Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chaos in America: 40 States on High-Alert!

Family fun at The Fountains
Something scary is happening right here in America. If you live in one of the 40 states highlighted in blue — it’s critical you pay close attention. As NPR reports, a vehement new movement "is showing signs of taking root across the map. LISTEN TO THIS.." When you see CLICKHERE   this shocking interview you'll see  exactly what’s going on and why this quickly developing movement will soon devastate millions of unprepared Americans. Fair warning: This material is very controversial. Click here for the full story.

The Treasury Tradeoff

By Chad Shoop, Editor of Pure Income

today's editor
U.S. 30-year Treasury yield recently hit all-time lows. The yield on 10-year Treasurys has fallen more than 10% in the past year.

Yet, despite pitiful yield and poor performance, demand for these trades continues. The obvious question is: “Why?”

You could call it a safe-haven trade. With all the market volatility these days, it’s nice to know you can lock in a certain yield for a guaranteed period of time.

Or, you could take it for what it is really worth — low rates are here to stay, and people are finally starting to figure it out.

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Jeff Opdyke and I have been telling you for months that Janet Yellen and Co. simply cannot raise rates by any significant amount.

Finally, it seems as if Wall Street is beginning to catch on.

Despite the fact that these Treasury yields are at glaringly low levels, investors are still plugging into them.

Of course, if you believed that a rate rise was coming, that wouldn’t make any sense — you’d be locking your yield in at a lower rate than you would get otherwise.

So, why are they doing it?

Simply put, the investment world is beginning to believe that nothing worthwhile is coming from the Fed.

The Federal Reserve is set to issue a press release Wednesday. If the Fed were to hint at an earlier rate rise or signal for higher rates than expected, yields on Treasurys would spike — leaving all the buyers today with significant losses.

Sure, if there was a reasonable expectation that the Fed would increase interest rates by any significant degree, it would be worth waiting before plugging into Treasurys.

With 30-year yields at all-time lows, and 10-year yields sub-2%, the only reason to get into these now would be if you weren’t expecting anything more than a marginal increase in rates.

And that’s exactly what’s happening.

There’s simply no point in waiting any longer to get into these trades, and people have figured that out. Now, Wall Street is singing to our tune: Low rates are here to stay.

That’s what’s going on, and here’s how you can play it…

Follow the Smart Money

Throughout the second half of last year, I was cautious about adding interest-rate sensitive investments. They are vulnerable to moves by the Fed, and while I expected the Fed to keep rates low, my worries were over knee-jerk reactions from Wall Street.

That’s why back in
October I told you to stay away from high-yield stocks. Since then, many stocks in the high-yield sector have tanked more than 10%, with the broader ETFs down slightly.

But today, I think it’s a good time to get back in.

With Wall Street coming to grips over a lower interest rate period for an extended time, it’s time to lock in high yields from their go-to dividend sector: REITs.
REITs have been the golden child in the era of low interest rates.

As I wrote in
a recent article, U.S. REITs have risen by more than 300% since the market bottomed in 2009. But they have taken a breather lately, partly from expectation of rising rates.

But now that Wall Street has figured out not to expect much from the interest-rate hike, I believe this is our opportunity to lock in a significant yield before all of the smart money pours in.

Play to the Market’s Response

One of my favorites in the sector is American Capital Agency (Nasdaq: AGNC).
The company invests in residential mortgages for which the principal and interest are guaranteed by either a U.S. government sponsored business or by a U.S. government agency. This significantly reduces the default risk of its loans, but the company still utilizes hedges to take advantage of market swings in interest rate spreads.

While the business model looks solid, it’s the yield that has put American Capital Agency high on my radar.

It is currently dishing out a 12% yield in the form of monthly dividend checks. So each month, you would receive a 1% yield without the price of the shares moving at all.

Considering we are entering a period of low rates for a long time, that’s not a bad deal.

You need a dividend payment of this size to help balance out your portfolio from the volatility in the market.

Not to mention, the REIT will see strong inflows from investors that will send its price even higher as the reality of low rates sinks in.

Either way, if you’re going to go with an investment that is backed by the U.S. government, why not lock in a substantial yield like American Capital with 12%, rather than settle for the sub-2% yields our government’s Treasurys are fetching today?


Chad Shoop
Editor, Pure Income

P.S. There’s a grassroots movement growing across our country at a frightening rate. It’s already begun to infect four-fifths of the nation in differing degrees, but its rate of expansion suggests it could explode soon. Click here to see if it’s happening near you.


The Imminent Invasion Of The US Has Been Planned For Decades

January 22, 2014 | By Dave Hodges | Government Corruption, US News

A few nights ago on the TV show, Revolution, one of the main characters discovered that the “new” United States had constructed numerous re-education camps and were planning to exterminate large groups of people. In the same episode, two of the other main characters discovered that the United States had released plagues in order to significantly reduce the population. Perhaps, the globalists reveal their intentions through the world of entertainment, as many claim. However, I did not have to become aware of the Revolution script to have heard this message before. In the 1990′s, officials from Maricopa County came to my campus and recruited “first responders” to a potential biological and/or chemical attack. The bonus and benefit was that first responders would be the first to receive any available antidotes, so I signed up. Some time later, FEMA and DHS took over the program. In the transition, I got to personally know some of our FEMA replacements and I was made keenly aware about how real this threat was as one of the families visited me at my office in October of 2012. In that meeting, they informed me that they were leaving the area and relocating to a remote community that they had prepared as a secret refuge. They asked me if I watched the show Revolution and they told me that we were facing a similar false flag event as what happened in the show. The power outage would be followed by a chemical/biological attack with weapons that “no other nation knows that we have”. This family and two other families that I know of moved in December of 2012. I have previously recounted this story in more detail on December 25, 2012 and December 27, 2012 on this website.

I was subsequently told that following the blackout, some of the biological weapons would be designed to induce abhorrent behavior, zombie like behavior, in which an individual’s hypothalamus (i.e. the primary site of our stress response known as our fight or flight mechanism) would be overly excited and extreme and random violence would be induced. Along these lines, does anybody remember the two “zombie” disaster preparedness attack drills with the last one occurring in San Diego which was sponsored by DHS?

It was further revealed that these chemical and biological attacks, resulting in mass hysteria and random attacks, would force many people to public shelters (i.e. the new re-education centers). Shortly after that, I discovered the NFL, NBA, NHL and Major League Baseball offered their facilities to DHS in times of national emergency. Since that time, we have seen DHS and FEMA conduct drills for a national emergencies in such events as Operation Mountain Guardian. Further, Simon Properties made a similar agreement with DHS to allow the use of their malls and strip centers to be used for the same purpose. Simon Properties is the largest owner of malls and strip centers in North America. Now we see the full fledged introduction of TSA molestation activities at NFL games which began this year. Are some of these dots beginning to connect? One final note about this event, all three families informed me that when martial law was declared, the Russians and the Chinese troops would the primary enforcers and Americans would soon face “hell on earth”. This was over a year before it was announced that Chinese troops landed in Hawaii and that the Russians and the Chinese would be involved in the Grid EX II drill and the RIMPAC War Games. I think it is a fool’s errand to try and predict a timetable in which these events will come to fruition. One of the FEMA families told me, before their departure in December of 2012, that we probably did not have two years.

The Invasion of the US Has Been a Long Time in the Making

Even if there were no FEMA informants and no Zombie drills by DHS, no power grid takedown drills and no Russian and Chinese soldiers training on our soil to become the vanguard of a martial law force, key Russian defectors have been warning us about these possibilities for decades. The Russians are not our friends and neither are the Chinese.


Former Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov, a well renowned media/propaganda expert defected to the United States, in 1970, and subsequently exposed the KGB’s subversive tactics against American society. Yuri Bezmenov has conducted a number of interviews in which he explains how Marxist ideology is deconstructing America’s values by controlling the media and this would ultimately serve to demoralize the country, destabilize the economy, and provoke crises in order to Sovietize the United States. Bezmenov is well known for revealing Russia’s doctrine of “ideological subversion”, a slow, long-term multi-decade process of media-based brainwashing in which the sole purpose is to confuse, confound, and destroy the moral base of America. Has this plot been effective? When Bezmenov defected in 1970, abortion was not yet legal in the United States, Americans, by and large, trusted their government, the comparative use of profanity in the media was rare and there were over 250 corporations controlling 95% of the media instead of the six corporations which own the same percentage today. This media consolidation and the presence of prominent media plants, such as CNN’s Anderson Cooper, ex -CIA operative, have gone a long way towards achieving these Russian goals. Bezmenov’s account also casts serious doubts upon the severe decline of America’s moral base as being the product of a normal societal, evolutionary process which accidentally transpired. Conversely, Bezmenov has clearly identified the Leninist propaganda techniques which have been rolled out in the United States.


Former Russian Colonel Stanislav Lunev has the distinction of being the highest ranking Russian military officer to defect from Russia to the United States after doing so in 1992, after Boris Yeltsin came to power. Lunev’s information was considered to be so volatile, but accurate, that the CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA placed Lunev, where he remains to this day, in the FBI’s Witness Protection Program.

Lunev served as the top GRU agent in America in the 1980′s and 1990′s. While in the United States, Lunev”s mission involved gathering intelligence information about America’s defenses and recommending Russian war strategies against America. Some of Lunev’s information came to light, when in the 1997, he published his bestselling book Through the Eyes of the Enemy. In the book, Lunev reports that Russia’s military, despite “losing the cold war”, continues in its war preparations which are designed to conquer the United States by stealth. Since his defection, Lunev has served as a special agent to the FBI and CIA as well as many large corporations. Lunev is best known for revealing the missing 100+ missing suitcase nuclear bombs and the threat they would pose to the United States as they would be smuggled across the Mexican border.


Viktor Suvorov, a former Russian intelligence analyst, revealed Russia’s top-secret plans to attack the United States, after he defected to England. Having worked as an intelligence analyst as well as having worked for the GRU and with elite Russian special forces, Suvorov, warned the Americans of Russia’s true intentions after the Russian high command had succeeded in getting Pentagon officials to let down their guard and engage in a high level, but mostly one-sided, technology transfer.


Anatoliy Golitsyn, a high-ranking KGB defector who fled to the United States in order to warn Americans about the secret Russian plan to attack the United States. Golitsyn is generally considered to be among the first and most revealing on the subject of the secret Russian plans to attack. Having authored the The Perestroika Deception in which Golitsyn wrote about the deceitful intent behind the Leninist strategy which the present-day Communists are actively pursuing as they fake American style democratization efforts in Russia. According to Golitsyn, the short-term strategic objective of the Russians is to achieve a technological convergence with the West solely on Russian terms and mostly through a series of one-sided disarmament agreements. Can anyone argue with a straight face that this has not been happening in exactly this form?


Vladimir Lenin once uttered an ominous warning for our time; “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them”. Even Lenin had no idea that a devout follower of his communist doctrines would ever become the President of the United States. He thought the Soviet Union would topple America from the inside. However, it isn’t a Russian communist who is destroying America, but rather it is a domestic communist, a Manchurian candidate and his name is Barak Hussein Obama, who is tying the noose around the neck of all freedom-loving Americans. The details will be discussed in the next part in this series.



The Russians Are Coming


                                                               Denver International Airport Mural

Actor and noted comedian, Jonathan Winters, once made a mockery of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union in the classic comedy movie The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming. It is distressing to report, that contrary to the mainstream position that Russia lost the Cold War, the Russians are indeed very healthy and ready to wage war against the United States as Americans are living on borrowed time as we have failed to prepare for a joint Russian and Chinese attack upon our country.

The United States has not been attacked on the home front for 200 years dating back to the War of 1812. There exists a plethora of confirming information to support the fact that America’s days may be numbered and that we are totally unprepared for what is coming. There exists credible evidence that the American people have also been betrayed from within by some key leaders, namely, Barack Hussein Obama.

Let’s commence this analysis by examining the statements of high-profile Soviet defectors and try and make sense of what they have been telling American intelligence agencies for decades, namely that the Russians have engaged in a multi-generational plot to destabilize America prior to the takeover in which both the Russians and the Chinese will unleash a ferocious assault upon our country.

Viktor Suvorov and the “Fake” Surrender of the Soviet Union

Viktor Suvorov, a former Russian intelligence analyst, revealed Russia’s top-secret plans to attack the United States, after he defected to England. Having worked as an intelligence analyst as well as having worked for the GRU and with elite Russian special forces, Suvorov, warned the Americans of Russia’s true intentions after the Russian high command had succeeded in getting Pentagon officials to let down their guard and engage in a high level, but mostly one-sided, technology transfer.

Yuri Bezmenov and “Ideological Subversion”

Former Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov, a well renowned media/propaganda expert defected to the United States in 1970, and subsequently exposed the KGB’s subversive tactics against American society. Yuri Bezmenov has conducted a number of interviews in which he explains how Marxist ideology is deconstructing America’s values by controlling the media and which would ultimately serve to demoralize the country, destabilize the economy, and provoke crises in order to Sovietize the United States. Bezmenov is well known for revealing Russia’s doctrine of “ideological subversion”, a slow, long-term multi-decade process of media-based brainwashing in which the sole purpose is to confuse, confound, and destroy the moral base of America.

Has this plot been effective? When Bezmenov defected in 1970, abortion was not yet legal in the United States, nor was gay marriage, Americans, by and large, trusted their government, the comparative use of profanity in the media was rare and there were over 250 corporations controlling 95% of the media instead of the six corporations which own the same percentage today. This media consolidation and the presence of prominent media plants, such as CNN’s Anderson Cooper, ex -CIA operative, have gone a long way towards achieving these Russian goals. Bezmenov’s account also casts serious doubts upon the severe decline of America’s moral base as being the product of a normal societal, evolutionary process which accidentally transpired. Conversely, Bezmenov has clearly identified the Leninist propaganda techniques which have been rolled out in the United States

Stanislav Lunev and Long-Term Russian Preparations for War Against the U.S.

Former Russian Colonel Stanislav Lunev has the distinction of being the highest ranking Russian military officer to defect from to the United States after doing so in 1992, after Boris Yeltsin came to power. Lunev’s information was considered to be so volatile, but accurate, that the CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA placed Lunev, where he remains to this day, in the FBI’s Witness Protection Program.

Lunev served as the top GRU agent in America in the 1980’s and 1990’s. While in the United States, Lunev mission involved gathering intelligence information about America’s defenses and recommending Russian war strategies against America.  Some of Lunev’s information came to light, when in the 1997, he published his bestselling book Through the Eyes of the Enemy. In the book, Lunev reports that Russia’s military, despite “losing the cold war”, continues in its war preparations which are designed to conquer the United States by stealth. Since his defection, Lunev has served as a special agent to the FBI, CIA as well as many large corporations. Lunev is best known for revealing the missing 100+ missing suitcase nuclear bombs and the threat they would pose to the United States as they would be smuggled across the Mexican border.

Anatoliy Golitsyn Russia’s Secret War Plans Against the U.S.

Anatoliy Golitsyn, a high-ranking KGB defector who fled to the United States in order to warn Americans about the secret Russian plan to attack the United States.

Golitsyn is generally considered to be among the first and most revealing on the subject of the secret Russian plans to attack. Having authored the The Perestroika Deception in which Golitsyn wrote about the deceitful intent behind the Leninist strategy which the present-day Communists are actively pursuing as they fake American style democratization efforts in Russia. According to Golitsyn, the short-term strategic objective of the Russians is to achieve a technological convergence with the West solely on Russian terms and mostly through a series of one-sided disarmament agreements.

According to Golitsyn, after the United States military is eliminated as a strategic threat to Russia, the long-range strategic Russian plan is to pursue Lenin’s goal of replacing nation states with collectivist model of regional governments as a stepping stone to global governance. In order to achieve their final goal, Golitsyn states that Russia, after lulling America to sleep, will join with China in order to attack the United States from both the outside and inside as he detailed that In each of these the scissors strategy will play its part; probably, as the final stroke, the scissors blades will close. The element of apparent duality in Soviet and Chinese policies will disappear. The hitherto concealed coordination between them will become visible and predominant. The Soviets and the Chinese will be officially reconciled. Thus the scissors strategy will develop logically into the ‘strategy of one clenched fist’ to provide the foundation and driving force of a world communist federation…before long, the communist strategists might be persuaded that the balance had swung irreversibly in their favor. In that event they might well decide on a Sino-Soviet ‘reconciliation.’ The scissors strategy would give way to the strategy of “one clenched fist.” The enemies now are gathered from within. At that point the shift in the political and military balance will be plain for all to see.  I submit that the free trade agreements and the 300 senior command military officers fired by Obama stand as proof of these strategies.

The Planned Demise of the Petrodollar Will Lead to U.S. Economic Collapse

The decades of Russian stealth planning have arrived and the forces are primed for battle. The opportune (Petrodollar) crisis has opportunistically appeared and it is only a matter of time until hostilities break out. The Russians are prepared to meet the United States at the gates of Iran along with their new found Chinese allies. Ultimately, this conflict is over which currency, the Petrodollar or gold, will prevail for the payment of Iranian oil. The economic futures of both sides hangs in the balance.

Throughout the last part of the 2oth century and the first portion of the current century, the world had to purchase the dollar in order to purchase oil from the Middle East producing nations. Previously, Iraq tried to circumvent this Petrodollar process, by accepting the Euro from France and Germany, as payment for its oil. Saddam Hussein ultimately paid for this bold move with his life. Among his many transgressions against the central bankers, Moammar Gadhafi attempted to circumvent the Petrodollar scheme and met the same fate. Rockefeller and his cronies take the Petrodollar scheme very seriously.  

Iran is now following in Hussein and Gadhafi’s footprints by selling oil to the Russians, Chinese and even the people of India in exchange for gold!  Iran’s practice is undermining the only form of backing enjoyed by America’s Federal Reserve Notes, the Petrodollar. Without the Petrodollar system, the Federal Reserve’s paper money will degenerate to the status of a fiat currency, will subsequently hyper inflate and the Federal Reserve’s epitaph will have been written along with the economic future of all Americans.

The simple solution seems to simply repeat history, send in our proxy troops and let them carry out economic justice with extreme prejudice towards the leaders of Iran. However, unlike Iraq and Libya, Iran has very powerful allies who are collectively willing to challenge the central bankers dominance of the oil industry. It is notable, that both the Russians and the Chinese have threatened the United States with war if Iran is attacked.

It is also no secret that in recent months, America has positioned the largest naval armada in history near the Strait of Hormuz presumably to launch military strikes upon Syria and Iran. The CIA backed ISIS is the further manifestation of this desperate plan to preserve the Petrodollar by toppling Syria and the soon-to-be destabilization of Iran.  It is also no secret that the Russians have threatened our government with war if America attacks its two aforementioned allies. This clearly casts Russia into the role of being a military enemy of the United States. When ISIS goes into Syria, we will see the beginning of WW III.

Treason From WithinIf Russia and the United States are clearly headed for conflict, why then, would the federal government mandate that enemy Russian paratroopers and commandos be trained at Fort Carson Army base in Colorado Springs, Colorado? Yet, this is an undeniable fact as Defense Department spokesperson, Commander W. L. Snyder, told the New American, that Russian troops are training in southern Colorado in which they would be allowed to provide security at local baseball games and to participate in roadside checkpoints as well as to conduct war game military raids on local terrorist base camps. The unmistakable conclusion is that our enemies are being trained to interact with the American public and to participate in policing activities on American soil. We are looking at the fact that Russian commando hit squads will be carrying out the assassinations of key American figures including members of Congress. The Russians will also likely be carrying out the sabotage of our command and control facilities as well as attacking many of our nuclear weapons silos. Thanks to our stupidity, due to previous arms agreements, we have shown the Russians where all our defenses are located.

The Russians were even allowed to be present at last year’s GridEX II drill in which a simulated take-down of the American power grid by an EMP was rehearsed. Why in the hell would we let both the Russians and their Chinese allies be in attendance after they have threatened to nuke the United States on so many occasions?

The presence of Russian troops on American soil be considered an act of war! Why then would Russian troops be given access to one of our most important and secure military bases in the country? Why then are Russian troops being allowed to view how our military will meet a crisis not to mention the fact that we are giving the Russian military access to the inner workings of a key military installation while training on American soil for the first time! Is this is just a significant military intelligence victory for the Russians? Has the Obama administration lost its mind by revealing our military command and control capabilities in a crisis situation? Or, is this apparent abject stupidity, on the part of the Obama administration, being carried out with clear intent, precision and purpose, to a level which would make Benedict Arnold jealous? Why else would Russian troops be trained to carry out policing activities on American soil in which they will supplant our domestic forces?


Part one of this series purposely left out the complicity of another sympathetic Russian collaborator.  There are still more dots to connect and in Part 2 of the Russians are Coming, Obama’s complicity in the betrayal of this country will be revealed and the plan to use Obama has been in the works for a very long time as there is no doubt that his presidency is just as much a part of the destruction of this country in the same spirit as Bezmenov, Lunev, Golitsyn and Suvorov have described.

The Russians are not coming, they are here!

Dave Hodges is the host of the popular weekly talk show, The Common Sense Show, which airs on Sunday nights from 9pm – Midnight (central) on the Republic Broadcasting Network and its 29 affiliate stations. Dave also hosts a website (www.thecommonsenseshow.com) in which he writes daily articles on the geopolitical state of affairs both nationally and internationally. The theme of Dave’s show and website centers around exposing the corruption and treason which has invaded the presidency and Congress as well as their corporate and banking benefactors. Dave is an award winning psychology, sociology, statistics and research professor. He is also a former college basketball coach who retired as the winningest coach in his college’s history. A mental health therapist by training, Dave brings a broad based perspective in his fight against the corrupt central banking cartels which have hijacked the US government. Dave and his wife, Nora have one son and they presently reside in rural Arizona approximately 25 miles north of the greater Phoenix area. Dave was drawn to the fight for freedom when the globalist central banking forces, led by Senator John McCain, attempted to seize his home and property and that of 300 of his neighbors, without one dime being offered in compensation. This attempted public theft of private property was conducted for the purpose of securing cheap land in which the globalists intended on putting in an international highway through their area known as the Canamex Corridor. Dave’s community appointed him the spokesperson and eventually his community won their fight against the bankers and their front man, Senator McCain. This event launched Dave’s career as a broadcaster and an investigative journalist. Dave’s website presently enjoys over a half a million visitors every month.




Dave Hodges
March 31, 2014
The Common Sense Show

This article will demonstrate that B. Obama (Soetoro) is the manifestation of a decades-old plot designed to subvert the leadership of the United States, thus making America vulnerable to being conquered.

Is America Worth Dying For?

I loathe the government that we are forced to endure every day, don’t you, with every communication you engage in being monitored by a bunch of government voyeurs? However, I do love my country, the American people and the ideals for which we stand (e.g. one nation under God). America’s present government is not worthy of one ounce of respect. However, the American Constitution and our traditions are indeed worth fighting for, but not with Obama at the helm.

I have often wondered if I had been a soldier in the Texan Army, would I have stayed, fought and died at the hands of Santa Anna’s forces at the Alamo? If I had been a defender at Bataan, Wake Island, or Guam, in the early days of World War II and I knew death was certain, would I stand my post to the last minute? I would, if I knew my sacrifice was honorable and my leadership was patriotic and willing to make the same sacrifice.

America Will Soon Stand Alone

As I have documented over the past several weeks, America will soon stand alone, with perhaps, only England as our last ally. Europe will soon be under the Russian sphere of control because of energy dependence on Russia. As a result, NATO will disintegrate. China has married their economy to the Russians based upon gas and oil and we will someday soon face their soldiers on the battlefield which will take place in our neighborhoods. Seemingly all of Latin America has turned their backs on the US and is allowing for Russian military bases and accepting Russian military equipment, thus, making a Red Dawn scenario a near certainty.

America stands on the edge of virtual extinction. The only question is whether Putin, after totally destroying the Petrodollar, will allow America to slowly crumble, or use the combined forces of the United Nations (e.g. North Korea, China, Latin America and Russia to invade). Either way, people like ex-CIA agent, Dr. Jim Garrow boldly proclaim that eventually 90% of all Americans will be left dead. And isn’t that figure consistent with the globalist expressed desire to reduce the North American population by 90%?

And how does Obama respond to these threats? He has announced that he is reducing the American military to pre-World War II levels in yet another act of treason against the American people.

Back to the fundamental question, should we stand our ground and fight to the death? The answer is yes. However, I will not follow the psychopathic criminal that is in the White House. If America is to fall, and most of us will perish, we should not fall with a traitor at the helm. Though the heavens may fall, treason must not be allowed to prosper. The man with 11 social security numbers, several names (e.g. Barry Soetero) must not be allowed to remain in power. If I am to fall in defense of my country, I will do so with fellow Americans, not by following some mongrel masquerading as an American.

Obama Is the Soviet Fulfillment of Generations of Planning

After Viktor Suvorov, a former Russian intelligence analyst, defected to England, he revealed Russia’s top-secret plans to attack the United States at some future date after undermining the United States from within through the subversion of their political leadership. Suvorov had worked as a Russian intelligence analyst as well as having worked for the GRU and with elite Russian special forces, Suvorov, warned the Americans of Russia’s true intentions after the Russian high command had succeeded in getting Pentagon officials to let down their guard and engage in a high level, but mostly one-sided, technology transfer. And under the wrong President (i.e. Obama), America would be weakened to the point to where it could not adequately defend herself.

Anatoliy Golitsyn, a high-ranking KGB defector fled to the United States in order to warn Americans about the secret Russian plan to attack the United States. Golitsyn is generally considered to be among the first and most revealing on the subject of the secret Russian plans to attack America after faking the demise of the old Soviet Union. He authored the The Perestroika Deception in which Golitsyn wrote about the deceitful intent behind the Leninist strategy which the present-day Communists are actively pursuing as they fake American style democratization efforts in Russia. From within, American leadership would be compromised in key positions, and the fall of America would be orchestrated from within and under the leadership of an Obama type of President. Golitsyn and Suvorov were only two of dozens of Soviet defectors who told exactly the same story dating back to the 1960’s.

Obama Is the Pawn of the Russians to Conquer America

From the official files of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, we find Allen Hulton, a 39 year veteran of the postal service, who provided a sworn affidavit to Maricopa County, AZ. Sheriff investigators.

Arpaio was leading an investigation to determine whether or noformer foreign college student, Barack Obama, was eligible to be placed on Arizona’s 2012 election ballot. After reviewing Hulton’s affidavit, it is apparent that 1960’s communist agitators and revolutionaries from the communist-inspired Weathermen Underground, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn were in fact the de facto adoptive parents to this foreign student destined to become the first illegitimate President of the United States. As a result, Obama was treated to the finest Ivy League education that communist backed money could buy as Hulton maintains that the Ayers told him that he was financing the education of a promising foreign student at Harvard. Hulton also testified that he met Obama while at the Ayer’s home and he asked Obama what he going to do with all his education, to which Obama politely answered, “I am going to become the President”. Readers should take note that this is an affidavit, and as such, is formally considered to be evidence, not conjecture or hearsay. There can be no other conclusion that the criminally convicted communist terrorist, Bill Ayers, began grooming Obama to become America’s first communist President during Obama’s college years. Their relationship continues into the present time as it is on record that Ayers visited the White House in August of 2009. Please note the words “foreign student”, which makes Obama ineligible to be in the White House.

Obama’s communist affiliations continued well into his adulthood and because of the good work of Joel Gilbert  who discovered that Obama was active with a Weathermen Underground  support group known as The May 19th Communist Organization, in New York. Perhaps, this is why Ayers was visiting the White House. And speaking of Ayers and Dorne, adding more fuel to this communist fire, it is interesting to note that both Senior White House Advisors, David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett were both Weatherman Underground “Red Diaper Babies, in which they were the sons and daughters of well-to-do parents who desired communism and lived out their dreams through their children’s revolutionary activities. Other notable red-diaper babies also include such notables as Rahm Emanuel and Eric Holder. Jarrett’s situation is particularly interesting in that her family and the Ayers family have been multi-generational friends which also included a marriage between the two families. Much of the Obama administration is a nest of communists and this should serve to gravely concern every American citizen. It was Ayers and Dorne who launched State Senatorial candidate Obama’s political career from their Hyde Park, IL. living room according to the late Larry Grathwohl a former FBI undercover operative who penetrated the Weathermen Underground. Hollywood could not write a movie this good, with this much intrigue.

Frank Chapman, a communist activist and a member of the communist front group known as the World Peace Council. Chapman clearly used the term “mole” to describe Obama. He said Obama’s political climb and subsequent  success in the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries was “a dialectical leap ushering in a qualitatively new era of struggle.” Chapman further stated that, “Marx once compared revolutionary struggle with the work of the mole, who sometimes burrows so far beneath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on the surface. This is the old revolutionary ‘mole,’ not only showing his traces on the surface but also breaking through. “The Communist Party USA backs Obama to the hilt.” It is clear that Obama is their man! Obama is Putin 2.0.

The Middle East is turning away from the Petrodollar. Europe will soon abandon the dollar to buy Russian gas. The Petrodollar is the only thing of value backing the dollar. When the fall of the Petrodollar is complete, it will not take 30 days to witness the complete and utter destruction of this economy. Dr. Garrow believes when the economic collapse arrives, it will be masked with an EMP attack designed to accelerate the process of decline. In this scenario. the Naval War College predicts 90% of us will be dead within two years under these circumstances! And what is Obama doing about all of this? He is doing nothing!

To those who think this is far-fetched, read on and see what the defectors tell us is coming and it will be hard to deny Obama’s complicity.

Golitsyn’s Blueprint for Obama

According to Golitsyn, the short-term strategic objective of the Russians is to achieve a technological convergence with the West solely on Russian terms and mostly through a series of one-sided disarmament agreements. He also stated that the Russians and the Americans would engage in joint military exercises just prior to America’s fall and this is exactly what we find when we look at the historical record under Obama.

·                                 “In 2010, American soldiers participate in the 2010 Moscow Victory Day Parade alongside its European allies and members of the CIS, marking the first time American soldiers have ever participated in the annual event on May 9.

·                                 In 2010, American and Russian special forces conduct their first joint operation in Afghanistan and destroy four drug-producing labs that make heroin on October 31.   (S. Shuster (Oct.2010). Russia returns to Afghanistan for drug raid.TIME World. Retrieved 6 February, 2010).

·                                 In 2012, the United States, Russia and NATO hold missile defense exercises in Ottobrunn, Germany from March 26 to March 30.

·                                 In 2012, Russian troops are allowed into the United States for the first time to participate in a joint U.S.-Russia military drill in Colorado on April 25.

·                                 In 2012, American and Russian navies participate in the RIMPAC 2012 naval exercises from June 29 to August 3 and this process is ongoing.

·                                 In 2012, The United States and Russia hold joint naval exercises in the Norwegian Sea on August 22.

·                                 In 2012, Russia sends aid to the United States in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy on November 11.

·                                 In 2013, American, Russian and NATO military forces perform a counter piracy exercise in the Gulf of Aden on February 26.

·                                 In 2014, The United States, Russia and NATO announce plans to conduct a joint naval operation in the Mediterranean to protect a U.S. ship that will destroy Syria’s chemical weapons on February 14.”

There are literally dozens more of these bilateral cooperative efforts involving the militaries of Russia and the United States. This is following a time when leaders like George Bush placed a missile shield in Poland and beefed up our support of NATO. It is clear that Obama is in bed with the Russians.

Golitsyn and the Scissors Plan

Golitsyn stated that Russia, after lulling America to sleep, will join with China in order to attack the United States from both the outside and inside as he detailed that In each of these the scissors strategy will play its part; probably, as the final stroke, the scissors blades will close. The element of apparent duality in Soviet and Chinese policies will disappear. The hitherto concealed coordination between them will become visible and predominant. The Soviets and the Chinese will be officially reconciled. Thus the scissors strategy will develop logically into the ‘strategy of one clenched fist’ to provide the foundation and driving force of a world communist federation…before long, the communist strategists might be persuaded that the balance had swung irreversibly in their favor. In that event they might well decide on a Sino-Soviet ‘reconciliation.’ The scissors strategy would give way to the strategy of “one clenched fist.” The enemies now are gathered from within. At that point the shift in the political and military balance will be plain for all to see.

The inking of the recent energy deal which married the economies of the Russians and the Chinese is the manifestation of Golitsyn’s revelations.

As I stated earlier, the death of the Petrodollar means that you will not a have job to go to tomorrow. Because of Obama, the Chinese own our money. Which means they own your mortgage, retirement and savings accounts. Everything you own, is controlled by the Chinese. Soon, they will be coming to collect.

My insider military sources, as well as Dr. Garrow, tell me that plans for an American guerrilla warfare resistance are being put into play as we speak. This means that millions of us are going to die at the hands of foreign invaders and from being caught in the crossfire.


I no longer believe in the America political process and for good reason (e.g. electronic voting machines). However, there is one way we could use this process, one more time, to remove the Traitor-In-Chief. Every member of the House of Representatives is up for re-election this fall. We have the ability, if we could achieve the unlikely goal of unification, to force Congress to enact articles of impeachment against Obama.

We may not be able to control the final outcome, but we can control who we follow to our demise, and for me, it will not be Obama.

Monday, January 26, 2015

"Cheerful" Dutch Financier Becomes 4th ABN Amro Banker Suicide | Zero Hedge


"Cheerful" Dutch Financier Becomes 4th ABN Amro Banker Suicide

Thought you may want to carry this story too! How many times will it take before
this madness is stopped?

Satanic Rituals at 2015 Super Bowl Half Time Show

‘Counter Protocol of Light Event’
Live iTV Global Game Day Broadcast
Super Bowl  - 1st February 2015
Whether you are aware of it or not, the annual Super Bowl Half Time show (disguised as family entertainment), is one of the most public Satanic Ritual events in a calendar full of dark ceremonies and invocations, ‘hidden in plain sight’.   

This year, it is likely another 3o million+ people will be mesmerized by this ‘entertainment’, unwittingly contributing energy to these blatant satanic rituals.

You don’t believe the half-time show is a satanic ritual?  Watch four background videos featuring confessions from Beyonce and ex-satan worshipper John Ramirez (who was ranked as the third highest devil worshipper/warlock in New York).  You may just change your mind!

So… On Feb 1st 2015, all people around the world, supported by Alternative Media, have an opportunity to unify through a liveglobal iTV broadcast, to effectively create a Counter Protocol of Light Event’, intent on neutralizing the energetic effect of this sinister agenda. 

Join Chris Hales of The Long Conversation, for the first interview with Presenters and Hosts for this event, Deborah Ariel Pietsch and Scott Bartle  - Wake Up...Shift Is Happening TV, the I Am Awakening Academy and the "Counter Protocol of Light Events"!  

Register your participation on Counter Protocol of Light Event landing page.  http://CounterProtocolOfLightEvents.com

Phone: Office (+1) 310-299-2919
Home: http://ShiftIsHappeningTV.com

Did the Feds Just Censor Veterans Today Radio? [VIDEO]

In this video, Glenn Canady contends that the government is now censoring Veterans Today Radio through Revolution Radio! Stew Webb has confirmed that the listeners have fallen off a cliff and now we know why! They are blocking people from listening by IP addresses.
Gov Censors Veterans Today Radio!
Jan 25, 2015


Central Banks Are "TELLING US TO DUMP THEIR CURRENCY" by Gregory Mannarino [VIDEO]

Dow Industrials were essentially unchanged (+6.10) on the day, while Gold and Silver both fell over 1% apiece from Friday's close.
By Gregory Mannarino
Jan 26, 2015


Ocean Life Faces Mass Extinction, Broad Study Says ("Let's not waste the time we have")

JAN. 15, 2015
BY Carl Zimmer
A team of scientists, in a groundbreaking analysis of data from hundreds of sources, has concluded that humans are on the verge of causing unprecedented damage to the oceans and the animals living in them.
“We may be sitting on a precipice of a major extinction event,” said Douglas J. McCauley, an ecologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an author of the new research, which was published on Thursday in the journal Science.
But there is still time to avert catastrophe, Dr. McCauley and his colleagues also found. Compared with the continents, the oceans are mostly intact, still wild enough to bounce back to ecological health.
“We’re lucky in many ways,” said Malin L. Pinsky, a marine biologist at Rutgers University and another author of the new report. “The impacts are accelerating, but they’re not so bad we can’t reverse them.”
Scientific assessments of the oceans’ health are dogged by uncertainty: It’s much harder for researchers to judge the well-being of a species living underwater, over thousands of miles, than to track the health of a species on land. And changes that scientists observe in particular ocean ecosystems may not reflect trends across the planet.
Dr. Pinsky, Dr. McCauley and their colleagues sought a clearer picture of the oceans’ health by pulling together data from an enormous range of sources, from discoveries in the fossil record to statistics on modern container shipping, fish catches and seabed mining. While many of the findings already existed, they had never been juxtaposed in such a way.
A number of experts said the result was a remarkable synthesis, along with a nuanced and encouraging prognosis.
“I see this as a call for action to close the gap between conservation on land and in the sea,” said Loren McClenachan of Colby College, who was not involved in the study.
There are clear signs already that humans are harming the oceans to a remarkable degree, the scientists found. Some ocean species are certainly overharvested, but even greater damage results from large-scale habitat loss, which is likely to accelerate as technology advances the human footprint, the scientists reported. READ MORE