Tuesday, January 27, 2015


As Muslim population grows, what can happen to a society?

What happens to society's as the Muslim population grows in percentage of the total?

In the book, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat, written by Dr. Peter Hammond, he explores the topic of the impact that an increasing Muslim population has on that society. The lists below illustrate the Muslim population status of countries around the world, and exactly what changes to the societies can be expected according to Hammond.

The book as well as the author are controversial, but the topic is definitely something that needs to be explored and understood. From the book:

As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:

United States -- Muslim 0.6%
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1.8%
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.

This is happening in:
Denmark -- Muslim 2%
Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Spain -- Muslim 4%
Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply.

This is occurring in:
France -- Muslim 8%
Philippines -- 5%
Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris , we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam , with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam.

Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:
Guyana -- Muslim 10%
India -- Muslim 13.4%
Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10%
Russia -- Muslim 15%

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:
Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:
Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and ***ya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:
Albania -- Muslim 70%
Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:
Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
Egypt -- Muslim 90%
Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
Iran -- Muslim 98%
Iraq -- Muslim 97%
Jordan -- Muslim 92%
Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
Palestine -- Muslim 99%
Syria -- Muslim 90%
Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace. Here there's supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:
Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
Somalia -- Muslim 100%
Yemen -- Muslim 100%

Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.

Map courtesy of PBS.


The people who posted the article about boron healing arthritis had their account suspended already  

Health Conditions Improved Naturally with Boron

  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Aging
  • Menopausal Symptoms
  • Sex Hormones
  • Allergies
  • Parasites
  • Candida Albicans
  • Lupus Erythematosis
I owe my own discovery of it to Dr. Rex E. Newman Phd for his valuable study of Boron extending over many years. He has written the book ‘Beating Arthritis & Beating osteoporosis’ (Printed by Ellesmere Press Ltd. The British School, Otley Street, Skipton, Yorkshire. UK.) 

A Natural Remedy for Arthritis and Aging 

While Boron is an effective treatment for 95% or more in the relief of arthritis (provided the joint has not completely deteriorated) its range of action extends beyond that. It works very well  in alleviating arthritis, partly due to its crucial role of calcium integration into the cartilage and bone. This is important for all of us as we age, even if we do not have arthritis. Aging is partly associated with weakening of the bones as they become increasingly porous - adequate Boron can prevent this aging effect. 

Example: an elderly lady began to take Boron daily a few months before her operation for an artificial hip that had been scheduled before she started to take the Boron. The surgeon found that he could not use the usual saw for cutting the bone in the hip replacement surgery; the bone was just too hard, like that of a young person, so he had to use a stronger saw to do the job. 

Typical usage times to alleviate Arthritis with Boron Supplement 

It has been found that generally, those under 60 years old get better in the first month, those in their sixties in the second month, and those in their 70’s and 80’s generally get better after 3 months of Boron supplementation. 

Relationship of Daily Boron consumption and incidence arthritis 

Studies have shown a very clear link between Boron and the incidence of arthritis 

Boron Consumption 
Arthritis Incidence
Less than 1mg per day 
70% of the population 
USA, UK, Australia, NZ, South Africa 
1 to 2mgs 
20% of the population 
0.7% of the population 

Boron and Animals 

Animals with arthritis are usually cured with Boron.  As with humans the level of boron in the soil relates to the degree of arthritis in animals e.g. a high proportion of sheep with arthritis, indicate that the pasture land is deficient in Boron. Dogs and Horses are among the animals with arthritis that have been found to benefit from supplemental boron. 

Menopausal Symptoms and Sex Hormones 

Boron is essential for oestrogen production, and can have a rapid effect in helping menopausal women.   Sex drive may return within just a few days sometimes after it has been absent for years, and a rapid reduction in hot flushes. Minerals and trace-elements get to the ‘bottom of things’ so to speak, they are often the missing link and can be extremely effective. Boron raises the level of natural sex hormones in the body, and so would eliminate the need for HRT or Hormone replacement therapy states Dr. Newnham.  Zinc is also important for sex hormones for both sexes. 

Boron, Allergies and Parasites 

Because Boron will overcome the symptoms of 95% of arthritis including rheumatoid arthritis, Dr. Newman speculates that allergies, that are involved especially with Rheumatiod arthritis, are probably being reduced by Boron.  

Prof. Wyburn-Mason identified certain amoebae that parasitized the joints of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Dr. Rex e. Newman states that Boron can control these parasites. He discusses the role of infection and parasites further in his book Beating Arthritis & Beating osteoporosis.    Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers often experience the ‘Herxheimer’ reaction for a week or so after starting boron, this causes a temporary worsening of the arthritis. This is due to die – off from the parasites, that enter into the blood prior to elimination by the white blood cells. 

Boron and Candida Infection

Boron can help overcome candida albicans according to Dr. Newman, but other measures are also needed such as pro-biotics e.g Primebiotic, immune rebuilder, Zell-Oxygen and anti-fungals such as Colloidal Silver or Olive Leaf Extract   

More Health Conditions                                                                

Boron may justifiably be understood as a general health enhancer, and  we do not yet know it’s full range of influence.   On page 69 of Beating Arthritis & Beating Osteoporosis there is an account of a retired lady with congestive heart failure and arthritis.   After only 2 months on the Boron, both her arthritis and her congestive heart failure where considerably improved.   

Dr Rex Newham heard of a case of hay fever that was greatly improved with Boron. This is understandable if we consider that the improvement in calcium metabolism alone, for which much of Boron’s action is centred on, will tend to calm the system, tending to reduce allergies and the auto-immune reactions involved in many health conditions, not just Arthritis.   

Boron will help to incorporate all the other minerals into the bones reports Dr. Newman, so it is not unreasonable to assume that Boron may also help with the correct cellular uptake of minerals and trace elements into the cells. All types of arthritis may be helped by Boron and also systemic Lupus Erythematosis. 

Boron and Fluoride

Fluoride in the form added to tap water and toothpaste is, I believe, a threat to health as evidenced by much research 1 that has been totally ignored by those that want to make money out of finding a way to dispose of the toxic waste, that is too toxic to dump elsewhere, and the Government cronies that back them.   Fluoride in sea water is in a form and combination with all the other minerals and trace elements that renders it non-toxic.   

There is good evidence that in Andra Pradesh India people can develop quadriplegia (when all four limbs are not working well as the result of skeletal fluorosis where 1.35 ppm fluoride was present in the water. Boron will inactivate fluoride in the body forming a harmless compound, according to Dr. Rex e. Newman.

Therapeutic Dosage 

To treat arthritis and other deficiency symptoms that may be linked to other health conditions, Dr. Rex Newman recommends 10 mgs. Some populations have as much as 30 mg a day in their diet will only good effects, in most western countries the soils are grossly deficient.    

We include Boron within our Capra Mineral Whey, Each 16 grams of whey contains Vitamin D3 450 I.U. Boron amino acid chelate, elemental weight of Boron 10mgs.  

1 Diesendorf M. The Health Hazards of Fluoridation ; A Re-examination. Intern. Clinical Nutrition Review. 10-2.1990.p304-321 

Disclaimer: Regenerative Nutrition advocate a holistic approach to natural health and wellbeing.   The body's ability and power to heal depends upon the totality of diet, nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors.  No claims for the cure of any disease is intended, or implied.  Always consult a health care practitioner when combating disease states.   The statements in this article have not been approved by the FDA

Great Celtic background music.

Great Celtic background music.

 These photos were around once before and need to be brought into reality as to what the Rothschild's and others are doing to us. Remember, they want war and
is what war brings....

These photographs are absolutely incredible! Many of them are from the Civil War era and early 1900’s.
The clarity is astounding and the colorization likely was done with modern photo gear.  Make sure you watch it on HD setting. 
You can click on it in the upper right hand corner of the screen when it starts playing.


Justice Department spies on millions of cars: WSJ

15 hours ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Justice Department has been secretly gathering and storing hundreds of millions of records about motorists in an effort to build a national database that tracks the movement of vehicles across the country, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.

The newspaper said the main aim of the license plate tracking program run by the Drug Enforcement Administration was to seize automobiles, money and other assets to fight drug trafficking, according to one government document.

But the use of the database had expanded to include hunting for vehicles linked to other possible crimes, including kidnapping, killings and rape suspects, the paper said, citing current and former officials and government documents.

While U.S. officials have said they track vehicles near the Mexican border to combat drug cartels, it had not been previously revealed the DEA had been working to expand the database "throughout the United States," the Journal said, citing an email.

It said many state and local law enforcement agencies were using the database for a variety of investigations, the paper said.

It added it was unclear if any court oversaw or approved the program.

The Journal quoted Senator Patrick Leahy, the senior Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, as saying the use of license plate readers "raises significant privacy concerns."

A spokesman for the Justice Department, which oversees the DEA, told the paper the program complied with federal law. "It is not new that the DEA uses the license-plate reader program to arrest criminals and stop the flow of drugs in areas of high trafficking intensity," the spokesman was quoted as saying.

(Writing by Eric Walsh; Editing by Peter Cooney)



Modern Day Pied Piper Red Dragon Ambassador Exposed

January 26, 2015 / Keenan Team

Neil recalls that as a youth he loved listening to his mother read him fairy tales and found the story of The Pied Piper particularly fascinating. It was hard to imagine any one person getting so many children to follow him into oblivion. What did he have to keep them entranced? What promise did he use to captivate them? What was he selling?

It seems that in this day and age we still have the Pied Piper running around selling dreams to both children and adults. And they are buying it. Their desperation and lack of desire to do things for themselves makes them easy-sells. They believe and follow a dream of getting something for nothing.

But Neil would have you hear some different pipes, “waking-up pipes,” in order to avoid being led over the cliff.

For years no one other than Neil Keenan had mentioned the name “Dragon Family.” Many doubted Neil’s claims that the Family itself is our salvation. Then, in many cases, when everything fell apart, everyone who had at one time denied even the existence of the Dragon Family made declarations that they had connections themselves, all unbeknownst to the true Dragon Family itself.

When Neil asked them most recently about the Red Dragon Society/Family, he was advised not to be concerned about them because they are renegades from Thailand and have no money to assist anyone.

The Clues

There is one who calls himself the “Red Dragon Family” Ambassador. He does not give his name, nor does he even allow his image to appear in the videos. But he does make all kinds of promises for humanity (sounds like Swissindo), promises that only one near the top of the pyramid of Western Black Nobilities could conceivably make. But this is not possible, is it?


The Red Dragon Family is the machination of this Ambassador, but he is far from alone in leading a merry chase for those who would follow.

He stated that he is not Chinese, yet he claims to represent a Chinese family. He said he didn’t even know when the Chinese New Year was, a celebration of which many Eastern cultures are aware.

The Ambassador asserts many claims about himself and the Red Dragon Family. He has stated that he has previously worked for M1 (the alleged appointed controller and signatory for the Global Collateral Accounts) and that he presently sits in with M1 and also banks.

Wait a minute — there are no elected M1′s but only appointed ones in the West. How can this be if he represents the East? It must be remembered even Marcos was appointed but never elected. He was never a real M1 but a nominee for the Dragon Family itself. Many are nominees for the Family, including the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela (was), Queen Beatrice and so many more.

According to the Ambassador, in this video at the 4:00 mark, there are many families, and at the top is M1. But above M1 is a council and an entity referred to as the “Supreme Intelligences or Emperor” to which he claims bloodline lineage.

He describes himself as the “alpha to the omega part of the family.” When referring to others who are looking to grab money and power, he asserts that he doesn’t need to grab because “I can take what I want.” Certainly this reflects a level of arrogance commonly found in “high places” and it’s precisely what the elitists have been doing for centuries – taking what they want.

On the other hand, we must doubt everything he says here seeing he has made promises only to claim he has been double-crossed. In his very first mission for the people of the world, he drops the ball and blames Rothschild. Get used to it for this is just the first of many balls being dropped.

How can Rothschild or anyone block him when he claims he is on top of the pyramid and just walks into the bunkers and takes? It is his bloodline that controls the M1 position or even higher. Let’s just face the facts and enjoy the ride we are going to take you on. 

He claims he represents the East, not the West, the ones that attempt to exterminate us with their poisons, vaccines and chemtrails.

Outlining the overall hierarchy of the family he belongs to, the Ambassador mentions in this video at the 119:30 mark, the power extending to the Vatican (the “book keepers of the bonds” – war — again the West) who work for the family, with the Pentagon (again the West) being their military arm, BRICS being their political arm and China being another arm (however, these last two arms are doubtful).

Such insight points to someone with a good idea of the malevolent tentacles of power that are wrapped around every aspect of our world. They have much of the world, yet it is not enough. Why? We, the People, are scaring them!

This is how it works: The Vatican is the “spiritual” center, City of London is the banking center, and the Pentagon is the military center. We are talking about the WEST.

The Ambassador is right in stating the Pentagon is the military arm of the Red Dragon Family — in fact, they are if he is part of the Western Elite, aka the Cabal.

Neil: “The East never refers to the Pentagon as one of their arms, nor do you hear mention of the Vatican in the East.”

Bear in mind that the West built the World Bank, BIS, IMF and the entire financial FED system. Let’s return to the Credit Union Banks we used to have — they were and are much safer for all concerned.

In the videos which feature only the Ambassador’s voice, he speaks in a calm and gentle tone with his accent reflecting a European education and possibly a faint Singaporean accent. He is particularly well-versed in the academic aspects of “spirituality,” as well as the desperate needs of humanity. But for all his enlightened talk and proposed world changes, there’s no action.

He claims that the time has come to end 666 (the mark of the devil) and refers to 555 as being some kind of emancipation for the world. However, some numerologists maintain that 555 represents the bringing of “death and destruction, the rising of the anti-Christ” (“All cabal know this.”).

The Ambassador claims in his videos that the Red Dragon Family has met with the White Dragon Family (Society) numerous times, yet he says that he has never met Ben Fulford. However, Ben Fulford is the spokesperson for the White Dragon Society and begs to differ, stating to Neil that he has never met or spoken to the Red Dragon Family or the Ambassador, nor have the two sides ever met.

In his recent video, at the 23:40 mark, the man chosen to be a spokesperson/interviewer for the Ambassador’s Red Dragon movement, Ron Van Dyke, asked about an “Escape Village” because he wasn’t aware of it.

Ron was not aware of it but Dave Schmidt, who had gone to Hong Kong to meet with the alleged Red Dragon Family, was aware of it. Why hadn’t he told Ron that this so-called Escape Village existed? Why was Ron excluded from knowing about such a major project? Secrecy appears to be their mode of operation.

The Ambassador explained that Escape Village is an off-the-grid city being built in Asia to house those few specially chosen to implement humanitarian programs. In this grand new world that the Ambassador proposes, surely the multitude of suppressed technologies would be available to the world and all will live in easy abundance. Why would there be any need to live off-the-grid?

While we cannot see his eyes, we can pick up a revealing clue about the Ambassador’s character with his profuse use of the word “basically.” This would indicate that the speaker does not have a clear idea of what he’s saying but wants the listener to believe that he is speaking in basic terms. Basically it’s bs.

Professing deep religious convictions, is it in the realm of believability that the Ambassador would endorse a world with no structure based upon a religion? Hardly likely. Any one-world religion enforced by the “top of the pyramid” would definitely not be freedom for humanity.

The Overt Symbols

The Ambassador has drawn attention to his “dragon crest,” an emblem supposedly representing a Phoenix rising, a symbol that relates to European Black Nobility. It has been fashioned to dramatize and legitimize his Red Dragon “movement.” He asserts that this crop circle is a sign, an announcement of the Red Dragon when in fact, over the years similar circle designs are usually attributed to Mayan influence.
While the source of crop circles remains highly speculative, this circle is plainly a dramatic contrast to the bird crest. Here is a stunning, intricate and pure-looking crop circle. Next to it, juxtaposed on top of the crop circle is a symbol of Black Nobility and domination not featured in the real crop circle, note the crown symbol of hierarchy at the top, and also at the center is the legion wreath, the empirical symbol for the holy Roman empire (keys of the Holy See).
It’s hardly a bird of beauty, and certainly doesn’t inspire visions of some magnificent phoenix rising above the ashes. Some crop circle fans would call this blasphemous; some would call this pedestrian, gothic PR.

Could it be the Black Nobility Black Hen? Some would say it is and when exploring the connections, it appears to be.
Did you listen to the interview with Ron Van Dyke dated Oct. 18 2014, ‘Dragon Family Now Owns IMF & Federal Reserve‘? At the 18:20 mark, he prompted the Ambassador (I use this term loosely as he is not an Ambassador) that he was the protection for Obama when he received the Nobel Peace Prize.
“The Ambassador agreed saying yes he was security for Obama, unfortunately”! If so, how could he have stepped down so far and how could Obama or the U.S, allow someone other than Obama’s own Secret Service or NATO get so close to him?
It is ridiculous to think or believe that the US Government allowed someone not so tightly knit to them to get so close to the World’s most powerful man (I say this loosely as well). If so, then this Ambassador represented the Western Security forces and has nothing to do with the East. This would be like the Chinese allowing their President to have the CIA protect their President. Not going to happen! Note in this same video, at 28:50 mark, the Ambassador admits he is not Chinese! So what the devil is he and what or who does he represent?

The Red Dragon/Committee of 300 Documents
The Ambassador declares that he wants to dismantle the cabal beast but it’s becoming evident that he himself is very much a part of the European cabal beast.
Perhaps the most damning evidence of fraud by the Ambassador is found in the “World Bank” document that he displayed in a recent video, at the 14:00 mark. Referring to the document dated February, 2010, this Page 19 document (Reference no: ASBLP – 00001 – 2010) was displayed.
The Ambassador showed you page 19 but why didn’t he show you Page 18, where it clearly shows an account for the ‘Chinese Red Dragon Family’, under the name of ‘White Spiritual Boy’? The reason the Ambassador didn’t show page 18, is that it would show what is written on the side of document, TVM, TVM-LSM666 aka Tiburcio Villamor Marcos.

For those who are not familiar with the The Committee of 300 they are a group allegedly founded by the British aristocracy in 1727 and by many accounts, consists of an international council that organizes and controls world politics, commerce, banking, media, and the military for centralized global efforts.
Why didn’t the Ambassador show us Page 106 on video, where the document has the signature of the Queen and World Bank Group? Note the line above the signatures: “Sealed and Prepared by the Right Wing Parties of the Committee of 300 on this 4th day of February 2010 at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington, D.C.”
Who is this Sir Wilfred S. Saurin on the document? Would you believe an expert counterfeiter!
Also note the absence of a signature under “Acknowledged by ASM.” Now here is where “King” Anthony Santiago Martin, aka ASM, enters this fraud. There has never been a King in the Philippines!
In regard to ASM, the Page 19 shown in the video at the 16:15 mark, the Ambassador tried to explain that ASM is another client — “they get funds, it’s another code for a family member.”
As you will see from ASM’s passport documentation, it is sanctioned by the Committee of 300: “Sealed at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, USA this 21st day of February, 2007 to be concurred by some or all of Authorities of the Committee of 300.”
This World Bank document, and also the document below, contain headers on each page referencing ASBLP. The ASBLP Group of Companies and the Bank of ASBLP are supposedly Anthony Martin’s companies, and the “Sponsor Authority” on his passport is none other than the Committee of 300.
Is this a real UN Passport or another Slick Willy (Saurin’s nickname in Asia) creation? What one must note is Wilfred Saurin is an ex CIA star (was fired), is famous as the modern day Asian Robin Hood. He steals from the elite Banks and he gives to the poor.
This World Bank document, and also the document below, contain headers on each page referencing ASBLP. The ASBLP Group of Companies and the Bank of ASBLP are supposedly Anthony Martin’s companies, and the “Sponsor Authority” on his passport is none other than the Committee of 300.
ASBLP Group of Companies and Bank of ASBLP is listed as one of the Top Financial Organizations of the Committee of 300.
Clearly this second World Bank document (Reference no: ASBLP – 0330 – 2012) supports that the Ambassador is using fake documents belonging to fake “King” Anthony Martin, to claim the funds in the White Spiritual Boy accounts.
In this World Bank document signed in March, 2012, there is a detailed listing for the distribution of funds to countries around the world and also to banks. Note on page 143, there are many more signatures than the first document, the same ASBLP reference on the header, and at the end, a disclaimer about signatures that are “valid with and/or without the acknowledgement by ASM.”
Anthony Santiago Martin (ASM)
Signatory HM, King Anthony Santiago Martin 
Code name : C3-AM-01, White Spiritual Boy, Spiritual Wonder Boy, Morning Star and King David.
Passport No. UN – 00191-01 (United Nation Organization xx379472
Postal Address :133 Rizal St. San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan 3002, Philippine Island.
It has been alleged that Anthony Santiago Martin was being used by the Committee of 300 to withdraw from the Collateral Accounts. It has further been alleged that these White Spiritual Boy and all related accounts are fictitious.
According to one account, the real Anthony Martin is an Australian who married a Filipina from Hagonoy Bulacan. Apparently he was given a million pounds to sign documents given to him by President Marcos which declared him the sole heir and signatory to the accounts. But the truth behind this fraudulent scam was discovered and the World Court, through the International Court of Justice, ruled that Anthony Martin was not the rightful heir and signatory to the accounts. After his generous benefactors abandoned him, Martin suffered a stroke and is said to now be living again as a pauper in Hagonoy Bulacan.

From this it’s deduced that Martin was used as a patsy in the Committee’s failed plan, however, it is most interesting that when the bonds were stolen from Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mitsu Watanabee in Chiasso, one “King” Anthony Santiago Martin showed up to make a claim to them.
After being conned by Alan Greenspan, both Yamaguchi and Watanabee were detained at the Chiasso (Italian/Swiss) border and the notes/bonds that they were carrying were taken (stolen) from them. Both men were associated with Neil and he found them to be straight-forward, hard-working individuals who were making strides in helping impoverished nations on behalf of the Dragon Family.
Neil states that the real facts here are that both men were conned by the Italian Government and the Federal Reserve Bank of NY. There never was an arrest, never a trial, and never a judgment. It was all an Italian drama and could have become a soap opera rather than a snow job if the Cabal had not completely controlled the media. The newspaper in Como was owned by Prime Minister Berlusconi’s family, and nothing was as it seemed, including the fake 3-1/2 year sentences in abstentia that were allegedly handed down by the Judge.

A check of all 3 Italian databases will reveal that there was never an arrest or judgment according to the Italian Financial Police. In fact, these very notes/bonds that Anthony Martin (and Wilfredo Saurin) attempted to claim were split up after the Italian P2 Lodge (representing the Italian Government) offered to return them to the Dragon Family for 10% of their value.

The Dragon Family refused their offer because they were holding all of the cards. They knew they could cancel the notes out and then have them re-issued 6 months later at no cost to them. So the Italian Government (or corporation), turned to their fellow bedmate, the NY Federal Reserve Bank, and received the approval from them to use the notes after splitting them 50/50.

In this case, Yamaguchi, Watanabee and the bonds were all real and it was Prime Minister Berlusconi and other Italian representatives that were the cons. They stole the notes.

Neil’s team investigated all this and when he found the notes were real he started to breathe a little easier seeing that his notes were from the same package. The Chiasso incident allowed Neil to move forward with his lawsuit. It would lead to what is known as “Financial Tyranny.”

The theft of the notes was like opening Pandora’s Box, and in a large way, it has led to what Neil is doing today and where we are today. Without the theft, we would still be with eyes closed, not knowing what is happening in our lives, who is taking everything and who is controlling our world.

Neil needs no thanks nor does he ever ask for any but thanks to Benjamin Fulford for bringing this first to everyone’s attention and making the statement that this could be the case that “ENDS FINANCIAL TYRANNY”….and then David Wilcock immortalizes it with his work, FINANCIAL TYRANNY.

The Committee of 300 

“Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, direct the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves.” –Walter Rathenau, 1909, founder of the mammoth German General Elec

Ultimately whether these World Bank documents are legitimate or the signatures authentic, it really matters not — this is all the dictate of the Committee of 300!

The Ambassador can spin his tales, talk about the enlightened way, profess deep religious convictions, and point his fingers at others for their deceit, but the connection to the Committee of 300 does exist. And the Committee of 300 is a Western organization which never has and never will assist humanity in any way, shape or form and is always pushing to finalize Agenda 21.

The Committee of 300’s agenda is for a one-world government controlled by their own religion/church and their own monetary system. To achieve their goals for the world-wide depopulation of “useless eaters,” they employ the use of chemtrails, HAARP, GMOs, trans-humanism, vaccines and more. Their intent is the total destruction and dismantling of our present socio-economic structures to be replaced by their own programs and the destruction of mankind as we know it. The Ambassador keeps mighty important friends it seems, but they are not our friends for sure.

They sit atop the pyramid and work at every angle to achieve their ends, even programs to lull the masses by promising them everything for nothing. But in reality what they promise is death and enslavement. In fact, an early death for all but 500 million on the planet.
“Useless eaters” we are called when in fact there is plenty of food for everyone. The growing populace scares the Elite. The Cabal will not be able to handle it should the people turn on them and their murderous ways.

The promises from this Ambassador’s “magical pipe” lead followers to their demise in a most devious way – it leads them right back into accepting a reality that the top of the pyramid dictates (but not for all). A Western New World Order leads the people off the cliff. Take a look around — you cannot deny they’re already attempting to take us down.

While the concept of Nesara is enough to make some sing and dance, it now appears that the Ambassador’s general proposals are even better than Nesara’s. While Nesara only asked for support, his plans call for substantially more than that – follow us


The above insignia that the Ambassador has used as a logo for The Red Dragon family is  a picture taken from the internet representing the Chinese Year of the Dragon.
“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
So here we go down a “rabbit hole.”  In our due diligence to discover what’s behind the subterfuge of the Ambassador and the invention of his The Red Dragon Family, we did come across a rather noteworthy connection between Red Dragon and an entity referred to as the “Black Hen.” 
”The Grand Grimoire is a book of black magic that claims to have been written in 1522, but may have originated after the 18th century. It is considered to be the most evil and dangerous grimoire in existence. The text has a sinister purpose: the summoning of Lucifer or Lucifuge Rofocale (the demon in charge of the government of Hell) in order to make a Deal with the Devil. It also contains a hierarchy of infernal spirits. But in addition to the summoning of demons, it contains a large number of spells, formulas, and secrets.”
"The legend of the Red Dragon is that the manuscript was based on writings by the apocryphal Honorius of Thebes, who many claimed was possessed by Satan. The book is said to contain proof of demonic evocation and occult spells as well as detailing the process whereby newly elected popes slowly turn to the wisdom of Satan.”
”The 4-part book is owned by the Roman Catholic Church and is kept in the Vatican Secret Archives, where it is unavailable to the public. How do we know it exists? The Church claims official ownership of it.”

We draw upon logical deductions to point out this connection, however, at this time we don’t have the definitive proof that we would like. Despite this, one can easily see the connections between the Red Dragon and Western Black Nobility and when researched as Red Dragon, the Black Hen is always associated with it.

“The Black Hen” is the Black Nobility and symbolizes the entity that IS the top of the pyramid.  In the chart below, that would be the Italian Orsini family.

While the Ambassador maintains a cloak of secrecy around his persona, it is more likely that he is connected to this Italian family rather than any Chinese family.  Or is he tied into any family seeing the Chinese Societies consider the Red Dragon Society/Family renegades? 

Taken all together: he professes a bloodline lineage to the top of the pyramid, strong ties with the Committee of 300, his talk of families and their infrastructures, the Vatican being one of family’s arms, his association with M1 — the Ambassador is portraying himself as being at the top of the pyramid. 

If true, in turn, his connection to this “Black Hen” could be quite probable. But the question has to be asked, that if he can really “take what he wants”, why would a machination like the Red Dragon be necessary? Why are we going through these unnecessary wars and why did they ever allow it to begin, if he can just take what he wants?  The answer is obvious – he is always tied into the West and not the East. He wants us to follow him into the abyss. Will you follow him? 

If the Ambassador is not who he says he is, not the “alpha to omega,” then it may be a logical supposition that the Orsini family would have something to say to him about what he’s doing. If so then the Black Nobility will do our job for us.  This is a show we can sit back and watch for once. 

If he is posing as an elite, would this not draw consequences from those on high? If he is not tied into the Committee of 300, what would or could become of him? Is this why he hides his identity?

Neil Discusses the Ambassador and Marcos/M1 

How many times must we fall into our own weaknesses and follow a wolf in sheep’s clothing?  In my time we had Keith Scott, Removing The Shackles, Anthony Martin aka ASM ‘White Spiritual Boy’ then OPPT,  OITC, Swissindo and now this Red Dragon Ambassador, another ‘White Spiritual Boy’ – ASM – ASBLP nonsense. We have no more time to fight with impersonators any longer. Our time must be considered precious and used accordingly.

So who is the Ambassador? Firstly, he is not an Ambassador, just as Anthony Martin is not a King. There never has been a King in the Philippines, and in fact, Martin is on everyone’s watch list, as are his witnesses in most cases.

They are entwined together in their hunt to con the system.  They point towards the White Dragons and meetings that never took place, the use of the Black Nobilities’ logo, and falsified documents amongst many other things.  They tie in the Rothschilds’, Queen E, the Vatican and Pentagon, as well as the Black Nobility (Count Orsini).  They reach out to you and appeal to your needs but never intend on giving you one red cent.

If we keep acting like sheeple, we will never break away from the madness. But for some, they’re ready to jump right back into the fire.  We must get grounded and fight for what we want. There is no savior of this world. There may be many saviors, but not one. The Ambassador is is not one! 

Because it all sounds very familiar, my guess is that the Ambassador is Swissindo. How did we come to this conclusion?  Swissindo offered the same things to every nation on the face of the earth. The White Spiritual Boy (Anthony Santiago Martin – ASM) does the same. They are definitely tied into the Ambassador, and seeing they are one, look at Swissindo’s ties with OPPT (whoever is left of this group are still promoting this “movement”), and understand they brought in their favorite spokesperson Ron Van Dyke to rope everyone back in once again.

Ron seemed uneasy mentioning  Schmidts name during the last video, so one can only wonder what happened in Hong Kong seeing Ron was not included.  Ron says the Red Dragon Family brought him in because he is honest, however, Neil says they brought him in because he goes along with the plans as always, and they are all entwined in the same matters.

Did Ron knowingly participate in all this?  No, but he did start to once he learned the game (after Schmidt’s exposure). This is their problem, not ours, but desperate people do desperate things. 

A final point that is seldom mentioned is about Ferdinand Marcos, who made claims to being M1 and assigned his rights to the Accounts to Anthony Martin. Now how could Marcos do this when the rights would never be assignable?

I have seen the Marcos’ will and most likely I can dig it up upon my return to Indonesia. You will see no mention of Anthony Martin. As a matter of fact, I will make that effort to show it to you. 

Let’s dig a bit further so you can understand what actually happened at that time. Upon Marcos’ graduation from New York University Law School, he returned to his native Philippines. He had political dreams and also a family. To attain his political dreams and become President, he was told by Santa Romana that he would have to divorce his wife and walk away from his son, Luis Reyes.

One further catch to this was that he would have to marry Imelda.  Marcos became President and soon his family was torn apart.  After being elected President, he was “appointed” M1.  Who appointed him?  The creators of the financial system, the West.  So what happened to the East which deposited most of the assets into the Global Accounts? 

Not to their favor, the East just sat patiently and watched as their brother nations such as Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, etc. tightened all relations with the West — relations they had conspired as early as 1921 (maybe earlier). 

How did this help those countries? They rebuilt their nations using the Federal Reserve Notes they issued out before and during the war.  The Marshall Plan was nothing more than utilizing the bonds they issued out during the above period.  They played with the notes that actually belonged to the East and had no business being in the Western hands.

So let’s get to a main point: Indonesian President Soekarno was elected M1. Marcos was appointed, and anyone who ever sat in the position of M1 since Soekarno has been illegally appointed. 

So how could it be possible for Marcos to leave the appointment of the M1 title to Anthony Martin when they did not even own the assets/deposits, yet intended these for the sole use by the West? 

That time has come and gone.  Now not just corporations will have access to these funds but impoverished nations as well.  This time we will see humanitarian packages and projects and people walking once again with their heads up.  It has already started with a new Eastern financial system being established. It was Neil who screamed for this system more than two years ago and now it is an actually happening. The Monaco Accords started this movement which led to NAM and finally BRICS. All in the best interests of mankind.

But the fight is not over with yet!  We have to be ready when they break the walls down, and we must recognize who our enemy is. They will not go without a fight as some say. And the fight is not with our fellow brothers! 

There is not much more to say other than that I have heard of and known people in every Dragon Family in Asia, including the head of Plum Blossom, but I have never heard of the Red Dragon Family. They may have been a secret society from the past, brought to life by individuals who just wish to use that name for their own purposes but in fact have nothing to do with them. 

Who is the Ambassador? No one we should be concerned about.  If he almost got ya, now you have to move on. Stop dancing to music you do not recognize. And remember no one goes scot-free, everyone pays the piper…so be careful what you ask for!

You have to ask why would they want to help us? Remember only 500 Million people are to remain alive.  Are you going to live locked in slavery until you’re wiped off the planet? 

We will endure and thrive without them and any who are like them. We’ll keep the trash out of our house from here on in, and gather our strength. They’re trying to kill us, and this is war! 

We know what their plans are. We must institute our “Agenda 22″ first, and extinguish their Agenda 21.  And if we do not have an Agenda 22, we need to get one fast.


Personal Thanks from Neil: 

I want to take this opportunity to thank Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcock, Sterling Seagrave, Stanley, Rich, Attorney Bill Mulligan, Michael Henry Dunn, Inchul, Michael Calhoun, Rob, Chris, Lorraine, Richard, Shirley and thanks to Keith Scott for sharing so much knowledge. Thanks also to Drake, Thomas and all of Cosmic Voice.

It also can’t go without saying thanks to Bonsu Soekarno (so much knowledge and understanding in one amazing man), Dr. Eddie Seno Soekanto (a wonderful and witty man who can recite the history of all global matters off the top of this head), the head of the Soekarno Trust, the Prince, Arief, Nakarene, and many others including generals and politicians. Thank you Sultans and Elders for putting up with me, and most especially Count Albert for being there always with Family support when I need it. And I am speaking of the real Dragon Family, the one that blows fire not just hot air. 

And as always, many thanks to Nelu and Jo, the Keenan Team and our newest teammate Mark. 

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. 

If I have forgotten anyone, please forgive me. You know who you are and don’t worry, you will be remembered in the movie… hahaha…. Neil 

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