Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hillary’s Secret War

July 2, 2015

In the course of my work at Fox News, I am often asked by colleagues to review and explain documents and statutes. Recently, in conjunction with my colleagues Catherine Herridge, our chief intelligence correspondent, and Pamela Browne, our senior executive producer, I read the transcripts of an interview Browne did with a man named Marc Turi, and Herridge asked me to review emails to and from State Department and congressional officials during the years when Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state.
What I saw has persuaded me beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty that Clinton provided material assistance to terrorists and lied to Congress in a venue where the law required her to be truthful. Here is the backstory.

Turi is a lawfully licensed American arms dealer. In 2011, he applied to the Departments of State and Treasury for approvals to sell arms to the government of Qatar. Qatar is a small Middle Eastern country whose government is so entwined with the U.S. government that it almost always will do what American government officials ask of it.

In its efforts to keep arms from countries and groups that might harm Americans and American interests, Congress has authorized the Departments of State and Treasury to be arms gatekeepers. They can declare a country or group to be a terrorist organization, in which case selling or facilitating the sale of arms to them is a felony. They also can license dealers to sell.

Turi sold hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of arms to the government of Qatar, which then, at the request of American government officials, were sold, bartered or given to rebel groups in Libya and Syria. Some of the groups that received the arms were on the U.S. terror list. Thus, the same State and Treasury Departments that licensed the sales also prohibited them.
How could that be?

That’s where Clinton’s secret State Department and her secret war come in. Because Clinton used her husband’s computer server for all of her email traffic while she was the secretary of state, a violation of three federal laws, few in the State Department outside her inner circle knew what she was up to.
Now we know.

She obtained permission from President Obama and consent from congressional leaders in both houses of Congress and in both parties to arm rebels in Syria and Libya in an effort to overthrow the governments of those countries.
Many of the rebels Clinton armed, using the weapons lawfully sold to Qatar by Turi and others, were terrorist groups who are our sworn enemies. There was no congressional declaration of war, no congressional vote, no congressional knowledge beyond fewer than a dozen members, and no federal statute that authorized this.
When Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., asked Clinton at a public hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Jan. 23, 2013, whether she knew about American arms shipped to the Middle East, to Turkey or to any other country, she denied any knowledge. It is unclear whether she was under oath at the time, but that is legally irrelevant. The obligation to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to Congress pertains to all witnesses who testify before congressional committees, whether an oath has been administered or not. (Just ask Roger Clemens, who was twice prosecuted for misleading Congress about the contents of his urine while not under oath. He was acquitted.)

Here is her relevant testimony.

Paul: My question is … is the U.S. involved with any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons … buying, selling … anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey … out of Libya?

Clinton: To Turkey? … I will have to take that question for the record. Nobody’s ever raised that with me. I, I…

Paul: It’s been in news reports that ships have been leaving from Libya and that they may have weapons … and what I’d like to know is … the (Benghazi) annex that was close by… Were they involved with procuring, buying, selling, obtaining weapons … and were any of these weapons transferred to other countries … any countries, Turkey included?

Clinton: Senator, you will have to direct that question to the agency that ran the (Benghazi) annex. And I will see what information is available and … ahhhh…

Paul: You are saying you don’t know…

Clinton: I do not know. I don’t have any information on that.

At the time that Clinton denied knowledge of the arms shipments, she and her State Department political designee Andrew Shapiro had authorized thousands of shipments of billions of dollars’ worth of arms to U.S. enemies to fight her secret war. Among the casualties of her war were U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three colleagues, who were assassinated at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, by rebels Clinton armed with American military hardware in violation of American law.

This secret war and the criminal behavior that animated it was the product of conspirators in the White House, the State Department, the Treasury Department, the Justice Department, the CIA and a tight-knit group of members of Congress. Their conspiracy has now unraveled. Where is the outrage among the balance of Congress?

Hillary Clinton lied to Congress, gave arms to terrorists and destroyed her emails. How much longer can she hide the truth? How much longer can her lawlessness go unchallenged and unprosecuted? Does she really think the American voters will overlook her criminal behavior and put her in the White House where she can pardon herself?

Illuminati Mind-Controlled Super-Soldiers Spill the Beans


Interview with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot

Interview May 19, 2013. This is a doozie. Just when I think I’m getting close to having a handle on the truth, the Universe throws me a fast one—and there’s a lotta junk on this ball.
This interview raises a few questions, as well as providing answers and fleshing out a few details. Kerry shares a few nuggets of her own, too. I doubt if anything would faze her any more.

The first question might be, why would the Illuminati permit the sharing of this information? We know they like to leave clues in movies and television shows, but this is pretty blatant, isn’t it?
I suspect it’s the fear-factor. They want to scare us, and share some disinformation along with the truth. That’s their M.O. 

This information was released to Kerry Cassidy for the alternative media—not the masses. It’s intended for the awakened ones. It’s their little psy-op.

Some of what they say explains current events and rumors we’ve heard. I don’t believe everything they say because the Illuminati always work according to their agenda. These are Illuminati soldiers doing their job. There’s a war going on, and they’re not stupid enough to share all their secrets. They are masters of disinformation and creating false realities. The Internet is rife with examples.

Other insiders have come forward and revealed many things about the egotistical tyrants running the world and their plans for us. They like to measure out certain levels of intel as though to make themselves appear superior to us—like we need an advantage to play the game.

I found it interesting that they said it was a nuclear blast that leveled the factory and a large area of West Texas several weeks ago. I posted a video that showed what looked like a “wave” of energy sweep across the ground—and then there was that mushroom cloud… but we’ve also been told the Galactics wouldn’t permit any nuclear weapons to be detonated, so there’s a conflict there. They may have been testing a new weapon.

If this interview is the first you’ve heard of clones, mind-control, underground bases, cyborgs, extraterrestrial wars, reptilians, space ships, trips to Mars, the Fall of Atlantis… well… sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that’s our reality.

We’ve been lied to for a VERY long time. Denial is what has enabled the Illuminati to advance the current global events to the precarious stage at which they now rest—and they know it. We can’t afford to have our heads in the sand any longer. We need to be on our game.

The individual who sent this video to me and a few others, included the following comments:

Another extraordinary expose from the super soldier conference. Here we have two guys raised from birth inside the mind controlled world, again discussing the bloodlines that dominate these circles, and many other amazing subjects. A couple of comments:
  • These guys are deeply programmed, so what persona are they working from here?
  • Why are those who control them allowing them to go public in this way? Is it just that their controllers undertake to reveal to the public in some manner what they are planning to do? This is often done in movies.
  • Most people don’t yet seem to get that those pursuing the NWO agenda have an objective of a human population of half a billion people (e.g.  see the Georgia Guidestones) . That’s a big drop from about seven billion – how would they go about it? If you reflect upon it for a moment, you realise that it’s likely to include underhanded ways, such as:
o   Food supply (read GMO and food additives e.g.  aspartame) that impacts fertility and life expectancy
o   Disease (see the comments in this on the creation of AIDS to depopulate Africa)
o   Spent uranium weaponry (see the ongoing devastation in Iraq)
o   The many activities related to the activities of the pharmaceutical industry
o   Warfare and intergroup violence and hatred
Unless you understand this, it’s hard to make sense of so much we see going on in the world. You have to recognize that these people do not place value on individual human life – quite the contrary.
  • They acknowledge the fall in consciousness associated with Atlantis some 13,000 years ago
  • The NSA had underground mind control programming facilities in Canada over 30 years ago.
Again, I share this video with you because unless you begin to grasp the agenda of these people, you cannot understand what is going on in our world and where these people want to take it, and you are likely to be asleep at the wheel as they take it there. Frankly, I would like to see a different future for my children than these people are planning, and perhaps you do also.
Be prepared to be shocked by some of the content, and I encourage you to bring your discernment – although not your prejudices and your denial.



U.S. Super Soldiers - here NOW and ready for deployment within the USA (NOT 'FUTURE" but NOW)

U.S. Super Soldiers Of The Future Will Be Genetically Modified Transhumans Capable Of Superhuman Feats

  The future of war is going to look really, really weird.  The “super soldier” research that DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is working on right now is unlike anything we have ever seen before.  If DARPA is successful, and if the American people don’t object, the soldiers of the future will be genetically modified transhumans capable of superhuman feats. 

Do you want a soldier that can run faster than Usain Bolt?  DARPA is working on that. 

Do you want a soldier that won’t need food or sleep for days?  DARPA is working on that? 

Do you want a soldier that can regrow lost limbs?  DARPA is working on that. 

Do you want a soldier that can outlift Olympic weightlifters and that can communicate telepathically?  DARPA is working on that. 


Americans flock to movies about superheroes and mutants, and soon they may actually have real life “superheroes” and “mutants” fighting their wars for them.  But at what cost?
A recent Daily Mail article detailed many of the strange research projects that DARPA is working on right now.  The fact that DARPA has actually allowed these projects to be revealed in the mainstream media probably means that the development stage is nearly over and they are ready to try to convince a wary public to accept them….
Tomorrow’s soldiers could be able to run at Olympic speeds and will be able to go for days without food or sleep, if new research into gene manipulation is successful.
According to the U.S. Army’s plans for the future, their soldiers will be able to carry huge weights, live off their fat stores for extended periods and even regrow limbs blown apart by bombs.
The plans were revealed by novelist Simon Conway, who was granted behind-the-scenes access to the Pentagon’s high-tech Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency.
So how is this possible?
How would you genetically modify a human to be able to have these abilities?
A different Daily Mail article recently explained how this basically works….
Most gene modification techniques involve placing genetically modified DNA inside a virus and injecting it into the human body. The virus then enters human cells, and its modified DNA attaches itself to the human DNA inside those cells.
When you really stop and think about this kind of technology, the implications are staggering.
Could viruses be used to genetically modify humanity on a large scale?
How would the rest of humanity respond to a “super race” of mutants that are clearly “superior” to the rest of us in a bunch of different ways?
When you start messing with creation, it opens up Pandora’s Box.
The possibilities are endless, but so are the potential problems.
Just because we can do something does not mean that we should.  There may be consequences decades down the road that we cannot even conceive of right now.
Other “super soldier” research projects that DARPA is working on at the moment involve advanced technology and robotics rather than genetic modification.
For example, DARPA is developing helmets that would allow our soldiers to communicate telepathically….
More recently, DARPA’s Silent Talk programme has been exploring mind-reading technology with devices that can pick up the electrical signals inside soldiers’ brains and send them over the internet.
With these implants, entire armies will be able to talk without radios. Orders will leap instantly into soldiers’ heads and commanders’ wishes will become the wishes of their men.
I don’t know about you, but I would not want anyone reading my thoughts or beaming orders directly into my brain.
DARPA is also working on “exoskeletons” that will enable soldiers to lift incredible weights without tiring and perform other physical tasks that normal soldiers simply could not do.
You can see video of this kind of exoskeleton being demonstrated right here.
DARPA is also hoping to one day implant microchips into our soldiers that will constantly monitor the health and physical condition of our boys and girls in the field.
For many, these new technologies are very exciting.
For others, they cross the line.
Merging men with machines or messing with the very fabric of life is the kind of thing that science fiction movies are made of.
Unfortunately, if we make a very serious mistake we just can’t get up and turn off the movie.  Any mistakes that we make could stay with us indefinitely.
But at this point it looks like there is very little standing in the way of these kinds of technology becoming mainstream.  Tests on rats have already shown what is possible….
In 2005, Ronald Evans, a hormone expert working at the Salk Institute of Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, showed how genetic modification can increase the athletic power of mice.
Evans produced a group of genetically modified mice with an increased amount of slow-twitch muscle fibre. This type of fibre is associated with strong cardiovascular muscles and boosts an athlete’s endurance.
Evans’s mice could run for an hour longer than normal mice, were resistant to weight gain no matter what they were fed on, and remained at peak fitness even when they took no exercise.
How much do you think people would pay to be able to remain at peak fitness without doing any exercise at all?
When the general public realizes what is possible there will be an overwhelming demand for these technologies.
So just how far can all of this go?
Well, futurist Ray Kurzeil believes that we are only about 20 years away from actually achieving immortality….
Ray Kurzweil, a world-renowned scientist and author of The Singularity is Near, thinks the world as we know it will be unrecognizable in 20 years.
One of the changes he thinks are possible: Scientists may finally crack immortality.
“I and many other scientists now believe that in around 20 years we will have the means to reprogramme our bodies’ stone-age software so we can halt, then reverse, aging,” he writes in The Sun. “Then nanotechnology will let us live for ever. Ultimately, nanobots will replace blood cells and do their work thousands of times more effectively.”
Eternal life?
I wouldn’t count on the human body being able to live forever.
But without a doubt we are going to see a whole lot of humans attempting to “merge with technology” and  “reprogram themselves” through genetic modification in future years.
The wars of the future will look nothing like the wars of the past.  The genetically modified soldiers of the future will be supported by robots on the ground and by “swarms of drones” in the sky.  In fact, the “swarms of drones” are already here.  The following is from a recent CBS News article….
According to a Boeing press release, the researchers and engineers conducted the test flights in Oregon in June using two ScanEagle drones which performed like a “swarm of insects.”
The flight operator was able to connect with the autonomous drones using only a laptop and a military radio. Boeing engineers said the drones were able to complete tasks more efficiently by communicating with each other.
“This swarm technology may one day enable warfighters in battle to request and receive time-critical intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance information directly from airborne (unmanned aerial vehicles) much sooner than they can from ground control stations today,” Gabriel Santander, program director of Advanced Autonomous Networks for Boeing Phantom Works, said in the press release.
Technology is advancing at such a rapid pace that it is really hard to keep track of it all.
But where is it taking us?
Recently I wrote about the nightmarish high tech Big Brother surveillance grid that is going up all around us.
Our lives are becoming completely dominated by technology, and that is a very dangerous thing.
We like to think that all of these new technologies will always be used for good and will never fall into the hands of tyrannical madmen, but history tells us that liberty and freedom are very rare phenomenons.
Throughout most of human history, most people have lived under some form of tyranny.  And today liberty and freedom are already rapidly disappearing all over the globe.
Technology has progressed to the point where it would definitely be possible for a “scientific dictatorship” to completely and totally dominate humanity unlike anything we have ever seen before.

So we should be very careful about what we create.
We might be creating our own living hell. 



The 'Joint Chiefs of Staff' and their superiors (under the guise of the United Nations) issuing them their orders to destroy America may well use these supper soldiers against the traitors in the USA military once their 'jobs' are done.  Illuminati code demands the death and destruction of ALL who have demonstrated they are traitors to their own nation and people. The 'Chiefs' will not only lose their pensions, but their lives.  Will being traitors against America and her people have been worth it then???  They won't be alive to even be concerned about their pensions!!!! If one is going to meet fate, why not meet it with heads held high in their stand FOR their nation and its people?  And NOT an historical legacy as TRAITORS?


NATO Slaughter: James and Joanne Moriarty expose the truth about what happened in Libya

NATO Slaughter: James and Joanne Moriarty expose the truth about what happened in Libya

Niall Bradley
30 Jun 2015
Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain 
And all the children are insane - The End, The Doors

It goes without saying that we rarely get an accurate representation of reality in the corporate media, which is, after all, what independent media exists for. Last Sunday Joe Quinn and I interviewed a very ordinary couple with a very extraordinary tale: businesspeople James and Joanne Moriarty and how they escaped from capture by Al Qaeda terrorists during the 2011 'Libyan revolution'. Listening to James and Joanne tell their story, it was impossible not to be struck by the significance, for every human being on this planet, of the problem of psychopaths in positions of power.
The Moriarty's present three powerful motivating factors for the destruction of Libya by Western powers and their internationalist financiers:
* thwarting Gaddafi's plan to establish a gold-backed currency, to ultimately serve as a pan-African currency and thereby economically unite African nations and free them from Western imperialism;
* the US desire to establish AFRICOM (military control of Africa to ward off Chinese investment);
* an alleged $7 trillion lawsuit, on behalf of all participating African countries, at Gaddafi's instigation, to sue for damages incurred from broken treaties with European countries during their "colonial era".
So far from "freeing the Libyan people from a dictator", the NATO bombardment of Libya in 2011 was about the maintenance of US and EU domination over Africa


Thursday, July 2, 2015

We're Lost in a Roman Wilderness of Pain - The Country of Libya Has Been Annihilated - US Ambassador Christopher Stevens (CIA): Dead Men Tell No Tales - Roughly 600,000 Libyans Killed - Libya: The Nihilistic Culmination of Western Civilization - Pre-2011 Libya: No Debt; No Insurance Companies; No Banks - Hillary Clinton: 'I came, I saw, I laughed my a** off!' - All The Children Are Insane

It goes without saying that we rarely get an accurate representation of reality in the corporate media, which is, after all, what independent media exists for. Last Sunday Joe Quinn and I interviewed a very ordinary couple with a very extraordinary tale: businesspeople James and Joanne Moriarty and how they escaped from capture by Al Qaeda terrorists during the 2011 'Libyan revolution'. Listening to James and Joanne tell their story, it was impossible not to be struck by the significance, for every human being on this planet, of the problem of psychopaths in positions of power.
The Moriarty's present three powerful motivating factors for the destruction of Libya by Western powers and their internationalist financiers:
* thwarting Gaddafi's plan to establish a gold-backed currency, to ultimately serve as a pan-African currency and thereby economically unite African nations and free them from Western imperialism;
* the US desire to establish AFRICOM (military control of Africa to ward off Chinese investment);
* an alleged $7 trillion lawsuit, on behalf of all participating African countries, at Gaddafi's instigation, to sue for damages incurred from broken treaties with European countries during their "colonial era".
So far from "freeing the Libyan people from a dictator", the NATO bombardment of Libya in 2011 was about the maintenance of US and EU domination over Africa.

But what really comes across in this riveting interview with the Moriartys is the utter recklessness displayed in Libya (and elsewhere, for that matter) by both NATO and the 'rebel' forces, as well as the relish with which they demonstrably enjoyed tearing the entire country apart. These demented animals have access to unparalleled hi-tech weaponry and vehicles, enabling them to 'achieve feats of destruction' that before only 'the gods' could perform. Their handiwork is psychopathy writ large, the nihilistic culmination of Western civilization, and the glorious - for them - embrace of the destructive principle.

Among the things we
discussed in the interview were the back-story to how two Texan businesspeople came to be in Libya; what Libya - and Gaddafi - was really like pre-2011; the real ideological motivations for the 'humanitarian intervention' - listed above; the atrocities and war crimes witnessed by the Moriartys as they traveled throughout the country as international observers on behalf of a fact-finding commission launched by an international youth organization; their incredible escape from terrorist capture; and the persecution they are today being subjected to by the US government.

Gaddafi was so loved across the continent that African tribal leaders made him 'King of Africa'

One of the most important points to understand about Libya in 2011 is that Gaddafi was no longer the country's formal political leader. Since 2006 he was essentially Libya's spiritual leader, a symbol, although he did continue to represent the people's interests on the international stage. The country's form of government - the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya - was nominally socialist, in the sense that wealth was fairly distributed, but it was way more than that. Gaddafi had created, or was the inspiration for, the closest you will ever get to 'utopia' on Earth. Libya wasn't just democratic (in the positive sense of the word); it was humane in a way not seen in the West in a long, long time.

That imaginary world you may have dreamed of, where there's no debt, no insurance companies, no banks (certainly no Central Bank), and where everyone's needs are taken care of... well, that was Libya pre-2011. Disputes were largely settled between people without state intervention. Libya's modest military was equipped with Soviet weapons from the 1980s, and was therefore an easy target for overwhelming NATO firepower.

Since the Lockerbie and Berlin disco bombings, for which he was
framed by the CIA and friends - Gaddafi was a pariah in 'the international community'. After the 9/11 attacks, he sought to bury the hatchet with the West and committed Libya to Bush's War On Terror, providing rich intel on radicals in his country and making deals that would lift the decades-long embargo on Libya, not least, claim the Moriartys, via massive bribes to Western leaders like former French President Nicholas Sarkozy and Barack Obama (via one of his uncles). Sarkozy was investigated by police for accepting 50 million euros for his 2007 presidential election campaign from Gaddafi.

Western political psychopaths repaid Gaddafi with an extreme form of 'regime change' that saw Gaddafi almost literally torn apart by NATO-backed blood-thirsty "rebels".

The Moriartys describe how NATO forces bombed the country's archival buildings, in an apparent effort to eliminate all traces of Libyan history. They blew up homes, streets, food stores, schools, hospitals, basic infrastructure like water supplies, wheat fields and date-palm groves. They 'opened up' the country for what it is today a truly "failed state" with daily violence and not one but two competing governments. Libya has some of the best preserved Roman ruins in all the Mediterranean. I don't know if NATO bombed those too, but
based on what's happening in Syria, it's only a matter of time before those are destroyed too.

'I came, I saw, I laughed my a** off!'

The 'Libyan rebels' (today operating as ISIS in Syria and Iraq) that Western citizens cheered were invariably completely off their heads on drugs. The Moriartys told us how they heard the screams of Libyan soldiers being dragged into their hotel in Tripoli, then taken upstairs to be tortured to death. Mosques were turned into torture centers by the 'Islamist' rebels, where thousands of people were raped, cut into pieces, limb-by-limb, and force-fed to the still-living.

The death toll from NATO's bombardment and its roving death squads is, based on figures compiled and passed to the Moriartys by tribal leaders, at least 600,000 dead. The population of Libya was 6 million at the time. The Moriartys say 40,000 of those were tortured to death. Based on meetings with tribal leaders, they reported to the fact-finding commission that 100,000 people were killed by NATO bombing in the first month. They claim that NATO dropped more bombs on Libya from March-October 2011 than were dropped in the entire world during World War Two. The total figure they have for the number of 'rebels' is far higher than anything reported anywhere else: 250,000 terrorists poured into the country from all over the Middle East and beyond. It's clear that the terrorists particularly targeted black Africans, with the Moriartys describing the slaughter as a 'black genocide'. There are at least 128 mass graves in the country. Another two million people are displaced, barely surviving in refugee camps on the Tunisian and Egyptian borders.

A quarter of a million terrorists... this gives you an idea of the scale of these US-led proxy wars. No wonder the combined might of the Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi and Hezbollah forces struggles against 'ISIS' in the Syrian desert - they are up against so many foot-soildiers of empire.

Libya was completely obliterated

The Western powers embargoed Libya of food, water, medical supplies -
just like Yemen is undergoing now. Thousands of armed pick-ups rolled off cargo ships at ports, unloading humvees, SUVs, and pickups loaded for bear with heavy artillery and mercenaries. The Moriartys describe attack helicopters arriving in Tripoli from aircraft carriers and firing indiscriminately at anything and everything. 1,300 people, mostly civilians, were killed on the very first day of the establishment of NATOs so-called 'no-fly zone'.

Six days into the coup-d'état-disguised-as-a-'revolution', the new regime, the Western-imposed 'National Transitional Council of Libya', opened Libya's first ever central bank. For Libya to be 'welcomed back into the international community', all its cash, precious metals, and other assets - at home and abroad - were signed over to the new privately-owned, foreign-controlled Central Bank of Libya. The Moriartys say they also agreed to the construction of a permanent Israeli military base in Libya, and that they have documents to prove it.

Today they plant the flag in new territory for us, tomorrow they hate us for our freedoms

If you were a journalist in Libya during this time you were relatively safe; not because these animals respected journalists as neutral observers, but because the journalists were on their side. The Moriartys have evidence of embedded journalists, not least from Qatar-owned Al Jazeera, whose staff were among the terrorists from day one, personally calling in airstrikes and working side-by-side with the terrorists.

The Moriartys know what happened in the Benghazi 'consulate' attack on September 11th, 2012. They had foreknowledge of an attack, but no one in Washington, D.C. was interested in what they were hearing on the ground. Afterwards, locals told them where the attackers could be found. Still no interest from Washington; the US State Department's announcement at the time of a "$10 million reward for information leading to the capture of Stevens' killers" was pure theater. The Moriartys described to us in detail, based on accounts from eyewitnesses with whom they spoke, the scene at the residence that night. Among other things, Stevens appears to have been killed before the attack started.

As to why Ambassador Chris Stevens was sacrificed, they suspect it's because he "knew too much". Stevens was overseeing - or was at least deeply involved in - shipments of weapons and terrorists through the Benghazi residence, which was actually a CIA safe-house, to Syria to fuel the US government's proxy war against Assad that begun in earnest earlier in 2012. The Moriartys suggest that Stevens may have been trying to recall delivery of 20,000 'MANPAD' portable surface-to-air missile launchers to the terrorists.

A terrorist in Libya posing with one of the MANPADS American Ambassador Chris Stevens gave him

When the Moriartys became trapped inside Libya, the US government basically told them to 'pound dirt'. Escape only became possible when the Russian ambassador directed them towards a rescue ship sent by the Maltese government. They tried in vain to locate the ship, but it never docked because the situation was so dangerous. And then, back at their hotel in Tripoli, they were cornered by some of the 'rebels', who told them their names were "on our list." Having learned at this point that these maniacs were being paid handsomely for each person they killed, with bonus payments if they cut up and burned the bodies, the Moriartys thought their goose was cooked. They watched as Western TV crews recorded interviews with foreign nationals, which they later realized was being allowed only because these people's statements were subsequently used in Western media reports as evidence of 'atrocities committed by the Gaddafi regime'.

The Moriartys' eventual miraculous escape from that NATO-created hell-hole came when they paid $16,000 to the 'rebels', one of whom took pity on them and led them to safety. As someone from the US Defense Intelligence Agency later told them, "Y'all need to be written up in the Guinness Book of Records because no one has ever escaped al Qaeda alive."

Please note, the Moriartys are ordinary businesspeople. They had no anti-Western or 'liberal' ax to grind in going to Libya. They were there on the basis of good old-fashioned American capitalism.

Finally making it back to the US, via Tunisia and Rome, the Moriartys were 'debriefed on arrival', and spent the next year speaking with various intel agencies. US officials wanted their story, and the evidence they had gathered for the fact-finding commission, but the Moriartys realized that their information was being used to assist rather than thwart the terrorists in Libya. After being told explicitly to "shut up, or else", they went public with their information. More death threats ensued and they narrowly escaped an attempt to frame them for possession of drugs. They are regularly harassed by government agents and are blacklisted from restarting their oil-cleaning business or gaining employment. The Moriartys are living hand-to-mouth thanks to donations and sales of their DVD,
'Escape from Al Qaeda', which I strongly encourage you to purchase.

French 'philosopher' Bernard Henri-Levy, posing with two jihadists

The DVD includes a presentation/talk given by the Moriartys, an interview they gave in Libya, an interview with US Rep. Dennis Kucinich on US intervention in Libya, and never-before-seen footage of the destruction wrought by Western military in Libya, US Special Forces operating there, and the two-million-strong rallies held by ordinary Libyans, at the height of NATO's blitzkrieg, in support of Gaddafi and their government. The DVD also includes a documentary produced by the fact-finding commission on the basis of the Moriartys' reports. I should warn you that the DVD contains some extremely graphic footage (the 'rebels' laughing as they behead people, and forcing captured Libyan soldiers - hands bound and down on their knees - to eat parts of their dead comrades), but you should force yourself to watch that anyway, at least once, while keeping in mind: 'This is the outer expression of the inner nature of the people who run my government.'

When speaking with people as they travelled the country collecting data, the Moriartys tried to impress on them the urgent need to counter the lies in the Western media about what was happening there, to which the Libyans responded, "The truth and our fate will save us." In their naivety, they believed - in the terror of the moment anyway - that being good, decent people was enough. But I think the only thing that might have prevented this is if enough of us in the West had known the truth about our psychopathic leaders and what they do.

And so, here's the interview. Please listen, then share. Transcript available shortly...

Truth about Libya: Sott Radio interview with 

James and Joanne Moriarty


Further reading:

Syrian Spies Working Inside Embassies in Damascus for the US & The West

Tunisia attacker trained in Libya at the same time as Bardo Museum attackers (the museum attack was staged)

A Big Fat Lie Will Become a Movie 'A Gay Girl in Damascus'

The End - The Doors


This song dedicated to US Ambassador Christopher Stevens (inside joke):

Elton John - Rocket Man

The Real Reason for the Anti-Confederate Flag Hysteria

The Real Reason for the

Anti-Confederate Flag Hysteria

By Thomas DiLorenzo

June 27, 2015

Every couple of years the totalitarian socialist Left in America (a.k.a., the Democratic Party and all of its appendages) pretends to be indignant about the existence of the Confederate flag somewhere.  The lapdog cultural Marxist media fall in line, treating the siting of the flag in the same way they would treat the siting of an Ebola victim in a large crowd.  Americans are reminded once again by the New York/New England/Ivy League-educated presstitute class that they should hate Southerners and all things Southern.  As Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart recently whined in faux horror, Southerners “waged war against the United States” government!  Waaaaaaaaah!

The anti-Confederate flag hysteria is only one small part of the Left’s general strategy, however.  It is part of their overriding strategy of diverting the public’s attention away from all the grotesque failures of leftist interventionism, from the welfare state to the government takeover of education to the war on drugs and beyond.  The neocons who run the Republican Party are usually complicit in all of this.

The welfare state has decimated the black family and is hard at work destroying the white family as well by eliminating the stigma against a man’s abandoning his wife and children with welfare checks (See Charles Murray,
Losing Ground).  What does the Confederate flag have to do with this?  The welfare state has destroyed the work ethic of millions of Americans. What does the Confederate flag have to do with this?  The Fed caused the biggest depression since the Great Depression with its latest boom-and-bust-cycle act.  What does the Confederate flag have to do with this?

The rotten inner city government schools have enriched uneducated “teachers” and school bureaucrats but have ruined the lives of untold numbers of black children with fraudulent “education.” What does the Confederate flag have to do with this?

The war on drugs has had a horrific racial effect in that it has caused the incarceration of hundreds of thousands of mostly young black men from the inner cities while creating the reasons for drug-gang violence and all the death that is associated with it. What does the Confederate flag have to do with this?

The minimum wage law has always had a disproportionately harmful effect on black teenage unemployment.  What has the Confederate flag have to do with this?  High taxes, onerous regulations, and uncontrollable government spending by all levels of government have sucked resources out of the job-creating private sector only to fatten the government bureaucracy, depriving all Americans of job opportunities.  What has the Confederate flag have to do with ANY of this?  ALL of this was done under the auspices of the U.S. flag.

The ideological lynchpin of the cultural Marxists who dominate so much of American politics, the media and the universities is the argument that there is one and only one reason why there still exists a “black underclass” (mostly) in American cities, namely, “white privilege” and “the legacy of slavery.”  To cultural Marxists, nothing else matters, or should even be allowed to be discussed.  The welfare/warfare state, the war on drugs, the public schools, etc. cannot possibly have had anything but good effects, they say, because they were all undertaken with the best of intentions.  It’s all the fault of “white privilege,” say privileged white politicians, privileged white university administrators, and privileged white media talking heads.  

The Confederate flag, they claim, is the banner of white privilege, the sole cause of all the problems of the “underclass”; hence, all the extreme torches-and-pitchforks-type behavior over the flag in recent days.  The cultural Marxist Left views it all as an assault on “white privilege,” the source of all evil in the world.

Another defining characteristic of the cultural Marxist Left is its hatred of free speech by those who disagree with it.  Free speech should only be enjoyed by the victims of white (heterosexual male) oppression, they say.  Allowing white male oppressors to have free speech simply leads to even more “oppression” of the oppressed (which now includes everyone who is not a white heterosexual male).  This is why so many university administrators proudly crack down on academic freedom with campus speech codes, tolerance of riotous disruptions of conservative or libertarian campus lecturers, and even the libeling and slandering of such speakers when they are allowed to speak.  It makes them popular among the cultural Marxist faculty in the humanities and social sciences, and therefore makes their jobs and lives more pleasant.  It also helps to cement into place the cultural Marxist mantra that “white privilege” is the one and only source of all the world’s problems.

I offer as a personal example of this phenomenon the malicious libeling of Professor Walter Block several years ago by one Brian Linnane, the president of Loyola University Maryland, an ugly event that many readers of LewRockwell.com will recall.  At my invitation, Professor Block presented a lecture to the undergraduate Adam Smith Club on the evening of their annual dinner.  His topic was the economics of discrimination, a very mainstream topic that is addressed in all principles of economics textbooks (I recommend Walter Williams’ new book on the subject,
Race and Economics: How Much Does Discrimination Explain?).  Professor Block is known as an iconoclast, but in this instance he presented a very mainstream talk consistent with the ideas of his old graduate school dissertation chairman, the late Gary Becker, author of The Economics of Discrimination, which I believe was Becker’s own dissertation at the University of Chicago way back when.

Professor Block did his usual fabulous job of explaining how racial or sexual discrimination in the workplace is penalized in a free, competitive market by creating profit opportunities for competitors.  For example, if an employer pays a white male employee $50,000/year, and an equally-qualified black or female employee $25,000 for the same job for which each employee is capable of producing say, $60,000 in revenue for the employer, the black or female employee is bound to be scooped up by a competitor.  The competing business person can offer them say, $35,000 and make $25,000 on the deal ($60,000 in revenue minus $35,000 in salary).  Then another competitor may offer $40,000, or $50,000, etc., depending on the intensity of competition.  If there is enough competition, the “pay gap” will disappear altogether.  This is how free-market competition penalizes racial or sexual discrimination in the workplace and causes it to diminish or disappear.  The lecture was met with applause by the students.

But the whole thing was a set-up by the campus cultural Marxists, led by the university president, Brian Linnane.  They sent a single black student to the lecture who supposedly complained (not to me, the sponsor of the lecture, but to the gang of cultural Marxist faculty and administrators on campus known to some students as the “social justice crowd”)  that Professor Block’s remarks were “insensitive.” That was seven years ago.  To this day, no one associated with the Loyola University Maryland administration has ever revealed just what Professor Block said that was “insensitive,” or why their students should be treated like imbecilic little infants whose ears must be protected from ”insensitive” speech such as Gary Becker/University of Chicago-style economics.  They even refused to answer the question when a Baltimore Sun reporter asked them about it.

The libeling occurred when Brian Linnane sent an email to all of the university’s students, faculty, and alumni apologizing for the “insensitivity” of Professor Block’s speech, which he did not personally hear, along with a sanctimonious proclamation of how devoted he was to the cause of anti-discrimination.  He clearly wanted his readers to think, incorrectly, that Professor Block must have uttered some kind of racist epithet.

The real reason for the malicious libeling of Walter Block by the Loyola University administration was revealed (to me, at least) by a statement that one of the undergraduate students in the room made at the end of Professor Block’s lecture.  “But we want to talk about the legacy of slavery,” he sheepishly complained, in good politically-correct fashion.  Outside of the economics students in the room, who knew better, the other students like this one were thoroughly brainwashed in the cultural Marxist “white privilege” mantra along with the notion that all other discussions of the possible causes of black/white wage differences, unemployment, or anything else, should be censored by any means possible.  They are incapable of even engaging in a question-and-answer session with someone like Professor Block, since that would require the use of logical thought.   All they had been taught, for the most part, was how to mouth left-wing political platitudes and slogans.

Thus, the purpose of Brian Linnane’s malicious libeling of Walter Block was  to send the rest of the campus the message that such non-cultural Marxist talk would no longer be tolerated on “his” campus, and that anyone who attempted it would be smeared as a racist or worse.  Something like this scenario has been played out at numerous other American universities.  It is all part and parcel, along with the Confederate flag hysteria, of the cultural Marxist crusade against “white privilege” in their campaign of denial of the grotesque failures of “liberalism.”

Thomas J. DiLorenzo {
TDilo@aol.com } is professor of economics at Loyola College in Maryland and the author of The Real Lincoln; ; Lincoln Unmasked: What You’re Not Supposed To Know about Dishonest Abe, How Capitalism Saved America, Hamilton’s Curse: How Jefferson’s Archenemy Betrayed the American Revolution And What It Means for America Today. His latest book is Organized Crime: The Unvarnished Truth About Government.