FATE UPDATE: What was the REAL Purpose of the Orion Mission?
From NASA:
“The December flight test sent Orion 3,6000 miles from Earth on a two-orbit flight intended to ensure the spacecraft’s critical systems (including the crew) are ready for the challenges of deep space missions.”
Did anyone notice that the destination of the Orion mission was an altitude of 3,600 miles? Why was this location so important to NASA? What was there of significance at the 3,600 mile destination? The answer: The “Van Allen“ Radiation Belts!
(The radiation belts are a 25,000 mile thick dangerous radiation field
which surrounds the Earth beginning at an altitude of 1000 miles . . . All
manned spaces missions have been well below this extreme radiation,
orbiting at an average height of only about 250 miles above the
Earth, all except the “missions to the moon” of the Nixon administration.)
Though NASA is not directly telling the public of the supreme significance of the Orion mission’s 3,600 mile destination, the stated purpose of the mission was to “test the instruments“. Why was it so important to “test the instruments” inside of the radiation belts? To see if humans can survive transversing them . . . for the very first time!
This was the sole purpose of the Orion mission! This radiation is the “challenge” to overcome of which NASA speaks! What relevant “instruments” just happen to be onboard the Orion spacecraft?
Several Geiger Counters to measure the radiation levels inside of the radiation belts! Didn’t
NASA already have these measurements decades ago from the “Apollo” moon
missions, if indeed men actually went through the radiation belts 18 times ?
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In 1998, the space shuttle astronauts flew to their highest altitude ever, 365 miles, some 635 miles away from the radiation belts. Even at this great distance from the belts, the radiation was so intense that the shuttle crew could SEE THE RADIATION WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED AS “FIREWORKS”. At that time CNN reported “The radiation belts surrounding Earth are MORE DANGEROUS THAN PREVIOUSLY BELIEVED.” What does “previously believed” mean? What was the “previous belief ?” . . . that the radiation belts were harmless, because the Apollo “moon” crews, supposedly, went through the 25,000 mile thick radiation belts 18 times, allegedly, to the moon and back, without dying, developing cancer, or suffering ANY ill consequences WHATSOEVER, not even the faintest traces of radiation sickness a single time!
In fact, the Apollo crews never even reported the phenomenon of seeing
the radiation with their eyes closed as “Fireworks” as this space
shuttle crew did from the great distance of 635 miles away from the
radiation, even though they were supposed to have been in the middle of the radiation belts 18 times to the moon and back for nearly two dozen hours!
The question is, if the Apollo astronauts were really inside
the middle of the radiation belts 18 times in the 1960’s and early
’70’s, how is it that a space shuttle crew in 1998, some 635 miles away
from the radiation, discovered more about the radiation than they did? (The shuttle crew reported the radiation as “More dangerous than previously believed“.) This can ONLY MEAN that the Apollo “moon” crews NEVER left low earth orbit of about 250 miles and that their missions were A LIE. That is why the radiation belts surrounding Earth were of supreme importance to, and the destination of, the Orion mission, yet NASA is afraid to tell anyone of the mission’s true objective, because it brings to light the lie of the Apollo “moon landings”. (“Apollo” – Greek – Means: “Deceiver”)
Yes, NASA did “test their instruments” (Geiger Counters) during the Orion mission . . .
..IN THE RADIATION BELTS . . . to see if humans can survive traveling through
Apparently today’s new generation of
NASA engineers, some in their twenty’s, have stumbled upon this
significant NASA contradiction. Though they were probably led into the
space exploration field by the motivation of the seemingly glorious inaugural moon mission of the 1960’s, the fact that such a feat cannot be duplicated even today with five decades more advanced technology, and that aside from theses alleged moon missions of the Nixon administration no one has ever gone more than 400 miles away from the earth in the nearly fifty years
since then, these unfavorable truths are apparently slowly, yet surely,
boiling to the surface of their disgruntled reality soup.
Kelly Smith, one of these twentyish
engineers, was selected as the official Orion mission’s spokesperson in
the following NASA video press release. Notice that at :43 seconds into
the film, Smith confirms that the radiation belts are made up of “Extreme Radiation”. At time 3:06 he again refers to the belts as “Dangerous Radiation”. Finally at time 3:36, for the third time, Smith plainly states, “We must solves these (radiation) challenges before we send people through this region of space.”
You can view the short NASA film by clicking HERE
The question is, if the solution to the dangerous radiation belt problem has yet to be invented (“We must solves these challenges before we send people through this region of space.”), then how is it that the “Apollo” crews during their alleged “moon missions” went through this dangerous and extreme radiation nearly fifty years ago when the necessary equipment to survive doing so has yet to be invented ? (“We must solves these challenges before we send people through this region of space.”)
Did Kelly Smith reveal this contradiction accidentally or intentionally ?
When I asked NASA’s press office to
interview Kelly Smith about this matter, they refused to grant him
permission to talk with me. When I emailed a list of mostly harmless
questions about the Orion mission, NASA politely answered all of them.
When I submitted a more difficult inquiry about Kelly Smith’s three
statements about the dangerous radiation of the Van Allen Belts and how
the radiation problem must be solved before
NASA sends astronauts through them, NASA refused to reply to these
questions, as if I had never asked them. When I asked for the readings
of the Orion spacecraft’s onboard Geiger Counters in REM, NASA said that
such information was a secret and that I would have to file a “Freedom
of Information Act” request to attain the measurements, which I have
since done and am awaiting their reply. When I asked why such
information about the radiation belts strength in REM is a secret, NASA
refused to answer and then terminated all further communication with me.
(Just 1 REM per hour is lethal, and the Radiation Belts contain up to
100 REM per hour.)
Another leading scientist at the time,
James Van Allen, the discoverer of the radiation belts who so humbly
named them after himself, originally said that
the lethal radiation belts previously spoken of in this article,
through which the “Apollo” crews would have been the only astronauts in
history to have ever traversed in order to leave the safety of Earth
orbit and reach the moon, if indeed their missions were real, would be
“10-100 times more deadly than a lethal dose”! Under pressure from NASA, he dramatically recanted his original findings in order to make it appear as if the moon landings were possible. Don’t believe me? Below is the link to his original published findings in the respected national journal “Scientific American”, in which he plainly
spoke about the radiation belts beyond earth orbit being an obstacle
for practical space travel to the moon and beyond, just as Kelly Smith
of the Orion mission did.
As various nations and private
enterprises finally, after nearly fifty years, have the capability to
send microwave oven sized probes to the moon (still no men), NASA has
quickly drafted regulations to keep their alleged manned landing sites
of the Nixon administration completely off-limits.
They have said that any flyovers of the coordinates, or ground
incursions thereof, into these areas by probes, to prove or disprove
their authenticity, are strictly forbidden. (Since when does the US government own the moon?)
You would think that they would gladly welcome independent proof (which
there has never been) that their outrageous scientific claims of 1960’s
technology were real (even though the feat cannot be repeated today),
especially in the face of growing universal doubt, yet the exact
opposite proves to be the case. (It is like a murderer who boasts of his
innocence refusing to give a DNA sample, when DNA evidence was left at
the crime scene.)
China, a trillion dollar trading partner
of the United States, recently sent a probe to the moon. As all of the
moon is uniformly desolate and one landing site is just about as good as
any other, I would think that the perfect and most logical place to
land would be that of the United State’s alleged first manned mission,
to prove to the world that their probe was really on the moon. Yet if
the Apollo 11 artifacts are not there themselves, this might be biting
the trillion dollar hand that feeds you. Subsequently, China steered
clear of any supposed NASA manned landing sites for any of their lunar
Astrobotic Technology, a private firm, had
planned to land a probe precisely at the claimed Apollo 11 landing
site, as they too saw this as the most logical choice, yet because of
pressure from NASA not to do so, and subsequently embarrass the
organization and nation for not really having landed on the moon in the
1960’s, the president of the company, John Thornton, caved in and agreed
not to land there as originally planned, even though the moon is owned
by no one and he was “free” to do so. (Is it freedom when scientific
exploration is completely altered because of political pressure from a government agency?)
When NASA sent publicly funded probes
and spacecraft to measure the temperature of the sun and the amount of
hydrogen in Jupiter’s atmosphere, this information was readily available
to scientists and to the public, after all, why would a measurement of a
part of nature be a secret? Likewise, the amount radiation in REM in
the Van Allen Radiation Belts which surround the earth is simply a part
of nature and, as such, there is no reason whatsoever why such elementary measurements of nature should be a government secret . . . unless disclosing such measurements would reveal the impossibility
of the “Apollo” crews having gone through them and surviving with
decades older technology, seeing how NASA just acknowledged,
accidentally or otherwise, that such protection from this “Dangerous”
and “Extreme” radiation has yet to be invented by the space agency and “must” be invented “before we send people through this region of space.”
Quite interesting, yes ?
–Brother Bart-
Bart Sibrel is an
award winning filmmaker, writer and investigative journalist who has
been producing movies and television programs for thirty years. During
this time he has owned five production companies, been employed by two
of the three major networks and produced films shown on ABC, NBC, CNN,
TLC, USA, BET, as well as The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. To discuss his
films, he has appeared and been interviewed on The Daily Show, Geraldo,
NBC, CNN, FOX, Tech TV, Coast to Coast, and The Abrams Report. Articles
featuring Mr. Sibrel’s films have been published in Time Magazine, The
New York Times, The Washington Post, The L.A. Times, USA Today and many
others. His top awards from the American Motion Picture Society include
“Best Cinematography”, “Best Editing” and “Top Ten Director”. As the writer and director of the infamous “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon” which exposed the moon landing hoax, Mr.
Sibrel has collected over the years innumerous military, government,
industrial and private sources for credible firsthand verification of
very real conspiratorial crimes against humanity. He will use these
contacts and experience in exposing the true and unbelievably horrific
intentions of the hidden minority who have diabolical intentions for
mankind in his monthly Sleuth Journal column “Conspiracy Corner”.
When such concepts are speculative and unverified, Mr. Sibrel will
acknowledge this and openly discuss the leading possibilities as a
cautionary benediction. Be sure to visit his site at Sibrel.com and subscribe to his Youtube Channel.
If you are so inclined, you may Donate to his endeavors.