Saturday, December 13, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

The global currency reset is now 100% confirmed, activated and performing.

The global currency reset is now 100% confirmed, activated and performing. 

Bank of China monies have been received into master paymaster accounts globally, yet still are unreleased to private groups or the public as of Monday evening EST.

The United States Treasury was sequestered to solve government shut down threat this coming Thursday. But remaining cabal leadership, led by David Cohen of UST, is still fighting public disclosure of TRN tooth and nail. However, his delay attempts are futile as theBelieve it or notcabal has been rendered incapable of starting yet another war/mass destruction event (a la 9/11 or 3/11).

Obama administration wants to make it look like Republicans are blocking 2015 government funding, so the Democrats can step in and create a gold backed currency solution.
This, he hopes, will ensure his presidential legacy before he is either impeached or removed from office by other measures.

Barak Obama is a common citizen again, no longer President of the United States. The Asian Elders are mercifully allowing him to play out his hand and perform his last and final tasks. 
The 1871 USA Corporation he was running has been declared insolvent by an international world court that quietly governs the affairs of sovereign nations.  Meaning, all debts and assets of the USA Corporation have fallen back to its initial collateral issuer, which are ancient Asian Royal Families. They were the ones who financed the British Rebellion and put gold up to start the USA back in 1776--and as a tribute, we shoot off fireworks every July 4th.  True story.

Wall Street also wants a quick public solution to their very public derivatives problems, which will becovered by the new gold back currency announcement.  They want to start making big money again under the new banking system.

Meanwhile, 7 global trustees—all with different sign off tiers--have a release agreement in place with Sovereign Families, Governments, Banks, BRICS for the GCR/RV to monetarily begin. It's final execution date is unknown, but monies are flowing out to holding entities and paymasters right now.

When all 7 trustees have signed off, the public announcement of the RV will occur.  We have confirmationthat 3 trustees have signed off and will be receiving funds. 

England's Prince William is one such trustee, and was in NYC/DC to sign off this week.

Chinese Trustees Madame Wu and General Li have signed off and are to receive funds.

New Republic President Carter Ham is another trustee.  This means that the General 64 Group & The Admiral's Group should get their start after President Ham has signed off, expected this week, as groups have been cleared to receive and disburse payouts.

Historical Bonds began paying outlast Friday worldwide.  Sovereigns families will be hydrated first, followed by governments, tier 1 - 3 banks, private groups, and lastly the general public.

TRN currency and the scheduled public announcement are to be live no later than 12/15, whereby anyone can ask for new currency ... and actually get it. 

Currently, all on-screen digital accounts, in all banks worldwide, are now gold backed.  That switch was made back in early November without public announcement.  Thus, the public TRN announcement has more to do with the fulfillment of international law rather than being a procedural administrative necessity.

The US Republic government announcement can only come as soon as old corporate government has publicly been denounced; however, the announcement of TRN by former President Barak Obama satisfies this international requirement and is expected at any moment. 

No one knows how New Republic information will be made available moving forward, as it is sure to upset the general population that its USA has been bankrupted by its own elected leadership and is now in receivership of foreign Asian Elders.

But at least the TRN announcement is the cabal's official public acknowledgment of surrender, as it ends theirworldwide financially reign via the UD Federal Reserve Bank & Global Central Banking System.

Know the objective of these Asian Elders is to re-establish USA sovereignty, not occupy its boarders and control it's population.  But to do this, they have to root out all the entrenched toxic power structures and replace it with new leadership. Hence the reality of a General Carter Ham--a loyal American General, working for the Asian Elders,yet serving US interests as a true patriot.

Forex rates for all revaluing currencies will adjust at a moments notice and without advanced warning. That event will occur with no public announcement.  Trading at the new RV rates has been occurring for several months now.

Banks have been training employees to handle redeeming RV currency clients very discreetly, and without extra attention.  Even setting up off site redemption centers to handle heavy volume and high volume clients.

Private, NDA confidential RV redemptions have been on going for over a year now, and because Wells Fargo is the new clearing house bank for the new UST Republic government, it has now surpassed all other banks in the USA, and now accounts for 25% of all mortgage loans.

Wells Fargo, Chase, Citibank and Bank of America are all now owned in majority by the Chinese Elders. Expect some large banking acquisitions and name changes in the near future. With Wells Fargo originally founded by Chinese Royal Families for Chinese American gold prospectors.

IRS, Homeland Security and FEMA Agencies will be eliminated in the new 2015 USA Republic budget.  All 3agencies were illegal formed under the original USA Constitution, which will also be restored and amended by President Ham.  YES ! THANK GOD

Americans will still pay taxes,just not to the IRS and not as much.  Corporations and banks will have their loopholes closed as well.

All these massive changes, either in banking or basic structure of USA Republic government, has been or will be gradual, as not to upset the general population's day-to-day routine. 

The Asian Royal Elders prefer an anonymous and harmonious transition, as a healthy and financially sustainable USA provides long term growth opportunities for China and the world.


*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf call, Cliff Notes version

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf call, Cliff Notes version
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 12-Dec-2014 18:41:16

Hi, Folks -
Found here:


Highlights of Tony's call updated as call progresses - Sunny

Window is now!!!

DC: So it is Friday, so they are gonna let the internet go and not wait 72 hours. . . should have a fixed rate until January 2nd.

Tony: . . . soon as all . .. fixed, then they are going to do it. . . No payouts scheduled yesterday cause they all thought they would be doing them today. Not yet doing them today. Hope something happens today and throughout the weekend.

Tony: Not telling you great news. We don't feel comfortable telling you right now. . . This morning they said they would blow through Christmas and keep on going.

IRAQ: Teams of people from the UST, Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Chinese component and other locations, all have people in Iraq making sure everything is okay and coordinated.. They also are coordinating everything with Iraq, Switzerland, China and Asian countries. Tuesday they buckled down making adjustments to procedures and technical issues. They had their three day break. A few riots because frustration is high this has not gone through.

  • ISIL in defense mode. It will take awhile to get rid of ISIL.

  • TV is saying economic reforms ending very soon and completed upon release of the budget.

INTERNATIONAL: Every country will do their own exchange procedure.

  • Everything in one basket – All at one time – No second basket.

  • Anti-corruption scored another win.


  • Banks prepared for this going through. The technical side has been working with teams in Baghdad, Washington and Switzerland. People are still on call. Dc said the banks have legal issues and are in a precarious situation. Because they don’t want the info to get out people are signing “horrendous NDA's and work agreements” similiar to those who work in intelligence.

  • Exchanges going on since mid Oct. We don't have concrete evidence before that. Since Oct 13 thru now they've been paying out through forward based contracts. At Halloween they reached a point and said we'll start exchanging people, but with the real system.

  • Leaks: Information is leaking out. DC – “like a colander.”

Tony: They are leaking info to us to get us paid fairly. Just giving us the info of rates, how it's paid, whose getting paid, locations, . . .

  • Rate comes from a pre-agreed contract with China and whoever else is buying dinars. The average rate, for the past 45 days, has been coming from CBI at $3.58.

  • Misc. Notes: If Iraq does RV but US holds back release of Dinar for 3 days, the Dong cannot be exchanged in the interim.

  • 800#: we understand is the internet ppl will go and then the general public will find out through internet people calling friends, family, etc.

Caller: How do we know they are telling us the truth?

DC: We don't! Often times they are given inaccurate information and it's about figuring out how it goes. . . We put it off to the side and say where does this fit at. Do I think my guys are lying to me? No I don’t. Maybe they were given bad intel. I believe some info is inaccurate. The situation changes often . . . they give the most info they have at the time.Some folks are intentionally getting misled.

Tony: Even when they give us misleading info, they don't know they are giving us misleading info.


DC: Wonderful weekend. Everybody singing the same tune across the world. USl CBI, IMF, Bank of England, other countries, technical/procedural staff of banks across the world. . . all working together. Minor issues . . . being addressed quickly. Our understanding is it will go as soon as last issue solved and nobody to go home until it’s done. . . .Think everything looks really, really good.

Tony: I think it’s superfantastic. Everything we are hearing is push, push, push. Washington, DC is now questioning why it’s not finished yet. Saying hurry up, let’s go, let’s go. . . .Looking really good. The best we’ve seen it. Don’t think we have been this close, with many people agreeing and transferring people . . . to make sure it gets done. Nothing messes it up we will have the next best weekend we’ve ever had. If something happens I will tweet it out. Hope we have a conversation this weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day.

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 12-Dec-2014 18:38:46

Hi, Folks -
Found here:
2-12-14 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):
Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#
Tony: Are we all ready? DC, where are you registered? IF you want to get me a gift, I’m registered at WF, Chase, BoA or anywhere else you want to deposit! Oh, the recording is on? Oops, I didn’t mean to record that…
Good morning, TNT! Today is Friday, December 12, 2014. Okay, good afternoon, TNT. We are late all because of Pam and DC! DC couldn’t help it, and Pam said, “This is what you’re going to do!” and I said Okay. It’s a great day, and I’m feeling super-fantastic, nothing but good news.
DC: Hope everyone’s doing well! Instead of going east to west, we are doing this differently. The two parties got together to sing Kumbaya, and that has very much continued. Teams from the US and other places are in Iraq coordinating and making sure all pieces are going together. That includes teams from the BIS, IMF, the Fed, Bank of England, China, Swiss, European and other countries to make sure this goes off as smoothly as possible. If they have problems, they can easily fix them. A lot of folks buckled down on Tuesday and have been fixing a few minor technical issues. What could they still have procedural issues over?? The lack of communication has caused a few, and they have been throwing their best people at it, and everything is getting down. There are a few minor legal and technical issues that are all being addressed because the diplomatic corps is there as well. Everyone is doing what they need to do and we’re grateful.
In Iraq, they had their three days break. You have heard of a few riots, and that is putting on pressure to get this done. ISIL is on their heels, and they are in defense mode. We are playing whack-a-mole with them now. For those reading articles, the anti-corruption stuff has had another big score in Iraq.
In terms of US banks, lots of folks are on call, and the technical side have been working with the teams in Iraq, Switzerland, NY, etc., so that when they change something it will go through. That is going quite well, too. On television, the economic reform is proceeding and will end very soon, and another one…
Tony: And will be complete on release of the budget. They are two levels closer to actually doing this, and they are fixing minor things.
DC: Everyone is there so you don’t’ have to wait for anyone.
Tony: We are not going to say how many people were paid out, but they have paid out thousands and now they are finding problems for paying out the masses.
DC: The oil credits have been working well, but the procedures for the masses in Iraq and the US are being worked out. There has been a rate change, but it has not been confirmed.
541 caller: This is my first time calling in, after two years in dinarland, and 22 years in a prosperity program. I have been praying for you everyday. [Appreciation] Last October I had a massive heart attack, and I wondered why I wasn’t taken to the Lord, and one reason was to continue to pray for you guys. “Know the truth and the truth will set you free”; how do you know the people giving you the information are telling you the truth? Also, three weeks ago I had a heart transplant, and I’m feeling much better. [details]
DC: Thanks for your wonderful thoughts.
Tony: Thank you, we can never have too many prayers. Our guy in Canada had a heart attack last week. They put him on the transplant list in Portland, at the same hospital as this caller. Sorry, I forgot to tell you that.
DC: I’m glad you’re doing alright. How do we know they are telling us the truth? We don’t. When we put our pieces of information together, I never take any one person as Gospel. You just can’t. I don’t think they would intentionally lie to me, but often they are give inaccurate information and it depends on how it goes. The situation changes. If folks are so black and white they cannot see beyond the details, they have never been in a fluid, dynamic environment where things change all the time. They give us the most accurate information they have at the time. Some is fed to them, or sometimes they are looking at the screens or have an experience themselves. It all adds up, and sometimes things don’t fit in. We don’t throw those parts out, we put them to one side and ask where they fit in. Also, there are people who are intentionally misled. They are still talking to us, but we can also reverse-engineer that intel to back out more information that might seem irrelevant at that time but makes sense later. Also, we don’t repeat things until we get confirmation of what’s going on. That is how we can tell.
Tony: Even if they are giving is misleading information, it’s still information as we bring in other parts. They only get their piece of information from their higher-ups, and they believe in that one person or agency. We believe in all our sources.
Caller: I have a friend who has recently retired from the Secret Service and I know how corrupt the government is. Warren Buffett said not to vote for any incumbents, because new people will look after the people and create balanced budget.
Tony: They would clean out the old boys network, and they would have to go back to what the government is supposed to be. However, the flip side is that you would lose all your experience, knowledge and influence around the world, which would be a handicap.
786 caller: You and DC have said that thousands have exchanged over the last year, more or less. Where are the banks getting the rate they are exchanging at?
DC: We found they have been doing exchanging from mid-October 2013 onwards. All the way through October 31 of this year, they have paid off forward-based contracts. These are legal, and they would say “We will pay you X.25 because we know it will be worth that, and we’ll take the 25 cents for our part.” Most have limited access until the public revaluation. After Halloween this year, the UST+IMF+BIS+CBI started exchanging people using the real system, where the money gets credited, the dinars get moved around, etc. That is quite recent, and it’s different from the forward-based contracts. The rate comes from the pre-agreed contracts with China and also the average exchange is coming from the CBI at $3.58.
Caller: I talked to my attorney yesterday for the first time about this, and he knows someone in WF, two down from the CEO. He agreed to contract them for exchange.
DC: I bet he didn’t know.
Caller: If he doesn’t know, how and why is this kept so tight?
DC: There are tons of leaks – that’s how we get our information! In terms of getting on the list, we just don’t know the person to start from. We have friends who have exchanged. We understand the banks point of view – they don’t want their entire workforce to walk off the job in the next few days. There are all sorts of legal issues, and the bankers don’t’ want this information to get out. So the ones doing the exchanges have signed horrendous agreements, similar to those in intelligence, because this information is so sensitive. You have to understand the banks perspective, and they are fighting a losing battle… slowly.
Tony: They are leaking information to us to make sure we are treated fairly, not so that we can get paid, personally. They are giving us information about how the process works, the locations, etc., so that you know that this has happened. Otherwise, we are just like the bank execs who cannot tell us enough to exchange. That’s the only reason we know how many are being paid out and where, because we are part of the same time.
Caller: So I am beating a dead horse, here? I might as well back off and let it happen…
Tony: I know several people who have tried to get on the list, and only two were added, and they went through a lot to get there. Others, quite high up, are still not on the list. There were NO payouts yesterday because they thought they would be doing it today!
917 caller: I want another update on the things you update every call. When Iraq releases the rate, will the US go as well? Or not?
DC: Once it is available for the Iraqi citizens, which they are testing now, the rest of the world will turn on. Each country has their own banks and procedures. In the USA, they plan to let this out through each bank individually, each with their own approach. Some don’t want to deal with the masses, some will for the first few days. Each bank has been reviewing its own system. Some banks have call and exchange centers, and some have stood those down because of legal problems.
What will happen is that Tony and other gurus will be notified and direct people to the information sources, with the different 800 numbers. They will tell you what locations to go to. That’s how this information will leak out.
Caller: You said that the US reserved the right to set the timing for this.
DC: We understand that they want the groups and internet groups to go through and the general public will go from there. Some banks are saying that they will slow it down through the Xmas holidays, and others will simply close it down until 2. January.
Tony: If Iraq does it today, does the US have the right to delay it until Monday or later?
DC: Yes, they still have that option, but they will probably let us go on because it’s close to when they wanted to start anyway. We are in the window NOW, or when Iraq starts.
Tony: If you go back to Wednesday and last night, and what was supposed to happen…
DC: They kept running into all these little issues, and they decided to throw all their resources at this and then immediately afterwards they will release this, within minutes, rather than waiting for a specific time.
Tony; So as soon as all the things are fixed, they will do it then, whether it’s at midnight or 6.45am (for example).
DC: So far as we know, they will keep it at a fixed rate until 2. January.
Tony: I think it’s going this weekend.
618 caller: Does the fact that the US Congress refused to ratify the IMF agreement have any effect on the RV?
DC: It did a few years ago, but not for the last 8-9 months. Everyone’s gotten over that.
862 caller: One quick question… my name is Takia. Last night we heard Ms. Pelosi talk about bail-ins. Based on what they did yesterday, would that affect us adversely in any way? Last night, before they actually signed off on the budget, they had a couple of representatives talking about they would not sign, and Pelosi talked about bail-ins.
Tony: First, only the House signed, not the Senate; they extended the term for two days. I hope they are not using that an excuse for this. That is not happening and as soon as the announcement is out, this will go. But yes, they did remove part of Frank-Dodd, the part that said they couldn’t gamble with money that was not theirs.
DC: They loosened up the rules a little bit but didn’t blow it away altogether. Everything will still be okay for normal deposit-holders. It doesn’t affect the RV at all.
Tony: It might cause the public to bail the banks out again, though. Any time you see Democrats agreeing with Republicans, you know there is something going on!
562 caller: About the dong, if these games continue longer and Iraq does the RV but the US holds it all up for another few days, could we in the US cash in on the dong?
DC: Most likely, NO. Iraq controls the timing in the US.
Tony: If Iraq releases the dinar, and the US says “no dinar in the US until Monday”, can you access dong on Saturday? That’s the real question, right? If Iraq does the RV along with the rest of the world but the US doesn’t give us access, and if the GCR occurs, do we have access to the GCR.
DC: Technically, no, but if the UST tells the banks to hold off, they will.
423 caller: I am keeping my positive attitude! There was a discussion a while back about currencies that might revalue AGAIN in the second basket – would dong be one of those?
DC: What we’ve been told is that everything will be in the first basket only.
239 caller: I’m in SW Florida; is there an exchange place close by.
DC: There will be quite a few nearby, and banks will handle this individually as well. We won’t know which particular banks until afterwards.
Caller: Are the rates set, or going up or going down?
DC: I think they will keep them fixed until early January because it will be easier to deal with all the changes. Then it will go on Forex and go up and down after that. You could make the argument either way as to whether it floats up or down from there.
Tony: I would think that over the weekend it will be fixed so that they could rush us through in 72 hours, then hit Forex. My belief si that when it hits Forex it will go up. There is something we cannot tell you right now – great news – and if that happens, I don’t think we will see it on Forex or going up until January. If it happens this way, life will be absolutely great! But for those who believe in ‘greater, later’, that opportunity will come for the hedge funds, etc., they will know what is about to happen. They will run it, and some of you will decide to ride that and some won’t. sThey said this morning that they will blow through Christmas, and that is different from what they said on Monday!
Caller: I hold 8-10 different currencies besides the four we have discussed. Will they be in this first basket as well? Or will they revalue later?
DC: We are not financial advisers, but there will be a lot of adjustments in the various currencies depending on whether you are on a cruise ship (US dollars) or a smaller fishing boat.
Tony: You will see adjustments every 90 to 180 days for those that require adjusting, until this has settled down.
Caller: So should I hold a little longer on some currencies?
Tony: I don’t know. How strong is your heart? I would prefer to get off the ride, myself. There are a whole lot of other ways to make money. Last night I was having a cigar and telling someone about 3-D printing. There is a company creating 3-D skin that they are selling to research companies – there was a program on CNBC. They are about to have an IPO. So there are other ways to make money besides currency. [Tried to pick up a Texas number, but the person wasn’t listening. Tony + DC chitchat about Texas.]
919 caller: I’m not from Texas, but I do like to ride the horses. I’m in North Carolina. If I want to ride this horse a little longer, meaning waiting for the Forex… is that something I am allowed to do?
DC: I think you will be allowed to do it, but we just don’t know where that will go.
Caller: If I decline the contract rate, I’d like to take a little longer ride, maybe. Who is still not working together on this?
DC: Now they are all working together nicely, at least since Tuesday.
Tony: We are not hearing that it has been held up apart from not being in position on Wednesday night.
DC: We are told they have a few more minor procedural issues. They can easily be solved if the right people are in the right room or call. They would have had a hard time if someone had forced the issue, so they are walk through those final issues now.
Tony: Pam told us to cut it off at an hour today because she has higher priorities.
DC: It is a wonderful weekend. Everyone has gotten together, working well across the entire world as well as the US: IMF, BIS, Bank of England, CBI, most major banks and all the rest are working together. All minor issues are being addressed quickly. Our understanding is that this will go as soon as the last issues are solved and no one is going home until this is done. Cautiously, things look really, really good.
Tony: Everything we are hearing is “push, push, push” and even Washington was asking this morning, “Why isn’t this done? Let’s go!” It’s looking really good, the best we’ve seen it in months and weeks. This is the first time we’ve seen this many people transported across the world to get this done. I hope nothing gets in the way. If anything happens over the weekend, I will tweet it out – I hope we have a conversation this weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day and we’ll talk to you later!


Inline image 1    Inline image 3



Use this link below to read the entire report on this.

Use this link below to read the history of this church in Jerusalem which was ordered built by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. His mother St. Helena was reported to have found the True Cross of Jesus Christ and the tomb that Jesus had been buried in there at this location. Famous in early Christianity. The link for this story is

English languager vershion

Description of the Miracle of Holy Light (Holy Fire) that happens every year in Jerusalem
The true historical story shown in this report has been hidden from Christians of various denominations. Some sources are afraid that this annual apparent supernatural event each year in Jerusalem would greatly strengthen the faith of Christians of all branches of Christianity if they once found out about this event that has been reported going on since the 4th  Century A.D. on to now in 2014. According to ancient records, I descend from Constantine the Great who ordered this church built at this site at Jerusalem. Read his four articles defending Christianity in his age and you will know that he was a pious Christian ruler over the Roman Empire. Also, he considered himself to be a successor to the Apostles saved for his time to help Christianity in the Roman Empire back then. 
constantine.gif - 7790 Bytes    Follis-Helena-trier RIC 465.jpg    Coin of Flavia Iulia Helena, mother of Constantine I. 

Constantine, Capitoline Museums, Rome
'Constantine the Great'
'Saint Constantine'
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
(AD ca. 285 - AD 337)

Holy fire will appear this year on April 26

up to content Where and when does the miracle occur?

The ceremony, which awes the souls of Christians, takes place in the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem. The date for Pascha is determined anew for every year. It must be a first Sunday after the spring equinox and Jewish Passover. Therefore, most of the time it differs from the date of Catholic and Protestant Easter, which is determined using different criteria. The Holy Fire is the most renowned miracle in the world of Eastern Orthodoxy. IIt has taken place at the same time, in the same manner, in the same place every single year for centuries. No other miracle is known to occur so regularly and so steadily over time. No other miracle is known to occur so regularly and so steadily over time. It happens in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the holiest place on earth[2], where Christ was crucified, entombed, and where He finally rose from the dead.

up to content Ceremony of Holy Light

In order to be as close to the Sepulchre as possible, pilgrims camp next to it. The Sepulchre is located in the small chapel called Holy Ciborium, which is inside the Church of the Resurrection. Typically they wait from the afternoon of Holy Friday in anticipation of the miracle on Holy Saturday. Beginning at around 11:00 in the morning the Christian Arabs chant traditional hymns in a loud voice. These chants date back to the Turkish occupation of Jerusalem in the 13th century, a period in which the Christians were not allowed to chant anywhere but in the churches. "We are the Christians, we have been Christians for centuries, and we shall be forever and ever. Amen!" - they chant at the top of their voices accompanied by the sound of drums. The drummers sit on the shoulders of others who dance vigorously around the Holy Ciborium. But at 1:00 pm the chants fade out, and then there is a silence. A tense silence, charged from the anticipation of the great demonstration of God's power for all to witness.
Shortly thereafter, a delegation from the local authorities elbows its way through the crowd. At the time of the Turkish occupation of Palestine they were Muslim Turks; today they are Israelis. Their function is to represent the Romans at the time of Jesus. The Gospels speak of the Romans that went to seal the tomb of Jesus, so that his disciples would not steal his body and claim he had risen. In the same way the Israeli authorities on this Holy Saturday come and seal the tomb with wax. Before they seal the door, they follow a custom to enter the tomb, and to check for any hidden source of fire, which would make a fraud of the miracle.[1,2]

up to content How the miracle occurs

"I enter the tomb and kneel in holy fear in front of the place where Christ lay after His death and where He rose again from the dead... (narrates Orthodox Patriarch Diodor - ed.). I find my way through the darkness towards the inner chamber in which I fall on my knees.Miracle of God. At a certain point the light rises and forms a column in which the fire is of a different nature... See also a line of lights at bottom-leftHere I say certain prayers that have been handed down to us through the centuries and, having said them, I wait. Sometimes I may wait a few minutes, but normally the miracle happens immediately after I have said the prayers. From the core of the very stone on which Jesus lay an indefinable light pours forth. It usually has a blue tint, but the colour may change and take many different hues. It cannot be described in human terms. The light rises out of the stone as mist may rise out of a lake — it almost looks as if the stone is covered by a moist cloud, but it is light. This light each year behaves differently. Sometimes it covers just the stone, while other times it gives light to the whole sepulchre, so that people who stand outside the tomb and look into it will see it filled with light. The light does not burn — I have never had my beard burnt in all the sixteen years I have been Patriarch in Jerusalem and have received the Holy Fire. The light is of a different consistency than normal fire that burns in an oil lamp... At a certain point the light rises and forms a column in which the fire is of a different nature, so that I am able to light my candles from it. When I thus have received the flame on my candles, I go out and give the fire first to the Armenian Patriarch and then to the Coptic. Hereafter I give the flame to all people present in the Church."
While the patriarch is inside the chapel kneeling in front of the stone, there is darkness but far from silence outside. One hears a rather loud mumbling, and the atmosphere is very tense. When the Patriarch comes out with the two candles lit and shining brightly in the darkness, a roar of jubilee resounds in the Church.[2]
The Holy Light is not only distributed by the Archbishop, but operates also by itself. It is emitted from the Holy Sepulchre with a hue completely different from that of natural light. It sparkles, it flashes like lightning, it flies like a dove around the tabernacle of the Holy Sepulchre, and lights up the unlit lamps of olive oil hanging in front of it. It whirls from one side of the church to the other. It enters some of the chapels inside the church, as for instance the chapel of the Calvery (at a higher level than the Holy Sepulchre) and lights up the little lamps. It lights up also the candles of certain pilgrims. In fact there are some very pious pilgrims who, every time they attended this ceremony, noticed that their candles lit up on their own accord!Marvel picture. For a few minutes after Holy Fire appearance, if it touches the face, or the mouth, or the hands, it does not burn

his divine light also presents some peculiarities: As soon as it appears it has a bluish hue and does not burn. At the first moments of its appearance, if it touches the face, or the mouth, or the hands, it does not burn. This is proof of its divine and supernatural origin. We must also take into consideration that the Holy Light appears only by the invocation of an Orthodox Archbishop.[1]The miracle is not confined to what actually happens inside the little tomb, where the Patriarch prays. What may be even more significant, is that the blue light is reported to appear and be active outside the tomb. Every year many believers claim that this miraculous light ignites candles, which they hold in their hands, of its own initiative. All in the church wait with candles in the hope that they may ignite spontaneously. Often unlit oil lamps catch light by themselves before the eyes of the pilgrims. The blue flame is seen to move in different places in the Church. A number of signed testimonies by pilgrims, whose candles lit spontaneously, attest to the validity of these ignitions. The person who experiences the miracle from close up by having the fire on the candle or seeing the blue light usually leaves Jerusalem changed, and for everyone having attended the ceremony, there is always a "before and after" the miracle of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem.

up to content How old is the wonder?

The first writtenaccount of the Holy Fire (Holy Light) dates from the fourth century, but authors write about events that occurred in the first century. So Ss. John Damascene and Gregory of Nissa narrate how the Apostle Peter saw the Holy Light in the Holy Sepulchre after Christ's resurrection. "One can trace the miracle throughout the centuries in the many itineraries of the Holy Land." The Russian abbot Daniel, in his itinerary written in the years 1106-07, presents the "Miracle of the Holy Light" and the ceremonies that frame it in a very detailed manner. He recalls how the Patriarch goes into the Sepulchre-chapel (the Anastasis) with two candles. The Patriarch kneels in front of the stone on which Christ was laid after his death and says certain prayers, at which point the miracle occurs. Light proceeds from the core of the stone - a blue, indefinable light which after some time kindles unlit oil lamps as well as the Patriarch's two candles. This light is "The Holy Fire", and it spreads to all people present in the Church. The ceremony surrounding "The Miracle of the Holy Fire" may be the oldest unbroken Christian ceremony in the world. From the fourth century A.D. all the way up to our own time, sources recall this awe-inspiring event. From these sources it becomes clear that the miracle has been celebrated on the same spot, on the same feast day, and in the same liturgical frame throughout all these centuries.[2]
Miracle of God. The Orthodox Patriarch was standing ... near the left column, when the Holy Light split this column vertically and flashed near the Orthodox PatriarchEvery time heterodox have tried to obtain the Holy Fire they have failed. Three such attempts are known. Two occured in the twelfth century when priests of the Roman church tried to force out the Orthodox church but by their own confession these ended with God's punishment. [3,4] But the most miraculous event occured in the year 1579, the year when God clearly testified to whom alone may be given His miracle.
"Once the Armenians (monophysites - ed.) paid the Turks, who then occupied the Holy Land, in order to obtain permission for their Patriarch to enter the Holy Sepulchre, the Orthodox Patriarch was standing sorrowfully with his flock at the exit of the church, near the left column, when the Holy Light split this column vertically and flashed near the Orthodox Patriarch.
A Muslim Muezzin, called Tounom, who saw the miraculous event from an adjacent mosque, immediately abandoned the Muslim religion and became an Orthodox Christian. This event took place in 1579 under Sultan Mourad IV, when the Patriarch of Jerusalem was Sophrony IV.(The above mentioned split column still exists. It dates from the twelfth century. The Orthodox pilgrims embrace it at the "place of the split" as they enter the church).[2, date and name are corrected]
Turkish warriors stood on the wall of a building close to the gate and lightning-struck column . When he saw this striking miracle he cried that Christ is truly God and leaped down from a height of about ten meters. But he was not killed-the stones under him became as soft as wax and his footprint was left upon them. The Turks tried to scrape away these prints but they could not destroy them; so they remain as witnesses [5].
He was burned by the Turks near the Church. His remains, gathered by the Greeks, lay in the monastery of Panagia until the 19th century shedding chrism.
Muslims, who deny the Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ, tried to put obstacles in the way of the miracle. Well known Muslim historian Al Biruni wrote: "… a (note: Muslim) governor brought a copper wire instead of a wick (note: for the self lighting oil lamps), in order that it wouldn't ignite and the whole thing would fail to occur. But as the fire descended, the copper burned."[6]
This was not the only attempt. The report written by the English chronicler, Gautier Vinisauf, describes what happened in the year 1192.
"In 1187, the Saracens under the direction of Sultan Salah ad-Din took Jerusalem. In that year, the Sultan desired to be present at the celebration, even though he was not a Christian. Gautier Vinisauf tells us what happened: "On his arrival, the celestial fire descended suddenly, and the assistants were deeply moved...the Saracens... said that the fire which they had seen to come down was produced by fraudulent means. Salah ad-Din, wishing to expose the imposter, caused the lamp, which the fire from Heaven had lighted, to be extinguished, but the lamp relit immediately. He caused it to be extinguished a second time and a third time, but it relit as of itself. Thereupon, the Sultan, confounded, cried out in prophetic transport: 'Yes, soon shall I die, or I shall lose Jerusalem.'"[7]

up to contentA miracle that is unknown in the West

One can ask the question of why the miracle of the Holy Fire is almost unknown in Western Europe. In Protestant areas it may, to a certain extent, be explained by the fact that there is no real tradition of miracles; people don't really know in which box to place the miracles, and they rarely feature in newspapers. But in the Catholic tradition there is vast interest in miracles. Thus, why is it not more well known? For this only one explanation suffices: Church politics. Only the Orthodox Churches attend the ceremony which is centered on the miracle. It only occurs on the Orthodox date of Easter and without the presence of any Catholic authorities.[2]

up to content The question of the authenticity of the miracle

It is a miracle - for a few minutes Holy Fire does not burnAs with any other miracle there are people who believe it is a fraud and nothing but a masterpiece of Orthodox propaganda. They believe the Patriarch has a lighter inside of the tomb. These critics, however, are confronted with a number of problems. Matches and other means of ignition are recent inventions. Only a few hundred years ago lighting a fire was an undertaking that lasted much longer than the few minutes during which the Patriarch is inside the tomb. One then could perhaps say, he had an oil lamp burning inside, from which he kindled the candles, but the local authorities confirmed that they had checked the tomb and found no light inside it.
The best arguments against a fraud, however, are not the testimonies of the shifting Patriarchs. The biggest challenges confronting the critics are the thousands of independent testimonies by pilgrims whose candles were lit spontaneously in front of their eyes without any possible explanation. According to our investigations, it has never been possible to film any of the candles or oil lamps igniting by themselves. However, I am in the possession of a video filmed by a young engineer from Bethlehem, Souhel Nabdiel. Mr. Nabdiel has been present at the ceremony of the Holy Fire since his early childhood. In 1996 he was asked to film the ceremony from the balcony of the dome of the Church. Present with him on the balcony were a nun and four other believers. The nun stood at the right hand of Nabdiel. On the video one can see how he films down on the crowds. At a certain point all lights are turned off - it is time for the Patriarch to enter the tomb and receive the Holy Fire. While he is still inside the tomb one suddenly hears a scream of surprise and wonder originating from the nun standing next to Nabdiel. The camera begins to shake, as one hears the excited voices of the other people present on the balcony. The camera now turns to the right, whereby it is possible to contemplate the cause of the commotion. A big candle, held in the hand of the Russian nun, takes fire in front of all the people present before the patriarch comes out of the tomb. She holds the candle with shaking hands while making the sign of the Cross over and over again in awe of the miracle she has witnessed. This video appears to be the closest one gets to an actual filming of the miracle.

     In my search for potentially credible Miracles of God in Christianity, I came across this and was surprised that due to church politics, it was almost totally unreported on in the Western churches both Catholic and Protestant. Church politics badly divides the Church of Christ on earth which Jesus Christ wanted to be one united Church of Jesus Christ, not divided into camps each of which is more dedicated to division than being the one united Church of Jesus Christ that Jesus founded on the earth in the beginning. Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, and Protestant churches do not report on apparent Miracles of God when they occur in parts of Christianity rather than their own individual churches. All sides claim that they see scandals in the other two branches of Christianity that they do not see in themselves. Once the real or else imagined but not real scandals are removed from all sides, it is hard to reunite the Christian church backed into one fold as Jesus and the Apostles started with one united fold, not many folds and all mistrusting the other folds which divided from the one starting Church of Jesus Christ. We need to have all sides meet together with their best scholars, address the issues real or imagined which divide Christianity, and if we can all get back to the original standards of first Apostolic Christianity established by Jesus Christ and the Apostles, then I see no reason why we cannot reunite and be the bride church waiting for Jesus Christ for when He returns to earth. 
     Martin Luther had a good point that the Bible should be made available for all Christians to read. Early Christianity had the same stand and had committees of copyists to copy the Old and New Testament so local churches could read the Bible when they wanted to. However, Martin Luther removed several of the books of the Old Testament that Christianity had always had in their original Bibles until Martin Luther dumped a few earlier books always retained by first Christianity in the Old Testament. The first King James Bible had all the early books retained by the first Christians as part of the Old Testament, but I think it was a Bible society of the 19th century which dropped some of the Old Testament books first Christianity included in their canon of Old Testament Books. Since then we have an abridged edition of the Bible passed off as the entire King James original version of the Old Testament. The original King James Bible had legal and moral warning not to tamper with this original translation of the Old Testament and New Testament. Some of the reasons for division of Christianity is due to Bible scholars who did some tampering to get rid of part of the early Christian canon of Old Testament books first Christianity had. Except for the abridgment, I think the King James Bible is a fine translation of the Bible as well as the Vulgate Catholic Bible when translated with integrity into the English language and other languages.
     Right now I live up to my pen name of Erasmus who was dedicated to reform in Christianity, but not push for division and bitter strife between main elements of Christianity. Erasmus wrote in Praise Of Folly to show corruption in Christianity then to reform from but not destroy Christian unity over. I am of the spirit of Erasmus in matters like this. I love early Apostolic Christianity and want all three main branches of Christianity to honestly identify what first Apostolic Christianity was and taught, and then let all three sides return to what they by their own scholarship have identified what true and first Apostolic Christianity was and still is. And a strong hint here. Early Christianity was heavily governed by bishops who were elected by the city mother churches composed of local churches under the authority of the bishop (overseer) for that local branch of Christianity in the Roman Empire. 

     St. Irenaeus around 170 A.D. wrote about the God-given rights of all mankind including Christians to decide what form of government and leadership for government they wanted to live under. In this teaching of early Apostolic Christianity, I offer to the Christian world my proposed Omni Law found on my website. It is the teaching on the God-given political rights of mankind taught by early Apostolic Christianity as written up as proposed national law for America and to be modified slightly for other nations so they may also have government for, by, and of the people of their nations as taught by first Apostolic Christianity. The famous golden preacher of Eastern Christianity also had preached on this same subject of the God-given political rights of the people at Constantinople probably around 370 A.D. I refer to the famous Church Father John Chrysostom, later Bishop of Constantinople and head of the Eastern half of Christianity in the Roman Empire.
     Pass this report around so Christians can rejoin the total culture and treachings of early Apostolic Christianity and be much fuller and more total Christians for this age than "politically correct" misrepresentations of Christianity teach that Christians should be for today. Christians do not know much of their own Christian history, but 4 times in history systems of money were based upon a key teaching of Jesus Christ on money and every time the economies boomed with no poor or unemployed left in society, businesses boomed, and governments were prosperous and had low taxes so nothing for anyone to worry about. Four times banking systems upset with all this prosperity with everyone in society finally figured out how to overthrow it each time and then mankind was thrown back into tough economies, many unemployed or poor, business rough to be in, governments with high taxes, crime and war came back to societies that did not much have to bother with this while Jesus Money was in power, and churches that had been super prosperous under Jesus Money were now thrown into hard times with church offerings now much lower instead of super high like before under Jesus Money. Under Jesus Money, tiny France built  without need of bank loans or  taxes, but just contributions of the common people now made intensely prosperous under Jesus Money, tiny France built 80 Gothic cathedrals and 500 cathedral grade large churches in just 100 years. Included was the Cathedral of Chartres built by the people of Chartres around 2,500 people in around 38 years and rated one of the four most beautiful cathedrals of that age and almost as big as the Washington National Cathedral of Wash., D.C. The Washington National Cathedral supported by Pres. Teddy Roosevelt and other famous Americans started digging the foundations for this in 1907 and completed in 1990. It was built by the old Gothic methods of the Middle Ages. When completed, it was commented that this cost too much to build and America could never afford to build another cathedral by the old Gothic method of the Middle Ages. Tiny France using Jesus Money built 580 cathedral size churches in 100 years versus one for America taking most of a century to build. That is the difference between Jesus Money of the Middle Ages and Federal Reserve Money of America in the 20th century. 
     Having studied with an engineering school, I think like an engineer or scientist and what works obviously works, so why not use Jesus Money again if tough times come to a nation? I gave it the name of Jesus Money. The earlier name for this in Latin meant such as money which periodically renewed itself. Also, with modern engineering and agriculture, we can accelerate growth of national economies even faster with Jesus Money than when earlier nations had Jesus Money  but with more primitive agriculture and engineering in comparison.  Pass this Omni Law I wrote and posted on my website and we can boom the economy any time our politicians in our national government try to crash our economy with their stupid or else corrupt laws affecting the economy of our nation. Also, current federal law has been passed making you liable for bank derivatives, etc. which no honest government would ever do to its citizens. It can be much bigger in bank debt than the current national debt in America which this federal law which is currently being pushed by the Democrats and not Republicans can bankrupt all citizens of America and clean out all your money in all your bank accounts in America. You are liable for all this money if the banks lose their shirts on derivatives, etc. If they lose, they can keep their money from other angles and are not liable for these bank losses, only you the sucker public letting the con artist politicians stick you with the bill for their losses and you, not the banks, are liable to cover the bank losses. It is hard to be more corrupt with government than this what the Democrats are trying to stick you with the bill of multi-trillion dollar debt that the banks are supposed to be liable for if things go wrong with their gambles with your bank money. Also, under this type law pushed by the politicians in Wash., D.C., money you deposit with banks is now legally theirs, not yours, and is considered an investment with the banks if you deposit with them. Outrageous? Yes! Pass my proposed Omni Law and fast. Then by national referendum vote by you the American people, you will cancel the federal law version of bad bank debts where you instead of the banks are liable for bad debts that they create. Once the Omni Law is passed and then you vote to undo this politician trick of sticking you with bad bank debts instead of them,  then once more money which you deposit in a bank will be your money, not theirs legally, and they can't steal away your money from you by legal con language written up by the politicians paid off in Congress to pass such outrageous laws in America.
      Pass the Omni Law and you the American people, not the corrupt, now control the national government again! Full name of the Omni Law is The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America. It gives you the legal right of national referendum over the government so the government has to be your servant henceforth and not your intended master. Also, ten legal trustees set up over Wash., D.C. by the Omni Law defend your legal rights against intended abuses of law by those in federal agencies and Congress itself. 
      Pass the Omni Law as fast as you the American people make copies of this report, send it all over America and to your elected representatives in Congress and state legislatures. When they know that you now back passage of the Omni Law, it will then be swiftly passed in America and then the economy booms with new prosperity and your legal rights are fully protected so those in government have to respect your legal rights under law henceforth whether U.S. Bill of Rights or other legal rights you have and retain.
     Our website is Our email is Our mailing address for those wanting to place orders for products or else back our Omni Law Loan Program on our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. All finances raised help pass faster our proposed Omni Law in America. We can pass the law faster or slower depending on whether you help pass out copies of this report or not. And when you help to supply some finances also helps to pass faster our Omni Law in America. We expect to win, but your support enables us to move faster to pass this Omni Law in America which is restoring your God-given rights back into law in America. 
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who actually believes in the founding principles of America in 1776 which many in Wash., D.C. today do not believe in and are actively working to try and overthrow from within Wash., D.C. if you let them strip you of all your legal rights in America! Do you want freedom or else slavery for your life in America? The Omni Law puts the American people back into power over America instead of the corrupt buying off many members of Congress and threatening other members of Congress to vote corruptly and also forcing other federal leaders in Wash., D.C. to violate your legal rights when they don't want to!) 
P.S. The U.S. Bill of Rights were written to protect your legal rights from tyranny in government as criminal laws already protected your legal rights from private criminals in society! Time for Wash., D.C. to obey the U.S. Bill of Rights again as early Wash., D.C. did before it became so totally corrupt in our age!




MONEY HAS ONLY 1 COLOR...................




Heroic Man Purchases Women Who Are Sex Slaves To ISIS, And Sets Them Free

Heroic Man Purchases Women Who Are Sex Slaves To ISIS, And Sets Them Free


Heroic Man Purchases Women Who Are Sex Slaves To ISIS, And Sets Them Free (THE VIDEO WILL MAKE YOU WEEP) By Shoebat Foundation on December 11, 2014
This unnamed Iraqi man buys Yezidi, Muslim or Christian women.
A crime, you think?
He buys them then unites them with their husbands and fathers and family. Here is one example that will touch any human heart. In this story a Yezidi girl who was taken as a sex slave by ISIS. The man acts as a dealer, infiltrates ISIS and purchases the girl and then unites the girl to her father as you see in this scene:
It’s the story of you, all the gracious loving partners with Rescue Christians. You would read the story of Moses and the Hebrews enslaved by Pharaoh and at times wonder where you stand in the big picture in God’s magnificent plan. How will you rescue all these Hebrews out of slavery?
Well, you already are. You are Moses. You are Aaron. You are Joshua. Just think about it for a moment.
You have supported the release and security of thousands of Christians, especially in Pakistan where Christians are enslaved in brick kilns. Kilns are the very operations the Egyptians forced the Hebrew slaves to labor in ancient Egypt and today the very operations that enslaved the Hebrews in ancient Egypt are happening as we speak to your very Christian family in Pakistan. These are your brothers and sisters in the faith. They are part of the kingdom and bride of Christ. They are whom Christ, the final Moses speaks about in Matthew 25 “for I was hungry and you gave me food, in prison and you visited me …” Imagine the day you meet Christ, the master and Lord of the Church. What a wonderful day will it be.
A Kiln worker is paid 450 Pakistani Rupees, the equivalent of $7 U.S. dollars per 1,000 bricks. Just imagine. And in some areas of Punjab the rate is even lower, at 230 rupees per 1,000 bricks which is about $3 U.S. dollars regardless of how long and how many members of the family it takes to complete the task. The tasks include fetching mud, soaking it in water, molding it into bricks, transporting the finished product to the kiln and finally baking and grading each brick. This is not much but there is another issue – “credit line acts as a noose”.
In case of severe weather or illness, workers earn nothing and are forced deeper into debt, begging for loans from their employers who are happy to extend the line of credit, which tie the laborer more tightly.
Our directors for Rescue Christians you partner with in Pakistan, purchases these slaves and unties families from other kilns and releases them form slavery.
Indeed, just think about it, the irony that you are in the slave trade business, yet at the same time, you are Moses.
According to our partners in Pakistan, the kiln owners usually extends loans for occasions such as marriage, births and deaths, in an effort to tie the laborers more tightly into servitude. This action is totally illegal and under the law, a kiln owner can only release an advance equal to or less than two weeks’ wages. But then there are slave owners and then there are slave owners; you.
Our director also informed us that women workers are usually trapped and sexually harassed. Rescue Christians have shared several testimonies showing the type of horror Christians endure.
You – our donors – have provided the money for safe houses and the ability for the families to regain their freedom and dignity. Thank you Rescue Christian Donors and partners; we could not have helped without your support.

God bless you all. We, the Middle Eastern and Pakistani Christians love you.