Monday, September 7, 2015

Accurate explanation Of The NESARA Act

Accurate explanation Of The NESARA Act

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August 17, 2011
The National Economic Security & Reformation Act
Compiled by Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
Information is added as it becomes known, along with the date it is included.
NOTE:  Writing a history of NESARA requires locating the separate dots and attempting to put them together to create truth.  The original documents are sequestered and those individuals directly involved are still under a strict gag order.  I have used as my foundation a history written by James Rink.  My research set out to prove NESARA by locating original documents and articles written by reputable people that illustrated each of the tenets.  I have inserted some of these URLs for these tenets into Rink’s history.  In my 7+ years of research, I have found nothing to disprove the existence of the NESARA LAW.  The internet is loaded with disinformation that can be easily dismissed by research.
As you read this history, you will find mention of high officials being cloned.  The capacity to clone an adult individual signifies just one of the many secrets withheld from the public.  As “all that is hidden is revealed,” this fact will be confirmed.  Cloning of an adult individual is used for various reasons by those working behind the scenes–one example will become known at the divine right moment–the cloning of Princess Diane to avoid her death.  Another example is to clone a public figure to prevent public reaction to he/she being removed from their position, as occurred with Janet Reno ( info. added 2014).
Now that information regarding the government/military cover-up of the extraterrestrial presence is in the public domain, we can see parallels of the facets regarding NESARA that many have used to discredit it.  Some of these are:  deliberate cover-up of information, government/military gag orders, the suspicious death of persons who attempted to tell the truth, control of the media, and the ruining of individual lives and professions.
I encourage all to do your own research and add to the pool of documented evidence on the truth of NESARA.
Now is the perfect time for NESARA to be released to the world!
NESARA Demonstration in front of the Peace Palace, the Hague, Netherlands
1892 – Bankers adopted their Bankers’ Manifesto of 1892 in which it was declared: “We [the bankers] must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our interest or disrupt them….
       The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.
       When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.”
1907-1917 – In order to warn Americans, the 1892 Bankers’ Manifesto was revealed by US Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. from Minnesota before the US Congress sometime during his term of office between the years of 1907 and 1917.
1910 – John E. DiNardo, professor of public policy and economics at the University of Michigan, writes in his article “The Federal Reserve Act”:  “On the night of November 22, 1910, a small group of surrogates of the most powerful bankers of the World met … under the veil of utmost secrecy.
Over the next few weeks these men would perpetrate, under the orders of their masters, … perhaps the most colossal and devastating fraud ever inflicted upon the American People.
This ultra-secret fraud is known as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913….  The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 concocted legislation, to be foisted upon the People’s Congress of the United States, that empowered and commissioned this secret cabal of World-dominant bankers to PRINT UNITED STATES CURRENCY, a usurpation of our Constitution’s explicit edict empowering ONLY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to print and coin currency. This world banking empire used their stolen power to print, out of thin air, paper currency which, in no way represents the gold and silver reserves that authentic currency is supposed to represent.”
1913 – The Federal Reserve Act of 1913  Complete text of Act may seen at:
1933 – 1934 – Prior to 1933, Federal Reserve Notes were backed by gold.  This changed with the new law:  Congressional Record, March 9, 1933 on HR 1491 p. 83.“Under the new lawthemoney is issued to the banks in return for government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and bankers acceptances. The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes, and other property of all the people of the nation.”
The Bankers’ Manifesto ties in with the U.S. Senate Document No. 43, 73rdCongress, 1st Session (1934), which states: “The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called ‘ownership’ is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere ‘user’ and use must be in acceptance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.”
1970s – The Federal Land Bank illegally foreclosed on farmers mortgages all throughout the Midwest. In each of these cases the farmers were defrauded by the banks with the approval of the Federal Reserve System. These court cases would eventually become known as the Farmer Claims Program.
1978 – An elderly ranch farmer in Colorado purchased a farm with loan from the Federal Land Bank.  After he died the property was passed on to his son Roy Schwasinger, Jr., who was a retired military general. Soon after a Federal Land Bank officer and Federal Marshall appeared on his property and informed him the bank was foreclosing on his farm, ordering him to vacate within 30 days. Without his knowledge, his deceased father had signed a stipulation which reverted the property back to the Federal Land Bank in the event of the borrower’s death.
Outraged, Roy E. Schwasinger, Jr. filed a class action lawsuit in the Denver Federal Court system. The suit was dismissed on the basis of incorrect filing. This prompted Roy Schwasinger’s investigation into the inner workings of the banking system.
1982 – Roy Schwasinger was given a contract by the US senate and later Supreme Court to investigate banking fraud. But because he was under a strict non-disclosure order he was not allowed to tell the media what he discovered. In the late 80s he began sharing his knowledge with others including high ranking military personnel who helped him bring about a class action lawsuit against the federal government.
The first series of these lawsuits began in the mid 1980’s when William and Shirley Baskerville of Fort Collins, Colorado were involved in a bankruptcy case with First Interstate Bank of Fort Collins; who was trying to foreclose on their farm. At a restaurant their lawyer informed them that he would no longer be able to help them and walked-off. Overhearing the conversation Roy Schwasinger offered his advice on how to appeal the case in bankruptcy court. So in 1987 they filed an appeal (Case No. 87-C-716) with the United States District Court in Colorado.
1988 – On November 3, 1988, the Denver Federal Court system ruled that indeed the banks had defrauded the Baskervilles and proceeded to reverse its bankruptcy decision. But when the foreclosed property was not returned they filed a new lawsuit. Eventually, 23 other farmers, ranchers, and Indians swindled by the banks in the same manner would join in the case.
In these cases, the banks were foreclosing on the properties using fraudulent methods such as charging exorbitant interest, illegal foreclosure, or by not crediting mortgage payments to their account as they should have but instead would steal the mortgage payments for themselves triggering foreclosure on the property.
 After running out of money they continued their fight without the help of lawyers. With some assistance by the Farmers Union a new lawsuit was filed against the Federal Land Bank and the Farmers Credit System.  Case No. 92-C-1781
The District Court ruled in their favor and ordered the banks to return the stolen properties with help from either Federal Marshals or the National Guard. But when no payments were made, the farmers declared involuntary Chapter Seven Bankruptcy against the Federal Land Bank and the Farmers Credit System. The banks appealed their case insisting they were not a business but a federal agency therefore they were not liable to pay the damages.
So the farmer’s legal team adopted a new strategy. According to the Federal Land Bank’s 1933 charter they are not allowed to make loans directly to applicants, but instead could only back loans as a guarantor in case of default. Because the Federal Land Bank had violated this rule the farmer’s legal team was able to successfully sue the bank for damages.
Word of the lawsuit began to spread; the legal team would teach others how to fight foreclosure and to help them file lawsuits as well (Case No. 93-1308-M). Celebrities such as Willie Nelson joined in the cause and helped raise money during his “Farm Aid” concerts.
The Baskerville case had now become the Farmer Claims Class Action Lawsuit. Worried about the legal ramifications the government retaliated against the farmers by hitting them with either outrageous IRS fees, or by imprisoning the legal team under frivolous nonrelated charges. When the farmers realized they were being unfairly targeted, they had military generals such as General Roy Schwasinger sit in the courtroom to make sure the bribed judges would vote according to constitutional law.
The farmers now with a large team of knowledgeable people of the law behind them filed a new case to claim additional damages from the fraudulent loaning activities of the Farmers Credit System.
The government tried to settle but they had already lost many cases and were now loosing the appeals as well. More and more evidence was collected. According to the National Banking Act all banks are required to register their charters with the Federal and State Bureau of Records, but none of the banks complied, allowing the legal team to sue the Farmers Credit System. Not only was Farmers Credit System not chartered to do business with the American Banking Association, but so were other quasi government organizations such as the Federal Housing Administration, The Department of Housing and Urban Development, and even the Federal Reserve Bank.
The Farmers Claims lawsuit was thrown out of court at each level with the records purposely destroyed.  An example of these court cases may be viewed at:


Is The Medical-Pharmaceutical-Regulatory Cartel Assassinating Physicians? (VIDEO)

Is The Medical-Pharmaceutical-Regulatory Cartel Assassinating Physicians? (VIDEO)

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet
James Jeffrey Bradstreet, whose body was found floating in a North Carolina river on June 19, had successfully treated over 1,700 autistic children with GcMAF. On June 16 the FDA obtained a search and seizure order targeting his Buford Georgia medical clinic.

Over the past several weeks no less than seven established doctors have either been killed or died under unusual circumstances (e.g. here and here). What do these physicians have in common and what remedies are they researching or advocating? Do any of their proposed treatments pose a threat to the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical cartel? If so, would government agencies and/or private contractors be commissioned to harass and perhaps even assassinate such individuals?
The answer may lie in an understanding of nagalese, a protein made by cancer cells and viruses. Nagalese is a primary cause of immunodeficiency given its ability to block the body’s production of GcMAF, otherwise known as “Vitamin D binding microphage activating factor,” a naturally-produced immune regulating compound that aids in fighting what are traditionally considered terminal diseases. Some researchers suggest that nagalese is one of many toxic components found in the immunizations commonly administered to children, including the Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine.

Some independently-minded medical practitioners are beginning to acknowledge not only the nagalese-vaccination link, but also that GcMAF possesses great potential for the treatment of cancer and a variety of other illnesses, including autism, inflammation, and viral and bacterial disease.
The most prominent of the seven doctors who’ve been murdered or died under suspicious circumstances is James Jeffrey Bradstreet. As the contents of his blog suggest, Dr. Bradstreet has conducted extensive research into the causes of autism. His body was found on June 19 floating in a North Carolina river with a gunshot wound to his chest. Perhaps uncoincidentally, Bradstreet was a strong advocate of GcMAF and had treated over 2,000 autistic children with the substance; 85% exhibited marked improvement under his care.
Dr. Bradstreet’s private practice in Buford, Georgia centered on “treating children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, PPD, and related neurological and developmental disorders.” Bradstreet has also provided expert testimony in federal court for families of the vaccine-injured and was founder and president of the International Child Development Resource Center, which once employed autism expert Dr. Andrew Wakefield as its research director.
Of course, GcMAF is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a treatment for any disease. Just three days before Bradstreet’s body was recovered, FDA agents had obtained a court order targeting Bradstreet’s Buford Georgia medical clinic. The document granted the government the right to seize
All Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF) GC Globulin, and/or any other products or component substances thereof that constitute misbranded drugs under the Federal Food, Drugs and Cosmetic Act.
Even in death Bradsteet and his GcMAF-related work continue to pose a threat to the medical-pharmaceutical-regulatory complex, as evidenced in their flak-generating public relations arms, “Quackwatch” and “Science Based Medicine,” each of which have published vicious broadsides on the deceased physician.
Big pharma, which for decades has exerted vigorous control over the regulatory process while presiding over literally millions of deaths via its products, will stop at nothing to hamper medical scientific progress and protect its bottom line. Perhaps this zealous quest for profits and control now even includes outright murder of alternative practitioners.

Professor James F. Tracy is an Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University. James Tracy’s work on media history, politics and culture has appeared in a wide variety of academic journals, edited volumes, and alternative news and opinion outlets. James is editor of Union for Democratic Communication’s Journal Democratic Communiqué and a contributor to Project Censored’s forthcoming publication Censored 2013: The Top Censored Stories and Media Analysis of 2011-2012. Additional writings and information are accessible at

The Numbers Are In: China Dumps A Record $94 Billion In US Treasurys In One Month

The Numbers Are In: China Dumps A Record $94 Billion In US Treasurys In One Month

Goldman argues "real" figure might have been closer to $115 billion

The Numbers Are In: China Dumps A Record $94 Billion In US Treasurys In One Month
by Zero Hedge | September 7, 2015 
Shortly after the PBoC’s move to devalue the yuan, we noted with some alarm that it looked as though China may have drawn down its reserves by more than $100 billion in the space of just two weeks. That, we went on the point out, would represent a stunning increase over the previous pace of the country’s reserve draw down, which we’ve began documenting months ahead of the devaluation (see here, for instance). We went on to estimate, based on the estimated size of the RMB carry trade unwind, how large the FX reserve liquidation might need to be to offset capital outflows and finally, late last week, we suggested that China’s official FX reserve data was set to become the new risk-on/off trigger for nervous, erratic markets. In short, the pace at which Beijing is burning through its USD assets in defense of the yuan has serious implications not only for investors’ collective perception of market stability, but for yields on core paper, for global liquidity, and for US monetary policy. 
On Monday we got the official data from China and sure enough, we find out that the PBoC liquidated around $94 billion in reserves during the month of August and as Goldman argues (see below), the “real” figure might have been closer to $115 billion. Whatever the case, it’s a staggering burn rate and needless to say, were the PBoC to continue to liquidate its assets at this pace, it would necessitate a raft of RRR cuts and hundreds of billions in short-term liquidity ops to ensure that money market don’t seize up in the face of the liquidity drain.
Here’s some commentary from across sellside desks on the official numbers:
  • From RBC’s Sue Trinh:
    • China FX reserves suggest about $140b used to defend yuan in April once valuation is accounted for
    • Believes PBOC has been intervening to maintain the yuan’s stability since the devaluation, but this kind of intervention can’t continue indefinitely
    • It’s unsustainable in the long run; yuan is overvalued by around 15% by RBC’s latest estimate; still targeting USD/CNY at 6.56 by year-end and 6.95 by the end of 2016
  • From Commerzbank’s Zhou Hao:
    • Decline in foreign reserves clearly suggests China’s central bank intervened intensively in the FX market to stabilize CNY exchange rate
    • “One-off devaluation” in mid-Aug. triggered market expectations of further CNY deprecation, which has not only endangered the financial stability, but also posts a downside risk to the economy due to capital outflows
    • It’s costly because frequent intervention will burn foreign reserves rapidly and tighten the onshore market liquidity;that said, further tightening of regulations is expected near term
    • Expects spread between CNY and CNH is likely to persist as PBOC has become an active player in onshore market
  • From Goldman:
    • The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) reported that its foreign exchange reserves dropped by US$94bn in August, to US$3.557tn at the end of the month. However, it is not straightforward to derive the actual scale of FX reserves sales from the headline FX reserves data, given uncertain valuation effects and possible balance sheet management by the PBOC.
    • It is possible to get an approximate sense about valuation effects stemming from currency movement: e.g., assuming the currency composition of the PBOC’s FX reserves broadly follows that of the average country’s (using the IMF COFER weights, which suggest roughly 70% in USD for EM countries),the currency valuation effect would probably be positive to the tune of roughly US$20bn (i.e., if we only look at the change in headline FX reserves as a gauge of sales of FX reserves, sales of FX reserves might have been underestimated by around US$20bn, given the currency valuation effect).However, besides currency movements, there could also be significant valuation effects from changes to the market prices of the PBOC’s investment portfolios, and the direction and size of those effects is hard to measure given the uncertainty of the asset composition. Moreover, there could also be possible short-term transactions and agreements between the PBOC and banks that may complicate the interpretation of the change in FX reserves as an underlying measure of RMB demand.
Of course the huge draw down was widely anticipated and indeed, we’ve explored and detailed virtually every angle of this story in the lead up to the data. The key takeaway here is that we now have official confirmation that August saw $94 billion in reverse QE (and more likely $115 billion) or, quantitative tightening as Deutsche Bank puts it.
We can, as we explained on Saturday, argue about what the ultimate effect on safe haven assets will be, but what’s not up for debate is that conceptually speaking, China’s massive UST dumping is the opposite of Western central bank QE and as such should be expected to pressure yields. More specifically, Citi has suggested that for every $500 billion in EM FX reserve liquidation, there’s an attendant 108 bps or so of upward pressure on 10Y yields. Similarly, Deutsche Bank, citing the extant literature, flags 50-60bps of upward pressure on 5Y yields for every $100 billion in monthly EM FX reserve liquidations.
The takeaway, as we put it last week, is that if the Fed hikes this month, it will be tightening into a tightening.
But it’s not that simple. It’s also possible that, if China’s FX reserve draw downs do indeed end up serving as a trigger for risk-off behavior (i.e. a selloff in risk assets), the subsequent flight to safety could end up driving yields on long bonds lower, not higher. We discussed this in detailover the weekend.
Still, China isn’t the only country liquidating its USD assets.When you consider that global EM FX reserves amount to more than $7 trillion, it seems reasonable to ask whether the flight to safety that would invariably accompany a worldwide selloff in risk assets would be sufficient to replace the lost bid from massive reserve draw downs. Or, as we put it on Saturday, “the real question is what would everyone else do. If the other EMs join China in liquidating the combined $7.5 trillion in FX reserves (i.e., mostly US Trasurys but also those of Europe and Japan) shown below into an illiquid Treasury bond market where central banks already hold 30% or more of all 10 Year equivalents (the BOJ will own 60% by 2018), then it is debatable whether the mere outflow from stocks into bonds will offset the rate carnage.”
And that consideration, in turn, puts the Fed in a very, very difficult spot. A rate hike cycle will put further pressure on already beleaguered EM currencies which raises the possibility that the FX reserve liquidation will be larger than the eventual safe haven flows and besides, there’s bound to be a lag between the liquidation of USD assets and the flight to safety and given the potential for extraordinary bouts of volatility in UST, JGB, and German Bund markets, it’s anyone’s guess what happens in between.
Whatever the case, something will have to give here. That is, all of these dynamics (i.e. a Fed hike, China’s massive UST dumping, an EM meltdown precipitating FX reserve drawdowns, illiquid markets for the same assets everyone is dumping, hemorrhaging petrostate budgets, etc.) simply cannot coexist for long without something snapping because, as we put it last week, in this very unstable arrangement, the smallest policy error will reverberate exponentially, and those reverberations can lead to only one thing: the Fed’s admission of policy failure by adopting a tightening bias, and ultimately launching another phase of monetary easing, be it QE4 or perhaps even the long-overdue and much anticipated Friedmanesque “helicopter money” episode.

Emergency Water For Preppers Part 2: Purification

Emergency Water For Preppers Part 2: Purification


While sourcing water, and especially an adequate supply of water, is a challenge, making such water safe to drink is a whole other matter.  There is much confusion relative to the best method to use to purify water.
Is it boiling, filtering, adding bleach, distillation, or something else?  Truth be told, the answer is “it depends”.  Over time, I am starting to believe that the answer you get is dependent upon who you ask and what interests they happen to represent.
In this article, Daisy Luther, responds to the water purification questions posed by readers in a recent Prepper Book Festival giveaway.  Daisy, who is the author of The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide, is not tied to special interests and is diligent in her research.  As I mentioned in Part 1: Acquisition, she is stepping up to answer your questions and hopefully bring clarification to this all important topic of water purification.
So once again, grab a cup or bottle of good clean water and let us begin with Part Two of “Emergency Water for Preppers”.

Emergency Water for Preppers: Purification

While all of the aspects of water preparedness are vital, often the most overlooked is purification. Sometimes people outside the prepping world don’t think about the fact that the water they manage to acquire could be teeming with dangerous bacteria, sediment, and toxins. Today I’d like to address your questions about water purification.
What is the number one water filter you would recommend?
I have two different favorites.
For in-home use, I love my Big Berkey. For any time I’m away from home, I carry a Sawyer mini. We keep the mini in our backpacks, purses, and vehicles and have at least one in our possession at all times – you just never know when you might need to filter water!
What do you think of steri-pens for disinfecting water?
Steri-pens are awesome, because they are small and easy to use. They can purify up to 8000 liters of water.  They work with ultraviolet light and destroy 99.9% of the bacteria, viruses, and protozoa that could make you sick.
The potential downside of steri-pens is that they require a power source. Some, like this one, are powered by AA batteries, while others can be recharged by computers, solar panels, or a wall charger.
What do you think of the SODIS method of purifying water?
SODIS stands for solar water disinfection.
It’s pretty amazing. Put water into a PET plastic bottle (PolyEthylene Terephthalate, Recycle code #1), lay it in the sun for at least 6 hours, and boom – you have safer water. The beauty of the SODIS water purification method is that it costs next to nothing and is simple to do in nearly any location.
The outdoor temperature is irrelevant – the purification occurs from the exposure to UV rays. This is sort of like an off-grid steri-pen.
Some warnings: if the water is cloudy, you need to filter it before using this method. If the weather is cloudy or overcast, 2 days will be required to purify the water.  Be sure that your plastic bottle is absolutely clear.
This method is approved by the World Health Organization, the Red Cross, and UNICEF. (source)
For those who are concerned about the exposure to petrochemicals or BPA in the plastic, the SODIS website says that as long as you use the PET plastic bottles, the amount of exposure to those and other chemicals will be insignificant.
While this might not be my number one choice for water purification, if I was in a situation in which I didn’t have the supplies to use other methods, this would be my fallback method.
Speaking of the SODIS method, you might want to read Gaye’s review of the Puralytics Solar Bag; I know she swears by it.
Is using a WAPI (water pasteurization indicator) really adequate for heating water to a safe enough level to drink?
There are pros and cons to water pasteurization indicators.
On the pro side, a WAPI can help in situations during which you need to save fuel, since the pasteurization point of water is lower than the boiling point. They are a reliable way to heat your water quickly.  Since they’re small and inexpensive, they can be a great addition to a bug-out bag.
This being said, I’d normally just opt to boil my water, since boiling water is unmistakable and can’t malfunction. Rocket stoves take very little fuel to bring water to the boiling point.  WAPIs are really just a matter of personal preference.
What is really the best way to make sure you have clean water: filter, distill, boil, bleach, pool shock?
Distillation is probably the very safest method. When you’re capturing steam, you’ll have no debris or sediment, and the boiling required to make the steam will kill nearly all contaminants like bacteria, viruses, or protozoa.
The problem with distillation is that if water supplies are limited, you lose a lot during the process. This means it’s not the best method for every situation.
Water purification is always two-fold – you have to get rid of the chunks and you have to get rid of anything harmful living in it. If you are not distilling, most often it’s recommended to both filter and purify.
How do you use pool shock for potable water?
The great thing about storing pool shock instead of bleach is that you don’t have the limited shelf life of bleach. When a prep is this vital, you want it to be at full effectiveness when you need it the most.
Before using pool shock or any chemical purification method, filter any debris, particles and sediment out of your water.
Gaye has an excellent article with all the details on using pool shock to purify water. In summary, she wrote, “For my own use, I settled on 1 teaspoon of pool shock per gallon of water when making up my stock chlorine solution.  Then, to disinfect water, I used 3/4 ounce of my pool shock solution to treat a gallon of water.  This makes it easy to calculate how much to use, regardless of the size of your container.”
Always, always use eye protection goggles and gloves when dealing with caustic chemicals. If your water tastes funny, you can aerate it by pouring it back and forth between containers a few times.
How do you filter iron and sand from well water?
Reverse osmosis is one of the best ways to remove unwanted minerals from any kind of water, but in an off-grid scenario that isn’t going to do you much good.  Not only are most RO systems grid-dependent, but they can also be outrageously expensive.
Carbon block filters (like the kind in the Berkey systems) are your next best option for removing sediment. The more sediment in your water, the more frequently you’ll need to replace your filters. Be sure to stock up on lots of extras.  Berkeys are gravity fed and require no source of power to clean your water.
I have looked at my water heater as a 50-gallon source but our water has a lot of minerals in it.  What is the best way to clean it up for consumption?
When harvesting water from your water heater, quite often the first water that comes out will be discolored and full of sediment. Reserve this for non-consumption uses like flushing the toilet. (Regularly flushing your water heater will help keep the sediment from building up too much.) Once the water runs clear, you can collect this for drinking water.
Once you’ve collected the water, you should still purify it and filter it through something like a Berkey filter to remove any debris.
If you have a heavy buildup of lime, calcium, or other minerals, the best method for making the water safe to drink is distillation.
My question is how to make an easier homemade distiller for water. This would be helpful if one can afford a fancy distiller, but still has concerns about water quality in a less than ideal situation.
Gaye has chosen to answer this one so let me turn things over to her:
I was lucky enough to receive an advance copy of Jim Cobb’s newest book, Prepper’s Survival Hacks.  In it he addresses the question of how to build your own solar still.  Even though his book is not slated for publication until mid to late September, both Jim an his published have granted me permission to share his hack for building a survival still.
And just so you know, I agree 100% with Jim.  This is not something I would do when SODIS or some other method is more productive.


I’m going to be flat-out honest with you. I don’t in any way, shape, or form endorse the use of a solar still for acquiring water in a survival situation. I’m including it here for two reasons.
1. In any survival manual, it is almost expected that the solar still be mentioned, and its absence in this book would be noticeable.
2. I wanted to include it specifically so I could talk a bit about why you shouldn’t rely upon it.
Bucket or clean container
Large plastic tarp
Large rocks or logs
Small rock
#1  On the surface, the solar still is a fairly straightforward project. Using your shovel, dig a hole a few feet deep. At the bottom of the hole, roughly in the center, place your bucket or other clean container. Next, stretch the plastic tarp across the top of the hole using the large rocks or logs to secure it in place. Finally, place a small rock at the center of the tarp, which weighs it down above your container.
#2  The idea is that the sun will heat up the inside of that hole, causing moisture from the ground to evaporate, then condense on the bottom of the plastic tarp. It will then run along the plastic to the point above the bucket, into which it will drip.
Here’s the thing. The amount of water you’ll gain through the use of the solar still is, quite literally, a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of energy you’ll expend by digging the hole and setting everything up.
Don’t believe me? Go ahead, set one up tomorrow and see how well it performs. If you get more than 2 cups of water, you’ll be doing fairly well.
What would you recommend for a budget conscious first water filtration system?
If you want one of those pricey systems but can’t afford it, you can actually build your own version of a gravity filtration system. All you need are some basic tools, a couple of food grade buckets, and 2 or 4 Berkey filters.
I have not made this myself but have been present when someone else did, and it absolutely works like a Berkey. We did the dye test after he made it and the DIY system passed.  This is a good short term solution.
When you can manage it, I recommend upgrading to a ready-made high quality filter made with stainless steel, but this will get you through in the event of an emergency.   

The Final Word

Sometimes the pursuit of knowledge results in more questions than answers.  I hope that is true in this case because the more you ask, the more you learn.  The more you learn, the better prepared you will be following a disaster or other disruptive event.
Going forward, there will be an article answering your questions about water storage as well as a round up article providing you will links to some of the best articles on the web written by my preparedness blogging colleagues.  Plus, in case you missed it, there is Part 1, Emergency Water For Preppers: Acquisition.
As I mentioned in Part 1, one thing you can count on is that over time, I will continue to introduce you to strategies and resources that will help ensure that you have an adequate supply of water to help you maintain both hydration and sanitation, no matter what.
Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!

 Gaye Levy, also known as the Survival Woman, grew up and attended school in the Greater Seattle area. After spending many years as an executive in the software industry, she started a specialized accounting practice offering contract CFO work to emerging high tech and service industries. She has now abandoned city life and has moved to a serenely beautiful rural area on an island in NW Washington State. She lives and teaches the principles of a sustainable and self-reliant lifestyle through her website at At Backdoor Survival, Gaye speaks her mind and delivers her message of prepping with optimism and grace, regardless of the uncertain times and mayhem swirling around us.

Humanitarian Relief for Skid Row Homeless Veterans

Humanitarian Relief for Skid Row Homeless Veterans

skid row 

By Robert L. Rosebrock

LOS ANGELES  —  On September 24th, a “We the People” Town Hall Meeting will be held at downtown Skid Row that will include a “Search and Rescue” crusade to find as many homeless Veterans in the area as possible and bus them to the Los Angeles VA for humanitarian housing and care.
Nearly a month ago, we asked the HOK architecture firm to hold a Town Hall meeting at Skid Row like they’ve done at all the local neighboring communities in West Los Angeles and they refused to take responsibility and passed the buck to Charles Green, the Chief of VA Public Affairs, who refused to respond or accept responsibility.
Bobby Shriver, the close personal friend of VA Secretary McDonald who helped negotiate the “settlement agreement” that has failed our Veterans but benefits wealthy and powerful non-Veteran entities, was asked to step up but he also refused to respond or accept responsiblity.
Thus, “We the People” have accepted this responsibility and are taking control to do the right and honorable thing on behalf our disabled and homeless Veterans, starting at Skid Row.
This Town Hall meeting and corresponding “Search and Rescue” crusade are a consortium of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition, Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council, Vietnam Veterans of America-Region 9, Justiceville USA, and the Old Veterans Guard.
More supportive allies will be announced soon and we welcome all Veterans Service Organizations, Veteran advocates and local organizations of goodwill to join.
Every fellow American who appreciates our nation’s unique way of life and are grateful to the men and women of our Armed Forces who’ve made it possible, are respectfully requested to participate and join in this noble cause.
This bold venture will change the math of Veteran homelessness at Skid Row as we are going into the most densely populated area of Veteran homelessness in the nation and we are going to bus every one of them to the Los Angeles VA until there are zero homeless Veterans there, unless he or she voluntarily chooses to continue living in the worst hell hole on American soil.
Earlier this year on January 3rd, humanitarian Rafer Johnson, America’s legendary Olympic Decathlon Champion and Civil / Human Rights icon, spoke passionately before the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition and declared that Los Angeles is in a “state of emergency” for homeless Veterans and that we needed to use the nearly 400 acres of land at the Los Angeles VA to house and care for them.
Jay Handal, chairman of the West Los Angeles Neighborhood Council authored a Motion that passed unanimously by the 96-member neighborhood coalition supporting Rafer’s declaration.
See attachment that includes a February 19 letter to the VA from Dick Southern, Region 9 Director of Vietnam Veterans of America, requesting an emergency land use permit  to house and care for our homeless Veterans on the VA grounds that was deeded exclusively in 1888 to house and care for disabled and disadvantaged Veterans.
All of these honorable gestures have been flat-out denied and rejected by those entrusted to end Veterans homelessness, particularly VA Secretary McDonald’s “homeless expert” Vince Kane, who adamantly declares that we are absolutely not in a “state of emergency.”
Considering the VA’s failure to do its job as promised, one thing everyone knows is that we are definitely in a “state of responsibility.”
Thus, “We the People” accept this responsibility to do what VA Secretary McDonald and Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti failed in their public promise to end Veteran homelessness by the end of this year.
Now they say it will be next summer at the earliest.
Homeless Veterans cannot wait any longer, nor can “We the People”!
On September 24th,”We the People” begin our “Search and Rescue” crusade to first end Veteran homelessness in Skid Row and then we’re going into every Los Angeles neighborhood until each homeless Veteran has been brought onto the VA grounds for proper housing and care.
A very special thanks to Terrence Gomes, president of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition, and Patti Berman, president of the Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council, for stepping up and organizing the Skid Row Town Hall Meeting.
Join and become part of this history-making Mission to truly end Veteran homelessness in Los Angeles, our nation’s capital for homeless Veterans.
God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

Stay alive and out of jail? There's an app for that

(But are those Designated Drivers going to be a NON-Attacker before you get Home or will they even put you to Bed? But maybe the Driver Less cars are not approved of by Law Enforcement!)

Stay alive and out of jail? There's an app for that

Designated-driver plan looks to keep drunk drivers away from wheel


How about those apps these days?
They can do anything, from monitoring your home-security system to finding the closest restaurant. Probably set you up with a date, and much more.
And now there’s one that potentially could keep you out of jail.
It’s called the BeMyDD app and it is being promoted through a 24-city tour of a program to set up and provide designated drivers.
That’s those who don’t drink during a night on the town, and are safe to drive those who do drink, back home.
Be My Designated Driver is the nation’s largest designated-driver service, and said its 12-month, nationwide effort will provide free designated drivers cities across the U.S. in coming weeks and months.
It’s intended to change the statistics that “every 52 minutes, someone in the U.S. is killed at the hands of a drunk driver.”
It has partnered with industry sponsors for the program, which is described online:
“Over the next year, the tour will bring free designated drivers to a new city every other Saturday, providing car pickup services within 50 miles of the city center. From 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. on the specified date in each location, customers who have driven somewhere and do not want to drive home can request a car pickup at no charge by using the BeMyDD smartphone app, available for iOS and Android devices. A team of drivers will arrive at the customer’s location, one to drive the customer and their car home safely, and the other to retrieve the driver afterwards.”
“Social responsibility is a huge priority for us,” said Arthur Simanovsky, BeMyDD president.
“We’re always looking for ways to make finding a designated driver easier than getting behind the wheel. The 24-City Designated Driver Tour is our biggest opportunity yet to positively impact communities all over the United States.”
He notes the reality – that drunk driving accidents regularly involve significant costs, or even fatalities and resulting charges and convictions for the driver.
It’s set up specifically for suburban residents for whom taxi services quickly can get expensive.
“In addition to the potential lives saved through the use of designated drivers, services like BeMyDD also help avoid the expense of getting a DUI, which can cost around $16,000, according to AAA,” the company announced.
“The 24-City Designated Driver Tour is an excellent opportunity to promote responsible consumer enjoyment, which is one of our core brand values,” said Rob Frederick, director of corporate responsibility at Brown-Forman, the parent company of Jack Daniel’s, one of the sponsors.
Details about the 24-city tour are online, but it starts Sept. 26, in Los Angeles, and continues through August 2016.
Cities or areas included are Miami, Orange County, Tampa, Cleveland, Charlotte, Indianapolis, Atlanta, Phoenix, Denver, Minneapolis, Chicago, Orlando, Dallas, Seattle, San Diego, Washington, San Francisco, Raleigh, Boston, Las Vegas, Houston, San Antonio, and New York.
The company now operates in 76 markets in 31 states.
Copyright 2015 WND

NEO – VT Bureau Chief Detained by Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs

NEO – VT Bureau Chief Detained by Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs

Georgians are "free" to live in a gangster and terrorist haven
Georgians are “free” to live in a gangster and terrorist haven

… by  Seth Ferris,   with  New Eastern Outlook,  Moscow

Welcome to investigative journalism where defense contractors can beat you up with impunity
Welcome to investigative journalism where defense contractors can beat you up with impunity

[ Editor’s Note:  We have a peek today at what it can be like to be a real independent investigative journalist in this day and age. Journalists being threatened, beat up and occasionally murdered is not a new story, but the ploy of shutting a journalist up by “canceling his citizenship” is.
The goal of course is to prevent him from accessing the courts in a lawsuit, where what he knows can help protect him. But without citizenship, you do not have jurisdiction to sue by getting into the courts.
Jeffrey Silverman’s passport was grabbed by the Azerbaijanis, doing a favor for the US Embassy. Without a major press platform with lots of money behind you, your butt is really hanging out on a limb in such a situation.
This is a tough business to be in today, if you will not accept the self-imposed censorship redlines that are supposed to be obvious to all. Without the internet platforms for an outlet, the door would be closed tightly, with the usual exceptions here and there.
But we are still standing and so is Silverman. For where he is and what he is doing, he is putting his life on the line to do the work, but unlike a policeman, he cannot carry a gun and have permission to use it to protect himself. We have to try to help out there, and we will.
The good news is that his visit to immigration on Monday morning went okay, with him not getting thrown in the slammer and no deportation to never-never land. The Georgian authorities said they would recognize his old passport. He has been highly visible with his reporting for many years, so it would look odd for the country to suddenly claim he was there illegally, as he would just whip out his old passport. To be continuedJim W. Dean ]


The Pankisi Gorge is in the NE of Georgia
The Pankisi Gorge is in the NE of Georgia

– First published September 01,  2015

This is wonderful country to hide terrorist training camps
This is wonderful country to hide terrorist training camps

When Jeffrey Silverman, Georgia Bureau Chief for Veterans Today, was detained for five hours last Friday, the Georgian authorities could not find his name in their high tech database. This surprised them, as he has gained a degree of notoriety in recent years for his investigative reports, which have helped to shut down some US-funded operations that have proved to be a geopolitical embarrassment for, not only Georgia but, the United States
The reason they could not find his name is that the last time Silverman entered the country in 2004, it was under the Georgianised version of his name given in an old Georgian passport that dated back to 1993. This has now expired, but the Georgian government has refused to give him a new one, claiming he is an American citizen and cannot hold two citizenships.
However Silverman had his nationality revoked by the US government back in 2004, after it had asked the Government of Azerbaijan to track him down. He has a document from the U.S. declaring him an alien. The Georgian authorities know that, but do not act upon it.
Nor will the Red Cross give him the documents of a stateless person, because he used to have a Georgian passport, and the Georgian authorities will not explain why he is no longer entitled to a new one.
It would appear that several governments and agencies, acting in concert, are determined to make life difficult for Silverman. He can’t leave Georgia, and he can’t get the documents he needs to stay legally. He has also been arrested several times, tortured, assaulted, threatened; and under the previous regime, placed on a death list and has seen associates of his subjected to the same treatment.
So what exactly are the American and Georgian authorities so afraid of? Why does Silverman have to be watched and harassed by governments which claim to support free speech and democratic values, and who lecture the rest of the world about what these are?

Hero with feet of truth

The Pankisi Gorge is like a baseball dugout and bullpen for rent-a-terrorist operations
The Pankisi Gorge is like a baseball dugout and bullpen for rent-a-terrorist operations

Jeffrey Silverman is a US Army officer veteran, a former Cavalry Scout, 19D; a forward observer who trained and did his service at Fort Knox in Kentucky, OSUT. He is therefore one of the Veterans whom the U.S. makes a great point of honouring, as a means of demonstrating its civilized values.
But instead he is vilified and abused by his own government, and those of client states like Georgia, because he has long been investigating weapons trafficking and the covert support given to Chechen terrorists by US-funded non-government organisations, NGOs, in places such as the Pankisi Gorge, which he has published numerous articles about, having taken a service oath on the Constitution to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
He has also collected operational intelligence concerning how and when the 2008 war would start in Georgia, two months before, and maintains that this conflict was instigated by the previous Georgian government in cooperation with the Republican presidential candidate of the time, Senator John McCain, as a ploy to boost his ratings. He has also written about this, and shared his information with the Georgian Human Rights Centre.
Silverman has carefully linked a number of US-funded NGOs with weapons procurement and terrorist operations in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Afghanistan. He has shown how the funds used to do this came from Food for Peace proceeds, which derived from the sale of excess USDA agricultural commodities. He has openly shared all the documentation concerning this, including the fake end user certificates used; the plan of how logistical support is actually provided; the names of those who provide it, and the mechanisms they use to do so.
He was behind Russian lines during the 2008 Georgian-Russian war, collecting intelligence about the illegal use by Georgia of Israeli-made M-85 cluster bombs and the alleged war crimes committed by both sides, Georgian and Russian.
At that time, he was working for Georgian State TV, public broadcasting and the Georgian Human Rights Centre. Therefore, he was technically working for the same country which may now want to deport him for doing exactly this, having been declared an alien by his country of birth for doing the same things.

Loitering with intent to go home

The pipelines
The pipelines

Silverman’s latest arrest was for standing in a public place. He was seen near a checkpoint on the Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline. This is the much-touted 1,768 kilometre (1,099 mi) crude oil pipeline which connects Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, with Ceyhan, a port on the south-east Mediterranean coast of Turkey, via Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia.
BTC is an important strategic facility for Georgia and the West, and journalists are usually encouraged to write about it and see it. It is also the pipeline that illegally transports trucked Iranian and stolen Iraqi oil, but that is another story.
It is not illegal to stand near an oil pipeline armed with nothing more than a notebook. Nor was Silverman in a restricted area, or committing any other sort of crime. In fact he wasn’t even interested in the pipeline. He was researching a different story entirely, exploring the mountain roads which he believes are being used to convey weapons and logistics to the Islamic State, ISIL, with the help of Bechtel National and some “rogue elements” in the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Silverman was investigating the freight cars which are sent to Borjomi, where the famous Borjomi Mineral Water comes from. The wagons that arrive to take the mineral water to market are not always empty on arrival, and they are alleged to serve dual purposes.
If these freight wagons are indeed carrying weapons for terrorists, illegal acts are being committed, which the authorities have a right to know about and a duty to investigate. But when he was arrested, no one wanted to hear what Silverman had to say, any more than they wanted to hear what he had uncovered about formerly-secret biological weapons labs in Georgia; the official cover-up of the murder of former PM Zurab Zhvania; and the links between figures in Georgia and various intelligence agencies.
The saddest aspect of this is that such arrests were common under the previous Georgian government, but the present one was elected to put a stop to such things. Its election platform was simple: former president Saakashvili and his friends are criminals who have robbed the country and terrorised the population, and they must all be brought to justice.
Silverman’s work has always played a part in that “bringing to justice” process, even when the previous government was still in power and the work much more difficult. The present government should therefore be clamouring to hear him, not arresting him. But he still knows too much for too many people: and principally, as his arrest shows, he knows that this Georgian government is as much a U.S. pawn as the previous one, and will never be allowed to make good on its fine words as long as this is the case.

Aspiration and reality
Jeffrey Sliverman - on a good day
Jeffrey Sliverman – on a good day

Silverman was detained on the way to Tabatskuri. He says this village is being used as a rest station for various trucks and “fighters” moving across Georgian territory to Turkey. It is off the beaten track, which is why it is being used — such movements have been seen on the main roads in the past.
The existence of some ratline to Turkey, whether or not this village is part of it, is well documented. Turkey is actively involved in trying to topple the Syrian government and make money in the process. The author of this article is often in contact with Silverman, exchanging regional intelligence, which has then appeared in print.
Silverman was not only detained by Ministry of Internal Affairs, but by Bechtel Security. He was instructed to report to immigration on Monday, August 31, as they know he does not have proper documents and know that the U.S. and Georgian authorities have made sure he doesn’t have them.
Silverman will not only be telling immigration why he has no documents, he will be saying that he saw trucks going through security without being checked, and that the local shepherds were clearly Turkish rather than Georgian, and most likely working for Turkish intelligence.
He is hoping that the Georgians are afraid of deporting a journalist, particularly one who is frequently on the front pages of the Georgian press. However he is also aware that Bechtel Security is patrolling the region to make it into a no-go area, just like the Pankisi Gorge, which was made into a U.S. and NATO sponsored terrorist training camp in the same way.
Roddy Scott got too close to that, and was murdered for his trouble. Silverman knew and worked with Roddy Scott, and the Georgian and U.S. authorities know that too. He was also on a death list during the Saakashvili government, as Dr. Vakhtang Maisaia, who was falsely imprisoned and tortured partly as a means of getting to Silverman, has stated publicly.

Lands of the free


One of Silverman’s recent hard hitting interviews in the Georgian press received 57,000 likes from Georgian residents, who number about four million and have limited internet access, especially in rural regions.
A lot of people would notice if he was deported from Georgia, and if the U.S., whose conduct he has frequently attacked, were allowed to do what it liked with him.
The last time Silverman appeared in the US, he was tossed into solitary confinement for failing to appear for a domestic court case. Fortunately, a judge then refused to bow to pressure exerted on him by the US State Department and FBI and declared his detention unconstitutional.
He was allowed to return to Georgia, but has no legal recourse in either Georgia or the US, as neither country accepts he is one of their citizens. His expired Georgian passport was initially a Soviet one, overstamped with “Republic of Georgia”, and “Georgian Citizen” and that circumstance can be interpreted however the authorities want, even though it was they who stamped it.
Veterans Today is now in the process of contacting the Georgian authorities and the US Embassy in Georgia. It is hoping that the attention it brings to his case will make sure that his rights are not violated. That is, of course, assuming the Georgian government, which was elected to stop all these abuses, has the guts to admit Silverman still has any rights.
Seth Ferris, investigative journalist and political scientist, expert on Middle Eastern affairs, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.