Tuesday, June 2, 2015



William Mount

UN Conference 30/31 May 2015
Sun May 31, 2015

This was by far the best and most interesting Conference the Arcane School
has ever had. The speakers were top notch and the delivery was incredible.

Following is a review of the high Points of what was said - Part One.
The second part may be (May Be) discussed tomorrow and will deal with how
the Universe is organized, what Dark Matter really is, and how to access
Dark Matter for energy and propulsion and how to use it as a weapon.

The conference theme was:

Let The Group Onward Move Out Of The Fire And In To The Cold toward
A Newer Tension

1) River Between Two Worlds:

a) Water is ether that is condensed in this 3rd Dimension 1st Harmonics and
    makes up about 50% of our Blood Stream.

b) The Red Blood Cells are the Etheric Energy and an Inter-dimentional Circuit
    that connects us to the higher harmonics. The are represented in the Higher
    Harmonics as an Electrical Fluid so therefor Blood represents ether in it's
    densest form - IE: Blood is Life. Both Blood and Water act as a sort of Magnetic
    Recording Liquid.

c) As the blood pumps we actually see about 20% of the blood disappear and
   then reappear at the junction of the heart - it flows in and out of the Higher Planes.

d) Personality is thus set up by water on the Inner Planes of our souls.

e) Each Major Organ relates to a body in our Solar System: Heart represents
    the sun, Mercury the Lungs, Jupiter the Liver, Saturn the Spleen, etc.
   This is why when the Sun has troubles we can feel it in our hearts.

f) Our Soul's love in the spirit world is cold - thus we have to come down to the
   Lower Material Planes to feel the warmth of Friction (For all warmth is created
   by fiction). and through this warmth feel compassion. The Fallen Angels are thus
   the "Lords Of Compassion" and by giving us Pain and Suffering we will all evolve
   into a higher state of Nirvana and then begin our Spiritual Journey up the Harmonics.

g) All of the Hierarchy were once Humans and here is where we will end up there
   some day - much like the Mormon Belief where all were brothers and Jesus
   became the Good Guy and Lucifer the Bad Guy like Good Cop/Bad Cop.

h) The actual Absorption of water may actually help determine how healthy we are.
Seem funny that this is exactly what Immusist does, doesn't it?

2) The Flow Of Life:

a) Science is Moving towards Alchemy.

b) The discoveries they are finding are incredible. Doctor giving the talk discussed
    the difference between rural vs city hospitals and discussed the need for more funding.
3) Out Of The Ashes

a) Bernie Rochford - Former Continuing Care Commissioner in the NHS
   (Health Care Service of the entire United Kingdom now Whistle Blower) discussed
   the fact that clearly 2/3rd (66%) of all patient care bills were paid out to Dead
   Patients - despite a mandatory yearly face - to - face patient review.

b) As a Commissioner she went to the Director and asked to stop this - at which
   point she was promptly fired. Sounds allot like one of my first complaints about
   the VA?

c) The accountants simply make up Fake Doctors in their own names (Since
    these Doctors do not need medical degrees) and pay themselves for the
    treatment of Dead People. This is exactly what the VA has been doing in Seattle,
    Portland, Pittsburg, etc. In addition - for Live Patients they actually make
    appointments for patients, do not tell them, and the make up notes about the
    appointments they never had.

d) So while the doctor above is calling for "Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money" the
    next speaker discussed the Fraud and Waste (Over 66%) inherent in the NHS and
    just how Evil Government Health Care Workers are when you point out this Waste,
   Fraud and abuse.

e) Think about Obama Care - Not One Cancer Case Cured of one case of Heart
    Disease Cured - yet we can do that for around $300. It is a complete program of
   Waste, Fraud and Abuse. My wife calls it a "Slush Fund."

f) Bernie discussed the "Tension" in her life due to the Nasty Evil things the UK
   director of the NHS is now doing to her and not one British Official is Man Enough
   to arrest the Director of the NHS for this Theft.

4) Libuse Savodinova - Vision

a) Libuse discussed the need for vision in her nation of the Czech Republic and how
    the need to stay focused and on tract to complete a mission.

b) After the Czeck Republic became independent they elected a man who understood
    how the people felt and tried to help his tiny little struggling nation move up in the world.
   Since these people came out of Communism they despised the Russians and ejected
   any form of Communism and move towards the West.

c) The New President was elected and he seems to love Vladimir Putin and every thing
    the Russian's represent. The people are furious. This switch in policy (Sounds like
   Obama) has caused much tension in the Czeck Republic and this tension is causing

5) Final Remarks:

The speakers discussed the need for tension - and they made several statements
you have heard me discuss many times here - only now the UN Directors are
having their eyes opened:

1) The Spiritual Hierarchy is in mass confusion and no one knows why ---
    Gee Whillikers, seems like we have discussed this many times.

2) The Christ of Lucifer will not return until the Earth is AT PEACE and is expected
    return in the year of 2025.

3) Tensions here on this plane are quickly reaching a climax - and we will either
 have complete peace or massive Nuclear War.

4) A Practicing then Psychiatrist stated those who believe in Conspiracy Theories
    may be mentally unstable and many are literally coming unglued at this point in time.

5) There seems to be a planned Ecological and Financial Melt Down coming that
    may necessitate Nuclear War and this really worries the Directors.
On a personal note:

I would like to remind the members of the Arcane School, Lockheed Martin and
the United Nations here in New York and in London that the Nuclear Weapons
I identified heading towards YOUR headquarters were not only large enough to
vaporize you and your entire staff, they were set to go off at a time you were all
in your offices, and that through Great Efforts I was able to identify where they
were and thanks to Chinese and Russia Forces they were stopped In Route.

Remember the Colorado Missing Nuke -
It Was Headed to London, it was stopped in Halifax.

8 Feb 2015 - Nuke went off just north of Donetsk, Ukraine I tracked for 30 days.
The other 2 nukes were headed toward Stalingrad and Murmansk,

The DC outage - Caused by a Nuke a few weeks ago - I tracked for 121 days.

The recent Rogue Nuke in Northern Pennsylvania - could use some help on this
one guys and gals. They guy who is packing this decide is getting kind of
desperate and may consider Suicide by Nuke at the place of his choosing.

UN Members - you need to be Very Afraid - You are the primary targets so a
little help would be nice - wince YOUR lives are at stake.

The war may start sooner than you think - Texas may be thrown out of the US
on 1 July by Obama - the Executive Order was signed ---- and the US has
countless Nukes - could use some help here boys and girls.

Obama and his staff are Insane and suicidal at this point.

(((Ask Yourself: What kind of Idiot or Insane Suicidal Maniac would try and stop
this story from getting out knowing there my be a nuke headed for DC 12 June
(+- 3 Days) less than a mile from the White House?)))

This will be the First Planetary Destruction in History caused by Stupid and Lazy
Intelligence Agents - CIA, Massod, SVR, Chinese Red Dragons, .......

Please pray (Visualize) that those in the United Nations wake up and help me
stop this insane march towards World War 3 being profligated by the Vatican
and Lucifer the Coward.

Oh yea - The US Corporation is now planning to over turn Madagascar - that
means War. Allot of untapped resources there.

On a personal Note: Whoever reset my phone tonight does not wish this message
to get out and obviously wishes a Nuclear World War 3. deal with them Russia
and China.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Day 1 of U.N. CONFERENCE - REPORT Continued

William Mount

UN Conference 30/31 May 2015 - Universe Make Up
Mon Jun 1, 2015

During the latest Lucis Trust conference there was a most interesting guest
that spoke - Dr James T Ryder.

Dr Ryder was the retired VP of Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company.

During the conference he discussed the ongoing Star Ship Construction Program
and exactly where the Human Race is when in comes to understanding the Universe.
Here are some key points:

1) Science has taken a wrong turn:

a) The last experiment with the Hadron Collider proved that everything we know is
    false - nothing we predicted occurred. All scientific Gains for the last 30 years have
    been incorrect.

b) The medical journals have revealed that 50% of all their published stories overt
    the last decade have been: Wrong - Fake and outright Fraud.

c) Nature Magazine admitted that 30% - and perhaps much more than that - of their
    published work have been lies - Fake - Outright Fraud.

d) The Stories were done to obtain US Grant Money and this constant publication
    of lies has led us down some very wrong roads.

e) The way they thought the Universe is organized is not exactly what they are
    running into.

f) The original Philosopher Empedodes - who was before Aristotle and Plato -
   may have had it wright all the time and that by understanding the original philosophers
   one might truly understand Modern Physics.

g) The sun is neither a gas nor a solid but made up of Plasma.
    something they do not understand.

h) They can manipulate things but do not know exactly what it is.

i) Steven Hawkins has just admitted that he was wrong about everything - and that
   Black Holes do admit particles - so really strong gravity can act to attract and repel.
   If you know him please tell him we can reverse his nerve damage - so please let
   his handlers know we can fix him at little cost. I will pay for it.

j) 90% of the matter in the Andromeda Galaxy surrounds the planets but is not the
   actual planets - so the particles seem to be both repelled and attracted at the
   same time.

k) Magnetism, light, electricity - all work together and are together and are
    everywhere - so what differentiates a stone from a soul?

l) The US Government does use telepathy and frequencies to invade the minds
   and screw with people - and he was not in favor of these practices.
2) After crawling into Dr Ryder's Mind it became pretty clear exactly what they do,
    and do not, know about the Make Up of the Universe - so here goes:

a) The Universe is made up of Band Widths where life is formed. We vibrate at
    round 85MHtz, the Astral Plane around 8,500MHtz, and so on an so forth.

b) There is an inverse relationship between Band Width and size of the particle and
    this may be logrythmically. The higher the band width the more space the particle
 takes up. This is exactly the opposite of what our Space Program invisions.

c) As we move up the harmonics all moves from Dense Matter to electricity, to light,
   to faster than light and the space between galaxies decreases and our
   understanding of the properties of each level decreases - as does the effectiveness
   of our weaponry. Thus light is both particles and light - a combination of particles
   vibrating at different frequencies traveling together.

d) At the extremely high Bank Widths all of space is completely filled. Thus at this
    lower level of vibration we think there is a Void - when in fact we are surrounded
   by energy - "Dark Matter."

e) Accessing this through machines is fairly easy once the structure of the Universe
is understood and this changing Gravitational Constants can be achieved fairly easily.

f) Just as we have Octaves of sound here in our Music so to we have Octaves of
   vibration within the Universe and this is manifested in a Logrythmic Patterns as one
   goes up into higher band widths, although the Fabronachi Principles may apply as well.

g) So to capture these higher energy particles (as the N-1 Generator Does) you
    would construct an antenna array matching these "Band Widths" of the Higher Energy
    "Harmonics" and thus have unlimited energy. Now obviously one cannot make an
    Nanometer Grid so you upscale into inches in the higher band widths and build
    the grid.

h) Weaponizing is the reverse process: Build a Triangular Antenna matching the
   "Octave" of the Bandwidth from whence your opposition comes and point the array
    at the them and energize it and they simply dissolve.

i) When a child is born energy from the Life Plane (highest Plane) begins to grow in
   the child and it remains unconcious until it is born - when it is aborted it simply goes
   back to the Life Plane as a sentient being and is grows up on that plane - this is
   why we say: GOD raises the child - because GOD resides on the life plane.

j) So imagine a bunch of funnels where the tops all connect with energy band widths
   swirling clockwise, then counter clockwise, then clock wise.... the highest plane is
   completely filled with highly charged particles and they have a tiny bad width and
   galaxies are all together. As you go down the particles are less charged and begin
   to condense and the distance between galaxies begins to emerge. When you get
   down to this level at 85MHtz the galaxies very are far apart.

k) Suppose you wish to traverse 4 Light Years in - say - in 1 minute - easy.
    Look at Radionics Communication. Rather than tugging on the entire Funnel to move
    across galaxies it travels up and then down the Band Widths and communication
    is instantaneous.

l) When you try and travel at a high rate of speed in the Lower Harmonics you tug and
   pull at every harmonics above you - since they are all inter connected. You pull against
   a lot of energy. Try working inside the energy field and travel using the higher harmonics
  to propel you not restrict your movement.
Okay - Too Much Info

My guess is that this information will now be used by many different nations, and
Corporations, very soon.

Just as easily as one can find an Rogue Nuke or read a human body - one can
comprehend the Universal Make Up. It is all in the mind of the Living GOD.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

As a side note: If one fully understand the Old Testament in the Hebrew and the
New Testament in the Greek these writings are completely consistent with these
writings. This is why the Pinhead Lucifer can never beat GOD - GOD's control,
and understanding, of the make up of the Universe and GOD's Ability to eliminate
beings like Lucifer is incredible. Yeshua (Jesus) is GOD's direct representatives
to us as Humans. No own can deny Yeshua - not even Lucifer.

Just watch the Demonically Possessed generals run form me this after noon
as I go onto Fort Lewis - as they did during the Memorial Day Celebration
a few weeks ago.


William Mount

UN Meeting 1 June 2015
Mon Jun 1, 2015

Today the Heart of the United Nations had yet another meeting - they just get
better and better. The more you learn the more you realize how little you know.

Today is the Gemini Full Moon festival - which corresponds to the World Invocation
Day and the International Day Of Prayer.

One gathers together in groups to meditate and focus on the Life of Christ.

At this time the energy is the greatest for this day of Prayer. The full moon being
at 12:20 in the after noon tomorrow Eastern Standard Time.

Please consider that the Full Moon Time is now 2 hours and 2 minutes off every
30 days now - so the Full Moon is 122 minutes late this month - it is getting
worse by the month. GD said the Earth would wobble to and fro and it is.

This time also represents the time of Samadhi - a time of meditation where the
union of the Divine is reached. Divine meaning not of this world. So through
meditation you do an Out of Body Experience and contact some spirit outside
the Earth.

This energy during this Gemini Full Moon is so strong that 70 years ago on 5 June
at the time of the Full Moon the allies (US, UK, France and the Soviet Union)
signed the Final Peace Treaty with NAZI Germany.

Much of the meeting was spent meditating.

You can criticize me relentlessly for participating in this --- this is where GOD has
sent me and this is how YOUR world leaders think and move.
On a personal note: After we helped Divert the Rogue Nuke form DC a few weeks
ago apparently someone on Fort Lewis erased my Retirement Orders that were
written by the Secretary of the Army.

When I tried to get an updated Retired ID Card a GS nothing Affirmative action
Employee refused to return my Driver's License and Military ID Card - she simply
refused to return it --- she - for a time - seized this Ambassador's ID after I identified
myself as an Ambassador. She refused to return my Drivers License.

I then went to the Fort Lewis Legal Office (JAG) where I spoke with a man who
was about 50 and took in New Clients for Fort Lewis and he stated to me that the
legal offices on Fort Lewis do not give a HOOT about Diplomatic Protocol and
Diplomatic Immunity - the JAG Office for I Corp.

So the Legal Position of the 1st Corp Commander for Fort Lewis is that the Vienna
Convention of Diplomatic Relations is not to be followed on post and if they Arrest
(or Detain) an Ambassador, member of Foreign Royalty of Knight of Malta so what
- who cares.

We then contacted the protocol Officer on Fort Lewis (Bonnie) and she simply
"Filed A Report" with security. That's all. An Ambassador has his Driver's License and
Military DD Form 2A (ID Card) Seized by a low level GS Employee and she filed a
report with the First Corps.

So - who erased my Retirement orders after we tried to stop DC from being Nuked
tow weeks ago - who wants DC in ruins and the President dead?

Who erased the orders written by the Secretary of the Army and thus told the
Secretary of the Army his office is Full Of Sh.... and does not matter?

Why does Fort Lewis allow some low level GS Employee to seize and Ambassador's ID?

Do we need a different Three Star General to run Fort Lewis who will eliminate these

GOD's Recommendation: If you have an embassy in the United States - get out.
There is NO respect for your Ambassadors (GOD help your consulates) - not by the
US Army First Corps Three Star General, not by the local Police. Get out before you
get arrested or killed. The US is going down. Get out.
The News You Need

Ambassador, Dr William B. Mount
No longer retired Captain Mount
Russian Knight of Malta
Bishop, Russian Orthodox Church, Russia

PS - there is nothing wrong with the sun, ignore the Black Spots and Sun Spots.
Look into the camera and be happy.


Patriot Act without the BS

BrasscheckTV Report

You’ve probably heard
a lot about the Patriot

You know it has to do
with government spying,
you probably know it
isn’t really a good thing.

But here it is, no frills,
the language and brief
history of the Patriot Act.



- Brasscheck TV

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV with your
friends and colleagues.




Ann Corcoran is an expert on resettlement of refugees in America.  Her video is short (4 min) and factual. It gives an excellent overview of
Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America. I think you
will be surprised and alarmed at the extent of the problem.


“When you’re in the jar, you can’t read the label”

ZeroHedge Frontrunning: June 02

Frontrunning: June 02

  • Greece, creditors exchanging documents to reach deal - Commission (Read More)
  • Greece's Creditors Reach Consensus on Proposal to Athensa (Read More)
  • Greece calls on lenders to accept 'realistic' plan sent on Monday (Read More)
  • Hundreds missing, many elderly tourists, after ship capsizes on China's Yangtze (Read More)
  • Oil up ahead of OPEC meeting as dollar slips (Read More)
  • U.S. Met Secretly With Yemen Rebels (Read More)
  • Euro zone back to inflation as May prices beat forecast (Read More)
  • Patients Get Extreme to Obtain Hepatitis Drug That's 1% the Cost Outside U.S. (Read More)
  • Yahoo Spinoff Shock Lingering in Options Market on IRS Concern (Read More)
  • Exodus From Pimco Fund Slows Down (Read More)
  • Blatter's UEFA Nemesis Plots Plan B After Failed Ouster Attempt (Read More)
  • Abu Dhabi Wealth Fund Changing Tack Amid Lower Oil Prices (Read More)
  • A Gold Mine for No Money: Mandela, Zuma Heirs Await Fraud Ruling (Read More)
  • China's home sales pick up in May: survey (Read More)

Correction to Radio Show Announcement

Tonight's American Firestorm show on Blog Talk Radio was listed as being on "Monday" June 2nd...which, of course, is tonight, not last night!
In any case, I suspect this will be a tremendous show as this tale of creeping tyranny unfolds...and predicts the future? We'll see.
Visit WELL REGULATED AMERICAN MILITIAS at: http://wramsite.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

From Firehawk: Breaking News - Tyranny in Texas

American Firestorm
June 2, 2015

The future under Jade Helm is here now!

An unconstitutional Horror Story was played out in Texas early today as FBI agents fired on, and then arrested a law-abiding citizen without just cause or due process.
Every Patriot and militia member in America needs to hear this unbelievable story as told by his wife, family, and militia compatriots. Could you be next?
Join Firehawk and his very special guests with exclusive first-hand accounts of what’s being called the next major chapter of tyranny in America!
Here it first on American Firestorm on Blog Talk Radio; tonight, Monday, June 2, 2015 at 9:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM CT.

Visit WELL REGULATED AMERICAN MILITIAS at: http://wramsite.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

How To Erase Your Home From Google, Yahoo And Bing Maps

How To Erase Your Home From Google, Yahoo And Bing Maps

Image source: techmeup.net
Image source: techmeup.net
Private companies like Google now have the legal right to use the kind of spy satellite technology once reserved for agencies like the NSA.
Our homes have been on Google for years, but the detail was limited to objects no larger than about 20 inches. Last year the US Department of Commerce lifted restrictions that essentially allow companies like Google and Microsoft (which owns Bing) to show images to the world as small as 12 inches.
That means they can use pictures of your property with far greater detail – potentially showing features like the color of your mailbox, objects sitting in your backyard, and even the types of plants growing in your garden.
“You can actually definitely see (car) windshields,” DigitalGlobe’s Kumar Navulur told Gigaom.com. DigitalGlobe is one of the satellite companies using the new technology. “We can actually tell you whether it’s a truck or an SUV or a regular car. We can identify pictures of a baseball diamond.”
Imagery taken is now for sale at DigitalGlobe’s website.
Learn How To Become Invisible In Today’s Surveillance State!
If that was not disturbing enough, Google paid $500 million for SkyBox Imaging, a company that provides real-time high resolution pictures. Google plans to add Skybox imagery to Google Maps.
What does all this mean? It is going to be easier than ever for companies to take detailed pictures of your property.
The bad news is that, so far, it is impossible to hide your home from these next-generation eyes in the sky. The good news, though, is that all of the major mapping websites – Google, Bing and Yahoo – allow you to blur your home on their “street view” images, which often provide even more detail than satellite images.
It’s not uncommon to see pictures of families playing in their yards or children walking the dog – right there on Google Maps for the world to see. Google’s computers are programmed to “blur” faces and license plates, but they don’t catch everything.
Below you will find directions on how to blur your home on the street view functions of Google Maps, Bing and Yahoo. It only takes a few minutes for each one.
Google Maps
  • Visit Google.com/maps and enter your home address.
  • Look to the lower-right of the screen. You should see a little icon that looks like a yellow person in the tool bar.
  • Click on that icon and drag it over to your address location on the map to access Street View.
  • The map should be replaced by a picture of your home or business. If you don’t see your home, then move up and down the street or rotate the picture until you do. (If it still doesn’t work, then Google may not have an image of your home.)
  • Click on “report a problem” on the bottom-right.
  • Follow the directions, and fill out the form.
An Amazing Breakthrough In Compact Portable Backup Power — Easily Fits In Your Pocket Or Backpack!
Bing Maps
  • Visit Bing.com/maps and enter your home address.
  • From the top of the map, drag the blue icon that looks like a person to your street. (Note: Bing requires installation of a program, Silverlight. If you street does not turn blue when dragging the “blue person” icon, then your house has not been photographed for Bing’s maps.)
  • Click on the question mark at the bottom-right of the screen.
  • Click “report an image concern.”
  • Request that your home be blurred.
Yahoo Maps
  • Visit Yahoo.com/maps
  • Drag the gray icon that resembles a person (top-right) to your street. (If it won’t drag, then your street has not been photographed for Yahoo.)
  • Click on “report image” at the bottom-left of the screen. It will take you to a different website.
  • Click on “request blurring,” and follow the directions.
Beyond these steps, it is wise to follow up after several days or weeks to make sure your home has been blurred.

Stop The NSA’s Spying

This Brilliant New Plan May Finally Stop The NSA’s Spying

Image source: marshable
Image source: marshable
Legislators in eight states have introduced laws designed to literally pull the plug from the National Security Agency by choking off the resources the organization needs to organize within a state’s borders.
The bills are part of an effort to end what critics see as the NSA’s systematic violation of the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution.
“We’re saying, ‘No, it’s inappropriate.’ We have a Fourth Amendment to the Constitution,” Washington State Representative David Taylor (R-Moxee) told USA Today. “And if you violate that there’s going to be civil penalties and jail time.”
Taylor is a co-sponsor of state House Bill 1473, which would make it a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $5,000 for state officials or state contractors that “provide material support, participation, or assistance in any form” with any federal agency which collects “electronic data or metadata of any person pursuant to any action not based on a warrant.”
The idea behind the law is to prevent any company from doing business with the NSA. Among other things, the proposed law would prohibit utilities from providing water, natural gas and electricity and tech companies like Microsoft and Amazon.com from doing business with the NSA. It would also stop contractors from delivering food to federal facilities and end service like trash collection.
Learn How To Become Invisible In Today’s Surveillance State!
This is the second time that Taylor has sponsored legislation to stop the NSA from operating within his state. Last year he sponsored a similar law, which did not receive a vote.
Grass Roots Efforts
An organization called OffNow.org is encouraging state legislators to introduce similar bills. The group’s mission is a bold but simple one: Make it impossible for the NSA to operate in the United States by barring companies and local governments from doing business with it.
“The short version?” the group’s website proclaims. “We intend to pull the rug out from under them, box them in and shut them down.”
The website contains model legislation called the Fourth Amendment Protection Act and details the group’s strategy to bypass Congress and assert state’s rights against federal surveillance. The model legislation is at the heart of the plan.
“This model legislation, ready for introduction in any state, would ban a state (and all its political subdivisions) from providing assistance or material support in any way to federal spying programs,” the OffNow website states.
This would include, but is not limited to:
  • Refusing to supply water or electricity.
  • Ending NSA partnerships with public universities and colleges.
  • Prohibiting state officials from using warrantless data given to them by federal agencies.
OffNow’s lawyers believe a legal principle known as the anti-commandeering doctrine gives state and local governments the right to refuse to cooperate with federal agencies. They cited several US Supreme Court decisions in which the doctrine has been upheld.
States with Similar Bills
Laws based on the model legislation have been introduced in state legislatures in Indiana, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma and Alaska as well as Washington State, USA Today reported. Some of the laws go further than OffNow’s model and ban evidence from warrantless surveillance from being used in state courts.
OffNow’s website reported that 171 universities nationwide operate National Centers of Academic Excellence in partnership with the National Security Agency’s Central Security Service



Monsanto’s Biggest Fears Are Coming True........

The restaurant chain sent out a press release noting that all the ingredients served at its taco and burrito restaurants and its subsidiary, ShopHouse Southeast Asian Kitchen, are now non-GMO.
The move makes Chipotle the first major national restaurant chain in the US to eliminate GMOs.
GMOs are genetically modified crops that have had DNA introduced that didn’t occur naturally,
“There is a lot of debate about genetically modified foods,” Chipotle founder and co-CEO Steve Ell said. “Though many countries have already restricted or banned the use of GMO crops, it’s clear that a lot of research is still needed before we can truly understand all of the implications of widespread GMO cultivation and consumption. While that debate continues, we decided to move to non-GMO ingredients.”
The Best Source For Heirloom Seeds Is Right Here!
Everything used at Chipotle, including tortillas, corn, spices and oil, is now GMO-free.
It’s not easy going GMO-free. As Chipotle noted, 94 percent of corn and 93 percent of soybeans grown in the US are genetically modified, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. More than 80 percent of food in the US contains at least one GMO ingredient.
The move to non-GMO foods “did not result in significantly higher ingredient costs” for the company, Chipotle said. Sunflower oil will replace soybean oil, which was the primary GMO ingredient in the foods. Suppliers also planted non-GMO corn for the company.
Of course, Chipotle is only one restaurant, but the news was significant, said Jonathan Latham at IndependentScienceNews.com
“There has long been an incipient crack in the solid public front that the food industry has presented on the GMO issue,” Latham said. “The crack originates from the fact that while agribusiness sees GMOs as central to their business future, the brand-oriented and customer-sensitive ends of the food supply chain do not.”
New Survival Seed Bank™ Lets You Plant A Full Acre Crisis Garden!
Companies such as Nestle, Coca-Cola and Kraft are not as committed to GMO ingredients as previously thought, he argues. One huge company, General Mills, dropped GMO ingredients from Cheerios.

“As the reputation of GMOs has come under increasing pressure in the US, the cost to food brands of ignoring the growing consumer demand for GMO-free products has increased,” Latham said. “They might not say so in public, but the sellers of top brands have little incentive to take the flack for selling GMOs. From this perspective, the significance of the Chipotle move becomes clear.
“If Chipotle,” he added, “can gain market share and prestige, or charge higher prices, from selling non-GMO products and give (especially young) consumers what they want, it puts traditional vendors of fast and processed food products in an invidious position. Kraft and McDonalds, and their traditional rivals can hardly be left on the sidelines selling outmoded products to a shrinking market. They will not last long.”
Chipotle Wins, McDonald’s Loses
Chipotle is also one of the hottest investments on Wall Street. Its stock was trading at $621.08 a share on May 26. Fast food industry observers blame the recent troubles at McDonald’s on the success of “fast-casual” chains like Chipotle. Fast casual dining chains often emphasize high quality food and healthy ingredients rather than traditional fast food.
Meanwhile, tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets in 452 cities in 48 countries to demonstrate against Monsanto in late May. The third annual March against Monsanto took place in cities across the US and Canada and in cities around the world.
“Looking for mass suicide? Go for Roundup,” said a sign at a rally in the French city of Rennes, according to Agence France-Presse (AFP).


Wanta | AmeriTrust Corporate Confirmation of Termination of Michael C Cottrell M.S.

OWoN: In the battle for who owns the Debt, Leo has publicly nailed Mike Cottrell to the wall over this. The Dog fight is on.

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From: Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta <somam@prodigy.net>

Date: 21 October 2014 06:26


To: President Barack H Obama <
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Human Sacrifice At The Vatican

Human Sacrifice At The Vatican - Svali’s Testimony

This interview with ‘Svali’ (pseudonym) was conducted by investigative journalist and Illuminati researcher Greg Szymanski. Sadly Greg has not been heard from since late Aug 2013. Greg was about to re-air his ‘hard hitting’ radio show at the time and suddenly vanished from public view. A large volume of his articles and interviews with this link.  atholic Church / Illuminati  insiders are archive
Also visit this link for similar human sacrifice testimony from many others. Following Svali’s testimony is a damming expose of Pope Francis by professor Michel Chossudovsky who is very familiar with the Pope’s sinister background in Argentina. Many now believe that Pope Francis may be the long awaited  ‘False Prophet’ who will team up with the Antichrist, Barack Hussein Obama. Watch for Obama’s coming assassination and miraculous head wound recovery found in Rev. 13 scripture.
GS: Okay, we’re back. It’s eight minutes after the hour, and we’re going to get deep inside the Illuminati, the Family, the Order. We have a guest who was involved with this group, born into it, for over thirty years. Her name is Svali. Svali, are you with us?
SV: Uh, yes I am.
GS: Well, it’s nice to have you here. I know you don’t give radio interviews, and I really want to thank you, because I think it really does help the American people understand about this secret organization that you were born into. So I guess we can just start from the beginning. Tell us – right from the beginning you were born into this, from wealthy parents. Tell us about your training in this group when you were a young child and then up until your orientation at the Vatican. Go ahead.
SV: (surprised, laughing) Well, that’s a pretty broad area, Greg! That could take hours, if you know what I mean.
GS: Yes, but do it, you know, if you could just outline it for us.
SV: Yeah. I mean, I was born in the group, I was born in Germany, and came to the US very young. I basically went through all the training that the group… all members of the group do undergo training to various degrees, depending on the role.
By the time I was a teenager, I was a youth leader, and by the time I was 22, I became the youngest member of Leadership Council in San Diego County . At that time I was a head trainer. I was the sixth trainer and eventually moved up to the second position.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: When I was twelve, I had mentioned with you the ceremony at the Vatican…
GS: Right.
SV: …that they really do make all leadership in the group undergo at some point.
GS: Now basically when you were growing up, I remember you told me that you were instilled at a young age. You were born to a very wealthy, well-to-do family.
SV: Yes.
GS: You moved back to the States. You were told at a very young age you were special, you were “chosen.” Correct?
SV: Well, they tell everyone in the group that they are special and chosen, and that’s one of the things that made me very cynical when I was older. You will never meet a person who is an Illuminati who has not been told or programmed for years that they’re special, they’re the only one that can do things for quote-unquote “Family”.
But I was told, yes, I would do great things for Family one day. The reason why I can filter some of this with an objective view is that I know what my role in the group was. It was over quite a significant number of other people. So I don’t evaluate my role or specialness within the group so much by what I was told, but by what I did.
(regretful downturn in voice on “what I did”)
GS: So you reached the age of 12, and then you’re told by your parents you’re going to an induction ceremony in the Vatican.
SV: Yes.
GS: Can you tell us how that happened and what occurred at that ceremony when you went there?

Is Your Toothpaste Safe?

Is Your Toothpaste Safe?

August 28, 2014 by admin in Health News
You might have assumed that ingredients in products like soap and toothpaste had been thoroughly tested to ensure their safety and effectiveness. Sadly this is not the case. Some ingredients seem to be able to slip through the net of regulation, meaning dangerous chemicals are lurking in products we are using on a daily basis, with serious consequences for our health.

What is Triclosan?

The antibacterial chemical Triclosan was first introduced as a pesticide in 1969. Since then it has found its way into a huge variety of personal and household hygiene products, like toothpaste, and even plastics including children’s toys. Concerns about its safety have been growing in the last decade and it appears there is very limited data to support its safe use or even prove its effectiveness.

Emerging safety concerns

Such is the concern about this ingredient that last year the state of Minnesota decided to implement a state wide ban on its use in personal hygiene products.  While officially still recognized as safe by the FDA, governors in Minnesota decided that the risk to the public was too great to wait for the FDA to make a long overdue decision about its safety.  Even supermarkets in the UK proposed a voluntary withdrawal of the chemical back in 2003 due to increasing concerns about its toxicity.   In 2010 the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) sued the FDA for ‘inaction’ regarding Triclosan and in 2013 the FDA was forced to hand-over data regarding the approval of the Colgate toothpaste Total which contains the chemical.
In 2011 the House Rules Committee requested that the FDA put in place a complete ban of the dangerous chemical based on several significant issues.  Triclosan breaks down in the body, especially in the skin when exposed to sunlight, to highly toxic dioxins. These chlorinated dioxins accumulate in the body and are known to cause cancers and disrupt hormones even at very low doses.  The House Rules Committee also stated that the over-use of antibacterial agents was promoting widespread bacterial resistance which was cause for great concern.  Studies have shown that 75% of the US population has Triclosan or its residues present in samples of blood, urine and even breast milk.

Environmental toxicity

The molecule is relatively stable, it does not readily break-down, and so it easily finds its way into the drinking water supply.During water processing the use of chlorine to sterilize the water intensifies the issue, making the by-products even more toxic by adding more chlorine.  The toxic chemicals easily get into the environment and can be found in waterways and natural ecosystems and are responsible for marine pollution worldwide.  Despite being designed to kill off microbes the chemical is nearly 1,000 times more effective at killing off algae, crustaceans and fish.

Personal vs hospital use

In addition to the concerns about environmental and human safety there is very little evidence to suggest the chemical is actually effective.  Numerous studies have shown that it is no more effective than using soap and water when washing your hands yet it is in almost all soaps and household products labelled ‘antibacterial’. In hospitals Triclosan is used in high doses for patients with skin infections of resistant bacterial strains. At these high doses, around 2%, Triclosan damages the membranes of the bacteria, causing them to break down, thus killing off the infection. However, in the weak doses found in toothpastes and other personal hygiene products the effect is quite different.  Low doses of Triclosan disrupt the way bacteria synthesize fatty acids which has a minimal, slower, effect.  The same disruptive effect is thought to be responsible for endangering the marine wildlife.

Insufficient data

A paper in the Journal of Environmental Science and Health concluded that there are gaps in the data to support the safe use of this chemical. They concluded in 2010 that there was: carcinogenic potential, specifically chronic risk to the skin; high risk of hormonal disruption and likelihood of dioxin formation in the skin (in the presence of sunlight). Concerns about the life-time exposure and accumulation of the product in the body, due to it being in so many products, were also highlighted.
So, considering all the available data, why does the FDA still classify the product as safe for use?
Its advisory information about the chemical states that animal data does indeed suggest that it affects hormonal regulation. It also clearly states that aside from its use in Colgate’s Total toothpaste there are no other known benefits.
A review of available literature conducted by the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found that Triclosan in toothpaste was only “marginally beneficial”.

Total toothpaste

While Colgate and the American Dental Association maintain that Triclosan is required to prevent gingivitis (infection of the gums) the data is not standing up to the latest round of scrutiny. This month the FDA has been heavily criticized for its role in the 1997 approval of the Total toothpaste.
It would seem the regulators relied heavily on company data to support its safe and effective use and did not perform enough tests themselves. This lack of diligence by the FDA means that for the last 17 years consumers have been putting a substance which is proving to have life threatening toxic effects into their mouths.

Dangerous side-effects 

The list of known problems associated with Triclosan is worryingly long.  It disrupts the function of the thyroid gland, mimicking the hormone thyroxin. It is implicated in breast cancer as it also mimics the hormone estrogen. It impairs heart muscle function (as much as 25% in lab mice) and has been linked to heart disease and heart failure. Since the chemical is able to penetrate the skin, more so through the delicate membranes in the mouth, and accumulates in the body the toxic effects are further enhanced. The cumulative effect of the chemical present in so many products designed to protect our health is alarming to say the least.

Other Ingredients In Your Toothpaste to Look Out For

The health regulatory body in Sweden has already issued guidance suggesting consumers avoid the chemical in toothpaste and hopefully other regulators will come to the same conclusion soon. In the meantime consumers need to be aware of exactly what chemicals they are putting in their body.

Sodium fluoride

This is not the first time ingredients added to toothpaste have come into question.  Sodium fluoride has been routinely added to toothpaste for nearly 50 years, while data to question its safety has been collecting for the last 40 years.  Despite over 100 peer reviewed animal studies implicating its toxicity,  you will still find it in most toothpastes and added to drinking water. It was originally believed that it could help fight cavities by forming a protective coat of fluoridated-enamel on the teeth. However, recent research shows this protective layer is only 6 nm thick (one thousandth of the width of a human hair).
This thin coating is easily lost while chewing and the dental cavities it is designed to prevent could be eliminated by simply cutting back on sugar.   Sodium fluoride is a potent toxin which affects the developing brain and studies have shown unequivocally that the amount of fluoride in drinking water is directly linked to lowered IQ. The reduction in IQ is directly correlated with the amount of fluoride consumed and the amount found in the body.
This one is a no-brainer, fluoride is bad for you and specifically your children. The Centre for Disease Control and American Dental Association have both warned their members, but not the public, to avoid using fluoridated tap water when preparing infant formula.

Titanium dioxide

Another toxic ingredient is titanium dioxide.  This is a coloring agent, added to toothpaste, vitamins and supplements to brighten the color.  Titanium dioxide is a common toothpaste ingredient and it has been linked to autoimmune problems. The very small, nanoparticles, of the ingredient interfere with DNA at a molecular level and cause breaks in the genetic material, chromosomal damage and inflammation. In addition to the autoimmune risk of diseases like arthritis there is also an increased risk of cancer.
Recent studies funded by the National Institute of Health found that this chemical, previously considered safe, is causing a lot of damage to the body. Individuals seem to react with different degrees of severity and workers in contact with substances like this are being warned to limit their exposure through cosmetics and personal hygiene products.

Sodium lauryl sulfate

Sodium lauryl sulfate, also called sodium dodecyl sulfate, is an emulsifier and soap; it helps different ingredients blend together and foam-up when used.  It is commonly used in toothpaste, cosmetics, industrial cleaning products and much more. This product although regarded as mildly toxic has undergone extensive testing which has proved its relative safety. However, the testing is usually done by directly putting it in the eyes and mouths of lab animals, very little testing has been done on the cumulative effect of low doses.
A typical western consumer uses 9 to 15 personal hygiene products a day which contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or a similar chemical, the dose may be low but it accumulates in the body. This accumulation appears to affect the eyes, liver and skin but there is simply insufficient evidence to validate long term safety and new data is cause for concern. There is already limited data to show a link to mouth ulcers and wary consumers may choose to avoid all chemicals which, like this, simply have not been tested sufficiently to prove their long term safety.

Sodium hydroxide

Sodium hydroxide is another worrying chemical added to a substance we put in our mouths several times a day for most of our lives. Also used as a drain cleaner it is added to toothpaste to change the pH, mainly needed to balance the effects of all the other chemicals.  Have you noticed the warning on toothpaste to spit not swallow? Also the advice to contact a poisons unit if accidentally ingested? This warning is due to the presence of this bleach which is also known for its carcinogenic capacity.

Chemical free alternatives

The list of ingredients found in toothpaste that you probably want to avoid is almost endless. However, some companies have recognized the need to provide safer alternatives and offer much more natural teeth cleaning products.  This includes: Himalaya Herbal Healthcare, Natures Gate Natural Toothpaste, Kingfisher, Weleda and Jason Natural Toothpaste. The products are formulated from natural ingredients with consumer safety in mind.

Home-made solutions

However, if like me you have lost all faith in commercial organizations and their regulators to truly determine what is safe then there are some simple natural alternatives. Green clay is an inert substance, found naturally in the ground, which has been used for thousands of years to purify the body. The clay can be mixed with some natural oil (such as virgin coconut or olive oil) and essential oils to make an excellent alternative. Another option is mixing sodium bicarbonate with coconut oil and essential oils for a similarly gentle abrasive paste.
I had been meaning to make my own toothpaste for quite some time and researching this article made me immediately put my own toothpaste in the bin and concoct something I could trust.
I added some peppermint essential oil (for flavor) and clove essential oil (for its natural antibacterial properties) to some green clay powder I had in the cupboard.  Along with some olive oil for texture and the result was really successful, my teeth felt clean and I felt safe.

Stay safe

If you make your own toothpaste you will know exactly what you are getting and it’s pretty cheap too. Keeping it natural means you avoid all the chemicals which actually disrupt the teeth’s natural ability to heal and regenerate themselves.  Yet again commercial greed and industry influence on regulators has allowed an unforgiveable level of consumer risk. The only solution would seem to be taking matters into your own hands and getting resourceful with some natural ingredients. The result is cheaper, healthier, safer solutions which do the job just as well, if not better.