Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Inside Hitler's rotting Olympic dream:

Inside Hitler's rotting Olympic dream: Athlete's village built to show German supremacy at 1936 Games is now a decaying relic of 1,000 year Reich (after the KGB used it as Soviet torture chamber)

  • These exclusive pictures show the ruins of the complex in Berlin
  • Boarded up and rotting it was once the price of Nazi Germany 
  • It was later used to house Soviet Red Army troops and torture chamber
  • Shunned by many Germans it is now a decaying relic
  • All attempts to renovate it have so far failed 

The ghosts of heroes and monsters lurk in these decaying buildings.... vying for haunting rights in ruins once inhabited by the very best specimens of mankind - and the very worst.
MailOnline gained exclusive access to the long-shuttered buildings of Hitler's Olympic Village of 1936 - the so-called 'Nazi Games' intended to showcase German supremacy against the rest of the world.
Here behind closed doors can be seen the rotting remains of the '1000 year Reich' which vanished in flames after just 12.
Scroll down for video 
Twisted Olympic ideals: Hitler used the 1936 Games as a showcase of German supremacy against the world
Twisted Olympic ideals: Hitler used the 1936 Games as a showcase of German supremacy against the world
Ghosts: The vaulting horse which became known as 'Alfred's Throne,' after Nazi athlete Alfred Schwarzmann from Bavaria, who won three gold medals and two bronzes for gymnastics
Ghosts: The vaulting horse which became known as 'Alfred's Throne,' after Nazi athlete Alfred Schwarzmann from Bavaria, who won three gold medals and two bronzes for gymnastics
Boarded up: Many Germans shun the village because it reminds them of them of an inglorious period of their history, according to Sven Voege, head of the Arctic preservation society
Boarded up: Many Germans shun the village because it reminds them of them of an inglorious period of their history, according to Sven Voege, head of the Arctic preservation society
No expense was spared on the design which saw the quarters installed with all mod cons at the time. However, Poland, which Hitler loathed, were afforded the worst facilities of any team
No expense was spared on the design which saw the quarters installed with all mod cons at the time. However, Poland, which Hitler loathed, were afforded the worst facilities of any team

As Britain continues to ponder what the legacy of the ultra-expensive London 2012 Olympics will be, we were granted unique access to the venue of the most infamous version in history - a place which lies decaying 600 miles from the UK capital and 78 years on from its moment in the world's spotlight.
Adolf Hitler promised his Ayran Volk world supremacy - and that supremacy was intended to be in the 19 disciplines on offer for the 4,066 competing men and women athletes at the now infamous 1936 Berlin Olympics.
Despite an overall German sporting victory, Hitler's empire was already ticking down to its doom. Just nine years after they were staged, his showcase global athletic village, along with much else besides, came under different ownership.
For almost five decades after 1945 it was occupied by the Soviet Red Army. Among the new tenants were the torturers of SMERSH and the KGB, interrogators who turned the subterranean rooms housing the heating system of the superb swimming pool into an amphitheatre of pain and death.The cremated remains of their victims lie strewn all over the site.
Since the Soviet pullout in the early 1990's the village of 1936 has lain undisturbed. It is a monument in bricks and mortar to the two most murderous ideologies of the 20th century mingled in with the remembrance of athletes whose grace, poise, sportsmanship and excellence rose above squalid and murderous politics - if only for a brief while.
Adolf Hitler (center) admires a model of the village which was purpose built for the games. He promised German supremacy and intended them to prove his bizarre theories on race
Adolf Hitler (center) admires a model of the village which was purpose built for the games. He promised German supremacy and intended them to prove his bizarre theories on race
Across 19 disciplines, 4,066 competing men and women athletes competed at the games but the star of the show was the black US athlete Jesse Owens, who won four golds at the Games
Across 19 disciplines, 4,066 competing men and women athletes competed at the games but the star of the show was the black US athlete Jesse Owens, who won four golds at the Games
In three short weeks here the participants consumed 100 cows, 110 calves, 91 pigs, 664 lambs, 8,000 lbs of coffee, 150,000lbs of vegetables, 160,000 lbs of flour, 160,000 pints of milk and something over a million eggs
In three short weeks here the participants consumed 100 cows, 110 calves, 91 pigs, 664 lambs, 8,000 lbs of coffee, 150,000lbs of vegetables, 160,000 lbs of flour, 160,000 pints of milk and something over a million eggs
Remains: The dining hall as it is now in the shell of the Olympic Village
Remains: The dining hall as it is now in the shell of the Olympic Village
Tour: Tourists can wander around the outside of the buildings for just 80p - but MailOnline was given access to the eerie rooms within
Tour: Tourists can wander around the outside of the buildings for just 80p - but MailOnline was given access to the eerie rooms within
Folly: The village lies forlorn and largely forgotten, even though its ruins tell a fascinating story of achievement in the era of totalitarian madness
Folly: The village lies forlorn and largely forgotten, even though its ruins tell a fascinating story of achievement in the era of totalitarian madness
The site lies just a few miles west of the Olympic Stadium where Hitler watched with delight as his German 'supermen' lived up to expectations to win the games with a medal count of 89. Britain came tenth with 14.
Tourists can wander around the outside of the buildings for just 80p.
But it is far from the city center and the shops of the glitzy Ku'damm and Friedrichstrasse. 
Therefore, it lies forlorn and largely forgotten,even though its ruins tell a fascinating story of achievement in the era of totalitarian madness.
'It is a shame,' said Sven Voege, head of the Arctic preservation society Polarworld in Berlin and currently in negotiation to rent out some of the empty village sites for exhibition rooms.
'But because it is inextricably bound up with Nazism, most Germans avoid it. It is a place that lives and breathes sportsmanship and history, side by side.

'But German history is something which we shun because of our past.
'I have been researching the village for two decades. It was the centre of the world once when the world was a much more dangerous place.
'Three years after what happened here we were plunged into the worst war in history. This was the last great peaceful coming together before that war which changed everything....'
The war changed everything, but one man above all changed the 1936 Olympics for the Nazis.
He was called Jesse Owens, he was black and he was the undisputed star of the games, a man Hitler had condemned as 'inferior' who blew a hole through his quack racial theories as big as the state of Alabama from which he hailed.
The tiny room, number five, in block 39 is the only one that has been renovated on the site.
A grim reminder about Nazi aims for the games. At the time Nazi propaganda minister Josef Goebbels, said the game had only one task which was to strengthen the character of the German people
A grim reminder about Nazi aims for the games. At the time Nazi propaganda minister Josef Goebbels, said the game had only one task which was to strengthen the character of the German people
At the time it was built, this heated pool was the most modern in the world but it has suffered years of neglect
At the time it was built, this heated pool was the most modern in the world but it has suffered years of neglect
After the Nazi's were defeated, the torturers of Communist Russia's SMERSH and the KGB, turned the subterranean rooms housing the heating system of the pool into an amphitheatre of pain and death
After the Nazi's were defeated, the torturers of Communist Russia's SMERSH and the KGB, turned the subterranean rooms housing the heating system of the pool into an amphitheatre of pain and death
Horror legacy: The cremated remains of many torture victims are still scattered around the village which home to the two most murderous ideologies of the 20th century
Horror legacy: The cremated remains of many torture victims are still scattered around the village which home to the two most murderous ideologies of the 20th century
Rotting: The buildings were only abandoned by the Red Army in the 1990s as Soviet Russia collapsed
Rotting: The buildings were only abandoned by the Red Army in the 1990s as Soviet Russia collapsed
Bad memory: Because the site is so bound up in Nazi history, most Germans avoid it
Bad memory: Because the site is so bound up in Nazi history, most Germans avoid it
It is a modest abode that reflects well the modesty of the shy man who stayed within it: a man who, ironically, enjoyed more freedom in Nazi Germany steering its berserk racial course than he could in his segregated homeland.
There is the bed that the four-times Olympic gold medal winner slept on, the pine wardrobe he hung his clothes in and the small bedside table where he wrote letters home to his parents of his observations of a state that took him to its heart, even while its leader could not. It is a simple tribute but a fitting one.
At the end of the corridor from Jesse's room is a tiny kitchen with a stove that has as much in common with modern-day appliances as Stephenson's Rocket has to the Space Shuttle.
Yet at the time, in a Europe still gripped by Great Depression poverty, it was the last word in mod cons.
The casual visitor can imagine Jesse and his friends at night making cocoa here, talking about the events of the next day as the Nazi menace increased by the hour on the outside for the citizens of Germany and the wider world.
A short walk from Jesse's quarters lies the shuttered 'Restaurant of the Nations,' the eating hall for the athletes.
A graceful, sweeping structure, the record books tell how in three short weeks here the participants consumed 100 cows, 110 calves, 91 pigs, 664 lambs, 8,000 lbs of coffee, 150,000lbs of vegetables, 160,000 lbs of flour, 160,000 pints of milk and something over a million eggs, among other things.
Hopes to refurbish the building, which served in WWII as a hospital for wounded German troops, have so far come to nought
Hopes to refurbish the building, which served in WWII as a hospital for wounded German troops, have so far come to nought
Paint peeling and brickwork exposed, little has been done to the site since it was first built 
Paint peeling and brickwork exposed, little has been done to the site since it was first built 
Sven said; 'The Fuehrer was tee-total and the order for the athletes was no drinking. But the French and the Italians railed against the idea of no wine while the Belgians and Dutch thought the prospect of no beer was too much to contemplate. All four nations were the exception and were served alcohol at every meal.'
Only the salon where the Italians dined alongside the Soviets is preserved; where the British ate on the first floor is simply a shell filled with fallen masonry.
Grand hopes to refurbish the building, which served in WW2 as a hospital for wounded German troops, have so far come to nought.
In 1936 a huge steel-and-wood sign of the five Olympic rings stood on top of the Restaurant of the Nations; that too survived the war and now resides, propped forgotten on a back wall, in the off-limits gymnasium whose hardwood floors and wall bars remain in surprisingly good condition.
Also in the gym can be seen the vaulting horse which became known as 'Alfred's Throne,' after Nazi athlete Alfred Schwarzmann from Bavaria, who won three gold medals and two bronzes for gymnastics there before going on in the war to be decorated with the Knight's Cross for his services as a distinguished paratrooper.
Sick pride: The site lies just a few miles west of the Olympic Stadium where Hitler watched with delight as his German 'supermen' lived up to expectations to win the games with a medal count of 89
Sick pride: The site lies just a few miles west of the Olympic Stadium where Hitler watched with delight as his German 'supermen' lived up to expectations to win the games with a medal count of 89
With a proud Aryan man in the background, the post for the 1936 games 
With a proud Aryan man in the background, the post for the 1936 games 
With the Olympic logo on the right and stamps featuring star athletes of the day, a letter found at the site  
With the Olympic logo on the right and stamps featuring star athletes of the day, a letter found at the site  
A grim reminder of Nazi theories on race. Jewish or part-Jewish and Gypsy athletes — were systematically excluded from German sports facilities and association 
A grim reminder of Nazi theories on race. Jewish or part-Jewish and Gypsy athletes — were systematically excluded from German sports facilities and association 
Outside the hall where the British team failed to win a thing, is the 400 metres loop which is exactly as it was when Godfrey Brown, Godfrey Rampling, Freddie Wolff and Bill Roberts pounded it in practice to salvage national price by going on to the Olympic Stadium to bring home the gold for the UK with the 4x400m relay race.
'The authorities allowed children on to the site, which was managed by the military,' said Sven. 'The English runners were a firm favourite among them because of their impeccable manners. They always stopped to say hello to the children and sign autographs. They were the superstars of their day.'
The track runs alongside what was once the most magnificent training pool in Europe, a 25 meter long facility that was still in use for Soviet athletes before the 1980 games in Moscow. 
Now the water has long since drained away, the taps, fixtures and fittings of the shower and bathrooms stolen along with everything else that was removable when the Red Army finally decamped for the last time in 1993.
For years rainwater poured in through a smashed roof and shattered windows, gradually destroying the exquisite tiling and paintwork.
But the bank which manages the foundation which owns the buildings - all of them listed save for the grim barrack blocks built for Soviet soldiers after 1945 - stumped up the cash for a new wall of glass and a replacement roof that now keeps the worst of the elements at bay.
Eroded: Rainwater has stripped away most of the buildings' paintwork and detailing
Eroded: Rainwater has stripped away most of the buildings' paintwork and detailing
Modern: The heated baths were the height of luxury for the competing athletes but they were later used to hide the screams of torture victims  
Modern: The heated baths were the height of luxury for the competing athletes but they were later used to hide the screams of torture victims  
High-kicking: Athletes in high spirits outside the Village before the 1936 Games
High-kicking: Athletes in high spirits outside the Village before the 1936 Games
Looking at the structures and their pure, clean lines, it is easy to see them as the architectural manifestation of the pronouncement of Nazi propaganda minister Josef Goebbels, who voiced the regime's take on sport shortly after Germany learned it would host the event.
'German sport has only one task: to strengthen the character of the German people, imbuing it with the fighting spirit and steadfast camaraderie necessary in the struggle for its existence,' he ranted.
Sven said all Germany then knew that sport was an extension of politics. He went on: 'The government harnessed sport as part of its drive to strengthen the 'Aryan race,' to exercise political control over its citizens, and to prepare German youth for war.
'Non-Aryans' —Jewish or part-Jewish and Gypsy athletes — were systematically excluded from German sports facilities and associations. They were allowed marginal training facilities, and their opportunities to compete were limited.
'It was not accidental that Poland, which Hitler loathed, sent one of the biggest contingents to the games, but were afforded the worst facilities of any team.
'The games were the ultimate propaganda vehicle for Hitler. In August 1936 Olympic flags and swastikas bedecked the monuments and houses of a festive, crowded Berlin. 
'Most tourists were unaware that the Nazis had temporarily removed anti-Jewish signs. Neither would tourists have known of the 'clean up' ordered by the German Ministry of Interior in which the Berlin Police arrested all Gypsies prior to the Games. 
'On July 16, 1936, some 800 Gypsies were arrested and interned under police guard in a special Gypsy camp in the Berlin suburb of Marzahn.
The only room to have been renovated is the simple quarters which the black US athlete Jesse Owens lived in. With his four golds, Owens blew Nazi theories about Aryan supremacy out of the water   
The only room to have been renovated is the simple quarters which the black US athlete Jesse Owens lived in. With his four golds, Owens blew Nazi theories about Aryan supremacy out of the water   
A picture of Owens sits on the bedside table next to where he slept. Ironically Owens had more freedom in Nazi Germany than he did in his home country 
A picture of Owens sits on the bedside table next to where he slept. Ironically Owens had more freedom in Nazi Germany than he did in his home country 
Ourdated: A simple stove which was used by athletes to cook on. By modern standards it is a relic
Ourdated: A simple stove which was used by athletes to cook on. By modern standards it is a relic
'Also in preparation for the arrival of Olympic spectators, Nazi officials ordered that foreign visitors should not be subjected to the criminal strictures of the Nazi anti-homosexual laws. 
'But the athletes, surrounded day in day out by officials in Nazi uniforms, could not have failed to have seen the hand of the regime in everything.'
In fact the militaristic ambitions of Hitler met them every day.
Hidden from the casual visitor, locked away inside on the first floor of the Hindenburg House - named after the WW1 field marshall who blindly gave authority to Hitler to seize the reins of power in 1933 - is a bas relief of marching German soldiers that still stands near to the theatre where athletes went to watch variety shows and stage pieces after a hard day's training or competing.
Row upon row of concrete soldiers march on to their Wagnerian appointment with destiny beneath the words in old Germanic script; 'May the the armed forces may go on a strong an honourable path, vouchsafing for a strong German future.'
Instead they marched into atrocities in Russia and western Europe, into the cauldrons of Stalingrad, Normandy and Berlin, leaving five million of their comrades behind in graves in the process; that was their destiny. Many of them were members of infantry regiments who trained at the site between 1936 and 1945 before moving up to the front lines.
Mocking their memory on walls just yards away are the murals of the
post-1945 occupants. Lenin exhorts his followers to greatness in an enormous painting rendered inside the theatre itself while in another room, reserved for officers, is a painting of heroic Soviet soldiers doing battle with the Nazis in the 'Great Patriotic War' which took the lives of 27 million Russian citizens.
Haunting: The peeling paint and dank atmosphere just serves to remind visitors more of Hitler's failed dream
Haunting: The peeling paint and dank atmosphere just serves to remind visitors more of Hitler's failed dream
Hope: Mr Voege paid tribute to the athletes who competed at the Games, saying: 'The memory of the participants lives on and no dictator of whatever hue can take away what they achieved
Hope: Mr Voege paid tribute to the athletes who competed at the Games, saying: 'The memory of the participants lives on and no dictator of whatever hue can take away what they achieved
Sven, who also wants to utilise the theatre now for stage plays about the Arctic region, said; 'I can understand if there is anxiety in the UK now about what the legacy of this year's Olympic Games might be given what happened here. The place became a playground for monsters and the memory of the athletes faded along with the paintwork and the bricks.
'Still, the memory of the participants lives on and no dictator of whatever hue can take away what they achieved. That is something that those who compete in uncertain times in London can take heart from.'

Public banks are good for nearly everyone - except the biggest banks

On Dec 30, 2014 12:07 PM, "Public Banking Institute" <info@publicbankinginstitute.org> wrote:
Public Banking Institute

Dear Lynda --

As 2014 winds down, there is still time to make a difference.  With your support, we can transform our economy and create a foundation for real lasting prosperity.

In the last few years we have seen many companies get into the banking business, from JP Morgan to Walmart.  These companies understand the tremendous power that banking and leveraging money offers.  Why don't we the people create our own banks as well to better take control of our economic destiny? 

While almost half the states in the US have tried to enact legislation to move toward public banking in the last 4 years, Wall Street lobbyists have vigorously opposed each and every effort, and the result is that we still have just one public bank in the US - in North Dakota.  Public banks are good for nearly everyone - except the biggest banks.

  • From low-interest student loans, business loans, and home loans;

  • to supporting robust regional economies;

  • to facilitating huge infrastructure project savings;

  • to supporting a robust community banking sector;

  • to creating jobs;

  • and reducing government debt...

...public banks allow us to enjoy benefits that seem almost too good to be true.  But they are real and attainable!

Since we were founded just four years ago, we have gone up against the most well funded industry in the world - the financial industry - and we have made definite progress.  Public banking is now truly part of our national discussion - we led a debate in the New York Times in 2013, got headline stories in the Wall Street Journaland Salon.com in 2014 (among extensive other media coverage), and are now being deluged with requests for information and support from around the world.

We at PBI are now supporting chapters around the nation and public banking initiatives from Santa Fe to Seattle, from San Francisco to Colorado to Minnesota to Philadelphia to Vermont, with a brand new strategy designed to overcome the resistance of the big banks.  

We are educating the public, including bankers and legislators, with easy to take courses on a variety of subjects at the New Economy Academy.

We are launching a major national conference in November 2015 during primary season near Bretton Woods New Hampshire, to bring together new economy groups to address the fundamental issue of our time - our monetary and banking systems - and to create a powerful synergistic plan to move forward.  Our complete summary of 2014 progress and 2015 plans is found here.

If you knew how much we have done on extremely tiny budgets to date, you would be amazed.  2015 can be a pivotal year for public banking, but to take our work to the next level, we need your support at a whole new level.  Every donation from $5 to $5000 matters to us - and allows us to create more powerful and lasting impact for a prosperous future.

Don’t forget to make your tax deductible donation by December 31, 2014 to help create public banks and sustainable prosperity around the nation.

Thank you for your support in 2014!

Wishing you a Happy New Year,

Gwen Hallsmith, Executive Director

Public Banking Institute


WELCOME to 2015

WELCOME to 2015:   • Our Phones – Wireless
• Cooking – Fireless
• Cars – Keyless
• Food – Fatless
• Tires –Tubeless
• Dress – Sleeveless
• Youth – Jobless
• Leaders – Shameless
• Relationships – Meaningless
• Attitudes – Careless
• Babies – Fatherless
• Feelings – Heartless
• Education – Valueless
• Children – Mannerless
• Country – Godless
   We are SPEECHLESS, Congress is CLUELESS,   And our President is WORTHLESS !   I'm scared – Shitless


This is "Priceless".

Can you slim down by eating like a Viking?

Can you slim down by eating like a Viking? The New Nordic diet full of twigs, fresh fish – and wine – is touted as the next big trend in weight loss

  • The New Nordic diet swaps olive oil for canola, and focuses on whole grains and root vegetables
  • Vogue writer Kate Christensen lost 4lbs on the diet in two weeks

The New Nordic diet, a nutritional plan created by two chefs in Denmark that focuses on whole grains, foraged plants, fresh fish and meat, is being heralded as the next big trend in healthy eating.
Vogue writer Kate Christensen, who lost 4lbs in two weeks on the diet, says it is similar to the ‘widely hailed Mediterranean diet, which draws on the traditional cuisines of Greece, Spain, and Italy’, but explains that it is more 'a way of thinking about eating' – after all, the New Nordic diet allows wine with dinner.
'Unlike the Mediterranean diet, which allows white bread, pasta, and polenta, the New Nordic shuns refined grains and processed foods. And instead of olive oil, the Nordics eat cold-pressed rapeseed oil, also known as canola, which has less saturated fat and more heart-healthy omega-3s than its Mediterranean cousin,' she added.
Scroll down for video 
Wild idea: The New Nordic, which emphasizes fresh fish such as herring (left) and wild meats such as moose (right) is being heralded as the next big trend in healthy eating
Natural selection: Root vegetables are also part of the plan, which calls for vegetarian dinners twice a week
Natural selection: Root vegetables are also part of the plan, which calls for vegetarian dinners twice a week

Chefs René Redzepi and Claus Meyer pioneered the New Nordic movement at their Copenhagen restaurant Noma, starting in 2004, incorporating moss, twigs, seaweed and edible bark into their entrees, which also included elk, herring, rye and nettles. 
Ms Christensen used a cookbook from Noma and another by Danish food writer Trine Hahnemann to follow the plan, which involved consuming foraged plants, wild or pastured meats and aquatic foods, such as fish, shellfish and seaweed. A hunter friend donated several pounds of frozen moose to the cause.
According to guidelines adopted by the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2005, an ideal week of dinners includes three meat, two seafood, and two vegetarian dishes, plus unlimited root vegetables, leafy greens, nuts and berries, legumes, orchard fruits, and whole grains such as rye, spelt, oats, and barley.
The New Nordic diet is similar to last year's craze, the Paleo diet, which advocates eating like a caveman. However, Paleo bans grains and alcohol and allows for more meat than its Viking counterpart.
'Three weeks into it, this Nordic diet was going swimmingly. It had made me more conscious of health, not just food. Not only was I drinking more water than usual, I had upped my exercise to two Pilates classes a week, frequent five-mile runs, and the occasional hard-core cardio-workout video. I was sleeping better and enjoying a sense of satiety without too many cravings,' she writes.

She tried it: Vogue writer Kate Christensen (pictured) lost 4lbs on the New Nordic diet
She tried it: Vogue writer Kate Christensen (pictured) lost 4lbs on the New Nordic diet
Origin story: Chefs René Redzepi and Claus Meyer pioneered the New Nordic movement at their Copenhagen restaurant Noma, starting in 2004
Origin story: Chefs René Redzepi and Claus Meyer pioneered the New Nordic movement at their Copenhagen restaurant Noma, starting in 2004
For more videos please go to YouTube 

'I cooked almost every meal at home: steel-cut oats with blueberries and maple syrup for breakfast, potato-leek soup for lunch, roasted root vegetables and steamed kale with currants and hazelnuts for vegetarian dinner. I made Hahnemann’s mussel-and-cod stew with vegetables and white wine on seafood days, and moose stew and roast free-range chicken on meat days.'
However, when she realized she wasn't losing weight, she consulted Traci Mann, Ph.D., director of the Health and Eating Lab at the University of Minnesota, who advised her that any effective diet limits portions.


  • Swap olive oil for canola oil
  • A week of dinners includes three meat, two seafood and two vegetarian meals
  • Eat foraged plants, wild or pastured red and white meats and aquatic foods
  • Consume plenty of root vegetables, leafy greens, nuts and berries
  • Avoid refined grains and processed foods, and eat whole grains such as rye, spelt, oats and barley 
When she began to eat more slowly and consume smaller portions of these Nordic feasts, she was able to lose four pounds in two weeks.
Earlier this year, Dr Thomas Meinart Larsen led a study at Copenhagen University that asked 181 overweight adults to follow one of two different diets for six months.
Of this group, 68 people were assigned to an 'average Danish diet', comprised of the dishes currently most eaten in Denmark, including many imported foods, and 113 were put on the New Nordic Diet, with recipes created by Noma's Mr Meyer that featured ingredients made up of local and seasonal whole foods.
All of the participants were encouraged to eat until they were fully satisfied, paying some attention to portion size, but never counting calories.
Results showed those in the Nordic diet group lost around 10lbs on average compared with a loss of 3lbs for the Danish diet group.

Radioactive leak at major Ukrainian nuclear plant

Radioactive leak at major Ukrainian nuclear plant – report

Published time: December 30, 2014 18:21
Edited time: December 30, 2014 20:34

Zaporozhskaya nuclear plant (image from www.seogan.ru)
Zaporozhskaya nuclear plant (image from www.seogan.ru)
A radioactive leak has been detected at Ukraine’s Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, the largest in Europe, a media report says, citing the country’s emergency services. Ukrainian officials have denied the report.
LifeNews published what it claims is a leaked report by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, which denies an earlier assessment by the plant’s authorities that the radiation at the facility is equal to the natural background following an incident on Sunday.
RT is trying to verify the report.
Ukrainian authorities have denied the Russian media report that a radioactive leak had taken place at the plant, Reuters reported.
"The plant works normally, there have been no accidents," an energy ministry official told the news agency. No official comment on whether the leaked documents are authentic has been provided.
Two documents released by LifeNews appear to show that the plant's officials put deliberately misleading information on their website. The documents – both addressed to the head of the regional emergency services – state that radiation levels at the plant on Sunday and Monday were 16.8 times higher than the legally permitted norm.
By Monday, the levels had slightly increased – growing from 16.3 to 16.8 times higher, and Unit 6 was still shut down, the report said, contradicting the plant's statements that the problem had been fixed and that the plant was operating normally.
On Sunday, one reactor at the plant was automatically shut down after a glitch, becoming the second halt in operations in recent weeks. The reactor was running at 40 percent of nominal power, the plant's official website said, adding that radiation at the facility being at the level of 8-12 microroentgens an hour.
The error was later announced to have been corrected, and the troubled unit – Power Block # 6 – was plugged back into the network.
On November 28, Zaporozhye's Unit 3 was switched off for almost a week. The shutdown, which was reportedly caused by a short circuit, was made public five days later, when Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk revealed it during the first meeting of his new Cabinet.
Regarding the November incident, Ukrainian authorities have contacted the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The agency was informed that "a reactor at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant remained safely shut down following a short circuit in the plant’s transformer yard last week," its December 3 statement said.
Ukraine’s State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate has said no radioactive materials were released because of the shutdown, the IAEA added. The incident was preliminarily estimated to be a level 0-rated event on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, which ranges from 0 to 7.
Zaporozhye nuclear power plant is one of the four nuclear power plants in the country, which together supply a large part of Ukraine's energy needs. The Zaporozhye plant alone, Europe's largest, supplies at least one-fifth of the country’s power needs. It is the world’s fifth-largest nuclear power plant.

Speaking up...

Apparently the White House referred to Christmas Trees as Holiday Trees for the first time this year which prompted CBS presenter, Steven Levy, to present this piece which I would like to share with you. I think it applies just as much to many countries as it does to America.
A little sanity please...
Only hope we find GOD again before it is to late
The following was written by Steven Levy and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.

My confession:

I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from, that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat...

Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him? I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew went to.

In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.
In light of recent events... terrorists attack, school shootings, etc.. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school... The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.

Then Dr. Steven Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about.. And we said okay..

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.'

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing. Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Are you laughing yet?

Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it.

Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.

Pass it on if you think it has merit.
If not, then just discard it... no one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in.