Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Botanical Longwood Gardens

The Botanical Longwood Gardens

The state of Pennsylvania is home to one of the most beautiful, if little known, places in the North-East USA - the Longwood Gardens. Spread over 4.2 square km, 1077 acres, about 45 minutes west of Philadelphia, there are gardens, green houses, forests and a meadow. The gardens are open to visitors all year round, and they can enjoy some exotic plants and horticulture, events, performances, lectures, courses and workshops. So if you love nature, this is the place for you! 
Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Longwood gardens

Aiming For Two Militant Leaders In Pakistan, U.S. Drone Pilots Killed 233 People, Including 89 Children

Aiming For Two Militant Leaders In Pakistan, U.S. Drone Pilots Killed 233 People, Including 89 Children

December 6, 2014 | By The Sleuth Journal | Drones, Military, World News
The U.S. drone program in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen is referred to as “targeted killing” of those deemed to be a danger to American interests. President Barack Obama even said in a speech on May 23, 2013, “[B]y narrowly targeting our action against those who want to kill us, and not the people they hide among, we are choosing the course of action least likely to result in the loss of innocent life.” Instead, the Central Intelligence Agency attacks are anything but targeted; hundreds often die in the multiple attempts to kill each individual.
A study (pdf) by Reprieve, a group that works against the death penalty and other government killing, showed that not only are many innocent lives lost in the attacks, but the actual targets are often missed. That can result in some being “killed” multiple times. Reprieve found 41 men whose deaths had been reported multiple times but remained alive while as many as 1,147 civilians in the kill zone died.
Ayman al Zawahiri, the current leader of al-Qaeda, has been the target of U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan at least twice. A total of 76 children and 29 adults have died for the sake of getting al Zawahiri, but he’s still alive. Still, the body count there is less than in the six attempts to kill Qari Hussain, a deputy commander of the Tehrike-Taliban Pakistan. One hundred twenty eight people, including 13 children, died before the CIA was able to kill Hussain.
Another target, Fahd al Quso, got around so much that he was reported killed in both Yemen and Pakistan. In four attempts to kill him, 48 people died before al Quso finally did.
“Drone strikes have been sold to the American public on the claim that they’re ‘precise.’ But they are only as precise as the intelligence that feeds them. There is nothing precise about intelligence that results in the deaths of 28 unknown people, including women and children, for every ‘bad guy’ the U.S. goes after,” Jennifer Gibson, who led Reprieve’s study, told The Guardian.

RE: Jewell Robbins --- Review of Happenings and Current Court Case Dec 11th ..

Subject: RE: Jewell Robbins --- Review of Happenings and Current Court Case Dec 11th ...

RE: Jewell Robbins --- Review of Happenings and Current Court Case Dec 11th ...

There is a hearing on December 11, 2014 @ 10:30 AM in the Jessamine District Court - Probate Division ... The hearing is an OPEN hearing ...

Initially they wanted a "closed hearing" in-camera in the Judge’s Chambers – They never made the request so, it is an OPEN hearing in the Courtroom at the current time …

However, this is subject to change --- They could ask the Judge to change this at the hearing ... Would the Judge do this? ... Only the Judge could say ...
Please remember that we had our case scheduled for November 13th and adjourned (set-back) the hearing to December 11th as it was agreed upon that the Estate Special Representative would file a full-disclosure with the Court and then the Judge would decided what could be released to the Claimants ...

As of this time we do not know if this was filed as agreed upon ...

We will know at the hearing next week ...

So at this point and time we move forth with our original Petition before the Court and make NO assumptions that they have done what they said they were going to do ... We gave them the adjournment based on what they promised and the Judge is fully aware of what commitments that have been made ...

Our efforts are to get a full-disclosure of what has been going on for the investors ... We have the legal right to know ... And then communicate the information through e-mail update or online forum post ...

Let us all please remember that Probate has a process that has to be followed before the Court … We are following the process of law in our efforts  to help everyone … Some think it is all simple and quick, but the reality is that is not a quick process as we all can see … 

We have taken the liberty to review things for everyone in this update ... We ask all to read it thoroughly and just not glance at it ... In the past people have glanced through and missed very important details ...

May we suggest that when you read this, read it OUT LOUD ... It has been proven that when one reads out loud, one comprehends more of the information and understands better and read it more than once ... We personally have been doing this for years and it really helps, give it a try ... We just desire for all to have the real truth and understand it completely ... We are doing the very best that we can to communicate to everyone ... The suggestion is just to help ...

If you would hear what we have heard with the hundreds upon hundreds of phone calls & e-mails, (all the crazy stories with amounts of monies never ever mentioned before) you would perfectly understand our request … Nothing personal, we just owe it to our friends, family and other investors to repeat the real facts! …
We filed Petitions against Alvina Jewell "Robbins" Burgin's Estate to find out the actual truth after years of stories from Jewell and her family ...
We said from the very beginning of our efforts, we would seek the truth from a real authority - good, bad or indifferent ...

Who is the REAL AUTHORITY? ... The Probate Court in Jessamine County who is handling Jewell's Estate ... They are a bona fide public ruling authority and when they speak we will see the real truth ...
Matters at this time are in the hands of the Probate Court ... WE MUST FOLLOW THE RULES AND PROCEDURES TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH ... Many think it is a simply no non-sense way of obtaining information, but this is NOT the case ... So we proceed forward using the "system" to get all answers ...
The investments that Jewell Robbins offered were sold as an individual, not as a corporation which make the agreements, shares, S & A's, conveyances, love gifts & offerings a part of Jewell's Estate ... If someone thinks investments with Jewell are going to be paid outside of her estate, one must check Kentucky law because this is NOT the case ... DO NOT BE MISLED! ... If it has to do with Jewell - the agreements LIVE AND DIE WITH HER ESTATE ... This is the law!!! ... Not one of Jewell's contracts has a right to be conveyed to ANYONE (not even her children) ... The only right Jewell left in her will was instructions for someone to COLLECT on them! ... There are NO SIDE AGREEMENTS FILED WITH THE COURT FOR HER CHILDREN TO DO OTHERWISE ...

Currently Kentucky Law States that when someone dies and their Estate is opened a person that may be owed monies has to file a claim with the Estate through the Probate Court within SIX months of the Estate opening ... Jewell's Estate opened Dec 13, 2012 and the Claims Period closed June 13, 2013 ...
If a person filed a Claim with the Court by the June 13, 2013 date you are protected if there is monies turned over to the Probate Court ... Otherwise at the current time a person who did not file is on the outside looking in and by law they are excluded from anything ...
Now, we do have a pending case before the Court in an attempt to protect all Investors should there be monies ... We filed the Petition with the Court and it will be heard December 11th  ...

This will tell whether those who never had the opportunity to file a claim can be included in on the opportunity when monies are given to the Court ...
We keep mentioning these facts because they are the reality of the situation and people must view this from a real viewpoint … Where do you stand on this? ... If you folks filed claims (by June 13, 2013) you are protected ... If you did not file a claim before June 13, 2013 you have to wait and see how the Judge rules on our Petition in an effort to have all Investors have the opportunity to file a claim ...
We are currently  using a U.S. Supreme Court Case about Probate Notifications to Creditors as a reference case to get the Judge to overrule an outdated law on the Kentucky books ...
The Case has been used four times and each time it has been used the standing Judge has ruled in favor of the case and then each State updates their laws ... 
If the Judge rules on this in our favor what will happen is that when monies are shown to the Probate Court, the Judge would then order the Estate Representative to send notifications to all Investors who did NOT file claims by the June 13th 2013 deadline ... The notification would state that they need to file a Claim (and give a specific timetable to respond) and if they do NOT at this time they would lose out on any payment forever ... KY Law requires people to file a claim to be able to collect anything ... Please remember this is ONLY if the Judge rules in our favor on this ...

Some have sent e-mails with their concerns that people are being left out because of not being able to file a claim … THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY TO INCLUDE THOSE WHOM WHERE LEFT OUT … We must follow the rule of law and this is EXACTLY what we are doing …

The reality is that the rule of law is not moral … People’s thinking is that the Court System and the way people treat them should be moral … But this is NOT the case … The America Court System is not built on morality, IT IS A SYSTEM BUILT OVER TIME AND BUILT BASED ON THE LAWS SET FORTH, NOT MORAL STANDARDS … One’s feeling that things should be moral will not change anything, so it is imperative that we work the system to the best of our ability to benefit all of the Investors … This is what we have set out to do … Some may not like the outcome but our intentions are to protect all investors … The Court will determine things based on the law and not morality … If we all could just realize this one small point we all could get a better picture of what is really happening, (the law is NOT moral as most people think, this is why one must work within the "system") ...

Are there monies? ... Well the Estate Representatives and Attorney are "sworn" Officers of the Court taking their respective positions to head her Estate ... They both together, along with the Attorney have said in open court SEVEN TIMES in the last two hearings that there is monies and claimants would be totally and fully satisfied ... Additionally one of the Representatives have filed a report under oath that they have located the source of funds and are doing what they have been assigned to do, collect them ...


So sworn officers of the Court have said there is monies, The Judge ruled that NO CLAIM BEFORE THE COURT WOULD BE DENIED (and 5000 people filed claims) ...  WE WAIT UNTIL WE SEE IT IN BLACK AND WHITE PRINT ... The proof in in what the Ruling Authority shows us ... Only when we see it from the Probate Court can we say it is real! ...
We are asking the Court to appoint a Public Representative to represent 100% interest of all
Claimants/Investors (a third administrator for the Estate) … This is a process of law for us
to get our answers … The Representative would have access by law to 100% of all activities of Carter / Mercer past, present & future activities concerning Jewell’s Estate and things that concern the Claimants/Investors Interests

Here is an overview of the filing …

Robert Mercer, Special Personal Representative, in his Third Interlocutory Report strongly
suggests there is good reason to believe assets may become available for distribution to the Estate.  However, he has only provided generalities; he has not provided any specific details in support of his statements.  

Angela Carter, Personal Representative, stated in Court May 30, 2013 she has a copy of a Settlement Offer, or proffer, between an unnamed person and the Deceased relating to a matter the Deceased had been investigating. She was instructed by the Court to submit a copy of the Settlement Offer to the Court but has yet to do so.
The Deceased’s Will pours over to the Trustee of the Alvina Jewell (Abney) Robbins Living
Trust Dated August 29, 1993.  On information and belief there may be assets in the name of the Trustee of the Trust that could be used to satisfy creditor claims.

Kentucky law provides that publication of notice to creditors is sufficient to bar the claim of a creditor if the creditor does not file a claim within six months of the appointment of the personal representative. However, XXXXX vs XXXXX (Supreme Court Case) held where an individual’s identity is known or reasonably ascertainable by a Personal Representative, then due process requires the individual be given notice by mail or other means certain
to insure actual notice.  Angela Carter could easily have obtained records of all persons who invested with the Deceased, and she could have sent notice to them but choose not to do so.  

Angela Carter has a conflict of interest.  She chose to rely on Kentucky law knowing that not all investors would receive notice that they should file their claims within the period set by Kentucky law.  Further, she has failed to comply with the Court’s instruction to submit to the Court a copy of the Settlement Offer.
Petitioner requests this Honorable Court to issue an Order:

Appointing a Public Administrator to conduct discovery in order:

To determine whether Mr. Mercer’s indications in his Third Interlocutory Report about possible
assets have any legal basis, and if so, to investigate the merits of any possible claim for those assets; 

To secure a copy of the Settlement Offer mentioned by Angela Carter in Court and requested by
the Court;

To determine whether the Trustee of the Deceased’s Trust has assets that may be used to
satisfy creditor claims;

To file a report with the Court after conducting discovery stating either:

That there is a reasonable expectation assets may become payable to the Estate, in which case the Court may consider issuing an Order to the Personal Representative to give written notice to creditors consistent with the holding in XXXXX vs XXXXX (Supreme Court Case) …

Now we all know that many of you will have lots of questions to ask, but all these will be answered IN THE HEARING or other source … So folks, like it or not – be patient and save your questions for after the hearing … As we have done before, we will post the hearing and any other information regarding this once we have appeared before the Court … It will be that evening before information will be posted and e-mail update sent out ...

Let's stay with the "black and white" facts from here on out ... Keep with the truth with no extra added ... Try to stay with the facts and help all to receive the real truth without personal interpretation, opinion, pre-conceived notions and the like … Let us keep the confusion to a minimum … We will all be better off doing this, wouldn’t you agree? ...

Please forward this to all investors that you know in your circle of communication ...

Let us ALL be good stewards of communication of the real story without adding the extras into it ... All Investors deserve the 100 % real truth … Can we all just make a commitment to stick to the real facts? ... We are at a critical time in this, are we not? ...

If an individual chooses to go to the hearing (and all are welcome) there is no guarantee that this hearing will remain open … It could change, we are not in control of this …

We have attempted to give you a very informative review … PLEASE read it thoroughly, a couple times is good and try the reading out loud thing to absorb all the info--- It really does help …
Thank you for your time ...

If you would like, please be praying for the Lords Perfect Will concerning this Dec 11th from about 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM ... There is Power in Prayer!!! ...



Russia's Central Banksters Hit by Accusations of Sabotage

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Russia's Central Banksters Hit by Accusations of Sabotage
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 7-Dec-2014 05:27:52

Your ever-digging reporter and his faithful feline friend stumbled across a very intriguing headline over at 'The Moscow Times' just the other day:
"Russia's Central Bank Hit by Accusations of Sabotaging the Ruble"
That headline hooked me, but the very first sentence of the article floored me!
"The Prosecutor General's Office is looking into the Central Bank's operations after a ruling party lawmaker accused it being an "enemy of the country" by supposedly driving down the ruble and plotting evil against Russia."
The Russian lawmaker continues:
"The Central Bank is an institutional enemy of the country," Fyodorov told Russian News Service radio on Monday. "Its bosses are officially abroad. I am assuming that it will do the maximum evil. The Central Bank will do everything to have the ruble rate fall."
Such anti-bankster verbal blasts should be music to the ears of any liberty-loving American. Those fighting words are too strong to have come from the too gentle mouth of Ron Paul. Andrew Jackson; is that you? CNN Money picked up on the story as well:
"A senior member of President Vladimir Putin's party has accused the Bank of Russia of engineering the collapse of the ruble. The bank is now being investigated by state prosecutors as a result."
Yevgeny Fyodorov, who chairs the Russian parliament's economic policy committee, accused the central bank of sabotage, telling local media that it was "an institutional enemy of the country."
Damn! I am lovin' me some Yevgeny Fyodorov!
The question of who actually controls the Russian Central Bank, and to what extent, is by design, a murky one. What we do know is that it is part of the same international crime syndicate as all the other western central banks, including 'The Fed'. If Putin, like Andrew Jackson and Adolf Hitler before him, can sever this toxic umbilical cord that links the Globo-Judeo funny-money machine to the Russian economy, it's 'game-on' for sure!
So, who is Yevgeny Fyodorov; this "senior Russian lawmaker" who has declared open warfare on Russia's version of the Federal Reserve? Thanks to the modern miracle of the Internet, it didn't take long get to know to Mr. Fyodorov. Suffice it say, if you like Putin, you will love Fyodorov.

Anti-bankster Fyodorov is the total package: an impressive combination of brains, balls, charisma, patriotism, energy and organizational skills.

Benjamin Fulford interviewed by Rob Potter on Victory of the Light Radio (Audio)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Benjamin Fulford interviewed by Rob Potter on Victory of the Light Radio (Audio)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 6-Dec-2014 23:44:18

Benjamin Fulford interviewed by Rob Potter on Victory of the Light Radio (Audio)
Dec 06 2014
The Victory of The Light Radio Show with Rob Potter
Rob Potter: Researcher of healing and consciousness. He has given seminars all over the world. Rob has been experiencing UFO contacts since 1975 with (the late) Dr. Fred Bell in Calif. With UFO/Alien Disclosure, he has dedicated his focus in educating others on the profound aspects of Interplanetary Cultural Exchange.
“Rob Potter Interviews Ben Fulford who shares the latest on the projected ending of the Cabals political and financial power base. Ben give us the straight talk and confidence we come to expect from him prognosticating their eventual demise and calling the conspirators what they are ..Criminals.
Rob adds his 1 cent worth and wants to use a ET related viewpoint and perspective to broaden the understanding of what is really transpiring behind the scenes.
Rob Potter Victory of the Light Benjamin Fulford on 2014-11-12 by Pyramid One Network Radio onMixcloud
Follow this link to run audio player >>>

EXOGEN DIRECT INTEL UPDATE, 6 DEC*GS70um3jzGabdJAn5wr4SKCFsc70PChF2o1F3FZJ5ykoZXWb29WnuTkHW9hUe/vince01copy.jpg?width=96&height=96&crop=1%3A1
Vinman December 6, 2014 at 9:22pm
Comptroller of the Currency, the UST, and Bureau of Engraving and Printing are finished sending messages and notifications globally.

Bank letters of credit being sent over global SWIFT network.

Old financial system dismantling and changeover to new transparent system is complete.

FRN/USN currency swaps for all banks is complete.
You are at the starting line of your exchange and we have a green light.

Bases are loaded… is 4th down and inches to the RV/GCR goal
Santa is getting into his sleigh now….and it’s snowing like a son-of-a-gun (historic snowfall)

The storm is over now.

We made it!…..God has favored and is blessing you.

You are the future.  Go make it count...and always pay it forward.

Santa clause is coming to town.

G T December 6, 2014 at 8:24pm
Saturday Evening Clues......

UST is changing from Old To New 
Financial Systems (Petro to Asset Backed System).....IS COMPLETED!!!
We're in the Starting Blocs, The GREEN LIGHT's Been Given......



We're ON SANTA WATCH.......

LOOK......We Got 1/2 A SANTA!!!
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 6:13 PM No comments:

Farrakhan - “We’ll Tear This G*dd*mn Country Up"

Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan:
 “We’ll Tear This G*dd*mn Country Up"       

Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, was in Baltimore last week speaking at Morgan State University. He told the mostly African-American crowd that violence wasn't just justified, it was required to deal with situations like the one in Ferguson, Missouri. As he spoke he grew more animated, and at one point even dared to threaten that, if the demands of the black community were not met, they would "tear this g*dd*mn country up!"

The speech was mostly a tirade against "white America," as well as a call to violence from minority communities. Farrakhan has long been a race baiting, violence-promoting hate-monger, and this speech continued that long tradition. Not only did he attack white people, but throughout his speech he consistently attacked both President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder as well for their lack of action to support black America.

Perhaps the most discouraging part of the video of this event… all of the applause lavished upon the not-so-honorable 'Reverend' Farrakhan.

"As long as they [whites] kill us [blacks] (???!!!) and go to Wendy's and have a burger and go to sleep, they'll keep killing us (???!!!). But when we die and they die, then soon we're going to sit at a table and talk about it!  We're tired! We want some of this earth or we'll tear this g*dd*mn country up!
Tonight in Ferguson everybody is on edge. White folks have never been on edge after they killed a Black man. Tonight they're on edge, so on edge that our (USA private corporation) 'president' has come out from behind the curtain to ask young Black people: 'Cool it. That's not our way."   I heard you, Mr. 'President', and I asked myself a question: What brings you out of the shadows?
And you preachers: Your day of being the pacifier for the white man's tyranny upon black people, you got to know they're [young blacks] not going to hear you anymore!"
He made a point to attack President Obama for not doing enough for the black community.
"Why the hell don't you stand up and tell them that your killing of Black youth and Brown youth is not going to hold no more."

Editor's Note: Farrakhan is a rebel rouser and insurrectionist, supporting the communist agenda to take this nation down from within - the plan being literally TO START A DELIBERATE RACE WAR. HE CARES NOT FOR THE BLACKS (OR BROWNS) BUT TO MAINTAIN HIS POWER POSITION AND BENNIES FROM THOSE PAYING HIM TO DO THEIR BIDDING.  There should be calls to the Department of Justice to arrest and charge Louis Farrakhan with inciting insurrection with his comments. However, we all know what that would bring from this administration …. nothing. They are in bed together. Therefore, it is up to citizen militia to make put down insurrections per the Constitution. We should be ready to lawfully bring the hammer down hard for the protection of the people on the likes of Farrakhan and those that would heed his message.

Very good update

Subject: Very good update

R.V. / GCR December 6, 2014 at 5:04pm

Some of you are acting like you do not know what is going on

The global currency reset has been  call… it is done …you are waiting for the RV …you are waiting for the United States to come out with currency that you can use

 They need to get rid of the Fiat dollar glee is Tokyo bonds must move  first before the GCR can have the release of funds for currency reset after Iraq RV

All of this is in play now

Look gold needs to get to where it's going in order to pay the bond

When those bonds are paid and the gold gets to where it's going then the country's debts are paid happy global currency reset ....happiest Timberdays


R.V. / GCR December 6, 2014 at 5:56pm my mama told me. You better shop around.

Monday's Comi la la la la lalala Monday, Lala lalalalalala only every Monday call me only when I'm Monday comes will survive it xnxx moneysomeone say money is coming my momma told me you better shop around know which bank you're going to my momma told me you better shop around understand what to ask for my mama told me you better shop around stay away from operations choke.

The bank will try to sell you stuff that you just don't need my momma told me you better shop around watch out be careful remember right after you go to the bank the malls are open

 monday is coming only when I'm going to come only one of Monday, we will survive it silly beans Trix are for kids one of us is crazy and its not you you would know I haven't told you that's why you don't know someone said timber wonder who that was he stupid only when Monday come Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday timber


Ml > Alaska-mama December 6, 2014 at 6:41pm Monday, Monday


Copied From Twitter

Corporalbrig @JCR3758: Ok things are still on track. I can tell you that there is absolutely a procedure to exchange us (the public) out now. We are just days away

@JCR3758: Once again I suggest that when you go in to exchange that you ask what is the highest rate that you can get w/o an NDA. Listen then decide.


Sqwatchy >  well, we found out today that the kurds oil accounts for 10% of the budget revenues..

we also found out that they are having emergency session to approve the budget..and are scrapping the 10 days as outlined before...

that's two strikes.....





Guesses to NEW Picture Clues/Intel”

R.V. / GCR December 6, 2014 at 8:14pm Defcon 5 code red ……green light

Cosmic Consciousness > R.V. / GCR December 6, 2014 at 8:15pm   Gentlemen (and ladies) start your engines!!!!

nana7 > EXOGEN December 6, 2014 at 8:19pm   We are on the 1 inch yard line!!  Yippi!!

Janie December 6, 2014 at 8:10pm Rollout of the new system complete, the USNs are coming online as the financial system has been rebuilt. Tasks completed.

G T December 6, 2014 at 8:24pm Saturday Evening Clues......

UST is changing from Old To New Financial Systems (Petro to Asset Backed System).....IS COMPLETED!!!

We're in the Starting Blocs, The GREEN LIGHT's Been Given......

Time To PLAY BALL!!!


We're ON SANTA WATCH.......

LOOK......We Got 1/2 A SANTA!!!

spirit156 December 6, 2014 at 8:24pm I THINK THE DAM JUST BROKE.

L T > spirit156 December 6, 2014 at 8:25pm Sure is a lot of SNOW AND SANTA!!! Methinks you're correct!!! ;)~

C Black December 6, 2014 at 8:22pm It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!


Beverly December 6, 2014 at 8:41pm This is my GUESS for the clues so far.  Thank you EXO for the fun!



SWIFT CODES ARE activated AND the BANKS are able to TRANSFER from ISSUING bank to RECEIVING bank!!!!


SYSTEMS are ready, and CALL CENTER is ready for ANNOUNCEMENT!

OLD SYSTEM is has been CHANGED out for the NEW SYSTEM! Note this is a COMPUTER SYSTEM.




3 groups SPRINTERS in the blocks

2 baseball fields with BASES LOADED

2 footballs just SHY of the GOAL line

7 SANTAS!!!!


I do believe this is RED HOT MOMENT for us.


Beverly >  Wanted to add these definitions too:

WHO are the COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY:  The OCC charters, regulates, and supervises all national banks and federal savings associations as well as federal branches and agencies of foreign banks. The OCC is an independent bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

WHO IS THE BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING? Is a government agency within the US Department of the Treasury that designs and produces a variety of security products for the US government, most notable of which is the PAPER MONEY!