Monday, July 13, 2015


By Charlotte Iserbyt
July 13, 2015

This is a call for ALL homeschoolers (and their families and friends) to pick up the phone IMMEDIATELY and call their U.S. Senators and DEMAND that they vote NO on Senator Lamar Alexander's Every Child Achieves Act of 2015 (S.1177) which would reauthorize the Bush-era No Child Left Behind law until 2021. Phone number to call is: 202-224-3121.

Homeschooled children are NOT being excluded from the INTERNATIONAL United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)-DICTATED GLOBAL WORKFORCE TRAINING AND VALUES AND ACADEMICS DESTROYING CURRICULUM.

In fact, passage of Republican Rep. John Kline's HR5 July 8, 2015 by a 5-vote margin (!) will allow for all the tax-funded school choice/charter schools, with unelected boards, requirements, necessary to implement this evil unconstitutional/international/totalitarian workforce training agenda across the board, around the world. (HR-5 is basically a copy-cat version of Sen. Alexander's S1177 which will be voted on early next week.)

   'Across the board' means: HOME SCHOOLED CHILDREN ARE INCLUDED!

These are the homeschools which contract with or are licensed by Charter Schools and/or those homeschools that are required to comply with State or Federal education mandates through their state's education laws.

Included as well are Zulu children sitting in the green grass in Kenya staring at Bill Gates et al green screen getting their daily dose of Communist Core, being assessed for proper non-academic/humanistic globalist values and remediated for UNESCO-determined deficiencies.


South Shore Charter School, Inc. Developing A New Type of Public School to Serve the South Shore c/o 936 Nantasket Ave., Hull, MA 02045.

"The South Shore Charter School is to be located in Hull and is initially drawing students from Kindergarten-2nd grades and 7th-10th grades from across the south Shore. We also provide support programs for students and parents involved in homeschooling. The Charter School was founded and is managed by Dovetail Consulting which reports to a nonprofit Board of Trustees that is answerable to the State Secretary of Education.

For our home-schoolers, while most of their work is via mail, telephone and electronic mail, we require each of them and one of their parents to visit the Charter School twice a year for a three-day, face-to-face exhibition of mastery."

The above text has been excerpted from South Shore Charter School materials which were included in a packet passed out at an 'Empower America' conference held January 25,1995.

'Empower America' is headed up by leading neoconservatives in bed, of course, with the leftists (who have supported tax-funded school choice ever since the founding of the United Nations in 1945).  (New World Order manipulation and control in process)

   The ' Empower America' invitation to the January 25 conference had the following so-called 'conservatives' listed in the left-hand column as Directors of ' Empower America' and supporters of the conference:

Malcolm Forbes, William Bennett, Jack Kemp, Jeanne Kilpatrick, Newt Gingrich, Trent Lott, Michael Novak, amongst others. (New World Order control)

Speakers at the conference included former U.S. Secretary of Education and present U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander, sponsor of S.1177, former U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennett, former Governor Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin, former AZ State Supt. of Schools, Lisa Graham, and Dick Armey, formerly the head of the Freedom Works, and deeply involved with formation of the National Tea Party. (New World Order supporters. Don't be deceived thinking that one of these may be 'conservative'. The communists pose as conservatives and have infiltrated every party and organization in the nation to monitor and control to meet their objectives.)

Included in the packet of info was an article entitled "Variations on a Trend in Public Education--How Schools are Chartered in Eleven States and in the Russian Federation."


The Purpose of 'Charter Schools':

This plan was initiated by the Carnegie Corporation. Go to and type "Conclusions" into the search engine to read Carnegie's book Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies, 1934, which calls for changing America's capitalist system to a planned economy. Planned economy requires use of Soviet/communist/socialist workforce training. 

President Reagan/President USSR Gorbachev agreements signed in 1985 called for merging the two nations' education systems. Carnegie Corporation's agreement with Soviet Academy of Science called for joint development of computer software for early elementary school children in Marxist critical thinking.

The tax-funded school choice/charters without elected boards agenda are the HUGE ELEPHANT IN THE SENATE/HOUSE CHAMBERS:


The elephant will ultimately result in your loss of the right to vote since charters do not allow for elected school boards. Education is #1 in spending above even defense. Once we turn that budget over to unelected council decision making, the end of representative government will not be far behind!!!!!! Neoconservatives have even called for getting rid of elected representatives!

Willard W. Garvey, National Center for Privatization, in a letter to President Reagan, April 6, 1984 stated:
"Privatization is now an idea whose time has come. The knowledge, communication, and computer industry can make political representatives obsolete."

And homeschoolers think they are exempt from this agenda? They may have been up until a few years ago when computer programs such as former SecEd William Bennett's K-12 did not exist. In 2015 K-12 and other home school virtual learning home school programs (virtual charters which are federally funded, with no elected boards) are being used across the nation by home schooled children. Their federal funding requires federal assessment. Federal assessment includes every bad thing you have heard about Communist Core.

Secretary Bennett, when he was in charge of K-12, responded to savvy homeschoolers who asked him what test they would have to take, as follows:
"You will have to take the national test, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), since charter schools are federally funded." Communist Core is the latest version of the NAEP, on steroids due to computer assessment and remediation.

You may not realize that homeschoolers have already fallen into the charter school trap! The following information is taken from Virtual Schools:K12
Founded in 1999 by William J. Bennett, along with other leaders, K12 offers a traditional program of learning using online technology and traditional content. Many states are offering the K12 program through Virtual Academies, with programs that are free of charge to participating families.

K-12 Large Families
This group is for large families using the K-12 curriculum created by Dr. William Bennett. Both homeschooling families and Virtual School families are welcome. It is particularly intended for families with more than 3 children in K-12 as well as additional teens, toddlers and babies. Discussions include both the curriculum and the challenges of implementing it in a large family.

Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, PVA uses the tested and proven PAC curriculum         but in a virtual, online setting. Students with Internet access can now benefit from the PAC program from anywhere in the world.

Paradigm Virtual Academy (PVA) and Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum (PAC) is applicable in the following school choice options:
1) Home School (students complete courses at home-school operated by parents)
2) Charter School (public school operated like a private school-tax exempt organization)
3) Contract School (A private school under contract with a local public school)
4) Alternative Credit Recovery School (public or private school for recovering at-risk students)
5) Home-Public School program (register with local public school, but study at home)
6) School-within-a-School (individualized learning program operated in a public school)
7) Private School (sectarian or secular school when students pay tuition or apply a state voucher)
8) Magnet School (public school with specialty curriculum and course of study, usually for careers, but not necessarily).

© 2015 Charlotte T. Iserbyt - All Rights Reserved

Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms. Iserbyt is a former school board director in Camden, Maine and was co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the American Red Cross on Guam and Japan during the Korean War, and in the United States Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Republic of South Africa.
Iserbyt is a speaker and writer, best known for her 1985 booklet Back to Basics Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum and her 1989 pamphlet Soviets in the Classroom: America's Latest Education Fad which  covered the details of the U.S.-Soviet and Carnegie-Soviet Education Agreements which remain in effect to this day. She is a freelance writer and has had articles published in Human Events, The Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News, and included in the record of Congressional hearings.
Home schooled children generally EXCEL in learning and being tested way above the  'public' NWO communist school attendees. The personal attention, selective coursework and interaction with other home schooled children has been making an enormous positive difference in the education of our children in America. The issue with the public schools is that our children are not in a progressive/communist environment where they are being literally programmed, controlled and manipulated in to the New World Order mindset nor being steered in to a 'career field' that fits with the NWO goal of literally enslaving every child and adult on the planet.


Pick up the phone IMMEDIATELY and CALL your  U.S. Senators and DEMAND that they vote NO on Senator Lamar Alexander's Every Child Achieves Act of 2015 (S.1177).


         "If you haven’t heard about Jade Helm 15, you need to. It is multi-state training mission for special operations soldiers…with most of the activity happening on private property but some public, too,” Norris wrote. Now if Chuck Norris is showing apprehension over this unprecedented military operation, than it would certainly seem justified to say that the Pentagon has fumbled the public relations ball on this one.  Jade Helm 15 begins on July 15 and runs through until September 15.

Reutes/Erik De CastroJADE  HELM  15:  ONE  NATION  UNDER SIEGE?                                                                                                                 

Robert Bridge
July 10, 2015 14:12

An unprecedented military operation spanning seven southwestern US states has grabbed the attention of not only conspiracy theorists, but the governor of the second largest state in the republic.
Jade Helm 15, the largest domestic military exercise ever held on US soil, will bring together over 1,000 members from the nation’s elite forces, including Green Berets, Special Ops from the Navy and Marines, and SEALS. The sweeping operation, according to the Pentagon, will give soldiers an opportunity to practice “unconventional warfare.”
But don’t expect Humvees full of gun-toting American GIs careening along Main Street, causing a general ruckus. According to local reports, secrecy will play a large part in Jade Helm 15, which adheres to the enigmatic motto: “Mastering the Human Domain,” complete with a baffling logo that features two crossed arrows, a dagger and a transparent shoe in the center.

"They're going to set up cells of people and test how well they're able to move around without getting too noticed in the community," Roy Boyd, chief deputy with the Victoria County Sheriff's Office, told the Houston Chronicle. "They're testing their abilities to basically blend in with the local environment and not stand out and blow their cover."

Now if that isn’t enough to raise the red flag of fear among conspiracy theorists and average citizens alike, an unclassified US Army map describes the states of Utah and Texas as “hostile” territory. The Army explains this classification as merely attempting to portray a hypothetical hostile zone in a real-war situation (US brass attempted to reassure the citizens of Texas by telling them their state is slightly larger than the central Asian nation of Afghanistan, which apparently did little to tamp down suspicions).
For many Texans, however, having their state described as "hostile" not only brought their Republican blood to a boil, it reconfirmed their worst fears that martial law was about to be declared, complete with mass arrests, gun confiscations, even deportations to FEMA "internment camps." In April, the citizens of Bastrop, Texas got a chance to grill a US Army Colonel in a public forum on such questions, but few walked away, it seems, feeling comfortable with the answers they received.


Meanwhile, don’t expect your local media outlet to provide firsthand coverage of the biggest domestic military operation in US history. Although journalists have been granted access to past domestic maneuvers, and even permitted “embedded” reporters to travel with US forces in overseas battlefields, that same courtesy does not apply to Jade Helm 15.
“All requests from the media for interviews and coverage of US Army Special Operations Command personnel, organizations and events are assessed for feasibility and granted when and where possible,” Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria, a spokesman for Army Special Operations Command, Lastoria said in a statement released to The Washington Post. “We are dedicated to communicating with the public, while balancing that against the application of operations security and other factors.”
Indeed, so much conspiratorial dust has been kicked up over Jade Helm that Wikipedia has dedicated an entire page to the subject of ‘Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theories’ (some have even expressed confusion that there is no Wikipedia page devoted to the military exercises themselves).
Perhaps the wildest Jade Helm-inspired conspiracy theories involve the sudden closure of five Walmart stores at the same time the military operations will be running. Although Walmart said they closed the stores over “plumbing issues,” local news reports say the retail giant has yet to file permits to begin repair work. Conspiracy theorists now believe these stores will serve as “processing centers” once martial law goes into effect this summer.

Others point to a less disturbing, more plausible reason for the stores closures: Wal-Mart is simply trying to thwart its workers from forming labor unions.
In April, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union filed a claim with the National Labor Relations Board that says the closings were in retaliation for “a history of labor activism” at one of the closed stores, in Pico Rivera, California, according to the New York Times. The Pico Rivera store was the site of the first strike at a Walmart store in the United States, in 2012, where employees demanded changes to Wal-Mart’s work conditions, including paid maternity leave, access to full-time, and at least $15 an hour in pay for workers at the retailer’s 4,500 stores across the nation.
However, while that may explain the closure of the Walmart stores, it does not explain why the US military needs to hold such lengthy military operations – amid a cloud of secrecy – in the first place. After all, the US has over 900 military bases worldwide. Surely such operations could have been held at one of those sites?
In any case, the public backlash has become so severe that it prompted Texas Governor Greg Abbott to order the State Guard to monitor all Jade Helm military activities in his state.
“I’ve ordered the Texas State Guard to monitor Jade Helm 15 to safeguard Texans’ constitutional rights, private property & civil liberties,” Abbott announced.
As if that were not enough, even martial arts expert and Hollywood tough guy, Chuck Norris, jumped into the debate, expressing his own reservations about Jade Helm.
Robert Bridge has worked as a journalist in Russia since 1998. Formerly the editor-in-chief of The Moscow News, Bridge is the author of the book, “Midnight in the American Empire.”

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Texans organize 'Operation Counter Jade Helm'


Dylan Baddour, Houston Chronicle  Updated 5:38 pm, Friday, July 10, 2015  

When the troops land in Texas for Operation Jade Helm next week, someone will be waiting for them.  Hundreds of people have organized a "Counter Jade Helm" surveillance operation across the Southwestern states and in an effort to keep an eye on the contentious military drill that's sparked many suspicious of Uncle Sam's intentions.

Eric Johnston, a 51-year-old retired firefighter and sheriff's deputy who lives in Kerrville, is a surveillance team leader in Texas. He'll coordinate three groups of volunteers, about 20 folks in total, who hope to monitor the SEALs, Green Berets and Air Force Special Ops in Bastrop, Big Spring and Junction when Jade Helm kicks off on July 15.

With media prohibited at the drills, the volunteers could be a main source of information for the highly-anticipate seven-state exercise.  But locations more precise than the towns around which troops will drill remain unknown. For the citizens' surveillance operation, therein lies the first challenge.

"If a team member sees two Humvees full of soldiers driving through town, they're going to follow them," Johnston said. "And they're going to radio back their ultimate location." They aren't worried about martial law, he said, but feel like they can't trust the 'government', and want to make sure the military isn't under orders to pull anything funny.

The Texas volunteers are just one regiment of a national effort organized by 44-year-old former Marine Pete Lanteri, a New Yorker living in Arizona with plenty of experience on civilian border patrols. He founded the Counter Jade Helm, Facebook page, with six thousand members and he made the webpage and forum to which field reports will be uploaded.  "We're going to be watching what they do in the public," he said.
"Obviously on a military base they can do whatever they want but, if they're going to train on public land, we have a right as American citizens to watch what they're doing."


He said the volunteer force includes about 200 people, with the largest group in Arizona. Many former military and law enforcement, as well as lifelong civilians, have joined the cause. Lanteri will coordinate the whole seven state operation from his home in Phoenix, Ariz., where each field report will be received. Other individuals, like Johnston, will lead the efforts in each state, and others still will oversee the operations in each town where Jade Helm will take place. There, volunteers will locate the drill sites and observe. Johnston said there's a strict no-camouflage policy to avoid the appearance of a more radical group, and they'll all be unarmed. With binoculars and spotting scopes, they'll record troop numbers, uniforms and activities.

One of Johnston's men, a licensed pilot, even plans on making surveillance flights with his personal aircraft.
They'll relay all reports to the headquarters in Arizona. There, Lateri said an intelligence staff, some whom are former Army intelligence workers, will review and verify information before posting it publicly on their website.
"We just want to see what they're doing and make that information public," Johnston said.

That work seems similar to the task Texas Gov. Greg Abbott gave the Texas State Guard — one of three branches of the state-owned Texas Military — in April when he ordered them to "monitor" the federal troops in Jade Helm. However, the Texas Military won't share the details of their orders. In response to a query, a spokes person said "We are unable to speak about ongoing operations."

Abbott called up the guard after Texans flooded his office with fearful questions and comments about the impending exercise. Most thought Jade Helm was a front for a federal invasion and institution of martial law. Those comments mirrored theories about the drill that circulated online, some of which incorporated suspicions of shuttered Walmarts-turned-death camps, giant underground tunnels and century-old global conspiracies. Those notions drew chuckles from across the country, and eventually landed Jade Helm in the national headlines.  But the organizers insist the radically conspiracy-minded have been filtered from the surveillance volunteers, and no one among their group fears the imminent opening of concentration camps.

Lanteri said he struggles to keep that bloc off his Facebook page. "Once I saw the freaking nut-jobs coming out of the woodwork, I was spending half my day discrediting what they were posting," he said. "No nut-jobs will be put in the field," but that's not to say they aren't suspicious. Both Johnston and Lanteri think the military is up to something. 

As far back as November, Johnston heard rumblings of an unprecedented multi-state military drill on web forums he visits for law enforcement training and former military. That was months before the public learned of Jade Helm in March through a military slideshow document with a map that labeled Texas as a "hostile" territory. 

The uproar that followed pushed the U.S. Army Special Operations Command to send a spokesperson to Bastrop to address the fears of concerned citizens. The crowded town hall meeting did little to ease tensions. Johnston was there. He said it made him suspicious, though he doesn't think Jade Helm is a front for martial law.  "If the government wants to put troops in place for a takeover, they aren't going to put them in Bastrop," he said, but he said he doesn't know what is up.  He's "got a gut feeling," so he'll return to Bastrop, 130 miles from his home, next week to personally oversee the start of Operation Counter Jade Helm.

With an unknown number of federal troops moving between vaguely-specified Texas locations for two months, volunteer staffing will be tight, but they'll try to have someone on call at each location at all times.  The first crew is heading out to Bastrop this weekend. Two volunteers took their summer vacations next week, and will take their trailer homes to the piney town and wait for the Humvees to roll by.

Army Special Operations didn't address questions about the civilian surveillance operation, but said in a statement, "This training exercise will go mostly unnoticed, not interfere with private citizens and not violate their privacy and rights. It will not disrupt their economies or livelihoods. State and local officials will receive updates as the exercise progresses and they are equally committed to ensuring the training occurs smoothly."

Dead Doctors: Now 8 Dead And Disappeared

Are Medicine's Finest Being Assassinated? The Shocking Links!

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Published on ANP with permission from Deborah Dupre

Adding to mysterious deaths and disappearances of three American holistic anti-vaccine doctors in one state over the past two weeks plus three Mexican doctors and their two employees recently disappeared, supposedly found dead in the back of a pickup on June 19, are two more doctors missing, possibly disappeared in the US. Earlier this year, another holistic doctor met an untimely death after months of pleading for help as a self-identified targeted Individual, as reported by Deborah Dupré. It has emerged that most of these had at least one common link. Dr. Patrick Fitzpatrick, a retired opthalmologist who had practiced in North Dakota, went missing in neighboring Montana around July 3rd. Fitzpatrick, 74, is an MD specializing in Ophthalmology. NBC reports that the vehicle and trailer of Bismark resident Dr. Fitzpatrick were found abandoned next to a pea field Saturday, south of Willow Creek, near Three Forks, sheriff’s officials reported.  “Officials believe Fitzpatrick could have abandoned his vehicle as early as Friday. He is described as 6’ tall and over of 220 lbs.  He has white hair and a goatee, and speaks with an Irish accent.” Anyone with information about Dr. Fitzpatrick is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office: 406-582-2100.” (NBC News)
Also mysteriously missing as of June 29 is physician and preventive health advocate Dr. Jeffery Whiteside, in Fox Valley area, residing in Grand Chute, Wisconsin. Door County Sheriff’s Department is reportedly looking for Dr. Whiteside, last seen in the Ephraim area of northern Door County at a family vacation home and boat slip in Ephraim. He was last seen walking away from his boat slip at the family gathering.  WFRV reports on Dr. Whiteside, saying he is M/W DOB: 05-07-52 Age: 63, Height 5’09” Weight 185 lbs Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown, He was last seen wearing a maroon colored polo shirt and gray shorts. He wears eye glasses. Dr. Whiteside’s boat slip and vacation cabin is in Ephraim. Officials say he is believed to be on foot and still in the northern Door Co. area. Door Co. Sheriff’s Department was notified that Dr. Whiteside was missing on 07-01-15 at 0906 hrs. The Door Co. Sheriff’s Dept. along with Ephraim Fire Department volunteers and others continue looking for Dr. Whiteside, with search efforts concentrated in the Ephraim area. The Sheriff’s Department asks for the public’s assistance in finding Dr. Whiteside. If anyone has seen Dr. Whiteside, please call the Door Co. Sheriff’s Department at 920-746-2416. Whiteside is a doctor at Fox Valley Pulmonary Medicine, serves as ThedaCare Board of Trustees secretary and is an Executive Committee member. He was previously president of Appleton Medical Center and ThedaClark Medical Center staff. “Thousands of employees worked and work with (Dr. Whiteside) and the same number of patients have been helped by him,” said Megan Mulholland, spokeswoman for ThedaCare. “He has never stopped caring and developed long-term relationships with those patients.” “The longer he remains missing the more suspicious it is,” said Chief Deputy Pat McCarty, Door County Sheriff’s Department. The second doctor, also holistic in his anti-vaccine advocacy, is Dr. Bruce Hedendal DC PhD  of Boca Raton  (E Coast, North of Miami). Dr. Hedendal suddenly died on Father’s day. His body was found in his car, but there was no accident nor was the car running. Hedendal held a PhD in nutrition from Harvard and a colleague of his said he was in great shape, “very healthy.”
Bradstreet’s family have established a GoFundMe campaign, asking for donations to assist them in pressing for a thorough investigation into what happened to him. Their GoFundMe web page says theyneed support “To find the answers to the many questions leading up to the death of Dr Bradstreet, including an exhaustive investigation into the possibility of foul play. Thank you for your support!”
Holisitic Dr.
Teresa Ann Sievers MD, 46, also in Florida, in the Naples area of the South West coast in Bonita Springs, was found dead on June 29 in what has been ruled a homicide. She was a well loved, popular holistic medical doctor, according to her clients, website and close associate. “Sievers’ work as a holistic doctor focused not just on healing the body, but the mind and spirit as well, according to her close friend and colleague,” NBC reported.
“We don’t know anything but that she was murdered,” said Sievers’ sister, Annie Lisa, 52. She said Sievers, her husband and children had come to Connecticut for a gathering and her sister flew home alone Sunday, according to News
“The 46-year-old victim’s relatives remained mystified as to who would want to harm the beloved physician who dedicated her life to helping women and girls,” the Daily Mail reports. The professional’s neighbors said they are now concerned for their own safety, especially because authorities have remained tight-lipped about the circumstances surrounding her murder. ‘I’m very scared for my safety,’ resident Donetta Contreras told WINK News, based in southwest Florida.
Lee County Sheriff’s Office said Wednesday they were pursuing several leads in connection with the slaying. They reassured locals that no threat to the general population exists and that the murder was targeted, not random (no reassurance whatsoever to the thousands of self-denitrified targeted individuals).
Sievers’s husband Mark, office manager at Sievers’ Restorative Health & Healing Center clinic, is said to have adored his wife and worked hard for her tireless contribution to clients. Neighbors say they heard from law enforcement that this was a “gruesome murder scene,” some saying it involved a hammer. Neighbors reported to a tan-colored pickup truck was parked at the home the morning Dr. Sievers was found dead.

Dr. Sievers lived in a safe area where neighbors said problems are rare, if ever. That is no deterrent, however, to dangerous stalkers, including multi or gangstalkers who work in organized groups. She was murdered in her home while her husband and children were with relatives in Connecticut. She’d flown home alone the night before. Her body was found Monday morning at her Jarvis Road home after she didn’t arrive at work. Sievers’ neighbors, however, describe hearing screams on day of death. Her murder has reportedly left family and friends puzzled.
“We don’t know anything but that she was murdered,” said Sievers’ sister, Annie Lisa, 52. She said Sievers, her husband and children had come to Connecticut for a gathering and her sister flew home alone Sunday, according to News
“The 46-year-old victim’s relatives remained mystified as to who would want to harm the beloved physician who dedicated her life to helping women and girls,” the Daily Mail reports. The professional’s neighbors said they are now concerned for their own safety, especially because authorities have remained tight-lipped about the circumstances surrounding her murder. ‘I’m very scared for my safety,’ resident Donetta Contreras told WINK News, based in southwest Florida.
Lee County Sheriff’s Office said Wednesday they were pursuing several leads in connection with the slaying. They reassured locals that no threat to the general population exists and that the murder was targeted, not random, (no reassurance whatsoever to the thousands of self-denitrified targeted individuals).
Sievers’s husband Mark, office manager at Sievers’ Restorative Health & Healing Center clinic, is said to have adored his wife and worked hard for her tireless contribution to clients. Neighbors say they heard from law enforcement that this was a “gruesome murder scene,” some saying it involved a hammer. Neighbors reported to a tan-colored pickup truck was parked at the home the morning Dr. Sievers was found dead.
“It’s a very complicated case; there are details I wish I could share, but I can’t.” Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott. CBS reports on
Dr. Sievers’s death and a donation site on CBS’s official website. Blogger Erin Elizabeth wrote from Florida, “A few still write that I shouldn’t cover these stories, but I am a journalist, and now that 3 doctors have died so quickly from my state (at least one murdered) I feel I need to write about it.” Now, Elizabeth is uneasy about her fate. “Dr. Bradstreet had lived just 45 minutes from us here in Florida before moving to the neighboring state of Georgia. I also have been with a prominent well known doctor for the last 6 years so this concerns me. Several high profile MD’s have contacted me these last 2 weeks who are also concerned and mourn the loss of their colleagues.”

“It’s a very complicated case.  There are details I wish I could share, but I can’t.” Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott. CBS reports on
Dr. Sievers’s death and a donation site on CBS’s official website. Blogger Erin Elizabeth wrote from Florida, “A few still write that I shouldn’t cover these stories, but I am a journalist, and now that 3 doctors have died so quickly from my state (at least one murdered) I feel I need to write about it.” Now, Elizabeth is uneasy about her fate. “Dr. Bradstreet had lived just 45 minutes from us here in Florida before moving to the neighboring state of Georgia. I also have been with a prominent well known doctor for the last 6 years so this concerns me. Several high profile MD’s have contacted me these last 2 weeks who are also concerned and mourn the loss of their colleagues.”

Three Mexican Doctors and their Attorney Murdered.
Added to the disappeared or deceased American doctors within the same couple of weeks are three Mexican doctors plus their attorney, a story that took an even more suspicious turn today. Authorities reported finding the three missing Acapulco, Mexico doctors and their lawyer dead in the back of a pickup on June 19, in the troubled southern Mexico state of Guerrero, around the time the American doctors began dying mysteriously. A prosecutor’s office official then reported that the four young men were kidnapped by an armed group on the federal highway linking Mexico City to Acapulco as they headed to Chilpancingo,
according to NDTV.
Then, State Attorney General Miguel Ángel Godínez Muñoz told reporters Saturday that DNA tests confirmed the dead men were Dr. Raymundo Tepeque Cuevas, Dr. Marvin Hernández Ortega, Dr. José Osvaldo Ortega Saucedo and Julio César Mejía Salgado, the lawyer. The four were graduates of Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAG). The doctors worked at a community hospital, according to Today, it is
reported that before their disappearance, doctors Marvin Hernández Ortega and Reynaldo Tepeque Cuevas, and two “administrative employees” José Osvaldo Ortega Saucedo and Julio César Mejía Salgado, were traveling in a gray car that police later found in Xolapa riddled with bullet holes, blood stains, and shells from a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle. PanAm Post reports that to get the case closed as quickly as possible, officials delivered the wrong corpses, not those of the doctors and their attorney (as originally reported) nor administrative employees. Sunday, the victims’ families again distributed leaflets, set up posters, and painted murals in Acapulco, as they had on Saturday to urge authorities to keep searching for the missing medical professionals. “Contrary to statements from Guerrero Attorney General Miguel Ángel Godínez Muñoz, their families do not believe they have yet been found,” PanAm Post reports.

Possible Links - an anti-vaccine link - has been posted regarding the first three American doctors meeting untimely deaths in June. Each of the three were anti-vaccine holistic doctors. The first was compassionate but controversial Autism researcher Dr. Jeff Bradstreet MD. His body was found far from home in a river, with a gunshot wound to his chest. Officials were quick to rule 'suicide'.
Family and friends disbelieve this. Dr. Bradstreet treated hundreds of children with autism through chelation therapy at his medical clinic in Palm Bay, Florida. His son has autism that he believed was due to a vaccine induced reaction when 15-months old.

While many still view anti-vaccine doctors as quacks, Italy is one nation that does not do so anymore. On Sept. 23, 2014, an Italian court in Milan awarded compensation to a boy for vaccine-induced autism. (See the Italian document here.) A GlaxoSmithKline Infanrix Hexa vaccine against six childhood diseases caused the boy’s permanent autism and brain damage. The vaccine contained antigens, thimerosal (mercury-containing preservative), aluminum, an adjuvant, and other toxic ingredients. The child regressed into autism shortly after receiving the three doses. The US media underreported the case. Secrecy enshrouding vaccine adverse affects on the human population was also revealed in the case. Mary Holland, a research scholar and Director of the Graduate Legal Skills Program at NYU Law School, in a Global Research article, points to Presiding Judge Nicola Di Leo’s consideration of another piece of damning evidence: a 1271-page confidential GlaxoSmithKline report (available on the Internet). This document provided ample evidence of adverse events from the vaccine, including five known cases of autism resulting from the vaccine’s administration during its clinical trials. In 2012, Judge Lucio Ardigo of an Italian court in Rimini presided over a similar judgment, finding the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine caused a child’s autism. Both cases went underreported in the US and both court decisions flatly contradict decisions from the “U.S.. vaccine court,” a Court of Federal Claim’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. There, from 2007 to 2010, in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding, three decision makers, “Special Masters,” found vaccines did not cause autism in any of six test cases, and one Special Master compared the theory of vaccine-induced autism to Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. The US government seems determined for autism to strike 50% of all children by 2025, as predicted by MIT senior researcher Dr. Stephanie Seneff. (See: Autism To Strike Half US Children In 10 Years: MIT Sr. Researcher Sounds Monsanto, Vaccine Alarm) The American Medical Association (AMA) recently began crafting its ‘ethical guidelines for physicians in the media’ to ‘defend integrity of the profession.’
The new guidelines target unorthodox medical information that the AMA deems dubious and unsubstantiated and create disciplinary guidelines for doctors who make public claims that do not align with the ‘best available science’. The AMA spent nearly $20 million on lobbying in 2014 alone. Its roots are deep into American medicine. It has a powerful influence over the way state licensing boards oversee and discipline physicians in the U.S.. -
Dr. Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of the well respected Lancet peer-reviewed medical journal, recently published a statement declaring that much published research is unreliable at best, if not completely false.
“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analysis, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”
Organized medicine would like nothing more than to continue lining their pockets with the profits generated by Americans who are dependent on medications rather than taking charge of their own health and wellness.” (Erin Elizabeth) Dr. Mark Sircus reported Wednesday on just how sleazy the American medical system is and how dangerous the FDA is: “It is hard not to think about doctors when talking about con games. The entire medical system is a con, a sleazy mix of lies and deception where medical studies are often not worth the paper they are printed on yet the FDA swallows medical studies as if they were chapters out of the bible.”
In relation to vaccines, Dr. Sircus points to mercury in the flu vaccine as one example of the cocktail’s danger: “In the flu vaccine, there is a whopping 51,000 ppb (parts per billion) of mercury in the multi-dose flu vaccine—the most common type of flu vaccine given. How much is 51,000 ppb? It is
25,000 times the legal maximum for mercury in drinking water established by the Environmental Protection Agency. Keep in mind that when you inject mercury, it is 100% absorbed so it is more toxic to inject it as compared to eating it in fish or drinking it in water. Do pediatricians rise up against the CDC and complain? (
As far as I am concerned pediatricians, who inject children with the flu vaccine are criminals but like everything else, people are conned and very few complain,” says Sircus.
There is little to no kindness in mainstream medicine because they are too busy making money practicing a form of human butchery that maims and kills people by the hundreds of thousands a year around the world.” Another possible link between at least two of the American doctors missing and the Mexican doctors is they had all had recent encounters with federal government officials.
Two of the American doctors had recently been contacted by 'federal agents'.
Both doctors Hedendal and Bradstreet reportedly had recent run-ins with US federal agents. FDA and DEA agents raided Dr. Bradstreet’s office on June 16. Reportedly, federal authorities has also contacted Dr. Hedendaldays before his death,
according to ABC7. An associate of Bradtsreet stated under anonymity: “I know enough about Jeff Bradstreet to know his state of mind.  He was a sound thinker!  He was prudent and calculated.  Acting out on the spur of the moment and deciding to kill himself is like a joke.  He was a jet pilot!…  The one thing all instrument pilots share is a high IQ with the ability to multi task and make sound pragmatic decisions in emergency situations.  In other words, [they] don’t freak out!” A commenter wrote that he’d spoken to Bradstreet while the agents were with him. “I spoke to Jeff at 12:30 that Thursday just when the FDA was there. He was calm and told me there was a emergency he would call me back the next day, Friday.
He was a genius, a very very smart man who would not have killed himself over this on such short notice.” El Sur
reports that hours before their deaths, the Mexican doctors had also been in contact with government officials.
“The complaint details that the three workers took early Friday headed to Chilpancingo to reclassification procedures at the State Health Secretariat. They stopped in Acapulco, and one of the doctors borrowed the car [an SUV] Ibiza gray family to move to Chilpancingo. (sic) At noon they came to government offices to gather documentation requested dependency site when last seen. The document details that the three doctors returned around 3:00 pm bound for Acapulco…”
El Universal reported last Thursday that investigators found an abandoned taxi near the SUV and in the back of the vehicle, they found a shirt with the state police logo on it and a cartridge belt.
Violence against Mexican health workers is not new, says Escobar Secretary Habeica. Recent American history is also littered with government-sponsored covert targeting of individuals, people PI William Taylor say are “Americas’ best people.” 'Accidental deaths' and 'suicides' of scientists with evidence showing what mainstream touts as news is leaving a big gap in truth.
These targets had potential to sabotage important agendas not in best interest of humanity. The five American doctors who recently died untimely deaths or remain missing are among 74 prominent scientists murdered over the past ten years. Another commonality between the mystery disappearances and deaths is that families and friends are accusing officials of fraudulent reporting on the disappearances and/or deaths. In the US, funds have been established to pressure further investigations. In Mexico, family and friends are demanding full, transparent investigations. “Cecilia Ortega Solórzano, mother of Hernández Ortega, disagrees with the official report: “The day we were told about the bodies, we went to identify them, but they didn’t belong to our relatives, who have been missing for four days. These corpses were decaying as if they have been dead for 15 days,” she said.

On June 28, the Mexican victims’ families met with Governor Rogelio Ortega Martínez, who “does not believe the prosecutor … He is on our side, he believes us,” relatives told local reporters. In a document delivered to the governor, they reject the forensic analysis and demand the prosecutor resign over his “ineptitude, lack of professionalism,” and “attempts to impose” his conclusions. Guadalupe Reséndiz, a psychologist and wife of Tepeque, reported irregularities during the investigations. She says investigators tampered with the crime scene, and that the advanced decomposition of the corpses found suggests they died days before the physicians went missing.
Carlos Mejía Salgado, brother of Julio César, told press that he wants the federal police to run new DNA tests on the bodies. “We don’t anything they tell us here anymore; 'evidence' can be manipulated,” he says.
One difference between Mexico and the US regarding the deaths and disappearances is that enough Mexican health worker targeted individuals have been disappeared for Mexicans to protest.

Doctors, nurses and hospital employees stage protest in Acapulco on June 24 demanding return of four missing men. Photo: Cuartoscuro

A second difference is that after the Mexican doctors and their attorney and/or employees disappeared, the US issued a red alert warning to Americans about the danger of traveling to Mexico. Mexico has not issued a similar travel alert for traveling to the US. A representative from the National School of Topical Medicine says he isn’t buying “conspiracies that are surfacing on the web” about the disappearances.
He is what is called a “Coincidence Theorist.” Peter Jay Hotez of the National School of Topical Medicine said: “Look at some anti-vaxxer sites and there is a heavy component of conspiracy theorists that say pharmaceutical companies are in collusion with the Public Health Authorities.” Are other American doctors at greater risk for being targeted to death for their upholding their “Do no harm” Hippocratic Oath by promoting safe and effective natural protocols rather than caving to the AMA and Big Pharma? How many other holistic doctors or doctors with interest in natural, alternative remedies rather than drugs Big Pharma pushes have been covertly murdered? We have documentation of one in recent months, Dr. Deborah Gilmaker. (See: Secret Society Kills TI Doctor (Videos)

Dr. Gilmaker had been in contact with Deborah Dupré with her account of how she was being covertly targeted. “Deborah touched my heart after only one phone conversation and a couple of emails. This almost never happens to me – and now my heart is broken,”   commented Stephen Axelrod wrote four months ago about Dr. Gilmaker’s suspected murder.
“Even though our encounter was brief, it was immediately clear to me this is a woman of wisdom, of kindness and perhaps a kindred spirit and her untimely death diminishes us all. I am sad.” “She was an extremely beautiful soul who, even though I didn’t see her much these past few years, helped me, encouraged me, and kept me going when I was very ill. I just can’t believe she’s gone. It’s devastating to me…”
writes commenter Karen Redding.
Two days ago, Eve Axelrad commented about Dr. Gilmaker, “I think about Debbie often and it is close to her birthday now and I am wondering how the family is managing. Debbie kept me going when I was very ill. She was so magnificent and brilliant and funny and empathetic, and talked about her wonderful kids that she adored often.” Perhaps as more US doctors are targeted for upholding their Oath are covertly disappeared and/or assassinated, more Americans will believe the targeted individual phenomenon and demand change. In this regard, the USA is becoming more like the country they are warned to not travel in, Mexico.
Perhaps only when more Americans realize that drug / chemical profiteers are planning for some half of the U.S. population to be disabled with autistism or with Alzheimer’s by 2050 will enough American citizens demand better. Meanwhile, the targeting to death of America’s best professionals is soaring, as are autism and Alzheimer’s rates.

The FACT that nearly EVERY sickness man contracts IS CURABLE via NATURAL MEDICINE (that which each of these dead and/or 'missing' doctors provided - NOT the pharmaceutical allopathic 'doctors'  prescribing drug poisons and procedures (chemo-therapy and radiation) that most Americans foolishly rush in to have done) explains WHY these effective naturopathic medical practitioners are being targeted for extermination.  Protect those naturopaths you know and frequent, and use wisdom for who you consult for help with your own medical needs.  Consult THEM and NOT the 'enemy' doctors whose practices and procedures will continue to keep you sick so they can make all the money they possibly can before they OBEY the 'gov' and finish you off.

The FACT that nearly EVERY sickness man contracts IS CURABLE via NATURAL MEDICINE (that which each of these dead and/or 'missing' doctors provided - NOT the pharmaceutical allopathic 'doctors'  prescribing drug poisons and procedures (chemo-therapy and radiation) that most Americans foolishly rush in to have done) explains WHY these effective naturopathic medical practitioners are being targeted for extermination.  Protect those naturopaths you know and frequent, and use wisdom for who you consult for help with your own medical needs.  Consult THEM and NOT the 'enemy' doctors whose practices and procedures will continue to keep you sick so they can make all the money they possibly can before they OBEY the 'gov' and finish you

The “JADE” In Jade Helm 15 is an AI Software Program

Finally! Some real Jade Helm information! The recent stock market crash in Shanghai preceded the NYSE, WSJ, and United Airlines disruptions, followed by the Shanghai-bound typhoon. These could all be performed by a sophisticated AI system, like JADE, described in the video (below) -LW

“JADE” is an A.I. quantum computing technology that produces holographic battlefield simulations and has the ability to use vast amounts of data being collected on the human domain to generate human terrain systems in geographic population centric locations to identify and eliminate targets, insurgents, rebels or whatever labels that can be flagged as targets in a Global Information Grid for Network Centric Warfare environments.
The JADE II battle field system is cognitive and intuitive. It can examine prior executed battle plans and and devise ‘new and better’ strategies to increase the ‘kill chain’. The II generation of JADE has the capability for two way communication with drones through the OCCOM technology which is one of the next generation integrations to this system.
In short, JADE HELM will not be battles directed by Generals and Military Commanders, but by a computer. It is a cognitive software program based on a Network Centric Warfare System at the HELM.

Please get this information out, share, re-post. It would seem the Jade Helm 15 exercise is actually a system roll out and more diabolical than we originally imagined.

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