Well it seems like Google Sky decided to let people take a peek
behind the Wizard of Oz’s curtain and take a gander at what can only be
described as a WINGED STAR. Here it is:
Now lots of folks were wondering why the sky was blanked out in the
first place – was there anything there they did not want anyone to find,
or was this just a slight of hand operation, a sort of trick to make
people think that something was there when it wasn’t.
Sort of like those pictures of giants that get leaked, then some wise
guy says he did it at some University as a trick of photo-shop artwork,
it’s never real and always a fake. NASA artist impression:
There are some things we do know, and the Bible is the only real guide
we have to take such information and compare it to the Good Book to see
if there is any form of a match.
We know there is a DESTROYER. We find it in Isaiah and Revelation and it
is hinted at elsewhere, and described in great detail in the Book of
the Kolbrin, aka The Kolbrin Bible, a collection of ancient writings. We
know from those ancient writings that this object comes and goes at
various times, and there may be a number of “destroyers” in the sense
that the apple cart we call world civilization is tipped over and all
the apples are made into apple cider so mankind has to start over again.
We also know that Jesus Christ told us over and over that there are
“ages” also known as periods of quiescence on planet Earth only to be
interrupted on a grand scale by some intruder that has it out for us.
One of those intruders is known as “planet-X”, a merry little companion
of our Sun’s twin star, for we live in a binary star system, with two
suns revolving around each other.
Just as we have our solar system, so does the Destroyer have its own
solar system, with planets, comets, asteroids and space rocks. It is now
inbound, and many comments from our insane leaders have hinted at it
from time to time, such as Janet Napolitano, head of Homeland Insecurity
when she said something big was coming upon America and we should get
ready for big time change. Obama said almost the same thing.
Of course the hints of this inbound object come from watching what the
elite are actually doing – such as building huge underground tunnels and
cities, building the Norway “seed vault” and comments from insiders
about some inbound object that could topple the Earth over in pole shift
Then of course we have Dr. Doom and his remote viewing team, the “bots”
and their “sun Disease”, and “costal ocean events, all portents of some
major “cosmic force” that suddenly raises havoc with our earth dwellers.
Now Dr. Doom was quite specific, as Ed Dames usually is, that a large
space body passes very close to Earth and starts a series of huge CME
events that kill millions of people on Earth.
Now Jesus commended us to do certain things if we wanted to escape all
of this. Very few pay any attention of course, for who did Jesus think
He was anyway? What type of arrogance was that to order people around
like that?
He also divided the human race into two categories. THE FEW and the
MANY. The many He said were Earth Dwellers. The few, He said, if they
prayed always to be found worthy to stand before Him, would escape all
these things that were to come upon planet Earth.
OK so we could ask, escape from what? One might venture a guess that the
DESTROYER, the STRONG DELUSION ARRIVAL and things of that nature? Who
knows? Maybe from their DENIAL. Death would probably bring an end to
their denial, for I doubt there is any denial tea down there in the pit,
at least I have not heard of any.
So does this “revealing” of the Destroyer inbound with it grand wings
mean a change of heart in the love of the elite towards all of us? Most
likely not, inasmuch as they desire to terminate as many as possible via
Jade Helm, collection centers and torture and death “re-education”
Notice the fate of 1951. The elite have known all about this for a
long, long time, confirming that Alternative Three is more valid and
real than most realize.
I mean, why bother if we are all going to perish in one big grand slam
home run of the Destroyer? The thinking of the elite is that this pass
of the Destroyer is survivable for them underground or on the moon or
Mars, but that when they re-emerge after the passage there might be too
many people to fight off, so let’s set up our “depopulation” programs as
etched in the Georgia Guide-Stones. This depopulation agenda is now
coming out in the open what with the Pope’s folks saying the same thing,
you know we gotta kill off at least 6 billion people. That’s you and
me, folks, or me and you, depending upon who to the camps of joy goes
The elite know that as we progress through this transitional period
leading to the NEW AGE that climate change and resulting weather pattern
changes are going to cause severe disruptions to the food supplies, and
that means that National Security issues become very real.
Starving populations would want to migrate to find food and who would
stop them? That being the case, the elite must believe they need to kill
off as many as possible so they don’t have to fight them off.
But there has to be an explanation for this sudden “revealing”. Nothing
of that nature could happen by accident or the black blocking would have
gone up again right away. A sort of “oops” moment at Google.
It may be that this revealing is tied directly to Jade Helm 15
operations, for now they know that soon everyone will see it in the
heavens, and one interpretation of a crop circle indicate by November or
maybe sooner people will see it.
Once the news is out and it is visible, then panic sets in, and the
government loses control. So perhaps that is why Jade ,Helm starts in
July and goes for two full months, ending September 15th, no one knows
for sure.
But it is not the Destroyer itself that they may be worried about, but
rather the bridal party that comes with it. The elite may know, for
example, that a meteor storm is approaching us and we will be bombarded
with “smart rocks” to coin a phrase of Larry Taylor’s, or perhaps one of
the planets will make a close pass BEFORE the destroyer itself makes
its final passing.
This passing small planet may be the object that the remote viewers saw
that triggers the CME KILL SHOT of Dr. Doom, and it may be the same
thing that Red Elk saw pass very close to Earth, so close that it sent
shock waves out that caused mega destruction.
Remember the movie Armageddon, where a meteor storm took out the space
shuttle and bombarded the Earth. Much of Hollywood’s releases are more
prophetic than not, and it is the elite’s way of alerting those smart
enough to figure it out that that something is indeed coming upon us.
They already know it.
What is interesting about all of this is that pictures have emerged showing a winged object way back to 1951 and forward:
Now when we couple the odd behavior of governments around the world,
which all appear to be preparing for something BIG, and now we are
hearing that Jade Helm operations appear to be going global, then we
could reasonably conclude that a great culling operation is soon going
to go live, and the approach of the destroyer is directly connected to
it in a way we may not ever find out.
If we look at Revelation 12:1 we find that star sign occurs on September
22/23rd 2017. We then can connect the passage of the two comets,
Hale-Bopp and Hyakatake crossing over Satan’s head on two 4-11s one in
1996 and one in 1997. Inasmuch as 20 means We and found that Passover
2017 falls exactly on 4-11, 2017 as though God was pointing to that
Passover as the crushing of Satan’s head by the work of Christ on the
cross. Twenty years later is 2016-2017.
The number 20 means:
Twenty is twice ten and can, at times, mean a complete or perfect waiting period. It also means to be SET FREE.
So it appears that the number 20 ties directly to 2016/2017, which is
interesting because of the years the Gentiles count and Israel counts
are different. In other words, Israel will enter 2016 on Feast Of
Trumpets, while we remain in 2015 until December 31!
While all of this is speculation, the appearance of the winged star, if
real and not some planted artistic deal of Google Earth, IS NOT, sand it
appears be on time because 2017 is also 120 years since the first
Jewish Congress that laid the foundations for the Third Commonwealth of
Israel. The Six Day War was in 1967, and that set Jerusalem FREE. It was
a Jubilee Year from Allenby retaking Jerusalem from the Turks.
So now you do the counting. The next Jubilee would be 2017 when ISRAEL
WILL BE SET FREE. So does that mean we should see some interesting
things developing soon? You decide.
Here is what the Kolbrin says of the Destroyer:
“It raged across the heavens in the days of wrath, and this was
its likeness: It was a billowing cloud of smoke enwrapped in a ruddy
glow, not distinguishable in joint or limb. Its mouth was an abyss from
which came flame, smoke and hot cinders.” – Manuscripts 3:2
“God caused a celestial dragon from out of the heavens to
encompass her (the earth) about…the seas were loosened from their
cradles and rose up, pouring across the land.” – Creation 3:2
“The dragon was frightful to behold. It lashed its tail, it
breathed out fire and hot coals, and a great catastrophe was inflicted
upon mankind. The body of the dragon was wreathed cold bright light and
beneath, on the belly, was a ruddy hued glow, while behind it trailed a
flowing tail of smoke. It spewed out cinders and hot stones and its
breath was fowl and stenchful, poisoning the nostrils of men. The
passage caused great thunderings and lightnings to rend the thick
darkened sky, all heaven and Earth being made hot. The seas were
loosened from their cradles and rose up, pouring across the land. There
was an awful, shrilling trumpeting, which overpowered even the howling
of the unleashed winds.” – Creation 3:3
“Then came the day when all things became still and
apprehensive, for God caused A SIGN to appear in the heavens, so that
men should know the Earth would be afflicted, and the sign was a STRANGE
“The star grew and waxed to a great brightness and was awesome
to behold. IT PUT FORTH HORNS and SANG, being unlike any other seen”.
“So men, seeing it, said among themselves, “Surely, this is God
appearing in the heavens above us”. The star was not God, though it was
directed by HIS DESIGN, but people had NOT WISDOM to understand.”
Creation 4:6
“They of the first faith made sacrifices at most of the proper
times, but instead of leaf crowns wore masks in the likeness of the sun
and moon, believing them to be the rulers of omens. They worshipped in
error. The malignant horned star and HER ESCORTS.” Origins 8:3
“When AGES PASS, certain laws operate upon the stars in the
heavens. Their ways change; there is MOVEMENT AND RESTLESSNESS, THEY ARE
“The dark days began with the last visitation of the Destroyer
went about with pale faces.” Manuscripts 6:1
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines,
and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from
heaven.” – Like 21:11
“In those days men will fly in the air as birds and swim in the
sea as fishes. Men will TALK PEACE with one another, hypocrisy and
deceit shall have day. Women shall be as men and men as women, passion
will be plaything of man.” Manuscript 3:7
Certainly all would agree that these signs are all present.
“Then men shall be ill at ease in their hearts, they shall seek
they know not what, and uncertainty and doubt shall trouble them. They
will possess great riches but be poor in spirit.” – Manuscripts 3:9
“Then will the heavens tremble and the Earth move, men will
quake in fear and while TERROR WALKS WITH THEM (Terrorism), the HERALDS
OF DOOM WILL APPEAR. They will come softly, as thieves to the tombs, MEN
WILL NOT KNOW THEM FOR WHAT THEY ARE, men will be deceived, the HOUR OF
THE DESTROYER IS AT HAND.” Manuscripts 7:9
This is an interesting concept. THE SIGNS WILL ALL OCCUR but mankind
will not understand or know what they mean. That means the leaders in
the scientific community will not know what is happening or why it is
happening. They will not accept the concept of catastrophic Earth
changes, and will cling with all their hearts to uniform and gradual
changes. The approach of the Destroyer is slow, gradual and silent. The
huge gravitational field of this object, however, begin to be felt
throughout the entire solar system. They have a strong influence on the
Sun. The changes in the Sun are now being watched very carefully. But
the world of science does not know what it means. The precursor ripples
of the Destroyer will be long before it is seen in the heavens. They
have been here for a long time now and those are accelerating rapidly.
Only a few really understand what is coming upon this world.
So there we are. Life is a negative, so what’s your point? Do you know IF Jesus KNOWS YOU?