Monday, July 6, 2015

Exterminating 40 Million Americans

Exterminating 40 Million Americans In Re-Education Camps Is the Goal

Monday, July 6, 2015 6:55

CSS Offical-New-Logo2

Marana mall in the middle of nowhere next to railroad tracks.

I have been covering how many of our every day structures are being converted into makeshift detention centers (i.e. FEMA camps).Hundreds of strip malls across Canada, the UK and the U.S. are having guard towers retrofitted to the existing structures. This is even happening with closed and abandoned strip malls. It is happening with newer construction. It is even happening with our schools, as I covered in detail in yesterday’s article.

Why would anyone send their child to school in this detention facility?
Why would anyone send their child to school in this detention facility?

Tomorrow, I am covering how sports stadiums will also double as FEMA camps and the conditioning of the public to accept this tyranny has been underway for sometime.
Today, I am taking a brief respite from this three part series on FEMA camp conversions to discuss just how serious these conversions are and how some of the elite want to see tens of millions of Americans  exterminated in re-education camps. Of course there are many who will say that Obama would never do such a thing. Really? The people who would utter such uninformed nonsense have never met Bill Ayers, are familiar with his background and understand the profound influence he has over the current President.

Bill Ayers Launches the Political Career of Obama

Bill Ayers launched the political career of President Obama. This is such a well known and well documented fact that even the mainstream media admits, through Fox’s Hannity and ABC talk show host, Larry Elder, openly discuss the fact that Bill Ayers launched the political career of Obama from Ayers Chicago home. Futher, these news entities refer to Ayers as a “terrorist”. Please watch the brief interview and see what kind of man launched Obama’s political career.  If Fox and ABC are reporting that Ayers is the man who launched Obama’s political career,  then why would the sheep continue to deny that fact? And why is it important that Bill Ayers is the architect of Obama’s career?

After watching this video, you will note that no mention of Bill Ayers announced intention to exterminate tens of millions of Americans was ever referenced. That is due to the fact that the corporate controlled media (all six outlets) are not permitted to discuss FEMA camps. Just ask Jesse Ventura about that reality as he was heavily censored when he covered the topic on this show, Conspiracy Theory. However, we do not need mainstream media cooperation to tell the American people the truth about Ayers genocidal desires for America, we have the work of former FBI special agent, the late Larry Grathwohl, for that revelation.
The Weathermen Underground Leader, Bill Ayers, told former FBI Agent and informant, and my late friend, Larry Grathwohl, that he believed that when the Communist takeover happened, he would have to incarcerate 50 million Americans into re-education camps and exterminate 25 million of them. Larry was an FBI special informant who had penetrated the Underground and became a member in order to take down the organization by getting Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorne arrested.

Bill Ayers, the father of Obama's political career.
Bill Ayers still visits the White House.

                                                    Bill Ayers still visits the White House

Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dorne, launched Obama’s political career from the living room of their Chicago home. Tom Ayers, Bill’s father, funded Obama’s Harvard education. This information also appears in an affidavit obtained by “Sheriff Joe” Arpaio from Maricopa County, AZ.  Bill Ayers still visits the White House. This affidavit has been entered into evidence against Obama by Sheriff Arpaio. Arpaio would go prison is this document was not authentic. And this is why many believe that Obama has unleashed the Justice Department against Sheriff Arpaio in which the Sheriff is accused by the Obama minions of violating the civil rights of illegal aliens. And what has the Sheriff specifically done to warrant the ire of the federal government for the past two years? Arpaio’s Maricopa County Sheriffs Department, upon making an arrest for breaking the law, and subsequently determining that the person was not a citizen, turned over illegal aliens to the Immigration and National Service as he compelled to do under federal law. This is why Obama is persecuting Sheriff Joe.
Nobody would believe these facts if they appeared in a movie. However, you better believe that this administration will not hesitate to send any of us to a  FEMA camp and the intent is well documented. The reasons for the implementation of the NDAA, indefinite detention of Americans without due process of law, should be readily apparent.
Are you still in denial? Then go to the search engine on this website and type in Executive Order 13603. This is the Obama Manifesto in which he gives himself permission to seize control over all food and water, all food production, all natural resources, all manufacturing, all transportation and Obama has granted himself the authority to conscript any American (labeled a “consultant”) into a slave labor arrangement in a location of his choice. Again, the proof is hiding in plain site. Does this sound like this is a President who would hesitate to enact the mandates of his mentor, Bill Ayers?
I knew the late special FBI agent, Larry Grathwohl, very well. We spoke on the phone often and he appeared on my talk show numerous times. Larry Grathwohl repeated everyone of these allegations, no less than three times, on The Common Sense Show. Here is a video summation of what he repeatedly to my audience and myself in private conversations.

At the time that Ayers said that he was prepared to arrest 50 million American, force them into re-education camps in the Southwest and that he was prepared to murder 50% of them, the country has grown by 40% in population. That means that in today’s numbers Ayers would be prepared to murder 40 million Americans because they could not be “re-educated”.

Ayers Is Not Obama’s Keeper

I would be willing to listen to the argument that Obama, at the time he launched his political career with the backing of Ayers, and the fact that maybe that he did not know about Ayers notorious and terroristic background with genocidal intentions. However, how could he not know? And when Glenn Beck went on Fox every night , in 2009, and exposed these connections, and used this information to attack the credibility of the President, how could Obama not know at that point? Yet, Obama continued to meet with Ayers and does so to this day.

Jade Helm, Strip Malls and School Conversions to FEMA Camps

FEMA Camps are spreading like a bad cold
                                   FEMA Camps are spreading like a bad cold

As the events of Jade Helm and well-documented practice for the extraction of political dissidents and the implementation of martial law, coupled with a meteoric rise in FEMA detention facilities, can anyone understand why I, and so many like me are concerned that Jade Helm, or its successor will go live and the nation will follow the script set by the mentor of this current President? Coupled with the unconstitutional passage of the NDAA, which allows for permanent detention devoid of civil liberties and due process, we are all in a great deal of danger.
Maybe, more people need to pay closer attention to the rapid rise of FEMA detention facilities. Who are they intended for? Is this the manifestation of Bill Ayers goal of exterminating 40 million Americans? After reading this, are you really ready to ignore the possibilities? You do so at your own peril.
On July 19th, join The Common Sense Show, as I interview Steve Quayle on the pitfalls and benefits of expatriation given the current political climate and these facts, in part, comprise the current political climate. More details will be forthcoming. Tomorrow, I will be discussing how your favorite  professional sports team is willing to lend its facility to DHS and FEMA for unwarranted detention.

Do you think that mall conversions and school conversions to FEMA camps coupled with stadium and arena conversions add up to 80 million Americans incarcerated and 40 million Americans eliminated from the landscape? 

 And again, all the evidence is hiding in plain sight.


Lee Wanta




This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our world. Watch and become AWARE! This blog is an online legacy of John Machaffie a super patriot who gave everything to help his fellow man. Send comments/news to 3.5 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH 65,832,224 VIEWS total

Inline image 1    Image result for california drought

Some other national reports are also available from Erasmus of America on water crisis in America due to California and how to solve water crisis of California, but Wash., D.C. under Obama does not know how to solve water crisis of California and does not care to solve water crisis of California. Recently the Los Angles Times stated that California will run out of water for the human population in California before June, 2016 is over and California will apparently collapse as a state to live in then, The Weather Channel on July 5, 2015 stated that California will run out of water in June, 2016 and then California collapses as a state. Erasmus of America has already list of scientists and water researchers to solve water crisis of California but Obama Wash., D.C. not interested.

     Erasmus of America son of woman once rated by I.Q. test most brilliant child in American history up to her time and entered a state university without prior formal education after self-educating herself. She was a child actress and had no time for formal education. Erasmus of America (pen name for a leader in technology and other fields) was rated by I.Q. test in Wash., D.C. as once scoring one of the two highest I.Q. ratings ever tested in Wash., D.C. according to the testing center in Wash., D.C. Two top engineers of America seeing his inventive ideas stated they rated him the new Thomas Edison of America in inventive genius, but Wash., D.C. has tried to block him from setting up new industries in America. He had been an engineering student with an engineering school after being a history major at a major university and before that spent eleven calendar years in military academies including one session at Black Fox Military Institute in Hollywood, CA when young. He also studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe. An international Who's Who type organization once wrote him up as "The Einstein of American Economics." He was the son of a prominent industrialist who invented the most important food process in human history according to the Vatican and other sources. . His mother's father was a super genius in inventions and invented around 700 inventions which were used in America afterwards. Inventive talent is hereditary from both sides of the family. Erasmus of America worked with the most brilliant defense engineer of America in 25 years of the Cold War and they designed a new water system for California and other areas of America or the world needing water, but did not find interest from business sources to back it. Timing was too soon back in 1991 for this water system.

      If California is not saved from state collapse prior to June, 2016, there is a strong chance that the collapse of California will trigger off the collapse of all America with starvation and national bankruptcy the likely result from this and even Wash., D.C. helpless to stop the collapse of all America and the death of most Americans in North America after that. Congress and the White House have made no moves to solve the water crisis of California and just waiting for California to collapse now. Pass the Omni Law proposed by Erasmus Of America and shown on his national website of  Pass it fast and the legal authority will then exist for Erasmus of America and his team of scientists and engineers to fast solve the water crisis of California before it is too late to save California at all! All people of California and America rally behind Erasmus Of America fast and act like the Wrath of God towards Congress and Obama to act immediately for passage of the Omni Law shown on his national website or else millions of Americans may march in the streets to show that they support the immediately passage of the Omni Law and no nonsense. about it! Since Congress and Obama White House have proven irresponsible and incompetent to solve the California water crisis and immediately. Pass the Omni Law and Erasmus of America will be able to bring in his professional team to save California from this water crisis that could end America as a nation if not solved like lightning. Wash., D.C. has for four years known this water crisis was heading towards California and did nothing to prevent it from happening. It has made the situation colossally dangerous to all Americans now. We need a crash program and likely started within weeks if Congress and state legislatures pass the constitutional amendment of the Omni Law and immediately. They have stalled doing nothing so long, it turns a crash program to save California into nearly taking a woman to deliver one baby in nine months to now be told to deliver nine babies in nine months in a crash program created by the stupidity and irresponsibility of the present leadership in Wash., D.C. both Democrat and Republican. California and America can still be saved, but this will be by sudden lightning passage of the Omni Law and not due to the politicians in Wash., D.C. who fiddled while Rome (America in this case!) was burning down! The Omni Law gives the American people the right of national referendum over Wash., D.C. and it is already known that Americans will overwhelmingly vote to save California from collapse due to lack of any real serious water left in California.

     Use the enclosed links to read more reports from Erasmus of America warning about California while Wash., D.C. did not even want to hear about the water problems of California at this time! Mailing address for orders and loan payments for the Omni Law Loan Program not sent through the website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell what the payment is for. Finances raised help speed up the passage of the Omni Law in America. Full name of Omni Law on website is "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America." And please ask Congress to stop the Obama Boys federal operatives from trying their dirty tricks trying to block us from raising help to save California from collapsing due to the super deadly water crisis in California now.  Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who thinks that America is worth saving, not just watching it collapse and disappear as a nation from the map of the world.)

Saturday, June 20, 2015




Public Notice to Law Enforcement

Public Notice to Law Enforcement, Sheriffs,
Elected Officials and Bar Association Members
April 5, 2015
Take Notice: The Roman Curia created the concept of legal fictions-- trusts, foundations, and other corporations for good reasons-- however, legal fictions can be misused. By Maxim of Law, those who create are responsible for their creations. It follows that the Roman Curia is responsible for the proper functioning of all corporations worldwide. As of September 1, 2013, Pope Francis declared all corporations and corporate officers fully liable for their errors and omissions. This means you.
Also by Maxim of Law, there is no statute of limitation on fraud. Privately owned governmental services corporations have been fraudulently passing themselves off as the “government of the United States” since 1862. The longevity of this fraud in no way imbues it with authority. As an employee of these corporations you have no public office and no public bond and no foreign state immunity.
Federal Law Enforcement Personnel--- except U.S. Marshals: Your status is that of a Mall Cop acting outside the Mall. You have no authority on the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States. You are acting under color of law when addressing Citizens of the Continental United States “as if” they were Citizens of the Federal United States. If you threaten any living inhabitant of the Continental United States with a gun, taser, or other weapon, you can be hung as an inland pirate. If you remove any livestock you can be hung as a cattle rustler. If you cause any harm, you can be sued without limit. If you wear any uniform or display any badge or use any name or office designed to deceive or project authority you do not have, you can be arrested for impersonating an officer.
You are acting in a purely private capacity and have only equal Civil Rights that may be withdrawn at any time. You are also acting under Martial Law and may face extreme punishment for infractions against the civilian populace. Acts of plunder, mortal violence, and mischaracterization of civilians as combatants are all death penalty offenses.
U.S. Marshals are allowed full egress within the Continental United States so long as they are sworn and acting as officers sworn to uphold the actual Constitution, are not acting deceptively, nor acting outside their international jurisdiction while in pursuit of their duty protecting the U.S. Mail.
Lawyers, Judges, Court Clerks--- When you address birthright Citizens of the Continental United States in the foreign jurisdiction of the Federal United States or that of a Federal State, and deliberately confuse living people with corporate franchises merely named after them, you commit personage. This results in press-ganging land assets into the international jurisdiction of the sea, a crime outlawed worldwide for 200 years. It is a recognized act of inland piracy and it carries the death penalty.
Mischaracterizing the identity or citizenship status of a birthright Citizen of the Continental United States is also a crime under the Geneva Protocols of 1949, Volume II, Article 3. It also carries the Death Penalty.
Finally, no member of the Bar Association may sit upon the bench of any public court nor occupy any public office of the Continental United States including Congress. The involvement of any Bar Member automatically voids all proceedings pretending subject matter jurisdiction related to the actual land or its assets---including the people of the Continental United States. The Titles of Nobility Amendment adopted and ratified prior to the American Civil War has not been repealed.
The Federal United States and the Municipality of Washington, DC all operate under the auspices of the United Nations and are signatories of the Universal Right of Self-Declaration. Anyone claiming to be a Citizen of the Continental United States having a valid Birth Certificate must be treated as such. Any debts or charges whatsoever related to vessels in commerce operated under his or her name by the Federal United States, any Federal State, the Washington DC Municipality or the UNITED NATIONS must be discharged according to Maxim of Law already cited: you are responsible for what you create.
The Federal United States and its Federal States have created numerous vessels in commerce merely named after living Citizens of the Continental United States and styled in the form: John Quincy Adams. The Washington DC Municipality has similarly indulged in this practice and created franchises for itself named after living Citizens of the Continental United States styled in the form: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. Most recently the UNITED NATIONS has created public utilities and is operating them under names styled as: JOHN Q. ADAMS.
The organizations that have created these franchises are completely, 100% liable for their debts and obligations without exception and without recourse to claim upon the living people these franchises are named after.
You may not presume that the living people have consensually agreed to be subjected to statutory law. You may not presume that they consensually agreed to be obligated for the debts of any legal fiction personas which have been created and named after them by Third Parties secretively operating in a private capacity and merely claiming to represent the victims of this fraud.
This is your Due Notice that the living people inhabiting the Continental United States are presenting themselves and may not be addressed as if they belong to, are responsible for, or indebted in behalf of any legal fiction personas operated under their given names by any international corporation.
Any continuance of any such claims and repugnant practices will be deemed immediate cause to liquidate the American Bar Association as a criminal syndicate and to deport its members from our shores. International action is underway to secure the assets and credit owed to the victims.
Please read, research, and do your own due diligence. You are fully responsible for obeying the Public Law of the Continental United States including Revised Statute 2561 and The Constitution. Please respect the established jurisdictions of air, land, and sea--- and be aware that you may be arrested and fined or worse for failure to do so.
Issued this fifth day of April 2015, Judge Anna Maria Riezinger, Alaska State Superior Court.
Here are the Orders by Pope Francis that ALL “public officials” that are under the jurisdiction of the Vatican City State do no longer have Immunity for the crimes they commit, Primarily Judges in America which includes the BAR Association.
If you want the specifics on our history from the fallen America on March 27, 1861 then look up this book on
You Know Something is Wrong When.....: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause

Egypt’s New President Kills 241 NWO Mercenary ISIS Terrorists In 5 Days!

Since coming to power, el-Sisi has cracked down hard on Islamist extremists. Meanwhile he has signaled support to the country’s beleaguered Coptic Christian community, attending Christmas services at Cairo’s Abbasiya Cathedral and declaring that Egyptians should not view each other as Christians or Muslims but as Egyptians. Read Latest Breaking News from  Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
Since coming to power, President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi has cracked down hard on NWO Islamist. Meanwhile he has signaled support to the country’s beleaguered Coptic Christian community, attending Christmas services at Cairo’s Abbasiya Cathedral and declaring that Egyptians should not view each other as Christians or Muslims but as Egyptians.
Clashes between the armed forces and militants in North Sinai since the beginning of July left 241 [ISIS mercenary] militants dead, said military spokesman Mohamed Samir in an official statement on Monday.
The statement further read that a total of 33 people were arrested, out of whom 29 were suspects. The armed forces statement accompanied photos of killed militants with camouflage gears.
Sinai Egypt
Minor explosions and skirmishes are currently taking place in the restive Sinai Peninsula.
North Sinai residents residing in Al-Arish said that many Sheikh Zuweid residents are relocating to Al-Arish following the clashes that took place on Wednesday.
Another resident living in the vicinity of Sheikh Zuweid told Daily News Egypt that he saw many residents moving their furniture since Wednesday. “It’s evident that many people fear the ongoing clashes which happen mostly in areas close to residents’ houses,” he said.
He added some of them go Al-Arish, others have decided to leave North Sinai and move to another governorate such as Ismailia.
According to North Sinai journalist Ahmed Abu Deraa, the relocation expenses are very high, but people are afraid of the ongoing clashes between the armed forces and militants.
Last Wednesday saw a coordinated attack on several checkpoints in Sheikh Zuweid and Rafah. The attacks left 17 army personnel dead, 13 injured and at least 100 [ISIS] militants killed, according to the military spokesman.
The latest [ISIS] militant attack is considered one of the severest within the past 10 months.
North Sinai has seen similar coordinated attacks including the 29 January attack in Al-Arish, Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid targeting army’s Battalion 101, a security complex of the North Sinai Security Directorate, the Homeland Security Apparatus, Military Intelligence headquarters and a hotel that belongs to the army.
The attack also affected civilians residing in the vicinity forcing many of them to leave the area.
The armed forces however did not announce an official number of casualties.
Last October witnessed another attack on Qarm Al-Qawadis checkpoint in Sheikh Zuweid, killing at least 30 security personnel. Since then, the government has taken security measures to counter-[ISIS] terrorism in the peninsula.
The measures include the relocation of residents 5km along the border with the Gaza Strip to create a buffer zone, to destroy all the smuggling tunnels to prevent the infiltration of “terrorists and weapons”.
Daily News Egypt

ISIS Is The Pretext

Egyptian Christians of Northern Africa.
Egyptian Christians.
ISIS is not the “reason” the U.S. is going to war. ISIS is the PRETEXT. It is the latest of a string of pretexts from the Maine in 1898 to Vietnam’s Gulf of Tonkin in 1964 to “weapons of mass destruction” in 2003, pretexts/lies to maintain an empire.
ISIS is barbaric? It is the Pentagon that is barbaric. What are more barbaric than U.S. bombs in Syria and Iraq? U.S. drones wipe out whole wedding parties from Pakistan to Yemen, slaughtering men, women and yes, children.
It was U.S. war and occupation that killed more than a million Iraqis and destroyed that country. It was U.S. arms that fed Syria’s civil war, killing hundreds of thousands and half-destroying that country. Now Obama wants to destroy the other half.
ISIS grew from the poison of U.S. wars, arms and the cynical policy of enflaming sectarian divisions. Stop the Pentagon from waging war on the people and the people there will take care of ISIS. Continuing to wage war will arouse a billion people against the U.S. and its war machine.
The Bush “War on Terror” militarized every police force in the U.S. targeting people of color. The prison population soared. It globalized invasive surveillance and locked thousands in secret detention and solitary confinement. Now Obama promises a new “war on terror” reaching years into the future. We say NO!”
Uprooted Palestinians
July 2013 Citizens of Egypt Depose Installed Rothschild NWO Czar Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. Since then approximately 1,200 rothschild muslim brotherhood member in Egypt have been sentenced to death.
July 2013 Citizens of Egypt Depose Rothschild NWO Czar Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Since then approximately 1,200 Rothschild NWO Muslim Brotherhood members in Egypt have been sentenced to death.

Breaking: 33,000 Troops Deploy to Pacific for Talisman Sabre 15

by Gary Franchi

Here's a story conveniently omitted
from your evening news, it's called
Operation Talisman Sabre and it's
coming soon. Scheduled at just the
right time, as the global economy
trembles because nations of the
world are defaulting on debts from
the international banking cabal...
as the militaries of the world prepare
for the inevitable call to war.

Video: (under 7 minutes)     
Breaking: 33,000 Troops Deploy to Pacific
for Talisman Sabre 15

As Randolph Bourne said, "War is
the Health of the State" and the
only way out of the impending
global economic collapse is to feed
the war machine fresh bullets and
fresh bodies."

Friends, Jade Helm 15 officially goes
live in a few weeks. It will span 10
US states. Nearly simultaneously,
from July 4th through the 19th,
several thousand miles away, more
than 33,000 United States and
Australian military personnel will be
engaged in Operation Talisman Sabre.

This show of military power comes
at a time when tensions with China
over their man-made naval stations
in the South China Sea are reaching
a steady boil.

Early last month, China concluded
"Crossing 2015, a full scale live fire
military exercise deep in the Mongolian

And wouldn't you know... At the exact
same time Talisman Sabre 2015 goes
live with Jade Helm 15 - China has
issued a warning - complete with naval
coordinates - for all navies to steer
clear of their latest live fire exercises in
the south China Sea.

China is more than ready - and making
sure the world knows.

Talisman Sabre will deploy 21 ships,
including the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier
USS George Washington, more than
200 aircraft, and three submarines.

But it isn't limited to just the Pacific
region multiple locations WITHIN the
U.S will host maneuvers, Pearl Harbor,
San Diego, Virginia and Guam; and
multiple locations WITHIN Australia
near Shoalwater Bay.

That's not all... they're calling this a
"whole-of-government effort" as it
includes participation from international
organizations like the World Food
Programme and the United Nations.

As if that's not enough US Federal law
enforcement is getting in on the action
as the FBI joins the U.S. Departments
of State (DoS), Justice (DoJ) and
Agriculture (USDA), U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) and
the American Red Cross.

n 2011 Talisman Saber included
Amphibious assault landings, Tank
warfare training, and urban combat
scenarios, paratrooper drops and more.

The military says "Talisman Sabre is
a realistic and challenging exercise
that brings service members closer and
improves both nations' ability to work
bilaterally, and prepares them to be
poised to provide security regionally
and globally."

Friends, 33,000 military personnel are
deploying into the Pacific to train for war,
global economic collapse is on the horizon
yet nothing from the state controlled

Don't you find that odd? Comment below.

Well, you heard it here, at the Next News

Break this news to your social networks
by hitting share and be sure to subscribe
if you haven't already to get the latest
news that affects your freedom.

For the next News Network I'm Gary
P.S. Please share ForbiddenKnowledgeTV   
emails and videos with your friends and  
colleagues by clicking on this button:
That's how we grow. Thanks.

Alexandra Bruce, Publisher
Daily Videos from the Edges of Science

Al Jazeera publishes snarky video for the Fourth of July making fun of Americans as fat, gun-toting racists

Al Jazeera publishes snarky video for the Fourth of July making fun of Americans as fat, gun-toting racists

  • Al Jazeera's digital channel AJ+ posted video on July 3rd making fun of the US for gun ownership, racism, teen pregnancy and prescription drug use
  • Commenters criticized Al Jazeera's for its ownership by Qatari royal family, who preside over country with numerous human rights abuses

Qatar-based news network Al Jazeera released a video for July 4th mocking Americans and their problems.
The video, titled Americans Show Why USA Is The #1 Country In The World, featured a string of people saying how US is ranked top in the world in uncomfortable and embarrassing categories. 
AJ+, a digital channel run by Al Jazeera out of San Francisco, posted the video on July 3rd, a day ahead of America's Independence Day celebrations.
Scroll down for video 
Al Jazeera's AJ+ released a video for July 4th with Americans pointing out uncomfortable and embarrassing ways in which the US is number one in the world
Al Jazeera's AJ+ released a video for July 4th with Americans pointing out uncomfortable and embarrassing ways in which the US is number one in the world
The video highlighted problems in the US such as the high incarceration rate, racism, obesity and teen pregnancies
The video highlighted problems in the US such as the high incarceration rate, racism, obesity and teen pregnancies
'Americans consume 80 percent of the world’s painkillers. Makes sense though, right? I mean racism in this country is a big pain in the a**,' one female presenter says.
Other criticisms said that the US was number one in percentage of the population that is incarcerated, teen pregnancies per capita, credit card debt, making pornography and strangely, cheese production.
Presenters said that there were 90 guns per 100 people in the US and that the country had the most deaths by lawnmower.
The US was also mocked for its high percentage of obese adults and the video cited the CDC as a source, though the country most likely does not lead the world in that category.
UN statistics from 2013 found Mexico had a greater proportion of adults with obesity than the US.
Arab countries have also risen near the top of the ranks as oil wealth is increasingly spent on fast food, according to the Atlantic.
Some social media commenters took particular umbrage that the video had come from Al Jazeera, which was founded by the royal family of a country known for alarming human rights abuses.

Commenters on social media were quick to point out that Al Jazeera was founded by the royal family of Qatar, which is known for human rights abuses. Above, the video opened with a picture of a bald eagle
Commenters on social media were quick to point out that Al Jazeera was founded by the royal family of Qatar, which is known for human rights abuses. Above, the video opened with a picture of a bald eagle
Qatar, a nation of 2million people, has recently made headlines for alleged World Cup corruption and having private citizens who have donated large amounts of money to ISIS. Above, an Al Jazeera newsroom
Qatar, a nation of 2million people, has recently made headlines for alleged World Cup corruption and having private citizens who have donated large amounts of money to ISIS. Above, an Al Jazeera newsroom
YouTube user Adam Sternberg said 'Interesting stone throwing from that glass house of yours Al Jazeera...a network owned by a country where women have no rights, you can go to prison for criticizing their leader, and stoning someone to death is legal and practiced regularly.'. 
A report from a trade unions group in 2013 said that 1,200 immigrants from India and Nepal had already died constructing the stadiums for the Qatari World Cup in 2022.
The bidding process giving Qatar the tournament was also thought to be largely influenced by corruption. 
US officials also said earlier this year donors from Qatar, a nation of roughly 2million people, gave the most money to terrorist groups such as Islamic State and Al Qaeda, according to the Daily Beast.
Al Jazeera has also faced criticism from former employees, including a lawsuit from a woman who previously worked as a senior vice president.
Shannon High-Bassilik was fired from the network in February now accuses the network of bias against women and non-Arab employees, according to Variety.

Top secret negotiations continue as Greek “No” vote pressures Western oligarchy to surrender

Top secret negotiations continue as Greek “No” vote pressures Western oligarchy to surrender

July 6, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The Greek default and subsequent Greek “No” vote to payments of further blood money to bankers, has put a sense of urgency to ongoing negotiations for a new financial system, according to Western and Asian sources. At the same time, the Khazarian mob is resorting to increasingly futile threats and manufactured terror incidents in an attempt to stave off its inevitable ouster from control of banking.
The fact that 61% of Greek citizens voted to refuse to pay for banker’s reckless mistakes indicates a majority of the people at the street level in that country now recognize the criminal nature of the Western banking system. The fact is the Greek people now know they are not legally responsible for debts incurred by Mafiosi banker gamblers and will therefore not pay.
This has set in motion the first domino that will lead inexorably to the bankruptcy of the Khazarian banking system and their criminal subsidiary known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. A Greek default, as mentioned previously, is just the first domino that will be followed by Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, France, Germany and then the United States.
The IMF has issued a report calling for a 20-year delay in Greek debt payments because if the IMF lists their loans to Greece as having gone bad, they will have to admit they themselves are insolvent. The world’s major creditor nations like China and other Asian countries refuse to lend more money to the IMF because it remains a de facto tool of the Washington DC criminals who wield a veto over that institution.
The Washington DC cabal cannot bail out the IMF or the European Central Bank because they themselves are bankrupt as can be seen by the fact they are cooking their books. They have kept their debt frozen at $18.112 trillion ever since they missed a payment due on March 15th.
Furthermore, other dominos have also begun to fall. In the fuss about Greece, much of the world’s attention has been diverted from the fact that another AMERICA subsidiary, the Nazi government in the Ukraine, has also missed a payment and gone bankrupt. Furthermore, the AMERICA Puerto Rico colony, known by many as the 51st US State, has also publicly said it will not be able to pay its debts.
The new element to this is that the contagion has now spread to China, the largest creditor of the bankrupt AMERICA and thus the country that will be left holding the bag. Chinese stock markets plunged by 30% in the last weeks, driven by retail investor selling. The retail investors know first-hand the real Chinese economy is stumbling because they are not finding overseas buyers for their industrial products.
The Chinese communist government also tried to get funds last week when it sent representatives of the Manchu imperial family to the headquarters of the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi-UFJ, in an attempt to cash genuine historical bonds worth trillions of dollars, according to a Chinese government official. At the bank, they were met by junior officials who tried very hard to present bureaucratic obstacles to the cashing of the bonds. At the end, despite the fact the bonds were genuine, the Chinese and Manchus were sent away empty handed because recognizing the bonds would have bankrupted the Japanese government and Japanese financial system.
Japan’s financial system is already on the brink because of money that is being drained to postpone the bankruptcy of AMERICA. Financing AMERICA is why a recent survey by the Japanese government shows that 62.4% of Japanese say they are experiencing financial hardship.
The Russians and Americans also failed last week in efforts to cash historical financial instruments because again, the old financial system simply is unable to pay genuine debts they have incurred over the years, according to Pentagon sources.
That is why the first ever bankruptcy of a European country in the post-war era has added new urgency to ongoing negotiations on a new financial system, according to people involved in the negotiations.
In key negotiations aimed at setting up an alternative financial system, representatives of the White Dragon Society formally sent a proposal to Japanese Imperial Family and Japanese government calling for the establishment of a $7 trillion fund to finance the creation of a future planning agency. Japanese imperial family and government officials approved the plan in principle but requested a more detailed, written proposal. This was sent on Monday, just before this newsletter went to press.
The proposal calls for a Japanese government delegation to visit the UK, the US, EU headquarters, the Vatican, Moscow, the African Union, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other power centers to get formal support for the future planning agency (informal support has already been given).
The future planning agency would be very different from the World Bank and IMF or even from the just starting up BRICS bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in that it will have a budget 70 times larger, enough to annually provide $1000 worth of goods and services to each man, woman and child on the planet. Furthermore, while the BRICS bank and AIIB help isolate the Washington faction of the cabal, they still operate on the Babylonian debt slavery model.
In other words, they lend money at interest and expect to get paid back or else they will come and seize collateral. The planning agency will operate on credit, and will not require repayment, only verification that funds are used as intended and promised. New funds will be withheld from corrupt and incompetent groups who will then wither on the vine.
All that is needed for the planning agency to get funds is for governments to finance it using government issued currency. Of course, doing this would put an end to the Khazarian mafia’s near monopoly control over the creation of fiat money and thus end their Babylonian debt slavery regime.
That is why we have seen a new rash of threats coming from the Khazarians. The latest was issued on Mossad linked website like DEBKA where Mossad agent Simon Elliot (aka El Baghdadi) threatened to blow up the Egyptian pyramids and Sphinx.
There was also an attack on the Egyptian army last week by Israeli mercenaries pretending (and fooling nobody) to be “ISIS.”
There were also numerous new false flag mass shooting incidents, and street theater events, in various countries attributed to “radical Islamists” (ie Khazarians) that have left the world public numb and indifferent. For example, British sources sent convincing evidence to this writer showing the so-called Tunisian shooting of British tourists was yet another play act.
In the US meanwhile, an African American was arrested for vandalizing an African American church and writing racist graffiti calling for the murder of African Americans. In other words, house slave Obama is following his Khazarian master’s orders and trying to start a race war. Fortunately, the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic United States is no longer fertile ground for race baiting.
The P2 freemason lodge in Italy sent a message to the WDS last week saying they were sick and tired of Benyamin Netanyahu and planned to get rid of him ASAP. Following upon the United Nations public labelling of this monster as a war criminal, you can be sure his days are numbered.
There are also growing signs of a very systematic attack against the Internet and electric infrastructure inside the United States. According to the FBI, at least 11 attacks on the internet and the US electric grid have been carried out recently by very sophisticated attackers.
Train derailments causing massive explosions or the release of toxic gas are also occurring at a pace of around once per week, indicating systematic sabotage against AMERICA’s infrastructure. The pace of sabotage operations is expected to pick up during the coming weeks and towards the autumn.
To this end, last week 2500 highly trained Nazi mercenaries were moved from the Ukraine to Colorado for as yet uncertain reasons. These mercenaries report to Khazarian affiliated State Department employees and not to the regular, patriotic US armed forces.
In a possibly related development, in what appears to be a desperate attempt to stop the gnostic illuminati inspired revolution against the cabal, police in Koganei, Tokyo, have once against put illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov into a mental hospital. There, according to family members, he has been forcibly and heavily drugged for the past 2 months. A member of his family says he was he was acting violently and erratically and attacking people with a baseball bat. According to him, (the last time I spoke to him), he was the victim of violence and not the other way around. He certainly did have big bruises on his legs of the sort that would require a baseball bat to make.
In any case, gnostic illuminati sources say representatives will be arriving in Japan shortly to take his place in coordinating anti-cabal activities.
The WDS deplores violence and is working hard to act as a neutral intermediary between the gnostic illuminati and the cabal. However, if the cabal does not make real jubilee-type concessions soon; violent, bloody and chaotic revolution is a certainty.