Wednesday, June 10, 2015

America & the US MILITARY - Time for a reality check: martial law? the complete takeover of America?




Readers, I was asked this morning by an anonymous loyal reader to post the following.  After reading, I felt it was important to share this with you.  This is not intended to promote any candidate currently planning a run for the 2016 'presidential' election, but simply to put before you the concerns expressed.  Please read and take to heart the seriousness of the position our nation now finds itself in.  As always, feel free to make your comments which I hope would be kept to the point and not racially biased or centered around who you would 'vote' for and who you would not. That is NOT the issue of concern here. I have been involved in and following the state of affairs of this nation since the 1970s, and never have I found America's condition and risk as critical as it is today. Read and contemplate. Thank you for your understanding.  Olive Oyl

On the 5th of May in and around Augusta, Montana there were numerous armored vehicles (wheeled). They displayed “SECURITY FORCE” placards/logos. There were green ones and sand colored ones.  Also,  north of Augusta (Hwy 287?)  at every highway intersection for miles up the highway there were two armored cars with two soldiers wearing dark sun glasses visible in the turrets and/or driving the vehicles. They would not speak when spoken to.  There was a vehicle “motor pool” and a fenced compound about 7 miles north with quite a few behind the wire on Hwy 287.  I misplaced my notes.  A lot going on here..
From: Shark
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2015 7:36 PM
Subject: Dr. Ben Carson on Martial Law
Since shortly after the last election, I've been saying that it wouldn't surprise me if Obama declared martial law at some point. Some of my conservative friends have politely laughed behind my back about this possibility. "No way this could happen!" However, with the recent destruction of the credibilty of our police forces throughout the country, the retirement, both by choice and force, of many of our senior military leaders who oppose Obama's way of dealing with terrorism, and the rise of ISIS without a strategy to defeat them, declaring martial law seems much more possible.
Please read Dr. Carson's comments about martial law.  He explains it much better and in much more detail than I ever could.  Let's hope and pray that this will never happen!
Dr. Ben Carson, a black neurosurgeon and 2016 Republican presidential candidate, has repeatedly stated that he believes there is a chance that the 2016 elections may not be held at all. Widespread anarchy gripping the country could be reason enough for the Obama administration to announce the implementation of martial law and the suspension of some, if not all, of Americans’ constitutionally protected rights — including the right to vote and hold national elections.

On the surface this seems unbelievable but, upon further analysis, Carson’s ominous suggestion is plausible.  This is an extremely unnerving scenario that all Americans should be aware of and ready for. The Obama administration has very quietly and subtly done many inexplicable things that could very well be precursors to the suspension of some, if not all, of Americans’ constitutionally protected civil rights.

Carson went on liberal radio host Alan Colmes’ radio show and the discussion eventually came to whether or not Dr. Carson plans to run for president in 2016. He said that there may not even be elections in 2016.  When pressed to explain further, Carson said, “If, in fact, we continue to have all these decrees being made the way they’re being made; if, in fact, we don’t fight the kind of war that needs to be fought in order to really put an end to the threat that is brought on by ISIS; if we continue along a pathway of financial irresponsibility, if we continue along a path of envy, greed and hatred — what happened with Occupy Wall Street will be a cakewalk compared to what will begin to happen in this country.”

When Colmes pushed Carson further on the possibility of cancelled or postponed elections, Carson responded, “I don’t want to find out, I really don’t want to find out. I don’t want to continue down this pathway that we are going down. This pathway where everything is framed in a political sense and our representatives are not working for the people, they’re working for their party.”

Martial law is “a system of complete control by a country’s military over all activities, including civilian, in a theoretical or actual war zone, or during a period of emergency caused by a disaster such as an earthquake or flood, with the military commander having dictatorial powers … In many foreign countries martial law has become a method to establish and maintain dictatorships either by military leaders or politicians backed by the military.”

In America, martial law must be called for by the President who would then suspend most, if not all, of our constitutional rights, and only the President would be able to reinstitute our constitutional structure and declare an end to martial law.

If anyone believes this idea is far fetched, please consider the numerous emergencies that Obama has put America in position to experience in the next two years — possibly with more than one of these issues occurring simultaneously: the Ebola virus and its associated mandatory quarantine may continue to spread due to Obama’s pitiful prophylactic and responsive actions; our $18 trillion and counting government debt could finally cause the government spending bubble — the only thing propping up our economy — to pop, leading to all government spending halting overnight and the massive associated riots that would occur due to welfare, EBT and Medicaid/Medicare cards ceasing to work; and, the threat of Islamic terrorism and specifically ISIS, whose unmatched funding (by and from the USA corp/CIA? - OO), training and brutality could fulfill their leaders’ promise to shed the blood of millions of Americans.

Additionally, Obama’s choice not to sufficiently secure the border must be taken into consideration with all of these possible emergencies, as open access to our country could only increase the liklihood of all three possible emergencies.

Never in the history of our country have we faced so many destructive threats at the same time. America has also never had leadership that has failed to competently handle every single threat facing our country. If Obama isn’t one of the most inept people to ever hold elected office, then his actions must be calculated to produce these results.
Obama knows he is unpopular with the military, therefore, he has had to find a different way to institute martial law — and that is through a “civilian national security force.” On July 2, 2008 at a campaign stop, Obama made the following unscripted statement: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

In 2013 the United States spent $663.8 billion on the military with personnel include 2.2 million people on active duty or in the reserves. America has local police forces, which could call in the National Guard, which could then call in the Department of Defense to protect the country in times of civil unrest. For what purpose, then, would a civilian security force funded with hundreds of billions of dollars and made up of millions of Americans be necessary?
Another worrying issue is that Obama has militarized almost every federal agency. In September of 2013, 70 federal agents in full body armor, carrying M-16s raided one person’s gold mining operation in a tiny Alaska town. They were from the Environmental Protection Agency looking for violations of the Clean Air Act.

After this incident it was found that Obama had created law enforcement branches in over 70 federal agencies. It is estimated that there are over 120,000 law enforcement agents in the federal government who are NOT part of traditional law enforcement branches — CIA, FBI, DEA, ATF, DHS, DOJ, and Treasury Dept.
These law enforcement branches Obama has created are not comprised of just one or two security guards. Obama has armed these agencies to the teeth. Maj. General Jerry Curry, a 40 year, decorated, military veteran, wrote an op-ed for The Daily Caller pointing out how, in addition to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations’ purchase of 46,000 hollow point bullets, the Social Security Administration (SSA) bought 174,000 hollow point bullets.

In reaction to these purchases, Maj. Gen. Curry said, “Hollow point bullets are so lethal that the Geneva Convention does not allow their use on the battlefield in time of war. Hollow point bullets don’t just stop or hurt people, they penetrate the body, spread out, fragment and cause maximum damage to the body’s organs. Death often follows. Potentially each hollow nose bullet represents a dead American. If so, why would the U.S. government want the SSA to kill 174,000 of our citizens, even during a time of civil unrest? Or is the purpose to kill 174,000 of the nation’s military and replace them with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) special security forces, forces loyal to the Administration, not to the Constitution?”
“In the war in Iraq, our military forces expended approximately 70 million rounds per year. In March (of 2012) DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an additional 750 million rounds of miscellaneous bullets including some that are capable of penetrating walls. This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen.”
Curry’s final point is something that every American should consider: “Obama is a deadly serious, persistent man. Once he focuses on an object, he pursues it to the end. What is his focus here? … I hope I’m wrong, but something smells rotten. And If the Congress isn’t going to do its duty and investigate this matter fully, the military will have to protect the Constitution, the nation, and our citizens.”  (The handwriting is ON THE WALL!  WHAT is the US military waiting on?  For the Pentagon to find itself suddenly nuked into oblivion? oo)
Let’s pray that none of these matters fully materialize and Dr. Carson’s ominous suggestion becomes nothing but an afterthought. However, those who understand Obama know not to put anything beyond his desire to, in Obama’s own words, “fundamentally transform America.”


With all the sincerity and concern I can muster.  



Jun 7, 2015

New guest Waldemar Perez, an engineer and former employee of the Department of Defense, joins me to expose the mainstream mockingbird media as the MILITARY WEAPON it has become over recent decades.

Waldemar's presentation 'Mainstream Media as a Weapon of Social Engineering and War' had a profound impact on me after I discovered it recently on You Tube and posted it at SGT Report.

It's never been more clear that multimillionaire CFR member mockingbirds like Diane Sawyer, Brian Williams, Erin Burnett, George Stephanopoulos, Andrea Mitchell and Mika Brzezinski, to name but just a few - are not just highly compensated actors, they are TRAITORS to the the United States of America and its people. Join us as we expose them.


Waldemar's other presentations:

9/11 Aftermath: How it Relates to Current Geopolitical Developments (WW3 Stuff)

9/11 Aftermath: The Militarization of Police 

The Ambassador's Weekly Update June 7


Google Exec Behind Ingestible ID Chips to Attend Bilderberg 2015.......

Google Exec Behind Ingestible ID Chips to Attend Bilderberg 2015.......

Former DARPA director Regina Dugan to discuss artificial intelligence with global power brokers
Google Exec Behind Ingestible ID Chips to Attend Bilderberg 2015
by Paul Joseph Watson | June 8, 2015
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Former DARPA director and now Google executive Regina Dugan, who is helping to develop and promote the idea of an ingestible identification microchip, will be in attendance at the secretive 2015 Bilderberg conference in Telfs-Buchen, Austria.
Dugan’s name appeared on the official list of participants released today on the Bilderberg Group’s official website. One of the topics up for discussion will be “artificial intelligence.” Google Chairman Erich Schmidt along with Demis Hassabis, Vice President of Engineering for Google DeepMind, will also meet with over 100 global power brokers from finance, politics and academia during the elitist confab.
Dugan told an audience at the 2013 All Things D11 Conference that the company was working on a microchip inside a pill that users would swallow daily in order obtain the “superpower” of having their entire body act as a biological authentication system for cellphones, cars, doors and other devices.
“This pill has a small chip inside of it with a switch,” said Dugan. “It also has what amounts to an inside out potato battery. When you swallow it, the acids in your stomach serve as the electrolyte and that powers it up. And the switch goes on and off and creates an 18 bit ECG wide signal in your body and essentially your entire body becomes your authentication token.”
Dugan added that the chip had already been FDA approved and could be taken 30 times a day for someone’s entire life without affecting their health.
Dugan’s former position as director of DARPA, which many see as the leading force in a malevolent move towards a Big Brother surveillance society, is sure to stoke even more concern amongst privacy advocates.

“What in the world does Google have planned that it’s hiring military leadership?” asked The Wire’s Adam Clark Estes, noting that her appointment illustrated Google’s “tight connections with military leadership.”
DARPA has also been developing brain chips that will implant or remove specific memories from a subject, heralding the beginning of a “golden age” where minds could be manipulated to function better.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk caused consternation last month when he expressed his fear that Google cofounder Larry Page will be responsible for creating artificial technology that could eventually rise up and destroy humankind.
“I’m really worried about this,” Musk is quoted as saying in his recently released biography, remarking, “He could produce something evil by accident.”
I will be joining Infowars’ Rob Dew and Josh Owens to cover the Bilderberg conference this week. Dew and Owens received a friendly welcome when they tried to drive towards the luxury Interalpen Hotel – a police checkpoint and an impromptu inspection of their vehicle.

BYE BYE AMERICA: Hillary's plans to stuff the ballot box

She apparently decided it won’t be enough to rely on the 66 million people who voted twice for Barack Obama, many of whom are disillusioned by the failure of “hope and change.” Obama promised an end to wars in the Middle East, a more prosperous economy for the average American and more harmonious race relations, but all three problems have only gotten worse.

Since Hillary won’t have the youthful exuberance that propelled Obama to his unlikely double victory, she plans to build a whole new electorate out of people who didn’t vote for Obama. That’s the gist of her speech in Houston last week, which her friends at MSNBC called a “far-reaching vision for expanding access to the ballot box.”

Who are the new voters to whom Hillary wants to give “access to the ballot box”? They include felons and non-citizens, along with anyone who can’t prove identity, citizenship, or residence within the voting precinct.
She also plans to harvest millions of new votes by expanding the dangerous practices of same-day registration and early voting, which enable Democrats to badger, berate, bribe, or bamboozle reluctant low-information voters to the polls. Democratic Party and union workers can identify reluctant voters and harass them until the party worker verifies that they have actually cast their ballot.

In her new book, “Adios, America,” Ann Coulter asks a relevant question: “Should Democrats be given 30 million new voters?” Answering her own question, Ann says, “There is simply no reason for Republicans to legalize 30 million people who will vote 8-2 against them.”

While Hillary gave lip service to the notion that “every citizen” should vote, her Democratic allies are in court trying to stop every reasonable means of verifying a voter’s citizenship. That’s no surprise because, according to a recent Rasmussen survey, a majority (53 percent) of Democrats believe that non-citizens, including even illegal immigrants, should be allowed to vote.

Hillary’s commitment to voting by “every citizen” is belied by her earlier promise to “go even further” than Obama on amnesty for illegal immigrants. By “go even further,” she explained, she would include all 11-plus million (not just Obama’s 5 million), and she would give them full citizenship with voting rights, not just “legal status” with permission to work.

The Census Bureau estimates that 22 million non-citizen adults, both legal and illegal, are living permanently in this country. That’s almost 10 percent of our entire population 18 and over, and more than half of those non-citizens are concentrated in just five states.

Arizona, which is on the front lines of illegal immigration, has been trying to require proof of citizenship as part of voter registration ever since that simple requirement was approved by Arizona’s voters in 2004. The Obama administration refused to add the proof-of-citizenship requirement to the federal form Arizona must use for motor-voter registrations.

Hillary has assigned her top lawyer to sue Wisconsin to overturn its effective voter-ID law, one of the best in the nation. But that’s not all. The New York Times just reported that left-wing Hungarian billionaire George Soros has agreed to pour $5 million into a national effort to protect and expand early voting.

Federal law provides that voting in federal elections take place in even years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, also known as “Election Day.” Just as no member of a jury should vote on guilt or innocence until all the evidence has been presented at a trial, voters should not cast their ballots before political campaigns are over.

The U.S. Constitution requires that the delegates to the Electoral College cast their ballots for president on the same day. Many states continue to adhere to the tradition of Election Day being on one day in November, not spread out over the ridiculous 35 days that resulted in a political circus in Ohio in 2012.

The integrity of elections is just as important as the universally accepted rules for jury trials, whereby jurors are asked to keep their minds open and withhold judgment until after closing arguments. Spreading out voting over an extended period of a month or more makes it impractical for poll watchers to monitor the voting for fraud. (The entire "voting" process for the 'president' is a total and complete FRAUD. Americans, you do NOT select nor vote for the 'president' - period. DO YOUR RESEARCH! TALK TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE AND LEARN THE TRUTH!I iT IS ALL A SCAM!!!)

Isn’t it odd that Democrats are all in favor of busing churchgoers in some neighborhoods to polling booths, but then insist that churches in Republican neighborhoods never try to influence an election?


Pilot Who Flew The Airplanes That Crashed On 9/11 Blows The Whistle

Capt. Russ Wittenberg is a unique individual in that he actually flew two of the planes that were “hijacked” on 911.
Flight “lets roll” 93 and flight 175, the plane that hit the south tower.

This is what he has to say about 911:
Former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. Retired commercial pilot. Flew for Pan Am and United Airlines for 35 years. Aircraft flown: Boeing 707, 720, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, and 777. 30,000+ total hours flown.
Had previously flown the actual two United Airlines aircraft that were hijacked on 9/11 (Flight 93, which impacted in Pennsylvania, and Flight 175, the second plane to hit the WTC).

Video interview 9/11 Ripple Effect 8/07: “I flew the two actual aircraft which were involved in 9/11; the Fight number 175 and Flight 93, the 757 that allegedly went down in Shanksville and Flight 175 is the aircraft that’s alleged to have hit the South Tower.
I don’t believe it’s possible for, like I said, for a terrorist, a so-called terrorist to train on a [Cessna] 172, then jump in a cockpit of a 757-767 class cockpit, and vertical navigate the aircraft, lateral navigate the aircraft, and fly the airplane at speeds exceeding it’s design limit speed by well over 100 knots, make high-speed high-banked turns, exceeding — pulling probably 5, 6, 7 G’s.
And the aircraft would literally fall out of the sky. I couldn’t do it and I’m absolutely positive they couldn’t do it.” Article 7/17/05: “The government story they handed us about 9/11 is total B.S. plain and simple.” … Wittenberg convincingly argued there was absolutely no possibility that Flight 77 could have “descended 7,000 feet in two minutes, all the while performing a steep 280 degree banked turn before crashing into the Pentagon’s first floor wall without touching the lawn.”…
“I flew the two actual aircraft which were involved in 9/11; the Fight number 175 and Flight 93, the 757 that allegedly went down in Shanksville and Flight 175 is the aircraft that’s alleged to have hit the South Tower. I don’t believe it’s possible for, like I said, for a terrorist, a so-called terrorist to train on a [Cessna] 172, then jump in a cockpit of a 757-767 class cockpit, and vertical navigate the aircraft, lateral navigate the aircraft, and fly the airplane at speeds exceeding it’s design limit speed by well over 100 knots, make high-speed high-banked turns, exceeding — pulling probably 5, 6, 7 G’s. And the aircraft would literally fall out of the sky. I couldn’t do it and I’m absolutely positive they couldn’t do it.”
“For a guy to just jump into the cockpit and fly like an ace is impossible – there is not one chance in a thousand,” said Wittenberg, recalling that when he made the jump from Boeing 727’s to the highly sophisticated computerized characteristics of the 737’s through 767’s it took him considerable time to feel comfortable flying.”
“The airplane could not have flown at those speeds which they said it did without going into what they call a high speed stall. The airplane won’t go that fast if you start pulling those high G maneuvers at those bank angles. … To expect this alleged airplane to run these maneuvers with a total amateur at the controls is simply ludicrous… It’s roughly a 100 ton airplane. And an airplane that weighs 100 tons all assembled is still going to have 100 tons of disassembled trash and parts after it hits a building. There was no wreckage from a 757 at the Pentagon. … The vehicle that hit the Pentagon was not Flight 77.
We think, as you may have heard before, it was a cruise missile.”

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in this article are solely those of the author/source presented below, and do not necessarily reflect the position of CSGlobe or its staff.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Bilderberg 2015: Police Harass Reporters, Search Vehicle, Visit Hotel


Checkpoints set up six miles away from site of elitist confab
Bilderberg 2015: Police Harass Reporters, Search Vehicle, Visit Hotel

Infowars reporters Rob Dew and cameraman Josh Owens were harassed by Austrian federal police at a checkpoint six miles away from where the secretive Bilderberg Group will meet later this week, with cops even visiting them at their hotel to check their passports.

Dew and Owens arrived in Telfs near to where the globalist confab is taking place to discover an unprecedented security operation in full swing days before Bilderberg members even arrive at the remote location in the Austrian alps.
Attempting to drive to their hotel, the two were quickly apprehended at a checkpoint a short distance up the mountain from Telfs where their passports, drivers license and booking papers were checked by police, who then demanded to perform a full inspection of their rented vehicle.
Dew and Owens were then confronted by police as they tried to access their hotel before subsequently being approached by no less than eight federal police who again asked to check their passports and interrogated the reporters.
As we previously reported, police are already patrolling hike and bike trails well away from the luxury Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol where the Bilderberg Group meeting begins on Thursday.
The full agenda and participant list has already been released by the official Bilderberg website. Infowars will be revealing more details about the agenda later today.
Infowars will be providing full coverage of Bilderberg 2015 throughout the week.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison


The Most Chilling Quotes by Bilderberg Insiders


Quotes from Bilderberg members reveal the evil within
The Most Chilling Quotes by Bilderberg Insiders
     Image Credits: World Economic Forum.
If you want to know the evils of the Bilderberg Group, look no further than the following quotes from Bilderberg insiders and those who’ve studied the secretive cabal.
“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” ― Bill Gates

“If elitist groups like Bohemian Club, the CFR and the Bilderberg Group select and groom candidates to become Presidents of the US then isn’t it safe to assume they also dictate certain policies once their alumni are in the White House?”Lance Morcan, The Orphan Conspiracies: 29 Conspiracy Theories from The Orphan Trilogy

“Bilderberg pulls the strings of every government and intelligence agency in the Western world.” ― James Morcan, The Ninth Orphan

“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an “extraterrestrial” invasion], whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991

“Bilderberg’s modus operandi reinforced in his mind the complexity of the global hierarchy. He didn’t know if Omega controlled the Bilderberg Group or vice versa, but the situation reminded him that no matter how much anyone thought they knew about the New World Order 'elite', there were always higher levels in the plethora of secret societies and shadow organizations that ruled the planet.”James Morcan, The Ninth Orphan

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” – David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle)

“Nine had heard whisperings that the secretive Bilderberg Group was effectively the World Government, undermining democracy by influencing everything from nations’ political leaders to the venue for the next war. He recalled persistent rumors and confirmed media reports that the Bilderberg Group had such luminaries as Barack Obama, Prince Charles, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, Tony Blair, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Bush Sr. and George W. Bush. Other Bilderberg members sprung forth from Nine’s memory bank. They included the founders and CEOs of various multinational corporations like Facebook, BP, Google, Shell and Amazon, as well as almost every major financial institution on the planet.”James Morcan, The Ninth Orphan

“We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.” – Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995)

Jade Helm 15 is, indeed, connected to Planet X


Priority: Situational Update

Original Writing:   May 25, 2015
Update/Release:   June 08, 2015
Memorandum To: Concerned Parties
From:                     John Moore
In Re:                     Jade Helm 15

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the alternative media, there has been a lot of concern over the goals and intent of the 2015 U.S. Military Exercise: Jade Helm 15.

There have been occasional reports (none I've previously seen backed by any demonstrable evidence) that the real reason for Jade Helm 15 is connected to Planet X, (Wormwood, Niburu). Up until I received the following report, these previous ones I regarded as background chatter. As a side note: working in U.S.  Military Intelligence the Fall of 1967, in the Republic of Vietnam, we had "background chatter" about a
pending massive enemy attack to take place during the 1968 Chinese Lunar New Year celebration called "Tet". I learned the hard way to pay attention to background chatter.

As of today, that's all changed.  I now have intelligence from a private, trusted source that Jade Helm 15 is, indeed, connected to Planet X.

The Russian, Norwegian and Brazilian Governments have all made some efforts to inform their populace about the pending danger from Planet X. The USA has not, and will not. The extensive (and very expensive) underground cities Russia has built in the Ural Mountains, the several large "ghost cities" built by China far into the interior of their country make no sense whatsoever unless, or until, you factor in the violently rising ocean levels caused by Planet X.
The U.S. Government has decided to not reveal anything about Planet X and to maintain control until the very last moment. In my paper "No Need For Panic", ( first written in the Fall of 2005, I stated that there would be some pretext to declare Martial Law. I've now made my paper a free download for all to read at my web site WWW.THELIBERTYMAN.COM

I made the point in 2005, and still believe, that the reason for Martial Law must be a pretext and have no connection to Planet X. The reason being people will "go along" with Martial Law due to race riots and/or an economic collapse and/or Islamic terrorist attacks as being reasonable and prudent. Telling people to do anything once they find out about the threat of Planet X simply will not work.
The three most likely scenarios for this pretext (as of May 2015) are a race war and/or an economic collapse, followed by Islamic Terrorist (i.e. ISIS) attacks. I would be remiss to not mention the clear and present danger posed by Russian and Chinese troops on U.S. soil and in nearby Mexican staging areas.
There is a lot of focus, by those of us in the alternative media, on the September/ October time frame. While I have no crystal ball, I will advise all concerned persons to commence what they consider to be prudent preparations ASAP.

June 8, 2015 update:

Given the importance of this matter and wanting to exercise good standards of journalism, I elected to delay publishing this article prior to getting a second source reporting the same thing (that the Jade Helm 15 training exercise is Planet X related). Today, I am satisfied that I have that second source. While not my private source, I know and trust Steve Quayle who, today, published an article in his alerts section that the Jade Helm matter is, indeed, connected to Planet X. While the author of the alert does not specifically mention Planet X, he certainly implies as much. The author uses the pen name of  " Seal Man "


 If people can’t see the writing on the wall by now, they’ll never wake up. A military does not transport tons (TONS) of concertina wire, out in the open-not caring if it is seen, unless it is going to be used for something SOON. This wire is used for two things. Keeping enemies out (used to form military wire obstacles), or keeping prisoners in. The cost for transport, manpower to erect the wire and manufacturing far out way the cost for using the amount we are seeing transported for merely an exercise.

The U.S. military and other U.S government agencies are spending way too much time and money for training. Our country’s leaders are scared to death.  They are preparing for something big. The speed at which everything is being conducted, prepositioning of assets/ assets relocated, signals to me that whatever has them scared-is just around the corner.  
We have China building islands to preposition assets and conducting large scale exercises, and we have Russia in the Ukraine fighting against U.S. equipped and trained troops, and conducting unprecedented military exercise (largest in their country’s history). We have both China and Russia building their own banking systems (AIIB/BRICS) to conduct trade and invest money, plus they have developed their own money wiring swift system (CHIPS)-circumventing what has always been used.

The Middle Eastern GCC countries are now forming a stronger military alliance so they can effectively operate jointly militarily together in the future, and they have been disusing limiting military weapons contracts with the U.S. They plan to purchase more hardware from their European allies. Why, because the U.S. will no longer be reliable. That’s right - we’ll be too busy dealing with chaos in our own country + weapons manufacturing will come to a complete halt, and they know it.

I believe the 500 days of climate chaos spoken about by the French Foreign Minister, with John Kerry standing at his side, has everything to do with all of this. When the real chaos begins: super storms, quakes and volcanoes, the U.S will be at its weakest. Much of our military will be overseas, and if you are in the military, plan on being stuck overseas. All Emergency Response Assets: National Guard, FEMA, Red Cross, DHS and other agencies will be overwhelmed. And this is when the U.N will intervene, and all our enemies, from all corners of the earth, will begin their invasion.

The most disturbing part of all this: It has all been planned. We have all been sold out to the global government corporate enterprise. And in case anyone wants to know who is paving the way, who is in charge, who will light the way? All you have to do is tune into the Popes address to our U.S. Congress (first time in history) and his address to the U.N. a few days later - this coming September. He will be the calming voice, the voice of reason, who will begin the process of unifying everyone. If you are not concerned, you should start becoming concerned, because in order for this man’s message to have the correct impact: answers for despair, fear and desperation, things are going to have to be getting pretty bad.

And all this is the perfect example of: Order out of Chaos. This is your New World Order people. I’ll leave you with this, and let it sink in: In a Short Time, This Will Be a Long Time Ago.

I find it more than a little coincidental that the 500 day warning issued by the French Foreign Minister on May 14, 2014 (with U.S. Secretary of State John  Kerry standing an arms length away) to prepare for/negate/deal with Climate Change takes us to September 24, 2015 (assuming I did my day count properly). On September 24, 2015 Pope Francis addresses (for the first time in our Republic's history) a joint session of  the U. S. Congress. The following day,September 25th, the Pope addresses the annual meeting of world leaders at the United Nations.  Pope Francis will be only the forth Pope to set foot in the United Nations building in NY City.

While I'm reluctant to make a claim that things will get so bad in the next 90 days that Pope Francis will be courted as a solution to out-of-control chaos, I will concede that that possibility does exist.

Here is where I recommend reading another paper "An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and It's Implications for United States National Security" 

Published in October 2003, the paper was paid for by the The United States Department of Defense. The two authors: Mr. Peter Schwartz and Mr. Doug Randall did their research by interviewing scientists, economists and military experts on the consequences of two possible future scenarios:
  1. The Gulf Stream (North Atlantic Thermohalene Conveyor) slowing down dramatically
  2. The Gulf Stream stopping.

These may be the 22 scariest pages of non-fiction you will ever read! I first read them in 2005. Once I learned from my interviewing Dr. Luigianni Zangari Ph.D. that the Gulf Stream did, in fact, stop on June 12, 2010, I re-read this paper. It took on a whole new level of importance and concern! Without stealing any thunder from this paper, you will find it prognosticating wars, drought, violent climate change and more!
In a follow-up to my interview wtih Dr. Zangari, I wrote an article titled "The Gulf Stream Has Stopped". It's not terribly long but should be sufficient to make the point, and convince the reader, that one does not to anguish over 'When will Planet X start affecting our planet"? as it already is and has been since June 2010. The complete article is here. as well as being a free download at my web site.
My next recommendation: Look at the next several months (between now and November 1, 2015) as your own, personal, training exercise.  If your plan is to do nothing, quite simply you're planning to fail. If you believe that loading the wife, your children into the mini-van with your camping supplies to head for the the nearest National Forest is a plan, I wish you the best of luck!  I advocate prudent preparations. That will be different things for different people.

While I do publicly advocate establishing a Hobby Farm as the highest and best long-term solution, I understand that each family will have their own wants, needs, desires, time. skills and money. I respect your personal plan, whatever that may be. Just be sure to have a viable plan!

No, you're not going to set up a viable Hobby Farm in the next three months. That takes years. You could, however, locate and establish a safe haven. A place of safety  and security where shelter, food, water and everything one needs to survive will not be an issue. A place where you  and your loved ones can defend against brigands and common criminals. That's your marching orders, that's your personal training exercise.
In the meantime, I will continue to be the watchman on the wall. doing my daily radio show on the Republic Broadcasting  Network and my public speaking engagements.

May God Bless You, May God Bless the United States of America.

John Moore




Obama Declares Himself President for Life: The End of the 22nd Amendment......

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:52
(Before It's News) By Brooks Agnew
I couldn’t believe it at first, either.  How could any sitting president hope to sidestep the 22th Amendment placing term limits on the office of the presidency?  Adopted on February 27th, 1951, this Amendment says:
“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.”
When George Washington was elected for his second term, it was clear that the people of America wanted him to stay there for life.  He refused, voluntarily limiting himself to two terms to save America from the tyranny of living under a king.  Most of the founding fathers escaped the British Empire and successfully rebelled against the royal family to form America.  Their greatest fear was that a charismatic man would be elected to the office of president and never step down.
Every successive president followed that solemn tradition until Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  Although he was nearly an invalid at the end of his second term, the Soviet power brokers that had thoroughly infiltrated the administration, and most of the bureaucracies, wanted to retain their power and continue to hold Eastern Europe as long as possible.  The frail but crafty Harry Hopkins sent American military secrets, including the atomic bomb, to the Soviets.  Roosevelt was kept alive through his third term and managed to win a fourth term, whereupon he died on April 12th, 1945.  While convalescing at his “little white house” in Warm Springs, Georgia, he had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and was dead within minutes.
Almost two years later on March 21st, 1947, the 22nd Amendment was passed by Congress to prevent any other president from serving more than two terms. 
Now, it goes without saying that our news cycle moves fast.  Our world moves so fast, that you can get behind by taking a three month vacation from research.  People elected to Congress have to begin campaigning as soon as they are elected, because two years comes so fast that even a week without fundraising can cost you the election. 
The power of the Washington D.C. crime syndicate is like being asked to work for two years in a gold mine.  You can work all day, and then you are allowed to take home all you can carry in one hand.  An elected official can arrive in Washington nearly penniless, and within one or two short terms can be worth millions.  The legal insider trading alone is worth never leaving office.
In 1933, another government was formed inside Washington.  Using the cataclysmic conditions of the Stock Market crash of 1929 as the main selling point, it was welcomed like cold milk to people eating dry chocolate cookies.  History shows us that World War I was actually paused while bankers and industrialists swept enormous profits from the table during this period of global capital extraction.  It resumed in 1939, under World War Part II, when Hitler’s funding by top world banks and U.S. investors was in position. 
The soviets wanted Eastern Europe out of the deal and by invading Washington they were able to supply a prefabricated government capable of buying votes by the millions.  It was run by presidential ministers known as secretaries, who were called cabinet members by the president.  They were not elected, but rather hand chosen by the president and passed off by the Senate during a process called advice and consent.  This is a mutual hand washing ceremony where the Party in power grants approval to the president’s choices for federal judges and ministers.
Within three years, this new government had Americans hooked.  Within 70 years, the careful process of engineered litigation and enforcement gave the president the power to usurp the constitution and force the Patriot Act into place, dissolving the separation of powers.  Still, the system needed a special president.  It needed someone who would tell the world what it wanted to hear, while grinding human liberty into gravel to be trodden under foot by armies of presidential enforcers.
Barack Hussein Obama is that president.  He has ruled by law and executive orders, fundamentally changing America publically into the oligarchy it has been for decades behind the scenes.  Global corporations staff and rule the departments, bureaus, administrations, and agencies that collect and spend all the money you have earned, that of your children, and that of your grandchildren.  In January of 2013, Jose Serrano reintroduced a bill to abolish the 22nd amendment. It has been introduced each year since, to keep it current on the books. Outrageous, you say?  Impossible?  I used to think so as well.
But that was before Obama stood before the cameras of the world and tore the Constitution into pieces strip by strip to rousing applause.  Just this week, he again ostentatiously ignored the separation of powers between the Supreme Court and the Presidency. There is only one thing standing in his way of accomplishing his goal.  Hillary.
The Obama master strategist, Valerie Jarrett, does not like Hillary.  She knows everything about Benghazi, about the investments in the Clinton Foundation, and where all the bodies are buried.  She has all the files that were once on Hillary’s server, which I am sure sits at the bottom of the Hudson River by now.  When the time is right, and too late for the Democrats to put together another candidate, they will release this information and destroy Hillary. 
Then the president will issue an executive order rescinding the 22nd Amendment in order to provide continuity and to protect the American people and Mexican people from losing the transformation he alone was successful in making into law.  Obamacare must be saved from being changed back to Hillarycare.  Like Roosevelt before him, the people will award him with the unlimited extension of his presidency. 
Who would stop him?  Congress?  Surely you jest.  The ten Republican senators that consistently vote with Obama will never betray him, which emasculates the majority Americans think they have in Congress.  They have a lower approval rating than hemorrhoids.  Obama has opened our borders, given away our military secrets, polarized black people against white people, rich against poor, and worked harder than anyone to dissolve marriage from American society.  He commands the IRS to systematically destroy every single Tea Party congressman and senator.  He orders the EPA to destroy the coal industry and to protect global corporations that are his largest contributors.  He orders the DOT to stop competitors against Government Motors.  He hands out trillions to his supporters and starves and litigates his enemies.  Any Supreme Court decision will be used to stoke the furnace prepared to incinerate our Constitution by popular demand developed by an expert propaganda machine in Washington. 
How about the military?  Forget about that.  Obama has removed more than 300 flag officers from their positions and replaced them with sycophants.  He has armed and funded the nation’s first domestic standing army that answers to no one but him.  Look around.  Jade Helm 2015 is moving thousands of armored vehicles and foreign troops into strategic areas around the country as we speak.  This includes thousands of tons of razor wire.  Who do you think is going to go back and remove all that razor wire after this temporary training exercise is over?  No one, because it will never be over.  I understand that the code HELM means Homeland Eradication of Local Militia.
The world’s most powerful government writes law, taxes, fines, confiscates our possessions, and will kill or incarcerate anyone it wants anywhere it wants without due process of law.  The shocker is that the American people have no representation in that government, and it answers to no one but the president. That is the pure definition of tyranny.   I would say that the presidency is his for the taking, wouldn’t you?. 
Vladimir Putin and Valerie Jarrett have taught Mr. Obama well the first rule of power.  When you get the power in your hands, never let it go.