman Empire was based on a number of factors: Excessive taxation to satisfy the ravenous mobs and endless wars; decadence and the utter collapse of any morals. Sound familiar? However, one other thing brought down the Roman Empire: the rise of Christianity. Constantine The Great ended the persecution of Christians and the rest is history as they say. It has always been the imperative of the Communist International to destroy Christianity in America because communism can only grow and flourish in a God-less country.
Of course, we know what happened in the movie Braveheart. Wallace was betrayed for land, titles and filthy lucre. Not much different than today.
Today we are under assault by not only professional politicians put back into office election after election who have brought America to her knees but also useful fools in the "old" media and cash cow organizations like the Southern "Poverty" Law Center who refer to those of us fighting back against tyranny are labeled extremists and worse.
We are not children rebelling against our nation of laws, but rather we are The People engaged in a revolution to stop the destruction of our constitutional Republic. Steve Farrell, a noted writer with, so eloquently stated in a commentary: "The War for Independence was a just war, fought on the American side by those who upheld and defended established law, eternal principles and inalienable rights, as no men in the world's history before them had. And so, let this then be said and remembered forever: These, our Founders, were not rebels, but principled patriots and prophets who bravely battled for Liberty and Law!"
Over the past few weeks, the criminal impostor in the White House has attempted to defend his unlawful unilateral amnesty for 5 million liars, cheats and thieves, illegal aliens - a complete opposite position that liar took six years ago: Watch Obama In 2008 Make The Case Against Executive Amnesty Plan Of 2014
"In 2011, he told a Univision town hall that there “are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system.” To ignore those congressional mandates through executive order, Obama said, would “not conform with my appropriate role as president.”
“I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the [immigration] on my own,” he told the National Council of La Raza that year. “Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you. Not just on immigration reform. But that's not how our system works. That's not how our democracy functions. That's not how our Constitution is written.”
Why would Comrade Obama do it? Very simple. If he gets away with it, the Democratic/Communist Party USA gets millions of new voters. If it is defeated he can always say "I tried" and off to the golf course. Anyone who thinks that shallow, empty suit cares for one minute about Mexicans, South Americans, Vietnamese, Irish, Chinese or any other illegals, they don't understand how that Manchurian Candidate is programmed.
Barry Soetoro (Obama) had the gall to puke up this one: Only Native Americans can object to amnesty. Really? The Tohono O'odham Nation in Arizona fully supports and works with DHS to stop illegal aliens that have been so destructive to their reservations. I doubt very much if they want to reward those liars, cheats and thieves.
Soetoro/Obama has denied he's an emperor and has the power to simply ignore laws already on the books and the lawmaking power of the U.S. Congress. While denying he's done anything wrong and that he has the authority to screw we the people again, the Liar-in-Chief's temper finally belched up the truth:
Obama Puzzled by Pro-Amnesty Hecklers: 'I Just Took an Action to Change the Law!' "What you're not paying attention to is the fact that I just took an action to change the law,” Obama said." He has no authority even if he were a legitimately elected president to change any laws and by damn the Republicans had better rub his nose in it while they cut off all funding and take him to court.
Businesses Will Receive $3,000 Per Employee For Hiring Illegal Immigrants: "As if President Obama’s executive amnesty wasn't already a slap in the face to out-of-work Americans, thanks to a loophole in Obamacare, it looks like businesses will actually have a financial incentive for hiring illegal immigrants."
Aren't the people of California sick and tired of their paychecks going to support liars, cheats and thieves? John and I left California in 2006 for two reasons: (1) state personal income tax and (2) supporting illegal aliens with those state personal income taxes. How about your high Obamacare premiums out in California? Now, do you want to pay for this, too? Executive Amnesty: 400,000 Illegal Immigrants Eligible for Free Health Services in California
Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv][b](iii) any US citizen that knowingly assists an illegal alien, provides them with employment, food, water or shelter has committed a felony. City, county or State officials that declare their jurisdictions to be "Open Cities, Counties or States are subject to arrest; as are law enforcement agencies who chose not to enforce this law. Police officers who ignore officials who violate Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv][b](iii) are committing a Section 274 federal felony. Furthermore, according to Federal Immigration and National Act of 1952, if you live in a city, county or State that refuses to enforce the law for whatever reason, the officials making those rules are financially liable for any crime committed within their jurisdiction by an illegal alien."
Sheriff Joe Arpaio out in Arizona has filed a lawsuit: Sheriff Joe Arpaio sues Obama to halt executive amnesty
This one is also important: Judge Greenlights Lawsuit Against Guest-Worker Program Expanded by Executive Amnesty: "Now that a federal judge has allowed a lawsuit against the student guest-worker program that President Barack Obama expanded via executive action to proceed, the federal government will have to prove that there is actually a shortage of high-tech American workers to keep the program intact.
"The program in question is the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program, which critics allege is just a way for high-tech companies to have a more permanent source of cheap foreign labor. According to ComputerWorld, "students still in school or recent graduates can use their student F-1 visas to take jobs through the OPT program" and "employers don't have to pay them a prevailing wage, or Medicare and Social Security taxes."...."As Breitbart News has extensively documented, numerous scholars and studies from across the political spectrum have determined that America has a surplus -- and not a shortage -- of high-tech workers."
Press release: there is no executive order to shield 5 million illegals and no executive order to grant tech visas, no executive order from Nov 20 or Nov 21 2014 at all: "On 11.20.2014 Barack Obama announced an executive order to grant 28 month reprieve from deportation for tech graduates and a bigger executive order to stop deportation of some 5 million illegals with anchor babies (children of illegal aliens born in the US). However, extensive research by Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ showed that there is no such executive order in Federal register, on White or anywhere else for that matter. Some Obama supporters pointed to a memo, sent to DHS on 11.21.2014 by Obama, however the memo is absolutely empty, it contains nothing but general diatribe and gibberish, no specifics and just general recommendations, which, of course, fall far short from a specific executive order upon which these millions of illegals should be getting work permits."
While 49.9 MILLION Americans are on food stamps:
What is the GOP "leadership" in the Outlaw Congress going to do it stop Soetoro's latest lawlessness?
"Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) revealed on Saturday that Republican leadership, led by Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Oh), has no intention of resisting President Obama’s executive amnesty that he ordered on Thursday. Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steven K. Bannon asked the congresswoman, who was a guest on Breitbart News Saturday Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, “Has there been any firm commitment from the leadership of the Republican party saying that this amnesty is not going to happen?” Bachmann replied with a question, “Do you want the truth? Okay, I’ll tell all of Breitbart listeners what happened this week. I was floored!”
"In the weekly meeting called “Republican Conference” in the House of Representatives, “we all knew that the big issue for the week was going to be the president announcing his amnesty,” she explained. Bachmann recounted that all of the leadership went to the microphone, including John Boehner.
“They acted as though the amnesty issue wasn't even an issue. They said that the President is going to do what he's going to do, and we are not going to get down in the mud with him. We are not going to engage, and what we are going to do is to talk about our positive solutions on jobs, the economy, education, and manufacturing,” Bachmann said. "She added that each congressman who spoke reiterated that not engaging Obama and staying positive was a “brilliant strategy.”
I told you so: GOP incumbents will betray America end of year (Feb. 20, 2014). Republicans look to loosen penalties on illegal immigrants (May 8, 2014) and they are about to do it to us unless we the people arise and demand they stop the fraud in the White House.
The Outlaw Congress returns to Washington, DC, today. We MUST keep massive pressure on by burning up telephone lines and their fax machines and keep doing it until we see they act: No amnesty and defund any and all programs relating to illegals staying in this country.
Less than ten days ago a Republican House rep claimed the U.S. House could not defund Comrade Obama's amnesty. Wrong. They can defund all of it: Confirmed: Congress Can Defund Obama's Amnesty: "Incoming-House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA) is already laying the groundwork for Congress to defund Obama's amnesty sometime early next year. House Republicans would pass a long-term funding bill for most of the federal government this December, but would not include agencies that dealt with illegal immigration in that bill. They would then pass a separate bill that funded those agencies, but only on a short-term basis. This would allow Republicans to fight Obama's amnesty early next year when they have control of both the House and the Senate."
And, they damn well better. When you call or fax make it very clear: Republican mega power broker, Eric Cantor, was thrown out of the U.S. House during the primaries and thankfully is gone from the U.S. House. If voters in his district can do it, we can in two years all over this country. Tell your congress critter you gave them one more chance in the 2014 elections. You won't make the same mistake in 2016. Unless we the people blast the heat, we will see the GOP sell us out:
Possible 'ammunition' against Obama's amnesty riles some Republicans. "Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who requested the CRS report, hit the nail on the head in his commentary: "On its face, the suggestion that the White House can implement any unlawful and unconstitutional act so long as it pays for it with assessed fees is just plain wrong." The idea of Republicans, beset by the people who gave them an electoral wave just this month, throwing their hands up in the air and saying, Sorry, we can't do anything because...fees is indeed absurd."
The Republicans can file a lawsuit which I covered in this column based on the very real national security and health issues: Could lawsuit stop Obama's toxic plan for amnesty?
In his speech trying to justify breaking the law, Comrade Obama rolled out one of the big lies: You can't deport 11 million illegals. Gee, where have we heard that one before: Rand Paul: 'we aren't going to deport' 11 Million Illegal Immigrants. He can't even get their legal definition right. Illegals are illegal aliens not immigrants. And, yes we can and more. Deporting illegals has never been a priority for the last half dozen presidents and it still isn't with the fake one in the White House: JUDGE: 'The government has simply chosen not to enforce border security laws'
We don't need another destructive immigration "reform" bill like Ronnie Reagan signed. We need strict enforcement of the laws on the books along with locking down the border.
We can also force self-deporting of tens of millions of illegals by taking away the welfare teat which I covered thoroughly in an August column: A Bill: Stop all Public Welfare in Any Form for Illegal Aliens And, cutting off college tuition breaks for illegals who have no right to be on US soil. Long overdue here in Texas: Texas State Rep. Files Bill to End In-State Tuition for Illegals

Please send your letter or faxes to the district offices of Rep. Steve King [R-IA], Rep. Trey Gowdy [R-SC], Rep. Louis Gohmert [R-TX] and Senators Jeff Sessions [R -AL], Ted Cruz [R-TX], Mike Lee [R-UT]. 1. Defund Obamacare. 2. Sue to stop implementation based on national security and health issues. 3. The bill to stop all welfare in any form for illegals. Send a copy to your U.S. House critter and senator. The Outlaw Congress will soon go out of session for the rest of the year. They will be in their district offices for weeks and that's when your letter should be sitting there. Let those three senators shove Dirty Harry Reid's bill in his face come January.
The Reps can introduce Harry Reid's bill with the small section (substitution language) I have in the appendix section in my column above. Sessions, Cruz and Lee can introduce it in the Senate. Republicans now control both chambers come January. Such a bill would automatically get vetoed by the fraud in the White House, but the Senate does not have enough votes on a straight party line to override a veto. HOWEVER, 1/3 rd of the Senate is unlawfully up for reelection in two years and they are running scared. Just look at what Chuckie Schumer did: Chuck Schumer's Shrewd Break with ObamaCare. Political wags say he wants Dirty Harry Reid's job, but Schumer is a Class III senator meaning he will run again in 2016 and Obamacare as he fully well knows cleaned a number of senators out of office last month.
If enough Class III senators decide they're neck is on the chopping block in 2016 the Republicans just might be able to override the impostor president's veto for a bill to stop ALL forms of welfare for illegal aliens. It is the magnet that has kept them coming and it must stop. Only we can make it happen. We have to reach out to everyone we know and ask them to help us save our republic, our way of life, our country and the rule of law.
© 2014 - and Devvy - All Rights Reserved

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WUA - Islam and the Free West don't mix...Wake Up America

Subject: WUA - Islam and the Free West don't mix...Wake Up America
To: <>

WUA – Islam and the Free West don’t mix…….Wake Up America

Dutch MP calls for removal of all mosques in Netherlands….
Yesterday there was a debate in the Dutch parliament about, among other things, integration of minorities. Dutch MP Machiel De Graaf spoke on behalf of the Party for Freedom (PVV). He held a lengthy talk about why Islam is threatening our Dutch society, including our so dearly held freedom of religion.
He concluded with stating that all mosques in the Netherlands should be shut down.
Other parliamentarians reacted with shock. Later, Geert Wilders confirmed the new position of his party.
The first thing I did when I got note of this, was send a short email to Mr. De Graaf, to compliment him. It’s very encouraging that the Party for Freedom has now also understood that Islam and the Free West don’t mix. If you mix them, there will either be bloodshed or the Free West has to go down and submit to Islamic sharia law.
What I’m wondering is, why do the Dutch have to take the lead in ridding the Free World of Islam? Aren’t American conservative politicians always so themselves convinced of the danger Islam poses to the free world? Isn’t the United States on the front lines defending freedom in the Western hemisphere and beyond?
Perhaps I’m wrong, but I have the impression that U.S. Senator Ted Cruz still handles the issue and all matters related to Islam with kid gloves. U.S. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who does have a grasp of the earnest and existential threats from Islam, is retreating from the political stage. Tough guy Lieutenant Colonel Allen West hardly touches upon the subject, though he seemed such a promising counter-jihadist in past years.
There are over 330 million Americans. Is there really not a single contender for the White House in 2016 among them who wants to tell the truth about Islam, say that he wants Islam out of the United States, like MP De Graaf did in the Netherlands?
Last but not least, this is my personal view on the matter, in case you didn’t know yet: I want all Muslims in my country to either assimilate or go back to their home countries. Assimilating means leaving the totalitarian ideology of Islam completely.
Thanks Dr. Rich Swier - Dr. Rich Swier excellent weekly articles.
Question : USA Constitution/Bill of Rights vs. Islam/Sharia Law…..Support to ISIS from within the USA?
If you have not read the attached – please do!.....I’m sure you read the USA Constitution, right?

“Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.”   

“When you’re in the jar, you can’t read the label”

20141003_152546_resized.....Bob Burton

Help me help you HELP America! …..Now today!
.It’s our country, ours!
American’s - Vs. – American’t



Bandito. Rox: The Washington Post describes the oil agreement between Baghdad and...
The Washington Post describes the oil agreement between Baghdad and Erbil, the "big breakthrough."



ANY HOOT.......





R.V. / GCR December 3, 2014 at 2:45am
we have always been told that we would not know for 6 to 8 hours after the reset we believe that the reset is after midnight GIVING God all the glory

James > R.V. / GCR December 3, 2014 at 2:41am
What will be our indicator that "RV" has happened

R.V. / GCR > James December 3, 2014 at 2:49am

100,000 Year Old Electronic Device Found In Rock?

Beautiful Video and a Beer Commercial

Train Journey (8000 Km.) from Moscow to Beijing on the Trans-Siberian Railway. It is fascinating and well worth your time (35 minutes) Trans Siberia by Private Train.
Jim  Lucot

The epic Private Train Journey (about 8000 km) on the world's most famous Railway from Moscow to Beijing Director Michael Altenhenne has captured the journey on the Trans Siberian by Private Train with his camera in a virtuoso manner. His impressions of Russia, Mongolia and China are perfect to lose oneself in the yearning for or maybe even one's own memories of the last genuine adventure trip on earth. The unique atmosphere on board the comfortable private train, the sublime mood of the travellers and the natural and cultural wonders en route unfold their irresistible charm in this excellent documentary.
Price of the Journey: Click below. 
Well Done Guinness !!

Usually beer commercials are full of goofy characters and funny gags, but this one carries an important message.
 Guinness’ "Empty Chair" salutes the character of a community as they honor one of their own who is out of sight, but not out of mind. They remind us that a true test of character is what you do when no one's looking.
 Beer Commercial Reminds Us To Always Remember The Troops.
Jim Lucot

It's A Strange Game They Are Playing...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
It's A Strange Game They Are Playing...
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 3-Dec-2014 10:27:07
In Response To: Another Ponzi Roll Over of Treasury Debt (SARTRE)

...and an adolescent, absurd game of semantic deception to boot.
Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.
Nothing added to nothing leaves nothing.
If I give you nothing, and tell you it's something, it's still nothing no matter what I say it is.
If I call it debt obligations - it's still nothing.
If I call it assets - it's still nothing.
FIAT - "Because I say so".
DEFINITION of 'Fiat Money'
Currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, but is not backed by a physical commodity.
The value of fiat money is derived from the relationship between supply and demand rather than the value of the material that the money is made of.
Historically, most currencies were based on physical commodities such as gold or silver, but fiat money is based solely on faith.
Fiat is the Latin word for "it shall be".
Because fiat money is not linked to physical reserves, it risks becoming worthless due to hyperinflation.
If people lose faith in a nation's paper currency, like the dollar bill, the money will no longer hold any value.
Most modern paper currencies are fiat currencies, have no intrinsic value and are used solely as a means of payment.
Historically, governments would mint coins out of a physical commodity such as gold or silver, or would print paper money that could be redeemed for a set amount of physical commodity.
Fiat money is inconvertible and cannot be redeemed.
Fiat money rose to prominence in the 20th century, specifically after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1971, when the United States ceased to allow the conversion of the dollar into gold.
'Monetizing the debt' is simply adding more nothing to what was nothing to begin with.
The idiots of the Corporate board members of Congress, and the bigger idiots from the FED have 'nothing-ed' their way into a pickle of stupid, and there is no way out except to keep portraying their faux ponzi-scheme system has value.
The Fed ponzi scheme has no real value, because it was built on fiat nothing to begin with.
If the Fed ponzi scheme has no real value, then conversely, what is claimed as 'debt' is non-existent.
This is the game:
The predator thugs at Federal Reserve - City of London corporations, the predator thugs at IRS corporation ( a foreign-based corporation operating on us soil ), and the predator thugs of the Washington DC corporation ( another foreign-based corporation operating on us soil ), falsely contend, that Human Beings who reside in the usa outside the jurisdiction of the Washington, DC corporation - are responsible for the volume of deception they refer to as 'debt'.
The true assets of any economy, lie in the ability of Human Beings who reside within said economy to produce output.
Hence, the Federal Reserve System constitutes a coercive scam of real asset theft, and control over Human Beings who reside and produce in the usa, because as is quite evident this late in the game - that even unlawful extortion ('tax revenue') generated cannot begin to cover even a minute portion of the predatory assigned debt scheme.
When the volume of the assigned (fake) 'ponzi-scheme debt' - is more than the total GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the usa economic output - it becomes an absurd 'debt into perpetuity slave system' - which is exactly the system the unlawful predator thugs from the FED and the IRS want to maintain.
The ponzi-scheme assigned fake debt number could be 18 trillion, or 36 trillion - or whatever.
It really doesn't matter what number is bandied about, because nothing from nothing leaves nothing, or nothing added to nothing still leaves nothing.
When corporate board members of Corporate Congress debate or contend there is a 'debt ceiling' or there is no 'debt ceiling' - it is simply a show they put on for the cameras and the gullible public.
When playing the fiat revenue game, a 'debt ceiling' does not even enter into the picture.
In other words, why even consider a 'debt ceiling' - when it's all fake regardless?
As long as the FED's predator scheme of demanding something in return for nothing is allowed to continue on, the debt slavery system will continue to depress productivity, destroy economies, usurp assets, destroy the lives Human Beings, and maintain the power status of the parasitical predator state.
Any suggestions?
: As the holiday season draws nearer, it is nice to know that a
: present for all Americans and future generations is
: building as the hordes of consumers’ storm the aisles of
: their favorite box store so that they can go further in
: debt. Much like maxing out your plastic limits and paying
: the monthly minimum, the U.S. Treasury just keeps rolling
: over their debt since their credit card has no ceiling. The
: banksters behind the Federal Reserve have no problem with
: monetizing the national debt, since the Treasury provides
: their stamp of guarantee. As the public sector continues
: their spending spree, few really know the extent and amount
: of their share of the obligation.
: Read the entire article on the Corporatocracy archive
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: Discuss or comment about this essay on the BATR Forum




Again and again America is set up to believe for the RV breakthrough.  Again and again we find that the RV has once again been BLOCKED by the Nazi Bush cabal, more specifically Cohen and Lew. 

It has been reported many times that the RV took place some time ago.  Over and over we are told to expect the RV to be put through overnight here in the states, and yet again we find out this very morning – EVERY MORNING - the following:



Some of the questions to be posed are……………………

Why is the cabal still in charge of the GCT/RV?

WHY is Cohen or any one else in the ‘Treasury’ still able to block the RV?

WHY has not Cohen and other Bush/Nazi colleagues in the ‘Treasury” been arrested and removed from this ‘Treasury”?  For that matter, in ANY public office?

WHY was the Federal Reserve incorporated in to the ‘restored Republic Treasury’?  Is this not foolish, akin to allowing wolves and foxes in to your chicken coop? Who do you think is going to be in control – You?  Or the Bush/Nazi cabal?  Does not “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?”  Gal 5:9

Jacob (Jack) Lew appears to continue to be in control, not only of the Bush/Nazi ‘Treasury”  – BUT THE TREASURY OF THE RESTORED REPUBLIC as well????


Who does General Ham REALLY WORK FOR?  REALLY?  REALLY?  Is Ham a paid puppet for the NWO/Bush/NAZI cabal?  America has yet to see ANY thing has been accomplished on behalf of the Republic.  Not even anything that PROVES that the Republic has been restored.

We have been told repeatedly for months now that arrests warrants have been issued and that arrests, both in the USA and worldwide, are being done.  WHAT PROOF HAVE WE BEEN PROVIDED THAT THIS IS, INDEED, TRUE?  All appears to be operating as per usual – with nothing appearing to have been changed in ANY way. 

America, especially ‘Dinarians,’ WE ARE YET AGAIN BEING ‘HAD.’  Do you HONESTLY BELIVE that the Bush cartel, via Cohen, is going to allow ANY HONEST information to be provided to the cartel paid ‘Gurus’???????  HOW is it that you actually put credence in the ‘intel’ published by the ‘Gurus’ on behalf of the cartel?  When the ‘intel’ has proved to be phony OVER AND OVER, WHY do you continue to RUSH to read their LIES?  HOW MUCH LONGER are you going to prove yourself to be foolish?

Are we going to continue to sit back and be satisfied in reading the ‘Guru’ reports or being on the CCs?

Are we going to continue to be satisfied with the continual ‘delays’ by the Bush/Nazi cabal?

WHEN are Americans going to rise up, be heard and taken seriously?

Are you Dinarians so focused on getting your pockets filled with MONEY that your discernment and ability to THINK are all tangled up in your butt????? WAKE  UP OUT OF YOUR SLUMBER, SHAKE OFF THE GREED AND START PUTTING TOGETHER ALL THE DOTS AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.



Another Ponzi Roll Over of Treasury Debt

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Another Ponzi Roll Over of Treasury Debt
Posted By: SARTRE
Date: Wednesday, 3-Dec-2014 04:59:22

As the holiday season draws nearer, it is nice to know that a present for all Americans and future generations is building as the hordes of consumers’ storm the aisles of their favorite box store so that they can go further in debt. Much like maxing out your plastic limits and paying the monthly minimum, the U.S. Treasury just keeps rolling over their debt since their credit card has no ceiling. The banksters behind the Federal Reserve have no problem with monetizing the national debt, since the Treasury provides their stamp of guarantee. As the public sector continues their spending spree, few really know the extent and amount of their share of the obligation.
Read the entire article on the Corporatocracy archive
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Discuss or comment about this essay on the BATR Forum 


Sent: Tuesday, December 2, 2014 10:33:58 PM

UU9022 -  “The USA Rollout Plan”   by Mnt Goat

Hi Everyone,

I can hardly believe it is December 2014 already. The snow covered peaks are now very prevalent and obvious where I live. Tourist are now flocking in to begin the ski season once again. I have to put my long mountain hikes on hold for now and yearn for the spring thaw. It is going to be a long winter. Our little Gasthaus is operating and is now in full gear during the weekends. I also never in my wildest dreams  thought we would be sitting here in 2014 without seeing the IQD going international. So let me tell you what I have heard recently.

Some are telling me I never reference real articles and just make stuff up in my news letter to suite some conspiracy goals. This is of course real nonsense since first of all  I do often give you the articles and often reference them, so this first statement is not entirely true. Second I will say that the only conspiracy is the citizen who leaves their government unchecked and out of balance an in touch with the people. So if you feel there is a conspiracy of come kind going on….look in your own backyard! Third, I ask you this – How would you like to get the news?  Would you like convoluted notes from some  conversation I had with someone (with no conclusions), or how about some riddles or how about watered down crap that has no value and makes no conclusions or sense?  Is this what you want from me?
I attempt to give it straight to you as I am receiving the news. Yes – I do have to edit it sometimes since some who tell me info do not have the mental capacity to put past and future events into order to make sense of them. Noting just happens by coincidence!

We all want conclusions don’t we? Raw info makes no sense. It has to have some conclusions to be meaningful. For instance if I was to just lay out the events to you such as they saying HCL is done. What sense does this make to you? Did you know that the council of ministers write the laws then they now have to go through the Federation Council (Provincial Council) and then finally go to Parliament for 2 readings and then the final voting process. So is HCL actually voted on and passed to be “done”. Well is it?

So going back to my statement it is not entirely the truth is it? It is not telling you much about the stage of the HCL law is it? Since you do not know where in the political process it stands you the statement is of little value to you. This is what many so called “intel gurus” do. They simply pass on to you what they hear without thinking it through and connecting the dots for you to get the real picture of what and why it is happening. If you want just articles then go read them. Research them and read them. You do not need me and my skill set.

Remember I was in the intelligence area for many years while serving in the US military so this has become a gift I bring to the dinarian community. This is why I decided to write my news letters. I was tired of all the misinformation and garbage. I am only trying to help everyone through this process.

Today's news letter, as in all my news letters, is a continuation of the ongoing saga of the IQD RV process. Please refer back to my last news letter of 11/29 (LINK) as this news letter is a continuation of this news.

Today’s News

Today is Tuesday 12/02 and I still believe Iraq is literally very much on the verge of bringing back their currency online to a global status.

However my USA contact  now says it may be late December or early January before it is finalized on the public exchanges. What I mean by this is then opened to the general public were anyone can walk in to the bank and exchange or purchase dinar.  Why so late? I am going to tell you. Please pay attention but this news letter is long. Have a cup of coffee, find your reading glasses and a nice cozy chair.  Okay let’s go…!

USA Rollout Plan
If you have been following the news we know that the USA is in fact holding up the final rollout process for the revaluation. They have however begun some exchanges already.
Let me review these exchanges again with you and give you a recap and thus will back into where we are now and about to experience.

We know for a fact that senators and congressmen (families of friends there of) have exchanged back in Nov thru Dec 2013. Then the rate was supposed to go live for the rest of the contracted groups and then eventually the general public. The rate then was $3.71.

Instead once the high level officials exchanged they then when on to exchange only a few more very high rollers of the bank and then stopped it. Why?

Well the plan was to continue the exchanges however Maliki then went on his rampage at this time and the PTB decided then it was time to back off on support for Maliki. This was the beginning of the end for him. Initially, as you know, the USA supported him and I am convinced he worked closely with the CIA intelligence group to do their bidding in the past.

Essentially he was their patsy in the Iraq government. However he decided to go on his own and began ignoring most of the orders from the CIA (e.i, Kurkuk incident, Anbar, etc,,,). Instead he got heavily aligned with Iran and decided to make a power grab for Iraq.  So they stopped the exchanges and decided to hold off the process to revalue until further notice. This of course made it very inconvenient and confusing for Iraq since they already began the process of the deletion of the zeros (drawing in the 3 zero notes, bank, distribution of lower denoms, coins, etc..). This literally tumbled their economy since the average citizen now had no hard paper currency to use on the streets for shopping. So Iraq struggled for almost a year in this manner. The USA kept telling them don’t worry we will complete the process. This went on for a year of constant deception and lies. RV happening every weekend. Do you remember?

So this brings us to this November of 2014. At this time the exchanges began once again. Why?

First the security of Iraq greatly improved with ISIS and Daash. Next Maliki was now mostly neutralized and a new stable government was put in place following the withdraw of USA support for Maliki in the April elections. We also are now witnessing the near completion of the full implementation of the Erbil agreement, something that should have been implemented within 30 days by Maliki after the 2010 elections and was not.

Also because they know the necessity for Iraq to revalue and complete the process of the project to delete the zeros is in a critical stage. It is inevitable that they will have to revalue and fully rollout their currency to the world.  They desperately need this to continue in the plan to revitalize this country and complete stage one of their master plan for this entire region.

So for the USA to get the RV done they need to get all these contracted groups exchanged and out of the way. These are the only real exchanges they feel they can fully control besides the senators and congressmen completed last year. But this is just their feeling and I have to tell you it is a paranoid attitude and is being perpetrated wrongly upon the general public. How do you feel about all this delay?

Right now they are about complete with these group exchanges too and so they are about to move on to the next step of the rollout plan. What is this next step?

This next step is the general public. Their concern is however about terrorism… so they say. I can not debate this concern since I can see they should consider national security above everything else. Money could be laundered to terrorist or radical groups to overthrow the USA government or funding ISIS, Daash or other groups throughout the world in this process. The PTB are being very cautious and since there are so many private citizens in the USA now holding dinar this has caused quite a dilemma for they say.

So how do they securely exchange over 5 million more citizens and do it safely? Well I say you better look in your backyard and worry about these other exchanges already completed too for these senators and congressmen if you are really concerned about national security. Since many of  these characters are just not as clean you think they are, never mind about just the average Joe-the-plumber citizen. If I were them this would definitely be my major concern…....these senators and congressmen and not the average citizen.

So  they are now setting up a process where they are considering the amount of your holdings. Basically the process varies on how much you are holding. Also the process varies in assigning a rate of exchange too on the amount of USD you will acquire after the exchange has taken place. Since they have these contract rates from China there is some flexibility in what they can offer you. You can of course decide to go purely on the market rate (international rate adjusted for demand). There will be also be cutoffs/limits on the amount you can exchange given the contract rate. They are telling me they are doing this to stabilize the amount of wealth in the hands of the general public after exchange. Really? I could hardly believe my ears when I heard this.

Do you like this approach? If this was purely for national security issue I would have no objections. However think about this process again? What are they really trying to accomplish here under the disguise of “national security”.

I have to ask you - Is this the fair market working? Should not everyone have a chance to become a millionaire or billionaire if they play the game right? Is this not what America dream is all about? If you didn't want us (the average citizen) to own dinar then you should have limited the amount coming into the country. No...Yes...? So now that you bundled that one factor you are going to now limit our exchange? And what about all the holdups? Did you not then give yet more average citizens time to purchase more? This was their decision not ours. Why do we have to now wait and have all these restrictions?

Is this not how the the very rich made their money in the past and are making more now? Have we lost that sense of free enterprise in what America was built upon? Is USA  moving in the direction of an anarchical government where only the rich deserve to stay rich and have it follow from  their lineage from generation to generation. Is this the thinking of responsible politicians that we placed in power to assist us and govern us?

Don’t we have any say in this process?
I will tell you this is how very wealthy people are made and stay wealthy. They have power so they suppress others to keep themselves in  poor. Money is power. Keep money out of the hands of others and you protect your wealth and power base.

This is of course all backwards thinking. It is a know fact that if you truly want to impact any economy simply put money in the hands of the mass consumers, the middle class citizen. What better time than to get this money in the hands of them NOW just in time for Christmas shopping. Imagine the impact it would have on the USA and the worlds economy too at this time of the year. Warehouses would literally get depleted, services rendered and incoming fresh orders would get the factories booming once again.

So I ask again - Why is this opportunity to become wealthy being taken away from the average citizen in this investment? I am being told the answer is because the average citizen does not know what to do with the money and are new to having big money.

Is it more about this factor than it is about “national security”? What is really going on here in the contrived rollout plan? This is not how the system is supposed to work.

More importantly who is in control and is making the decision to conduct this business in this manner? I have to tell you the people making these decisions are so far removed from the reality of real life on the streets. They are so used to living in their protected little world of mansions and luxury that they do not know what is really happening in the world you and I live in everyday. Too bad they are basing their decisions mostly on their warped sense of reality of the few and not the many.

So where do we stand in this RV rollout process?


So where do we stand in this RV rollout process?
As far as I know they are now telling me they are about to move on to the general public. To do these exchanges they will complete the rollout process and open it up to everyone.

Iraq will make their needed announcements and it will show up on the exchanges.  Iraq also plans to announce their bundle of new laws to the world in the hope this will encourage the investment community to come to Iraq.

For the rollout the PTB are planning to incorporate background checks on some of the citizens with higher amounts of currency for exchange. I do not know what the cut off is and it should not matter to you since you are all clean anyhow…..right? ……..This kind of process I totally agree with since it is not self serving and politically motivated as I feel some parts of this process has been so far.

The bad news is I do not know the exact timing of when they plan to kick this into high gear. All are telling me so far they are in line with this week to begin the process so the money can begin flowing in the hands of the average citizens for Christmas shopping. We have heard this many times in the past years so I would not bank on it… pun intended…lol….
Ongoing Budget Saga Update
As you may have heard the Budget was not passed on Saturday 11/29. This was due the readjustments needed for changing oil prices. Abadi did however say that they would work in the next 10 days to get it done. Remember also that parliament was supposed to go on a 30 day recess beginning Dec 1st. So we know they must conclude this effort quickly. I believe they will have a budget in 10 days.

On Sunday 11/30 it was announced that about 350 projects have been finally approved it is hoped to be launched immediately after the announcement of the financial budget for 2014.

The deputy chairman of the Council Falah al-Qaisi for "tomorrow Press," that "hundreds of projects in the capital glands have been disabled because of a failure to approve the budget despite the ratification and completion of the operations and administrative," noting that "the projects that the Council Prepare for launch within the budget of 2014, the bypass 350 projects. "

He added that "the project is the construction of a number of schools in Karkh and Rusafa in Baghdad limits areas, as well as the construction of a number of hospitals and health centers specialized, as well as various power projects in collaboration with the Ministry of Electricity."
Qaisi said that "these projects will be launched immediately after the announcement of the budget year 2014, because of its need for capital, which in delayed reflected negatively on the citizen-Baghdadi."
It is noteworthy that the state budget for the current year has not yet recognize ago that sent the government for nearly eight months to former House were not included on the agenda, while procrastinated previous Presidency for inclusion due to the lack of them political blocs agreement, nor that harassment continues while people wait for things to material related thereto, as well as the stalled projects.

Pressure for Currency Revaluation Continues
There are many financial issues that may lead to yet more crisis in Iraq if something is not done soon to bring their currency to international status.

On Monday, said the ministry needed to 4 trillion Iraqi dinars, about 3.5 billion US dollars, to support the displaced, in 2015, as pointed out by Vice President, Osama Najafi, that the number of internally displaced people reached the million and a half one million displaced people.

Dozens of workers in the Municipality Directorate of Basra on Monday, before the Board of the governorate building to demand regardless of daily wages for the last three months.
One protester Mohammed Hassan told all of Iraq [where] that "we have not received our wages for more than 90 days, as well as the mechanisms and Alcabsat in Directorate drivers did not receive five months ago." He said another protester, said that "Tazahratna today is to give to the government warning," and threatened that "did not happen entitlements will take violent action", describing the "state of his family living Palmzria and that his children are hungry and they will be forced to their deeds unacceptable such as theft for a living."

Where is all this money going to come from?

Resuming the Project to Delete the Zeros
I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw an article come out late on Sunday 11/30. WOW!

I have been waiting to hear this news now for a long time. Iraq has decided to continue the project to delete the zeros. I had just mentioned this too in my last news letter, as I suggested they had to continue this project prior to any RV happening. This is why I am so excited. I am also excited because Dr  Shabibi (remember him…the former head of the CBI) is back and he was exonerated from any crimes over the weekend. Funny now this article about picking up and continuing the project to deleted the zeros just happens when Dr. Shabibi is back. I did not say he is officially heading the CBI. He has officially retired but is still helping out with Iraq until this project is fully completed. They needed him back to do this RV. I fully believe and will stick to my guns on this one.

So the economic advisor to the Prime Minister the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, to be 2016 years is ideal for the completion of the project to delete the zeros, indicating that the stability of the security situation after the expulsion Daash guerrilla terrorist, will restore the recovery of the country's economy again.

Said Saleh's (IMN), said, "This project combines economic stability, security and stability, and the circumstances experienced by Iraq now is favorable for this project, because the process of deleting the zeros mean stability at all, and such a sensitive and important projects must combine them all efforts to achieve from the Iraqi Central Bank and the government and parliament. "

He continued that "the Iraqi currency stable, and unaffected by the military operations taking place in Iraq, the country's Annual Inflation is 2%, and this is at least in the history of Iraq, therefore, a strong, stable and low price of the Iraqi dinar, as well as the free import."

It is noteworthy that the project to delete the zeros was supposed to be carried out since 2013, but the security conditions and the economic situation was not stable and prevented it ( in other words the Maliki syndrome prevented it).

Maliki Saga
What I now know from sources in Baghdad is that they will have a hearing on the Maliki files before the month of December is over. They did not yet have a firm date on the hearing so could not pass it along to me. Parliament has once again asked Maliki to come and explain the Stryker incident and many other related files. He once again refuses. So, according to their law, if you refuse to attend these hearings and you are physically capable to attend and did refused to show you can be legally convicted of crimes ( with a fair trial). So either way his future is not good. His son finally has been cut off of any salary since his position in the government was never really a legal one anyhow. Since Since Maliki is no longer the prime minister why does he need a deputy?

Maliki continues to shoot off his mouth and attempt to make a mockery of the current newly elected government and all their efforts. Yes – he is still a slight hindrance but Abadi is slowly weeding out his supporters and those still entrenched in the government. It is almost concluded. Abadi has already asked his party to begin looking for a replacement for the 1st VP position.

The newest scam exposed, as you may have already read about, was the 50,000 “ghost” soldiers in the Iraq Army collecting a pay check. Who do you think was collecting this money? They say high ranking military leaders set up this scam and that Maliki was getting his kickback for allowing it to continue.

My guest is we will probably see a formal execution of Maliki sometime in the very early part of 2015. They simply will not let this man run free around the Middle East or interfere with Iraq politics any longer. They will use him to set an example of the future fate of president Assad of Syria.

Dropping Oil Prices
So what is really going on? Yes- we are now witnessing record low gas prices at the pumps. Oil is down to $65-70 a barrel. Why?

If you have been reading my news letters you know that the dollar is still king in he Middle East and will remain king at least for now if the USA has anything to say about it.

There are many efforts now from Russia and China to circumvent the dollar as the “Petro Dollar” and as the general currency media of exchange around the world in general. There is consorted effort to do so. We have read about deals with China to use gold and rubles to trade with Russia. Russia also still controls Syria and maintains that territory. USA wants to control it and the pipeline. Assad is Putin’s puppet.

Russia’s invasion into Ukraine is nothing more than a show of force to tell the USA that they must keep their distance from satellite countries of former USSR. If you remember the USA seated a new prime minister of Ukraine and help oust the former one. The USA also wanted to sell gas deals to Ukraine since Russia uses gas each winter as  political leverage to manipulate Ukraine into submission. Meanwhile people suffer in the cold.

Sad too how the USA helped to finance the Russia economy when they imploded with hyper inflation in the past. Now they turn their backs on the ones who feed them. Typical Russian politics.  Putin is proving that the old KGB members still dictate bad politics for Russia and in the Middle East. We are witnessing all this first hand.

Russia uses oil and gas revenue to fund most of its economy. So what do you think will happen to the Russian economy when oil prices drastically drop?  The world’s richest entities are still in control of the world’s economies. These families are wealthy because of oil and control the refineries and ability to pump oil. It will take more than the Putin maneuvering to change this influence. The Russian people and other leaders will then begin to ask just what Putin is doing. The question is how long will they need to artificially drop these prices? I believe though they are just about at the bottom. How long will the Saudis and Kuwait go along with this plan?

The “Petro Dollar” is not yet dead !  Putin will not have his way !


So today I send you an update one again to report on Iraqi progress.

As I have said in my prior news letter, I still believe we are in a sweet spot right now to literally see this RV in the coming days ahead. This is by far the best place I have ever seen this investment in the 10 years I have been following it.

Do I like their current rollout plan? It shoud be obvious I dispise it. It is not legal, not fair and is very predujous to the top wealthy members of society. In the future it all will come out at the end. You can't hide from the truth.

Could they pop this out prior to Christmas to the general public? Yes – I believe anything is possible but first I know they want to get all the registered groups exchanged first. They are about complete with that now so it could happen before Christmas.

In this news letters I  am trying to help you understand that this country of Iraq now has some excellent leadership and is moving forward quickly. There are still some old skeletons in the closet that need to be dealt with. They are plucking the Maliki goons and thus their influence out of the mainstream channels everyday. It is a cleanup process that must be done if you truely want stability.

These sudden dropping of oil prices is nothing more that a political maneuver orchestrated by the USA to get Russia back on track. Kind of like a spanking on Putin's rear end….lol….

Then when can we expect the RV?

I believe we are in a rare opportunity and window like never before. In the coming days we should expect the RV.

Peace and Luv To Ya All,
Mnt Goat