Thursday, June 18, 2015

Greece could be forced to lock down savers’ cash as debt crisis worsens

Greece could be forced to lock down savers’ cash as debt crisis worsens

Athens could impose capital controls, limiting the amount that savers can withdraw from their accounts and curbing transfers of money overseas
Greece’s central bank has issued the clearest warning yet that the country is on course to default on its sovereign debt at the end of the month and crash out of the single currency, while finance ministers across Europe also confirmed they are making contingency plans for a messy ending to the crisis.
Athens is due to repay €1.6bn to the International Monetary Fund on 30 June but will be unable to do so unless its creditors release a €7.2bn bailout payment before then.
Talks between Greece and its eurozone and IMF creditors over a “cash-for-reforms” deal have stalled, with the country’s Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, accusing the creditors of “pillaging” the country over the past five years.
“Failure to reach an agreement would …mark the beginning of a painful course that would lead initially to a Greek default and ultimately to the country’s exit from the euro area and, most likely, from the European Union,” the Bank of Greece said in a statement.
“Striking an agreement with our partners is a historical imperative that we cannot afford to ignore,” it added.
The central bank said some €30bn in deposits have fled the Greek financial system since last October as Greek savers shift their money ahead of a possible exit from the euro.
The German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, told a parliamentary hearing in Berlin that his government is making contingency plans in the event of Grexit.
“We are prepared for all eventualities” said the Dutch Finance Minister, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, in the Hague. The Chancellor, George Osborne, also confirmed that the UK has stepped up planning to deal with the economic fallout.
If Greek defaults, the European Central Bank could cut off its support to the Greek financial system, forcing Athens to impose capital controls, limiting the amount that savers can withdraw from their accounts and curbing transfers of money overseas. When imposed in other countries, such controls have prompted queues outside bank branches as people try to remove as much cash as possible, and wider turmoil in financial markets as foreign investors realise they cannot pull their money out.
It would be a short step from there to Greece imposing its own parallel currency and becoming the first country to exit the eurozone since it was established in 1999.
However, an EU official said that non-payment to the IMF on 30 June by Greece might not be deemed a technical default, suggesting creditors might be preparing to create more time for the two sides to reach a deal.
In a sign of how relations have collapsed, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, accused Athens of effectively lying to its own people about reforms being pushed by Brussels. “I am blaming the Greeks [for telling] things to the Greek public which are not consistent with what I’ve told the Greek Prime Minister,” he said.
However, The Austrian Chancellor, Werner Faymann, struck a more conciliatory tone in Athens. “For Europe to be stronger, it must show solidarity and support to any country which needs it” he said during a meeting with the Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos. For his part, Mr Tsipras said he was prepared to say “the great no” if that was what was necessary to prevent the continuation of their “catastrophic” austerity policies.
The Eurogroup of finance ministers is set to meet in Luxembourg in what had previously been billed as Greece’s last chance to secure a deal. Now officials are reported to be preparing for an emergency summit of eurozone heads on 21 June.
The Bank of Greece spelled out how economically disastrous it would be domestically if the country left the euro. “All this would imply deep recession, a dramatic decline in income levels, an exponential rise in unemployment and a collapse of all that the Greek economy has achieved over the years of its EU, and especially its euro area, membership,” it said.
“From its position as a core member of Europe, Greece would see itself relegated to the rank of a poor country in the European South.”


By Nicholas West

A couple of years ago, a story emerged about scientists working on "Smart Dust" - nanoparticles that could be employed as sensor networks for a range of security and environmental applications. This was followed by the more literal version of Smart Dust, which was designed to open pathways to establish a human brain-computer interface.

The brain system was labeled "Neural Dust" and was intended to "monitor the brain from the inside." Inventors speculated that a network of nanoparticles injected into the brain could measure electrical activity in neurons, then use ultrasound to form a two-way transfer of data. This theoretically would lead to the reading, generation, or alteration of information - i.e., mind control. Most disturbingly, at the time, is that their theories had entered the testing phase and showed some success, albeit on a beetle.

New research released by Florida International University indicates that this area of testing has now advanced to mice. Their conclusions and statements about what they have found and where they believe all of this is headed is even less comforting than previous discoveries.

I have posted the full FIU press release below, with emphasis and my comments added. Naturally, their press release highlights only the potential benefits of this technology. One can't outright deny those possibilities, but we also must put it into perspective knowing what we do about DARPA's mission to apply this militarily.  For key background into that research please read "7 Future Methods of Mind Control" and the explosive details that came to Activist Post from an Arizona State University whistleblower about what led him to reveal his intense concerns, "Secret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed: Leaked Document."

Pentagon Building Cruise Missile Shield To DefendUS Cities From Russia

Pentagon Building Cruise Missile Shield To DefendUS Cities From Russia

The military moves to set up an expensive network to defend American cities, but is the threat real?
The Pentagon is quietly working to set up an elaborate network of defenses to protect American cities from a barrage of Russian cruise missiles.
The plan calls for buying radars that would enable National Guard F-16 fighter jets to spot and shoot down fast and low-flying missiles. Top generals want to network those radars with sensor-laden aerostat balloons hovering over U.S. cities and with coastal warships equipped with sensors and interceptor missiles of their own.
One of those generals is Adm. William Gortney, who leads U.S. Northern Command, or NORTHCOM, and North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD. Earlier this year, Gortney submitted an “urgent need” request to put those new radars on the F-16s that patrol the airspace around Washington. Such a request allows a project to circumvent the normal procurement process.
While no one will talk openly about the Pentagon’s overall cruise missile defense plans, much of which remains classified, senior military officials have provided clues in speeches, congressional hearings and other public forums over the past year. The statements reveal the Pentagon’s concern about advanced cruise missiles being developed by Russia.
“We’re devoting a good deal of attention to ensuring we’re properly configured against such an attack in the homeland, and we need to continue to do so,” Adm. Sandy Winnefeld, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said during a May 19 speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, in Washington.
In recent years, the Pentagon has invested heavily, with mixed results, in ballistic missile defense: preparations to shoot down long-range rockets that touch the edge of space and then fall toward targets on Earth. Experts say North Korea and Iran are the countries most likely to strike the U.S. or its allies with such missiles, although neither arsenal has missiles of sufficient range so far. 
But the effort to defend the U.S. mainland against smaller, shorter-range cruise missiles has gone largely unnoticed.
“While ballistic missile defense has now become established as a key military capability, the corresponding counters to cruise missiles have been prioritized far more slowly,” said Thomas Karako, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, in Washington. “In some ways, this is understandable, in terms of the complexity of the threat, but sophisticated cruise missile technologies now out there are just not going away and we are going to have to find a way to deal with this — for the homeland, for allies and partners abroad, and for regional combatant commanders.”
Intercepting cruise missiles is far different from shooting down a missile of the ballistic variety. Launched by ships, submarines, or even trailer-mounted launchers, cruise missiles are powered throughout their entire flight. This allows them to fly close to the ground and maneuver throughout flight, making them difficult for radar to spot.
“A handful of senior military officials, including several current or past NORTHCOM commanders, have been among those quietly dinging the bell about cruise missile threats, and it’s beginning to be heard,” Karako said.
While many of the combatant commanders — the 4-star generals and admirals who command forces in various geographic regions of the world — believe cruise missiles pose a threat to the United States, they have had trouble convincing their counterparts in the military services who decide what arms to buy.
Fast-track requests like Gortney’s demand for new radars on F-16s have been used over the past decade to quickly get equipment to troops on the battlefield. Other urgent operational needs have included putting a laser seeker on a Maverick missile to strike fast-moving vehicles and to buy tens of thousands of MRAP vehicles that were rushed to Iraq to protect soldiers from roadside bomb attacks.
Last August, at a missile defense conference in Huntsville, Ala., then-NORTHCOM and NORAD commander Gen. Charles Jacoby criticized the Army and other services for failing to fund cruise missile defense projects.NORTHCOM, based in Colorado, is responsible for defending the United States from such attacks.
“I’m trying to get a service to grab hold of it … but so far we’re not having a lot of success with that,” Jacoby said when asked by an attendee about the Pentagon’s cruise missile defense plans. “I’m glad you brought that up and gave me a chance to rail against my service for not doing the cruise missile work that I need them to do.”
But since then, NORTHCOM has been able to muster support in Congress and at the Pentagon for various related projects. “We’ve made a case that growing cruise missile technology in our state adversaries, like Russia and China, present a real problem for our current defenses,” Jacoby said.
One item at the center of these plans is a giant aerostat calledJLENS, short for the Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System. The Pentagon is testing the system at Maryland’s Aberdeen Proving Ground, a sprawling military complex north of Baltimore. Reporters have even been invited to see the tethered airship, which hovers 10,000 feet in the air.
JLENS carries a powerful radar on its belly that Pentagon officials say can spot small moving objects – including cruise missiles – from Boston to Norfolk, Va., headquarters of the U.S. Navy’s Atlantic Fleet. Since it’s so high in the air, it can see farther than ground radars.
JLENS is in the early stages of a three-year test phase, but comments by senior military officials indicate the Pentagon in considering expanding this use of aerostats far beyond the military’s National Capital Region district.
“This is a big country and we probably couldn’t protect the entire place from cruise missile attack unless we want to break the bank,” Winnefeld said. “But there are important areas in this country we need to make sure are defended from that kind of attack.”
New missile interceptors could also play a role in the network too.
“We’re also looking at the changing-out of the kinds of systems that we would use to knock down any cruise missiles headed towards our nation’s capital,” Winnefeld said.
Ground-launched versions of ship- and air-launched interceptors could be installed around major cities or infrastructure, experts say. Raytheon, which makes shipborne SM-6 interceptors, announced earlier this year that it was working on a ground-launched, long-range version of theAMRAAM air-to-air missile.
The improvements make the missiles “even faster and more maneuverable,” the company said in a statement when the announcement was made at the IDEX international arms show in Abu Dhabi in February.
The Threat
Driving the concern at the Pentagon is Russia’s development of the Kh-101, an air-launched cruise missile with a reported range of more than 1,200 miles.
“The only nation that has an effective cruise missile capability is Russia,” Gortney said at a March 19 House Armed Services strategic forces subcommittee hearing.
Russian cruise missiles can also be fired from ships and submarines. Moscow has also developed containers that could potentially conceal a cruise missile on a cargo ship, meaning it wouldn’t take a large nation’s trained military to strike American shores.
“Cruise missile technology is available and it’s exportable and it’s transferrable,” Jacoby said. “So it won’t be just state actors that present that threat to us.”
During the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, American and Kuwaiti Patriot missiles intercepted a number of Iraqi ballistic missiles, Karako said. But they missed all five cruise missiles fired, including one fired at Marine headquarters in Kuwait. In 2006, Hezbollah hit an Israeli corvette ship with an Iranian-supplied, Chinese-designed, anti-ship cruise missile, Karako said.
Shooting down the missiles themselves is a pricy proposition, which has led Pentagon officials to focus on the delivery platform.
“The best way to defeat the cruise missile threat is to shoot down the archer, or sink the archer, that’s out there,” Gortney said at an April news briefing at the Pentagon.
At a congressional hearing in March, Gortney said the Pentagon needed to expand its strategy to “hit that archer.”
An existing network of radars, including the JLENS, and interceptors make defending Washington easier than the rest of the country.
“[T]he national capital region is the easier part in terms of the entire kill chain,” Maj. Gen. Timothy Ray, director of Global Power Programs in the Air Force acquisition directorate, said in March at a House Armed Services Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee hearing. “We remain concerned about the coverage for the rest of the country and the rest of the F-16 fleet.”
Winnefeld said that the JLENS and “other systems we are putting in place” would “greatly enhance our early warning around the National Capital Region.”
In an exercise last year, the Pentagon used a JLENS, an F-15, and an air-to-air missile to shoot down a simulated cruise missile. In the test, the JLENS locked on to the cruise missile and passed targeting data to the F-15, which fired an AMRAAMmissile. The JLENS then steered the AMRAAM into the mock cruise missile.
But there are many wild cards in the plans, experts say. While the JLENS has worked well in testing, it is not tied into theNORTHCOM’s computer network. It was also tested in Utah where there was far less commercial and civil air traffic than East Coast, some of the most congested airspace in the world. At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in March, Gortney acknowledged the project is “not without challenges,” but said that’s to be expected in any test program.
It is also unclear whether the JLENS over Maryland spotted a Florida mailman who flew a small gyrocopter from Gettysburg, Penn., to the U.S. Capitol lawn in Washington, an hour-long flight through some of the most restricted airspace in the country. The JLENS has been long touted by its makers as being ideal for this tracking these types of slow-moving aircraft.
Gortney, in an April 29 House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing about the gyrocopter, told lawmakers the JLENS “has more promise” than other aerostat-mounted radars used by the Department of Homeland Security along the border with Mexico and in South Florida. He deferred his explanation to the classified session after the public hearing.
Experts say JLENS can not just spot but track and target objects like cruise missiles, making it better than other radars used for border security.
Raytheon has built two JLENS, the one at Aberdeen and another in storage and ready for deployment.
If a cruise missile were fired toward Washington, leaders would not have much time to react.
“Solving the cruise missile problem even for Washington requires not just interceptors to be put in place, but also redundant and persistent sensors and planning for what to do, given very short response times,” Karako said


MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Mexico now deports more Central American migrants than the United States, a dramatic shift since the U.S. asked Mexico for help a year ago with a spike in illegal migration, especially among unaccompanied minors.
Between October and April, Mexico apprehended 92,889 Central Americans. In the same time period, the United States detained 70,226 "other than Mexican" migrants, the vast majority from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
That was a huge reversal from the same period a year earlier, when the wave of migrants and unaccompanied minors from Central America was building. From October 2013 to April 2014, the United States apprehended 159,103 "other than Mexicans," three times the 49,893 Central Americans detained by Mexico.
The difference is Mexico's new Southern Border Program, an initiative that included sending 5,000 federal police to the border with Guatemala and more border and highway checkpoints. Raids on migrants increased and authorities focused on keeping migrants off the northbound freight train known as "the Beast," on which many have suffered mutilation injuries.
Neither U.S. nor Mexican immigration officials responded to requests for comment on the change this week, though officials in the past have said it is aimed at reducing dangers facing migrants.
"Mexico is doing the dirty work, the very dirty work, for the United States," said Tomas Gonzalez, a Franciscan friar who runs the "72" shelter for migrants in Tenosique, a town in the southern Mexico state of Tabasco.
In the past, Mexican migration officials looked the other way as thousands rafted across the river at the border and then boarded freight trains north. In 2014, more than 46,000 unaccompanied minors from Central America crossed into the United States, leading the U.S. government to turn to the governments in Mexico and Central America to try to stanch the flow.
Mexico has proved the more efficient in deportations, which is already causing concerns among human rights groups about the new tactics.
In most cases, Mexico holds migrants only long enough to verify their nationalities, and quickly bundles them aboard buses to take them back to their home countries.
"The time that foreigners are in immigration (detention) centers depends only on the speed with which the authorities of their (home) countries confirm their nationality," Mexico's National Immigration Institute said in an email response to questions from The Associated Press.
Maureen Meyer of the Washington Office on Latin America think tank, which noted the dramatic change in a report this week, questions the speed Mexico is using.
"What we have heard continuously in the past year is that migrants are being so rapidly deported that even some that might have wanted to request some type of protection, or who would have been eligible for some type of humanitarian visa because they had been victims of crime in Mexico, haven't had that opportunity," Meyer said.
By comparison, when immigrants are caught crossing the U.S. border illegally, the process of being sent home can take anywhere from hours to years. Mexican nationals are often repatriated quickly - sometimes the same day they are caught - while migrants from other countries often spend at least a few days in U.S. custody before being flown back to their country of origin.
The deportation process can take much longer if an immigrant seeks asylum or if the person is a child traveling alone. For those immigrants who fight to stay in the United States, the wait for a court date and a final decision on their case can take several years because of backlog of more than 449,000 cases already pending in immigration courts.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, there were about 41,920 requests for asylum in 2014, not all from Central Americans. About 49 percent of requests processed that year were granted.
Mexico grants only a tiny number of asylum requests. The latest figures, covering a nine-month period from January to September 2014, show only 1,525 people, the majority of them Central Americans, requested asylum or refugee status, and only one-sixth - 247 - were granted.
U.S. officials did not respond to questions regarding the amount of U.S. funding Mexico receives for its crackdown on the Guatemalan border, but it is making things tougher for migrants..
"It has raised the costs of the trip, it has raised costs for paying coyotes (smugglers) and the (Mexican) authorities that let them through," said Gonzalez, the migrant activist. "It has spurred increases in everything bad - corruption and impunity - everything but human rights."



You can view and listen to the YouTube here: 

Transcript of YouTube 'ALERT' - not allowed to copy video:

WW2: Hello youtubers!  It is 6/16/2015.  WheepingWillow2 Daily Data News coming at ya. 
I have a friend - ok? - a friend on the phone that has some intel here on some stuff go'n on in August.  OK caller - I'm not going to say your name but I know who you are and you know who I am, so go ahead
Caller:  Yes!  I do!  In August all grocery stores are supposedly going to be closed.  This is from somebody high up in the military who revealed it and who wanted to let me know to prepare to get as much food......  The reason for it is because they will be going underground and they will be taking all that is in the stores even though, you know, they have allot of stuff down there.....and those of us on earth here who aren't underground are to fend for ourselves

Caller:  (1:05)  and this is bad because ............................? (cannot make out what 'caller' said here - if you can, please put in 'comments' for all to read)
Caller:  This is supposed to be the end of August -  from the 3rd to the very end of August
WW2:  Is this party that's in the military - are they connected with Jade Helm?
Caller:  That I don't know
WW2:  Can you mention what branch?
Caller:  Army
WW2:  Army?
Caller:  Yes
WW2:  OK.  Well, more likely they are connected to Jade Helm then..............
Caller:  Yeah - most likely - but I never asked about that
WW2:  So this party told you that all of the grocery stores across this country are literally going to shut down across our nation?
Caller:  Yes
WW2:  Oh, my god!
Caller:  And he said US - not USA
WW2:  Why did he say that?
Caller:  Well, I was told by another friend who actually asked that.......I asked 'Why did he say that?" who said "I don't know - he always referred to the USA as the US!"
WW2:  Yeah - I have noticed that allot on the internet.  They don't want to put "America" up there any more.  They just say "United States" or "US" and that's it.

WW2:  OK - so is that it? Is that all you've got?
Caller:  That's it
WW2:  OK - let me close this out
Caller:  OK - yeah  yeah
WW2:  OK you all - you heard it straight from the horse's mouth
Carol - WheepingWillow2 Daily Data News
sign off .....................

Emotional Pain

BY: Oshawanna - Blackfoot Tribe / Sun Clan.   

In Native American belief, emotional pain can manifest into sickness, pain & even disease. This is usually brought on by for example by long term childhood abuse or even a traumatic relationship ending badly where these negative emotions have been stored in the cellular structure of the body for many years; therefor it must removed from the body in layers.SPIRITUAL CLEARING BATHS made of herbal formulas & highly energized artesian water that the recipes date back to the Ancient Egyptian era as well as high powered Medicine Man holistic medicines are one of the best treatments for this. The baths are done at a time of meditation and conversation with the Creator. Essential oils, incenses and candles are used as well during the bath to bring good energy into the environment.

To the spiritual traditional Native American, cancer and other diseases are nothing more than negative black energy trapped in the body caused by repeated negative emotions. When the emotional body is engulfed of this type of energy for many years and massive disease has infiltrated the body than a "SPIRITUAL CLEARING" is in order. This negative energy can also be transferred to you by family members as well especially those who drug addicts and etc. Native American Shaman use ancient stones and call in the energies of the Rock & mineral kingdoms as well as tree & plant kingdoms when performed outdoors. This is why the Natives believe sickness is caused by being out of balance with NATURE. These types of clearings will leave you as feeling as if you are as light as a feather!

Native Healers believe one must maintain a strict discipline practice of keeping themselves SPIRITUALLY CLEARED of such negative energy within their bodies. For if one is to touch another then that negative energy can be transferred from one person to the next. And when healing the emotion of compassion must be used rather than ego or arrogance or the healer's body will become consumed with disease that they are not able to clear themselves. That is where most healers of today are not what Native Shamans call "TRUE" Healers especially for Reiki Masters who do not understand being SPIRITUALLY CLEAN and they usually become very ill themselves for the negative energy of others consumes them as well as they only transferring negative energy from one person to another without actually healing at all.

It is also Native belief as well that negative energy can be inherited at birth as well. For example, an alcoholic parent can transfer the negative energy in the liver to their children. I recently met a couple who had their toddlers tonsils removed due to chronic strep infections, but his sore throats & irritability continued on. It was during the meeting I discovered that it was the Mother who was transferring the negative throat pain energy to the child. In Native belief, a sore throat is swallowed anger, the inability to speak up for one's self. It was strife in the marriage of the couple that was causing sickness to their child. I guess you could say we really do hurt the ones we love!

Shaman & Medicine Man White Eagle in Fort Davis, TX

Reacting to Chinese hack, the government may not have followed its own cybersecurity rules

Looks like the good guys may have the data they need for the roundup...

In responding to China’s massive hack of federal personnel data, the government may have run afoul of computer security again.
Over the last nine days, the the Office of Personnel Management has sent e-mail notices to hundreds of thousands of federal employees to notify them of the breach and recommend that they click on a link to a private contractor’s Web site to sign up for credit monitoring and other protections.
But those e-mails have been met with increasing alarm by employees — along with retirees and former employees with personal data at risk — who worry that the communications may be a form of “spear phishing” used by adversaries to penetrate sensitive government computer systems.
After the Defense Department raised a red flag about the e-mails its 750,000 civilian employees were starting to receive, OPM officials said late Wednesday that the government had suspended its electronic notifications this week.
“We’ve seen such distrust and concerns about phishing,” OPM spokesman Sam Schumach acknowledged, describing the feedback from many of the 4.2 million current and former employees who are being notified that personnel files containing their Social Security numbers, addresses and other personal information may have been stolen.
Computer experts said the personnel agency — already under fire from lawmakers from both parties for failing to protect sensitive databases from hackers — could be putting federal systems in jeopardy again by asking employees to click on links in the e-mails.
“There’s a risk that you desensitize people by telling them that occasionally, there’s going to be a very important email you have to click on,” said Joseph Lorenzo Hall, chief technologist at the Center for Democracy & Technology.
He called OPM’s first round of e-mail transmissions the equivalent of “sending a postcard to people saying gee, you just got hacked, go to this website. The hackers could wise up and send their own set of fake identity protection e-mails and get into your computers all over again.”
That’s precisely what worried top Defense officials before the chief information officer of the government’s largest agency told OPM last week to suspend the notifications because they disregarded basic cybersecurity training that’s crucial to ensuring the safety of military networks: Never click on unfamiliar links, attachments or e-mail addresses because they expose employees to spear phishing attacks.
Defense offices across the country posted a bulletin in their internal communication networks from CIO Terry Halvorsen that said OPM was “suspending notification to DoD personnel that their [Personal Identifying Information] may have been breached until an improved, more secure notification and response process can be put in place..”
The notice continued:
“Recognizing that DOD personnel are trained not to open links embedded in emails not digitally signed and/or sent from unknown senders, DoD officials are working closely with other federal partners to establish notification procedures that will allow DoD personnel to reliably and confidently receive these notifications, and register for the benefits to which they are entitled.”
Employees across the government and their unions have raised concerns that the e-mails refer them to the Web site of a private company with a .com address instead of coming from a government domain. Even though they are given a PIN code, many people say they’re wary of giving a contractor their Social Security numbers, addresses and other information they need to provide to qualify for identity theft insurance and credit monitoring.
The contractor, CSID, resumed the e-mail notifications late Wednesday with a change designed to give employees more confidence that the communications are legitimate and the company’s Web site secure, Schumach said. They still have the option to click directly on a link to enroll in credit protection services, but now they can copy and paste the Web site address, themselves, a more secure strategy.
“To alleviate the concerns of phishing, OPM and [the contractor] have made changes to email notifications by adding additional options for those who want to enroll in the [contractor’s] services directly from the email,” Schumach said. “Now, affected individuals will be able to not only click on the ‘Enroll Now’ button, but will also have the option to copy a non-hyperlink address so they know exactly what website they will be visiting.”
Despite the fixes, OPM’s credibility may still suffer. Director Katherine Archuleta was berated by Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill this week for what they called her serious negligence in failing to take long-recommended steps to secure the computer systems containing federal personnel records. Two top Republicans have called on her to resign.
“Even when they try to clean it up, they’re getting it wrong,” Christopher Soghoian, principal technologist for the American Civil Liberties Union, said of  OPM’s response to the data breach.  “A policy saying don’t send clickable links to employees is not rocket science. It’s cybersecurity 101.”
Officials are preparing to send a second round of notifications to millions of employees and contractors that the hackers also got access to their detailed personal histories.
Most federal agencies give their employees regular cybersecurity training. But with their computer systems an obvious target for cyber criminals, DOD civilians and active duty military get extensive instruction in how to store their information securely, create strong passwords and avoid exposing their networks to intruders. Some of the basic no-nos are opening links or attachments from senders they don’t know.
The danger in clicking unfamiliar links is that an employee will fall for a spear phishing scam, hitting bogus links that download malicious programs and infecting the company’s information-technology server.
J. David Cox Sr., president of the American Federation of Government Employees, the largest federal union, said in a statement, “Employees throughout the government need to be very cautious of opening any email that comes from unknown sources, since the hacking of OPM’s databases has made employees extra vulnerable to phishing schemes.”

[rod-class] 3 New Private Calls - PAG Training School Jun 27 - Jul 4th !

Yes, the Rod Class Original BIG LIST Is Back !
Ray is OK !
It was a crashed and burned Server !

New Private Calls
Mon 6.15.15 
How Rod's PAG Training Differs From Others   43 min
Tues 6.16.15
ITBJ Ceremony (Sound quality is not good...better quality may be forthcoming)  58 min

Tues 6.16.15
Rods DC Appeals Brief  1 hr 2 min

>> DC Appeal Filings By Rod >>
in the Folder:

The 3 Main Sections of the Rod Class - AIB Radio - And Misc. Docs Dropbox are:


Rod Class and Carl Weston are proud to be conducting the first ever Private Attorney General (PAG) Training School taught by both Rod and Carl.

The event will be for 9 days from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm each day With School Starting Monday June 29, 2015. It will be held near Fort Smith, Arkansas.

People are encouraged to arrive in the area on Fri, June 26, Sat, June 27...or Sun, June 28...

Motels and Camp Grounds are available in the area. The cost of this First, week-long P.A.G. Training
Class will be $1,000 [cash gift/donation] for each person (50 person capacity). Each person will
receive a Training Manual at sign-in. Training will end on Sat, the 4th of July, with a written
Test, the awarding of a Certificate and Fireworks on Saturday Night !
Note: 1. No cameras allowed or recording of this event as that issue has been taken care of
2. There need to be >> 30 people << to confirm attendance to this event to secure the building.
Send your confirmation And/Or Questions to >> Carl at >>>>
Please spread the word as We, the People, in America need more Private Attorneys General Prosecuting Cases around the U.S.A. !
>> This person has a bit of area for camping...
joe beene  in Greenwood, Arkansas about 20 miles
from Ft. Smith... 918 - 429 - 6888

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  The Big List (2200+ people and growing) is an alert system
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