Thursday, January 29, 2015

JIM WILLIE: The U.S. Dollar Will Not Survive 2015!

January 28th, 2015
The forecast for fast acceleration of events into the January month has occurred on schedule. Normally a very big event occurs every several weeks, or every few months. In just the last three weeks, ten have taken place of significance. The pace has quickened in an alarming fashion. The Great Quickening has commenced. Something big, ugly, and nasty this way comes.
by Jim Willie, Golden Jackass, via Silver Doctors:
In the closing months of 2014, on numerous occasions the position was put forth that as the days of January stacked up, toward the end of the month and going into February, that the global financial structures would show severe strain, widespread disruptions, and possible signs of cracks in breakdown. The forecasts were clearly stated and repeated. Even the present flow of events has been shocking, despite the expectation.
The forecast certainly has proven correct.
The disruptive events and pace of systemic breakdown are surely going to continue. The year will go down in history as extremely messy, extremely chaotic, and extremely important in the demise of the USDollar.
Check the 7-year cycle for an amazing sequence that goes back to the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo, the 1980 Gold & Silver Hunt Brothers peak, the 1987 Black Monday, the 1994 Irrational Exuberance with ensuing Asian Meltdown, the 2001 Inside 9/11 Job, and the 2008 Lehman failure. The Year 2015 will be known for the USDollar demise with full fireworks, set up with Ukraine and the European repeat of Waterloo. A quickening pace of events is highly indicative in two natural types in nature, namely the lead up to a natural earthquake, and the lead up to a human childbirth.
The forecast about fast acceleration of events into the January month has occurred on schedule. Normally a very big event occurs every several weeks, or every few months. In just the last three weeks ten have taken place of significance. The pace has quickened in an alarming fashion. The Great Quickening has commenced. Something big ugly and nasty this way comes. The events are worth emphasis, since each has enormous implications and fallout.
  1. Russia jumped off the Petro-Dollar recycle wagon. Their entire oil trade will not be kept in USDollars. Instead, it will be exchanged immediately into Rubles. Expect some to be converted into RMB for their bilateral trade with China. The Russian action is an integral part of the demise of the Petro-Dollar. They react to US-led boycott.
  1. The Swiss removed the 120 Euro peg to their Franc currency. For over three years their central bank had maintained a hoard of paper mache Euro currencies that accumulated perhaps as much as 800 billion Euros. It became unsustainable. They ran a long USDollar trade with short Gold, which finally will go into reverse. The Langley crew had billions in SWFrancs stuffed in shrink wrapped palettes. They profited handsomely. The Swiss seem to have opened the gates of hell for the Gold market, and might have been slammed with a Gold margin call as leased gold bullion dried up.
  1. The Greeks have prepared to exit the European Union and to default on debt. Their defiant Syriza party won a mandate, a clear leftist majority. Next comes some severe disruption. They might print money to pay off their external debt, which would be an ironic justice. Expect great repercussions within Greece into Europe, at the same time the Russians are passing a gas pipeline as carrot to Greece. With the pipeline will come valuable fees to the Greek nation. They will leave the European Union, with almost certainty. They will soon export food products to Russia, lifting the economy.
  1. The Euro Central Bank announced details on their newest QE tampering. They are to pile on the bond and asset purchases, with a clever attempt to avoid it being corrosive unsterilized by means of cooperative gestures with member nations. Regardless of the details, the Germans are harsh critics of the Draghi procedures. The opposition has shaped up between the EuroCB and the Bundesbank. The Jackass is certain that Germany will leave the EU, leave the common Euro, and eventually leave NATO. The objection to the Draghi QE decision will lead to a major crisis in the European Union.
  1. King Abdullah died and the transition for the royal family begins. He has been replaced by formerly crown prince Salman, who suffers from senile dementia, and will have a terrible time to hold power. The battle for succession has just begun, as rival tribes vie for power, after several decades of being excluded. The events inside Saudi boundaries will increase, turn more violent, and be highly disruptive. Pressure for reform will be fierce and unending.
  1. Merkel has offered a trade union proposal to Russia, which discards the US-led TTIP trade pact. At the Davos Economic Summit, the German Chancellor actually offered a trade pact with Russia which implicitly rejected the US-led TransAtlantic Trade & Investment Partnership. The ironic part is that Merkel has proposed exactly what Russia & China have been developing for two years, known as the Eurasian Trade Zone. Germany is looking for a way out of the European Union.
  1. The German watchdog financial cop BaFin found no improper manipulation in the gold market. They mean from the DeutscheBank perspective. This decision is a setback for the camp that opposes corrupt markets in bond values, currency exchange rates, bank accounting. The backlash could come from numerous flanks, all of which seek justice and fair markets. Market rigging seems never to cease as the climax nears. In Germany, two camps are divided. The politicians are dominated by the banker elite, although loud rumblings come from the ministers levels. The industrial captains manage commerce, and wish to avoid profound economic damage. The US alliance is no longer working toward German benefit. The industrial camp will prevail, but with a huge battle and many unknowns to come.
  1. The Swiss have set up a major RMB trading center in Zurich. An interesting competition is certain to unfold as London, Zurich, and Frankfurt compete for Chinese financial flow in RMB terms. Refer to currency exchange, bond issuance, and direct investment (FDI). While London has the tradition and Zurich has the prestige, the Germans have been hand-picked by the Kremlin and Beijing to serve as the cradle and crucible for European linkage to Asia. The industrial ties to Russia and China extend from Germany, along with huge and growing trade and investment.
  1. The details for Gazprom pipeline extension through Turkey have been revealed, by way of the Black Sea, with volume stated in the plans. In a brilliant stroke, Gazprom decided abruptly to cut off Ukraine on the pipeline construction. It will not pass through Eastern Europe, where USGovt bribery, threats, and corrupt business plans were taking place to block plans. Instead, the pipeline will pass through Turkey, with announced hub on the Greek border. It is being dubbed Turk Stream. The construction will take at least 18 months. In the meantime, the European nations will have to struggle to find a way to connect to its gas lines, and to avoid wreckage from their errant destructive US alliance.
  1. The USEconomy had an enormous miss in expected Durable Good orders. The list of job cuts and project cutbacks in the US, Canadian, British, and European Economies was six pages in length for a recent work toward the January Hat Trick Letter. It was refined to a few pages. It is a veritable procession of business failure from failed monetary and economic policy failure. The USEconomy is stuck in a multi-year powerful recession. QE aggravates the economic deterioration. Numerous major name corporations are making utterly huge astonishing job cuts, the most recent being IBM. Big banks and energy related firms dominate in such news.
Read More @

The United States is a Corporation

If what is stated below is true we are all members of a "FRINGE" group.

The United States 'government' is actually the United States Corporation. It was created behind the screen of a 'Federal Government' when, after the manufactured 'victory' in the American War on 'Independence', the British colonies exchanged overt dictatorship from London for the far more effective covert dictatorship that has been in place ever since.

In effect, the Virginia Company, the corporation headed by the British Crown that controlled the 'former' colonies, simply changed its name to the United States of America and other related pseudonyms. These include the US, USA, United States of America, Washington DC, District of Columbia (Samurais) and the President of the Corporation is known as the President of the United States. This is an accurate title given that one is the names for the Corporation is the 'United States'. He or she is not the President of the people or the country as they are led to believe - that's just the smokescreen.

Rush Limbaugh said Obama was acting like a CEO. This could be because he is a CEO.

You may have noticed that the national flag of the United States always has a gold fringe when displayed in court or federal buildings, and you see this also in federally-funded schools and on the uniforms of US troops. Under the International Law of the Flags, a gold fringe indicates the jurisdiction of commercial law, also known as British Maritime Law, and, in the US, as the Uniform Commercial Code, or UCC. The gold fringe is not part of the American flag known as the Stars and Stripes, but it is a legal symbol indicating that the court, government building, school or soldier is operating under British Maritime Law and the Uniform Commercial Code; military and merchant law.


1871, February 21: Congress Passes an Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871 (Act of 1871)

With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress creates a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, a ten mile square parcel of land (see, Acts of the Forty-first Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62). Act 1871 allows the "Corp US" to control the country in the place of the natural Government

What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government. This newly altered Constitution was not intended to benefit the Republic. It benefits only the corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and operates entirely outside the original (organic) Constitution.
Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, we the people now have "relative" rights or privileges. One example is the Sovereign's right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a "privilege" that requires citizens to be licensed. (Passports) By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution.

In 1871 the American Government was officially transformed into a legal Corporation. All American citizens officially lost their right for soverignty. The District of Columbia has become a seperate entity, not a part of America as we knew it, equipped with it's own flag, and its own laws. In-debted to foreign investors, the interest of this new Corporation transfered from American citizens to that of a select elite group of private Bankers.

What is the name of the group of private bankers? THE FEDERAL RESERVE

The United States Of America is a corporation owned by foreign interests NAFTA ETC ONE WORLD GOVERMENT

Similarities Between Germans under Adolf Hitler And Today's Americans

Similarities Between Germans under Adolf Hitler
And Today's Americans

A poem written by Martin Niemoller, relating to how Germans tolerate Adolf Hitler is especially suitable to most Americans today:

    First they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Communist.
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a trade unionist.
    Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller

Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) first supported the rise of Adolf Hitler, and then upon learning the truth, and objecting, he was imprisoned. He wrote a poem about the state of denial of Germans about what Hitler was doing. Probably no better example could be shown than what has been done to the American people, in their name, while they ignored the outrages.

The first step is to become informed. And with the vast cover-ups, disinformation, and blatant lying by U.S. politicians, media personnel, and political pundits, this requires a little effort. In searching for information, don't be misled by wild conspiracy theories, and go where facts can be found, including courageous (and foolish) insiders who speak out in defense of the country.

Sadly, fewer people read such books (preferring trivia reading), rarely read newspapers (which is one small step to becoming informed). Therefore, the future is bleak, made possible by the corruption detailed here and in the books, the cover-ups, and the public's indifference to their responsibilities.

These atrocities against the sheep-like American people will continue until a sizeable segment of the American people start reading books from insiders on these matters, and divert time from child-like trivia to matters of importance. That is unlikely.

U.S. passports on verge of elimination?

NEW YORK – A Soros-funded group arguing to replace the U.S. passport with a North American passport appears ready to take up the mantle of championing the concept of a European Union-style regional government to supersede the sovereignty of the United States, Mexico and Canada, fulfilling the dream of the late American University professor Robert Pastor. The future of the U.S. lies in North America, not in the United States as a sovereign nation, contends the New America Foundation, a Washington-based leftist think-tank with ties to Jonathan Soros, son of famed leftist billionaire George Soros.
Appropriately named “New America,” the foundation believes the U.S. passport should soon become obsolete and replaced with a European Union-style passport issued for all citizens of the U.S., Mexico and Canada. Citizens would be redefined by their regional identity as “North Americans,” echoing President Obama’s claim in Spanish in his Dec. 17, 2014, announcement of his executive actions to re-establish diplomatic relations with Cuba, “Todos Somos Americanos,” or, “We are all Americans.

“The United States, Canada and Mexico are bound by a shared economic, environmental, demographic and cultural destiny. How we move forward together is key to our success,” wrote André Martinez, an editor with New America and a professor at the Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University; and Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, a fellow at New America and a former adviser on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s policy planning staff, in an article titled “Why we need a North American Passport,” published by
“In recognition of our shared destiny, the three countries should create a North American passport that would, over time, allow their citizens to travel, work, invest, learn and innovate anywhere in North America. Work, tourist and student visas are necessities in the modern world to regulate the flow of people between sovereign states,” Martinez and Kurtz-Phelan declared.
“In the North American context, much like within the European Union, our economies and societies are far more integrated than our immigration system recognizes – and a North American passport, much like the EU passport, would align our laws with reality.”
The article authored by Martinez and Kurtz-Phelan provides additional support for the argument reported by WND for the past decade that globalists seeking to create a “North American Union” realized the EU stealth model could be replicated in North America. It can be accomplished, they believe, through establishing free-trade agreements such as NAFTA and transforming them incrementally into a regional government.
In Europe, the European Coal and Steel Agreement – signed as a treaty in Paris on April 18, 1951, and put into force on July 23, 1952 – evolved into the European Common market. The EC was created by the Treaty of Rome March 25, 1957, and ultimately became the European Union, a regional government.
“The inception of NAFTA marked an important step toward leveraging these geographic realities for a shared North American success,” Martinez and Kurtz-Phelan noted.
“NAFTA has been a boon to our growth and competitiveness. Integrated production platforms, sometimes spanning all three countries, have helped draw manufacturing back from competitors across the Pacific.”
They said, however, “the promise of NAFTA has fallen short in a critical respect.”
While trade and investment have grown, “the barriers to movement have remained too high for the people who help drive and stand to benefit from that growth.”
“As evidenced by the recent political firestorm over President Obama’s executive move to allow more undocumented workers to avoid deportation, it would take farsighted and courageous political leadership in all three countries to press for a North American passport,” Martinez and Kurtz-Phelan stressed. “But the fact is that allowing North Americans to move more effortlessly across the borders would help alleviate our contentious domestic immigration battles.”
The New America Foundation boasts millions of dollars in funding by a blue-chip list of leftist donors along with government funding in the form of a seven-figure grant from the State Department and a six-figure grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Prominent among a list of nearly 150 different funding sources is Google Inc., reflecting the participation of Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, on the New American Foundation’s board of trustees.
Also on the board is Jonathan Soros, CEO of JS Capital Management LLC, a private investment firm, also credited on the New American Foundation website as holding several board positions affiliated with the George Soros Open Society Foundations.
The president and CEO of the New American Foundation is Anne-Marie Slaughter, who previously served as the director of policy planning in the State Department, where she worked for Hillary Clinton from January 2009 through February 2011.
Slaughter is the author of the 2005 book “A New World Order,” in which she argued the structure of global governance is already in place, through international organizations and agreements, broad networks of economic markets, travel and information flow.
One year ago, WND reported Robert Pastor, a longtime proponent of North American integration, died at the age of 66 after a three-year battle with cancer. He was a professor of international relations and the director of the Center for North American Studies at American University in Washington, D.C.


Secrets of Non-Elected U.S. Government Personnel--And Effects Upon the People

Secrets of Non-Elected U.S. Government Personnel, and America's Public Feeding Trough
Discover from former key personnel in the U.S. government that were able to document corruption involving non-elected personnel in the most powerful positions in the U.S. government; and, the unrecognized relationship to major harm affecting the American people and people in other nations.
Documentary, and evidence of credibility, for serious people, at

Urgent National Alliance describes approving the budget, the great achievement

{Baghdad: Euphrates News}
Description of the National Alliance approval of the House of Representatives in 2015 to offset the great accomplishment, and praised the efforts made by the parliamentary finance committee and parliamentary blocs of efforts for approval.

He said the head of the citizen Hamid vegetative members of the National Alliance, told a news conference held at the Parliament after approving the budget that "the adoption of the budget today is a great accomplishment calculated Council, particularly the House of Representatives and that it had been approved quickly, and that the budget was characterized by reducing expenditures in the operating budget and the fairness of some poor provinces Kpabl Muthanna and Diwaniya and support, as well as the holy cities of Basra and the presence of popular franchises for the crowd as well as the budget mobile companies obligated to pay what it amounts during the first half of the current world. "

For his part, the National Alliance MP Ali al-Adeeb, "Our thanks Finance Committee to accomplish, as well as to thank the parliamentary blocs that have cooperated in order to resolve the disputed material."

While a member of the Coalition for the Liberal bloc Mohammed Darraji said that "the members of the Finance Committee were a great deal of responsibility," noting, "It's the first time recognizes the country's budget in the first month of the year" in.

The House of Representatives passed the evening the general budget of the country worth in excess of Al119 trillion dinars and a deficit of about 25 trillion, while the price of a barrel of oil identified on the basis of 56 Dolara.anthy


BREAKING NEWS: Holland- gunman threatens news studio-False Flag set up?

Well here we go my friends.  The Nederland's government has been looking for an excuse to "increase security" and "limit the internet" and perhaps even.... close borders.

Tonight at 7pm GM, a well dressed young man entered the news studios of NOS in Hilversum Holland, and walked into the live studio with a gun and demanded "air time" for 10 minutes..... and says: 
"The things that are going to be said (pause) those are very large world affairs. We were hired by the security service.""

I have two Dutch friends combing through all the data that has been coming out since the first moment the story broke in Holland.  Here is what we know- according to the media- so far:

* Young man in suit arrested in television studio
* Man threatened security guard, suggested he had accomplices
* TV says man is student who lost parents, not on jihadist list
* Dutch minister says man appears to have acted alone (Adds police identifying man as 19-year-old Dutchman)

A 19-year-old Dutchman with a pistol forced his way into the studios of the national broadcaster NOS on Thursday demanding to be allowed to go on air, but was quickly arrested, officials said....

"We are currently investigating who this man is and what he wants," she said. The police were looking into claims that he had accomplices around the country with explosives.
"He took the security guard hostage and said he wanted air time. If they didn't give it to him, he said there would be bombs in different places in the Netherlands that would explode if he didn't get time on TV," Scholts said.
The threats were reportedly also contained in a letter that the man took to the studio, a purported copy of which was aired by the RTL news channel.
"Realise that I am not on my own," it said. "Furthermore, eight high explosives have been planted that contain radioactive material. If you don't take me to studio 8 to make my broadcast, we will be forced to step into action."
Answer me this:  How did a 19 year old young man, carrying a gun with a silencer, get into a studio that is live on the air, and calmly as for 10 minutes of air time- when supposedly they have super security in place?

Continued at RTS HERE:

I will posted updates on RTS as information becomes available.


New video shows white Seattle cop arresting 70yo black veteran for carrying golf club

The Seattle Police Department is reviewing the conduct of an officer after she arrested an elderly black man who was using a golf club as a cane. Posting online, the officer also characterized civil unrest in Ferguson, Mo., as “chronic black racism.”
Seattle police released dashcam footage of the July encounter on Wednesday.
“You swung that golf club at me when I turned the corner at 11th and Pike,” Officer Cynthia Whitlatch said to 70-year-old William Wingate before arresting him.
The alleged club-swinging is not shown in the 20-minute video which starts out with Whitlatch — who is white — repeatedly yelling at Wingate to drop the golf club, calling it a “weapon” at one point. Wingate protests that he has been “walking with this golf club for 20 years.”
The video was obtained by The Stranger through a public records request.

“You just swung that golf club at me!” Whitlatch said in the video.
“No, I did not!” Wingate replied.
Wingate, an Air Force veteran who has no criminal history, was eventually arrested and booked into jail, according to KIRO.
Source and full story: Russia Today, 29 January 2015

SOVEREIGN MAN - Notes from the Field - This is why banking is a total scam !!!

SOVEREIGN MAN - Notes from the Field - This is why banking is a total scam !!!
January 28, 2015
Sovereign Valley Farm, Chile
Last May, Mr. Wang from Hangzhou, China walked into a bank on Jiangpu Street in Nanjing, opened an account, and made a 12 million yuan deposit.
The bank was new, but it didn’t look different from any other bank that Mr. Wang had been to.
It had a giant vault, counters for the tellers, exchange and interest rates posted on the wall. And above all, it was very elegant.
But after a few weeks, Mr. Wang stopped receiving the interest he’d been promised.
When he tried to withdraw his money, the bank froze his deposit. So he went straight to the police.
Turns out that even though it had been operating for over a year, it wasn’t actually a licensed bank.
Apparently some people had simply renovated a building to give customers the impression that they were a real bank. But it was a total scam.
Some of the senior executives have since been arrested, and the story is now slowly leaking out to the Western world.
What I find particularly interesting about this story is that it reveals how people have been programmed to hand over our hard-earned savings to complete strangers, simply because we walk into a building and see a vault.
In this case the bank itself was a ‘fake’, i.e. it wasn’t sanctioned by the government.
Candidly, though, I find very little difference from government-licensed banks that recklessly gamble their customers’ money… or that are effectively insolvent to begin with.
It’s crazy to think that very few people ever conduct due diligence on their bank.
You wouldn’t just walk up and hand over your life savings to some bum on the street.
But put him suit standing in front of a vault and suddenly the air of legitimacy compels us to hand over everything to this complete stranger who has a track record of screwing his customers.
We’ve discussed this before. Many banks, particularly in the West, are highly illiquid and borderline insolvent.
You don’t even have to take my word for it. Go see for yourself.
Each quarter, most large banks publish their financial statements. And with a few simple calculations you will be able to see just how illiquid they really are.
Some of the largest banks in the west, for example, state in their financials that they only hold a small fraction (often less than 3%) of their customers’ deposits.
The rest is loaned out or gambled away. It’s not exactly a conservative practice.
Given that they actually publish these results, the banks themselves are telling anyone who’s paying attention that they’re very risky.
Fortunately for them there are very few people paying attention. People simply think that just because it’s a bank, it must be safe.
This Chinese bank happened to be fake. But again, when you look at the actual data, the “real” banks, particularly in the developed West, aren’t much safer.
Bottom line—banking is all about confidence. It’s imperative to have trust and reliability in credible, conservative, strong, transparent financial institutions.
Even if you don’t understand finance, one way to test your bank’s transparency is to ask them for their financial statements.
If they won’t do it, you should not only walk out the door, you should run. And be sure to take all of your money with you.
Handing your money to a stranger DEMANDS transparency. If they’re not willing to be transparent, that’s a bad sign.
As the people of Cyprus found out nearly two years ago, just because you can log on to your bank’s website and see an account balance printed on the screen doesn’t mean that the money is actually there.
For banks, your account balance is a liability-- money they owe you. Think about that: your bank OWES you YOUR own money. Do they have it?
It’s a question worth asking. And a lot of the information is right there in the financials.
Just because there’s a vault in a building doesn’t mean that they’re good for it.
Trust and confidence are built by conducting serious due diligence and making calculated, informed decisions about the strangers that we’re dealing with.
Until tomorrow,
Simon Black

Measles Police State: 'Parents who do not vaccinate their children should go to jail'

Measles Police State: 'Parents who do not vaccinate their children should go to jail'
Mac Slavo
Activist Post
Jan 29, 2015
Never mind the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and other basic freedoms that uphold parents’ rights to make decisions about the health care their children receive.
Never mind the evidence that vaccines aren’t as effective as their makers have promised.
USA Today columnist Alex Berezow boldly proclaimed:
• Parents who do not vaccinate their children should go to jail.
• Anti-vaxxers often claim the right not to put “poison” in their children’s bodies.
• That is ludicrous. A mountain of data has demonstrated that vaccines are safe and effective. Insisting otherwise is akin to believing that the moon landing was faked.
Tell that to the parents of Keira Driscoll, a five year old who died from very strain of the flu that she was vaccinated against just three days after receiving an immunization. FULL REPORT

BREAKING: Pilots Cut Power To Critical Computers Moments Before AirAsia Crash

Was this abnormal flight action performed by one of the pilots, or was it controlled in this manner via an UAP (uninterruptible autopilot) device that was installed on this plane? You be the judge.
BREAKING: Pilots Cut Power To Critical Computers Moments Before AirAsia Crash
By: Grant (Breaking911 Newsroom)
Jan 29, 2015
The AirAsia pilots aboard Flight 8501 cut power to a critical computer system that normally prevents planes from going out of control shortly before it plunged into the Java Sea, according to a new report from Bloomberg.
The action appears to have helped trigger the events of Dec. 28, when the Airbus Group NV A320 plane climbed so abruptly that it lost lift and it began falling with warnings blaring in the cockpit, the people said. All 162 aboard were killed.
The flight climbed at an abnormally high rate. It then plunged, and suddenly disappeared from radar. FULL REPORT


The Intelligence and Consciousness that is ultimately you–the essence that you REALLY are and that gives life to your human-avatar–has taken on a very significant and important challenge.
The real YOU has entered a body, your human-avatar, and has entered a world strange beyond measure.
Your human-avatar, before you entered it, has a history. It’s a long history, a genetic history. It has an ego (the natural man, also known by some as the devil or lucifer). It has intelligence, will, self-awareness, emotions, disposition, attitude, likes and dislikes. It is born with a program of generations that is perpetuated genetically.
Earth, your temporary current location, built and maintained by the real YOU and others like the real YOU, is the stage, the matrix for your adventures and challenges. YOU find Earth an amazing and strange world because it is not your real home, but it is the perfect place for you to experience everything you came for. The real YOU has entered, through birth, into a world unlike your REAL world, unlike your REAL home.
YOU and your human-avatar on Earth are having the ride-of-a-life-time that is filled with “RISK, PERIL, HAZARD, THE UNKNOWN, ADVENTURE and CHALLENGE unlike ANYTHING available elsewhere. A perfect world that meets every requirement for your adventure.
YOUR avatar and this world is YOUR challenge. YOU have come to challenge YOUR avatar and Earth to a contest.
YOU are in the ultimate game, designed for and by YOU.
How do you know when you’ve won? When you have “conquered, changed, overcome, trained” YOUR avatar (the devil within, Lucifer, the demon, YOUR ego-centric avatar) you have won the game.
When YOU have helped YOUR avatar come to the logical and self-evident conclusion that loving itself and others equal to itself, makes life more enjoyable, you have accomplished YOUR mission.
When YOU are asleep in the game, the world challenges YOUR avatar.
When YOU are awake in the game, YOU challenge YOUR avatar, through the game.
When YOU no longer are “of” the world but merely in it, and when YOU feel a stranger in a strange world, and see little value in participating in much of it, you have more time to work on YOUR avatar. Even WHEN, and especially WHEN, you are old and can do little in the world, you have the opportunity to work on your avatar more directly and more fully.
The nature of an Untrained or needs-more-training avatar is selfishness, self-centeredness, pride, vanity, haughtiness, it thinks it’s better than others, deserves more than others, greed, covetousness, avarice and every other disposition to love itself above and beyond others, rather than equal to others.
The nature of a FULLY trained avatar is that it loves itself equal to others, and thinks and acts accordingly.
“AND now you know the rest of the story,” the true story, in a general, symbolic and allegorical way. nem.

Knock Knock...Dreams...A Dark Plot...Riddles...And Secrets...

It feels like the Final Hour this year,
Like a clock is ticking…
A last chance for change…the Right Kind…
But changes will come…no doubt there.
I want to thank everyone who has written
So much, for their emails, words of kindness
And support. And I would like to apologize
For not responding to everyone.
I’m not online much, and my family
Tries to help answering emails…
But it is hard since I haven’t been well,
And the posts take their toll on me,
Especially this year. But I will try to keep going
As long as I can.
The strangest thing is that as hard as
The year has started for me, the better my
Dreams have been.
And remember I said pay attention to your
Dreams…they will tell you a lot.
Dreams of the Past, the Present…the Future…
Overall my dreams have been encouraging…
That no matter…things will be better.
Hold on to that hope, I sure want to.
But one re-occurring dream I've had
Is falling seriously ill, and being taken
Aboard a Government UFO/Spaceship…
Evacuated off world to a safe distance…
Being told the Earth was being ravaged
By some terrible plague…and was
About to be cleansed by fire, deliberately.
The select survivors would then rebuild
The Earth…but instead of the way they
Were told to, they – a resistance group,
Was trying to find a way to free themselves
Of the overseers and rebuild the Earth the
Right way, a better way.
I was told in these dreams, that this whole
De-population process had been scheduled for
Years…but they were waiting for the right
Time to initiate it. I was told that everything
From so-called Natural Disasters,
To alleged Terrorist attacks…Plagues…
Had all been arranged as a way to control
And eventually decimate our population.
There is a group working to stop this, but
Obviously they’re having a hard time.
Ultimately I’m afraid this Dark Plot will manifest.
If there is to be any hope at all,
And the Events that were supposed to happen
Start happening now…
The Tuatha must come together at the portal.
It should draw them to it like a magnet…
The church, remember look there…
Like a legend I believe this is written in their DNA…
But that’s all I know for now…
I can only say so much at certain times,
It’s very difficult for me. But I’m trying.
February could be a very hard time if their Dark Plot
Comes in to play…Be careful…People will be dangerous.
Stay home…Play it safe.
They will be targeting anyone they see as a threat
To their corrupt ways, don’t give in.
For extra help you can use the Pillars of the Earth
Artwork…aligned together…
The Fires of Feeling…The Waters of Intuition…
The Winds of Change…with the painting Pillars of
The Earth…Watch what happens when the Four of
Them stand together.
The Dream of the Lady in Red…
Another vision…like the Royal colors we know…
Purple of Kings and Queens…or Yellow in Asia,
The Emperor…the Lady in Red is of Royal Blood
From a distant star. She too has purpose here…
Another riddle to unravel in time.
More Secrets of the artwork…
The Lady in Red…
One thing is for sure…the rules change
When she arrives…
The Secrets will reveal themselves at the right time…
The Lock and the Key…hints, clues.
Fireballs, shooting stars…omens, warnings…
Secrets of the Lost Tribe warned of the Invaders.
Beware the triangular ships…
The Paradigm of 9 Worlds…
9 Worlds share the same fate…
2012, The Hand of God…the Events that were
Meant to be, must come to pass.
Secrets, Riddles and Lies…the Hidden meaning was
The Legacy of the Tuatha…Awakening…
The Unicorn – a sign, to watch, to listen…
Perhaps the final clue of where to go…
Dear Mr. Spacemen…
9 Ancient Prophecies…9 months…9 months
For a baby to be born…
9 breaks the sign, 9 breaks a curse…
9 planets…when the Stars align…
Time will set forth what is due.
You can’t stop it.
That’s all for now.

The FDA Is Pissing Off Native American Farmers

The United States of America is home to 566 federally recognized Native American tribes. And with its new, hugely impactful set of agricultural rules, the FDA is ignoring each and every one of them.
That’s the sentiment, at least, put forward by a variety of tribal leaders, including Shannon McDaniel, the Choctaw nation’s executive director for tribal operations. Last week, McDaniel addressed a letter to FDA officials in which he accused the agency of failing to consult with tribal leaders—a legal requirement—before issuing an updated draft of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The multifaceted group of laws aims to increase the traceability of food-borne illnesses by regulating how all domestic meat and produce are raised, harvested, and processed. But enforcement of these laws will be costly, and with many Native Americans employed by the agriculture industry, tribal populations might suffer from them disproportionately.
In January 2013, the FDA updated the 2010 law, releasing details on how new requirements for practices like crop fertilization and water sanitation would be enforced. But before it did so, McDaniel and other tribal organizations claim, it failed to meet its obligation to confer with US tribes. (When reached for comment, FDA spokesperson Jennifer Dooren disagreed: “The FDA has met with tribal representatives to discuss the proposed Food Safety Modernization Act rules,” she said. “The agency will continue to meet with tribal representatives and other interested stakeholders to discuss any concerns.”)
Although McDaniel was unavailable for comment, his office sent MUNCHIES a statement summing up the Choctaw people’s take on the issue.
“The Choctaw Nation has a long, rich history as an agricultural people,” the statement reads. “Choctaw farmers have adapted through centuries, skillfully developing land-management practices to preserve the environment. The new FMSA rules would have a major impact on predominantly rural areas such as Oklahoma. The Choctaw Nation believes Executive Order 13175 required that tribal nations should have been actively included in FSMA consultations in developing the new rules and the FDA’s decisions on those rules.”
First issued by President Bill Clinton in 2000, EO 13175 was a promise made by the federal government to “establish regular and meaningful consultation and collaboration with tribal officials in the development of Federal policies that have tribal implications.” Reaffirmed during the Bush administration and again by Obama, it’s a binding legal obligation that tribes say has been completely elided during the development of the FSMA.


Bibi Netanyahu -- aka 'The Republican Senator From Israel'