Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Secret Founding Of America And Why It Matters Today

The Secret Founding Of America And Why It Matters Today

By: Paul Adams –
He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past. – George Orwell
america's fouding fathers
In his book, The Secret Founding of America: The Real Story of Freemasons, Puritans & The Battle for the New World, Nicholas Hagger analyzes the two groups that founded the United States – the Planting Fathers, who established the early settlements (Puritans and Anglicans), and the Freemason Founding Fathers, who united the colonies with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Hagger demonstrates that the new nation, conceived in liberty, was the Freemason’s first step toward a New World Order. He explains how the German Illuminati influenced many of the Founders, including Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine. Finally, Hagger shows the hidden hand of Freemasonry at work in every turning point in America’s history, from the Civil War, through the Cold War, to today’s contrived and poorly scripted War on Terror and related police state.
It must be noted that much of Hagger’s information is also featured in the Christopher Pinto’s award-winning Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings documentary series. The knowledge contained in these items are essential for all Americans. Only when we properly understand our past can we understand where our “leaders” are taking us today. Only when we truly comprehend the occult heritage which our Founding Fathers set in place can we understand why America is constantly at war, why our nation forces a perverse brand of “democracy” upon the world, and why America has always been leading all nations steadily towards the NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM (New Order of the Ages – New World Order), the Illuminati symbol of which is on the back of the American One Dollar Bill.

Freemasons in the Colonies
In the 16th century, Sir Francis Bacon was at the helm of the secret societies in England and authored his famous book, The New Atlantis. Bacon’s book was the blueprint for colonizing the United States, advocating that America “would become a paradise in which men would follow reason, become gods and work for a universal world republic that would then replicate the Utopian conditions of America throughout the known world.” Secret knowledge would be passed on through the generations by Freemasons and other secret societies. (Hagger p. 87) As Chief of the Rosicrucians and the first Grand Master of modern Freemasonry, Bacon sent his followers to the new world. A 1910 Newfoundland stamp with his image upon it reads, “Lord Bacon: the Guiding Spirit in [the] Colonization Scheme.”
Because of his influence, Francis Bacon is considered by some to be the real and true founder of America. For centuries, controversy has surrounded this figure who is said to be the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I, and secret author of the Shakespeare plays; the man whom Thomas Jefferson considered one of the three most influential men in history.
In 1733, Rosicrucian Freemasonry formally entered America when the St John’s Lodge was established in Boston. It became the Masonic capital of Britain’s colonies. By 1737 there were lodges in Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina, all committed to implementing the plan for a Utopian New Atlantis… In February 1731, Benjamin Franklin became a Rosicrucian Mason and in 1734 Provincial Grand Master of Pennsylvania. Hager p. 97-98
Franklin returned to England from 1764 to 1775 and discovered Baconian English Freemasonry’s Secret Doctrine to create a New World or philosophical Atlantis in America. In 1775, Tom Paine, whom Franklin had sent to America to work on the Pennsylvania Magazine, argued that America should demand independence from England. Franklin returned to Philadelphia and printed Paine’s Common Sense propaganda. Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the Declaration of Independence, was also a Rosicrucian.
Hagger notes that “the federalism that finally united the 13 colonies into states was identical to the federalism of the Grand Lodge system of Masonic government which had been created in Anderson’s Constitution of 1723.” (Hager p. 98-99, 153)
The Boston Tea Party was entirely a masonic event organized by the St Andrew’s Lodge in Boston, of which John Hancock and Paul Revere were members and supported by Virginia Masons Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee.
After dark on December 17, 1773, at least 120 Masons from the St Andrew’s lodge, disguised as Mohawk Indians, bordered the ships and threw the tea into the harbor, allegedly to protest numerous taxes levied by King George III. (Hagger p. 103-104)
george washington
Of the 56 signatures on the Declaration of Independence, 9 according to some, 53 according to others, came from Freemasons. The first President, George Washington, was a Freemason and was elected Grand Master of the Templar Alexandria Lodge no. 22 in Virginia. (Hagger p. 105)
According to Hagger, during the American Revolution, 31 out of 33 military generals under George Washington were Freemasons. Importantly, the British military leadership was also Freemasonic: Sir William Howe, Brigadier General Augustine Prevost, and 34 senior colonels were all Freemasons. When the French joined on the side of the Americans, Freemason Marquis de Lafayette trapped General Cornwallis, commander of the British forces at Yorktown.
London blamed Templar Freemasonry for the humiliating British defeat, suggesting Cornwallis, Clinton, and the Hower brothers were all Templar Freemasons and had conspired to lose to their fellow Freemasons. In 1781 General Howe and Admiral Howe were accused by ‘Cicero’ of betraying their country to Benjamin Franklin. Hagger p. 151-152
It appears that the American Revolution was a rigged game on the chessboard of Freemasonry.
Anyone who doubts that Freemasons still control the U.S. government should read House Resolution 33 (33 being the highest admitted degree of Freemasonry) passed in 2007, which states in part:
Recognizing the thousands of Freemasons in every State in the Nation and honoring them for their many contributions to the Nation throughout its history.
Whereas Freemasons, whose long lineage extends back to before the Nation’s founding, have set an example of high moral standards and charity for all people;
Whereas the Founding Fathers of this great Nation and signers of the Constitution, most of whom were Freemasons, provided a well-rounded basis for developing themselves and others into valuable citizens of the United States.
H. RES. 33, was submitted by Congressman and 33rd degree Mason Paul Gillmor.
The Founding Fathers Were Deists
The Founding Fathers, as opposed to the Planting Fathers, rejected all organized religion in favor of Deism. They believed: 1) in a supreme being; 2) the need to worship that being; 3) that the best form of worship was to lead a virtuous life; 4) one must repent; 5) one would be rewarded and/or punished after death. Any religious view contrary to nature and reason, such as a virgin birth and divine intervention in the affairs of men, is rejected by Deism. (Hagger p. 109) The founders studied Deist works by Voltaire and Rousseau. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams were all openly Deists. George Washington and many other Founders posed as Christians but were clearly Deists in their personal writings. As Hagger notes:
The reason the Founding Fathers kept their Deism secret and retained the façade of Christianity was to unify the Catholic, Anglican, and Puritan settlers into one new nation-state. They wanted to be sure of having a nation of trusting and passive followers. So religion served a utilitarian, rather than spiritual purpose. Hagger p. 123
Anyone who doesn’t believe that the Founding Fathers rejected organized religion should read the Treaty of Tripoli (1797), which was passed unanimously and signed into law by President John Adams. Article 11 of the Treaty reads:
As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.
The evidence and writings of the Founding Fathers themselves demonstrates that they were Deists. However, many of them also had ties to Satanism and the occult.
The Bavarian Illuminati and the Founding Fathers
The German Illuminati was born in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, just two months prior to the Declaration of Independence. Weishaupt was the son of a Jewish rabbi. He became a Jesuit priest prior to becoming an atheist, before becoming a Satanist. He studied in France, where he met Robespierre, the future leader of the bloody French Revolution. Weishaupt was also a student of the Eleusinisn mysteries, Pythagoras, the Kabbalah, the Keys of Solomon, and performed occult rituals.
In 1773, Weishaupt held a meeting with banker, master of usury, and insider trader, Mayer Amschel Rothschild to discuss world revolution. The Rothschilds were Freemasons and financially supported the Illuminati’s mission. Hagger p. 128.-135
After becoming a leading Freemason and the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, Weishaupt set the following goals for his loyal followers: 1) abolish all ordered government; 2) abolition of private property; 3) abolition of inheritance; 4) abolition of patriotism; 5) abolition of all religion; 6) abolition of the family and marriage; 7) creation of one world government. These goals were the embryonic form of Communism. (Hagger p. 132-133)
Weishaupt instructed the Illuminati to act in secret. He also took pride in deceiving Christians and others of good will into joining his order.
Initiates were deliberately deceived. They were told that the Order of Illuminati represented the highest ideals of the Church, that Christ was an Illuminist, that his secret mission was to restore people to the liberty they lost in the Garden of Eden. Weishaupt told them that Christ despised riches to prepare for the abolition of property ownership and the sharing of all possessions.” Hagger p. 134-135
Hagger provides great detail of Benjamin Franklin meeting with the Illuminati and his viewing of their Great Seal. The Great Seal was designed by Weishaupt and would later be placed on the one dollar bill by Freemason U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. See the Eye of the Phoenix documentary for more details.
Hagger states that, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin adopted the Illuminati’s ideals while in France in 1784 to negotiate a treaty with France. (Hagger p. 137 – 142)
Significant evidence reveals Benjamin Franklin was a Satanist. Franklin was a member of the Hellfire Club, a secret society that conducted black masses and orgies. Additionally, in 1998, workmen restoring Franklin’s London home dug up the remains of six children and four adults hidden below the home. The Sunday Times reported:
Initial estimates are that the bones are about 200 years old and were buried at the time Franklin was living in the house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762, and from 1764 to 1775. Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut. One skull has been drilled with several holes. Paul Knapman, the Westminster Coroner, said yesterday: “I cannot totally discount the possibility of a crime. There is still a possibility that I may have to hold an inquest.”
freemasonic symbolism in washington 

Freemasonic Symbolism in Washington, DC 
In 1790 President/Freemason George Washington chose a marshy swamp as the new Nation’s capital site and selected Freemason Pierre Charles Enfant to design the new city, then called the “Territory of Columbia.” In 1795 the Freemasonic Founding Fathers laid out the streets of Washington D.C to form Masonic symbols: a compass, square, rule, pentagram, pentagon, and octagon. (Hagger p. 164) This information is further detailed in Riddles in Stone.
On September 18, 1773, President George Washington laid the foundation stone of the Capitol building. He wore full Masonic regalia and was surrounded by brother Masons. The foundation stones for the White House and other Federal buildings were also laid in Masonic ritual.
Hagger submits that the U.S. Constitution intentionally removed sovereignty from the 13 states to a Freemasonry-dominated national central government so that Freemasonry could dominate America according to Bacon’s plan for a New Atlantis. In short, the Founding Fathers staged a coup against the states. (Hagger p.165-166)

Freemasonry’s Control of America
Like the Revolutionary War, Hagger demonstrates that the Civil War was a Freemason sponsored event with the Rothschilds controlling the North via August Belmont, a presidential advisor, and the South via Judah Benjamin, Secretary of State for the Confederacy. In 1851, Giuseppe Mazzini, who had taken over the Illuminati in 1834, began the process of bringing about a civil war by forming revolutionary groups throughout the United States to intensify the slavery debate. Most of the political and military leadership of the Confederacy was composed of Freemasons under Albert Pike’s command. Pike was a 33rd degree Mason, the most powerful Mason in the world at the time, and an admitted Luciferian. (Hagger p. 185)
Immediately after Abraham Lincoln’s presidential election, South Carolina, headquarters of the Southern Jurisdiction of Freemasonry, was the first state to secede. Florida seceded next, led by Freemason David Yulee. Georgia seceded, led by Freemasons Howell Cobb and Robert Toombs. Louisiana seceded led by Freemasons John Slidell and Pierre Soule. Texas Governor, Sam Houston, a Freemason, led Texas in secession. Hagger’s list continues in detail. (Hagger p. 178-179)
After the Civil War, Lincoln was hated by Freemasons. He had prevented them from dividing America between England and France and establishing a Rothschild central bank. John Wilkes Booth, a 33rd degree Mason with connections to Mazzini’s Illuminati, executed Lincoln with a shot to the head. Edwin Stanton, the Freemason in Lincoln’s cabinet, covered-up the Masonic involvement and helped Booth escape. (Hagger p. 182-183)

A Freemasonic World
Hagger concludes by naming many other prominent Freemasons in more recent history, such as Newt Gingrich, Joseph Stalin, Bob Dole, Barry Goldwater, Jesse Jackson, Ross Perot, Douglas MacArthur, and many others. He refers to modern Freemasonry as “The Syndicate,” as it is little more than a highly secretive organized crime ring. (Hager p. 190)
Importantly, Hagger notes that out of British Freemasonry came a number of new secret societies, such as the Round Table, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, and the Trilateral Commission. These are the organizations we see making policy today, not just in the U.S. or England, but for the world. (Hagger p. 191)
Immediately after World War II, the Rockefeller family, acting in conjunction with the CFR and The Syndicate, was instrumental in establishing world government through the United Nations. John D. Rockefeller III donated $8.5 million for the purchase of 18 acres of land in Manhattan on which the UN building was built. (Hagger p. 195)
Today’s Agenda
Today, Freemasons and their offshoot organizations are diligently working to cap the pyramid of Adam Weishaupt’s New World Order. In the news, we constantly hear powerful politicians and corporate officers around the world bragging about the New World Order. Unfortunately, the democratic republic that we learned of in government training camps (public schools), the United States of America, with few exceptions is largely a myth of legend. If you doubt this, simply look at the Confidence in Congress rating, currently at 10%. Congress does not represent the American people and many of us continuously prove ourselves fools by supporting Democrats, Republicans, and rigged elections.
congress approval rating
Clearly politicians are puppets and most decisions with significant historical impact are made by secret societies like the Freemasons, Jesuits, and Illuminati.
Unlike the Founding Fathers, today’s Freemasons and their offshoot organizations are limiting individual freedom, not expanding it. The First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments are under attack.

Today’s invisible rulers use the same Illuminati tools to achieve their goals: deception, propaganda, false flag terror, threats of outside enemies, and usury.
The Freemasons, Jesuits, and their spin-off organizations must be prosecuted as international organized crime syndicates under the Logan Act and Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). However, the criminal elements and/or Freemasons within government are not going to prosecute themselves.
Therefore, we must earn our liberty by learning our true history and the plans of the New World Order. Then we must educate others until society shuns Freemasons (and other secret societies) and encourages them to disband. The alternative media must expose the crimes and stories that the corporate media is complicit in covering-up. Otherwise, Adam Weishaupt’s New World Order will soon be completed and most of us will find ourselves in hell on earth.

Paul Adams is a follower of Jesus Christ and Martin Luther King, Jr. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them. Ephesians 5:11

Central Banks Have Become A Corrupting Force

Central Banks Have Become A Corrupting Force

federal reserve bank

(The Real Agenda) Are we witnessing the corruption of central banks?
Are we observing the money-creating powers of central banks being used to drive up prices in the stock market for the benefit of the mega-rich?
These questions came to mind when we learned that the central bank of Switzerland, the Swiss National Bank, purchased 3,300,000 shares of Apple stock in the first quarter of this year, adding 500,000 shares in the second quarter.
Smart money would have been selling, not buying. It turns out that the Swiss central bank, in addition to its Apple stock, holds very large equity positions, ranging from $250,000,000 to $637,000,000, in numerous US corporations — Exxon Mobil, Microsoft, Google, Johnson & Johnson, General Electric, Procter & Gamble, Verizon, AT&T, Pfizer, Chevron, Merck, Facebook, Pepsico, Coca Cola, Disney, Valeant, IBM, Gilead, Amazon. Among this list of the Swiss central bank’s holdings are stocks which are responsible for more than 100% of the year-to-date rise in the S&P 500 prior to the latest sell-off.
What is going on here?
The purpose of central banks was to serve as a “lender of last resort” to commercial banks faced with a run on the bank by depositors demanding cash withdrawals of their deposits. Banks would call in loans in an effort to raise cash to pay offdepositors. Businesses would fail, and the banks would fail from their inability to pay depositors their money on demand.
As time passed, this rationale for a central bank was made redundant by government deposit insurance for bank depositors, and central banks found additional functions for their existence. The Federal Reserve, for example, under the Humphrey-Hawkins Act, is responsible for maintaining full employment and low inflation.
By the time this legislation was passed, the worsening “Phillips Curve tradeoffs” between inflation and employment had made the goals inconsistent.
The result was the introduction by the Reagan administration of the supply-side economic policy that cured the simultaneously rising inflation and unemployment. Neither the Federal Reserve’s charter nor the Humphrey-Hawkins Act says that the Federal Reserve is supposed to stabilize the stock market by purchasing stocks.
The Federal Reserve is supposed to buy and sell bonds in open market operations in order to encourage employment with lower interest rates or to restrict inflation with higher interest rates. If central banks purchase stocks in order to support equity prices, what is the point of having a stock market?
The central bank’s ability to create money to support stock prices negates the price discovery function of the stock market. The problem with central banks is that humans are fallible, including the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board and all the board members and staff.
Nobel prize-winner Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz established that the Great Depression was the consequence of the failure of the Federal Reserve to expand monetary policy sufficiently to offset the restriction of the money supply due to bank failure.
When a bank failed in the pre-deposit insurance era, the money supply would shrink by the amount of the bank’s deposits. During the Great Depression, thousands of banks failed, wiping out the purchasing power of millions of Americans and the credit creating power of thousands of banks. The Fed is prohibited from buying equities by the Federal Reserve Act. But an amendment in 2010 – Section 13(3) – was enacted to permit the Fed to buy AIG’s insolvent Maiden Lane assets.
This amendment also created a loophole which enables the Fed to lend money to entities that can use the funds to buy stocks. Thus, the Swiss central bank could be operating as an agent of the Federal Reserve. If central banks cannot properly conduct monetary policy, how can they conduct an equity policy?
Some astute observers believe that the Swiss National Bank is acting as an agent for the Federal Reserve and purchases large blocs of US equities at critical times to arrest stock market declines that would puncture the propagandized belief that all is fine here in the US economy.
We know that the US government has a “plunge protection team” consisting of the US Treasury and Federal Reserve.
The purpose of this team is to prevent unwanted stock market crashes.Is the stock market decline of August 20-21 welcome or unwelcome? At this point we do not know. In order to keep the dollar up, the basis of US power, the Federal Reserve has promised to raise interest rates, but always in the future.
The latest future is next month. The belief that a hike in interest rates is in the cards keeps the US dollar from losing exchange value in relation to other currencies, thus preventing a flight from the dollar that would reduce the Uni-power to Third World status.
The Federal Reserve can say that the stock market decline indicates that the recovery is in doubt and requires more stimulus. The prospect of more liquidity could drive the stock market back up.
As asset bubbles are in the way of the Fed’s policy, a decline in stock prices removes the equity market bubble and enables the Fed to print more money and start the process up again.
On the other hand, the stock market decline last Thursday and Friday could indicate that the players in the market have comprehended that the stock market is an artificially inflated bubble that has no real basis. Once the psychology is destroyed, flight sets in. If flight turns out to be the case, it will be interesting to see if central bank liquidity and purchases of stocks can stop the rout.

Luis R. Miranda is an award-winning journalist and the founder and editor-in-chief at The Real Agenda. His career spans over 18 years and almost every form of news media. His articles include subjects such as environmentalism, Agenda 21, climate change, geopolitics, globalisation, health, vaccines, food safety, corporate control of governments, immigration and banking cartels, among others. Luis has worked as a news reporter, on-air personality for Live and Live-to-tape news programs. He has also worked as a script writer, producer and co-producer on broadcast news. Read more about Luis.

What You Already Know Will Pale In Comparison To The UN Agenda In September (VIDEO)

What You Already Know Will Pale In Comparison To The UN Agenda In September (VIDEO)

agenda 21

“2015 is the year when countries will shape and adopt a NEW development agenda that will build on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).” UN Sustainable Development Website.
To “shape and change the countries of the world” that is one of the main agendas that will be promoted at this years United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development Meeting happening during the critical month of September. President Obama, President Putin of Russia, Pope Francis and China’s president Xi Jinping, will all be in attendance at this globalists planning “party”.
During the Assembly 17 goals and 169 targets will be addressed, as well as, their ultimate plan to have it in place by 2030. In the video I delve through the real agenda that is being pushed under the radar—the Globalists New World Order, depopulation, climate lies and you won’t believe what else! Please don’t miss this crucial, concise report… 

Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment
and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage
forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice
for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable 
agenda 21
For More Information See:

Lisa Haven is an independent Christian news analysis and one of the top contributors on She is also author of and runs her own youtube channel (Lisa Haven) with tens-of-thousands of views per day. Digging deep and finding truth is what she lives for. Her passion is to spread truth no matter where it lies. She covers everything from martial law, to FEMA camps, to end time bible prophecy, to government documents and much more! Before launching her journalism career, she wrote many bible studies and lead women ministries for a number of years. She will also complete her ministry degree at International School of Ministry this year.

The Dying Institutions Of Western Civilization

The Dying Institutions Of Western Civilization

By: Paul Craig Roberts |
Judicial Branch Has Self-Abolished
The US no longer has a judiciary. This former branch of government has transitioned into an enabler of executive branch fascism.
Privacy is a civil liberty protected by the US Constitution. The Constitution relies on courts to enforce its prohibitions against intrusive government, but if the executive branch claims (no proof required) “national security,” courts kiss the Constitution good-bye.
Federal judges are chosen by the executive branch. The senate can refuse to confirm, but that is rare. The executive branch chooses judges who are friendly to executive power. This is especially the case for the appeals courts and the Supreme Court.
The Justice (sic) Department keeps tabs on district court judges who rule against the government, and these judges don’t make it to the higher courts. The result over time is to erode civil liberty.
Recently a three-judge panel of the US Appeals Court for the District of Columbia ruled that the National Security Agency can continue its mass surveillance of the US population without showing cause. The panel avoided the constitutional question by ruling on procedural terms that NSA had a right to withhold the information that would prove the plaintiffs’ case.
By refusing to extend the section of the USA PATRIOT Act—a name that puts a patriotic sheen on Orwellian totalitarianism—that gave carte blanche to the NSA and by passing the USA Freedom Act, Congress attempted to give NSA’s spying a constitutional patina.
The USA Freedom Act allows the telecom companies to spy on us and collect all of our communications data and for NSA to access the data by obtaining a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court. The Freedom Act protects constitutional procedures by requiring NSA to go through the motions, but it does not prevent telecom companies from invading our privacy in behalf of NSA.
No one has ever explained the supposed threat that American citizens pose to themselves that requires all of their communications to be collected and stored by Big Brother. If the US Constitution was respected by the executive branch, Congress, the judiciary, law schools and bar associations, there would have been a public discussion about whether Americans are most threatened by the supposed threat that requires universal surveillance or by the loss of their constitutional protections. We all know what our Founding Fathers’ answer would be.

Florida Government Defies Voters, Misuses Earmarked Funds
By allocating funds set aside by law for the purchase of land and wildlife habitat to other purposes, Florida Republicans have negated the Water and Land Conservation Amendment that Floridians passed with a 75% majority last November. The amendment requires that one-third of the funds produced by real estate stamp taxes be used for conservation purposes.
Conservation runs counter to the interests of real estate developers and polluters who have done so much to destroy Florida’s unique environment. Real estate developers and polluters are major Republican contributors.
Faced with the people’s will, the Republican government is claiming that proper uses of the fund are to pay salaries for the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, to teach best management practices for privately owned lands, and to pay private agricultural operations to retain the pollution that results from their operations on their own property.
In typical Republican fashion, money legally mandated for purchasing public land is being used to pay state salaries and to make payments to private land owners. This is a good indication of the scant respect that American democracy has for the will of the people.

A Robot Will Take Your Job
Several recent studies conclude that robots are going to displace millions of human workers. An Oxford University study found that 47 percent of jobs are at risk. Another study concludes that one third of all jobs will be lost to robots during the next 10 years. Some claim that the net job loss will not be so large, because new jobs will be created in order to repair the robots, at least until robots learn to do this also.
Perhaps you remember the claims by economists Matthew Slaughter, Michael Porter, and other shills for jobs offshoring that moving American jobs offshore would create better and more jobs in the US. After many years I am still watching for any sign of these promised new jobs.
Despite promises to the contrary, the US economy has been halted in its tracks by jobs offshoring. US corporations have moved middle class manufacturing jobs abroad. The high speed Internet has made it possible for tradable professional skills, such as software engineering, information technology, research, design, and scan interpretations by medical doctors, to be performed offshore. This enormous giveaway of American middle class jobs and GDP to foreign countries has left the domestic economy with non-tradable service jobs.
Robotics is now attacking the remaining domestic service jobs. Robots are becoming sales assistants, providing room service to hotel guests, filling orders at delis, providing medical diagnosis, cooking and serving meals, and becoming incorporated into smart household appliances that reduce the need for electrical and repair services. All of us are familiar with customer service robots. We encounter them whenever we telephone about a bank or credit card statement or utility bill.
The unaddressed problem is: what happens to consumer demand, on which the economy depends, when humans are replaced by robots? Robots don’t need a paycheck in order to purchase food, clothes, shoes, entertainment, health care, go on vacations, or to make car, utility, credit card, rent or mortgage payments.
The consumer economy has suffered from incomes lost to jobs offshoring. If robots replace yet more Americans, where does the income come from to purchase the products of the robots’ work? Any one firm’s owners and managers can benefit from lowering costs by replacing a human workforce with robots, but all firms cannot. If all firms replace their work forces with robots, the rate of unemployment becomes astronomical, and consumer demand collapses pulling down the economy.
Economists call what works in the singular but not in the plural the fallacy of composition. Keynesian macroeconomists teach that if everyone in society is thrifty with the consequence that savers save more than investors want to invest, aggregate demand falls, and with it incomes and savings. Thus, by trying to save more, savers end up with less.
With the advent of jobs offshoring and financial deregulation, the US has one of the most unequal distributions of income and wealth. As robotics patents are held by a mere handful of people, the concentration of income and wealth at the top will increase.
What kind of society would result? Will governments nationalize robotics or heavily tax the incomes of owners in order to issue monthly payments to people with which to purchase the work product of robots? What would a population living off the work of robots do with itself? Would population growth be tolerated? Or would the powerful owners of robotics use the governments that they control to reduce the surplus population?
Free market economists with their heads forever in the sand will say, “No worry, people thought that the industrial revolution would destroy the demand for labor, but industry employed ever more people.”
A former MIT professor who has gone into business producing robots says robots will bring the jobs lost to offshoring home to America. But will they be jobs for humans or for robots? I am waiting to hear how robotics will expand the demand for human labor beyond a few repairmen to fix robots. And I am still waiting for the new and better jobs that offshoring promised. By the time they get here, if ever, robots will take them away.

Stock Market Supported By Corporate Buybacks
Pension funds purchase corporate bonds, and the corporations use the money to buy back their own stocks, thus driving up the price, enriching executives with bonuses and shareholders with capital gains, but leaving the company in debt.
One study found that last year 95 percent of all corporate earnings were used either to pay dividends or to buy back the company’s stock. Read Mike Whitney’s report in CounterPunch:

The Ship Did It
The presence of The White Lady, a four-masted Chilean sailing ship, at the Tall Ships Festival in England is being protested. Protestors believe the ship is guilty of human rights violations as the ship was allegedly the site of torture inflicted by the Pinochet government as it put down the terrorism that followed the overthrow of the Allende government. Just as guns murder, ships torture.
The torture alleged to have occurred aboard The White Lady sounds like a small town performance of the torture sanctioned by Washington and London at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, and numerous secret sites. How are the American and British democracies superior to Chilean military dictatorship if the former out-tortures the latter?
To my knowledge, the Pinochet regime, unlike the Bush regime, never had John Yoo write a legal memo making torture legal. This is probably why, prior to stepping down and returning Chile to constitutional democracy, Pinochet issued pardons both to the military government and to the terrorists.

Demand for Silver Outstripping Supply But Price Is Falling
On numerous occasions Dave Kranzler and I have pointed out that despite high and rising demand for physical bullion and constrained supply, the prices of gold and silver are forced down by concerted manipulation in the futures market. Silver supplies are so tight that both the US and Canadian mints have had to suspend the production and sale of silver coins.
Despite supply constraints, in the manipulated futures market the price of silver has been falling, but in the physical market the price of silver coins has risen with premiums over spot raising coin prices as much as 30 percent. Regulatory authorities have brought no action against the obvious manipulation in the futures market.
It is important to the value of the fiat currencies that are being printed in profusion that gold and silver be discredited as hedges against currency depreciation. Thus, authorities turn a blind eye to the obvious manipulation, the purpose of which is to show that inflating fiat paper currencies are gaining in value relative to gold and silver.
I am awaiting the explanation from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) why it is normal for inflating fiat currencies to gain value in relation to gold and silver bullion. Kranzler and I, supported by individuals thoroughly acquainted with the bullion market, have written to the CFTC asking how it is possible for price to fall when demand is rising and supply is constrained.
We will see if a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury can get an answer.

Good-bye To Cash
If all this isn’t enough, government now wants to deprive us of cash in order to deprive us of private and unreported payments and savings. The Financial Times, Britain’s equivalent to the Wall Street Journal, has published an anonymous article advocating that cash be abolished and all transactions be digital so that authorities can know and completely control our behavior. Clearly a big push in this direction is in the works. If the authorities succeed, we will have a situation in which the privacy guaranteed by the US Constitution becomes a myth that slowly fades from memory.

Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal, has held numerous university appointments. He is a frequent contributor to The Real Agenda News. Dr. Roberts can be reached at

Saturday, September 5, 2015









Shepard Ambellas    
WASHINGTON, DC (INTELLIHUB) —  Air Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcasts (ADS-B) will be down or spotty in 5 states, extending up to 200 miles off shore of the Eastern Seaboard, until Oct. 1, according to a NOTAM issued Sept. 1 by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
The NOTAM reads in part:
"Due to military activities, the TCAS and ADS-B surveillance may be unreliable in the airspace over Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, and extending approximately 200 nautical miles offshore, from 1 a.m. EDT (0500z) Sept. 2 until midnight EDT (0459z) on Oct. 1."  ????
Pilots are advised that the traffic alert and TCAS may fail to establish tracks on nearby aircraft and may fail to receive traffic alerts (TA) or resolution advisories (RA). Operators should be aware that tracks may first appear within close proximity to their aircraft, and may immediately go into TA/RA status.
Pilots are advised to maintain an increased visual awareness in this area. If operators believe that an aircraft should have triggered an alert, the incident should be reported to air traffic control as soon as possible.
This is due to a "late notice Department of Defense exercise", and NBAA has voiced its concern to the FAA that these sort of significant impact tests need much more notice to operators in the NAS.
This is immensely concerning not only for the safety of passengers and staff aboard flights navigating the affected areas but for the security of our country as well. In fact the last time we saw similar systems go down was during the attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon, Sept. 11, 2001.

A traffic collision avoidance system or traffic alert and collision avoidance system […] is an aircraft collision avoidance system designed to reduce the incidence of mid-air collisions between aircraft. It monitors the airspace around an aircraft for other aircraft equipped with a corresponding active transponder, independent of air traffic control, and warns pilots of the presence of other transponder-equipped aircraft which may present a threat of mid-air collision (MAC). — Wikipedia.

The FAA’s website explains the ADS-B as an “Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS-B) is a precise satellite-based surveillance system. ADS-B Out uses GPS technology to determine an aircraft’s location, airspeed and other data, and broadcasts that information to a network of ground stations, which relays the data to air traffic control displays and to nearby aircraft equipped to receive the data via ADS-B In. Operators of aircraft equipped with ADS-B In can receive weather and traffic position information delivered directly to the cockpit.”

Additionally it may be important to note that a second air defense blimp, or aerostat, has been dispatched to the skies over Connecticut and Maryland. The aerostat is capable of watching a 360 degree field in the sky for approaching space objects, missiles and aircraft.
Remain vigilant.

If you have any information pertaining to this subject please send it to

Lost secrets of Founding Fathers revealed

Lost secrets of Founding Fathers revealed

'They wrote about financial corruption, crony capitalism, moral degeneration in ways that are simply stunning'

 By Paul Bremmer

America’s Founding Fathers left succeeding generations a wonderful gift, according to a scholar who has studied and written about the Founders. However, he believes too many Americans today fail to appreciate it.
“It was like [the Founders] wrenched an immense and very amazing piece of gold from the earth called self-government,” said Joshua Charles during a recent appearance on Dennis Prager’s radio show. “But when they did it, there was still quite a bit of dirt on it – you know, slavery, other things like that.
“But what I’m worried about is that the Left, the academia, you know, however you want to phrase it – they make everything about the dirt. And so the great danger in my eyes is that in acknowledging the dirt, we use it as an excuse to do away with the gold.”
Charles, a WND columnist, is well acquainted with both the gold and the dirt. He spent five to six years combing through thousands of pages of speeches, letters, diary entries and other lesser-known writings of America’s Founding Fathers.
The result was his recently released book “Liberty’s Secrets: The Lost Wisdom of America’s Founders.”
“There’s a lot more than people realize,” the author revealed. “There’s the Declaration, there’s the Constitution, there’s the Federalist Papers, which were all of course wonderful, but there’s letters, there’s diary entries, there’s newspaper editorials.
“There’s even books. John Adams, for example, wrote a massive three-volume tome, ‘The Defense of the Constitutional Government of the United States,’ and it’s an immense historical survey basically putting forward the idea of separation of powers. So there’s all sorts of stuff that people have no idea about and which I see rarely quoted, rarely referenced.”
Unfortunately, the 27-year-old Charles doubts whether his fellow millennials would fully appreciate all the writings he has dug up and documented in his book. He shared an anecdote that happened when he was touring the National Archives in Washington, D.C., recently. While he was gazing at the original Declaration of Independence, he overheard a group of teenage girls ask a National Archives staff member, “What’s the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution?”
Charles was incredulous.
“I was thinking to myself, ‘These young women have been in public education for a decade or longer most likely, and they don’t even know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution,’” he said.
Charles and Prager, the host, both worried that young people would initially think “white male Christian slave owner” if they saw the writings Charles dug up. Charles acknowledged slavery was a “great stain” on our nation’s history, but he urged listeners not to lose focus on the unique nature of America’s founding.
“The United States was the first nation in the world to be established by reasoned consent of its people,” he said. “It wasn’t by war, it wasn’t by happenstance, it wasn’t by conquest. We had a war for independence, but the actual establishment of our government, the Constitution, that was peaceful. It was through debate, it was through reason, and that was the first time that had happened in human history.”
In recent months, Democrats in some states have tried to distance themselves from one Founder in particular: Thomas Jefferson. Party committees in Georgia, Connecticut, Missouri and Iowa have voted to rename their annual Jefferson-Jackson fundraising dinners because Jefferson owned slaves and Andrew Jackson relocated thousands of Native Americans from the South. At least six other states are considering the same move.
Charles urges Democrats not to let Jefferson’s slave ownership override all the great things he did for America. In addition, the author pointed to one passage from his book that he said demonstrates Jefferson was not a racist. In 1861, Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens gave his famous “Cornerstone Speech.”
“He specifically references Jefferson’s ideas, as articulated in the Declaration of Independence,” Charles said. “And not only does he specifically reference them, he specifically eschews them… [He] said the Confederacy is based on the exact opposite.”
Indeed, Stephens stated: “Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition.”
Take note, says Charles: a Confederate official claimed his racist ideals were “exactly the opposite” of Jefferson’s.
Of course, Jefferson and the other Founders wrote about more than just slavery. Charles revealed that, while researching for the book, he discovered numerous writings on issues people still care about today.
“One thing I discovered is you’ll go through their writings and there’s so many things that are utterly relevant today,” he said. “I actually coined a phrase I called a ‘one-niner.’ Whenever I’d be reading, I’d put it in the margins, and it comes from Ecclesiastes 1:9 – ‘There’s nothing new under the sun.’ You can read so much of what they wrote. They wrote about banks, they wrote about financial corruption, they wrote about what we call crony capitalism, they wrote about moral degeneration, they wrote about education in ways that are simply stunning.”
Prager, who is also a WND columnist, offered effusive praise for Charles, calling him “a living, breathing reason for optimism for the United States.”
The host said he was so impressed with Charles’ book that he agreed to write the foreword.
“So he has written this book, and it is so good that I have to say that if you read three books on what America stands for and its founders stand for, this has to be one of them,” Prager enthused. “And if it was the only one, you would do well.”
Hear the interview:

Federal judge rips HHS abortion-pill mandate

Federal judge rips HHS abortion-pill mandate

Dissenting justice: 'The court is wrong'

The dispute over the Obamacare requirement that faith-based schools and other enterprises provide “morally objectionable” abortion pills for their employees is ratcheting up to new levels, including among the judges ruling on the issue.
In a decision Friday by a three-judge panel of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, two of the judges said the schools and others that brought the case must pay for the abortion-inducing chemicals for their employees or specifically authorize someone else to do it.
Judges Ilana Rovner and David Hamilton ruled for the Obama administration in the case brought by the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, St. Anne Home, Franciscan Alliance, Specialty Physicians of Illinois, University of St. Francis, Our Sunday Visitor, Biola University and Grace Schools,
“It is the operation of the law, not any actions that the plaintiffs must take, that causes the provisions of services that the plaintiffs find morally objectionable,” the majority summed up.
“The accommodation has the legal effect of removing from objectors any connection to the provision of contraception services. As we noted above, every other circuit court to consider the issue of whether the mandate imposes a substantial burden on religious exercise has come to the same conclusion.
“As a result, the plaintiffs are not entitled to a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of the ACA regulations.”
However, Judge David Manion, in a dissent, took the other judges to task.
He explained that while HHS exempts churches from the requirement, church-related organizations and operations violate their faith when they provide or authorize abortion-causing drugs. And he said a government “accommodation,” which allows the organizations to sign over the responsibility for providing the drugs to an outside agency, actually doesn’t help at all.
“The HHS accommodation is the long and winding extension cord the government uses to power its contraceptive mandate. It winds through regulations and additions and revisions. The court, through a perfunctory examination, interprets the accommodation’s twisted framework and holds that it frees the religious nonprofits from having to power the mandate themselves, and, thus, does not violate the [Religious Freedom Restoration Act].
“The court is wrong,” he said. “A thorough examination reveals that the accommodation’s tangled mess is hiding the fact that the extension cord gets its power from the nonprofits’ health plans and must be plugged in before it will work. It also exposes the fact that the government is forcing the nonprofits to plug in the accommodation themselves by signing the self-certification or providing the alternative notice.”
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Senior Counsel Gregory Baylor of the Alliance Defending Freedom said the issue isn’t complicated.
“The government should not force religious colleges and universities to be involved in providing abortion pills to their employees or students. All Americans should oppose unjust laws that force people – under threat of punishment – to give up their fundamental freedoms in order to provide health plans the government prefers. These Christian schools simply want to abide by the very faith they espouse and teach, just as such schools have done since the founding of the country. We will be consulting with our clients to consider our options.”
Just a day earlier, WND reported on an unusual opinion released by five judges on the nearby 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
A 2-1 panel in the court also had ruled against the Little Sisters of the Poor on the same question, and the sisters immediately took the case to the Supreme Court.
Regarding the sisters, the judges concluded the judiciary should not be put in the position of evaluating the reasonableness of religious beliefs.
“Could we really tolerate letting courts examine the reasoning behind a religious practice or belief and decide what is core and what is derivative? A Christian could be required to work on December 25 because, according to a court, his core belief is that he should not work on the anniversary of the birth of Jesus but a history of the calendar and other sources show that Jesus was actually born in March; a December 25 work requirement therefore does not substantially burden his core belief,” they wrote.
“Or a Jewish prisoner could be provided only non-kosher food because the real purpose of biblical dietary laws is health, so long as the pork is well-cooked, etc., the prisoner’s religious beliefs are not substantially burdened,” they wrote.
“The Supreme Court has refused to examine the reasonableness of a sincere religious belief – in particular, the reasonableness of where the believer draws a line between sinful and acceptable – at least since Thomas v. Review Board of Indiana Employment Security Division,” they continued.
They said: “The doctrine of the panel majority will not long survive. It is contrary to all precedent concerning the free exercise of religion. I am aware of no precedent holding that a person’s free exercise was not substantially burdened when a significant penalty was imposed for refusing to do something prohibited by the person’s sincere religious beliefs (however strange, or even silly, the court may consider those beliefs).”
The opinion was written by Judge Harris Hartz, who was joined by Neil Gorsuch, Jerome Holmes, Timothy Tymkovich and Paul Kelly.
It explained that after the 10th Circuit’s original decision against the nuns, the plaintiffs petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court. Nonetheless, there was a vote at the 10th Circuit on whether the full court should review the case, which went against the plaintiffs.
The dissenting judges wrote: “When a law demands that a person do something the person considers sinful, and the penalty for refusal is a large financial penalty, then the law imposes a substantial burden on that person’s free exercise of religion. All the plaintiffs in this case sincerely believe that they will be violating God’s law if they execute the documents requirement by the government. And the penalty for refusal to execute the documents may be in the millions of dollars. How can it be any clearer that the law substantially burdens the plaintiffs’ free exercise of religion?”
In the new majority opinion from the 7th Circuit, the judges note the objecting organizations can fill out a two-page form that transfers authorization to someone else to provide the abortion-causing drugs.
But the drugs cannot be provided without the authorization, meaning the organizations ultimately are providing the drugs.
Manion pointedly wrote that it is the plaintiffs who “correctly understand the accommodation’s operation.”
Further, he said the government “has failed to establish any of the causal links necessary to prove that increasing the availability of contraceptive services will improve the health of women generally, let alone that of the nonprofits’ employees.”
“Furthermore,” he wrote, “the government’s stated interest is overbroad, underinclusive, and marginal at best.”
“The nonprofits have a significant likelihood of success on the merits of their claim and the district court’s preliminary injunction should be affirmed,” he wrote.
The Obama administration loss a related case, involving Hobby Lobby stores, at the Supreme Court earlier.

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