Tuesday, June 30, 2015

US Supreme Court Decisions Optional?

We The People, Sheriffs, and Larry Klayman,

When US Supreme Court decisions are optional for the Law Enforcement to make a personal decision on them, or they don't even know if they are legit if the individual brings it up, then where will the recent one on Gay Marriages stand?

Will it be that Pastors can be and will be arrested by Law Enforcement for not performing the Gay Marriage as it is discrimination as the Law Enforcement is mandated to follow the US Supreme Court decision?

While looking at numerous videos on the internet of what police, prosecutors, and Judges do they do ignore possibly 50% of the time of what the US Supreme Court decisions are or they just want the person arrested to get the funds coming thru the system for the courts to make even more money.

If you look at the video below you can see that the police officer did not comply with the policies, laws, and most likely US Supreme Court decisions that required Law Enforcement to not over step their bounds and not assault the arrested person, and this was at least the 2nd time for this officer.

People are arrested for not identifying themselves for just being out in public with a video camera as that is the 1st Amendment, and even filming police which the US Supreme Court decision said it is legal and lawful to film police and local laws to NOT supersede these decisions.

If this were the case that local and state laws supersede US Supreme Court decisions, as well as the US Constitution, then the States do not have to follow the recent Gay Marriage court decision, but if it were mandatory to follow the decisions then ALL arrests made on the people for filming police, not showing their ID when not under arrest, and not being allowed to open carry a firearm per the 2nd amendment and the State laws then there needs to be major removals of Government officials for approving the non-compliance of US Supreme Court decisions.

If it came down to a federal lawsuit on a city and their police for violating an individuals rights per US Supreme Court decisions with that individual winning the case and the city and their police have still failed to comply with those decisions with other people then those Government officials need to be removed.

If most ID checks per the Law Enforcement point of view is to verify for any warrants or illegal activity on that person then maybe it is in the best interest to go door to door on every household, or stop ALL people on the sidewalk and check their ID as well as pat them down for any weapons, but even if NO weapons that have ever been used in a crime can be brought into a building then a businessman wearing a necktie has committed a crime as it is very easy for anyone to walk near the man and grab that tie.

I would say at this point in time then there should be Anarchy as everyone is to be believed as being a criminal.

Video: Maniac Cop Straps Handcuffed Man To Chair And Tortures Him For “Resisting”
Officer pleads guilty to third-degree assault, had history of using excessive force
 by Steve Watson | InfoWars | June 30, 2015
Watch Video:




When Words Are Used To Deliberately Mislead, And The Agencies Who Are Supposedly In Charge Of Insuring That Products Are Safe, Are Actually Controlled By The Corporations They Are Purportedly  Monitoring....

It is a sad state of affairs when a person can no longer trust any government agency to give them the truth about what is "safe" in any products that we are spending our money on  for our families.

The unfortunate truth is that ALL of the so called government(s) watch dog agencies are doing nothing to protect our families from the corruption that is rampant in the "Organic"  and "Healthy Lifestyle" companies.   Sadder yet is the fact that not only are these purported "safety agencies" NOT enforcing truth in the labeling of all the products that we thought were "healthy" or "good" for us, these same agencies are some of the very bullyboys who have forced truly "Organic" companies to bow to their pressure and deliberately pollute their products with GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), and chemicals. They have led the way to deliberately change the meanings of certain words used in advertising, such as:

"Organic"  & "Pure"

The FDA is a prime example of how language in labeling has been severely warped, and has led the way for lawyers to set precedents in court rooms that has now giving the green light for any company to use these words when in fact their products are not "Organic" nor "Pure".

There is currently a major battle going on in the USA in this arena.  Lobbyists for mega corporations like Monsanto (and their front companies) are paying huge sums of money to convince Congress to NOT force companies to label products that contain GMOs as having.... GMOs!   And when major players in the FDA are former Monsanto executives.... is that not a conflict of interest?

According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), its responsibilities include “[p]rotecting the public health by assuring that foods are safe, wholesome, sanitary and properly labeled.”  This responsibility entails regulating a large number of companies producing the nation’s food, making appointments to the high-level positions within the agency very important.

    "Over the past decades, at least 7 high-ranking employees in the FDA were employed with Monsanto."

Most high-level FDA employees have a background in either medicine or law, but one of the largest private-sector sources is the Monsanto Company. Over the past decades, at least seven high-ranking employees in the FDA have an employment history with the Monsanto Company.


Monsanto Controls both the White House and the US Congress

The FDA has recently pushed through legislation to allow companies to use the word "Organic" even if the product contains GMOs.   This has directly created a legal loophole for companies to put the word "Organic" on their labels, even when the product is not even remotely organic.  The same legal precedents have been set with descriptive words such as "Pure" and "Fresh" and "Natural".

I personally went toe to toe with an advertising executive from a very well known "Natural" products manufacturer, when I discovered that "Pure Aloe Vera", did NOT mean that the product contained PURE ALOE VERA.  His response ?  "Well.... the aloe vera in our products is pure, it's not fake, so therefore we can advertise it as "Pure"."      Now, just about every beauty and skin care product, and even "health" food products can have the words "Natural", and "Pure", and "Fresh", and yes, even "Organic" on their labels, knowing that they now have the legal ability to twist the meanings of those words.

We now live in a consumer environment where it is up to us to investigate everything ourselves.   If you really want to know what is in your shampoo, your skin cream or even your baby wash, I highly suggest you spend some time reviewing the "Skin Deep Database".  This data base is an excellent tool to decipher what's on your labels, what is actually IN your products and the information about the side effects, risks, and toxic background on every single ingredient.
As I wrote in the "Argan Oil" page here on Our Gaia's Gardens, the sad truth is that because Argan Oil has become very popular and is considered a "trending product", the vast majority of products that proclaim to contain "Argan Oil" contain amounts so small, and are contaminated with so many chemicals and perfume pollutants, that any health benefit that may have come from the Argan Oil, is diminished to almost zero.

The Argan Oil industry itself has also become rife with advertising corruption,  with impure Argan Oil, cut with mineral, corn or soya oil, being sold as "Pure".  Remember: all they have to say is that the Argan Oil in the product is "Pure"  and then they can call it "Pure Argan Oil".  Beware the twisting of words!

I have been a political activist in the arena of Maternal & Infant Health for over a decade,  and been very involved with many aspects of Natural Healing, through Aromatherapy, Herbal remedies, Acupressure, Massage Therapy and Energetic healing (Reiki and Therapudic Touch) for over 20 years.  Through my work, I have researched all of these aspects of corruption and fraud in the various "Watch dog" agencies of many governments.   I have been involved in several movements and organizations fighting against the Corporatization of Agencies who's jobs are purportedly to protect the public and the consumer.  The legal structures that have been set in place, in America, Canada, the UK, Australia and the EU pretty much guarantee that the corporations are allowed to put almost anything they want into a bottle and then label it with misinterpreted and twisted words, to fool the public into thinking they are buying some thing they are not.

And so..... when it comes to "Certifications of pureness" and "Organic certifications", I place almost zero respect  in any stamp or fancy paper.   Having said that,  the Women's Cooperative where we obtain all of our Moroccan Oils (Argan and Essential), is fully certified by these agencies.  The Argan Oil has the "Eco Cert" stamp of approval, and is Certified to be 100% "Organic" (which really is a joke as there is no such thing as GMO Argan Oil, and none of the Argan trees are sprayed with pesticides because they do not need it!).   But more importantly, all of our oils have MY Stamp of Approval.  For me, that is the highest level of "Certification" I can ever bring to my customers, because I can guarantee that I am WAY pickier and WAY more conscientious than ANY Government Agency.
The products I make, are used in our house every day by my children and all of our family.

Fund Manager Warns Puerto Rico Default May Trigger A “Black Swan” Derivatives Melt-Down!!!

Fund Manager Warns Puerto Rico Default May Trigger A “Black Swan” Derivatives Melt-Down!!!

Posted on June 30, 2015 by The Doc
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Youtube/ San AndreasYoutube/ San Andreas
It is highly probable that the crashing stocks of MBIA, AMBAC and AGO are the alarm bells of a black swan landing. And, of course, no one has been talking about them…. until today.  
Although these firms are somewhat obscure and small compared to the size of the majority of financial companies, they are highly leveraged with massive off-balance-sheet liabilities for which they have zero hope of covering in the event of even relatively small bond defaults.   In other words, these firms are the ones most likely to set off the next financial collapse triggered by their counterparty defaults.

Submitted by PM Fund Manager Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics:
I really had not been paying much attention to the Puerto Rico debt situation.  After all, $72 billion in debt that might go bad – big deal.  The Fed can print up $72 billion in credit lines with the push of a button.
But a friend of mine happened to mention to me today (Monday) that MBIA’s stock was down over 23% and Assured Guaranty’s stock was down over 13%.  That woke me up.

MBI guarantees $4.5 billion in par amount of Puerto Rico muni paper.  As of it’s latest 10-Q (March 31, 2015), MBI showed a book value of $3.9 billion. Puerto Rico alone could more than wipe out MBI’s net worth.  But that’s only a portion of the story. The bigger part of the story is buried off-balance sheet in the footnotes in opaque financial structures called Variable Interest Entities (VIE’s). Remember those from 2008?  I remember them vividly.
The VIEs are the off-balance sheet vehicles that triggered the massive chain of counterparty defaults which de facto collapsed the U.S. financial system in 2008.  The VIEs are where the credit default swaps and other nebulous forms of OTC derivatives bet slither around.
Companies like MBI and AMBAC underwrite  credit “enhancement” guarantees on these massive cesspools of debt – and the associated derivatives that are “wrapped around” the debt structures – and stick them in VIEs.  MBI’s 10-K has several pages of footnotes which vaguely describe the contents of its VIEs.   The problem is that MBI and its ilk are thinly capitalized relative to the potential size of the liabilities they face if the credit markets become volatile to the downside.
Toxicity plus toxicity does not equal purification.  But VIEs that contain off-balance sheet debt and derivative guaranteed equals toxicity cubed, at least.   In other words, whatever MBI lists as its “net” credit exposure in its financials, take that number and, at the very least, triple it.
But wait, the story gets even better.  As it turns out Warburg Pincus, one of the loftiest private equity firms on Wall Street,  is by far MBI’s largest shareholder.  Warburg announced a little over five weeks ago that it was going to unload 60% of its stake via over the counter negotiated sales – LINK.   The firm has been unloading these shares since May 18th.  We won’t know how successful this effort has been until the selling is completed.
Does Warburg Pincus sound recently familiar?   It’s the firm that hired “Turbo Tax” Tim Geithner shortly after he left his post as Treasury Secretary.   Remember, Geithner was head of the NY Fed at the time of the 2008 financial collapse.  In other words, he knows where a lot of the bodies in the financial system are buried.  I have no doubt that Geithner has played a significant role in advising Warburg on the need to unload its exposure to MBIA.  Anyone who takes the other side of this trade is a complete idiot.  
But this story isn’t just about MBI.  It’s about the companies that, along with MBIA, provide “insurance” for bonds and derivatives.  These firms have assumed potential liabilities that dwarf their ability to cover them.  Not just in the worst case scenario.  I believe Puerto Rico’s financial demise could trigger the dreaded financial nuclear daisy chain of counterparty defaults.
The problem with creating “actuarial” payout models for insurance guarantees on financial assets, and this especially true for derivatives, is that the outcome is pretty much binomial.  Either the assets pay off or they become worthless or near worthless.  Furthermore, with the extreme degree of Central Bank intervention, which has enabled literal financial zombies to continue living and has enveloped the entire financial system with opacity, it’s impossible to model in expectations on, and potential sources of, counterparty default risk.  It’s like lightening.  It can unexpectedly strike anywhere – just ask Hank Paulson and Goldman Sachs…
This is exactly what occurred in 2008.  Only this time around the problem is significantly greater than it was in 2008.  Global debt and gross derivatives outstanding are much bigger than in 2008.   And, except for the Plan B hyperinflation of the money supply, Central Banks are out of bullets.
I believe it is highly probable that the crashing stocks of MBIA, AMBAC and AGO are the alarm bells of a black swan landing.  And, of course, no one has been talking about them until today.  Although these firms are somewhat obscure and small compared to the size of the majority of financial companies, they are highly leveraged with massive off-balance-sheet liabilities for which they have zero hope of covering in the event of even relatively small bond defaults.   In other words, these firms are the ones most likely to set off the next financial collapse triggered by their counter-party defaults.





11:11 AM (12 hours ago)

to me

G. Edward Griffin

Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:33 AM

2015 June 18                                 from G. Edward Griffin
The documentary, Offline, now is online for viewing by Unfiltered News subscribers,
and the closing date has been extended to June 30

"Pentagon finally admits the
truth about EMPs"

"Texas Senator, Bob Hall, says his bill to protect the grid was defeated by power-company lobbyists"  (2)

If you are new to Unfiltered News, these recent headlines may need explanation to appreciate how incredibly important this topic is. If you already know about it, you can skip the following text window. However, even if you have read our previous reports, I urge you to take a moment to review. It is hard to imagine anything more important.

If you are in a hurry to see the film, you can skip to the bottom of this page and click on the link ... but please came back and help us get this message to the world.
The topic of this documentary is about as serious as it gets:
the possible end of civilization as we know it. That is not hyperbole or scare mongering, but the sober evaluation of analysts from many scientific disciplines. However, it's not just another end-of-world horror show. It's about what needs to be done and can be done to avert this outcome. 
We are talking about the probability
astronomers call it the inevitability of the Earth being slammed by a mega solar flare. This is not the kind we read about in our newspapers every few months that interrupts communications and creates light shows in the Northern skies. We are talking about their big brothers that are hundreds and even thousands of times more powerful. These monsters deliver enough electromagnetic energy to completely blow apart the master transformers at generating plants that supply the planet's energy grids. If that happens, the lights go out and stay out for longer than anyone wants to even think about. 
It takes about two years to build and deliver one of those transformers (about the size of a small house) and that's assuming the manufacturers themselves have electrical power, which is a questionable assumption. If hundreds of these transformers were destroyed at the same time, it could be at least twenty years before the grids becomes operable once again.
Twenty years without electricity!  
Imagine the chaos that would ensue no light, no water from pipes, no appliances, communications, gas pumps, transportation, food in grocery stores, fire-fighting, banking services, medical services, police protection you get the idea. It has been estimated that eighty to ninety percent of the population, especially in cities and towns, would perish. 
Fortunately, these high-end X-Class solar storms don't hit the Earth very often, only every 150 years, on average. But unfortunately, the last one arrived 156 years ago, which means that, statistically, we are overdue.  
When the last one occurred
it was called the Carrington Event power grids did not exist. However, the telegraph was coming into use then. The energy from the Carrington Event was picked up by telegraph cables, fried the wires, burned some of the poles, and set fire to equipment. The electronics in modern power systems are much more delicate than in telegraph systems, and multi-million-mile expanse of wires in today's power grids constitutes a more efficient antenna system to capture electromagnetic energy. It is the understatement of the century to say that we have been warned.
"It would literally paralyze all the United States, not just for a day or an hour, but for months to years."
~~ Michio Kaku, Professor of Theoretical Physics, City College of New York

"Severe geomagnetic storms have the potential to cause long-duration outages to widespread areas of the North American grid."
~~ North American Electric Reliability Corporation and the US Department of Energy, High Impact, Low Frequency Event Risks to the North American Bulk Power System (June, 2010)

Summary: Eventually, possibly within the next decade, Earth will be hit by a solar burst that will knock out the world's power grids for months or years.
~~ Severe Space Weather Events: Understanding Societal & Economic Impacts, December 2008, National Academy of Sciences in collaboration with NASA
When we began research for this documentary we naively thought it was our mission to inform government and industry leaders about the need to protect the grid, but we were in for a shock. After further research, we discovered that everything we were hoping to bring to the attention of these people was already known to them. The public may have been in the dark (pun intended, but government and industry officials have known about this for nearly two decades. In fact, we learned that some of them have taken steps to insure that they will survive what they consider to be an inevitable apocalypse, but they are doing very little to protect the rest of us.

The second shock was to learn that the same damage could be caused by the detonation of an EMP weapon in space and that many of the people who are responsible for protecting the grid from solar storms and EMPs publicly pretend that there is nothing to worry about.
This documentary shows that such assurances are not even close to the trut h, and that pretended preparedness has become the most serious as pect of the problem. If those we trust to protect us are trying to cover up their failure or even if they are just trying to avert public panic, either way we are woefully unprotected while our rendezvous with the sun (or an EMP) is inexorably approaching.
There have been numerous documentaries and books on the vulnerability of the power grid, but all of them have uncritically accepted the assumption that government and industry are doing everything possible to protect us. No one has had the courage to challenge that assumption until now.
The purpose of this documentary is to create the momentum necessary to require retrofitting the master power transformers that supply the grid with protective devices, which currently are available at reasonable cost. To accomplish that, the public must be informed, governments must be compelled to stop pretending preparedness, and executives of utility companies must find the courage to speak the truth to their stockholders so they can fund the necessary retrofits
and do it quickly.
goal is to release this program with sufficient image and sound quality to be suitable for theatrical and TV distribution. Patrea Patrick (our Producer and Editor) also has worked hard to prepare it for entry in film-festivals and Academy-Award competition. These efforts are aimed at reaching the largest audience possible.

Even though the program is complete, it would benefit from
color-correction to make all scenes consistent, re-mixing and equalizing music and audio, and purchasing the rights for several video clips taken from commercial sources. It would be a shame to have to delete these from the program.

You probably have figured out where this is going. We are out of money to do these things, and we need your help to complete the mission. The production is funded by donations, and we are deeply grateful to those who already have generously supported this effort, but now the fund is empty just as we come to the finish line.

So far, we have received $21,800 in donations. That is far short of what we anticipated, and it is a tribute to Patrea Patrick that she was able to accomplish so much for so little. When we started, we felt that we needed about $60,000 at a minimum, but Patrea brought it all together with what we had. She has worked tirelessly for almost a year, without compensation, to complete the program
but now she must stop unless we can cover the cost of these final expenses.
Please join with Patrea and me and the many others
who already have donated to make Offline possible.
Here's how you can help:

Angels* donate $200
and receive a DVD autographed by the producers. Angels' names will appear on-screen at the end of the film.
Our Angels are not Hollywood investors but just common people who care about their families and the future of mankind. They are the real thing.

Guardian Angels* donate $1,000
and also receive a handsome plaque acknowledging their role in making this production possible. You will be proud to display this in your home.
Guardian Angels, of course, are special. Everyone should have one. We are hoping for many. 

Archangels* donate $5,000
and also receive an open invitation to a private lunch or dinner with the producers, G. Edward Griffin and Patrea Patrick, in the Los Angeles area. 
They say that Archangels are limited in number but very powerful. We sure could use a few.

Cherubs* prepay $20
for the DVD including shipping and tax. Later, they will cost $19.50 plus shipping and tax, so this is a thrifty way to obtain your copy. Advance purchases are greatly appreciated, especially in quantity. They are ideal gifts for family and friends. 
*Definition: Angels of the second order
To become part of this urgent undertaking, click here.
To see Offline, click here. The password is "offline". This version is intended to be viewed only by donors, those who are contemplating becoming donors, and subscribers to Unfiltered News. Any other use is prohibited at this time. Unauthorized posting to the Internet for general viewing may disqualify the program for TV use or entry in film festivals, so please keep this for your eyes only ‒ or for a friend who you think might help with completion. The program will be available for this restricted viewing through Tuesday, June 30.
Please help us put Offline ONLINE for everyone! click here

G. Edward Griffin 
(1) OffTheGridNews, April 2015
(2) Offline trailer, Comment section, 2015 June 17


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Fwd: ZeroHedge Frontrunning: June 30

Frontrunning: June 30

  • EU in last-ditch bid to Greece, urges "yes" vote to bailout (Read More)
  • In? Out? In between? A Greek legal riddle for EU (Read More)
  • Tsipras Says EU Won't Eject Greece as Cost 'Immense' (Read More)
  • Empty Greek ATMs Force Tourists to Stiff Santorini Cabbies (Read More)
  • Anti-austerity protests in Greece as bank shutdown bites (Read More)
  • Puerto Rico governor calls for bankruptcy; adviser says island 'insolvent' (Read More)
  • Puerto Rico Urges Concessions From Creditors (Read More)
  • Beijing works to calm tumbling stock market (Read More)
  • Hilsenrath - For Fed to Delay Rate Hikes, Global Tumult Would Need to Infect U.S. (Read More)
  • Draghi's 'Whatever It Takes' Drives Euro Gains Amid Greek Crisis (Read More)
  • How Global Threats Have Crowded Obama's Diplomacy Agenda (Read More)
  • Uber Bonds Term Sheet Reveals $470 Million in Operating Losses (Read More)
  • Willis Group, Towers Watson Agree to $18 Billion Merger (Read More)
  • High Court Strikes Down EPA Limits on Mercury Emissions (Read More)
  • Blackstone and BlackRock Are Getting Into Each Other's Business (Read More)
  • China drafts rules to give pension funds access to stock market (Read More)
  • Iran Talks to Miss Deadline as Officials Say Deal's Within Reach (Read More)






An astronomical amount of money is flowing from China. From Dragon$ to BRICS supporter nations, there are deep pocket dollars strengthening from the East. Watch closely Shanghai and Hong Kong Financial Centers. There is strength in numbers. Gold is golden. Silver is the glass slipper.

We are blessed and highly favored.

I Love You All, Bulldog75

China, India, Russia largest shareholders in China-led bank

June 29, 2015

Representatives of prospective founders of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) prepare to attend the signing ceremony of the articles of agreement of AIIB in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2015 [Xinhua]

Fifty countries on Monday signed the articles of agreement for the new China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the first major global financial instrument independent from the Bretton Woods system.

Seven remaining countries out of the 57 that have applied to be founding members, Denmark, Kuwait, Malaysia, Philippines, Holland, South Africa and Thailand, are awaiting domestic approval.

“This will be a significant event. The constitution will lay a solid foundation for the establishment and operation of the AIIB,” said Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei.

The AIIB will have an authorized capital of $100 billion, divided into shares that have a value of $100,000.

BRICS members China, India and Russia are the three largest shareholders, with a voting share of 26.06 per cent, 7.5 per cent and 5.92 per cent, respectively.

Following the signing of the bank’s charter, the agreement on the $100 billion AIIB will now have to be ratified by the parliaments of the founding members.

Asian countries will contribute up to 75 per cent of the total capital and be allocated a share of the quota based on their economic size.

Chinese Vice Finance Minister Shi Yaobin said China’s initial stake and voting share are “natural results” of current rules, and may be diluted as more members join.

Australia was first to sign the agreement in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Monday, state media reports said.

The Bank will base its headquarters in Beijing.

The Chinese Finance Ministry said the new lender will start operations by the end of 2015 under two preconditions: At least 10 prospective members ratify the agreement, and the initial subscribed capital is no less than 50 per cent of the authorized capital.

The AIIB will extend China’s financial reach and compete not only with the World Bank, but also with the Asian Development Bank, which is heavily dominated by Japan.

China and other emerging economies, including BRICS, have long protested against their limited voice at other multilateral development banks, including the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Asian Development Bank (ADB).

China is grouped in the ‘Category II’ voting bloc at the World Bank while at the Asian Development Bank, China with a 5.5 per cent share is far outdone by America’s 15.7 per cent and Japan’s 15.6 per cent share.

The ADB has estimated that in the next decade Asian countries will need $8 trillion in infrastructure investments to maintain the current economic growth rate.

China scholar Asit Biswas at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore, says Washington’s criticism of the China-led Bank is “childish”.

“Some critics argue that the AIIB will reduce the environmental, social and procurement standards in a race to the bottom. This is a childish criticism, especially because China has invited other governments to help with funding and governance,” he writes.

The US and Japan have not applied for the membership in the AIIB.

However, despite US pressures on its allies not to join the bank, Britain, France, Germany, Italy among others have signed on as founding members of the China-led Bank.

Meanwhile, New Zealand and Australia have already announced that they will invest $87.27 million and $718 million respectively as paid-in capital to the AIIB.

The new lender will finance infrastructure projects like the construction of roads, railways, and airports in the Asia-Pacific Region.


!!!!! TIME SENSITIVE >>> Declassified Global Agenda Exposed - WATCH NOW


These email updates are being re-sent to everyone interested in Remote Viewing because of the sheer urgency of recent global events! As a result of breaking news regarding earthquake activity, the Earth's collapsing magnetic field, NORAD's preparation for the coming Killshot, economic instability and more, Major Dames has agreed to conduct a behind-closed-doors event like no other where he will finally expos EVERYTHING he knows about ET and government agendas, an array of enigmas and topics and how it's all related to the approaching Killshot! If you sign up for a seat right now, you can also submit your own personal question to Ed to be addressed at the event. Now is the time to know everything you ever wanted know from the master of Remote Viewing himself! Topics being discussed at the live event include, but are not limited to:
- Jade Helm military drills
- NORAD Killshot preparations
- ET and UFO interventions
- Solar flare Activity and more Killshot warnings
- ET and governments agendas
- Coming global changes / disasters
- Killshot safe zone map discussions
- Planet X / Nibiru
- And more...

Can't make the live event in Las Vegas? Learn as much as you can at home about the approaching Killshot at:

WHO WAS DR. JEFF BRADSTREET ??? << Important for YOU to KNOW !!


Family cries foul over 'suicide' of

anti-vaccination doctor

Jeff Bradstreet

and raise $20,000 to fund private investigation 


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3143238/Family-cries-foul-suicide-anti-vaccination-doctor-Jeff-Bradstreet-open-community-fund-investigation.html#ixzz3eW6IrYDD
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook



contain )


This is, once again, a death under "suspicious" circumstances, same as with Scientists  & Bankers,
"who knew too much", or people who have built " free energy devices" and those who have built vehicles
which operate on water, or air etc.. and the elite.. the big corporations, wish to keep control of our lives, our income, money, our buying power and paying power,  therefore... THINGS seem to happen to those who are brave enough to come forward.. and their lives are snuffed out.. under the guise of "suicide"  even though in many cases... ( as an example ) those supposed suicides where the individuals, shot themselves, hung
themselves and then threw themselves off a tall building.. were definitely NOT a suicides..
Dr. Jeff Bradshaw's demise has all the markings of being a "hit" rather than a "suicide".. YOU READ AND
Thank You.



REPOST of Thursday, December 5, 2013 To all Dinar & Dong Holders ...

REPOST of Thursday, December 5, 2013

Open Letter to Dinar & Dong Holders

To all Dinar & Dong Holders,

Your currency exchange is being held up by the following:

President/CEO of US Corporation – Barack Obama does not want We THE People to complete our foreign currency exchange so we can eliminate our debt and help all humanity. This has the effect of holding back any and all elevation of the global community so we all rise above poverty and debt slavery. We understand that the current and past presidents have already exchanged their personal currency!

US Corporation – U.S. Secretary of Treasury, UN Secretary of Treasury and Governor of IMF - Jack Lew, he is scared of his Bosses Obama and Bush SR. and preventing him from moving forward with the release of the currency exchange.

Director of IMF - Christine Lagarde, supports Bush Sr. (who appointed her) and will not do anything that goes against Bush Sr. orders. The IMF in past public statements was to step in and finish the exchange and at the present time it is evident that We THE People have been lied to again by the Obama administration, the Military and all the Gurus.

Federal Reserve  – Janet Yellen, was told not to support the exchange by Obama and his Boss Bush Sr. and for her actions they would make her President in 2016 by obeying their orders to prevent the currency exchange.

Banks - The banks are rolling the money and making tons of it via platform trading, while this exchange does not take place.

In summary the current administration will not allow the currency exchange to take place which puts money in We THE Peoples pocket. 

They are holding you back from quitting your job, paying off your bills and debt, having that extra special Christmas with your family, making that once in a life time trip with the family come true, getting that new car that you've always wanted, taking care of the medical or dental issue that's been nagging you for years, getting that new house with the extra bed and bath room and how about just plain helping out a friend!!!!!

So, how do we solve this? 

Provost Marshal by law is the only person in the Military who has the authority to arrest the setting President.  OK, Provost Marshal, do your job by the orders of the Civilian Authority, We THE People to arrest and remove Obama and all the politicians that have acted in Contempt of the Constitution.

Pentagon, do your job and support the Provost Marshal in the removal of all the US Corporation Contractors from the offices and detain them per the Civilian Authority, We THE People, this Fraud and Trespass can no longer be tolerated!!!!!!!

Pentagon Administrator, you shall Honor and Support the Civilian Authority’s Interim Office holders that are in place to lead this process since the present leadership has demonstrated in-competence and sever lack of knowledge in the structure and format of a de jure constitutional form of Republic governance.

To the Chinese elders who are in support of the return of a Republic, would it be possible that your support of the USA Trustee in resolving the bank issue so he can swipe his card and start the release of the currency exchange? Gentlemen, we encourage your support in this matter and supervise the transactions so they take place and then inform the U.S. Secretary of Treasury, UN Secretary of Treasury and Governor of IMF - Jack Lew, to complete his job.

It is Ordered, Sentenced, and Decreed by the Political Will of We THE People!!!
Notice to Principal is notice to Agent

Notice to Agent is notice to Principal




Black Budget Spending

To One and All:
Make sure to look at the CAFR example list on the CAFR1 site. It lists about 4500 CAFRs that were compiled for 2013. The list is categorized as you go down the page by County, City, State, Pensions, Special Districts, Enterprise, Council of Governments, Specialty Investment Funds. It is a long list, so keep scrolling down until you reach the end.

Keep in mind the listing is just an EXAMPLE LISTING that shows a few out of the 184,000 CAFR reports.

The impact of looking qualifies the "Scope and Size" of what has been taking place right under the public's nose every single day for the last 80 years as the Public was masterfully entertained into total distraction while a complete VOID was maintained for not a cognitive thought to be generated in the public's cognitive thinking. (Sounds like what has been going on with the RV for the public.) This was done with the full cooperation of the syndicated media, controlled education, both of the primary political parties, for not a peep or mention.
The CAFR is not "a" report.  It is "the" report, your local government's statement of Net Worth that the public should have been going over with a fine tooth comb each year for the last 70-years. But how could they review when they did not know it existed due to the cooperative black-out of its mention?  (As long as you don't know about those funds as shown on the CAFRs, then your public officials  can continue to UNLAWFULLY TAX YOU and seize your properties or imprison you for non-payment of those unlawful 'taxes'.)
Well, VOID now breached!  Cognitive thought now taking place!  MAKE IT COUNT!

The link for the Example listing is here -
http://CAFR1.com/listings/ Listings.html.

 ** Download the CAFRs by category listed for your state. Put all on one DVD and make copies for distribution to people in your state. Put them up for sale on eBay and Amazon. Anyone you know who runs a large business, make sure they get a copy. They will be amazed and learn the world of government is much different than they had ever imagined or were selectively spoon fed to believe... They may just then take some sincere corrective action with their other business associates.

** Also if you would like to listen to or share a 1-hour radio show with friends that CAFR1 did six months ago that covers a lot of excellent detail, information, motives behind what has transpired, replies to government comment, remedy that is in motion, you or they can listen to it is here - http://www.blogtalkradio.com/republic/2015/01/23/rnn-ohwhere-has-all-the-money-gone-walter-burien-cafr1  Good for a DVD burn, too.
Provided to you FYI from,
Walter Burien - CAFR1

PS: Keep also in mind each report shows the holdings / income for just that "one" entity. Now think of the "collective" totals from all.  (Look up your city, county, state, etc. to learn how much monies they REALLY have and are not disclosing to you so they can continue to tax you.)

Now you know why Russia in the 80's and now China in the 2000's have transitioned into the USA standard of operation. MORE CONTROL AND  MORE WEALTH GENERATED for their government. In the USA the better blueprint was drafted for control and wealth generation, and takeover of it all.
The NWO (New World Order) is not from the outside coming in. It was created here and is being implemented globally. One standard blueprint for population management and profit therefrom. I think we all can modify that blueprint. TRFA coming to a local government close to you. We The People, as equal partners with government and not as the current blueprint outlines, as subjects to be controlled, suppressed and managed. All across the Globe can do the same, also.  Become equal partners with their government and then the world thrives from that point forward. My fingers are crossed and my actions are in motion wishing for the best for one-and-all, are yours?
