Thursday, January 29, 2015


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     The 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution clearly states that all powers not specially granted to the Federal Government "are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." Forcing the people to buy Obama approved health insurance under Obamacare or else eventually going to prison after fines mount enough is a clear violation of the 10th Amendment and null and void as national law. For Obamacare to authorize federal sources any time they want to take the money out of any bank account in America owned by American citizens without even court order is a clear violation of the U.S. Bill of Rights. To set up under Obamacare medical death panels to kill off American citizens once reaching 75 years old is a clear violation of the U.S. Bill of Rights as no authority was ever granted by the U.S. Constitution to murder American citizens who practice their legal rights as guaranteed them under the U.S. Constitution. The federal government was never granted constitutional law authority to murder American citizens at whim any time they want to. 

     Apparently the U.S. Congress which voted for this, federal agencies trying to threaten and scare the people by police state threats to accept the Obamacare as voted for by Congress or else be destroyed by the federal government. and current White House under Obama believe that the federal government should be run as a national dictatorship instead of as a constitutional government.

     Time for a visit back into American history. America was founded on natural law in 1776. This is where legal concepts played up in the American Declaration of Independence come from. For example, your God-given right to contract and to property cannot be taken away from you by any government on earth. Forcing you by threats of an evil police state to sign for medical contracts that you do not want is a clear legal violation of your God-given right to contract as believed in by the Founding Fathers of America. 

    Natural Law begins with a teaching from the Christian Bible: "We ought to obey God rather than men." Acts 5:29. Founding Father John Adams was legally blunt in this legal statement: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral, religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
     NATURAL LAW DEFINED: An early book on the Common Law for America as entitled Colonial Common Law, by Reinsch, sums it up what the Thirteen Colonies considered to be the final basis for all law in America or ever to be in America: "...the colonies were so impressed with the idea of an overruling law of nature that the laws of God and so-called natural laws were regarded as the true law, and all temporal legislation was considered to be binding only in so far as it was an expression of this natural law." 

     James Wilson, the foremost lawyer at the Constitutional Convention, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and a man who was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1789 by President George Washington was well familiar with this legal principle stated above called natural law and stated: "Parliament may, unquestionably, be controlled by natural or revealed law, proceeding from divine authority."

    The Founding Fathers were familiar with the following legal quotes and their use of natural law as the final authority for all law to ever be created in America was based upon legal teachings such as the following quotes below: 
     From a decision by Judges Roane, Henry, and Tyler: "The supposed omnipotence of an abominable insult upon the honor and good sense of our country, as nothing is omnipotent as it relates to us, either religious or political, but God of Heaven..."
      George Mason who along with James Madison was jointly called the "Father of the United States Bill of Rights" expressed the prevailing sentiment of the American colonists when he cited Coke, prominent legal source, and stated that both people and judges are: " conscience bound to disobey all enactments which contradict the laws of nature and the laws of God.
     "The laws of nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to Him from whose punishment they cannot protect us. All human laws which contradict His laws we are in conscience bound to disobey."
     The famous Blackstone, virtual "Pope" of both British Law and American Law at the time of the American Revolution, stated it this way:  
     'Man, considered as a creature, must necessarily be subjected to the laws of his creator...The will of his maker is called the law of nature...This law of nature, being coeval (same ancient age in creation) with mankind, and dictated by God himself, is, of course, superior in obligation to any other. It is binding over all the globe, in all countries, and at all times; no human laws are of any validity if contrary to this; and such of them as are valid derive all of their force and all of their authority mediately (as an intermediary to settle disputes between parties) and immediately, from this original...Upon these two foundations, the law of nature and the law of revelation, depend all human laws; that is to say, no human laws should be suffered to contradict these...nay, if any human law should allow or enjoin us to commit it, we are bound to transgress that human law, or else we offend both the natural and the divine." Blackstone's Commentaries.
     The idea that all natural law came from God was an ancient idea and legal teaching, not a novel new idea that suddenly arose in the Thirteen Colonies around 1776. For example, "The law of nature is so unalterable that it cannot be changed by God Himself." Hugo Grotius, De Jure belli ac pacis I, 1625.

     I was surprised when I found in the ancient first writings of Christianity that they taught this basically same teaching of natural law that all law must be based upon the teachings and authority of God or else not be valid law for mankind if contradicting the natural law from God. Bishop Irenaeus around 176 A.D. taught on the God-given rights of mankind such as to found government on the consent of the governed or else the governed could change that government to one which they consented to live under.  A couple of Christian bishops around 200 A.D. taught on the moral code in all of mankind telling them right from wrong as to what law they should live under and obey which was the natural law of God put into their souls from birth on. The golden orator Bishop of Constantinople  famous throughout the Roman Empire John Chrysostom around 370 A.D. preached some sermons on the natural law of God as the basis of authority for all government and society on earth. Strange but early Christianity taught the same natural law concept of legal authority for all government as the later Founding Fathers of America taught back around 1776. Natural Law and God-given rights were preached by many churches across the Thirteen Colonies and the native Americans were familiar with this legal concept of law for all authority of law for government regardless of where located on the earth. It is a shame that our history courses were censored to omit teaching that this was the legal concept America was founded upon in law, in government, and society in general. 

     Perhaps one of our Founding Fathers John Q. Adams summed up well what was the glorious achievement of the American Revolution of 1776 when practiced correctly: "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: It connected into one, indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity." 

     F.A. Hayek, winner of the Nobel Memorial Peace Prize in economics, sciences, and more once summed up how a government may become a total tyranny through democracy: "By giving the government unlimited powers, the most arbitrary rule can be made legal; and in this way a democracy may set up the most complete despotism imaginable."

     As this teaching of Natural Law was apparently never taught to the students of America of our age, pass this report around so Americans may be reintroduced to the early roots of law that America was founded upon. If the people uphold natural law as the basis of law for America, the intended tyrannies of Wash., D.C. begin to melt away like ice melting before a hot sun as even tyrannies must have the support of public opinion in order to survive. 

     When dictator Marcos of the Philippines had public opinion turn against him, not a shot was fired. All the nation went to the streets to show that they did not support him now and he promptly fled  the Philippines without a shot being fired. Some Communist satellite governments collapsed once the people by public opinion turned against their Communist governments  and shots did not have to be fired to change the national government. 

     As Napoleon commented when returning from exile from the island of Elba to lead France again, something had changed concerning governments. Now you had to have public opinion on your side if your government was to rise to power or stay in power. Hitler used Dr. Goebbels to set up a propaganda branch of the Nazi Government to keep the Nazis in national power in Germany. Wash., D.C. studied Nazi propaganda tactics, Soviet. etc. and uses massive propaganda to keep the American people sedated in political sleep while key leaders in Wash., D.C. are committing and conspiring to commit mass high treason against the trusting when they shouldn't gullible American people. 

     Years ago I was in Wash., D.C. then and attended the Washington showing of propaganda films at the Kennedy Cultural Center. They were showing Nazi propaganda films, Japanese, Italian, Soviet and American if I recall correctly. I had also seen foreign propaganda films elsewhere in Wash., D.C.  I found it interesting that they admitted in this Washington program using propaganda films for America the same as their enemy nations did to rally their people in other nations for the national war effort wherever. But this situation has got wildly out of hand now. Wash., D.C. is using all sorts of propaganda tactics to try and keep the people dumb and brainwashed as to what is really going on in many areas of national importance. This is not to protect national security, but to politically control the thinking of the American people if they can pull it off successfully. The American news media is heavily used for propaganda purposes and one of the reasons why in my proposed Omni Law I propose a national newspaper to be set up by the 10 legal trustees over Wash., D.C. created by my Omni Law. They being ultra-patriots for America will want this newspaper to bring out the truth for the American people when the main news media working for the other side does not want the people to have the truth in important issues.

     It shows how successfully that the American people have been controlled by federal propaganda. I was a young man in Wash., D.C. then, but got some AFL-CIO members to hear the testimony of a man closely connected to the Federal Reserve.  He told them how it was a private banking corporation, not a federal agency, how they gave the national election to Richard Nixon after he agreed in a secret meeting that they would run the Federal Reserve, not him or the government. The Federal Reserve was 100% owned by foreign banking interests and run for profit of the secret stockholders in the Federal Reserve (a private corporation).
     The union members signed a legal statement what they had heard and this was supplied to such as Wickliffe B. Vennard, Sr. who was the most popular conservative writer in America then on national economics. Wick and I were good friends. He put this signed testimony by the union members in his newspaper Americans For America in the issue for Feb., 1969. In this same issue he showed the example how the Federal Reserve could have a Federal Reserve note printed up for less than 1 penny then which was a $50,000 note. Wick showed the math how ultimately they made $3,760,000 off of an official investment of basically 1 penny. Now the $3,760,000 came from somewhere. It was taken from wages you would otherwise have earned in America, profits that business would have made in America if not basically stolen by Federal Reserve banking bookkeeping tricks that you are not supposed to understand. 

     Wick had the bookkeeping for this counterfeiting of money clearly shown in his newspaper. No regular city daily newspapers ever reprinted this information and it is now getting close to 5 decades later and the newspapers never told the American people and regular businesses how they were swindled of this $3,760,00 that basically belonged to them but given instead through Wash., D.C. to foreign banking interests. The foreign bankers became apparently even trillionaires by this form of counterfeiting of money authorized by Congress which was well paid off to allow this long ago! As one U.S. Senator once commented to a business friend of mine, most people leaving Congress leave far richer than when they came to Wash., D.C.! I once heard one prominent attorney in Wash., D.C. at a social party explain how you could pay off members of Congress to pass bills or block bills without leaving a paper trail how they were paid off! Bribery of Wash., D.C. is very sophisticated in this age and the public trusts people in Congress and federal agencies and unfortunately some in the White House who shouldn't have been trusted by the American people. I think some in Congress try their best to be honest, but what percentage of Congress do they represent? And since the American people won't back them when they try to get the people to learn what is really happening in Wash., D.C., they soon give up and go silent since the people won't back them to reform Congress and the federal government in general. For the record, I think President Ronald Reagan tried to be an honest President in the White House but several recent occupants got super rich off of the White House in ways that you do not know and would not suspect. 

      The only way that you can make the federal government honest again is pass my proposed Omni Law which is shown on my website. It creates 10 legal trustees over Wash., D.C. to try and keep the federal government honest when it does not want to, loyal to America when it does not want to, and force the government to be the servant of the people instead of their attempted master. National referendums are called under the Omni Law so the people and not corrupt interests decide what laws and policies should be passed or else rejected as binding on Wash., D.C. This forces the government to be the servant of the people instead of their intended master. 

     Once the Omni Law is passed, we plan to pay off those who loaned money into our Omni Law Loan Program or else got credits in it by other means that we offered. We intend to pay off all loan credits in the Omni Law Loan Program once the Omni Law becomes law. For those who send in loan money now up to and including Feb. 5, 2015, we will multiply by 4 the number of loan credits that they would get now for loan money sent in now. Buy merchandise off our website through Feb. 5, 2015, they will get double credit in our Omni Law Loan Program in terms of how many $25 loan credits this would create if applied directly as cash to the Omni Law Loan Program otherwise. Also, as explained elsewhere, this gives you a percentage in the 30 year royalty off of profits from our Vatican endorsed industrial food process the Vatican under Pope Pius XII once endorsed as potentially the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it was so important to world health. Strangely, also some other sources such as the Soviet Union also endorsed it years ago as the greatest health food discovery in human history. My father invented this trade secret process and I am the only one who knows how to set it up again. We set up this food industry in America and this should give America an industry so big as to greatly accelerate the national economy of America once the industry is set up. And could lead to creating millions of new jobs in America. 

    Our website is Our email is Our mailing address for orders not sent through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. If postmarked by Feb. 5, 2015 and your order is credited per the terms above. Obama has been savagely trying to block this great food industry from being set up in America at this time. We had $400 million committed in the fall of 2014 to set it up in America. Obama's dirty trick operatives had been listening to the messages on this giant deal and Obama had the deal sabotaged as he does not want the American economy to skyrocket with this and millions of new jobs to be created in America with this. Also, we have been running into all sorts of electronic hacking tricks trying to block us from Nesara News where I have posted maybe up to around 500 national reports since April, 2012 with Nesara News and other national blogs carried many of these reports afterwards. Obama does not want the American people to get the legal right to hold national referendums forcing the government to carry out the will of the American people instead of dictatorial decrees from the White House where Obama decrees whatever he wants when the U.S. Constitution says that he does not have the legal right to do this. We received federal messages that Obama does not want the American people to get the Omni Law passed giving the American people back control of Wash., D.C. Full name for the Omni Law is The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America.

     And since I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein years ago as the most brilliant then in the world, I have lots of good economic answers to help boom the American economy once the Omni Law is passed. Obama is the front man for very evil people hidden in the background who want to crash the American economy maybe in September, 2015 by crashing the American dollar through tricks of how to sabotage currency for worldwide trade. Pass the Omni Law and crisis over! Not only will America be blessed, but we can help boom the economy of the entire world at the same basic time. Other nations will be happy when honest government is restored to America. It puts money into their national economies also by increased trade, etc. 

    Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American who spent eleven calendar years in military academies and a strong supporter of national defense for America. Can't say what I know, but some elements in the military are cheering for me to win in America. And with good public support, evaluate that we can win with the Omni Law in 2015. I lived in Wash., D.C. years ago and know how the political game is played in America. Some who have heard my plan how to win judge that I should win! But I won't let the other side know how the strategy really works until we are ready to play our final hand!)




Hallett Report No. 7

Excerpt from Hallett Report No. 7
. . .
So Queen Elizabeth II is illegitimate. Lord Louis Mountbatten knew this, and he had a nephew without a Kingdom called Prince Phillip, and Lord Louis Mountbatten negotiated with King George VI and his wife, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon’s maid, to not reveal the secret in exchange for Prince Phillip marrying Princess Elizabeth.
Mark Windows: Well, that’s very interesting!
Greg Hallett: So you’ve got an illegitimate Queen Elizabeth. And then she has a child Charles with Phillip and a child Ann with Phillip, and then she has a child Andrew with Lord Porchester, her Racing Manager, and she has a child Edward with her House-Secretary, Secretary of the Royal House, Lord Plunkett. So she’s got 4 children, Queen Elizabeth II has four (4) children to three (3) different fathers. So she is, you know, on the level of a State-House-Mum.
Mark Windows: Well it sounds like what you said just there. Well I don’t doubt that they are illegitimate. It makes sense with what happened to Britain.
Greg Hallett: Yeah. Basically, because Queen Elizabeth II is illegitimate, anyone who knows that knowledge goes up to Parliament and David Cameron and all the Prime Ministers, and goes “Your Queen is illegitimate. We won’t expose that if you do this for us” i.e. massive immigration, change the color of the entire nation, and join the EU etc. etc. Totally compromised! So Britain is totally compromised because you’ve got an illegitimate Queen who is not a Royal!
Queen Elizabeth II is the daughter of a maid, and an illegitimate Non-Royal, whose father was a mad Half-Royal.
Mark Windows: That does make sense!
Greg Hallett: It’s insane, Britain’s monarchy is absolutely insane, and what they’ve done is, they’ve said, ok, we’re not gonna release the secret for 200 years! And we call it the Shin, the Forbidden Secret, the secret is gonna go from 1812 to 2012, with basically the death of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who was Nathan Mayer Rothschild’s father. Yeah. So that is how it was done. So the Forbidden Secret was allowed to come out in 2012, and I started to work on it. I wrote some pre-stories in 2007 called “How to Take Over the World: A Right Royal Con”. And then I started to write THE HIDDEN KING OF ENGLAND from March 2010. And an amazing amount of sabotage! I could talk for 8 hours. I have actually done talks before on the sabotage I’ve had, it’s just phenomenal!
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Arizona Cardiologist Responds to Critics Regarding Measles and Vaccines

Why All the Anger? by Dr. Jack Wolfson Special to Health Impact News I recently did an interview which was aired on NBC Phoenix. I was asked my opinion on vaccinations in response to the current measles outbreaks that have occurred at Disneyland in California. My reply has generated quite a bit of anger in thousands of people. There has also been a tremendous amount of support to my comments and opinions. In short, The Society Against Injecting Our Kids With Chemicals (TSAIOKWC for short) has a lot of followers. I want to address all this misguided anger and see if we can re-direct it where it belongs. Be angry at food companies. Sugar cereals, donuts, cookies, and cupcakes lead to millions of deaths per year. At its worst, chicken pox killed 100 people per year. If those chicken pox people didn’t eat cereal and donuts, they may still be alive. Call up Nabisco and Kellogg’s and complain. Protest their products. Send THEM hate-mail. Be angry at fast food restaurants. Tortured meat burgers, pesticide fries, and hormone milkshakes are the problem. The problem is not Hepatitis B which is a virus contracted by drug users and those who sleep with prostitutes. And you want to inject that vaccine into your newborn? Be angry at the companies who make your toxic laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets. You and your children are wearing and breathing known carcinogens (they cause cancer). Call Bounce and Downy and let them know. These products kill more people than mumps, a virus which actually doesn’t cause anyone to die. Same with hepatitis A, a watery diarrhea. Be angry at all the companies spewing pollution into our environment. These chemicals and heavy metals are known to cause autism, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease and every other health problem. Worldwide, these lead to 10’s of millions of deaths every year. Measles deaths are a tiny fraction compared to pollution. Be angry at your parents for not breastfeeding you, co-sleeping with you, and stuffing your face with Domino’s so they can buy more Tide and finish the laundry. Breastfeeding protects your children from many infectious diseases. Be angry with your doctor for being close-minded and not disclosing the ingredients in vaccines (not that they read the package insert anyway). They should tell you about the aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue, animal proteins, polysorbate 80, antibiotics, and other chemicals in the shots. According to the Environmental Working Group, newborns contain over 200 chemicals as detected by cord blood. Maybe your doctor feels a few more chemicals injected into your child won’t be a big deal. Be angry with the cable companies and TV manufacturers for making you and your children fat and lazy, not wanting to exercise or play outside. Lack of exercise kills millions more than polio. Where are all those 80 year olds crippled by polio? I can’t seem to find many. In fact, be angry with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for creating computers so you can sit around all day blasted with electromagnetic radiation reading posts like this. Be angry with pharmaceutical companies for allowing us to believe living the above life can be treated with drugs. Correctly prescribed drugs kill thousands of people per year. The flu kills just about no one. The vaccine never works. Finally, be angry with yourself for not opening your eyes to the snow job and brainwashing which have taken over your mind. You NEVER asked the doctor any questions. You NEVER asked what is in the vaccines. You NEVER learned about these benign infections. Let’s face it, you don’t really give a crap what your children eat. You don’t care about chemicals in their life. You don’t care if they sit around all day watching the TV or playing video games. All you care about is drinking your Starbuck’s, your next plastic surgery, your next cocktail, your next affair, and your next sugar fix! This post was created with love and with the idea of creating a better world for our children and future generations. Anger increases your risk of suffering a heart attack. Be careful. About the Author Dr. Jack Wolfson is a board certified cardiologist in Phoenix. He is known as The Paleo Cardiologist and The Natural Cardiologist. Check out his website and follow him on Facebook at The Drs. Wolfson. Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk Cover Free Shipping Available! - See more at:



Thursday, January 29, 2015


Ryan Bundy, Cliven Bundy’s oldest son, was arrested Tuesday after he allegedly got into a scuffle with Iron County Sheriff’s deputies when they tried to serve him with a warrant.

Ryan Bundy, 42, who has property in Cedar City, was approached by deputies on his way out of court Tuesday after he had appeared in Iron County Justice Court for an unrelated 2013 incident where he was charged with a class B misdemeanor for responsibility for a nuisance.
“I got a summons to go to court in Cedar City on some kind of nuisance charge,” Ryan Bundy, of Bunkerville, Nevada, said during an interview Wednesday. “It (the paperwork) says it stems from having a vehicle stored on my property without proper registration. I don’t know what the heck they’re talking about.”
Authorities said the warrant was for failing to appear in a 2014 case where Ryan Bundy was charged with interfering with an animal control officer.
Ryan Bundy is the oldest of Cliven Bundy’s 14 children.
Cliven Bundy is the Bunkerville rancher who became a political celebrity because of his April feud and standoff with the Bureau of Land Management.
When told about the warrant, Bundy “both verbally and physically resisted the deputies’ attempts to take him into custody,” said Iron County Sheriff’s Sgt. Nik Johnson.
It took several deputies to get the situation under control, said Iron County Sheriff Mark Gower.
“At that time he (Ryan Bundy) told officers ‘that’s not going to happen today.’ He immediately began fighting with them,” Gower said. “It took several deputies but they were able to overcome him and arrested him.”
Deputy Kellen Hudson suffered minor injuries but is reported to be OK, Gower said.
Ryan Bundy said “all of a sudden they bring up some other charge, some interfering charge, from a couple of years ago or something. I didn’t recognize what they were talking about.”
“They asked me to make some kind of a plea or something and I said I’m not going to plead to anything until I know what it’s all about so they threw me in jail,” Bundy said. “Anyway, so I see the judge today (Wednesday) and she just said ‘Oh, we’re sorry,” and then they just let me go.”
Bundy said the court set a date he has to appear.
“When it comes right down to it, I don’t know what they’re talking about and I don’t think they do either,” he said.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

My Flight Experience on January 17, 2015


Many have advised me not to fly, and not to subject myself to these action. I appreciate their concern, however I do not agree. The fact that our government is willing to condemn its citizens and negatively effect them for life, with out prosecution or even charges, needs to be meet head on, not hidden. If a people do not check their government, history proves that that government will eventually put those very people in bondage or worse. Hiding behind a steering wheel because I am too afraid or too proud to fly will not help anything or anyone.

 Before reading, I want everyone who may read these word to know that I love this county so very much. I speak reverently about those that have fought in the past and those that continue to fight for our freedoms. I feel compelled to stand where I can, so their sacrifices do not go in vain, and so our children can enjoy the same freedoms we have enjoyed. I know the Lord lives and He established this nation to be an example of freedom. I also know that when we stand for whats right the Lord protects and sustains us.


Yesterday morning I flew out of Sky Harbor Int. Airport (Phoenix) to McCareen Int. Airport (Las Vegas) and then flew back to Phoenix later that evening. I used to be able to print my boarding pass from home but since April 2014 I have had to go to the airport to print it. This alone informs me that I am going to have trouble. At the first check point in Phoenix the agent saw the SSSS on the barding pass, stopped the line and called for a supervising agent to come.

After a few minutes a level two agent confiscated my belongings, watched me while I took everything off but my pants, shirt and socks, and escorted me through the security check point and over to a disclosed location. They began to go through my belongings pulling them out of the bags and inspecting each item. Another agent began to frisk me, patting every part of my body both front and back. He also took his hands and stuck them down my waist line checking the entire waist line. Every time they do this I feel violated. I was primarily silent until the level three agent said he was going to confiscated my phone. It was not charged and would not turn on during their inspection. I told them that I would not let them confiscate it and expressed simple distaste for the fact that every-time I fly I have to go though this. I informed him that I have been put on some terrorist list for standing for what is right. The level three agent seemed surprised and looked at my barding pass reading my name, he pulled his head back and said OH.

He then told me that he was going to have to escort me out of security. On the way out I expressed to him that this is an example of what Americans get when they stand against something very wrong. He said that he agreed with the Bundy family but with all the bad people in this world, his job is to keep us safe. I insured him, that a bad person could easily get past their security, and the only people they are restricting are the good people.

Outside security I charged my phone and then got back in line. While in line one of the TSA agents went around whispering to each of the other agents discreetly looking at me each time. Right before I reached the first check point they changed agents from a women to a man. As I came up he called for a level two agent, we waited for approximately five minutes, the people behind me seemed bothered and concerned to why this guy in the cowboy hat was being singled out.

Finally an agent came and confiscated my belongings and the whole process was repeated over again, including the frisking, hands down my pants and all. When they were done The same third level agent began to interrogate me wanting to know personal information. I told him that I would not give him those answers and the they either had let me go through or kick me out again. I warned him that I would be back with news reporters if they kicked me out. He pressed a bit more but could tell that I was feed up.

He then left me and went across the ares and began to speak with a level four agent about my refusal. The level four agent picked up a phone and began to talk to (I assume) a level five agent. I put my clothes back on, grabbed my stuff and went over were the conversations were going on. The agent on the phone quickly walked away from the desk so I could not hear the conversation. After a short while the agent came back and insisted on getting the information they wanted. I told them that if they wanted my information then they should have keep it from the past three times I flew. The agent said that they did not have some "magic tricky box" that would retrieve it. I replied that they sure had a magic box that puts SSSS on my boarding pass every time I fly, requiring a grown man to stick his hands down my pants. The other agent asked if this was really worth it to me? I quickly replied, absolutely, when something is wrong and nobody does anything about it, wrong becomes normal.

 I then gave them the ultimatum to let me go or kick me out. The level four agent warned me that their may be recourse against me if I don’t not give them the information they wanted. I insured them that I was not afraid of what they may do to me. I then walked away, and they did not stop me. I barley made it to the gate in time. I was shaking, however, I felt a inner strength that I have felt many times before for doing what was right. When the Southwest lady scanned my ticket to board, the scan light changed to red and a short alarm came on. She was surprised, but reset the computer and let me on.


My flight to Vegas was normal, In Las Vegas I meet with several Nevada State legislatures for multiple hours. On the way back at the first check station the TSA agent looked at my boarding pass, she said to the other two other agents by her; "Bingo, this is a big one”. They then called for a supervising agent. When the agent came, the exact same process started over just like before, confiscation, hands down the pants, writing all over my barding pass and punching holes in it and so on. The only thing different this time is when the supervising agent came back to give me my barding pass (this is the point they normally begin interrogating) she handed the pass to me and said; it is wrong what they are doing to you guys, you can go. - By the way, she is an older black lady, as sweet as can be, and my respect for her is about as high as it gets. I just love people that will stand for what is right even if it might mean loosing a job or taking a great risk.

After being at gate B11 for about ten minutes, three TSA agents pushing a cart came directly to gate B11. It was just like the last time I flew out of Vegas. That time they searched me again right at the gate and in front of everyone. This time I was determined not be searched again. With my phone on video, I walked over to them and informed them that I knew they are here for me. One of the agents said okay. I then told them that I would not let them search me again, and told them not to even ask. (see video) They again replied, okay. After sitting down, two more agents came to the gate and they patrolled the gate the entire time I was there. When we started to board the TSA agents stood next to the line on both side but did not approach me.  When the gate attendant scanned my pass the same thing happened as before with the warning and the red light, all the other passengers beeped and had a green light. The rest of the flight was normal and I made it back to my wonderful Lisa and five children, including my nine day old son Elias.

Thank you,

Ammon Bundy
January 28, 2015

P.S. I fly again tomorrow, keep an eye out for me.
Bundy Ranch - Facebook

Also known as The Brain Drain, The Killer Biscuits, Killer Biscuits Wanted for Attempted Murder.....

Also known as The Brain Drain, The Killer Biscuits, Killer Biscuits Wanted for Attempted Murder.....

As told by reader Vanessa Berger:
There was a sweet older lady who would often do grocery shopping for the infirm and elderly in her church. One hot, summer day a lady asked her to pick up a few things and bring them by her house in a dangerous part of Baltimore City. The sweet old lady was wary but felt that she couldn't say no, even though she was terrified of driving in the part of the city that often had shoot-outs and other drug violence. Anyway, the woman went on her way, picked up the groceries and proceeded to the lady's house.
As she entered the lady's neighborhood she noticed young hoodlums gathering on every street corner. Although she had no air conditioning in the car, she rolled the windows up tightly (as a safety precaution) and suffered in the 90+ degree heat.
She drove ahead until suddenly she heard a loud "POP!" and felt a jolt to the back of her head. She reached to feel the back of her head and came back with a wet oozing mess that she was sure was part of her brain! Knowing that she had been shot, the woman turned around and raced to a local hospital.
Somehow she made it to the emergency room and had the strength to walk right in. She told the attendant that she had been shot. Immediately she was rushed back to an exam room. Doctors whirled around and asked where she had been shot (since they saw no blood.) She said "my head," and the doctors found a mass of the oozing white substance the woman had first noticed.
Upon inspection the doctors realized that the white substance wasn't part of her brain but was instead a lump of biscuit dough (the kind in a can) that had exploded from the heat of her car! 


Air Force probing alleged 'treason' remark by general

Air Force investigating alleged 'treason' remark by general at key air combat command

Associated Press
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh III testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015 

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Air Force is investigating allegations that the No. 2 commander at its prestigious Air Combat Command told lower-ranking officers that talking to members of Congress about the capabilities of the A-10 attack aircraft is tantamount to treason.

The alleged comment by Maj. Gen. James Post has stirred concern in Congress about the Air Force muzzling officers in violation of their legal rights.

"This is very serious, to accuse people of treason for communicating with Congress," Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-New Hampshire, told Gen. Mark Welsh, the Air Force chief of staff, who testified Wednesday before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Post is reported to have told Air Force officers attending a recent weapons and tactics conference in Nevada that it is their duty to support the service's budget priorities by refraining from offering opinions inconsistent with those priorities. Air Force leaders have proposed retiring the A-10 fleet but Congress has refused, and some inside the Air Force have sided with Congress.

Post's alleged comments were first reported by Tony Carr, a retired Air Force officer who writes a blog called "John Q. Public." Carr said he learned of Post's comments from a number of officers who were in the audience at the time Post spoke.

Carr said Post prefaced his remark in the closed-door conference by saying, "If anyone accuses me of saying this, I will deny it." He then said, "Anyone who is passing information to Congress about A-10 capabilities is committing treason."

"These comments can be seen as nothing less than an attempt to intimidate subordinates into refraining from exercising their rights to free expression and civic participation," Carr wrote.
The Air Force has not disputed that Post made the comment as reported.

"We are aware of the concerns surrounding the alleged remarks made by General Post. We take this matter very seriously and are fully cooperating with the Secretary of the Air Force Inspector General's investigation," said Capt. Andrew Schrag, a spokesman for Air Combat Command, which is in charge of the service's combat aircraft.

Another Air Force spokesman, Maj. Colin Hughes, said the Air Force investigation began Jan. 22.

In his remarks Wednesday, Welsh said the Defense Department is overseeing an investigation of the matter by the Air Force inspector general, and said he had personally intervened by calling Post after seeing a news report about his alleged comment.

Pressed on the matter by Ayotte, Welsh said he found it "not at all" acceptable for a general to make such a comment.

"I support any airman's right to discuss anything that you would like to discuss with them and to give you their honest opinion," Welsh said. "In this particular (Post) case, with the investigation ongoing, my job is to wait until the facts are known" and then make recommendations to his civilian superiors.

"It worries me about the climate and the tone that set if members — airmen, airwomen — are told that they would be committing treason for communicating with us," Ayotte said.
Ayotte said she was concerned that the Air Force is quietly trying to find out which officers talked to Congress about the A-10.

Welsh said he was unaware of any such internal investigation. "I would be astonished by that," he said, adding, "I would not condone it." 




by Brother Nathanel  

Full Spectrum Dominance of Earth

The Liberty Brothers talk with Engineer Billy Hayes & Author Elana Freeland about HARRP, chemtrails and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth

September 2, 2014              
by Jason Van Tatenhove              
If you are like us, you notice that the skies we look up to no longer seem to be the skies we grew up with. From the crazy, never before seen weather happenings, to the constant Chemtrails and white-ish haze always on the horizon, there is no doubt that geo-engineering is very real and been in progress for quite some time now. After noticing a HAARP bubble on a weather radar last week, Jason set out to talk with some real experts about what is really happening in our skies around the world and uncovered a global plot that already has put bio-engineered nano-technology into all our bodies. This is an incredible interview that any living human should listen to.
Jason and Jim, of the Liberty Brothers Radio Show, talk with HAARP Engineer Billy Hayes, and Author Elana Freeland about her new book, Chemtrails, HAARP, and “The Full Spectrum Dominance” of Planet Earth. We talk about the history of HAARP up to the new generations of NexRad, Space Fence, and even talk about Morgellons Disease.





       By Brother Nathaniel



Five minutes of interviews .... absolutely jaw dropping!!!  Is the California? Is this the USA?  What is going on here? They don't have a clue!! Is this a sample of USA citizens?  Can you believe these people?!   No wonder our country is going down the tubes fast.



Published on Jan 26, 2015

Meet the Americans who want Obama to repeal the Bill of Rights in order to keep the country safe from terrorists. Political prankster Mark Dice asks Obama supporters if they would support Obama's plan to repeal the Bill of Rights to protect Americans from terrorists. *SUBSCRIBE* for more great videos! Click "Like" "Favorite" and sound off in the comments.

Mark Dice is a media analyst, author, and political activist who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives.

Mark's YouTube channel has received over 95 million views and his viral videos have been mentioned the Fox News Channel, CNN, the Drudge Report, TMZ, the New York Daily News, the Washington Times, and other media outlets around the world.

He has been featured on the History Channel's Decoded and America's Book of Secrets, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Secret Societies of Hollywood on E! Channel, America Declassified on the Travel Channel, and is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM, The Alex Jones Show, and more.

Mark Dice is the author of several popular books on secret societies and conspiracies, including The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction, Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True, The New World Order, Facts & Fiction, Inside the Illuminati, The Resistance Manifesto, and Illuminati in the Music Industry, which are all available in paperback on or e-book on Kindle, iBooks, Nook or Google Play.

While much of Mark's work confirms the existence and continued operation of the Illuminati today, he is also dedicated to debunking conspiracy theories and hoaxes and separating the facts from the fiction; hence the "Facts & Fiction" subtitle for several of his books. He has a bachelor's degree in communication from California State University.

He enjoys causing trouble for the New World Order, exposing corrupt scumbag politicians, and pointing out Big Brother's prying eyes. The term "fighting the New World Order" is used by Mark to describe some of his activities, and refers to his and others' resistance and opposition (The Resistance) to the overall system of political corruption, illegal wars, elite secret societies, mainstream media, Big Brother and privacy issues; as well as various economic and social issues. This Resistance involves self-improvement, self-sufficiency, personal responsibility and spiritual growth.

Be sure to subscribe to Mark's YouTube channel, checkout some of the previous videos and Playlists, and look him up on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Applying Pressure to the Pulpit

Applying Pressure to the Pulpit

In Montana, the Concerned Citizens of the Flathead are taking action to inform local Pastors of their true responsibility
November 9, 2014               by James White               Northwest Liberty News
    With the recent landslide victories nationwide by Republicans, there seems to be a renewed sense of optimism by many that now, finally, we are going to “straighten things out” and get back on track as a nation.  To others, the results were seen as a repudiation of Obama, and most everything he stands for.      
    Although strong cases could be made for both arguments, one needs to ask themselves if any politician, in any district, can really make a difference where it counts; in the hearts and minds of the America people.  With the approval rating of Congress hovering in the teens, I submit to you that one more bloviating politician, in a $3,000 suit, will have very limited impact on those hearts and minds.  In light of this, does the focus of our efforts need to be directed towards the same place that our forefathers focused their attention; the pulpit of their local church congregation, and in support of their Black-Robe Regiment pastor?
    Any student of American History, worth their salt, will be able to verify the fact that we would not likely have gained our victory of independence without the help from the "Colonial Pulpit."  On a routine basis, Colonial Pastors would rail against the Crown while educating their congregations on the principles of liberty and Natural Law.  Of course, the event that can be seen as the climax of the Colonial Pastor’s influence is the “shot heard around the world” on April 19, 1775 in Lexington, MA.  There, the congregation of Pastor Jonas Clark stood eye-to-eye with soldiers from the world’s most powerful military, and kicked off the battle for our nations independence.  No doubt, Colonial Pastors played a huge role in our battle against tyranny.  However, we have to ask where are today’s equivalent of the pastors of old?  And, why are today’s pastors seemingly so afraid to speak against the Federal Government; the modern-day version of the Crown?
    The exact origins of the intent to usurp the nation’s churches, while undermining the principles of Christianity, can be argued intelligently.  However, for many a point of common ground can be found in the Federal Council of Churches 1908 Agenda (2); which is ultimately a blueprint for Socialism under the guise of Christianity.  Notably, it was only 1 year later, in 1909, that C.I. Scofield released the “Scofield Bible.”  In it, Scofield perpetrated the “secret rapture” lie which has gained nationwide acceptance within Evangelical pulpits and congregations alike.  The message: Stand down and do not get involved, for Christ will return soon and take us away from all of this.  I have written about, and produced a video, regarding the “pre-tribulation rapture” that can be seen here. These two early 20th century events were certainly notable; however, if they were the stake, then the hammer that drove them into the heart of Christianity was the 1954 Johnson Amendment.
    Without debate, the Johnson Amendment was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1954 in an effort to restrict the free speech of non-profit, tax-exempt organizations, including churches.  The Johnson Amendment effectively silenced the pulpits under threat of IRS retaliation; a silence which is still mostly practiced today.  However, there is precedent that renders these threats immune (1) (2), and now, more than ever before, 501c3 churches are finding their backbone.  The direction in which things are moving is certainly positive, but the factor that will put the effort over the top will be, no doubt, the involvement of each member of a church’s congregation; and their respective drive to regain the foundations of Constitutional principles.  In Northwest Montana, that drive is well underway with the organization, Concerned Citizens of the Flathead.
    Concerned Citizens of the Flathead (CCF) is a grass-roots organization consisting mainly, but not exclusively, of individuals who attend patriot pastor, Chuck Baldwin’s Liberty Fellowship, in Kalispell, MT.  As a group, CCF has drafted a letter which was distributed to EVERY pastor in the Flathead Valley.  Accompanying the letter is well over 100 signatures from Flathead Valley residents who want to openly show pastors of 501c3 churches that they have community support if they decide to defy the unconstitutional practices perpetrated by the IRS.  Is this the answer to what ails us as a nation? I can't pretend to know.  However, the efforts by CCF are to be commended, and are long overdue.  You can see the letter, and all of the signatures, by clicking the link below.  As part of the overall packet sent out to pastors, I have included links to all remaining documentation, including some quotes from our Founders....

Raw Milk: Soon to be Legal in Montana?

Raw Milk: Soon to be Legal in Montana?

MOO, MOO......
MT Legislator, Nancy Ballance looks to break the chains of Raw Milk oppression
January 27, 2015               by James White               The Liberty Brothers Radio Show
Raw Milk is quite controversial, and, believe it or not, is illegal to buy and consume in some US States, including Montana. And, at times, “officials” who regulate Raw Milk go to great lengths to protect us from ourselves; including dumping perfectly good milk out on to the ground along with those oblong “pills of poison,” Free-Range eggs. How did civilization survive for thousands of years living on Raw Milk and Free-Range eggs? It’s a mystery to me.
The accusations of dumping Raw Milk and Free-Range eggs is not hyperbole, as evidenced by an
incident in Michigan, and reported by our good friend Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper. As coincidence would have it, a close friend of mine from Michigan was a customer of the Raw Milk vendor and had his Raw Milk dumped along with the rest. He came on The Liberty Brothers Radio Show to discuss his misfortune in an interview which can be heard here.
Montana Legislator,
Nancy Ballance (HD 87) is tired of feeling like a drug-dealer every time she wants to drink Raw Milk; and she is not alone. The realization that Raw Milk from grass-fed cows, when properly handled, is some of the healthiest, tastiest and most nutritional beverages one can consume is approaching mainstream realization.
In that vein, Nancy introduced
HB 245, which will revise laws regarding Raw Milk in Montana. So if Nancy’s bill is successful, it would look to eliminate that seedy underbelly of society who insist on illegally taking health into their own hands by using Raw Milk and Free-Range eggs. These are some of the same wing-nuts who think non-GMO, Organic food is healthy. The hearing on Raw Milk is tomorrow, and Nancy could use your support. Nancy joined us early this morning on The Liberty Brothers Radio Show for a taped interview explaining the Bill, and her reasons for its introduction.

click here for video.....