Monday, September 7, 2015

The bloody origins of Labor Day

The bloody origins of Labor Day

Bill Federer recounts history of holiday which began with strife

Rosie the Riveter
Rosie the Riveter

Labor Day. To appreciate it, one needs to know the history preceding it.
At the time the United States was founded, most people were farmers or worked in trades, such as blacksmiths, cobblers, bakers, upholsterers, etc. Then the Industrial Revolution occurred in the early 19th century with the harnessing of water and steam power.
This led to the creation of factories which could mass produce items inexpensively. In America, most factories were in the Northern states. As there was originally no federal income tax, the federal government was financed primarily from:

  • Excise taxes on items like salt, tobacco, liquor
  • Tariff taxes on imports, making them more expensive so people would buy goods made in American factories
The problem was the tariff taxes that helped the North hurt the South, as the South had no factories to protect. At one point, nearly 90 percent of the federal budget came from tariff taxes collected at Southern ports. This fueled animosity prior to the Civil War.
After the Civil War, the North passed more tariff taxes which successfully allowed factories to grow enormous. Textile manufacturing produced items like clothes, glass, dishes and farm tools for a fraction of the previous costs. New ways of making stronger steel led to the building of bridges, buildings, steamboats and mining machinery.
Railroads now could take people safely and inexpensively across the entire nation, opening up unprecedented mobility and opportunity. Inventions and advances in manufacturing made more goods available at cheaper prices, resulting in America having the fastest increase in the standard of living of any people in world history.
President Grover Cleveland dedicated the Statue of Liberty in 1886. Immigrants arrived and could get jobs working in factories, where they learned the language and skills.
One such factory was that of George Pullman, who founded the Pullman Railroad Sleeping Car Company just outside of Chicago, Illinois. George Pullman saw that workers needed a place to live, so he built them houses in a safe little village around the factory, deducting the rent from their paychecks. Workers were paid in company “script” which was accepted at the company-owned grocery stores. It was thought to be a utopian workers’ community and worked well for over a decade.
Discover more of Bill Federer’s eye-opening books and videos in the WND Superstore!
Then something happened. There was a nationwide economic depression and orders for railroad sleeping cars declined.
In 1893, George Pullman had to make cuts in wages and lay off hundreds of employees, though rent and groceries stayed the same price. Employees walked out, demanding lower rents and higher pay.
The growing discontent was a seedbed for Karl Marx’s theory of class-struggle and the communist redistribution of wealth.
A young worker named Eugene V. Debs led a strike of workers in 1894. Railroad workers across the nation boycotted trains carrying Pullman cars. There was rioting, pillaging and burning of railroad cars.
It became a national issue when mail trains were interrupted. President Grover Cleveland declared the strike a federal crime and deployed 12,000 troops to break the strike. More violence erupted, and two men were killed.
Since it was an election year, President Grover Cleveland thought it would improve his chances of getting re-elected if he appeased workers with a national “Labor Day.” He chose the first Monday in September.
President Grover Cleveland did not choose May 1st, as he did not want Labor Day to be in coordination with the Communist “International Workers Day.”
He also did not choose May 1st as it was the anniversary of the bloody Chicago’s Haymarket Riot, where rioters blew up a pipe bomb on May 1, 1886, killing seven policemen and injured 60 others. Attorney Clarance Darrow gained fame defending the rioters.
The statue dedicated to the police who died in the Haymarket Riot was blown up on Oct. 6, 1969, by Bill Ayers’ militant leftist group “Weatherman Underground” during their Days of Rage. The statue was rebuilt, only to be blown up again by the Weatherman Underground on Oct. 6, 1970.
The 1894 railroad strike-organizer Eugene Debs went to prison and Grover Cleveland lost the election, but Labor Day remained a national holiday.
Unions successfully advocated for an eight-hour work day, a 40-hour work week, minimum wages, safer working conditions and more benefits for workers. With these unprecedented improvements in working conditions came an unintended consequence, namely “out-sourcing.”
After World War II, America helped rebuild Germany and Japan with new factories. These overseas factories, together with their cheaper labor, allowed companies based overseas to produce items for less, whereas in America, the costs were increasing due to:

  • Higher wages
  • Increased taxes
  • Expensive lawsuits
  • Burdensome regulations
  • Environmental restrictions
  • Crony capitalism, where politicians give subsidies, contracts, and relax regulations on companies supporting their reelections and agendas, but companies not supporting them are left at a financial disadvantage and have to go out of business or out of the country
American-made products, when compared with foreign made products, were more expensive so people bought fewer of them. Squeeze the sponge and the water goes out.
If it becomes more expensive to manufacture in America, jobs will leave. To bring jobs back, it simply has to be made more profitable for factories to be located here than there.
But building the political will is difficult. Global companies funnel large amounts of money into lobbying to keep tariffs low. Political agendas of higher corporate taxes, higher wages and burdensome regulations produce an anti-business climate.
Some political strategies include intentionally raising the unemployment so more people will sign up for welfare benefits and thus be more inclined to vote for candidates promising to continue those benefits.
Beginning in 1950, union membership among American workers shrank from 50 percent to less than 12 percent. Instead of addressing the need to make it more economically advantageous for business to bring jobs back to America, many unions have focused their efforts on increasing membership by recruiting from other occupations, such as government, education, medical professionals, service industry and retail.
Addressing the American worker, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who had spent 11 years in Communist labor camps, warned on June 30, 1975: “I would like to call upon America to be more careful with its trust … and prevent those … because of short-sightedness and still others out of self-interest, from falsely using the struggle for peace and for social justice to lead you down a false road. Because they are trying to weaken you; they are trying to disarm your strong and magnificent country in the face of this fearful threat. … I call upon you: ordinary working men of America … do not let yourselves become weak.”
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More Persons Attack & Fire at Law Enforcement - 9-7-15 - Comment Posted By: Infoeditor [Send E-Mail]

More Persons Attack & Fire at Law Enforcement - 9-7-15 - Comment 
Posted By: Infoeditor [Send E-Mail]
 Date: Monday, 7-Sep-2015 03:50:00

More Persons Attack & Fire at Law Enforcement - 9-7-15 - Comment
Something must be ongoing between law officers and the public that is not being reported by news media. In addition to several law officers who have been murdered in Texas, which this editor listed here at RMN, there are also more incidents of persons simply firing at and attacking law officers for some reason(s). One guy in Texas seems to have become distraught and allegedly called law enforcement and used abusive language and possibly threats which, when investigated, ended in gunfire and the man allegedly attacking cops and being shot dead.
In yet another incident in Las Vegas a man approached two officers in their unit and began firing shots into the vehicle, etc..
These incidents are among dozens lately where persons have been taking some kind of beef, stepping to the cops. A year or so ago one man walked up to a Sheriff up around Kentucky or thereabouts and blasted the Sheriff in the head dead in broad daylight. Law officers are doing something that is driving people over the edge and they won't stop it, apparently. Could it be the LRAD radiation or the infra-red radar radiation or just plain ole 'butt-burnin' microwave? Whatever it is it is a failure.
If "ALL LIVES MATTER" one would think they would quit burning folks up with radiation! And that goes for so-called surveillance radiation, too!!!
Burn us up like Rome, see what happened to Rome.
Gunman walks up to Las Vegas cops, starts shooting into car
As follow-up to:
: Another Texas Police Officer Dead, Listed as Homicide
: Sept. 2, 2015
: Hardly a week after the murder of a Harris County Deputy in
: Texas another Texas police officer is listed as dead in his
: home, apparently a homicide.
: Unfortunate because "All Lives Matter".
: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
: Off-duty Abilene officer found dead; Texas Rangers, FBI
: investigate

link: "HAARP Resurrected: University of Alaska Takes Over Operations, Seeks Customers"

link: "HAARP Resurrected: University of Alaska Takes Over Operations, Seeks Customers"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 7-Sep-2015 02:02:31

Hi, Folks -
From the Stage2Omega Daily Digest:

HAARP Resurrected: University of Alaska Takes Over Operations, Seeks Customers

By dt on Sep 06, 2015 03:51 pm

DAHBOO777 Published on Sep 6, 2015 The facility has been Idle since 2014. Instead of falling too the dozer blade, HAARP Now Has New Life. In mid August US Air Force General Tom Masiello Shook Hands with UAF’s Brian Rogers and Bob McCoy, Handing the Keys from the Military over to the University of [...]

Read in browser »


Careful Who You 'Like': Lenders Could Deny Loans Based on Facebook Friends

Careful Who You 'Like': Lenders Could Deny Loans Based on Facebook Friends
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 7-Sep-2015 01:14:21

Now, more than ever, it may pay to be wary of accepting just any old friend request online. Facebook recently filed a patent stating that a person can be denied a loan based on the credit history of contacts online.
Flowers float in the sea after they were thrown into the Mediterranean in honor of the migrants lost making the perilous journey across the sea, on April 28, 2015 in Nice, southeastern France
Facebook Matches Up Migrants With Smugglers – Reports
If you've been thinking of cleaning up your Facebook friends and getting rid of those random online connections, now may be the right time to do so, as it turns out your contacts could cost you that loan you need.
It's no secret that companies rake in profits by collecting and selling the personal data of their users, but it's hard not to raise your eyebrows at this one. The patent in question, ostensibly designed to prevent spam, and purchased by Facebook from Friendster along with a bundle of others for $40 million in 2010, allows a user's potential lenders to examine online friends' credit ratings to determine whether to grant a loan, the Independent reported. It includes the following text:
"In a fourth embodiment of the invention, the service provider is a lender. When an individual applies for a loan, the lender examines the credit ratings of members of the individual's social network who are connected to the individual through authorized nodes. If the average credit rating of these members is at least a minimum credit score, the lender continues to process the loan application. Otherwise, the loan application is rejected."
In other words, Facebook may be trying to live up to the saying: "Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are." Untrustworthy, irresponsible friends? Lenders may soon think you are too.


From This Point Forward, Christians Are Going To Be Banned From Holding Many Jobs In America

(This is the End Times for which if you refuse to give up the Christian Morals of the Ten Commandments then you are a Terrorist!)

From This Point Forward, Christians Are Going To Be Banned From Holding Many Jobs In America

Christianity is being criminalized in the United States

From This Point Forward, Christians Are Going To Be Banned From Holding Many Jobs In America
by Michael Snyder | The American Dream | September 7, 2015 

Christianity is being criminalized in the United States. No, I am not talking about the kind of Christianity that is so prevalent in America today where “Christians” just ignore what the Bible says and do whatever they wanted to do in the first place anyway.
Rather, I am talking about the kind of faith that Kim Davis has demonstrated. Christians all over this country are being put into positions where they must choose to either submit to the “new morality” or potentially lose their jobs. For Kim Davis, deciding to take a stand meant that she was thrown into prison. The radical judge that threw her into prison has said that she will stay there until she is willing to change her mind.
The pace of which our nation is circling the toilet is absolutely breathtaking. Just eleven years ago, a state constitutional amendment that banned gay marriage in Kentucky received support from 75 percent of the voters.
Now, Kim Davis has been locked away, and more county clerks may be next. There is news that another county clerk named Casey Davis has stepped forward to say that he won’t issue any same sex marriage licenses either.
What in the world has happened to America? We live in a country where Christians are being imprisoned for what they believe, but Planned Parenthood is free to slaughter babies, chop them up, and sell off their parts to the highest bidder.
We better start paying attention. What is happening right in front of our eyes is eerily reminiscent of what happened in Nazi Germany
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis entered her fourth day as an inmate at the Carter County Detention Center Sunday, after refusing to license gay marriage. About 300 people gathered on the lawn outside the jail to support her Saturday, chanting “thank you, Kim” and waving signs that said “Kim Davis for President” and “God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.”
Davis was held in contempt of court and jailed on Thursday for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, despite being ordered to do so several times by the courts.
Mathew Staver, Davis’s chief legal counsel, compared her persecution to that of Jews faced in Nazi Germany. Staver told the radio show “Crosstalk” Wednesday, “[Davis is] there to do a duty, a job and the job duty was changed. Does that mean that if you’re Christian, don’t apply here? … What happened in Nazi Germany, what happened there first, they removed the Jews from government public employment, then they stopped patronizing them in their private businesses, then they continued to stigmatize them, then they were the ‘problems,’ then they killed them.”
In the future, Bible-believing Christians are going to be completely disqualified from being county clerks or holding any other government position that deals with marriage.
But it won’t stop there. Ultimately, any Christians that will not go along with the new morality will be labeled a “bigot” and a “hater” and will essentially become unemployable.
If you don’t believe me, just consider what happened to the CEO of Mozilla. He was extremely good at his job, but he was forced out when it was revealed that he had once donated $1,000 to a group that supported Proposition 8. It didn’t matter that 52 percent of Californians actually voted in favor of Proposition 8. He broke “the code”, and so he was not fit to run a major tech corporation.
By extension, that means that no Bible-believing Christian is fit to run a major tech corporation.
And if you are a Christian, don’t think about a career as a high ranking military official either. According to a startling Buzzfeed report, Barack Obama actually told the top military officers in this nation that they could either support the end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell or they could resign…
In a meeting with the heads of the five service branches in 2010, President Obama offered the leaders a choice: Support my efforts to end the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, or resign, the Commandant of the Coast Guard said.
In a video obtained by BuzzFeed via a Freedom of Information Act request, Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Robert Papp revealed that Obama was unwilling to compromise with service leaders over DADT during a meeting in 2010. “We were called into the Oval Office and President Obama looked all five service chiefs in the eye and said, ‘This is what I want to do.’ I cannot divulge everything he said to us, that’s private communications within the Oval Office, but if we didn’t agree with it — if any of us didn’t agree with it — we all had the opportunity to resign our commissions and go do other things,” he said.
Are you starting to get the picture?
It is becoming unacceptable to be a Bible-believing Christian in America, and it is only going to get worse in the years ahead. The following is what Carl Gallups, the author of “Be Thou Prepared“, had to say about this in a recent piece for WND
The imprisonment of Kim Davis won’t be the end of the insanity infecting America. We have been given over to a depraved mind, and the travesty inflicted upon this brave believer is unprecedented in American history as far as I know. I do not believe that anyone, public official or private citizen, has ever been jailed simply because of his or her firmly held faith-belief that marriage is between a man and a woman and not between two men or two women.
This is how it starts. In television shows and movies, Bible-believing Christians are being relentlessly mocked. Laws are being passed that are slowly marginalizing believers and that are trying to force us to accept things that we simply cannot accept. And even now, many employers will not even think of hiring you if they discover that you are a committed follower of Jesus Christ.
And just like in Nazi Germany, eventually the persecution becomes more overt and more violent. On Saturday, a non-denominational church in New York was firebombed
Police in New York are investigating after a firebomb was thrown inside of a door at a non-denominational church on Saturday.
The incident occurred early Saturday morning at approximately 5:30 a.m. as a yet unidentified suspect threw a Molotov cocktail threw a glass door at the Chapel at Crosspoint in Getzville. The explosive then started a fire in the vestibule, which set off the sprinkler system and flooded the entryway.
The Getzville Fire Department and the Amherst Police Department responded to the four-alarm incident, according to assistant Police Chief Charles Cohen.
The culture is turning radically against us, and what we have seen so far is just the beginning.
So are you willing to give up your job, your future and potentially even your freedom for your faith?
Tell us what you think by posting a comment below…

The Elite Have Prepared For The Coming Collapse – Have You?

The Elite Have Prepared For The Coming Collapse – Have You?

Do they know something that the rest of us don’t?

The Elite Have Prepared For The Coming Collapse – Have You?
by Michael Snyder | Economic Collapse Blog | September 7, 2015

Why are the global elite buying extremely remote compounds that come with their own private airstrips in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the planet? And why did they start dumping stocks like crazy earlier this year?
Do they know something that the rest of us don’t? The things that I am about to share with you are quite alarming. It appears that the global elite have a really good idea of what is coming, and they have already taken substantial steps to prepare for it. Sadly, most of the general population is absolutely clueless about the financial collapse that is about to take place, and thus most of them will be completely blindsided by it.
As I discussed the other day, the only way that you make money in the stock market is if you get out in time. The elite understand this very well, and that is why they have been dumping stocks for months. This is something that has even been reported in the mainstream news. For example, this comes from a CNBC article that was published on June 16th

The so-called smart money is pulling back from market risk, with fund managers taking down exposure to stocks, increasing cash holdings and buying protection against a sharp selloff.
About two weeks before that, I discussed the same phenomenon on my website. The article that I published on May 30th was entitled “Why Is The Smart Money Suddenly Getting Out Of Stocks And Real Estate?
Did the “smart money” know what was about to happen? Since the peak of the market, the Dow has already lost more than 2200 points. All of the gains since the end of the 2013 calendar year have already been completely wiped out.
And of course the truth is that you didn’t really need any inside information to see that it was time to get out. I have been warning my readers for months about what was coming. The signs have been clear as a bell if you were willing to look at them. Just consider the following excerpt from a recent piece by Michael Pento
Earlier in the year margin debt had risen over $30 billion or 6.5% to $507 billion and was equal to a record 2.87% of U.S. GDP. This surpasses the previous all-time high of 2.78% set in March 2000 – the top of the last largest stock market bubble in history.
And despite the assurance of every mutual fund manager on TV that they have boatloads of cash ready to deploy at these “discounted” levels, in early August cash levels at mutual funds sank to their lowest level in history, 3.2% (see chart below). As a percentage of stock market capitalization, fund cash levels are also nearing the record low set in 2000 when the NASDAQ peaked and subsequently crashed by around 80%.
The financial markets are absolutely primed for a major crash, and when that happens many among the elite will be hightailing it to the middle of nowhere.
Earlier this year, the Mirror published an article all about this entitled “Panicked super rich buying boltholes with private airstrips to escape if poor rise up“. Here is a brief excerpt…
Robert Johnson, president of the Institute of New Economic Thinking, told people at the World Economic Forum in Davos that many hedge fund managers were already planning their escapes.
He said: “I know hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealandbecause they think they need a getaway.”
Keep in mind that these are not just some rumors that Robert Johnson has heard. These are people that he knows personally and that he interacts with regularly.
And Robert Johnson was not alone in this assessment. Here is more from the Mirror
His comments were backed up by Stewart Wallis, executive director of the New Economics Foundation, who when asked about the comments told CNBC Africa: “Getaway cars, the airstrips in New Zealand and all that sort of thing, so basically a way to get off.
“If they can get off, onto another planet, some of them would.”
For some reason, the global elite seem to have a particular affinity for New Zealand. Perhaps it is because of the great natural beauty of the nation combined with the fact that it is in the middle of nowhere. The following comes from the Daily Mail
New Zealand, which is about the size of the UK, but has a population of just 4.4 million, offers them all the modern luxuries they have come to expect – but miles from any country which may implode into chaos.
The country is 11,658 miles away from the UK, while its closest neighbour is Fiji – 1,612 miles away, more than double the distance between Lands End and John O’Groats.
Homes at the top end of the market come with tennis courts, swimming pools and media rooms – and some even boast their own personal jetties where a family can moor their boat.
But the icing on the cake for those looking to make a quick escape comes in the form of private helipads or, better, your own airstrip.
For most of us, buying a luxury bolthole with a private airstrip in New Zealand is not a possibility.
But we should all be getting prepared.
I have a contact in the food industry that has told me that her company’s sales have “been through the roof” over the past 10 days as people stock up for what is coming. In fact, she even used the word “panic” to describe what was happening.
And Americans have been buying a record number of guns as well
Newly released August records show that the FBI posted 1.7 million background checks required of gun purchasers at federally licensed dealers, the highest number recorded in any August since gun checks began in 1998. The numbers follow new monthly highs for June (1.5 million) and July (1.6 million), a period which spans a series of deadly gun attacks — from Charleston to Roanoke — and proposals for additional firearm legislation.
For a very long time, I have been warning my readers to get prepared.
Well, now we are getting so close that panic is starting to set in.
Hopefully you are already well prepared for what is about to happen. If not, you need to kick your prepping into overdrive.
These next few months are going to change everything. Get ready while you still can.

Financial corruption, crony capitalism and moral degeneration


'They  wrote  about  financial  corruption,  crony  capitalism,  moral  degeneration  in  ways  that  are simply stunning'



America’s Founding Fathers left succeeding generations a wonderful gift, according to a scholar who has studied and written about the Founders. However, he believes too many Americans today fail to appreciate it.

“It was like [the Founders] wrenched an immense and very amazing piece of gold from the earth called self-government,” said Joshua Charles during a recent appearance on Dennis Prager’s radio show. “But when they did it, there was still quite a bit of dirt on it – you know, slavery, other things like that.

“But what I’m worried about is that the left, the academia, you know, however you want to phrase it – they make everything about the dirt. And so the great danger in my eyes is that in acknowledging the dirt, we use it as an excuse to do away with the gold.”

Charles, a WND columnist, is well acquainted with both the gold and the dirt. He spent five to six years combing through thousands of pages of speeches, letters, diary entries and other lesser-known writings of America’s Founding Fathers.

The result was his recently released book, “Liberty’s Secrets: The Lost Wisdom of America’s Founders.”
“There’s a lot more than people realize,” the author revealed. “There’s the Declaration, there’s the Constitution, there’s the Federalist Papers, which were all of course wonderful.”

Charles also pointed to letters, diary entries and newspaper editorials.

“There are even books. John Adams, for example, wrote a massive three-volume tome, ‘The Defense of the Constitutional Government of the United States,’ and it’s an immense historical survey basically putting forward the idea of separation of powers. So there’s all sorts of stuff that people have no idea about and which I see rarely quoted, rarely referenced.”

Unfortunately, the 27-year-old Charles doubts whether his fellow millennials would fully appreciate all the writings he has dug up and documented in his book. He shared an anecdote that happened when he was touring the National Archives in Washington, D.C., recently. 

While he was gazing at the original Declaration of Independence, he overheard a group of teenage girls ask a National Archives staff member, “What’s the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution?”

Charles was incredulous.

“I was thinking to myself, ‘These young women have been in public education for a decade or longer most likely, and they don’t even know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution,’” he said.

Charles and Prager, the host, both worried that young people would initially think “white male Christian slave owner” if they saw the writings Charles dug up. Charles acknowledged slavery was a “great stain” on our nation’s history, but he urged listeners not to lose focus on the unique nature of America’s founding.

“The United States was the first nation in the world to be established by reasoned consent of its people,” he said. “It wasn’t by war, it wasn’t by happenstance, it wasn’t by conquest. We had a war for independence, but the actual establishment of our government, the Constitution, that was peaceful. It was through debate, it was through reason, and that was the first time that had happened in human history.”

In recent months, Democrats in some states have tried to distance themselves from one Founder in particular: Thomas Jefferson. Party committees in Georgia, Connecticut, Missouri and Iowa have voted to rename their annual Jefferson-Jackson fundraising dinners because Jefferson owned slaves and Andrew Jackson relocated thousands of Native Americans from the South. At least six other states are considering the same move.

Charles urges Democrats not to let Jefferson’s slave ownership override all the great things he did for America. In addition, the author pointed to one passage from his book that he said demonstrates Jefferson was not a racist. In 1861, Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens gave his famous “Cornerstone Speech.”

“He specifically references Jefferson’s ideas, as articulated in the Declaration of Independence,” Charles said. “And not only does he specifically reference them, he specifically eschews them. … [He] said the Confederacy is based on the exact opposite.”

Indeed, Stephens stated: “Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition.”

Take note, says Charles: a Confederate official claimed his racist ideals were “exactly the opposite” of Jefferson’s.

Of course, Jefferson and the other Founders wrote about more than just slavery. Charles revealed that, while researching for the book, he discovered numerous writings on issues people still care about today.

“One thing I discovered is you’ll go through their writings and there’s so many things that are utterly relevant today,” he said. “I actually coined a phrase I called a ‘one-niner.’ Whenever I’d be reading, I’d put it in the margins, and it comes from Ecclesiastes 1:9 – ‘There’s nothing new under the sun.’ You can read so much of what they wrote. They wrote about banks, they wrote about financial corruption, they wrote about what we call crony capitalism, they wrote about moral degeneration, they wrote about education in ways that are simply stunning.”

Prager, who is also a WND columnist, offered effusive praise for Charles, calling him “a living, breathing reason for optimism for the United States.”

The host said he was so impressed with Charles’ book that he agreed to write the foreword.

“So he has written this book, and it is so good that I have to say that if you read three books on what America stands for and its founders stand for, this has to be one of them,” Prager enthused. “And if it was the only one, you would do well.”

Hear the interview:


Sunday, September 6, 2015

JADE HELM 15 - THE TRUTH! What's REALLY behind it?


Z Comp

Recently obtained Department of Defense documents reveal the true nature of Jade Helm 2015

They’re testing a new command and control protocol called the Jade-2 System.

Analysts describe the Jade-2 System as a highly sophisticated artificial intelligence network that is “self-aware” and plugged into numerous agencies and monitoring human activity, foreign and domestic…from CCTV to social media networks. 

It’s purpose is not only military!   It is for the entire human domain!

This full spectrum analysis of the Jade-2 Artificial Intelligence System will have you thinking skynet has just arrived. 

Jade 2 is in command and control of the Jade Helm exercise… 

We say again - Jade-2 is at the helm and it is fully aware and operational.

JADE HELM 15: Covert SkyNet

JADE HELM 15: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence (Part 2)

Published on Jul 17, 2015
The Jade-2 System is a "Network Centric Software Based Artificial Intelligence Program at the Helm (i.e. "Jade Helm").

Recently obtained Department of Defense documents reveal the true nature of Jade Helm 2015. They're testing a new command and control protocol called the Jade-2 System. Analysts describe the Jade-2 System as a highly sophisticated Artificial Intelligence network that is "self-aware" and plugged into numerous agencies and monitoring human activity, foreign and domestic... from CCTV to social media networks. It's purpose is not only militar.  It is for the entire human domain.

This full spectrum analysis of the Jade-2 Artificial Intelligence System will have you thinking skynet has just arrived. Jade 2 is in command & control of the Jade Helm exercise... we say again, Jade-2 is at the helm and it is fully aware and operational.

(Part 2) JADE HELM 15: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence

"JADE HELM"! The COMPLETE 2.5 HOUR INTERVIEW can be viewed here:

Related Videos:

JADE HELM: "MASTERING THE HUMAN DOMAIN"-1033 Program & Exec Order 13684

Governor's Response To Resident's Concerns With Jade Helm15

Robin Sage Is Jade Helm For Eastern US

Research Links:
Official US Defense Department Science Blog
DTIC News Wire 10 April 2015
Raytheon BBN Technologies
JADE Program continuation paper - Tuesday Presentation Details
Mega Data Collection - GWEN Towers
NSA Decryption Multipurpose Research Facility
Is "The Cloud" an Integral Part of the NSA Data Center and Project Bumblehive...??
Recommended viewing on the subject:
Jade Helm - An Expose-Part 2-Infiltration

In other words, they are testing and putting in to place an artificial intelligence that can and will spy on you, every thing you think, say and do.  It will assess what it determines are your thoughts, intents and what it thinks your plans are and any threat you present to it, as well as every thing else that is going on. It will process and formulate its plan to do whatever it's artificial intelligence determines is best for IT - NOT for humans, animals or this planet. It has the capability to play life on this planet like a game of marbles, checkers or chess - without any regard for your safety, your health, your future or that of the planet. It can destroy this planet if it decides that is in ITS best interests.  This is what we are coming up against, and most of humanity will NOT be able to fool it, play with it or survive it.

Who was the total idiot human scientist(s) that decided to pursue the creation of this monster and implement this?  Surely there was demonic alien intel involved in this. They hate humanity and are trying to destroy every one of us.  Are the human scientists so stupid that they don't comprehend that this computer can destroy them?  Eliminate them?  Do they not recognize that this computer software has the capability to create wars at a whim and to destroy everything it determines is a threat to it?  Playing with gasoline and matches is very dangerous, but this monster even outdoes that.