Wednesday, January 28, 2015

INTEL Update by David Wilcock - "entire solar system on lockdown...quarantined"

David Wilcock Update via Fulford Blog - January 26, 2014
Got in early this time. Now I have to read it.
There are TONS of things going on right now suggesting massive and positive changes this year. I will be interested to see how many of them Ben has here.
- David
Comment by dwilcock on January 27, 2015 @ 1:38 am
This is a good summary of what is going on in the physical sense. In the greater sense of the community and environment around us, there have been decisive and astonishing moves made. No one in the Cabal expected this. Even with their tech that lets them see into potential futures, this one wasn’t there.
Some of the events that are now happening were foreseen, but not for another year. Everything has sped up dramatically. The Cabal does believe, and has been taught, that they must experience a full disclosure and apparent defeat. Only then will their Gods appear to rescue them and fulfill their prophecies.
Yet, what we are now seeing is that the entire solar system has been put on lockdown. Everyone is quarantined. No one can get in, no one can get out, and no communications can get in or out either. This may not be a big deal for a hyper-advanced civilization, but it has been a game changer.
Furthermore, in just the last 3 weeks, virtually ALL offensive weapon capabilities, including the most secret ones, have been taken offline and / or destroyed. This includes secret SDI stuff, nukes, you name it.
This is coming from several new insider sources that have appeared and proven to be highly reliable. The Cabal obviously sees this as a tremendous mess and a terrible threat. My take on it, as well as everyone else’s, is that this is a precursor to major events happening on earth.
It would have been impossible to expose and defeat the Cabal without these things happening, as they would have tried to take everyone out with them. The stakes are very high and I will piss people off just by mentioning this as vaguely as I am now. Let’s just say it is a vastly complex and amazing story, and people within this world have had their minds completely blown.
So things are looking very, very interesting.
- David
Comment by dwilcock on January 27, 2015 @ 1:50 am
The other thing I should say about the “lockdown” is that any Cabal members trying to get out of here, such as by ship, are actually being shot down. There have been a variety of reports of strange meteors and atmospheric phenomena and the clean-up crews have been very busy.
I know it sounds like sci-fi. I wish you could read my mind but I have strong reservations about saying too much right now. There are several things I find extremely exciting. Let’s just say the Snowden “documents” are vastly, vastly deeper than anything we have seen so far. He got EVERYTHING.
Why the rest hasn’t been revealed yet, no one knows, other than that it appears the alliance has a sequential process in mind.
- David
Comment by dwilcock on January 27, 2015 @ 2:03 am
The Cabal symbolism of the phoenix is a calling card for them, in part because their religion stipulates that they have to be defeated. They die in physical form but their agenda lives on. So they believe.
I can say that everyone in middle and upper levels of the “Illuminati” who know about what is going right now are extremely concerned. Actually terrified, like never before.
I do not want to see harm come to these people and therefore I’m not gloating about this. I will say that if high level people are executed, they will very likely remain extremely defiant and macho right up to the moment they hang, just like we saw with Saddam.
We do know that the Nazis won in the space program sense, and early along, as in early 20th century, they cut a deal with the Dracos — i.e. the Reptilians and the various civilizations like them that they conquered — for protection. The people “in the know” have now said that the defeat of the reptilians is a CERTAINTY. There are many still trapped in our solar system, but they can’t get out, their allies can’t get in, and they have no communications. Thus they are extremely fearful.
I have been absorbing new insider info at a faster speed and greater volume than ever in my life lately. There is so much it is beyond my ability to even begin to summarize all of it right now. I have just shared some of the most interesting and most significant bits for our immediate present.
- David
Comment by dwilcock on January 27, 2015 @ 2:09 am
“Interesting” barely covers it.
In order for the ETs who are doing this to have accomplished this, it was required for them to have constructed a completely alternate parallel reality that people were living and working in, and that appeared to be our real future.
I told people at the highest levels that this was what was going on. I was told it was “impossible” and no one believed me. Yet now, events they expected in 2016-2017, as in “Grand Culmination” type stuff, are happening RIGHT NOW.
Life has gotten VERY interesting lately. I had literally twelve hours of insider conversation in a row as of Friday alone.
- David
Comment by dwilcock on January 27, 2015 @ 2:15 am
Ascension with Mother Earth and Current State of Affairs: David Wilcock Update via Fulford Blog - January 26, 2014

EXPLOSIVE Breaking News: The Jap Ponzi Scheme is Now a Pyramid Scheme

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Protect and defend   YOUR   Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States

Wednesday   January 28, 2015

The Jap Ponzi Scheme is Now a Pyramid Scheme

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported after the collapse of the U.S. stock market today, tonight the Japanese stock market aka the Nikkei Dow futures are unbelievably trading at a 800 point premium over the U.S. Dow futures (17,800 versus 17,000).
Question:  With Japan in a massive depression thanks to the ass backwards financial policies of the Central Bank of Japan, how is this happening?
Answer:  The corrupt TREASONOUS privately-owned U.S. Federal Reserve, along with the Bank of New York Mellon are still actively writing bogus derivatives that are designed to give the Central Bank of Japan alleged collateral to support both U.S. and Japanese equities.
The Central Bank of Japan, which is now guilty of HIGH Treason versus the American People and their bank savings deposits are being directly assisted in this 'Pyramid Scheme' by the NAZI Paperclip NSA-Israeli Mossad-Adamus Group.
Note:  The wheeler and dealer in all of this is none other than now totally discredited NAZI Paperclip stooge HIGH TREASON TRAITOR Ambassador Leo Wanta (202) 379-2904.
P.S.  Wanta specializes in bank guarantees letters of credit between banks that have no real liquidity creating fraudulent statements that are designed to create an illusion of a stable bank or corporation when, in truth, they are all broke.
In conclusion, it should now be clear that the entire world financial structure hinges on a 'Pyramid Scheme' tied to the now totally exposed Central Bank of Japan.

As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and
Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000 DULY ELECTED,
non-inaugurated,  natural born  REAL President of the United States.
Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law

NWO Website Exposes Official List of Companies Involved & Possible Cataclysmic Events for 2015 [VIDEO]

Sourced from Before It's News. Reader discernment advised.
NWO Website Exposes Official List of Companies Involved & Possible Cataclysmic Events for 2015
Jan 28, 2015
Facebook, Google, Microsoft Intwined! You Won't Believe What They Planned! Plus NWO List of Possible Cataclysmic Events for 2015! Here is the link that goes with the video

Govt tells agents to ID which immigrants not to deport

Govt tells agents to ID which immigrants not to deport

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration has ordered immigration agents to ask immigrants they encounter living in the country illegally whether they might qualify under President Barack Obama's plans to avoid deporting them, according to internal training materials obtained by The Associated Press.
Agents also have been told to review government files to identify any jailed immigrants they might be able to release under the program.
The directives from the Homeland Security Department mark an unusual change for U.S. immigration enforcement, placing the obligation on the government for identifying immigrants who might qualify for lenient treatment. Previously, it was the responsibility of immigrants or their lawyers to assert that they might qualify under rules that could keep them out of jail and inside the United States.
It's akin to the Internal Revenue Service calling taxpayers to recommend they should have used certain exemptions or deductions.
(AP) In this Nov. 20, 2014, file photo, Rosa Lozano, of Washington, left,...
Full Image
The training materials apply to agents for Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They instruct agents "to immediately begin identifying persons in their custody, as well as newly encountered persons" who may be eligible for protection from deportation.
One training document includes scenarios describing encounters between agents and immigrants with guidance about how agents should proceed, with a checklist of questions to determine whether immigrants might qualify under the president's plans. ICE officials earlier began releasing immigrants who qualified for leniency from federal immigration jails.
Obama in November announced a program to allow roughly 4 million parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents to apply for permission to stay in the country for up to three years and get a work permit. The program mirrors one announced in 2012 that provides protection from deportation for young immigrants brought to the country as children.
A spokesman for Customs and Border Protection, Carlos Diaz, said immigrants caught crossing the border illegally remain a top priority for the agency. The training documents for border agents, he said, "provide clear guidance on immigration enforcement operations so that both time and resources are allocated appropriately."
Crystal Williams, executive director for the American Immigration Lawyers Association in Washington, said the training will help filter people the government said should not be a priority anyway. She said the training marked the first she has heard of officers being directed to screen immigrants for potential leniency before they were arrested.
"Just because it's a change doesn't mean it's anything particularly radical," Williams said.
Rep. Luis Gutierrez, an Illinois Democrat and vocal supporter of Obama's immigration plans, said having CBP officers screen immigrants out of the deportation line lets the government "move criminals and recent arrivals to the front of the deportation line. The emphasis now is on who should be deported first, not just who can be deported."
A former deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department, John Malcolm, said the new instructions limit immigration agents.
"Agents are being discouraged away from anything other than a cursory view" of an immigrant's status and qualification for leniency, said Malcolm, who works as a senior legal fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank in Washington.
Under Obama's plans, the government is focused on deporting immigrants with serious criminal records or who otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety. For the most part, under the new policy, immigrants whose only offense is being in the country without permission aren't supposed to be a priority for immigration officers.
While the administration has estimated that as many as 4 million people will be eligible for protection from deportation, the Congressional Budget Office estimated about 2 million to 2.5 million immigrants are expected to be approved for the program by 2017. As many as 1.7 million young immigrants were estimated to be eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, but since its 2012 creation only about 610,000 people have successfully signed up.

Video: Here's What They Fear....Americans Uniting Against The 1% Are Slowly But Surely Waking Up..Everywhere


Marine’s Response to Critics of ‘American Sniper’ is 1,851 Words. It’s Worth It to Read Each One!

5 Things You’re Not Being Told About Fukushima

 28th January 2015
By Dr. Edward F. Group
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
In March 2011, a massive earthquake and an ensuing tsunami triggered the meltdown of three nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant. Almost 4 years later we’re still seeing repercussions of the disaster, and the effects will likely continue for decades. This disaster is contributing to untold health concerns and environmental damage.


Five Things You Should Know About Fukushima

While you may have heard information about Fukushima in the news, there are some stories the mainstream media isn’t covering. Let’s dive into 5 things you’re not being told about the Fukushima situation.

1. Two Trillion Becquerels of Radioactive Material Escaped Reactor 1

A recent report from the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) says 2 trillion becquerels of radiation may have flowed into the Fukushima power plant bay in a short amount of time. From August 2013 to May 2014, documents estimate that the No. 1 reactor leaked more than 10 times the limit of radioactive material TEPCO set before the meltdown. [1] That’s a lot of radiation drifting out into the Pacific Ocean!

2. US West Coast Will Experience Peak Radiation in 2015

Scientific reports suggest levels of Cesium-137 will peak in water supplies on the US West Coast and in Canada by the end of this year. [2] Cesium-137 is a radioactive isotope that presents a strong danger to human health. After drinking contaminated water, your body’s tissues can be exposed to low levels of gamma and beta radiation which could increase your risk for certain types of cancer. [3]

3. Thyroid Cancer is Spreading in Japan

Radiation in water is just one concern; thyroid cancer, often linked to radiation exposure, is on the rise among youth in the Fukushima Prefecture. Local government officials want to downplay a connection to radiation from the triple meltdown and these new cases of cancer. While it’s still too soon to determine an actual cause, experts agree that the rate of incidence is disturbingly high. [4]

4. Japan is Planning to Build More Nuclear Plants

After the natural disasters that led to the Fukushima meltdown, all of Japan’s nuclear reactors were suspended. In 2012, the Japanese government created a regulatory agency to restore public confidence in nuclear power. Recently, the agency approved the reopening of 2 of Japan’s 48 reactors. [5] There are many that believe the safety certification of the two reactors at Sendai Power Plant was pushed by the current government. The current prime minister is unashamedly pro-nuclear and wants to reopen and build more reactors. But, in an earthquake-prone country, is this really the best idea?

5. Experts Can’t Agree on the Health Dangers

With a pro-nuclear government in power, Japan is seeing something similar to what happened in Ukraine after Chernobyl. Nuclear authorities tend to deny the negative results reported by researchers in an attempt to further their goals; in this case, a return to nuclear power. [6] Many scientists are rather miffed with a watered-down UN report that came out in late 2013. [7] They argue it ignored negative scientific studies and lacked documentation for certain claims, leaving some worried that authorities won’t acknowledge the radiation threat until it’s too late. [8]

Fukushima is a Bad Situation

The Fukushima disaster has left us a terrible legacy we can’t give back. Unfortunately, the Japanese—especially those in the Fukushima Prefecture—can’t even drink their sorrows away. The sake brewers there are finding no one wants to buy their products due to reports of contaminated rice and water.

What do you think about the Fukushima disaster? Please tell us your thoughts and/or concerns in the comments.
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM
Article References
  1. The Japan Times. Two trillion becquerels of radioactive material may have escaped No. 1. The Japan Times.
  2. Smith, J. et al. Arrival of the Fukushima radioactivity plume in North American continental waters. Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Science.
  3. Davies, L. Increasing Incidence of Thyroid Cancer in the United States, 1973-2002.The Journal of the American Medical Association. 295 (18).
  4. Radiation Medical Science Center for the Fukushima Health Management Survey.Proceedings of the 17th Prefectural Oversight Committee Meeting for Fukushima Health Management Survey. Fukushima Radiation and Health.
  5. Fackler, M. Three Years After Fukushima, Japan Approves a Nuclear Plant. The New York Times.
  6. Boyd, J. Experts clash on Fukushima radiation effects. Aljazeera.
  7. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. UNSCEAR 2013 Report. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation.
  8. Imanaka, Tetsuji. Current Topics about the Radiological Consequences by the Chernobyl Accident. Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University .
  9. Balfour, B. The woes of Fukushima’s sake brewers. BBC News.



by ROBERT WILDE28 Jan 2015Gardena, CA184

For months now families are complaining about black and smelly water pouring from their faucets, toilets, and showers in a Southern California community just south of Los Angeles.

“We don’t want to drink our water, because our water is black,” said Emy Sebastian, a citizen of Gardena California. “My daughter says, ‘Mommy the water is black and it stinks. Why does the water stink?’ She doesn’t want to wash her clothes.”
The phenomenon has been going on too long for residents and they don’t feel that enough is being done to correct the situation. Diane Morita, disgusted by the smell, told NBC4 SouthernCalifornia, that the water “has an odor of rotten eggs or sewer smell. I’m concerned because it’s getting worse, if it’s even safe.”
Morita explained that she has been told by Golden State Water Company, the utility that services Gardena, that the water is safe to drink. Yet, she said that she doesn’t know anyone who will drink it. The utility has told NBC4 that that they are investigating the situation and insist that the black water is an isolated occurrence.
Kate Nutting, general manager for Golden State said that “the water is clear right now we will continue to investigate to determine what caused it last Wednesday, what has caused it in the past so that we can prevent it from happening again.”
Residents complain that the putrid water costs them extra money because they have to stock up on bottled water and replace grimy water heater filters contaminated by the sludge. One person said that a Golden State official told her he would credit her account $10 for the expense. She says it’s not enough.

Have we reached 'peak food'? Shortages loom as global production rates slow

Have we reached 'peak food'? Shortages loom as global production rates slow

Staples such as wheat, chicken and rice are slowing in growth – with dire consequences
The world has entered an era of “peak food” production with an array of staples from corn and rice to wheat and chicken slowing in growth – with potentially disastrous consequences for feeding the planet.
New research finds that the supply of 21 staples, such as eggs, meat, vegetables and soybeans is already beginning to run out of momentum, while the global population continues to soar.
Peak chicken was in 2006, while milk and wheat both peaked in 2004 and rice peaked way back in 1988, according to new research from Yale University, Michigan State University and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Germany.
What makes the report particularly alarming is that so many crucial sources of food have peaked in a relatively short period of history, the researchers said.
“People often talk of substitution. If we run out of one substance we just substitute another. But if multiple resources are running out, we’ve got a problem. Mankind needs to accept that renewable raw materials are reaching their yield limits worldwide,” said Jianguo “Jack” Liu, of Michigan State University.
“This is a strong reason for integration ... rather than searching for a one-for-one substitution to offset shortages,” he added.

Peak production refers to the point at which the growth in a crop, animal or other food source begins to slow down, rather than the point at which production actually declines. However, it is regarded as a key signal that the momentum is being lost and it is typically only a matter of time before production plateaus and, in some cases, begins to fall – although it is unclear how long the process could take.
“Just nine or 10 plants species feed the world. But we found there’s a peak for all these resources. Even renewable resources won’t last forever,” said Ralf Seppelt, of the Helmholtz Centre.
The research, published in the journal Ecology and Society, finds that 16 of the 21 foods examined reached peak production between 1988 and 2008.
This synchronisation of peak years is all the more worrying because it suggests the whole food system is becoming overwhelmed, making it extremely difficult to resurrect the fortunes of any one foodstuff, let alone all of them, the report suggested.
The simultaneous peaking of the world’s basic foodstuffs is largely down to the competing demands of a mushrooming population, which is putting ever-greater strain on the land for housing, agriculture, business and infrastructure. At the same time, producing more of any one staple requires the use of extra land and water, which increases their scarcity and makes it harder to increase food production in the future.
Finally, increases in production tend to push up pollution, which exacerbates shortages of resources and slows the growth in output.
The simultaneous peaking of crops and livestock comes against a backdrop of a growing population, which is expected to reach nine billion by 2050, requiring the world to produce twice as much food by then as it does now, according to a separate study by the California Academy of Sciences. The problems caused by the growing population have been compounded by the growth of wealthy middle-class populations in countries such as China and India which are demanding a meatier diet. This is problematic because meat and dairy use up a lot more resources than if a comparable level of nutrition were provided by crops, grown direct for human consumption.
“That trajectory [of needing to double food production] is not a given but more of a warning. It means we have to change how we eat and use food,” said Jonathan Foley, the director of the California Academy of Sciences.
While the peak production study suggests a doubling of food output could well be impossible, Dr Foley points out that, since 30 to 40 per cent of the food grown globally for human consumption never gets eaten, eliminating waste would go a long way to feeding the growing population.
Among the basic foodstuffs examined, only the relatively undeveloped farmed fish – or aquaculture – industry has yet to reach peak production.



Associated Press   by ERICA WERNER and ERIC TUCKER 42 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Challenged by Republicans, Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch on Wednesday defended President Barack Obama's decision to shelter millions of immigrants from deportation though they live in the country illegally. But she said they have no right to citizenship under the law.

She told her Senate confirmation hearing that under the administration's policy, the Department of Homeland Security focuses its efforts on the removal of "the most dangerous of the undocumented immigrants among us." That emphasis, she said, "seems to be a reasonable way to marshal limited resources to deal with the problem" of illegal immigration.

On another controversial topic, Lynch, the top federal prosecutor for parts of New York City and Long Island, said that current National Security Agency intelligence-gathering programs are "constitutional and effective." She said she hopes Congress will renew three expiring provisions in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act which allows the FBI to obtain search warrants and communications intercepts in intelligence cases.

Lynch made her remarks at a generally cordial Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, a likely prelude to her swift approval as the nation's first black female attorney general. The event was the first confirmation proceeding for any of President Barack Obama's nominees since Republicans took control of the Senate this month.

Lynch, a daughter of the segregated South, was accompanied at the hearing by about 30 family members and friends. Among them were her father, who is a retired minister, her husband and several members of her college sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, wearing their trademark red.

Settling into the witness chair for what promised to be a long day of questioning, Lynch promised a fresh relationship with law enforcement and Congress."I pledge to all of you and to the American people that I will fulfill my responsibilities with integrity and independence," she told a panel led by Republicans who say Attorney General Eric Holder has been too willing to follow President Barack Obama's political agenda.

"You're not Eric Holder, are you?" said Texas Republican John Cornyn, one of the current attorney general's most persistent critics.

"No, I'm not, Sir," she responded with a smile.

Sen. Charles Grassley, the Iowa Republican and committee chairman, made a similar point in the opening moments of the hearing. He said the department is "deeply politicized. But that's what happens when the attorney general of the United States views himself, in his own words, as the president's 'wingman."

Grassley asked first about immigration, and he said the president's actions amounted to rewriting the law rather than enforcing it.

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., returned to the subject and asked Lynch if a person who entered the country illegally would have a civil right to citizenship, a claim he said Holder has asserted.

She said that for someone not born in the country, citizenship is a privilege to be earned, and that for immigrants entering the country illegally it is not part of a "panoply of civil rights" guaranteed by the Constitution.

Lynch, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, is widely expected to win confirmation easily, if only because Republicans are so eager for Holder's tenure to end. He has been a lightning rod for conservative criticism, clashing with Republicans and becoming the first sitting attorney general held in contempt of Congress.

In testimony delivered before she was questioned, Lynch said that if confirmed she would focus on combatting terrorism and cybercrime and would protect the vulnerable from criminal predators.

And she was at pains to promise what Republican critics demanded in advance.

"I look forward to fostering a new and improved relationship with this committee, the United States Senate and the entire United States Congress, a relationship based on mutual respect and constitutional balance," she said.

Holder also battled the perception from critics that he aligned himself more with protesters of police violence than with members of law enforcement, a charge he and the Justice Department have strongly denied — but one that resonated in the aftermath of high-profile deaths of black men at the hands of white police officers.

In her prepared testimony, Lynch promised a fresh start in that relationship, too.

"Few things have pained me more than the recent reports of tension and division between law enforcement and the communities we serve," Lynch said, pledging to "work to strengthen the vital relationships" if confirmed.

Lynch's hearing comes amid a nationwide spotlight on police tactics in the wake of deaths of black men at the hands of white police officers, as well as the slaying last month of two officers in New York City. It's an issue Lynch, 55, is deeply familiar with.

Lynch helped prosecute the New York City police officers who severely beat and sexually assaulted Haitian immigrant Abner Louima in 1997. Her office in New York is currently leading a civil rights investigation into the police chokehold death of Eric Garner in Staten Island last summer.

Lynch has been the top prosecutor since 2010 for a district that includes Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and Long Island, a role she also held from 1999 to 2001.