Friday, January 30, 2015

Jim Willie: The Global Currency Reset is Real and in Motion

Two Hour Interview Highlights from OneRadioNetwork:
-Willie says there is a strong contingent of powerful “Good Guys” ex military who are tired of
the status quo; and there are extremely wealthy Chinese Elders who are sick and tired of “The Boys” andtheir destruction of the Planet.
-There are three major factions who run the world….for now; who are they?
-Germany is actively looking for credible ways to exit the Euro Zone, political and currency
-The dollar is losing market share, as we speak, with the emergence with BRICS
-The amount of gold Russia and China has will curl your hair
-The U.S. is out of gold
-Putin kicked the Rothchild’s out of Russia a few years ago
-The Vatican is loaded with assets on all levels and it goes back over a thousand years
-Willie explains how oil got to $45 a barrel today
-It’s all about derivatives and not supply and demand for all major assets
-Just how did the Swiss pull off keeping the Euro peg for the last three years
-The dollar may have strong numbers today but is weak at heart
-Willie’s take on ISIS, their origin and what they are up to
-The Global Currency Reset is real and in motion
More from Jim Willie @


In Which Of The 11 American Nations Do You Live?

Red states and blue states? Flyover country and the coasts? How simplistic. Colin Woodard, a reporter at the Portland Press Herald and author of several books, says North America can be broken neatly into 11 separate nation-states, where dominant cultures explain our voting behaviors and attitudes toward everything from social issues to the role of government.
“The borders of my eleven American nations are reflected in many different types of maps — including maps showing the distribution of linguistic dialects, the spread of cultural artifacts, the prevalence of different religious denominations, and the county-by-county breakdown of voting in virtually every hotly contested presidential race in our history,” Woodard writes in the Fall 2013 issue of Tufts University’s alumni magazine. “Our continent’s famed mobility has been reinforcing, not dissolving, regional differences, as people increasingly sort themselves into like-minded communities.”
Woodard lays out his map in the new book “American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America.” Here’s how he breaks down the continent:
Yankeedom: Founded by Puritans, residents in Northeastern states and the industrial Midwest tend to be more comfortable with government regulation. They value education and the common good more than other regions.
New Netherland: The Netherlands was the most sophisticated society in the Western world when New York was founded, Woodard writes, so it’s no wonder that the region has been a hub of global commerce. It’s also the region most accepting of historically persecuted populations.
The Midlands: Stretching from Quaker territory west through Iowa and into more populated areas of the Midwest, the Midlands are “pluralistic and organized around the middle class.” Government intrusion is unwelcome, and ethnic and ideological purity isn’t a priority.
Tidewater: The coastal regions in the English colonies of Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland and Delaware tend to respect authority and value tradition. Once the most powerful American nation, it began to decline during Westward expansion.
Greater Appalachia: Extending from West Virginia through the Great Smoky Mountains and into Northwest Texas, the descendants of Irish, English and Scottish settlers value individual liberty. Residents are “intensely suspicious of lowland aristocrats and Yankee social engineers.”
Deep South: Dixie still traces its roots to the caste system established by masters who tried to duplicate West Indies-style slave society, Woodard writes. The Old South values states’ rights and local control and fights the expansion of federal powers.
El Norte: Southwest Texas and the border region is the oldest, and most linguistically different, nation in the Americas. Hard work and self-sufficiency are prized values.
The Left Coast: A hybrid, Woodard says, of Appalachian independence and Yankee utopianism loosely defined by the Pacific Ocean on one side and coastal mountain ranges like the Cascades and the Sierra Nevadas on the other. The independence and innovation required of early explorers continues to manifest in places like Silicon Valley and the tech companies around Seattle.
The Far West: The Great Plains and the Mountain West were built by industry, made necessary by harsh, sometimes inhospitable climates. Far Westerners are intensely libertarian and deeply distrustful of big institutions, whether they are railroads and monopolies or the federal government.
New France: Former French colonies in and around New Orleans and Quebec tend toward consensus and egalitarian, “among the most liberal on the continent, with unusually tolerant attitudes toward gays and people of all races and a ready acceptance of government involvement in the economy,” Woodard writes.
First Nation: The few First Nation peoples left — Native Americans who never gave up their land to white settlers — are mainly in the harshly Arctic north of Canada and Alaska. They have sovereignty over their lands, but their population is only around 300,000.
The clashes between the 11 nations play out in every way, from politics to social values. Woodard notes that states with the highest rates of violent deaths are in the Deep South, Tidewater and Greater Appalachia, regions that value independence and self-sufficiency. States with lower rates of violent deaths are in Yankeedom, New Netherland and the Midlands, where government intervention is viewed with less skepticism.
States in the Deep South are much more likely to have stand-your-ground laws than states in the northern “nations.” And more than 95 percent of executions in the United States since 1976 happened in the Deep South, Greater Appalachia, Tidewater and the Far West. States in Yankeedom and New Netherland have executed a collective total of just one person.
That doesn’t bode well for gun control advocates, Woodard concludes: “With such sharp regional differences, the idea that the United States would ever reach consensus on any issue having to do with violence seems far-fetched. The cultural gulf between Appalachia and Yankeedom, Deep South and New Netherland is simply too large. But it’s conceivable that some new alliance could form to tip the balance.

Video: Karen Hudes - False Court System - Don't Listen To The Experts

Karen Hudes Whistleblower on the Chris Ponte Show
Published on Jan 27, 2015 By Karen Hudes
Karen Hudes describes state capture of the courts, the Congress, and the switch away from Federal Reserve Notes for Chris Ponte's Danbury, Connecticut public access TV show, pre-taped on 1/26/15, the day before a blizzard on the scheduled show time.

Washington will do whatever it can to stop BRICS, maintain power - economist

Do Skin Cancer Fears Contribute to Vitamin D Deficiency?


The sun is both loved and feared, and many people either worship its life-giving warmth or shun it altogether. As fear of skin cancer related to UV exposure became widespread, individuals around the globe began shying away from natural sunlight. Many skin cancer campaigns urged listeners to avoid sun exposure whenever possible and slather skin with extra-strength sun block in preparation for even the briefest contact with the sun. While this advice might’ve had good intentions, the results have been nothing but harmful.

Vitamin D Deficiency Effects

Prolonged exposure to sunlight may increase disease risk as well as speed up the visible signs of aging. Moderate, daily exposure on the other hand can actually prevent these effects. It sounds paradoxical, but most things related to health usually are. Sunlight is also important for maintaining a healthy mood, regulating your sleep cycles, and supporting your immune system. Extreme measures to avoiding sunlight exposure may deprive you of Vitamin D, which is believed to offer a number of essential health benefits. Some of the effects related to vitamin D deficiency include:

1. Increased Blood Pressure

Research has consistently shown that there is a direct correlation between vitamin D deficiency and high blood pressure. [1] According to a recent study conducted at the University of Edinburgh, 30 minutes of UV exposure may lower blood pressure by triggering natural stores of nitric oxide in the skin, which causes small blood vessels to dilate. [2] Other studies have found that people tend to have lower blood pressure during the summer, and the further you live from the equator, the higher the odds are that you will suffer from high blood pressure and heart disease.

2. Heart Disease and Stroke

If sun exposure reduces blood pressure, it may also be able to prevent heart disease and stroke. [3] High blood pressure is a huge risk factor for these types of health conditions, both of which account for 30 percent of annual deaths across the globe. People at risk for heart disease should probably look into checking their vitamin D levels (ask your doctor for a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test) and possibly supplement with a vegan form of vitamin D3.

3. Immune System Suppression

A deficiency of vitamin D can actually contribute to the suppression of the immune system. [4] This may be why colds and flu often occur during the winter months when people are indoors for the majority of the day.

Vitamin D Guidelines

While it is important to be mindful of UV rays’ potential for skin damage, responsible sun exposure is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Sunlight is ideal for producing natural vitamin D, but a vitamin D3 supplement may be necessary, especially during the winter months.
Experts suggest that if the UV index is less than three, it may be fine for most individuals to go out in the sun without protection. When the UV index is three or above, however, protective measures for your skin are encouraged, including sunscreen application and wearing proper clothing. Experts note that the early morning and late afternoon are the safest times to go out in the sun, while the middle of the day is when UV rays are most intense and have the highest potential for harm.

What You Can Do to Protect Your Skin

Vitamin D is essential, and we need some form of sunlight exposure every day to keep our health and wellbeing running smoothly. At the same time, overexposure can age the skin quickly and contribute to disease risk. Since the skin on your face is thinner than other areas of your body, it is best to apply an organic sunscreen to your face and neck, exposing your arms and legs to the sun for vitamin D production. After about 15 to 20 minutes of mid-day exposure, it may be best to find some type of protection from the direct rays of the sun. This is dependent on your skin type, but most people should avoid being in direct sunlight beyond 30 minutes.
How do you ensure a healthy dose of daily vitamin D? Please let us know your thoughts in the comments!
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

Nest Gems - Judiciary

In the heat of recent judicial confirmations, the prospects that a litmus test for political ideological purity is the overriding standard, has finally been verbalized. Some may fear that this will politicize the judiciary. For those weak knee and spineless neophytes of the real politik, it is time that you face reality that the federal judge is a politician. The notion that the judiciary is above politics is lunacy. The pretense that has been fostered that lifetime appointments allow for independence is as inaccurate as saying that a jury is bound to follow the instructions of a judge. People need to deal with reality, and discard pious versions of a fairy tale.

NaturalNews: "U.S. Justice Dept. says police can no longer steal assets from the public"

From the Natural News e-mail newsletter:
(NaturalNews) In a rare display of "actually-doing-the-right-thing-for-a-change," the United States Department of Justice has announced that it will no longer permit state and local authorities to invoke a federal law making it legal for state and local...

Link to video: "The Homeless Man Who Chose to Help, Is Gifted Big Time!"

You may remember the video we posted awhile ago, in which a homeless man named Thomas was given $100, and the young man who gave it to him then followed him with a video camera to see what would happen next - and what happened next was that Thomas shared his wealth as food with others similarly in need:
: How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100?
: At YouTube:
: (There's a "Fundraiser for Thomas" link below the
: clip at YouTube.)
Last Christmas, the story continued:
Sometimes one single act of kindness can have rippling effects. That is certainly so for this man.

Students Forced to Pull Down Their Pants in Front of School Teachers in Texas for ‘Poop Inspection’

How low will these sickies go in implementing their insane policies and when will the public finally say, enough is enough?
Students Forced to Pull Down Their Pants in Front of School Teachers in Texas for ‘Poop Inspection’
Melissa Melton
The Daily Sheeple
Jan 29, 2015
This actually happened — in real life — in a public school in Gustine, Texas.
Elementary school students were forced to pull down their pants in class and show their underwear to their teachers, “Like… to where your butt is,” according to 11-year-old Eliza Medina, reported WFAA8 ABC.
“I felt uncomfortable, and I didn’t want to do it,” said 11-year-old Eliza Medina. “I felt like they violated my privacy.”
She was one of about two dozen elementary students who were rounded up in the small town 90 miles southwest of Fort Worth.
Eliza’s mother, Maria Medina, said boys were taken to one room, girls to another, and they were ordered “to pull down their pants to check them to see if they could find anything.” 

Why The Coming Revolution Will NOT Be Peaceful....

There have been and are presently several movements calling for a peaceful revolution across the US to fight for the restoration of liberty, equal opportunity, less government, etc..
Ron Paul’s rEVOLution / Campaign for Liberty
Gerald Celente’s Occupy Peace Movement
Occupy Wall st. (protests were focused on the symptoms rather than the problem)
Tea Party Movement
Tell me, what has changed? I can tell you that a lot has changed, but in the opposite direction from that with which these movements were founded.
The pentagon 1033 program is still roaring forward, giving military arms to all of our police departments which gives way to the police state.
Unwarranted surveillance of our citizens is continuing at a staggering pace, backed by current events like the French Charlie Hebdo shooting.
The National Defense Authorization and Patriot acts get continually renewed and strip us of our rights. See here for exactly what rights they remove.
And so much more…
Why are these events and why will future similar events be unsuccessful? Let me take you back to August 28th, 2010: The Glenn Beck Restoring Honor Rally
Glenn Beck Res
In one of the most coordinated efforts by Tea Party backers, as many as 500,000 people were bused in to Washington DC to protest our lawmaker’s excessive corruption and inability to cooperate. While many left leaning media outlets tried to downplay the numbers of people that attended, ariel photographs of The Mall showed that at the very least, 100,000 people. That my friends is no small feat.
So, with the restoring honor rally being one of the most prevalent showings of force from the citizens of the US, what changed as a result? A couple tea party candidates made their way into congress, the tea party name became enough of a familiar term to deem supporters as right wing domestic terrorists, and that is about all that I can think of. The government machine keeps rolling forward.
It’s not just the United States. In China, the 2014 Hong Kong Protests had over 100,000 people flood the downtown streets over government corruption. What was the end result? Nothing.
Let’s be clear with one another. I do not support a violent uprising of the people. However, I can most definitely see the limitation of options on the table:
1. The people keep doing what their doing. They remain complacent or apathetic and do nothing. Another option is they get out and protest and write their congressmen which still yields…nothing. End Game – The New World Order.
2. A major event rocks the public distrust of government to where you have a Ferguson style riot but on a much more massive scale. Change will happen in this instance, but who knows which way that change goes. Does it go in favor of the protesters? Or are the protesters isolated through the police state and media propaganda and conveniently silenced?
At this point, I feel as though the economy is the Titanic. Even if we were to steer the helm towards the right direction, we are headed on an almost direct collision course with a collapsed financial system. Do what you can that is within your power; prepare for yourself and your family and network with others. As I’ve shown, even the greatest showings of public support have not made a dent in our spiraling path towards collapse.

Office puts chips under staff's skin

Office puts chips under staff's skin

The chip allows employees to open doors and use the photocopier without a traditional pass card
Want to gain entry to your office, get on a bus, or perhaps buy a sandwich? We're all getting used to swiping a card to do all these things. But at Epicenter, a new hi-tech office block in Sweden, they are trying a different approach - a chip under the skin.
Felicio de Costa, whose company is one of the tenants, arrives at the front door and holds his hand against it to gain entry. Inside he does the same thing to get into the office space he rents, and he can also wave his hand to operate the photocopier.
That's all because he has a tiny RFID (radio-frequency identification) chip, about the size of a grain of rice, implanted in his hand. Soon, others among the 700 people expected to occupy the complex will also be offered the chance to be chipped. Along with access to doors and photocopiers, they're promised further services in the longer run, including the ability to pay in the cafe with a touch of a hand.
On the day of the building's official opening, the developer's chief executive was, himself, chipped live on stage. And I decided that if was to get to grips with this technology, I had to bite the bullet - and get chipped too.
The whole process is being organised by a Swedish bio-hacking group which was profiled by my colleague Jane Wakefield recently. One of its members, a rather fearsome looking tattooist, inserted my chip.
First, he massaged the skin between my thumb and index finger and rubbed in some disinfectant. The he told me to take a deep breath while he inserted the chip. There was a moment of pain - not much worse than any injection - and then he stuck a plaster over my hand.
Before trying my chip out, I wanted to know more about the thinking behind it. Hannes Sjoblad, whose electronic business card is on his own chip and can be accessed with a swipe of a smartphone, has the title chief disruption officer at the development. I asked him whether people really wanted to get this intimate with technology.
"We already interact with technology all the time," he told me. "Today it's a bit messy - we need pin codes and passwords. Wouldn't it be easy to just touch with your hand? That's really intuitive."
When I tested my chip, I found that it was not all that intuitive - I had to twist my hand into an unnatural position to make the photocopier work. And while some of the people around the building were looking forward to being chipped, others were distinctly dubious. "Absolutely not," said one young man when I asked him if he'd sign up. An older woman was more positive about the potential of the technology but saw little point in being chipped just to get through a door.
But Hannes Sjoblad says he and the Swedish Biohacking Group have another objective - preparing us all for the day when others want to chip us. "We want to be able to understand this technology before big corporates and big government come to us and say everyone should get chipped - the tax authority chip, the Google or Facebook chip." Then, he says, we'll all be able to question the way the technology is implemented from a position of much greater knowledge.
I've returned to Britain with a slightly sore hand - and a chip still under my skin which has my contact details on it. Not that useful, but no doubt more sophisticated chips will soon replace wearable technology like fitness bands or payment devices, and we will get used to being augmented. All sorts of things are possible - whether it becomes culturally acceptable to insert technology beneath our skin is another matter.

Senate GOP demands Obama turn over all communications with IRS

Senate GOP demands Obama turn over all communications with IRS

** FILE ** President Obama speaks on the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative groups for extra tax scrutiny in the East Room of the White House in Washington on Wednesday, May 15, 2013. Mr. Obama announced the resignation of Acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
** FILE ** President Obama speaks on the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups for extra tax scrutiny in the East Room of the White House in Washington on Wednesday, May 15, 2013. Mr. Obama announced the resignation of ... more >
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Thursday, January 29, 2015
Senate Republicans on Thursday asked President Obama to turn over all communications he and his aides have had with the IRS since 2010, hoping to find out whether the tax collection agency shared private taxpayer information with political operatives at the White House.
The request, made in a letter obtained by The Washington Times, is signed by Senate Finance Chairman Orrin G. Hatch and all 13 other Republicans on the committee, and is addressed specifically to Mr. Obama, saying they want to see if his employees broke the law by acquiring or sharing private information.
We have an obligation to conduct oversight of the federal government’s administration of our tax laws,” the lawmakers wrote. “As part of this oversight, we are seeking to determine the degree to and manner in which the Internal Revenue Service shares taxpayer information with the Executive Office of the President.”
The Republicans said they tried to get the information from the IRS, but it has been “unable to provide a full accounting of its employees’ communications with the White House.” The GOP senators gave the president a Feb. 20 deadline.
The White House didn’t respond to a request for comment.
The IRS is strictly prohibited from sharing confidential taxpayer information with outsiders, though several high-profile conservative figures have said they believe their information was improperly accessed or shared.
In one instance, the IRS agreed to pay $50,000 to the National Organization for Marriage to settle claims after the agency said an employee made a mistake in releasing the group’s donor information to a citizen who requested it. The information was passed to a gay-rights group that posted the donors’ names online. A federal judge ruled the disclosure was an accident.
House Republicans have launched several investigations of the IRS in the wake of the agency’s 2013 admission that it improperly targeted tea party groups for special scrutiny, blocking approval of their applications for tax-exempt status.
The Senate, then controlled by Democrats, had been slower in its investigation. But with Republicans now in control, Thursday’s letter suggests the Senate probe into IRS treatment of taxpayers could pick up.
Outside groups already have tried to get a look at the communications between the White House and the IRS, though they have largely been unsuccessful.
Cause of Action, an interest group, has gone to court to try to compel the IRS‘ inspector general to turn over documents it has stemming from its investigation into White House-IRS communications. The inspector general says it has 2,500 pages of records from its investigation but can’t turn most of them over, saying it would violate the privacy of taxpayers involved.
It’s unclear whether those 2,500 pages would show any evidence of White House meddling with the tax agency.
Also Thursday, the GOP senators on the Finance Committee sent a letter to the IRS telling the agency to cut wasteful spending and use the savings to boost the number of taxpayers’ calls it will answer this year.
The IRS, blaming budget cuts, has said it could end up answering only about half of the calls that come in during the upcoming tax season, and IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said it could be “miserable” for taxpayers who might see their refunds delayed by a week or more.
Republican senators, though, said the IRS could cut the amount of salaries paid to employees conducting union business on “official time,” could cancel bonuses and could halt its efforts to come up with new regulations to control nonprofit groups’ political activities.

Watch Closely What This former Marine Does.

Subject: Watch Closely What He Does

Watch Closely What This former Marine Does.  It is UNREAL!!!
This young man is fantastic, watch closely, sound on/full screen.


The Freeman and the Strawman Explained



Fired Cop With History Of Brutality Gets Job Back (And A Raise)


Friday, January 30, 2015

Fired Cop With History Of Brutality Gets Job Back (And A Raise)

Fired Cop With History Of Brutality Gets Job Back (And A Raise)

By: Carey Wedler | The Anti Media -
Des Moines, Iowa police officer Cody Grimes, a fired police officer with a history of brutality and abuse, has had his job reinstated. He was fired in December of 2013 for domestic abuse that caused injury and fourth degree criminal mischief.
At the time, his superiors said he was fired because he
“violated the department’s policies on standards of conduct and obedience to laws and orders.”
During the domestic dispute, he
“choked his former girlfriend, threw her down the stairs of his Des Moines house and then threw her in his kitchen after she threatened to report him. That caused her to hit her head and hand.”
At his court date in May of 2014 (until which he was on paid leave), he plead guilty to the lesser charge of criminal mischief, avoiding jail time and paying $1,000 instead. Prosecutors dropped the domestic abuse charge but he was ordered to take a class on abuse.
Today, the Des Moines Civil Service Commission, as expected, reinstated his job, saying firing was too severe a punishment. Some would argue, however, that it was not severe enough. In addition to domestic abuse, Grimes had a history of professional abuse which the commission acknowledged as it gave him back his job. It openly stated he was fired previously for
“misconduct and prior discipline for excessive force.”
In 2010 he shot at a photojournalist from KCCI-TV and was put on paid leave for two weeks. He claims he thought the photojournalist was a suspect and no charges were filed. In 2011, he punched a restrained man so hard he broke bones in his face. It was John Twombly’s wedding day when he allegedly got in a fight that Grimes inserted himself into. Twombly was found not guilty on related charges and the other man’s charges were dropped. Grimes was cleared of any wrong doing in his department but Twombly was eventually awarded $75,000 from the city.
Grimes’ case in particular demonstrates a painful reality: there are always multiple avenues for the state to help police abuse citizens. Usually, police refuse to reprimand officers and charges are rarely pressed by the justice system or the city (the Department of Justice just declined to charge Darren Wilson with civil rights violations). Aside from Grimes, the city of Des Moines resinstated the job of another officer fired for excessive force, but he never took back his job because he was convicted by a federal jury of violating civil rights and obstructing justice.
In the case of Grimes, the police department (in a rare showing) attempted to deal with him but was overrun by the city itselfin spite of the fact that he cost it $75,000 in damages (and thousands more in paid leave).
This is not the only chunk of $75,000 the violent officer is costing the city. Now that he has is job back, he has received a raise. Whereas he used to make $68,500 a year, he now will earn $73,000.
Before he can have his job back, he will undergo a one to two week training to reacclimate. Sgt. Jason Halifax explained
“He will be required to complete some refresher training as is typical for officers who are gone for an extended time.”
There were no known conditions given for Grimes rehiring, meaning that if he commits another act of abuse, there is no guarantee he will be permanently fired.

1 comment:

  1. I just hope for him that his next girlfriend isn't a Lorena Bobbitt supporter. Guys like this give policemen a bad image and that really isn't the way it should be. If you have a CDV, you go on a list, and probably wouldn't be eligible for a police job. Yeah it's worth it to pay $1,000 to buy your job security. (Criminal Domestic Violence)