Thursday, December 18, 2014

Lest we forget the Cliven Bundy Case Facts

Lest we forget the Cliven Bundy Case Facts

For those still confused by the media -----

Cliven Bundy is right exactly right:
Mr. Cliven Bundy's  ranch contains split-estate property rights.  Which include 1.) water rights  2.) rights of way, 3) range improvements, 4) grazing value/forage crops 5.)  patented homestead or mining claims used as headquarters or shipping points.  Each one of these rights is a real property right; that cannot be taken without due process and just compensation.  These rights were developed from prior Spanish/Mexican agricultural water law. (Hutichins 1971, Hage 1989)

To properly phrase

Mr. Bundy's  Range Rights and vested water rights are protected by local law, custom, and decisions of the court as recognized, sanctioned and confirmed by Congress in Revised Statute 2339, commonly known as the Act of 1866.  These range rights/ vested water rights are protected by 18 federal statutes starting with the Act of 1866 and ending with the National Forest Management Act NFMA of October 22, 1976.

As time went by the State began to appropriate the vested water rights and protect these range rights. "At the time that the Forest Service began to adjudicate allotments, issue grazing permits, and charge grazing fees in National Forests it was held by the U.S. Supreme Court that state laws for the general appropriation of water could not be over ridden by Congress in exercising its power to make rules and regulations respecting disposal of the public lands (Kansas v. Colorado 1907, California v. United States 1978 and cases cited therein).  (McIntosh and Fowler, pg 21)

It is common knowledge throughout the West that ranches on federal rangelands have been treated as private property interests in the open real estate market for more than a hundred years (Griffith v. Godey 1885, Wilson v. Everett 1891, Grayson v. Lynch 1896,  Ward v. Sherman 1904).  (McIntosh and Fowler, pg8)

Even the Internal Revenue Service recognizes that federal land grazing allotments used as part of a split-estate ranch are inheritable, taxable property estates ( Shufflebarger v. Commissioner 1955, Vaugham v. Commissioner 1961, Rudolph Inv. v. Commissioner 1972, Estate of O' Connell v. Commissioner 1978, Ueker v. Commissioner 1983.)  (McIntosh and Fowler pg 8)

According to the Forest Service Organic Act 1897 and the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934 "the creation of a grazing district or the issuance of a permit... shall not create any right, title, interest, or estate in or to the lands."  (McIntosh and Fowler, pg 29)

In reference to Section 4 Taylor Grazing Act

"Likewise, the federal statutes pertaining to grazing permits or cooperative agreements, state that those instruments are optional, and discretionary programs.  Numerous court decisions have held that permits are revocable and can be canceled at any time (apparently by either party, prior to development of the authorized improvement).  Practically, all statutes specifically referring to grazing permits state that the issuance of such agreements grants no right, title, or interest in or to the underlying lands."   ( McIntosh and Fowler pg 31)

Recent decisions by the United States Court of Federal claims ( Hage v. United States, 1996 and 2002), determined that if the requirement to obtain a grazing permit is so burdensome as to deprive a rancher of his property, then he could not be required to obtain the permit.  This reasoning is in complete harmony with the decision of the United States Supreme Court in Curtin v. Benson, (1911) ( McIntosh and Fowler pg 29)

I would like to credit DRAFT RITF REPORT no. 56  Property Rights on Western Ranches: Federal Range land Policy and a Model for Valuation by Dr. McIntosh and Dr. Fowler.  

The Nevada engineer issued this report regarding the estate of Wayne E. Hage vs the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management  pg 24 and pg 25 "However, he further recognized that existing water rights that pre-date any water rights that may be claimed pursuant to the implied reservation of rights doctrine are superior to any reserved rights of the federal government."

SEPTEMBER 15, 1998 

Kirk MacKenzie

Interview and Listen Closely to Putin Tomorrow

From: Bix Weir <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 17, 2014 6:18 pm
Interview and Listen Closely to Putin Tomorrow
Word out that the Russians are running out of food on the store shelves has
everyone's attention turned to Vladimir Putin's speech tomorrow. The FX
and oil riggers like people thinking that the markets will move one way or
another based on what he says but we all know that's not how the game is run.
The riggers have 100% control of all markets via computer programs so they
will FORCE the prices of everything wherever they want them to be.

But be prepared for CHAOS if Putin starts spilling the beans about the importance
of gold, silver and oil in our very shaky monetary system.

I recently sat down with John B. Wells of Caravan to Midnight for a chat about the
Road to Roota Theory and other interesting topics. You can find that interview
at John's site here(
$0.99 download):

Episode 191 - Michael Reagan & Bix Weir

I talk a lot about the History Channel Conspiracy which you can
find out more info here:

The Shocking Truth the History Channel Can't Broadcast

The walls are crumbling behind the scenes and the carnage is slowly leaking
out into the mainstream.

Stay alert and aware as we transition into the New Year.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road

Bix Weir

( and JOHN B. WELLS )

Hello Bix

Thank GOD we still believe in FREEDOM and can ACTUALLY post this
response FREE OF CHARGE most anywhere AMERICA.

I find it difficult to believe, that based
on the times we are in, what we are facing,
urgency of every step and what it may bring, that John B. Wells or ANYONE
would charge for information..
THAT is pure GREED and INSANITY - sort of like
the CABAL who PLAYS HIDE AND SEEK with our minds and emotions AND
constantly adds to our costs through taxes - products etc.. squeezing every last
life saving penny out of  everyone's pockets.

99CENTS ????  CREDIT CARD to pay 99CENTS ???

The vast majority out here who LOST everything...but still WORK in some capacity
in order to merely SURVIVE do NOT use credit cards.
  However, what we DO is this
.... we practically work around the clock... and what time we have for valuable
sleep is DONATED to people like you and MULTIPLE websites and other ACTIVISTS
searching and seeking out HIDDEN TRUTHS which many times WE KNOW
people like JOHN WELLS and others know...
and MANY times it is through OUR
EFFORTS that they FINALLY RECEIVE what we know.. then they want to be

  which includes JOHN B.WELLS info..
$5.00 today  off of US who post info. FREE using our own time and talents.

IF JOHN WELLS or others like him, showed up in the WILDERNESS "STARVING"
we would share our HOME CANNED GOODS with him and them
  BUT I DARE to even
He'd probably pull out his credit card processor and ask for MONEY for a scrap of
his bread. 

Could this be one of the reasons AMERICA has become a third world country --?

ACTIVISTS start dealing with only those who will FREELY  share their information
and their scraps of bread...
Let the JOHN WELLS' of America CHARGE EACH
OTHER for their INFO and their SCRAP OF BREAD.

What WELL'S is doing is UN-AMERICAN.......
Those types are only in this for what THEY can make or get.  They are not who we are !!!!
Do not promote such people by sharing their information - such as it is
- and black
mailing people for less then a dollar to learn info that
MIGHT be valuable and
MIGHT save lives and MIGHT be a piece of the PUZZLE WE have that THEY need.


it's called a SUBSCRIPTION....and it's ongoing...and that IS acceptable.

SO WE READ THE POOR MANS COLUMN AND hope someone will share your
RICH MANS "only" column with us...
IF it is worth sharing and important
to our survival and the survival of AMERICA.

Anonymous Activists

Pope Francis: Capitalism is “a new tyranny”

Pope Francis: Capitalism is “a new tyranny”

"The culture of prosperity deadens us," the pope writes in a document laying out the platform for his papacy

Pope Francis: Capitalism is "a new tyranny" (Credit: AP/Gregorio Borgia)
Pope Francis on Tuesday called capitalism “a new tyranny” and very explicitly called on global leaders to act on poverty and growing inequality.
Francis’ remarks are part of an 84-page document known as an apostolic exhortation, which makes official the platform for his papacy.
The document is incredibly direct in its call for specific, policy-level action to fight institutional inequality rather than speaking broadly and loftily about poverty as some kind of abstraction or something to be addressed exclusively by charitable giving at the community level, as some of his predecessors have been content to do.
An excerpt (emphasis added):

How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points? This is a case of exclusion. Can we continue to stand by when food is thrown away while people are starving? This is a case of inequality. Today everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless. As a consequence, masses of people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means of escape.
Human beings are themselves considered consumer goods to be used and then discarded. We have created a “disposable” culture which is now spreading. It is no longer simply about exploitation and oppression, but something new. Exclusion ultimately has to do with what it means to be a part of the society in which we live; those excluded are no longer society’s underside or its fringes or its disenfranchised – they are no longer even a part of it. The excluded are not the “exploited” but the outcast, the “leftovers”.
In this context, some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacralized workings of the prevailing economic system. Meanwhile, the excluded are still waiting. To sustain a lifestyle which excludes others, or to sustain enthusiasm for that selfish ideal, a globalization of indifference has developed. Almost without being aware of it, we end up being incapable of feeling compassion at the outcry of the poor, weeping for other people’s pain, and feeling a need to help them, as though all this were someone else’s responsibility and not our own. The culture of prosperity deadens us; we are thrilled if the market offers us something new to purchase; and in the meantime all those lives stunted for lack of opportunity seem a mere spectacle; they fail to move us.
More here.
Katie McDonough is Salon's politics writer, focusing on gender, sexuality and reproductive justice. Follow her on Twitter @kmcdonovgh or email her at

Intel Guru TNT Tony

12-17-2014   Intel Guru TNT Tony   [via Adept 1]   They have taken the vote on the budget, and the Council of ministers approved the economic reform last night.  Everything is planned to be announced before Friday morning, and the citizens should enjoy the weekend because Sunday is a holiday in Iraq.  It has been announced on television, and said that Iraq’s economy will be better than since 2003, with the largest economic reform in Iraq – “this will go down in history”.    It could go at any  minute from this point onward – everyone has been given the green light, they are ready and going through their final checks. They had their last meetings last night, everything has been completed and announced.

R.V. / GCR

R.V. / GCR December 17, 2014 at 5:40pm We are waiting for clean up at treasury to give the all clear signal push the button and run

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf call, Cliff Notes version

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf call, Cliff Notes version
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 17-Dec-2014 23:09:20

Hi, Folks -
Found here:


Highlights of Tony's CC - One hour call only - Sunny

In Iraq everything is planned to be announced before Friday morning. US roll out after that.

Tony . . . And we do think this is our weekend!

DC: We are in high alert . . . they are expecting this now. Everyone has been given the green light on both sides of the pond. They are in agreement and I’m pretty excited and you should be, too.

IRAQ: Expecting economic reform changes any moment there. They voted on the budget, and the Council of ministers approved the economic reform last night. Talking publicly about the budget coming out. Sunday is a holiday in Iraq. The GOI is to release the budget and complete economic reforms. Everything is planned to be announced before Friday morning. (Iraq time as I understand it)

  • TV/News: saying Iraq will have the largest economic reform since 2003 and that it “will go down in history.” Specifically saying falling oil prices will not affect this.

  • CBI: banks have been reviewing training since Monday and security is in place. CBI, the GOI PM and international teams are all cordinated with each other and it could go any time now to the next couple of days.

  • ISIL: have redone their plans for dealing with ISIL

  • Budget vote was taken and although the budget is not vital to the economic reforms happening they wanted to adjust for the decrease in oil prices.

The Iraq public is cynical about the US because they know it’s been stopped many times by their ‘international partners.” In CBI and bank meetings they are saying “the US has given the green light” and freed Iraq from all constraints as Iraq has met all their "marks."

UNITED STATES: The administration is still working on how to roll this out in the US.

  • UST and IMF have given their consent in the US, and bankers have been ramping up with their pre-game checks today.

  • Banks: doing pre-game checks today. Doing final walk throughs this afternoon.

LATEST USA ROLL OUT PLAN: as always it’s subject to change - As soon as Iraq goes, the:

  • 1) US will put the word out very discreetly and quietly at the banks and through a few dinar gurus.

  • 2) Tony/DC will send out the 800 numbers and other appointment numbers for the banks through tweets and emails. Remember only one bank is required to take everyone. Other banks have minimum amounts they want to do business. Each bank has different criteria.

  • 3) Tony/DC will have calling explaining the process and which banks will be appropriate in which regions. Right now the guys are planning on 4-7 days of these type calls. There will be others besides TNT doing this.

If the web sites are shut down Tony says make sure you are on the TNT Twitter list so you can be communicated with.

  • Banks: The banks will work through the holiday season, including half a day on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.

  • Contract Rate available for both Dinar and Dong.

DC: There have been last minute changes to the rollout plan, and this is what we understand right now. This IS subject to change – everyone remain flexible.

DC: We will get the information first because we are paying attention. Our friends and family will get the information next, and then the general public after January 2nd. That is what we have – real and live information, 45 minutes old!


DC: We are in high alert, everyone is there, and Iraqi television is still scrolling that they are expecting this now. Everyone has been given the green light on both sides of the pond. They are in agreement and I’m pretty excited and you should be, too.

Pam: I hope the other sites will be responsible and help people. Check the rates on the various sites like Yahoo Finance. You guys know what you need to know.

Ray: [singing] “We’re gonna’ have a good time tonight."

Tony: We will try to help as many people as possible, see if we can expand our service because I think some sites will be down and we may have more people on the calls for the next four to seven days. We will try to help everyone through this. Hopefully the next text, tweet or call will be the one. If someone cannot get on twitter, we will send out a Tony blast, and also make sure someone who does get the tweets can call you, because I cannot call everyone individually. They said they are announcing this before Friday Iraqi time – that’s their plan. Our plan is for Iraq to get it first, then us. Enjoy your day!

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 17-Dec-2014 18:29:19

Hi, Folks -
Found at
12-17-14 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):
Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#
Tony: Good afternoon, TNT! Today is Wednesday, December 17, 2014, four hours later than our usual call. I’m still eating, so everyone wait for a moment! [chitchat]
It was a great call – wait, we just started! Alright, it’s a superfantastic day, with great information that many have already seen. We’ll confirm some stuff and tell you what’s next. Right, DC? DC?
DC: If anyone doubts it, this is completely live!
Tony: We can do the timeline and how it occurred. The information was out there yesterday, starting Monday afternoon, but I don’t’ post a lot because it changes all the time. We don’t want to put out info what we we’re not supposed to put out, so we wait until it gets to a point where they all agree or it’s too late to change anything. We try to save everything for the calls. We will put out the information as soon as the RV happens, we won’t wait on that.
DC: Thanks for waiting, it will be worth the wait because we could confirm more information. Bottom line, in Iraq, there are lots of things scrolling on news reports, saying that Iraq will have the biggest economic reform since 2003, and it specifically says that falling oil prices will not affect this. It will happen in the next few days; they will bring out the budget and complete economic reforms. They are anticipating this at any moment there, and they have talked publicly about the budget coming out. That is not a vital part, but it’s better if the real numbers are loaded into it first time round. They just wanted to adjust that for the decrease in oil prices.
Security is ramped up at the CBI; banks have been training since Monday. They were told to be ready at any time from now for the next couple of days, coordinated with the CBI, the PM, and international teams. The public in Iraq are cynical about the US because they know it’s been stopped by the ‘international partners”, but now they are saying in the bank and CBI meetings that “the US has given the green light” and that “they have freed all constraints” because Iraq has “completed all marks”. Security is all ready to go, live in Iraq. They redid their plan on ISIL, and their plans are very positive.
Tony: They have taken the vote on the budget, and the Council of ministers approved the economic reform last night. Everything is planned to be announced before Friday morning, and the citizens should enjoying the weekend because Sunday is a holiday in Iraq. It has been announced on television, and said that Iraq’s economy will be better than since 2003, with the largest economic reform in Iraq – “this will go down in history”.
DC: There were some last minute things to check here, but the UST and IMF have given their consent in the US, and bankers have been ramping up with their pre-game checks today. A lot of last minute ‘education’ has been going on between the administration and both side about how to roll it out in the USA.
Tony: Banks are having final walk throughs this afternoon…
DC: There have been last minute changes to the roll out plan, and this is what we understand right now. This IS subject to change – everyone remain flexible. Right now, they have planned this: let’s say Iraq goes tomorrow or Friday. The US would then put the word out very discreetly at the banks and through a few dinar gurus. We will send out the 800 numbers for the banks through tweets and emails. One bank is forced to take veryone; other banks have minimum amounts they want to do business, or only those in their local area. They each have different criteria. They will use the exisiting commmunciation factors, such as Tony and myself who have email and twitter lists to send out the information and help explain the process, walking your through which banks will be appropriate in which regions. There will be at least four and maybe seven days of these calls. The banks will work through the holiday season, including half a day on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
Running over it again: as soon as the fireworks go off, Tony and I will put out the 800 numbers and other appointment numbers. Then we will have calls to explain what to do depending on your region and what their criteria (and process) will be. That is what we are supposed to do now, subject to change. We will not be the only ones doing this, so if you don’t like us, that doesn’t hurt our feelings.
Tony: It doesn’t hurt our feelings at all; in fact, I’m trying to figure out how to eliminate some people! I don’t know how we will communicate with you if they shut the sites down. We will only have twitter, so make sure you are on our twitter list if you aren’t already. Some people will be shut down, so stay with us if you choose. I talked to Pam about opening up our forum again, but frankly, I don’t want the idiots back on our site.
DC: They are trying to slow down the numbers coming in, so they don’t get five million people coming in on the first day. We will get the information first because we are paying attention. Our friends and family will get the information next, and then the general public after 2. January. That is what we have – real and live information, 45 minutes old!
Tony: Hopefully we will get an update because I’m still trying to figure out the site they told me about. It could go at any minute from this point onward – everyone has been given the green light, they are ready and going through their final checks. They had their last meetings last night, everything has been completed and announced.
DC: As a favor, as well as this being One-Question Wednesday, just give us two sentences of something nice you are going to do with this RV…
941 caller: If we go before the number is commonly known, how do we go from a phone number you give us to being bona fide UST customers?
DC: It will be posted on the CBI site, and not many people go there. The numbers we are given will be the numbers for the banks, to help with the information flow.
Tony: I don’t know how many different numbers there will be; they have to give us at least a static page because no one will remember them all from the call. I’ll figure that out as soon as we start the calls. We will get a day of training before we start to explain the process on these calls. They will not want me to be giving my own opinion, I feel sure!
Caller: Nice things for the holidays? I am giving a young single mom my pickup truck!
828 caller: Iraq is supposed to go by Friday, and after that you will publish the numbers, but it’s in our best interest NOT to call them until you do the training and do the call that will explain things?
Tony: That’s what we’re being told, but it doesn’t make sense because you’ll want to get in there as quickly as possible to have a chance at the contract rates.
DC: We don’t get it either, and we don’t know the answer yet either. But it isn’t a long gap – it will be hours and then we will be in training and then…
Tony: We’re supposed to get the numbers as soon as it happens, and we’ll figure it out.
Caller: For the holidays/RV, we are going to get rid of the homeless in Ashville by giving everyone a place to live!
269 caller: Will you be telling us the rates when you tweet out, or will that be in the call?
DC: We don’t know.
Tony: If we are doing all the banks, and if they do different rates… but they should be fixed. They want to do it before Friday morning (they said in Iraq) so that will be their time.
Caller: I want to adopt a family for Christmas, and if the RV comes through by then, I’ll adopt all the families.
310 caller: Tony, I’ve always wondered if you were joking about Texas…
Tony: I pick on Texas because part of my intel team is in Texas, so it’s a joke.
Caller: I just wondered, because it sounded like you really hate them! I’m from California, originally from back east, and I think that Texans are so independent, capable and resilient, so it was strange to me that they were being joked about! So I wanted to check!
Tony: Apparently a certain politician wants to have a conversation with me about Texas. When I first talked to DC, he mentioned all these Texans who jumped on the bus to run to the bank…
DC: No, it came from bankers who asked us to stop these calls because of the busses showing up at their banks!
410 caller: There is a foundation in my city that supports women in recovery; it educates them and gives them a home to get to. But when they qualify, they have made statements that mean they lose their kids to foster homes until they get out. So we want to provide for them and also change the law so that they don’t lose their kids by wanting to improve their lives. So that will give me a project for a while.
561 caller: This is the first time I’ve gotten through. I’m more into the other currencies; do you think they will offer a contract rate for the dinar because I have a lot of dong? I gave a lot of my dinar away. That is, will it be an aggregate amount that they consider? I have half a million dinar, and maybe 20m dong, so…
Tony: Oh, yeah, whatever the criteria, if you have more volume, they want your money. There is a contract rate for both of them and someone has to get it, so why not you? Hopefully we will know as soon as we get the instructions. And we do think this is our weekend, so over the holidays…
Caller: I am going to help the needy people in my church who are not full members yet, helping the ones that they don’t help to get food on their tables and gifts for their kids.
Tony: A church should help everybody and not pick and choose who is needy. There is a church I know of that you can’t be a member unless you bring in your tax returns, so they know how much you should give to the church. That’s not how I was brought up…
301 caller: I was on DinarGurus earlier and they said 28. February, but you cleared that up. What I plan if this happens this weekend is to give back to Washington DC schools.
Tony: I like that everyone is going to do a lot of good things, and that should people should have turkeys and clothes and gifts. A lot are planning to give ot organizations; please check out those organizations and find out how much goes to the people they are helping, not just to shiny buildings and the CEO’s car. If you want to do this, go door to door in a poor neighborhood and hand out food baskets. Pull a truck into an apartment complex, and hand out food and clothes, and know you are having an impact on ordinary people’s lives. That’s what I plan to do, so I know I’ve changed someone’s life. Do that and things will be so upfront and real. Donating is good – just do your homework before donating.
360 caller: Hey! I lived in Alaska for years, and we thought about cutting Alaska in half so Texas could be the third biggest state. I also live in NZ part of the time, and I sent you some money from there. I’ve seen people pay for layaways, and I’d like to hang around grocery stores or have an arrangement with the managers so that people in need could have their food paid for, for people who don’t expect it. If, for some reason, this doesn’t get done, and if the US falls into disfavor, is there a Plan B? If the rate is released internationally and not in the US, can we still exchange elsewhere?
DC: We came close to that several times and cooler heads prevails. The UN and other organizations allow for the free flow of money and goods, and that forces the issues on that. They could have made it difficult to exchange here, but that would be a different issue as they have put a lot of banking regs in place just to stop that. So it doesn’t make sense for it to be released internationally and not in the US. By the way, I love your idea!
Tony: I have more confidence in what’s going on right now, because there are things that have happened this week that we haven’t told you yet… and I will ask DC to explain them to you. Let’s start with unpegging the dinar and pegging it to the FDR.
DC: These holdups have aggravated a lot of people, and eventually they got the message that the dinar was to be pegged to the US dollar, but it will now be pegged to a basket of currencies of which the US dollar will be a part. That makes the Iraqi dinar another of the foundational currencies. This doesn’t affect the announcement of the RV, and it was just agreed in the last ten days. There is a connection with the dropping oil prices. When most of this planning was done in the 1950s, then in the 1990s, nobody thought oil would be $50. They thought it would be $30 maximum, and one study said it would be $8. So they had to do a lot of studies to justify different rates. The rate of about $3 was based even on that $8, and now there is a more stable government, better pumping technologies, and much larger reserves than anyone expected. All that means that they are making dang sure that they have plenty no matter the price of oil might be. So they can certainly support the mid-three dollar deal, and that makes for a stable environment for this RV. They would have preferred $100 price for oil, of course, but they are fine at $60,and the economic stimulus of this will bring the oil prices back up to $80 or so in any case.
Tony: The FCR was approved. Oil prices are so low right now, that some countries have been forced to sell their foreign currency reserves, such as Iran and Russia. If you don’t have much in savings and your income gets cut by 30%, you’re going to hurt. So in fact, this is the perfect time, and that gives us more confidence that this IS the right time. It’s also scrolling across their televisions screens as we speak, even on the late-night news. So they are prepared and everyone is ready. We actually came on late because we thought we would be doing the RV call this afternoon. It will happen any moment. DC?
DC: We are in high alert, everyone is there, and Iraqi television is still scrolling that they are expecting this now. Everyone has been given the green light on both sides of the pond. They are in agreement and I’m pretty excited and you should be, too.
Pam: I hope the other sites will be responsible and help people. Check the rates on the various sites like Yahoo Finance. You guys know what you need to know.
Ray: [singing] “We’re gonna’ have a good time tonight”…
Tony: We will try to help as many people as possible, see if we can expand our service because I think some sites will be down and we may have more people on the calls for the next four to seven days. We will try to help everyone through this. Hopefully the next text, tweet or call will be the one. If someone cannot get on twitter, we will send out a Tony blast, and also make sure someone who does get the tweets can call you, because I cannot call everyone individually. They said they are announcing this before Friday Iraqi time – that’s their plan. Our plan is for Iraq to get it first, then us. Enjoy your day!

Read this analysis for yourself to see if you believe Oswald was innocent of the murder of Officer Tippit on 11/22/63

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Read this analysis for yourself to see if you believe Oswald was innocent of the murder of Officer Tippit on 11/22/63
Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Wednesday, 17-Dec-2014 18:47:57

While the autopsy permit signed by a Joe B. Brown, Jr. asserted that Officer Tippit was pronounced dead at 1:15pm, the Warren Commission report added 10 minutes to the time of death so to make it appear that Oswald was somehow at the scene and responsible for the murder.

JFK: Did Oswald shoot Tippit? Eyewitnesses: NO; Warren Commission: YES
Richard Charnin
Who Killed JFK
Aug. 19, 2014
According to all eyewitnesses, J.D. Tippit was shot no later than 1:06 pm. Oswald was standing outside his apartment at 1:04, 0.8 miles from the scene of the murder. So the Warren Commission needed to add ten minutes to the time of the murder to get Oswald at the scene by 1:16. Even that’s a stretch; covering 0.8 miles in 12 minutes (4.0 mph) is very fast walking. This lie was standard operating procedure for the Commission. Witness testimony and physical evidence which proved Oswald’s innocence was ignored or altered to fit the Lone Gunman myth.

The New Opening With the USA by RAUL CASTRO

Learning the Art of Coexistence

The New Opening With the USA

Since my election as President of the State Council and Council of Ministers I have reiterated in many occasions our willingness to hold a respectful dialogue with the United States on the basis of sovereign equality, in order to deal reciprocally with a wide variety of topics without detriment to the national Independence and self-determination of our people.
This stance was conveyed to the US Government both publicly and privately by Comrade Fidel on several occasions during our long standing struggle, stating the willingness to discuss and solve our differences without renouncing any of our principles.
The heroic Cuban people, in the wake of serious dangers, aggressions, adversities and sacrifices has proven to be faithful and will continue to be faithful to our ideals of independence and social justice. Strongly united throughout these 56 years of Revolution, we have kept our unswerving loyalty to those who died in defense of our principles since the beginning of our independence wars in 1868.
Today, despite the difficulties, we have embarked on the task of updating our economic model in order to build a prosperous and sustainable Socialism.
As a result of a dialogue at the highest level, which included a phone conversation I had yesterday with President Obama, we have been able to make headway in the solution of some topics of mutual interest for both nations.
As Fidel promised on June 2001,when he said: “They shall return!” Gerardo, Ramon, and Antonio have arrived today to our homeland.
The enormous joy of their families and of all our people, who have relentlessly fought for this goal, is shared by hundreds of solidarity committees and groups, governments, parliaments, organizations, institutions, and personalities, who for the last sixteen years have made tireless efforts demanding their release. We convey our deepest gratitude and commitment to all of them.
President Obama’s decision deserves the respect and acknowledgement of our people.
I wish to thank and acknowledge the support of the Vatican, most particularly the support of Pope Francisco in the efforts for improving relations between Cuba and the United States. I also want to thank the Government of Canada for facilitating the high-level dialogue between the two countries.
In turn, we have decided to release and send back to the United States a spy of Cuban origin who was working for that nation.
On the other hand, and for humanitarian reasons, today we have also sent the American citizen Alan Gross back to his country.
Unilaterally, as has always been our practice, and in strict compliance with the provisions of our legal system, the concerned prisoners have received legal benefits, including the release of those persons that the Government of the United States had conveyed their interest in.
We have also agreed to renew diplomatic relations.
This in no way means that the heart of the matter has been solved. The economic, commercial, and financial blockade, which causes enormous human and economic damages to our country, must cease.
Though the blockade has been codified into law, the President of the United States has the executive authority to modify its implementation.
We propose to the Government of the United States the adoption of mutual steps to improve the bilateral atmosphere and advance towards normalization of relations between our two countries, based on the principles of International Law and the United Nations Charter.
Cuba reiterates its willingness to cooperate in multilateral bodies, such as the United Nations.
While acknowledging our profound differences, particularly on issues related to national sovereignty, democracy, human rights and foreign policy, I reaffirm our willingness to dialogue on all these issues.
I call upon the Government of the United States to remove the obstacles hindering or restricting ties between peoples, families, and citizens of both countries, particularly restrictions on travelling, direct post services, and telecommunications.
The progress made in our exchanges proves that it is possible to find solutions to many problems.
As we have reiterated, we must learn the art of coexisting with our differences in a civilized manner.
Raul Castro is president of Cuba.
This is the text of Cuban President Raul Castro’s address to the nation this Wednesday broadcast on radio and television on the recent developments in the Cuba-US relations.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

To The People from Anon 8

To The People 

The people of the world have been lied to since 1934 when the bad guys made a the corporation. Of course, they couldn't get away with this unless the Nazi's and the bad guys got together and found the ways to program the masses. We all know this. Most don't want to believe. Well, the programming was a big FAILURE!!!!!!!  They missed a lot of us. 

I would like someone who says they own the people tell us the TRUTH for a change. I AM GOD'S CHILD and a slave to no one and that includes the reptoids in human bodies to fool the masses.

These guys have and continued to dip, double and triple dip the entire year while they continued to allow the people of the world to starve and die.. why are they not in jail for Willful mass murder of the people???? 

How many more people have to die ???

We know that Obama, Michael and the lot of them don't care about none of the people. So. Why are we still having to deal with their lies, stalling, and the rest of their crap ??????

Why is this continuing knowing that Obama has no authority over the people ????
Depopulation has been around for a long time. It's past time these guys and the bankers go away permanently.
I think it's past time to. Announce the Republic and stop the thieves and murderers now.
The people need their money NOW, not tomorrow, next week or when these guys decide to give it up.. so far, nothing has been seen but the dead !!!!

How many years of Christmas and other holidays do we have to suffer through????

I think it's time that all monies to the bad guys cease now.. Since Obama decided that he can tell the people how much money we can have; How about giving the Usurper $500.00 to live on so he can live on our planet as he has made the people live..If he can't live with that, then he either gives the people our money that they have all stolen and go to jail for all his crimes or exile him back to the planet he came from!!!!

Maybe he ought to put his family and himself in the peoples  shoes along with the rest of them. They are NOT better than we are.
If the people were doing this, we would be in jail for the rest of our lives and then some. 

All of this needs to be over !!!  Enough is enough !!!!!

Anonymous 8