Sunday, December 14, 2014

My son

My son

This is great. Take a moment to read it; it will make your day!

; The ending will surprise you.

 Take my Son.....

A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael. They would often sit together and admire the great works of art..

When the Vietnam conflict broke out, the son went to war. He was very courageous and died in battle while rescuing another soldier. The father was notified and grieved deeply for his only son.

About a month later, just before Christmas,

There was a knock at the door. A young man stood at the door with a large package in his hands..

He said, 'Sir, you don't know me, but I am the soldier for whom your son gave his life. He saved many lives that day, and he was carrying me to safety when a bullet struck him in the heart and he died instantly... He often talked about you, and your love for art.' The young man held out this package. 'I know this isn't much. I'm not really a great artist, but I think your son would have wanted you to have this.'

The father

Opened the package. It was a portrait of his son, painted by the young man. He stared in awe at the way the soldier had captured the personality of his son in the painting. The father was so drawn to the eyes that his own eyes welled up with tears. He thanked the young man and offered to pay him for the picture... 'Oh, no sir, I could never repay what your son did for me. It's a gift.'

The father hung the portrait over his mantle. Every time visitors came to his home he took them to see the portrait of his son before he showed them any of the other great works he had collected.

The man died a few months later. There was to be a great auction of his paintings. Many influential people gathered, excited over seeing the great paintings and having an opportunity to purchase one for their collection.

On the platform sat the painting of the son. The auctioneer pounded his gavel. 'We will start the bidding with this picture of the son. Who will bid for this picture?'

There was silence...

Then a voice in the back of the room shouted, 'We want to see the famous paintings. Skip this one.'

But the auctioneer persisted. 'Will somebody bid for this painting? Who will start the bidding? $100, $200?'

Another voice angrily. 'We didn't come to see this painting. We came to see the Van Gogh's, the Rembrandts. Get on with the Real bids!'

But still the auctioneer continued. 'The son! The son! Who'll take the son?'

Finally, a voice came from the very back of the room. It was the longtime gardener of the man and his son. 'I'll give $10 for the painting...' Being a poor man, it was all he could afford.

'We have $10, who will bid $20?'

'Give it to him for $10. Let's see the masters.'

The crowd was becoming angry. They didn't want the picture of the son.

They wanted the more worthy investments for their collections.

The auctioneer pounded the gavel... 'Going once, twice, SOLD for $10!'

A man sitting on the second row shouted, 'Now let's get on with the collection!'

The auctioneer laid down his gavel. 'I'm sorry, the auction is over.'

'What about the paintings?'

'I am sorry. When I was called to conduct this auction, I was told of a secret stipulation in the will... I was not allowed to reveal that stipulation until this time. Only the painting of the son would be auctioned. Whoever bought that painting would inherit the entire estate, including the paintings.

The man who took the son gets everything!'

God gave His son over 2,000 years ago to die on the Cross. Much like the auctioneer, His message today is: 'The Son, the Son, who'll take the Son?'

Because, you see, whoever takes the Son gets everything!

John 3-16

Please send this to six people and back to the one who sent it to you.

God Bless.

If I don't get this back, I will know you really didn't read it. I got this from someone and thought the last part was really a good thought..

Too bad that the person who sent it to me did not know 6 people who would admit to knowing the Lord. 

R.V. / GCR December 14, 2014

R.V. / GCR December 14, 2014 at 10:19am

US Dollar Rejected - Prepare Your Family || Jim Willie

Published on Dec 4, 2014 By Vage Pudor



Sunday, December 14, 2014
@JCR3758: The IMF Reform has nothing to do with the release of the RV in Iraq since they are in Basel lll compliance. They will have an Intl currency

@JCR3758: The laws needed in Iraq prior to the RV release are ready & being officially recorded by Parliament. GOI & Parliament
continue to work well 

JCR@JCR3758 : GM All.  Abadi made announcement to public in Iraq today and they fully intend to go ahead with the deletion of the zeros project and do it now.

:Public starts tomorrow.Groups start this evening go watch the television today.Banks have there own 800 numbers for currency exchage desks there are no one master number

Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 10:20

Clergy Response Team to help round up citizens in case of an “emergency”

DHS recruited 28,000 pastors to be part of the Clergy Response Team to help round up citizens in case of an “emergency”

By now most of you are aware of the infamous group formed by FEMA and DHS who recruited 28,000 pastors to be part of the Clergy Response Team—a team of pastors who's duty it will be in the event of any beck and call from the Government to round up citizens—be it for a catastrophe, an outbreak or whatever the department deems necessary.

These pastors have sold out not only their congregations but also left God at the doorstep by doing so. 

Recently Pastor Walt Mansfield, one of the first to be recruited by FEMA, boldly shares with Dave Hodges The Common Sense Show, all the devious workings the government is attempting to do through this organization, every thing from rounding up dissidents to promoting servitude to the government to forcing people in to FEMA camps is involved. 

The video below provides information regarding the Clergy Response Team program, but be warned - you may not like what you’re about to hear

Though you may ask your pastor and church leadership if they are members of the "Clergy Response Team," THEY MAY NOT TELL YOU!  BEWARE!  



Unmasking The CAFR Scam In Every City, USA (IMPORTANT INFO-LONG)

Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Sunday, 14-Dec-2014 04:21:54

As more and more cities, counties, districts, and states across America falsely declare their near- insolubility,
bankruptcy warnings, fiscal deficits, and budgetary quandaries, I am left with the sinking feeling that “the people”
just can’t wrap their heads around how to point out these misleading and downright fallacious claims made by
their councils, mayors, and professional con-men in places of public trust.

And personally, I’m tired of watching…

So today I want to share with you a simple way to factually stand before your local or state political “leaders”
and give indisputable proof that, when stating the “facts” about their own budget shortfalls, limited choices,
and necessary raising of your hard-earned monies as taxation (revenue) to “balance the budget”, your own
little criminal syndicate of elected mayors and council men and women are lying bold-faced to the entire
citizenry through the act of subterfuge and omission.

This little factoid is uniform throughout the entirety of the financial structure of government, as reported in the
audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and required by Federal and State laws. It is always reported
in the same fashion and under the same heading as all other governments (municipal corporations). These figures
are not disputable.  The truth is unshakable.  And yet the doublespeak will never end… For even as you present
this one simple line item to the scoundrels themselves behind their raised and protective pedestals, they will still
attempt to deny what is undeniable, be it in ignorance or in deceit; usually a mix of both.

So, here it is… a tool for all people to easily use:

Step 1:

First YOU must find your city/county/district/or state CAFR, which can sometimes be challenging.

A search on your favorite search engine of “Your City” “Comprehensive Annual Financial Report” “Year” will generally
do the trick. You may need to add the state after the city, or you may need to go to your government’s website to
find these CAFR’s. If they are not to be found online, then your government is required to hand over a hard-copy or
digital copy to you upon request.. It's the law, folks!

Now that you have the CAFR in front of you, you are probably overwhelmed with all of the nonsensical figures, financial
wizardry, and creative accounting that is presented in over 100 pages of a pure accounting nightmare.

But don’t worry, you can ignore all that. For our purposes, we are only concerned with one single page of this entire
report. And this page is specifically listed in the index as the “STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS“. This page is generally
in the first 10-30 pages of the CAFR report, and will always be listed in the index.

For the purposes of this lesson, here is an example CAFR from the City of Pacifica, Ca.I found this with a search
parameter of “Pacifica Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2011″, and clicked on the 5th link down which took
me to the finance department of the “City Of Pacifica” website.

Click on the “2011” link to open the CAFR .pdf, and go to the index.

Here you will see, as with all other CAFR reports, an entry for the “STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS“, listed under the
of this particular Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to find our “statement of net assets”.

That’s it! This is the hardest part of the whole process.

Now breathe… it’s all simple from here on in – and quite an eye-opener!!!

Step 2:




The GOI looked right into the camera and said that they are about to activate economic reforms on the dinar that will be beneficial for their currency.

It is of our opinion that Abadi is now going to become a proponent for the dinar to have a rate change.

Border Patrol Agent Claims FEMA Expects ‘200 Million Deaths’


Border Patrol Agent Claims 

FEMA Expects ‘200 Million Deaths’

truther 0

Dave Gibson
A retired Border Patrol Agent has made some startling claims, as to what we are not being 
told about the recent surge in illegal aliens over our Southern border, and its consequences. 
The agent, Zach Taylor, spent many years as a supervisor working along the U.S.-Mexico 
border in Texas, and as a U.S. Border Patrol Section Chief in Tuscon, Arizona.

Video Border Patrol Agent Claims FEMA Expects ‘200 Million Deaths’

During a taped interview, Taylor said that the huge numbers of foreign nationals from 
Central America and Mexico now arriving on our border, are here because Obama is 
inviting them here, and the recent surge is actually a coordinated event. 
“The U.S. government has CIA, FBI, DHS, Army, Navy, and Marines in Central America,” 
said Taylor.

And, there is some evidence to suggest Taylor is right..

A recently leaked Border Patrol memo stated that the agency expects to see more
than 230,000 unaccompanied minors to make the illegal journey to this country 
by the end of 2015, the Associated Press reported.

Taylor also spoke a great deal about the threat being posed to Americans by communicable 
diseases being brought into this country by illegal aliens.

“We don’t know when CDC (Centers for Disease Control) takes custody of one of these 
people from Homeland Security and whisks them off somewhere–we don’t know where
–what disease they have been diagnosed with, Taylor said.

“We know it’s communicable…We assume it’s serious.”

But, it was what the retired agent said next that will send a chill down your spine…

Taylor said:
They’re anticipating a large national crisis. 
When you see that FEMA is preparing for two hundred million deaths in the 
United States, that tells you something. 

When you see that the government is controlling the supply of ammunition and that 
basic medical supplies are in short supply in southern Arizona, something’s wrong…
They are anticipating something drastic.

Read more at 

[Ed Note: This brief video of a 26 yr senior veteran of Border Patrol reveals
up close and personal trends in immigration, depopulation, PsyOps,
US agenda, and infectious disease.


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C-47 transport planes carry supplies to the besieged American forces battling the Germans at Bastogne
C-47 transport planes carry supplies to the besieged American forces battling the Germans at Bastogne
Seventy years ago this month, American heroes successfully held the small crossroads town of Bastogne, repelling Nazi Germany’s last chance at a settled peace and making total victory in Europe all but guaranteed.
Acclaimed author and reporter Dr. Jerome Corsi lays out the incredible sacrifice of America’s men in uniform and carefully explores the question of whether divine intervention is responsible for the Allies prevailing against seemingly insurmountable odds and in horrific conditions. His new book is titled, “No Greater Valor: The Siege of Bastogne, and the Miracle that Sealed Allied Victory.”
Corsi said the question has lingered in his mind since he was a young boy listening to his father and others discuss the seemingly miraculous events at Bastogne.
“His friends, some of whom had fought at Bastogne, felt like there were a series of events that were almost like a miracle, that God’s intervention had permitted them to stay alive,” Corsi said. “Otherwise, the expectation was they would be overwhelmed by the Nazis. It was very unexpected that this small group held out long enough to delay Hitler’s advance and actually turn the tide in the Battle of the Bulge.”
By early December 1944, the Allies thought total victory in Europe could be achieved by Christmas. Since the Normandy invasion six months earlier, they had slogged their way out of northern France and then steamrolled across the country and were about to plow into the heart of Germany. Knowing he had to make one more push to have a chance for a settled peace, Adolf Hitler ordered a massive tank assault on allied positions in eastern France and in Belgium in the Ardennes.
The Allies hastily arranged defenses around the strategically important town of Bastogne.
“It had eight roads crossing through it. It was a critical town to hold because if you wanted to move west from the Ardennes toward the Meuse River, going through Bastogne was the only efficient way to do it,” said Corsi, who noted the Allies were completely taken by surprise.
“Winter was setting in, and we kind of stalled the offensive moving into Germany,” he said. “We felt that Hitler had been pretty well worn down. The idea that he had all these tank divisions and could put this together was a complete surprise to Allied intelligence.”
The German assault began on Dec. 16. The ferocity required the call up of new forces without any notice, most notably those in the Army’s 101st Airborne Division, which was resting in France after participating in the brutal and unsuccessful mission to cross the Rhine River, known as Operation Market Garden.
“They went into action that night, driven all night long in these open trucks to Bastogne in the cold. They didn’t even have winter equipment. They weren’t adequately resupplied. They hardly had weapons or ammunition,” Corsi said.
Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Jerome Corsi:
Needless to say, the original defense posture around Bastogne was thrown together quickly and left something to be desired. Many of the arriving troops got weapons and protection from the cold from stunned service members in retreat.
“They said, ‘If you’re not using that M-1, would you mind handing it to me’ or, ‘If you’re not using that overcoat, how about giving it to me’? They resupplied themselves bravely on the run. When they got to Bastogne, they were the last troops to arrive, put in the line at exactly the right place with the 10th Armored (Division) to just stall the German advance until the defense of Bastogne could be organized,” Corsi said.
Regardless of the strategy, the sheer numbers suggested the Germans would be virtually impossible to stop.
“It was about 15,000 Americans total that defended Bastogne, and the Nazis had up to 50,000-60,000 in Panzer divisions trying to take Bastogne,” he said.
If the disparity in men and weapons wasn’t daunting enough, the brutally cold conditions presented as much of a challenge for U.S. forces as the Nazis did.
“For eight days they held out, freezing, no food,” Corsi said. “They were down to taking their Life Savers and K rations and melting them with Sterno cans in order to make a little soup. That’s all they had to eat.”
It’s precisely because of overwhelmingly bad odds, little protection from the cold and lack of food that Corsi and others believe only God could have turned those circumstances into an Allied success. Corsi said it started with Gen. George Patton turning to God as he raced his Third Army north to the Bulge.
“Patton called the chaplain into his headquarters and said, ‘I need a prayer for good weather.’ The chaplain wrote a prayer. Patton printed it and handed it out to all of the troops in the Third Army and, remarkably, on the 23rd of December, the weather at Bastogne lifted enough that the C-47s could get in and do an air drop on Bastogne,” said Corsi, who believes without that air drop, the Allies could not have held Bastogne.
“They were down to one or two shells per artillery gun,” he said. “This is one of the parts that was considered a miracle. The weather changed. No one expected it. Meteorologists had not predicted it. They just woke up on the 23rd and the skies were clear, and they put the C-47s in the air.”
valorCorsi added, “If they had not resupplied Bastogne by air on December 23, I’m confident the Nazis would have overrun the American position at Bastogne. The 101st and the 10th Armored would have been killed or taken prisoner as POWs.”
The clearing of the skies over Bastogne at precisely the right moment is one aspect of the story that many chalk up to God’s intervention, but it’s hardly the only one. Corsi said other seeming coincidences worked perfectly for the Allied advantage as well.
“General (Anthony) McAuliffe, when he set out to Bastogne, originally thought he was going to Werbemont,” Corsi said. “That’s where the original orders were, a different town in Belgium. But he made a side tour because he thought, well, General Middleton, the corps commander’s in Bastogne. I’ll see him in person. When he arrived, about 5:30 that night, Middleton said, ‘General McAuliffe, I’m sure glad to see you because your orders were changed and your unit is coming here.’ Well, he didn’t know that. He just made the right decision.”
The remarkable events continued from there, as the general set up an ad hoc assembly area for troops who were lost in the way to support the defense of Bastogne.
“(McAuliffe) picked the perfect location from which to deploy the troops and the right order in which for them to arrive, even though he had no advanced knowledge,” Corsi said. “And on and on and on his decisions went, which units to put where. It turned out to always be the exact right unit to meet the German attack that day. For eight days they held out.”
In the end, the Allies held at Bastogne, and the Germans never punched through the bulge in the western front. By failing, Hitler lost his last chance at avoiding an unconditional surrender, and World War II was essentially over in Europe. The courage and endurance of American forces, particularly the 101st Airborne Division, is a portrait in heroism. But for Corsi, the evidence adds up to God truly saving the day for the Allies.
“All these acts of courage came together in a way that the men felt was exceptional,” he said. “This was beyond what they’d expect from just good military planning or good fighting.”