Thursday, June 18, 2015

FATE UPDATE: What was the REAL Purpose of the Orion Mission?

FATE UPDATE: What was the REAL Purpose of the Orion Mission?

June 16, 2015 | By Bart Sibrel | Conspiracy Corner, Science & Technology, Sleuth Journal
From NASA:
The December flight test sent Orion 3,6000 miles from Earth on a two-orbit flight intended to ensure the spacecraft’s critical systems (including the crew) are ready for the challenges of deep space missions.

Did anyone notice that the destination of the Orion mission was an altitude of 3,600 miles?  Why was this location so important to NASA?  What was there of significance at the 3,600 mile destination? The answer: The Van Allen Radiation Belts! (The radiation belts are a 25,000 mile thick dangerous radiation field which surrounds the Earth beginning at an altitude of 1000 miles . . . All manned spaces missions have been well below this extreme radiation, orbiting at an average height of only about 250 miles above the Earth, all except the “missions to the moon” of the Nixon administration.)

Though NASA is not directly telling the public of the supreme significance of the Orion mission’s 3,600 mile destination, the stated purpose of the mission was to “test the instruments“.  Why was it so important to “test the instrumentsinside of the radiation belts?  To see if humans can survive transversing them . . . for the very first time!

This was the sole purpose of the Orion mission! This radiation is the “challenge” to overcome of which NASA speaks! What relevant “instrumentsjust happen to be onboard the Orion spacecraft?

Several Geiger Counters to measure the radiation levels inside of the radiation belts! Didn’t NASA already have these measurements decades ago from the “Apollo” moon missions, if indeed men actually went through the radiation belts 18 times ?

Now a word from our sponsor, then the article will conclude.  Please check it out by clicking on it to send me some revenue, free of charge to you!  Thank You!

In 1998, the space shuttle astronauts flew to their highest altitude ever, 365 miles, some 635 miles away from the radiation belts. Even at this great distance from the belts, the radiation was so intense that the shuttle crew could SEE THE RADIATION WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED AS “FIREWORKS”.  At that time CNN reported “The radiation belts surrounding Earth are MORE DANGEROUS THAN PREVIOUSLY BELIEVED.”  What does “previously believed” mean?  What was the “previous belief ?” . . . that the radiation belts were harmless, because the Apollo “moon” crews, supposedly, went through the 25,000 mile thick radiation belts 18 times, allegedly, to the moon and back, without dying, developing cancer, or suffering ANY ill consequences WHATSOEVER, not even the faintest traces of radiation sickness a single time!  In fact, the Apollo crews never even reported the phenomenon of seeing the radiation with their eyes closed as “Fireworks” as this space shuttle crew did from the great distance of 635 miles away from the radiation, even though they were supposed to have been in the middle of the radiation belts 18 times to the moon and back for nearly two dozen hours!

The question is, if the Apollo astronauts were really inside the middle of the radiation belts 18 times in the 1960’s and early ’70’s, how is it that a space shuttle crew in 1998, some 635 miles away from the radiation, discovered more about the radiation than they did?  (The shuttle crew reported the radiation as “More dangerous than previously believed“.)  This can ONLY MEAN that the Apollo “moon” crews NEVER left low earth orbit of about 250 miles and that their missions were A LIE. That is why the radiation belts surrounding Earth were of supreme importance to, and the destination of, the Orion mission, yet NASA is afraid to tell anyone of the mission’s true objective, because it brings to light the lie of the Apollo “moon landings”.  (“Apollo” – Greek – Means: “Deceiver”)
Yes, NASA didtest their instruments” (Geiger Counters) during the Orion mission . . .
..IN THE RADIATION BELTS . . . to see if humans can survive traveling through

Apparently today’s new generation of NASA engineers, some in their twenty’s, have stumbled upon this significant NASA contradiction. Though they were probably led into the space exploration field by the motivation of the seemingly glorious inaugural moon mission of the 1960’s, the fact that such a feat cannot be duplicated even today with five decades more advanced technology, and that aside from theses alleged moon missions of the Nixon administration no one has ever gone more than 400 miles away from the earth in the nearly fifty years since then, these unfavorable truths are apparently slowly, yet surely, boiling to the surface of their disgruntled reality soup.

Kelly Smith, one of these twentyish engineers, was selected as the official Orion mission’s spokesperson in the following NASA video press release. Notice that at :43 seconds into the film, Smith confirms that the radiation belts are made up of “Extreme Radiation”. At time 3:06 he again refers to the belts as “Dangerous Radiation”. Finally at time 3:36, for the third time, Smith plainly states, “We must solves these (radiation) challenges before we send people through this region of space.”

You can view the short NASA film by clicking HERE
The question is, if the solution to the dangerous radiation belt problem has yet to be invented (“We must solves these challenges before we send people through this region of space.”), then how is it that the “Apollo” crews during their alleged “moon missions” went through this dangerous and extreme radiation nearly fifty years ago when the necessary equipment to survive doing so has yet to be invented ? (“We must solves these challenges before we send people through this region of space.”)

Did Kelly Smith reveal this contradiction accidentally or intentionally ?

When I asked NASA’s press office to interview Kelly Smith about this matter, they refused to grant him permission to talk with me. When I emailed a list of mostly harmless questions about the Orion mission, NASA politely answered all of them. When I submitted a more difficult inquiry about Kelly Smith’s three statements about the dangerous radiation of the Van Allen Belts and how the radiation problem must be solved before NASA sends astronauts through them, NASA refused to reply to these questions, as if I had never asked them. When I asked for the readings of the Orion spacecraft’s onboard Geiger Counters in REM, NASA said that such information was a secret and that I would have to file a “Freedom of Information Act” request to attain the measurements, which I have since done and am awaiting their reply. When I asked why such information about the radiation belts strength in REM is a secret, NASA refused to answer and then terminated all further communication with me. (Just 1 REM per hour is lethal, and the Radiation Belts contain up to 100 REM per hour.)

Another leading scientist at the time, James Van Allen, the discoverer of the radiation belts who so humbly named them after himself, originally said that the lethal radiation belts previously spoken of in this article, through which the “Apollo” crews would have been the only astronauts in history to have ever traversed in order to leave the safety of Earth orbit and reach the moon, if indeed their missions were real, would be “10-100 times more deadly than a lethal dose”! Under pressure from NASA, he dramatically recanted his original findings in order to make it appear as if the moon landings were possible. Don’t believe me? Below is the link to his original published findings in the respected national journal “Scientific American”, in which he plainly spoke about the radiation belts beyond earth orbit being an obstacle for practical space travel to the moon and beyond, just as Kelly Smith of the Orion mission did.
As various nations and private enterprises finally, after nearly fifty years, have the capability to send microwave oven sized probes to the moon (still no men), NASA has quickly drafted regulations to keep their alleged manned landing sites of the Nixon administration completely off-limits. They have said that any flyovers of the coordinates, or ground incursions thereof, into these areas by probes, to prove or disprove their authenticity, are strictly forbidden. (Since when does the US government own the moon?) You would think that they would gladly welcome independent proof (which there has never been) that their outrageous scientific claims of 1960’s technology were real (even though the feat cannot be repeated today), especially in the face of growing universal doubt, yet the exact opposite proves to be the case. (It is like a murderer who boasts of his innocence refusing to give a DNA sample, when DNA evidence was left at the crime scene.)

China, a trillion dollar trading partner of the United States, recently sent a probe to the moon. As all of the moon is uniformly desolate and one landing site is just about as good as any other, I would think that the perfect and most logical place to land would be that of the United State’s alleged first manned mission, to prove to the world that their probe was really on the moon. Yet if the Apollo 11 artifacts are not there themselves, this might be biting the trillion dollar hand that feeds you. Subsequently, China steered clear of any supposed NASA manned landing sites for any of their lunar probes.

Astrobotic Technology, a private firm, had planned to land a probe precisely at the claimed Apollo 11 landing site, as they too saw this as the most logical choice, yet because of pressure from NASA not to do so, and subsequently embarrass the organization and nation for not really having landed on the moon in the 1960’s, the president of the company, John Thornton, caved in and agreed not to land there as originally planned, even though the moon is owned by no one and he was “free” to do so. (Is it freedom when scientific exploration is completely altered because of political pressure from a government agency?)
When NASA sent publicly funded probes and spacecraft to measure the temperature of the sun and the amount of hydrogen in Jupiter’s atmosphere, this information was readily available to scientists and to the public, after all, why would a measurement of a part of nature be a secret? Likewise, the amount radiation in REM in the Van Allen Radiation Belts which surround the earth is simply a part of nature and, as such, there is no reason whatsoever why such elementary measurements of nature should be a government secret . . . unless disclosing such measurements would reveal the impossibility of the “Apollo” crews having gone through them and surviving with decades older technology, seeing how NASA just acknowledged, accidentally or otherwise, that such protection from this “Dangerous” and “Extreme” radiation has yet to be invented by the space agency and “must” be invented “before we send people through this region of space.”

Quite interesting, yes ?
Brother Bart-

Bart Sibrel  is an award winning filmmaker, writer and investigative journalist who has been producing movies and television programs for thirty years. During this time he has owned five production companies, been employed by two of the three major networks and produced films shown on ABC, NBC, CNN, TLC, USA, BET, as well as The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. To discuss his films, he has appeared and been interviewed on The Daily Show, Geraldo, NBC, CNN, FOX, Tech TV, Coast to Coast, and The Abrams Report. Articles featuring Mr. Sibrel’s films have been published in Time Magazine, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The L.A. Times, USA Today and many others.  His top awards from the American Motion Picture Society include “Best Cinematography”, “Best Editing” and “Top Ten Director”. As the writer and director of the infamousA Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon which exposed the moon landing hoax, Mr. Sibrel has collected over the years innumerous military, government, industrial and private sources for credible firsthand verification of very real conspiratorial crimes against humanity. He will use these contacts and experience in exposing the true and unbelievably horrific intentions of the hidden minority who have diabolical intentions for mankind in his monthly Sleuth Journal column Conspiracy Corner”.  When such concepts are speculative and unverified, Mr. Sibrel will acknowledge this and openly discuss the leading possibilities as a cautionary benediction. Be sure to visit his site at and subscribe to his Youtube Channel.
If you are so inclined, you may Donate to his endeavors.

Military Veteran Taken to Court by City Over ‘Off-Grid’ Lifestyle

Military Veteran Taken to Court by City

Over ‘Off-Grid’ Lifestyle

Authorities demand man's property be connected to city utilities
by Paul Joseph Watson | June 17, 2015

27-year-old Tyler Truitt and his girlfriend have become totally independent of reliance on city utilities, hooking up solar panels and rainwater collectors on their two acre property, but the city of Huntsville, Alabama claims the structure is unsafe because of sanitation issues.



“They came and they condemned our house and told us if we stayed here we’d be arrested for trespassing on our own property, and the reason why is, they said, it was unsafe living conditions because we don’t have city utilities hooked up,” Truitt told WAFF48.

The city asserts Truitt’s property must be connected to the city’s treatment facility for the safety of Truitt and his neighbors and to comply with health codes.

“The absence of a connection to a sanitary sewer system (whether a septic system or sanitary sewer outfall line connected, ultimately, to a treatment facility, is not only a health and safety issue for the occupants, it’s a health and safety issue for others who may live around him/her,” said Kelly Schrimsher, communications director for Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle. “There are both benefits to be obtained, and compromises to be made,
when people choose to live in an urban community.”

Truitt has vowed to stay on the property until he is physically hauled away by police, asserting that he is upholding the oath he swore to protect constitutional rights.
“You have to stand up for what you believe in,” he said. “They could come out here today
if they wanted to and take us to jail for trespassing, if that’s what they want to call it. …

That’d be fine with me. I’ll still come back the next day and the next day and the next day because it’s my home and because I live here. Where else am I supposed to go really?”
Huntsville officials claim that living off grid is not illegal, but that Truitt has violated an ordinance which states that he cannot live in a trailer that’s not in a designated trailer park. Truitt’s next court date is set for July 29.

As we have previously reported, the clash between Americans choosing to live off-grid lifestyles and city authorities who insist they comply with sanitation codes has been intensifying.

All ten of the children seized from “off grid” parents Joe and Nicole Naugler in Breckinridge County, Kentucky remain in state custody 6 weeks after they were first taken.

The children were removed from the family by Sheriff’s deputies on May 6 as a result of the Naugler’s “free range” lifestyle on a rural 27 acre property. Photos posted on the family’s Facebook page suggested the children were growing up in an idyllic environment, but authorities claimed that living and sanitary conditions on the property were dangerous.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

Customer Claims KFC Served Him Fried Rat

Customer Claims KFC Served Him

Fried Rat

Yet another reason to stay far away from fast food?

A KFC customer in California says he got more than he bargained for
when he bit into a chicken tender last week.
Devorise Dixon, 26, claims his local KFC restaurant in Compton served him up a rat, breaded and fried and complete with a tail.


“As I bit into it I noticed that it was very hard and rubbery which made me look at it,” Dixon said in a June 11 Facebook post. “As I looked down at it I noticed that it was in a shape of a rat with a tail. It sent deep chills throughout my whole body! I’ve been feeling weird ever since. It’s time for a lawyer, be safe don’t eat fast food!”
In a follow up post the next day, Dixon says he took the rat tender back to the store and that the manager “said it was a rat and apologized.”

“She apologized for it. They actually just offered me a free meal,” Dixon told a radio station in Los Angeles, adding that he declined and said he would lawyer up instead.

While the story has gone viral, some say they smell a dirty rat.

One imgur user disputed Dixon’s photos, saying the white meat shown in the photos appears to be chicken.

KFC corporate has also issued a statement refuting Dixon’s claims, saying their tenders “often vary in size and shape” and that they’ve been unable to contact the man.

“This happened in the US and, following an immediate investigation, no evidence was found to support this claim,” a KFC spokesperson said. “Food safety is our highest priority worldwide and we take allegations of this nature extremely seriously.”

If Dixon is joking, KFC could get the last laugh.

Earlier this month, KFC sued three Chinese companies for allowing “false” rumors and “defamatory messages” to be spread on social media about its food, including speculation that their chicken is genetically modified to have more arms and legs.
Absent complete details, the fact-checking couple over at Snopes has already deemed Dixon’s story a “legend.”
However, if Dixon’s story is true, the following scene from the 90s MTV show Beavis and Butthead depicts how the frying of the rat might have gone down.

“She apologized for it. They actually just offered me a free meal,” Dixon told a radio station in Los Angeles, adding that he declined and said he would lawyer up instead.
While the story has gone viral, some say they smell a dirty rat.
One imgur user disputed Dixon’s photos, saying the white meat shown in the photos appears to be chicken.
KFC corporate has also issued a statement refuting Dixon’s claims, saying their tenders “often vary in size and shape” and that they’ve been unable to contact the man.
“This happened in the US and, following an immediate investigation, no evidence was found to support this claim,” a KFC spokesperson said. “Food safety is our highest priority worldwide and we take allegations of this nature extremely seriously.”
If Dixon is joking, KFC could get the last laugh.
Earlier this month, KFC sued three Chinese companies for allowing “false” rumors and “defamatory messages” to be spread on social media about its food, including speculation that their chicken is genetically modified to have more arms and legs.
Absent complete details, the fact-checking couple over at Snopes has already deemed Dixon’s story a “legend.”
However, if Dixon’s story is true, the following scene from the 90s MTV show Beavis and Butthead depicts how the frying of the rat might have gone down.

Video: Cop Murders 17-Year-Old Kid For Not Complying With Traffic Stop

Video: Cop Murders 17-Year-Old Kid

For Not Complying With Traffic Stop

Boy had flashed lights at cop for having overly bright headlights
by Steve Watson | InfoWars | June 17, 2015

A Sheriff’s sergeant in Eaton County Michigan will face no charges after shooting and killing a seventeen year old for not complying with a traffic stop, despite the fact that he had committed no crime whatsoever.
The shocking incident happened back in February and was captured on police body camera and partially on cell phone by Deven Guilford, who was ripped out of his vehicle, tased and then shot seven times by Sgt. Jonathan Frost.


The stop occurred after Deven flashed his lights at Frost, believing that the sergeant had his high beams on, and it would be a danger to other drivers.
During the confrontation that ensued, Frost admitted that two other drivers had also flashed their lights at him and that his headlights were brand new, and were probably too bright.
Despite this, Frost turned the tables on Deven and demanded that he provide his license, registration and insurance details.
When Deven asked to see the officer’s badge, Frost refused. Deven refused to give Frost the documents, maintaining that he had broken no law. When Deven asked if he was being detained, Frost replied in the affirmative, stating that Deven was being held for not complying with the traffic stop.
After several minutes of refusing to provide the documents, Deven was pulled out of the vehicle by Frost and ordered to get on the ground.
Deven attempted to continue filming the ordeal, which further angered Frost who whipped out a taser and shocked the young man in an attempt to force compliance.
The camera footage cuts out at this point, but audio can still be heard. The video ends with Frost firing seven shots, with a fatal shot to the head. Deven’s anguished scream as he is killed by Frost is deeply disturbing to hear.
Frost later claimed that Deven, an unarmed and clearly non-aggressive seventeen year old kid who had just been tased, attacked the officer, managing to get on top of Frost and punch him in the face, causing him to fear for his life.
The Sergeant did suffer cuts and bruises to his face, X-rays showed no fractures.
This week, Eaton County Prosecutor Doug Lloyd said he reviewed the investigation by Michigan State Police, as well as the video footage, and concluded that the sergeant acted lawfully.
“No one wins in these particular situations, but it’s the prosecutor’s responsibility to look at the facts, make a determination from the facts — was there a crime or was there not a crime?” Lloyd said.
Following the decision, the Guilford family, who plan to file a civil lawsuit in federal court, released the following statement:
“There was no reason or necessity for the officer to physically remove our son from the car without considering other options to avoid an unnecessary violent escalation. It must be also noted that Deven was not in possession (of) any weapon and emphatically told the officer that he was not armed. We also have serious concerns about whether the officer used unreasonable force against Deven under the circumstances.”
“The family is very unhappy,” said Attorney Hugh Davis. “It’s just very hard to go from dimming lights or not dimming lights to being dead.”
The fact that Frost did not wait for backup and opted to escalate the situation by forcing Deven out of the car, has further prompted the family to fight the case.
For the record, it was determined that Deven’s license was with his girlfriend, and toxicology results showed that he had the active ingredient in marijuana in his system at the time of the stop.
Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.

Greeks Refuse to Pay Debt, Declare It “Illegal, Illegitimate, and Odious”

Greeks Refuse to Pay Debt,

Declare It “Illegal, Illegitimate, and Odious”

Other nations will now likely demand their debt be declared odious
by Kurt Nimmo | | June 17, 2015

A committee formed by the speaker of the Greek parliament and Syriza member, Zoi Konstantopoulou, has released a report stating that the debt the IMF and the Europeans insist the people of Greece owe to the bankers is “illegal, illegitimate and odious.”

All the evidence we present in this report shows that Greece not only does not have the ability to pay this debt, but also should not pay this debt first and foremost because the debt emerging from the Troika’s arrangements is a direct infringement on the fundamental human rights of the residents of Greece. Hence, we came to the conclusion that Greece should not pay this debt because it is illegal, illegitimate, and odious.
The debt payment is due in two weeks.
Zero Hedge writes that “this has just thrown a very unique wrench in the spokes of not only the Greek debt negotiations, but all other peripheral European nations’ Greek negotiations, who will promptly demand that their debt be, likewise, declared odious, and made null and void, thus washing their hands of servicing it again.”
Eurozone bosses will now attend an emergency meeting in Brussels and discuss the crisis. The Troika will probably attempt to seize Greek assets or take its case to the Hague, reactions that will likely prove to be futile.
The refusal to pay the IMF will undoubtedly lead to Greek’s exit from the euro and the European Union.

'Night Will Fall' (2014)

'Night Will Fall' (2014)
FKTV links can be accessed via the following 
social media accts:
 'Night Will Fall' takes a behind-the-scenes 
look at the making of another documentary, 
'German Concentration Camps: Factual 
Survey,' which documented the British 
soldiers' arrival at the German Death Camp 
of Bergen-Belsen.
 The male and female SS Officers stationed 
there had already surrendered. Along with a 
similarly co-ed Hungarian military unit on-site, 
they were made dig mass graves and to bury 
an estimated 30,000 emasciated corpses, 
strewn about the camp. 
 The British soldiers reported that the starving 
prisoners continued to die, as they arrived 
and that the scene of industrialized death and of 
mass crematoria were unspeakably dehumanizing, 
in a way that no field of battle could ever be.
 The British Ministry of Information had hired 
some of the greatest living filmmakers to 
document the horrors of the newly-liberated 
Nazi concentration camps. Their mission was to 
capture images of what had happened, so that 
nobody could ever deny that they did.
However, the film was shot and edited - 
then shelved, for 70 years.

Branko Lustig, a co-producer of the award-winning 
'Schindler's List,' who appeared in 'Night Will Fall,' 
claimed that the British government had shelved 
and suppressed their own documentary, fearing 
that it would further aggravate the militant Zionists, 
who'd been making trouble for the British, in the 
territory they then administrated called Mandatory 
Palestine, now known as the State of Israel.

'Night Will Fall' director, André Singer expressed 
uncertainty about Lustig's theory but said, "He may 
well have a point."
Video: (75 minutes): 

P.S. Please share ForbiddenKnowledgeTV  emails 
and videos with your friends and colleagues on Twitter, too.
That's how we grow. Thanks.

Alexandra Bruce, Publisher 
Daily Videos from the Edges of Science

Maddy's Mighty Minions

Little girl who died just two weeks after being diagnosed with bone cancer inspires kind acts all over the world

Maddy Grayson inspires acts of kindness after dying of bone cancer
Maddy Grayson, 8, of Colorado tragically died of cancer on Tuesday. Strangers started a pay-it-forward campaign called Maddy's Minion dedicated to spreading kindness in her memory. So far Maddy's Mighty Minions has over 3,000 members who are dedicated to spreading acts of love and kindness all over the world.

Watch out! CENTRAL Craton being displaced showing Earthquakes!!

New post on Dutchsinse

6/18/2015 — Watch out! CENTRAL Craton being displaced showing Earthquakes — Southwest US movement coming soon

by Michael Janitch
Nothing to see here, keep moving.. NOTHING TO SEE HERE!  Please.. keep moving!

Over the past 24 hours, a noteworthy series of earthquakes has progressed along the CENTER of the North American craton from the Midwest to the Northwest United States.
Multiple M3.0 - M4.0+ earthquakes occurred almost equidistantly spaced across an area of almost 1,500 miles in less than one days time.
24 hours of earthquakes june 18 2015
The significant things which stand out about this outbreak of earthquake activity are the fact that these events are occurring across the actual "stable" portion of the craton, not along the "edge" as we might normally see.
The other important factor for these earthquakes is the area displaced, the entire Central to Northwest portion of the plate showing movement.
Make note of the diagram below, and look at the "deformed craton" in comparison to where the earthquakes are occurring.
I would venture an "educated guess" that since we're seeing rare earthquake activity across the center of the plate, this should now put pressure on the SOUTHWEST United States, and cause displacement upon the "deformed craton" edge.
Make note of the area where the green meets the purple.. watch for larger activity in those locations.  Also, in the above diagram make note of the other states which reside in the brown/orange area.
New Madrid and East coast United States CENTRAL CRATON (not the edge like we normally see) might need to watch out for a bit of larger movement over the next week.
Unfortunately, this includes me here in Saint Louis Missouri.
I'll heed my own advice, and follow the motto ... "don't be scared, be prepared".
Magnitude 4.2 in Central Northern Oklahoma at a fracking operation:
Magnitude 3.4 in Central Northern Nebraska:
Magnitude 3.0 in West Central Montana:
Magnitude 3.1 in Southwest Washington State near Mount Adams Volcano:
washington state earthquake june 18 2015

The UN Is Preparing to Manage Mass Casualty Events Under Jade Helm

The UN Is Preparing to Manage Mass Casualty Events Under Jade Helm

Wednesday, June 17, 2015 7:05
CSS Offical-New-Logo2

My worst fears are being realized. The following information is strongly suggestive that the United Nations is poised to seize control of Jade Helm. Further, the nature of UN involvement with Jade Helm is strongly suggestive of the fact that massive numbers of people will be relocated to camps following a chemical/ biological attack. Further, this administration has established the protocols for just such a forced relocation of massive amounts of people.
We have seen the Blue Bell Ice Cream trucks, featured later in this article, that are implicated in this scenario for the presumed transport of a massive amounts of dead bodies. However, what is most disturbing is that in the case of a pandemic, the United Nations will assume operational control over quarantines and the transporting of “sick people” to a receiving facility. Walk with me through this process and I am certain you will agree the dots are beginning to connect which points to a hellish scenario in America’s immediate future. Let’s connect some dots.

The United Nations Is On the Move

This scenraio begins to unfold when I received an email from an alert citizen.
My husband and I were traveling from Louisiana to Dallas, TX.  Saturday. on Interstate 20 westbound.  We passed a convoy of military vehicles on the Interstate headed towards Dallas.  Also,  in an area in which traffic had come to almost a complete stop because of road construction, over to the south of I-20, my husband and I spotted 3 white helicopters hovering in a triangular formation over an open field for over 10 minutes.  Traffic was barely moving for a long time and the helicopters never moved, just hovered.  Also,  someone on Facebook traveling on I-20 in Louisiana today posted a video of UN ambulances being transported in which the UN logo had been taped over on all the vehicles but, on one door the covering had blown loose and you could clearly see the UN logo.  I am praying for the people of Texas and Louisiana to wake up to what is going on especially with these false flag events like prisoner escapee and house to house searches in Texas to gather data about what is in the homes more than likely.  Texas is under attack and now, ironically, the tropical storm system in the Gulf which was originally predicted to head our way in Louisiana at the gulf, has turned and is now going straight through the heart of Texas where they have already had major flooding going on.  Please pray for our nation!!
Ronelle Ford
Shreveport/Bossier Louisiana
Can we agree that the United States is intended to be a sovereign entity? Can we also agree that the United Nations has no business in meddling in the domestic affairs of this nation?

Exposed! UN Medical Trucks Caught Trying to Hide Logo from Public View

Along the lines of the Ronelle Ford email, we see the following video footage that was taken in Northern Louisiana on June 10, 2015. Please take note how there was an attempt to hide the UN logos on the UN medical trucks. The logos were covered with brown paper, but the front cover has peeled off and the UN logo is available for all to see. The fact that this is a domestic video is very ominous. Ask yourself, why are UN medical vehicles being spotted within the United States?  What kind of mass casualty event are they expecting and why is our government transfering their sovereign authority over to the Uninted Nations in this type of scenario? This combination of these variables opens a whole can of worms which contains very frightening implications.

UN Helicopters Over Washington State

The sightings of UN vehicles in Louisiana and Texas are not isolated events. Here we see what is most likely UN helicopters over Washington State. This is a frightening development because the UN is beginning to operate openly on American soil.

Preparing for Mass Casualties

Peter Sutherland an insider's insider. Head of the UN Migration Council. He will soon be your next landlord.
Peter Sutherland an insider’s insider. Head of the UN Migration Council. He will soon be your next landlord.

The UN’s International Migration and Development would be in charge of large scale population movements which would be related to a mass casualty event such as a pandemic. Previously, I have written extensively on who and what would be in charge of the mass migration of the American people and of course, the UN is in charge and the entire operation is under control of the globalist, Peter Sutherland, who masterminded the Gulf Oil Explosion event in 2010. Sutherland is the director of the UN’s International Migration and Development program.
In the event of a pandemic, the Secretary of Human Health Services (HHS) will assume operational control of Federal emergency public health and medical response. However, that authority gives way to the UN’s World Health Organization and the UN International Migration and Development.
In the event of a pandemic outbreak, the HHS will order the quarantining of any pandemic sufferers and the transport of the same to detainment camps, ostensibly to protect the public. The mass transport of pandemic victims to quarantine camps is referred to as “ambulance services”, and it is a euphemism for transporting sick people to a death camp.

“Ambulance” Contracts

I have found evidence supporting these claims in a federal document entitled  Emergency Support Function #8 (ESF #8) – Public Health and Medical Services Annex.  
This document can be accessed by Googling “ESF #8″ and you will arrive at the following listing and a PDF will appear:
[PDF]Emergency Support Function #8 – Public Health and Medical…/emergency_s…
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Medical Services include responding to medical needs associated with mental health, ….. assistance are executed by ESF #8 in coordination with DHS/FEMA. … primarily for communications, aircraft, and the establishment of base camps.
ESF #8 established the national ambulance contract, which is designed to provide support for evacuating seriously ill or injured patients.
HHS will enlist the VA and Department of Defense assets (e.g. the military) in support of providing “transportation assets, operating and staffing NDMS Federal Coordination Centers, and processing and tracking patient movements from collection points to their final destination reception facilities” (emphasis added).
As I discovered, the final points of destination tied to the ambulance contracts, are devoid of any medical personnel. But there is no shortage of transport vehicles which will be carrying massive amount of dead bodies, presumably from a chemical and/or biological attack.
DAHBOO 777 was sent the following vehicle from a Colorado resident which involved a convoy of Blue Bell (refrigerated) ice cream trucks. The implications are very obvious.

Detainment Centers Have No Real Medical Facilities

Look at the participating partners in the “hospital” detainment centers in the EFS #8 document.
Support Agencies:Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce

Department of Defense
Department of Energy
Department of Homeland Security
Department of the Interior
Department of Justice
Department of Labor
Department of State
Department of Transportation
Department of Veterans Affairs
Environmental Protection Agency
General Services Administration
U.S. Agency for International Development
U.S. Postal Service
American Red Cross

No Healthcare Personnel at the FEMA “Medical” Detention Camps

In the above list of pandemic detainment centers, I don’t see the CDC or the National Institute of Health listed. Nor do I see any legitimate medical organizations. I don’t even see the presence of any “volunteer” medical organizations such as Doctors Without Borders. Does anyone else find it disturbing that the transport of very sick people will be conducted and the end point is devoid of any medical treatment organizations and/or facilities?

fema box cars

These camps are death camps. There is not one shred of evidence that these camps are intended to treat or even make comfortable people who will contract any type of pathogen or be exposed to something like Ebola. The most disturbing thing is that these camps will be death camps for relatively healthy people. If you are a person who is lucky enough to be discovered to have asthma or merely be temporarily suffering from congestion in one’s lungs from allergies or a simple cold, you could find yourself on one of the Federally approved ambulance services (bus, train, plane) and headed to your final destination.

The 'Legal Authority' to Send “Patients” to FEMA Camps

Before one can “legally” transport a person who would be potentially exposed to a pathogen  to “death camps” and await the inevitable, the public must be reassured that the rule of law is being followed.
When something like Ebola strikes, the changes in the handling of Ebola patients have already been planned for through a series of legal actions, most of them are Executive Orders. For example, the Executive Order, entitled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, amends Executive Order 13295, passed by George W. Bush in April 2003, which allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals”, and Ebola is specifically mentioned. Obama’s executive order, entitled, Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseasesamends Bush’s Executive Order 13295, which allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals  to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases.” In short, anyone with the sniffles or traces of asthma can be rounded up and detained in this scenario.

More Disturbing Developments

I published this email a few days ago in a previous article
My husband is an Army Reservist in Michigan. He is home this weekend after training at Camp Grayling. He know that I am writing to you but please don’t use our names. His unit is training in the processing of Americans into detention camps. He was told by his CO that they would be processing American actors posing as American citizens. Part of their training was the removal and disposal of dead bodies. My husband said he will not participate when the time comes to do so. Please keep getting the word out Dave. You are making a difference.
All of a sudden, this email takes on special meaning when we consider the following video produced by Pete Santilli. Go the 2:57 mark and be prepared to be horrified. This puts the closed Walmart stores and their retrofits under a whole new light.

Portable mortuary.

                                                                           Portable mortuary


At one point, most of us were naive enough to believe that that the precipitating incident which would make Jade Helm go live would merely be an economic collapse. The facts contained in this article demonstrate that it is very likely that the American people are going to be simultaneously attacked on multiple fronts.