Thursday, January 29, 2015

Also known as The Brain Drain, The Killer Biscuits, Killer Biscuits Wanted for Attempted Murder.....

Also known as The Brain Drain, The Killer Biscuits, Killer Biscuits Wanted for Attempted Murder.....

As told by reader Vanessa Berger:
There was a sweet older lady who would often do grocery shopping for the infirm and elderly in her church. One hot, summer day a lady asked her to pick up a few things and bring them by her house in a dangerous part of Baltimore City. The sweet old lady was wary but felt that she couldn't say no, even though she was terrified of driving in the part of the city that often had shoot-outs and other drug violence. Anyway, the woman went on her way, picked up the groceries and proceeded to the lady's house.
As she entered the lady's neighborhood she noticed young hoodlums gathering on every street corner. Although she had no air conditioning in the car, she rolled the windows up tightly (as a safety precaution) and suffered in the 90+ degree heat.
She drove ahead until suddenly she heard a loud "POP!" and felt a jolt to the back of her head. She reached to feel the back of her head and came back with a wet oozing mess that she was sure was part of her brain! Knowing that she had been shot, the woman turned around and raced to a local hospital.
Somehow she made it to the emergency room and had the strength to walk right in. She told the attendant that she had been shot. Immediately she was rushed back to an exam room. Doctors whirled around and asked where she had been shot (since they saw no blood.) She said "my head," and the doctors found a mass of the oozing white substance the woman had first noticed.
Upon inspection the doctors realized that the white substance wasn't part of her brain but was instead a lump of biscuit dough (the kind in a can) that had exploded from the heat of her car! 


Air Force probing alleged 'treason' remark by general

Air Force investigating alleged 'treason' remark by general at key air combat command

Associated Press
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh III testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015 

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Air Force is investigating allegations that the No. 2 commander at its prestigious Air Combat Command told lower-ranking officers that talking to members of Congress about the capabilities of the A-10 attack aircraft is tantamount to treason.

The alleged comment by Maj. Gen. James Post has stirred concern in Congress about the Air Force muzzling officers in violation of their legal rights.

"This is very serious, to accuse people of treason for communicating with Congress," Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-New Hampshire, told Gen. Mark Welsh, the Air Force chief of staff, who testified Wednesday before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Post is reported to have told Air Force officers attending a recent weapons and tactics conference in Nevada that it is their duty to support the service's budget priorities by refraining from offering opinions inconsistent with those priorities. Air Force leaders have proposed retiring the A-10 fleet but Congress has refused, and some inside the Air Force have sided with Congress.

Post's alleged comments were first reported by Tony Carr, a retired Air Force officer who writes a blog called "John Q. Public." Carr said he learned of Post's comments from a number of officers who were in the audience at the time Post spoke.

Carr said Post prefaced his remark in the closed-door conference by saying, "If anyone accuses me of saying this, I will deny it." He then said, "Anyone who is passing information to Congress about A-10 capabilities is committing treason."

"These comments can be seen as nothing less than an attempt to intimidate subordinates into refraining from exercising their rights to free expression and civic participation," Carr wrote.
The Air Force has not disputed that Post made the comment as reported.

"We are aware of the concerns surrounding the alleged remarks made by General Post. We take this matter very seriously and are fully cooperating with the Secretary of the Air Force Inspector General's investigation," said Capt. Andrew Schrag, a spokesman for Air Combat Command, which is in charge of the service's combat aircraft.

Another Air Force spokesman, Maj. Colin Hughes, said the Air Force investigation began Jan. 22.

In his remarks Wednesday, Welsh said the Defense Department is overseeing an investigation of the matter by the Air Force inspector general, and said he had personally intervened by calling Post after seeing a news report about his alleged comment.

Pressed on the matter by Ayotte, Welsh said he found it "not at all" acceptable for a general to make such a comment.

"I support any airman's right to discuss anything that you would like to discuss with them and to give you their honest opinion," Welsh said. "In this particular (Post) case, with the investigation ongoing, my job is to wait until the facts are known" and then make recommendations to his civilian superiors.

"It worries me about the climate and the tone that set if members — airmen, airwomen — are told that they would be committing treason for communicating with us," Ayotte said.
Ayotte said she was concerned that the Air Force is quietly trying to find out which officers talked to Congress about the A-10.

Welsh said he was unaware of any such internal investigation. "I would be astonished by that," he said, adding, "I would not condone it." 




by Brother Nathanel  

Full Spectrum Dominance of Earth

The Liberty Brothers talk with Engineer Billy Hayes & Author Elana Freeland about HARRP, chemtrails and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth

September 2, 2014              
by Jason Van Tatenhove              
If you are like us, you notice that the skies we look up to no longer seem to be the skies we grew up with. From the crazy, never before seen weather happenings, to the constant Chemtrails and white-ish haze always on the horizon, there is no doubt that geo-engineering is very real and been in progress for quite some time now. After noticing a HAARP bubble on a weather radar last week, Jason set out to talk with some real experts about what is really happening in our skies around the world and uncovered a global plot that already has put bio-engineered nano-technology into all our bodies. This is an incredible interview that any living human should listen to.
Jason and Jim, of the Liberty Brothers Radio Show, talk with HAARP Engineer Billy Hayes, and Author Elana Freeland about her new book, Chemtrails, HAARP, and “The Full Spectrum Dominance” of Planet Earth. We talk about the history of HAARP up to the new generations of NexRad, Space Fence, and even talk about Morgellons Disease.





       By Brother Nathaniel



Five minutes of interviews .... absolutely jaw dropping!!!  Is the California? Is this the USA?  What is going on here? They don't have a clue!! Is this a sample of USA citizens?  Can you believe these people?!   No wonder our country is going down the tubes fast.



Published on Jan 26, 2015

Meet the Americans who want Obama to repeal the Bill of Rights in order to keep the country safe from terrorists. Political prankster Mark Dice asks Obama supporters if they would support Obama's plan to repeal the Bill of Rights to protect Americans from terrorists. *SUBSCRIBE* for more great videos! Click "Like" "Favorite" and sound off in the comments.

Mark Dice is a media analyst, author, and political activist who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives.

Mark's YouTube channel has received over 95 million views and his viral videos have been mentioned the Fox News Channel, CNN, the Drudge Report, TMZ, the New York Daily News, the Washington Times, and other media outlets around the world.

He has been featured on the History Channel's Decoded and America's Book of Secrets, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Secret Societies of Hollywood on E! Channel, America Declassified on the Travel Channel, and is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM, The Alex Jones Show, and more.

Mark Dice is the author of several popular books on secret societies and conspiracies, including The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction, Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True, The New World Order, Facts & Fiction, Inside the Illuminati, The Resistance Manifesto, and Illuminati in the Music Industry, which are all available in paperback on or e-book on Kindle, iBooks, Nook or Google Play.

While much of Mark's work confirms the existence and continued operation of the Illuminati today, he is also dedicated to debunking conspiracy theories and hoaxes and separating the facts from the fiction; hence the "Facts & Fiction" subtitle for several of his books. He has a bachelor's degree in communication from California State University.

He enjoys causing trouble for the New World Order, exposing corrupt scumbag politicians, and pointing out Big Brother's prying eyes. The term "fighting the New World Order" is used by Mark to describe some of his activities, and refers to his and others' resistance and opposition (The Resistance) to the overall system of political corruption, illegal wars, elite secret societies, mainstream media, Big Brother and privacy issues; as well as various economic and social issues. This Resistance involves self-improvement, self-sufficiency, personal responsibility and spiritual growth.

Be sure to subscribe to Mark's YouTube channel, checkout some of the previous videos and Playlists, and look him up on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Applying Pressure to the Pulpit

Applying Pressure to the Pulpit

In Montana, the Concerned Citizens of the Flathead are taking action to inform local Pastors of their true responsibility
November 9, 2014               by James White               Northwest Liberty News
    With the recent landslide victories nationwide by Republicans, there seems to be a renewed sense of optimism by many that now, finally, we are going to “straighten things out” and get back on track as a nation.  To others, the results were seen as a repudiation of Obama, and most everything he stands for.      
    Although strong cases could be made for both arguments, one needs to ask themselves if any politician, in any district, can really make a difference where it counts; in the hearts and minds of the America people.  With the approval rating of Congress hovering in the teens, I submit to you that one more bloviating politician, in a $3,000 suit, will have very limited impact on those hearts and minds.  In light of this, does the focus of our efforts need to be directed towards the same place that our forefathers focused their attention; the pulpit of their local church congregation, and in support of their Black-Robe Regiment pastor?
    Any student of American History, worth their salt, will be able to verify the fact that we would not likely have gained our victory of independence without the help from the "Colonial Pulpit."  On a routine basis, Colonial Pastors would rail against the Crown while educating their congregations on the principles of liberty and Natural Law.  Of course, the event that can be seen as the climax of the Colonial Pastor’s influence is the “shot heard around the world” on April 19, 1775 in Lexington, MA.  There, the congregation of Pastor Jonas Clark stood eye-to-eye with soldiers from the world’s most powerful military, and kicked off the battle for our nations independence.  No doubt, Colonial Pastors played a huge role in our battle against tyranny.  However, we have to ask where are today’s equivalent of the pastors of old?  And, why are today’s pastors seemingly so afraid to speak against the Federal Government; the modern-day version of the Crown?
    The exact origins of the intent to usurp the nation’s churches, while undermining the principles of Christianity, can be argued intelligently.  However, for many a point of common ground can be found in the Federal Council of Churches 1908 Agenda (2); which is ultimately a blueprint for Socialism under the guise of Christianity.  Notably, it was only 1 year later, in 1909, that C.I. Scofield released the “Scofield Bible.”  In it, Scofield perpetrated the “secret rapture” lie which has gained nationwide acceptance within Evangelical pulpits and congregations alike.  The message: Stand down and do not get involved, for Christ will return soon and take us away from all of this.  I have written about, and produced a video, regarding the “pre-tribulation rapture” that can be seen here. These two early 20th century events were certainly notable; however, if they were the stake, then the hammer that drove them into the heart of Christianity was the 1954 Johnson Amendment.
    Without debate, the Johnson Amendment was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1954 in an effort to restrict the free speech of non-profit, tax-exempt organizations, including churches.  The Johnson Amendment effectively silenced the pulpits under threat of IRS retaliation; a silence which is still mostly practiced today.  However, there is precedent that renders these threats immune (1) (2), and now, more than ever before, 501c3 churches are finding their backbone.  The direction in which things are moving is certainly positive, but the factor that will put the effort over the top will be, no doubt, the involvement of each member of a church’s congregation; and their respective drive to regain the foundations of Constitutional principles.  In Northwest Montana, that drive is well underway with the organization, Concerned Citizens of the Flathead.
    Concerned Citizens of the Flathead (CCF) is a grass-roots organization consisting mainly, but not exclusively, of individuals who attend patriot pastor, Chuck Baldwin’s Liberty Fellowship, in Kalispell, MT.  As a group, CCF has drafted a letter which was distributed to EVERY pastor in the Flathead Valley.  Accompanying the letter is well over 100 signatures from Flathead Valley residents who want to openly show pastors of 501c3 churches that they have community support if they decide to defy the unconstitutional practices perpetrated by the IRS.  Is this the answer to what ails us as a nation? I can't pretend to know.  However, the efforts by CCF are to be commended, and are long overdue.  You can see the letter, and all of the signatures, by clicking the link below.  As part of the overall packet sent out to pastors, I have included links to all remaining documentation, including some quotes from our Founders....

Raw Milk: Soon to be Legal in Montana?

Raw Milk: Soon to be Legal in Montana?

MOO, MOO......
MT Legislator, Nancy Ballance looks to break the chains of Raw Milk oppression
January 27, 2015               by James White               The Liberty Brothers Radio Show
Raw Milk is quite controversial, and, believe it or not, is illegal to buy and consume in some US States, including Montana. And, at times, “officials” who regulate Raw Milk go to great lengths to protect us from ourselves; including dumping perfectly good milk out on to the ground along with those oblong “pills of poison,” Free-Range eggs. How did civilization survive for thousands of years living on Raw Milk and Free-Range eggs? It’s a mystery to me.
The accusations of dumping Raw Milk and Free-Range eggs is not hyperbole, as evidenced by an
incident in Michigan, and reported by our good friend Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper. As coincidence would have it, a close friend of mine from Michigan was a customer of the Raw Milk vendor and had his Raw Milk dumped along with the rest. He came on The Liberty Brothers Radio Show to discuss his misfortune in an interview which can be heard here.
Montana Legislator,
Nancy Ballance (HD 87) is tired of feeling like a drug-dealer every time she wants to drink Raw Milk; and she is not alone. The realization that Raw Milk from grass-fed cows, when properly handled, is some of the healthiest, tastiest and most nutritional beverages one can consume is approaching mainstream realization.
In that vein, Nancy introduced
HB 245, which will revise laws regarding Raw Milk in Montana. So if Nancy’s bill is successful, it would look to eliminate that seedy underbelly of society who insist on illegally taking health into their own hands by using Raw Milk and Free-Range eggs. These are some of the same wing-nuts who think non-GMO, Organic food is healthy. The hearing on Raw Milk is tomorrow, and Nancy could use your support. Nancy joined us early this morning on The Liberty Brothers Radio Show for a taped interview explaining the Bill, and her reasons for its introduction.

click here for video..... 

Living Close To Trees Comes With A Number Of Health Benefits.....

Living Close To Trees Comes With A Number Of Health Benefits.....

Trees are one of nature’s many wonders. They’re beautiful to look at and can house animals and produce fruits that we enjoy; they also provide us with shade when we need it on those hot and hazy summer days. As if that weren’t enough, new research from the University of Exeter has concluded that being around trees makes us happier, functioning as a natural antidepressants.[1]
The study found that antidepressants were prescribed less frequently in areas in London which have more trees. To gain this information, researchers gathered data for antidepressant prescriptions across London in 2009-2010 and then compared that data with the numbers of street trees in the same area. They soon discovered that antidepressant prescriptions were significantly lower in areas which housed a higher concentration of trees.

How Do Tree’s Make Us Happier?

The idea that trees can have a positive influence over our mental state and wellbeing isn’t entirely new. As reports: “In Japan, people practise ‘forest bathing’, where they spend quiet time absorbing the wisdom of ancient forests, taking long walks among the trees to stimulate their immune system. In Taoism, students are encouraged to meditate among trees, and it is believed that the trees will absorb negative energies, replacing them with healthy ones. Trees are seen as a source of emotional and physical healing, and themselves as meditators, absorbing universal energies.”
To further study the reasoning behind these practices, Geoffrey Donovan looked at comparable death rates in areas where the emerald ash-borer decimated tree populations. He found that as more and more trees died, so too did deaths from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases increase. In other research, he discovered that areas with a higher density of trees actually had lower crime rates! While there could be other explanations behind these phenomena, of course, the suggestion that there is a correlation between our wellbeing and our interaction with trees is, nevertheless, quite interesting.
“Well my basic hypothesis was that trees improve people’s health. And if that’s true, then killing 100 million of them in 10 years should have an effect. So if we take away these 100 million trees, does the health of humans suffer? We found that it does,”  says Geoffrey Donovan.
Furthermore, the USDA’s Forest Service has also compiled research that shows people who live around trees are physically healthier: “About 850 lives are saved each year, the number of acute respiratory symptoms is lower by about 670,000 incidents each year, and the total health care savings attributed to pollution removal by trees is around $7 billion a year.”

Wealthier Areas Have More Trees

What’s even more interesting is the difference in tree coverage depending on the socioeconomic status of a given area. This was found by Tim de Chant at Per Square Mile who used Google Earth to examine various areas:
They found that for every 1 percent increase in per capita income, demand for forest cover increased by 1.76 percent. But when income dropped by the same amount, demand decreased by 1.26 percent. That’s a pretty tight correlation. The researchers reason that wealthier cities can afford more trees, both on private and public property. The well-to-do can afford larger lots, which in turn can support more trees.
Comparison of tree coverage in a lower income area (top) and a higher income area (bottom). Source: Google Earth
Comparison of tree coverage in a lower income area (top) and a higher income area (bottom). Source: Google Earth
We do know, given all the research, that people who live near areas densely populated by trees tend to live healthier, richer and happier lives, but is this because of the trees entirely? Perhaps not, but again with so many correlations pointing to the case, a simple and research degrading argument like “correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation” doesn’t suffice. We have something pretty interesting here that could really contribute to quality of life – with no negative repercussions.

What Can We Take From This?

Trees are important! There’s no denying the therapeutic value that comes from spending time outside and enjoying nature. We’ve all experienced it at one time or another and don’t need a study to tell us that. Sure it helps to have these feelings grounded in hard science, but some things we just know and feel to be true. Sometimes it’s science that needs to do the catching up.
I believe this illustrates the importance of maintaining green areas in urban spaces as much as possible, and green does not mean grass and bushes – we need more! Larger pockets of trees and accessible areas where we can connect with nature, right inside the city, would do a world of good.
We need to challenge neighbourhoods and builders to maintain as much green space as possible when building new developments. We’ve come to accept the idea that we should cram as many houses into one area as possible, but this is only helping to degrade our quality of life.
For a few ideas on what you can start doing to bring more LIFE into your day check these out:
1. Bring plants into your office space or where you work.
2. When going for walks, choose paths where you will be walking through parks or nature with trees.
3. Bring your friends and family to treed areas more often when you go outside or play with the kids.
4. Plant a garden and be amongst nature. You connect with your food and with the earth.
5. Plant a tree in your own yard, or even in an area you feel could use a tree!
6. Make time to go be amongst trees daily or every other day. Don’t be afraid to jump right in and hug the tree!

Joe Martino

CDC’s Own Data: Vaccine-Infant Death Link......

CDC’s Own Data: Vaccine-Infant Death Link......

The CDC’s own research has found that the long denied vaccine-SIDS link is real.
If you believe the official pronouncements of top governmental health agencies like the CDC and FDA, all the vaccines in the present day schedule are a priori safe and effective.
Not only are you told that they can’t harm you, but that not taking them can kill you.
Parents are under even more pressure. They are told that refraining from vaccinating their infants or children will greatly increase their risk of dying or being disabled. Worse, they are increasingly labeled as ‘crazy’ and ‘irresponsible’ anti-vaccine zealots who are putting the lives of others in danger.
But what happens when the actual evidence from the scientific and clinical literature produced by these very agencies contradicts their own vaccine policies?
This is exactly what has happened with the publication of a new study in the Journal of Pediatrics titled,”Adverse Events following Haemophilus influenzae Type b Vaccines in the Vaccine Adverse Event ReportingSystem, 1990-2013,” wherein CDC and FDA researchers identify 749 deaths linked to the administration of the Hib vaccine, 51% of which were sudden infant death linked to the administration of Hib vaccine.
The CDC has boldly denied that there is any evidence supporting a causal link between vaccines and infant death, despite the fact that their own webpage on the topic acknowledges that “From 2 to 4 months old, babies begin their primary course of vaccinations. This is also the peak age for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).” Written off as coincidence, the CDC suggests that stomach sleeping is the primary modifiable risk factor.
Because SIDS is the 3rd leading cause of death in infants, and because the U.S. has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the developed world, one would think that more progress would have been made toward understanding its causes. Perhaps, as explored in this past article, the signal of harm is being ignored. Neglect and suppression of available data has recently been exposed with the confession of a top CDC vaccine scientist who was compelled to covered up data revealing an autism-MMR link in African-American boys.
In the new study, the CDC and FDA researchers themselves acknowledge “the scarcity” of postlicensure safety data on HiB vaccines in today’s vaccination schedule. They evaluated reports involving the currently licensed Hib vaccines received from January 1, 1990, through December 1, 2013 available on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
Presently, the CDC recommends 4 doses of the HiB vaccine at the following ages: 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 12 months through 15 months.
The HiB vaccine is described on the CDC website as “very safe” and “effective” at preventing HiB disease, which it states can be deadly. They list “most common side effects as usually mild and last 2 or 3 days,” including “redness, swelling, and warmth where the child got the shot” and “fever”. Nowhere is there listed death or disability as a possible side effect.
In stark contrast to these statements the study uncovered the following highly concerning results:

VAERS received 29,747 reports after Hib vaccines; 5179 (17%) were serious, including 896 reports of deaths. Median age was 6 months (range 0-10.22 months). Sudden infant death syndrome was the stated cause of death in 384 (51%) of 749 death reports with autopsy/death certificate records. The most common nondeath serious AE categories were neurologic (80; 37%), other noninfectious (46; 22%) (comprising mainly constitutional signs and symptoms); and gastrointestinal (39; 18%) conditions. No new safety concerns were identified after clinical review of reports of AEs that exceeded the data mining statistical threshold.
Consider also that VAERS is a passive surveillance system, which suffers from profound underreporting. According to the VAERS site’s own disclaimer:
“Underreporting” is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. The degree of underreporting varies widely. As an example, a great many of the millions of vaccinations administered each year by injection cause soreness, but relatively few of these episodes lead to a VAERS report.
According to Barbara Loe Fisher, founder of the National Vaccination Information Center, underreporting may result in overlooking 99% or higher of all vaccine associated injuries:
“Former FDA Commissioner David Kessler estimated in a 1993 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association that fewer than 1 percent of all doctors report injuries and deaths following the administration of prescription drugs. This estimate may be even lower for vaccines. In one survey that our organization conducted in New York in 1994, only 1 doctor in 40 reported to VAERS.”
Considering the influence of underreporting, these deaths represent only the tip of the iceberg of vaccine-induced infant morbidity and mortality caused by HiB vaccines. The study also mentioned an earlier analysis which found that infant death is the most common cause of death reported by all vaccine linked reports on VAERS, “accounting for almost one-half of all deaths reported.”
Obviously, this is an appalling study. The death of even 1 child for a potentially ineffective medical intervention designed to prevent a rarely fatal illness is a tragedy. Nor can any single vaccine be proven to have prevented any single case of disease because the clinical outcome (end point) is a non-event. This is not the case, however, for vaccine side effects which can be linked directly to the vaccination event with plausible scientific mechanisms.
What is perhaps most astounding is the researcher’s conclusion:
“Review of VAERS reports did not identify any new or unexpected safety concerns for Hib vaccines.”
This callous disregard for the evidence — evidence that clearly shows the CDC misrepresents the safety of the HiB vaccine — speaks to the blind investment in vaccine policy decisions over human wellbeing. Millions of parents have listened to the CDC and FDA and believed that these vaccines not only work but are safe. Informed consent requires those undergoing a quasi-mandatory medical intervention like vaccination to know the true risks associated with it. Failing to do so is clearly a violation of this medical ethical protection against being abused, and in some cases disabled and even killed.

Article Contributed by Sayer Ji, Founder of
Sayer Ji is an author, researcher, lecturer, and advisory board member of the National Health Federation. He founded in 2008 in order to provide the world an open access, evidence-based resource supporting natural and integrative modalities. It is internationally recognized as the largest and most widely referenced health resource of its kind.

Bill Gates is worried about artificial intelligence too......

Bill Gates is worried about artificial intelligence too......

Microsoft's co-founder and former CEO is the latest luminary from the world of technology and science to warn against the threat of smart machines.

This sucker is look-in more and more like a rep...UUUUGLY!!

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates joins entrepreneur Elon Musk and physicist Stephen Hawking with a warning about machine intelligence. Getty Images

Bill Gates has a warning for humanity: Beware of artificial intelligence in the coming decades, before it's too late.
Microsoft's co-founder joins a list of science and industry notables, including famed physicist Stephen Hawking and Internet innovator Elon Musk, in calling out the potential threat from machines that can think for themselves. Gates shared his thoughts on AI on Wednesday in a Reddit "AskMeAnything" thread, a Q&A session conducted live on the social news site that has also featured President Barack Obama and World Wide Web founder Tim Berners-Lee.
"I am in the camp that is concerned about super intelligence," Gates said in response to a question about the existential threat posed by AI. "First, the machines will do a lot of jobs for us and not be super intelligent. That should be positive if we manage it well. A few decades after that, though, the intelligence is strong enough to be a concern."
Gates, who is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, isn't the only one worried. Musk, the billionaire inventor and founder of SpaceX and CEO of electric car maker Tesla Motors, is not an expert in AI. But he did join a growing list of hundreds of researchers and professors in the field who signed an open letter earlier this month that proposed proper safeguards be put in place to research and develop such intelligence without humans losing control.
"I agree with Elon Musk and some others on this and don't understand why some people are not concerned," Gates said.

Fearing the worst

The reason they're worried is that AI isn't science fiction anymore. In stories and movies, AI is often presented as a good idea gone horribly wrong. In "The Matrix" movie trilogy, machines deem humanity a threat and enslave people in a virtual existence so they can feed off the electricity generated by the human body. When the Skynet computer system in "The Terminator" movie series becomes sentient, it wages a multiyear war using human-like robots designed to kill. HAL 9000, the socio-pathic supercomputer from "2001: A Space Odyssey," is now a cinematic icon -- HAL's robotic tone and malevolent quotes have become pop culture tropes.
Back in the real world, Apple's voice-based personal assistant Siri may seem a little dumb now, but AI is getting smarter as researchers develop ways to let machines teach themselves and mine the deep trove of data produced by our many connected gadgets. IBM's Watson supercomputer has moved on from besting Jeopardy contestants to conducting medical research and diagnosis, and researchers earlier this month detailed a new computer program that can beat anyone at poker. A need to worry? Of course not, but Gates and others are trying to imagine the worst.
Musk in October called AI development "summoning the demon," and has invested in the space to keep his eye on it. Hawking, writing for The Independent in May 2014, also expressed his concerns. "Whereas the short-term impact of AI depends on who controls it, the long-term impact depends on whether it can be controlled at all," Hawking wrote.

Americans At Risk: Obama Is Destroying America’s Ability To Win World War III.....

Americans At Risk: Obama Is Destroying America’s Ability To Win World War III.....

Barack Obama


In our post-Vietnam era, America vowed to never under appreciate the sacrifices of the men and women in uniform. However, the nation’s undying gratitude seems to be evaporating. Since Obama has become the President, the military has suffered through several years of staggering cuts in funding and tens of thousands of military personnel have been shown the door.  Many of these cuts are being visited upon military personnel who were near retirement.  After 13 years of being embroiled in war, many soldiers feel that that military has been set adrift and lost all direction and purpose. Upon further examination, it is clear that Obama’s mission with regard to our military is to dismantle and destroy its fighting effectiveness, bit by bit.

Low Morale: Overworked, Underpaid and Undervalued

The Military Times recently ran a survey of active-duty troops who have subsequently reported a stunning decline in how soldiers rated their overall quality of life. Prior to Obama, 91% of the troops reported their quality of life to be good or excellent. In the most recent survey, only 56% still refer to their military lives good or excellent.
According to the survey, before Obama became President, 85% of the troops would recommend a military career to others. Today, that number has dropped to 73%.  Re-enlistment rates have declined by 9% (72% to 63%), despite the horrendous domestic job market.
Leave no man behind, right Mr. President?
Leave no man behind, right Mr. President?
U.S. marine, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. Tahmooressi was imprisoned by Mexican authorities in March of 2014 after accidentally straying into Mexican territory while driving along a poorly lit section of the border and was found to be in possession of firearms, illegal under Mexican law, but was permitted under United States law. Obama allowed Sgt. Tahmooressi to rot in a Mexican prison for over 6 months without mounting a serious effort to seek his return. This has a deleterious impact on morale due to a President who would leave him behind. Is this case a deliberate attack upon the morale of American soldiers by this President?

Obama Is Compromising the Most Important Weapons System In the Navy

The Russians are increasing the size of their nuclear submarine fleet at the same time we are reducing. Why?
The Russians are increasing the size of their nuclear submarine fleet at the same time we are reducing. Why?
Under the direction of the Pentagon, via Obama, the U.S. Navy’s shipbuilding plan would see its attack submarine fleet diminish from 55 to 41 boats over the next 15 years. Meanwhile, Russia and China are increasing the size of their nuclear submarine fleet. The American attack submarines are the great equalizer with regard to the comparative inferior size of the American military. Obama is taking away one of the cornerstones of the American military defense strategy.  As The Weekly Standard so adeptly said that “this is a disaster in the making”.

Obama Is Significantly Weakening the Reach and Power of the Military

The chief of staff of the Army, General Ray Odierno
The Obama administration announced that they were seeking to reduce the size of the U.S. military to 490,000  (pre-WW II levels), then the number was to be reduced to 450,000. Presently, the Obama administration seeks to drop the number to 420,000 troops.
The chief of staff of the Army, General Ray Odierno, with regard to Obama’s cut in American troops, “The world is changing in front of us. We have seen Russian aggression in Europe, we have seen ISIS, we have seen increased stability in other places.”
When you have a President who has more than doubled the budget deficit, one has to wonder why this President is so hell-bent on weakening the military?
While I flippantly ask why doesn’t Obama simply scrap the infantry and bring back Larry Storch and F-Troop, Let’s consider that this is pure military suicide given the present state of affairs.

“The Capitalists Will Sell Us the Last Rope That We Will Hang the Last Capitalist With”

Speaking of military suicide, does Obama hold dear his fiduciary duty to protect the people of the United States, or is he solely beholding to corporate interests? Due to the escalating tensions with Russia over the CIA’s meddling and aggression in Ukraine, Obama’s actions have generated some very serious national security  concerns inside the military. This is due to the fact that the U.S. military’s largest satellite program is completely dependent upon a rocket engine produced by Russia. In a Cold War setting, which could go hot at any moment, what kind of President would not have looked for technological alternatives to the 180 rocket engines for its Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program.
In war, the U.S. military is totally dependent upon satellite surveillance for success on the battlefield. Without this component of warfare, the U.S. military would be overwhelmed by the numerically superior forces of China and Russia. Is this a case of stupidity or treason on Obama’s part?

Dismantling the Leadership of the American Military

Since assuming the Presidency, Obama has fired approximately 260 senior command officers. Since a near state of war exists between the U.S. and Russia/China, it is an outrageous act of incredible stupidity to dismantle the leadership of your fighting force which could be thrown into World War III in a moment’s notice! Again, I ask, is this stupidity or treason?
With regard to the mass military firings of senior command military officers, retired Army Major General Paul Vallely stated that “The White House protects their own. That’s why they stalled on the investigation into fast and furious, Benghazi and Obamacare. He’s intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”
general hammGeneral Carter Ham
The current President not only leaves young marines behind to rot in a Mexican jail, he prevents the military from rescuing an American ambassador!
Here are two examples of Obama’s handiwork when it comes to firing senior command officers. While Ambassador Stevens compound was under attack, on September 11, 2012, General Carter Ham, commander of AFRICOM and Admiral Gaouette attempted a rescue of the ambassador in violation of Presidential orders. Both men were summarily fired for attempting the rescue on trumped up charges.
Rear Admiral Charles Gaouetteadmiral
Gaouette was in charge of Air Craft Carriers in the Mediterranean Sea the night of Stevens death and he subsequently testified to Congress that he could have rescued Stevens.  The admiral was accused of using profanity in a public setting and was forced to resign his commission.
What kind of President blocks an attempted rescue of an American ambassador who is under attack by so-called terrorists?
Obama has further weakened the backbone of entire national defense system, our nuclear weapons program leadership. This is reckless, unneeded and unprecedented.

The Burden of Empire

We have apparently learned nothing about the demise of Britain and Rome. The American military is everywhere, but can defend nothing against a serious foe. The U.S. military is overstretched as it covers more ground, tackles more issues and is involved (actively or passively) in more combat areas than at any point since the Cold War.
“In 2013, Africa Command carried out 546 military activities in Africa, an increase of over 200% since the command was established in 2008. The U.S. military is now involved in more than 90% of Africa’s 54 nations”.
The U.S. military has bases in 64 countries. We are defending more with far less.


This is a story which writes its own conclusion. This is an epitaph to the once mighty American military. We, the rank and file Americans, may not like the insidious manner in which we have carried out our foreign policy with the needless murder of millions around the world. This is true, however, a weakened American military puts all Americans at risk. It is difficult to believe that this is not the deliberate agenda of President Obama.
Annie DeRiso contributed to this article.

Dave Hodges is the host of the popular weekly talk show, The Common Sense Show, which airs on Sunday nights from 9pm – Midnight (central) on the Republic Broadcasting Network and its 29 affiliate stations. Dave also hosts a website ( in which he writes daily articles on the geopolitical state of affairs both nationally and internationally. The theme of Dave’s show and website centers around exposing the corruption and treason which has invaded the presidency and Congress as well as their corporate and banking benefactors. Dave is an award winning psychology, sociology, statistics and research professor. He is also a former college basketball coach who retired as the winningest coach in his college’s history. A mental health therapist by training, Dave brings a broad based perspective in his fight against the corrupt central banking cartels which have hijacked the US government. Dave and his wife, Nora have one son and they presently reside in rural Arizona approximately 25 miles north of the greater Phoenix area. Dave was drawn to the fight for freedom when the globalist central banking forces, led by Senator John McCain, attempted to seize his home and property and that of 300 of his neighbors, without one dime being offered in compensation. This attempted public theft of private property was conducted for the purpose of securing cheap land in which the globalists intended on putting in an international highway through their area known as the Canamex Corridor. Dave’s community appointed him the spokesperson and eventually his community won their fight against the bankers and their front man, Senator McCain. This event launched Dave’s career as a broadcaster and an investigative journalist. Dave’s website presently enjoys over a half a million visitors every month.