Thursday, December 18, 2014

NAZI-Communist Bitch George Soros Has Now Crossed the Line

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Protect and defend   YOUR   Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States

Thursday   December 18, 2014
NAZI-Communist Bitch George Soros Has Now Crossed the Line
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that North Korea has been the headquarters for the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Japan (BoJ) ponzi scheme with NAZI-Communist Jew George Soros' hedge fund as the major enabler.
Hungarian NAZI Jew Soros has conspired with the BoJ, U.S. Citibank and the Saudi Royal Family to attack the Russian ruble as to create cross-collateralized, undermargined foreign currency derivatives to support U.S. and Japanese equity crisis.
Soros has no cash now given his losses in the gold market but uses crooked offshore entities that allow him to use liabilities aka bank I.O.U.s as assets.
Soros directly conspired with the Obama Administration and the Saudi Royal Family aka closet Zionists to attack the price of oil and overnight futures markets as to further depreciate the Russian ruble on behalf of the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Japan's ponzi scheme.
The criminal Obama Administration and the current compromised and blackmailed Japanese government has allowed Soros, on behalf of Ukrainian NAZIS, to use the pension funds of both American and Japanese citizens as collateral in this latest financial looting operation.
At this hour, Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) has had enough!
P.S.  It is important to remember that NAZI-Communist Jew Soros, along with the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, helped financed, along with the Japanese mafia Yakuza, the North Korean nuclear facilities that were then used as a cover to disguise the financial criminality that took place on behalf of the Japanese mafia, the Central Bank of Japan and the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.
In closing, as we approach WWIII, it is important to note that Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has and always will be a devout Orthodox Christian who opposes abortion and homosexuality and tyranny.
Putin knows very well that current alleged fraudulent pResident (the False One) Barack Hussein Obama is a note homosexual and bisexual who received oral sex while doing cocaine in a limousine from Larry Sinclair of Chicago, Illinois.
Vladimir Putin also know through his Intelligence sources, including French Intelligence, that former U.S. illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD was also a rabid homosexual and bisexual who continues sex on a regular basis with his former college roommate and 'Skull and Bones' member Victor Ashe and had at least 38 visits in the White House from body builder and his homosexual lover Jeff Gannon.
And last but not least, is former First Lady and New York Senator Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton (elected twice without opposition and conspired in the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr. who would have beaten her hands down in 2000 Senatorial race) remains a Satanic, 5th degree lesbian witch, who is actually related to 5th degree NAZI bitch Barbara Bush.  

George Soros may be appointed head of National Bank of Ukraine

Former Polish President Confirms Existence of Secret CIA Torture Prison

Former Polish President Confirms Existence of Secret CIA Torture Prison

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The Polish government has denied for years the existence of a secret CIA prison on its territory between 2001 and 2003 in the face of previous revelations.
The publication of the US Senate report on CIA torture, however, has not only proven the existence of the “black site” but also the close collaboration between the Polish and American governments in barbaric and illegal practices.
American president Barack Obama called Polish president Ewa Kopacz the night before the report’s release “in order to forewarn the US ally of the publication,” according to Polish sources.
The following day, Aleksander KwaÅ›niewski, Poland’s president between 1995 and 2005, gave a joint press conference in the country’s parliament, the Sejm, with Leszek Miller, prime minister between 2001 and 2004. For the first time, the two social democrats from the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) admitted that the CIA had operated a secret prison in Poland.
The approval of the clandestine facility, which reportedly operated between 2001 and 2003, was part of strengthening Poland’s ties to the US as part of the so-called war on terror, KwaÅ›niewski said. He claimed the government asked the US to treat prisoners in accordance with Polish law. A memorandum drafted for this purpose was “informally” recognised by the US representatives but not signed due to time, he claimed.
The former president said the cooperation with the US accelerated after September 2001 as Poland responded under NATO rules to an attack on a fellow member nation.
Although KwaÅ›niewski said he was opposed to it, he admitted to having known about the torture, essentially acknowledging his complicity in these crimes. “Interrogations were unfortunately normally carried out secretly and on the verge of legality. But the goal of all of this was not torture for torture’s sake, but to obtain information we otherwise would not have got.”
The millions of dollars Poland received from the CIA was all legal, KwaÅ›niewski claimed. This had been paid not for making the secret location available, he asserted, but other purposes. “The financing took place in accordance with the regulations of the Polish intelligence agencies, the Agencja Wywiadu and Agencja BezpieczeÅ„stwa WewnÄ™trznego,” he said, adding, “The parliamentary committee for the secret services was informed about the financing.”
Prior to the long-delayed release of the 500-page summary of the US Senate report, some of its contents were revealed in the media. In January, after the 6,700-page full report had been ready for some time, the Washington Post reported the existence of a CIA prison in Poland. It seems likely that information from the Senate report was passed to the newspaper.
The Post revealed that in December 2002, two Palestinian-born prisoners, Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, were taken to a villa functioning as a prison in the village of Stare Kiejkuty, a restricted military area, and tortured. This was followed in March 2003 by the Pakistani Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The CIA left Poland in September 2003, the paper wrote, because “it was feared that using an institution for too long could lead to its exposure.”
Since 2008, there have been repeated reports that Sheikh Mohammed was tortured in a Polish CIA prison. The reports were based on witness statements from intelligence agents and Sheikh Mohammed himself. In that year, the Polish state prosecutor began investigations into the government of Leszek Miller for suspected abuse of office. The investigations are still ongoing.
The Post detailed the methods used by the CIA torturers, including beatings, sleep deprivation and waterboarding or near-drowning. Mohammed was waterboarded 183 times and Nashiri subjected to a mock execution, the newspaper noted.
The torture chamber at Stare Kielkuty, which was given the code-name “Quartz,” was seen as “one of the most important black sites established by the CIA after September 11, 2001,” the Post wrote. The CIA spent $300,000 alone on surveillance cameras attached to the building.
The building was made available to the CIA by Polish intelligence—Agencja Wywiadu—which had previously used it. According to the Post, the agency received $15 million in cash in return, which was transferred through the US embassy in Warsaw.
The reference to the detainees’ names and further details in the Post article made it possible to immediately identify the CIA’s Polish institution. The site appears in the report as “detention site Blue” beginning on page 67 of the torture report. Between pages 73 and 75, tensions with “land X” are reported, a blacked-out reference to Poland, in connection “with the CIA prison facility and the bringing of new detainees.”
The report further states, “The political leadership (of Poland) gave their consent to host a CIA institution” (page 73), and “The agreement to create a CIA institution in Poland led to numerous sustained difficulties between Poland and the CIA.” Polish representatives “suggested a ‘memorandum of understanding’ that would confirm each of the roles and responsibilities between Poland and the CIA, which was ultimately not signed by the CIA” (page 74).
Polish officials first opposed the transfer of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed but subsequently acquiesced after “the US ambassador intervened with the leadership [redacted] on behalf of the CIA,” the report said. “One month later, the CIA made [redacted] million dollars available, after which the [redacted] leadership indicated that they were flexible on the issue of the number of CIA detainees” (page 74).
Finally, the report noted the “great disappointment” of Polish representatives with the CIA’s inability to keep secrets. The fact that then-US president George W. Bush made the programme public in September 2006 without any warning also caused irritation, according to the report. The CIA interpreted the events as “a serious setback in bilateral relations” (page 75).
KwaÅ›niewski thus merely acknowledged at the press conference what could no longer be denied. In July of this year, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ordered that the Polish state pay compensation to Abu Zubaydah of €100,000 and a similar sum to al-Nashiri, because both had “not [been] protected from torture and inhumane treatment.”
Despite the publicly available facts, Kwaśniewski defended the Polish-sponsored torture chambers, criticising only that it had been uncovered.
“We have been betrayed,” said KwaÅ›niewski, referring to the publication of the report, which could yet have legal consequences for him and other members of the government. “In the long term, the Americans will lose the ability to be an alliance partner, because every country will ask themselves how much trust they can be given?,” he continued.
KwaÅ›niewski justified his government’s violation of the Polish constitution and international law by suggesting that greater collaboration with the US was necessary because the NATO-Russia conflict over Ukraine was leading to a Russian aggression against Poland.
“We helped the Americans in the war on terror. That’s why we can expect that faced with the threatening of Poland, that our requests for missiles, soldiers and reconnaissance planes will not be opposed.” Poland could “demand meaningful support for its security at this extremely challenging time.”
Current president Ewa Kopacz of the neoliberal Citizens Platform (PO) expressed the same message, saying, “Regardless of what is in the report, it will not burden our relations with the US.”

10 things Banksters don't want you to know...

10 things Banksters don't want you to know...
10 Things Banksters Don’t Want You to Know

1. Banks create money out of thin air based on your signature on the loan documents.
2. When you pay your loan, you pay the bank the principal which was created out of thin air, plus interest. The bank never had any money at risk.
3. The laws are written for the banks, making it legal for them to foreclose and sue for more, even though the bank never had anything at risk.
4. The Federal Reserve is not Federal, but a privately owned corporation.
5. The US Dollar is fiat, meaning backed by nothing except the users gullibility.
6. The National Debt is never paid, only interest on the debt is paid.
7. The National debt is owed to the international banksters, and secured by every citizen, all Federal property, and protected by bought off politicians.
8. The banksters (via the Federal Reserve) control the economy.
9. The stock market is rigged and manipulated by the banksters.
10. All wars are created and managed by and for the banksters.

As Henry Ford said:
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

Files of More Than 40,000 Federal Workers Breached

Files of More Than 40,000 Federal Workers Breached

WASHINGTON — Dec 18, 2014, 4:19 PM ET
By STEPHEN BRAUN Associated Press
Associated Press
The computer files of more than 40,000 federal workers may have been compromised by a cyberattack at federal contractor KeyPoint Government Solutions, the second breach this year at a major firm handling national security background investigations of workers at federal agencies, the government confirmed Thursday.
Concerned that some data might have been exposed, the Office of Personnel Management has begun notifying the workers that their files were in jeopardy. Nathalie Arriola, speaking for the personnel office, said it will offer credit monitoring at no cost to those affected by the breach.
KeyPoint became the largest private clearance firm working for federal agencies several months ago after rival contractor USIS lost its investigations business with the government following a devastating cyberattack reported earlier this year. The USIS breach, similar to previous hacking episodes traced to China, tainted the files of at least 25,000 Department of Homeland Securityworkers and prompted the personnel office's decision to halt all of USIS' government field work. That move led to the cancelation of more than $300 million in contracts with USIS.
Cyberattacks have targeted several other federal agencies this year. A wide-ranging strike reported in November compromised the data of more than 800,000 Postal Service workers. The personnel office itself was targeted earlier by cyberhackers traced to China.
Arriola said Thursday her agency is continuing to work with KeyPoint despite the severity of the strike. "KeyPoint has worked closely with OPM to implement additional security controls," Arriola said.
In an earlier email within the agency, Donna Seymour, the chief information officer, said KeyPoint had added "numerous controls to continue to conduct business with the company without interruption." In the USIS breach, that firm and the OPM differed over how extensively USIS needed to upgrade its computer network and security safeguards. The disagreement led to the suspension of USIS field investigations.
Neither Arriola nor Seymour said when the latest strike occurred or was reported to federal authorities, or whether a foreign state was suspected. Colorado-based KeyPoint declined comment through a public affairs firm.
Arriola said officials recently concluded an investigation into the KeyPoint breach and found "no conclusive evidence to confirm sensitive information was removed from the system."

IRS warns of possible shutdown

IRS warns of possible shutdown

12/18/14 3:30 PM EST

Updated 12/18/14 4:49 PM EST
The IRS is considering its own temporary shutdown due to recent budget cuts enacted by Congress, its chief said Thursday.
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said furloughs — forced unpaid days off for employees as part of an IRS closure — is one idea reluctantly being tossed about to save money, though they are hoping they will not have to go there.
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“People call it furloughs; I view it as: Are we going to have to shut the place down? And at this point, that will be the last thing we do, … but there is no way we can say right now that that wont happen,” Koskinen told reporters at a Thursday press conference on the upcoming tax season. “Again, I would stress that would be the last option.”
He said a shutdown would mean the IRS would “close the agency for a day, two days, whatever days it would take to close the gap that we can’t otherwise close in a reasonable way.”
The agency estimates each closed day would save $29 million.
The news comes a day after Koskinen in an email warned IRS employees that overtime would be suspended and a hiring freeze enacted. He also said more tough news would likely follow as IRS leadership negotiates with the National Treasury Employees Union, particularly because personnel costs comprise about 75 percent of the IRS costs.
In the recent budget deal, Congress cut the IRS budget by $346 million to $10.9 billion — $1.5 billion less than the administration asked for. The IRS’ budget has been reduced about $1 billion since 2010.
The agency was one of the only agencies that got a cut this year — despite the storm of a tax season looming on the horizon. The IRS will be implementing Obamacare tax credits and penalties for the first time as well as a new tax evasion law.
But Koskinen said his current budget challenge is made worse by a mandated one percent federal employee increase it must abide by.
“It’s not just the $350 million cut in the budget; it’s the fact that we have $250 million in new expenses for a government-wide pay raise. … So we really have a $600 million hole this year,” he said.
Koskinen took over the agency after it faced big criticism following the controversy over added scrutiny given to tea party groups seeking tax-exempt status. Republicans, never a fan of the IRS, have sought to cut its budget further ever since. They’ve also been critical of the IRS paying out bonuses this year, and still mention lavish conferences the IRS hosted several years back.
Since then, the IRS has cut its training budget by more than 85 percent, according to the National Taxpayer Advocate, which is anticipating more trouble due to budget cuts.
Koskinen says there is no more fat to cut at the IRS.

R.V. / GCR

R.V. / GCR

 December 18, 2014 at 12:09pm est

All i can say is money is now moving towards platform levels if you’re in a group… get prepared to receive an email or text to do your thing… money is now moving.

Nice tidbit

12-18-14 lizardlips: I just heard from a friend with UST that Iraq TV is illustrating the new rates... now we just wait a little more... YeeeeHawwww

Please lizadlips let us know why did you get some news?) The friend that introduced me into this has been friends with a UST person for some time... the information has always been similar to Tony and Dc's... today was a bit better...

(Are they saying what the rates are?) They did not say however, it seems to be scrolling from what the contact stated.