Sent: Tuesday, December
30, 2014 10:56:34 PM
Millionday Tuesday
MArco: Can I ask a question first MD MArco: I saw something the other day article about rules of procedure MArco: they have four days after vote to pass the budget thru MArco: within four days I cannot find the article darn it MArco: but I will keep looking so after we saw they had their hands raised they had four days according the rules of procedure Millionday: THEY HAVE CHANGED HOW THEY ARE DOING THE BUDGET -- THEY ARE NOT HAVING SEPARATE READING FOR THE SECOND AND THEN VOTE -- IT IS SAME DAY SO RULES HAVE BEEN CHANGED A LITTLE Millionday: OK -- DONT HAVE A LOT OF NEWS BUT HAVE A LOT TO SAY TOO -- SO BRB WITH NEWS Millionday: Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, the need to harmonize the concepts, laws and professional competence in dealing with the financial and banking issues. Said Abdul-Mahdi said in a statement the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of the "Audit Bureau costly oversight and scrutiny of transactions public spending and collecting resources and prevent waste of public money, and to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements Millionday: NOTE -- OBVIOUSLY BANKING LAWS WILL BE VERY IMPORTANT WITH DISTRIBUTION Millionday: The report is not a judgment, but an audit and record the reality of the certificate, The likely response and clarification and correction, as potentially responsible parties demand of opening of the investigation and take appropriate action .. which requires respect, respect; like other laws, including the Central Act. Millionday: NOTE -- THE CENTRAL ACT Millionday: "The bank employees immunity {Article 23/1} the law in force .." not exposed to any member of the Board or any employee or agent of the Central Bank of the Iraqi legal repercussions or is personally responsible for any damages occurred due to any negligence or conduct issued him during the performance of his duties or for the sake of Tadath official functions that fall within the scope of his job and obligations set him under this law Millionday: NOTE -- THIS IS THE LAWS THAT THEY HAVE PUT IN FORCE FOR PRIVATE BANKING AS WE READ THAT THEY ARE ACTIVATING OR HAVE I MEAN TO JOIN WITH ALL BANKING Millionday: YESTERDAYS NEWS OR DAY BEFORE WE HAD IT IN HERE Millionday: and the competent court to do that is" a court of financial services, "already existing Bakdadtha appointed by the Minister of Justice {Article 63 of the Bank}. and many may consider immunity coverage of crime and corruption .. while it is a guarantee for the implementation of duty and sentenced to specialists who not only. Millionday: NOTE -- THESE ARE INTERNATIONAL BANKING LAWS -- AS USED TO KEEP FROM BANKING FRAUD AND INTERNAL GROUPING TO DEFRAUD ETC Millionday: And he finished by saying, "economic crime and acts of the former smuggling have a clear definition .. centered violation of foreign exchange instructions .. The current monetary and economic philosophy emphasizes the freedom of movement of capital and the conversion .. and blocked the restriction which is objectionable, according to the Constitution and laws and regulations and international obligations of the window. Millionday: NOTE -- THE LAW IN PLACE RIGHT NOW DOES NOT ALLOW THEIR CURRENCY TO BE TRADED OPENLY AS THE CONSTITUTION DOES ALLOW ECONOMIC GROWTH ETC Millionday: NOTE -- THIS IS A VERY INTENSE REPORT Millionday: He pointed out that "the conversion of Aanhsr import .. it is right for investment and savings, travel, study and treatment, etc .. We no longer need to obtain ordered the transfer, but carries Danarena ordered the conversion itself as a hard currency .. and auction channel it .. which is what other countries across banks and stock exchanges .. This -bdon evidence Akhary- not smuggling or Gusala .. and not coming investors to Iraq to become smugglers Millionday: NOTE -- THE CURRENCY LAW OF TRANSFER SEEMS TO HAVE CHANGED Millionday: NOTE -- THE STATEMENT -- WHICH IS WHAT OTHER COUNTRIES ACROSS BANKS AND STOCK EXCHANGES --- IS VERY INTERESTING Millionday: BUT I HATE MY TRANSLATION LOL Millionday: STRONGLY DISLIKE I SHOULD SAY Millionday: .. If there was one of the determinants of import or other, Valmswol by departments and other institutions .. The bank and its staff are responsible for compliance with laws and regulations in force in the limits responsibilities and powers .. and if there were violations of the money laundering, we have five departments to monitor the currency laundering .. There was nothing about our knowledge. He concluded by saying, "What we are asking is harmony concepts and laws and professional competence and justice and not anything else." Calling Alataad to prevent sentencing hasty, would receive extensive damage, and lose Adlatna and credibility, then we are forced to retreat from those provisions. Millionday: NOTE -- IN VERY PLAIN WORDS THIS IS THE ASKING FOR ALL BANKS TO COMPLY EQUALLY -- SO THE SAME INTERNATIONAL COMPLIANT RULES ARE ALL THE SAME FOR ALL BANKS Millionday: NOTE -- THIS COMING FROM THE MINISTER OF OIL FOR HARMONY LEAVES ME TO BELIEVE THAT THIS IS FOR THE DISTRIBUTION TO PROVINCES AND BUSINESS ETC Millionday: The Iraqi judiciary issued on 4 September 2014 and sentenced in absentia to prison for seven years against the former Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi based on the charges against him during his administration of the Central Bank. While issued a Specialized Criminal Court in integrity issues in the 22 of this month a decision to release former central bank governor Sinan al-Shabibi and the dissolution of a default judgment was issued against him, for lack of evidence Millionday: SO AS I WAS SAYING THIS MONTH THE CHARGES WERE DROPPED NOT MONTHS AGO Millionday: THE 22ND OF DECEMBER Millionday: THE LAWS BEING PUT IN PLACE AS INTERNATIONALLY COMPLIANT IS WONDERFUL TO SEE AFTER ALL THESE YEARS Millionday: LOVING PROGRESS ------------------------ Millionday: WE ARE BACK TO THE 7TH OF JANUARY Millionday: Of the House of Representatives is scheduled to be held on 07.01.2015, meeting to discuss the draft budget law for 2015. MP is capable Mulla Mohammed through a special permit for PUKmedia: The Finance Committee of the House of Representatives will hold a meeting on 01.03.2015 to discuss the observations on the budget bill, saying that the House of Representatives will be the second reading of the budget bill in its meeting to be held on 7/1 / 2015. Millionday: NOTE -- SATURDAY BUT ON THE 7TH IS THE ARTICLE 140 Millionday: And on observations of the Kurds in the budget bill, the Attorney able Mullah Mohammad, a member of the Finance Committee said that his Kurdish deputies working in earnest to bring to the implementation of Article 140 in the budget, financial allocations, stressing that the Kurds do not have great reviews on the budget only allocations of Article 140. Millionday: NOTE -- THE KURDS WANT ISSUES WITH THE ARTICLE 140 PUT INTO THE BUDGET AS AMENDMENT -- WHICH IT IS WRITTEN AND THERE ARE COMMITTEES AND EXPERTS TO DO SUCH Millionday: He said the Attorney able Mulla Mohammed: The House of Representatives will be the second reading of the budget at its next meeting, and if there were no notes will be the ratification of the law, paragraph after another. Millionday: SO THIS SATURDAY WILL BE THE SECOND READING AND WE SAW THEM REPORT IN INK THAT WOULD BE ALL IN ONE DAY -- WITH THIS CHANGE IT MAY NOT WE WILL HAVE TO WATCH Millionday: MAYBE A COUPLE DAYS TO ADD AMENDMENTS OR MAY VOTE IT THROUGH AND THEN ADD Millionday: SEE THE ATTORNEY SAID IF NO NOTES --- IT WILL BE THE RATIFICATION OF THE LAW ---------------------- Millionday: HERE WE GO WITH THE ISX CHANGES Millionday: Securities Commission to audit the financial statements of listed companies and brokerage firms and the extent of compliance with the regulations, instructions, and the Iraq market in terms of its application of the law and rules of procedure and its contribution to the creation of a fair and transparent trading, and it allows investors to trade and the protection of their money and the commitment of companies listed on the stock market laws relevant accounting standards and audit evidence and instructions of the Authority in terms of content and issued within the periods specified in the Securities Act. Millionday: NOTE -- THEY ARE WORKING ON THIS NOW -- THIS IS AN AUDIT OF ALL ACCOUNTS AND PROCEDURES Millionday: NOTE -- ALSO TO ENSURE INTERNATIONAL COMPLIANCE Millionday: In order to achieve transparency and fairness in dealing with securities in the market, the Commission take the necessary measures to make observations to clarify or correct the deficiency or error in the data and information provided or, if necessary, warning, fines or other appropriate sanctions. Millionday: The head of the d. Abdul-Razzaq al-Saadi said in an interview for "morning" that work during the current year to ensure audit of the final accounts of the brokerage firms that number (47), as well as the quarterly accounts of those companies, and check balances Mrajatha and that number is (564), as well as follow-up to the disciplinary committee decisions and the Hearing Committee in market, amounting to more than (80) decision and demand of the market re-investigation with companies in the absence of conviction in the investigation. Millionday: NOTE -- THIS IS NON-COMPLIANCE TO LAW AND NOT THE BEST INTEREST OF THE STAKE HOLDERS WHICH IS WHAT PUBLIC TRADING MUST PROVIDE - Millionday: Saadi between that of the body functions this year keep pace with advances in information technology, according to the possibilities available, where it was connecting the body of electronic trading with Iraq Stock Exchange system through a network link (WAN) using the latest hardware, making the transition measures to e-government by building electronic data center and use of the latest electronic systems for managing and archiving e-reports of electronic trading. Millionday: NOTE -- SO WE KNOW ABOUT THE ADVANCEMENTS AND THAT IS WHAT IS BEING SAID HERE Millionday: It also has been building and updating the website and dissemination of all financial statements of listed companies in the financial markets and instructions for trading, where the number of visitors million visitors exceeded during the year, and pointed out that the number of companies that submitted their quarterly within the specified period (61) company, as provided (8) data companies late and fined . Noting that the number of fines imposed on companies due to delay submission of accounts for the year 2013 was less than the previous year, reaching this year's (28) company while he was in the previous year (32) company, and reached demurrage accounts quarterly through 2014 (8) companies in the while (16) the company during the previous year, indicating an improvement in the level of performance of the companies. Millionday: NOTE -- SO THEY HAVE THEIR ACT TOGETHER IN OTHER WORDS Millionday: He initially for 19 new joint-stock company to accept and it is hoped circulation early next year. He said al-Saadi that the Commission is following the meetings of the General Authority number (77) meeting and the inclusion of companies and to stop re-listed and traded in the stock market companies, because of the General Assembly meeting in accordance with the instructions drawers. He noted that the net foreign investment in the local bourse exceeded 989 million dinars. Millionday: OK SO WE HAVE NO NEW NEWS ABOUT WHAT CBI MEANS WITH YESTERDAYS NEWS BUT WE DO HAVE THE SECURITIES DOING FINAL ACCOUNTS AND AUDITS Millionday: IF YOU WERE NOT HERE CBI STATED THEY WERE RENOVATING THE PAYMENT SYSTEM IN ISX -- ELECTRONIC diagyAAAE: DOES IRAQ DO AUDITS EVERY FISCAL YEAR? AND IF SO ARE THESE WITH SECURITY COMMISSIONS THE SAME THING? Millionday: I WOULD SAY COMPLIANCE WOULD ORDER AUDITS AT THE END OF YEAR AND ALSO WOULD SAY THAT IT IS A LOT DIFFERENT THIS YEAR DUE TO E-GOV AND ALSO THE NEW ADVANCEMENTS WITH ELECTRONIC TRADING -------------------- Millionday: The face of the Council of Ministers to withdraw the appeal to the Federal Court on a draft provincial law No. 21 of 2008, and re-examine the law during the month to propose the necessary adjustments to coordinate work between the central government and authorities Mahlah.ozkr statement issued by the Information Office of the Prime Minister, "morning" received a copy of it, that The council also instructed to expedite the completion of the agreement with Iran on the demarcation of land and maritime borders, and authorized the President of the National Authority for Investment Agency Rauf Sami al-Araji, the validity of the signature on the Settlement of Investment between the states and the citizens of other countries, conflicts agreement. Millionday: SO THEY HAD NEWS OUT THAT THEY WERE GOING TO TAKE SOME TIME TO APPEAL THE PROVINCIAL LAW -- THAT HAS BEEN CHANGED AND THEY ARE NOT GOING TO DO THAT NOW -- GREAT NEWS Millionday: SO ALSO WE SEE THAT THEY WANT TO END IN A HURRY THE WAIT FOR AGREEMENT ON THE SETTLEMENT OF INVESTMENTS -- LOOKS LIKE A HURRY FOR PROGRESS lstar877: when isx reopens 11th is it with the world? Millionday: I DONT KNOW Millionday: I SURE HOPE SO ----------------------- Millionday: parliamentary finance committee on the proposed governmental mechanisms to bridge the budget 2015 deficit, which will be discussed in the House of Representatives on Wednesday revealed. The committee member said Hossam punitive "morning": A total of 25 Trliuna deficit and 401 billion dinars will be handled by the amounts National savings for employees, and assets retained, and Special Drawing Rights. "It will also be an external bond issue and the issuance of public debt, loans and remittances treasury of government banks bonds," noting that taxes on Kartat mobile and online buying cars and tickets will fill part of the also the deficit. Millionday: WHOOOPOW Millionday: AM I READING THIS RIGHT? Millionday: WHOOPOW Millionday: THAT IS THE BASKET OF CURRENCY -- SDR Millionday: ON LINE CAR BUYING ? Millionday: EXTERNAL BONDS ? Millionday: I AM SPEECHLESS Millionday: WOW Millionday: SO THAT WOULD HAVE TO BE WITH A EXCHANGABLE RATE lstar877: it said "revealed" was it last Wednesday? Millionday: NO THIS IS A MEETING ON WED Josie: Do you think article means this Wednesday (tomorrow) or next Wednesday (January 7) Any way to know ? Millionday: THEY MEAN THEY HAVE REVEALED THEY ARE MEETING ON WED wmawhite Millionday: External bonds......debt instruments. Millionday: IT DOESNT SAY Millionday: WMAWHITE -- WHOOPOW Millionday: THIS IS A LITTLE EXCITING Millionday: BUT LETS KEEP OUR HEAD ON Millionday: HAT OR SOMETHING Millionday: LOL LarryO: what is the wait time for information coming out of the meetings? Millionday: 10 YEARS Millionday: LOL Millionday: OK LET ME SAY SOMETHING Millionday: WITH THE RENOVATION WITH THE ISX BY CBI AND ALSO THE AUDITS BEING DONE DURING THIS TIME AND ALSO THE MEETING ABOUT THE BUDGET WED (THIS OR NEXT) -- WE HAVE NOW SEEN THAT THEY ARE GOING TO USE INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT TO ATTACK THEIR DEFICIT -- SO NOT BAD NEWS AT ALL ---- IF SOMEONE TELLS YOU THAT MEANS WITHOUT A DOUBT THIS IS IT -- DO NOT TAKE THE TICKET FOR THE RIDE -- YES THIS IS HUGE AND VERY ENCOURAGING BUT WE WANT TO KEEP OURSELVES AS ADULTS AND UNDERSTAND THE INVESTMENT --- KNOW THAT WE ARE WAITING AND YES ALL OF THIS IS SO EXCITING RIGHT NOW BUT IT IS NOT AN EXACT SCIENCE AND WHO KNOWS WHAT IS GOING TO BE SAID -- HOWEVER -- WE WANT ALL OF YOU HEALTHY SO BE HAPPY AND WE WILL WATCH THE RIDE NOT HURT OURSELVES ON IT ------------------------- Millionday: NOTE -- THIS IS THE LABOR LAW CONCERNING FOREIGN LABOR Millionday: called for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs foreign labor companies not to run any worker, but after receiving a work permit by it in accordance with the terms and procedures adopted. He said media adviser to the Ministry Ammar Menem "morning": that the ministry has issued instructions regarding the expatriate labor of the country and included Do not run foreign workers in companies and other sectors, but after the implementation of due process and receive a work permit in accordance with the provisions of the Labour Law, which states (may not be running any foreign worker unless he has obtained a work permit in accordance with the conditions and procedures that define the instructions issued by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs ), explaining that these measures have positive dimensions in relation to security issues, as well as forcing the ministry to run 50 percent of national employment Millionday: NOTE -- ALL FOREIGN WORKERS MUST HAVE A WORK PERMIT Millionday: NOTE -- ONLY 50 % QUOTA Millionday: He said the inspection teams in Baghdad and the provinces to monitor during tours of inspection of work sites irregularities concerning foreign labor, because of the department work of the committees held Dhi Qar a joint meeting with representatives of the oil fields of Dhi Qar and Malaysia's Petronas (Garraf oil field operator) for the purpose of follow-up legal work and retirement implementation and social security influential. He pointed out that the ministry is committed contracting with Petronas to implement the provisions of the said law procedures and obtaining work permits for foreign workers fundamentalist Otherwise companies ministry will take judicial rulings against them, especially in relation to employ 50 percent of national employment in those companies. Millionday: SO SIMILAR TO ICE Millionday: THEY WILL MONITOR Millionday: THIS IS NEW Millionday: ALL NEWS IS CANCELLED WITH ROUNDTABLE AND NEWSTIME FOR TOMORROW SO WE WILL SEE YOU ON FRIDAY Millionday: HAPPY NEW YEAR !! Millionday: LOVE TO YA AND SEE YOU ON FRIDAY |