Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Monday, September 7, 2015 "Orders to Surrender" - Anonymous Email to the Cabal Elite

Monday, September 7, 2015 "Orders to Surrender" - Anonymous Email to the Cabal Elite
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Tuesday, 8-Sep-2015 16:30:35

From: "[...]" <[...]@[...]>
Date: Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 9:21
Subject: Cease and Desist
Directly ordered from the Resistance Forces to be seen by the members of the Cabal Elite whom are truly the Khazarian Mafia and all of their affiliates including the Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate (you know who you all are).
On behalf of the Pentagon, New Republic, Chinese Dragon Families, gnostic Illuminati groups and most of all humanity.
You are to cease and desist your crimes against humanity immediately. You are finished, you are surrounded. You have no where to hide and no where to run. Your allies have abandoned you, they too will not leave this planet.
If you choose to surrender then you are hereby ordered to:
Cease and desist attacks against China in efforts to start War World 3.
Cease and desist weather modification programs.
Cease and desist distribution of Chemtrails.
Cease and desist eugenic programs.
Cease and desist apprehension attempts of the Global Financial/Currency Reset and distribution of wealth to end poverty.
Cease and desist suppression of extraterrestrial contact, secret space programs and new technologies.
Release yourselves from your positions of power in the United States of America, Europe and other countries.
If you do not follow these orders effective immediately before the end of 2015. Prepare to face trial and execution. Surrender now or forever hold your peace.
Representative of the Resistance,

Shemitah, End of Jewish Calendar Cycle, Spooks Markets

Shemitah, End of Jewish Calendar Cycle, Spooks Markets

A little know Biblical term is keeping marketmen around the world busy

Shemitah, End of Jewish Calendar Cycle, Spooks Markets

by Partha Sinha | Times of India | September 8, 2015

Strange are the ways of the market. At a time when billionaires around the world are counting their losses from the ‘Black Monday’ carnage and governments are looking for every available rule in their books to assuage frail nerves of jittery investors, ‘Shemitah’, a little know Biblical term is keeping marketmen around the world busy.
Meaning the last year of a seven-year cycle in the Jewish calendar, the end of the past several Shemitahs have brought in immense financial hardships to the world. The biggest Wall Street crash, which was in 1987, happened during Shemitah. The 9/11 terror attack happened a day after Shemitah in 2001 and Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy and the subsequent 777-point fall in Dow Jones in 2008 also happed around Shemitah.
September 2015 being another Shemitah which ends on Sunday, September 13, and with the global financial market seemingly on a razor’s edge, people from Wall Street to Dalal Street are tanking up on their knowledge of this event from Hebrew history.


From US to India, from UK to Japan, Shemitah (also written as Shemittah and Shemita) is now one of top trending terms on Google. On August 24 and August 25, on Google Trends search for ‘Shemitah’ had a score of 100, meaning 10% or more of all the searches from that region was for this particular word. A Youtube video on the topic that was uploaded about two months ago and deals with an impending financial collapse, has already been seen 1.1 million times.
Read more


Why The Supreme Court is Not Supreme

Why The Supreme Court is Not Supreme

September 8, 2015 in News by RBN

rense.com | J. Matt Barber

Judicial activism occurs when judges write subjective policy preferences into the law rather than apply the law impartially according to its original meaning.”
The Heritage Foundation
To vocal opponents of judicial activism, this comes as little surprise. The U.S. Supreme Court has suffered a major credibility blow in the wake of its politically motivated 5-4 Obergefell v. Hodges “gay marriage” opinion. In it, they presumed to do the impossible ­ both redefine the age-old institution of natural marriage and to give this fictional definition precedence over freedoms actually enumerated in the Bill of Rights. According to Rasmussen, only “36 percent of Likely U.S. Voters still think the high court is doing a good or excellent job.”
Incredibly, even the Chicago Tribune had this scathing assessment of the high court:
“We must confess we are shocked at the violence and servility of the Judicial Revolution caused by the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States. We scarcely know how to express our detestation of its inhuman dicta, or to fathom the wicked consequences which may flow from it. … This decision has sapped the constitution [sic] of its glorious and distinctive features, and seeks to pervert it into a barbarous and unchristian channel … Jefferson feared this Supreme Court, and foretold its usurpation of the legislative power of the Federal Government. His prophecy is now reality. The terrible evil he dreaded is upon us.”

As many of us warned, this opinion is already being used to crush Americans’ constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. This was not lost on the Tribune, which added, “To say or suppose, that a Free People can respect or will obey a decision so fraught with disastrous consequences to the People and their Liberties, is to dream of impossibilities. No power can take away their rights. They will permit no power to abridge them.”
The New York Tribune was equally dismissive: “The decision, we need hardly say, is entitled to just as much moral weight as would be the majority of those congregated in any Washington bar-room.”
OK, I’ll come clean. The above quotes are not in reference to Obergefell. But they might as well have been. These quotes addressed the Supreme Court’s equally illegitimate 1857 Dred Scott decision. Whereas, in Dred Scott, the justices defied natural law and presumed a “right” for whites to own blacks, the court’s 2015 Obergefell decision likewise defied natural law and presumed to deconstruct and redefine the institution of marriage.
Both decisions are illegitimate, and here’s why. For the U.S. Supreme Court to justifiably overturn some law duly passed by the United States Congress, its opinion must be deeply rooted in one or more of the following:

  1. A clear reading of the U.S. Constitution;
  2. Some prior court precedent;
  3. History and the Common Law;
  4. Our cultural customs or traditions;
  5. Some other law enacted by Congress.
As the high court’s four dissenting justices rightly observed in Obergefell, the “five attorneys” who invented this newfangled “right” to “gay marriage,” failed, abysmally, on each and every requirement.
The same was true of Dred Scott.
And so both opinions should be summarily ignored.
As President Andrew Jackson famously quipped of a Supreme Court opinion he thought usurped his executive authority, “[Chief Justice] John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!”
After the Dred Scott decision was released, Sen. William Pitt Fessenden, R-Maine, who later served as Abraham Lincoln’s secretary of treasury, said this: “[It is charged] that I am undermining the institutions of the country by attacking the Supreme Court of the United States! I attack not their decision, for they have made none; it is their opinion.”
Over the last few decades, the other two branches of government, the legislative and the executive, have, for some inexplicable reason, acquiesced to the notion of judicial supremacy ­ a dangerously dominant concept that erroneously regards the United States Supreme Court as the final arbiter of all things public policy. If this is so, then these nine unelected lawyers are ultimately unaccountable to anyone or anything, and the other two branches of government are but toothless figurehead bodies merely spinning their wheels while spending our dollars.
This flies in the face of the framers’ intent. It’s also the very unfortunate reality under which we live. It is fully within the constitutional authority of the other two branches of government to rein in these judges gone wild.

Article III, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the authority to “check” judicial activism, up to and including when justices illegitimately legislate from the bench: “[T]he Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make.”

Our Republican-led Congress, from a regulatory standpoint, has the absolute constitutional authority to smack down this rogue Supreme Court. Unfortunately, to date, it has either been unwilling or unable to do so.

Still, it’s not Republicans alone who must halt this judicial imperialism. Freedom-loving Democrats, to the extent that such animal yet exists, must also join the fight. After the Dred Scott opinion, they did.

“[F]orthwith we are told that the Supreme Court of the United States has become the appointed expounder of Democratic principles. Since when?” asked Sen. George Pugh, D-Ohio. “Who constituted the judges of the Supreme Court the makers or expounders of Democratic principle? Certainly not Thomas Jefferson, who pronounced them the sappers and miners of the Constitution; certainly not Andrew Jackson, who told them he would interpret his own oath, as well as his own principles, according to his views of the Constitution. … When we get to going by courts, it seems to me we have departed from the whole spirit and principle of the Democratic Party.”

My, how the Democratic Party has changed.

In the vast majority of their writings the Founding Fathers were explicit that the judicial branch of government is effectively the weakest of the three. Regrettably, such is not the case with today’s modern misapplication. Americans currently live under what is, for all intents and purposes, a counter-constitutional judiciocracy led by nine unelected, unaccountable, black-robed autocrats.

No, five extremist lawyers don’t get to decide “the law of the land.” Only the legislature can do that. The high court merely issues opinions.

And then the other two branches decide what, if anything, to do with them.

The Declaration of Independence acknowledges that true rights are God-given and unalienable.

Religious free exercise is sacrosanct.

“Gay marriage” is pretend.

And the Supreme Court is not the Supreme Being.

Thirty Magistrates in North Carolina Are Now All Refusing To Conduct Homosexual “Marriages”

Thirty Magistrates in North Carolina Are Now All Refusing To Conduct Homosexual “Marriages”

September 8, 2015 in News by RBN

Freedom Outpost | Theodore Shoebat

Thirty North Carolina magistrates are refusing to conduct homosexual “marriages.” According to the report:
More than 30 magistrates in North Carolina have refused to perform weddings. But thanks to a new state law, they were able to do so legally.

Right after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June, the state passed a law allowing officials to opt out of performing all marriages.

The law exempts court officials with a “sincerely held religious objection” and is designed for those opposing gay marriage.

The law’s original sponsor, Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger, said it’s probably preventing situations like the one in Kentucky.

“It’s keeping folks from having to choose between their job and their religious beliefs. I think that’s important,” he said.

Berger said so far the law hasn’t caused any problems.

“I think the law is working very well,” he said.

Only Utah has a similar law.
Kim Davis has been jailed by the American government for refusing to submit to the homosexual agenda. This only shows that the time is now coming when Christians are going to have to fight. The time is now coming when God is using persecution to sift out the saints from the hirelings. Carly Fiorina, the “conservative” whom so many are praising, has proven herself to be a Jezebel, slamming Kim Davis for her righteous decision, saying:
Given the role that she’s playing, given the fact that the government is paying her salary, I think that is not appropriate. Now that’s my personal opinion
I did a very distinct video, explaining the nature of what is happening, what will happen in America, and why this is happening in America: 

Judge orders Christian clerk freed from jail

Judge orders Christian clerk freed from jail

But gives condition for Kim Davis and her deputies

Kim Davis
Kim Davis

Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who has been jailed since last week for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, was ordered released Tuesday by a federal judge.
The order from Judge David L. Bunning came just a few hours before a major rally calling for her freedom.
Bunning also ordered the Rowan County clerk not to interfere when her deputy clerks issue marriage licenses.
The deputy clerks have been granting licenses to homosexual and heterosexual couples since Friday.
Bunning said he was satisfied the Rowan County clerk’s office is now complying with the recent Supreme Court decision that green-lighted “same-sex marriage” across America.
Staver, in a statement sent to WND, said the order will allow Davis to restore some normality in her life.
“We are pleased that Kim Davis has been ordered released. She can never recover the past six days of her life spent in an isolated jail cell, where she was incarcerated like a common criminal because of her conscience and religious convictions. She is now free to return to her family, her coworkers and the office where she has faithfully served for the past 27 years”
He said Liberty Counsel would “continue to assist Kim and pursue the multiple appeals she has filed.”
Staver previously told NBC News the condition to allow deputy clerks to grant licenses to homosexuals was unlikely to suffice.
“We’re back to square one,” Staver said. “She’s been released, but there’s been no resolution.”
To avoid discrimination, Davis, a Democrat, had refused to issue any marriage licenses.
NBC reported Bunning had threatened further “appropriate sanctions” if she didn’t continued to follow his instructions.
More sanctions are likely, NBC said, because Davis had vowed she would not allow any licenses to be issued from her office, even if she wasn’t the one signing them.
The law in Kentucky requires that her signature be on the licenses.
“She told the court Thursday,” Staver said, “that she can’t allow licenses to go out under her name and her authority that authorize a marriage that collides with her conscience and religious conviction, and Kim is not changed on that position.”
Davis’ lawyers several times have argued that an accommodation can be created so that the licenses do not require her signature, but the judge instead decided to imprison her.
Bunning roped Davis’ deputy clerks into the case last week even though they were not parties, ordering them to issue the licenses under his threat of jail time.
He is demanding status reports every 14 days detailing their compliance with his order.
Bunning previously admitted that the dispute was over a conflict between two constitutional rights – Davis’ enumerated right in the Constitution to free exercise of religion and the Supreme Court’s newly created right of “same-sex marriage.”
Critics have condemned the Supreme Courts ruling on marriage in June as being as faulty as the Dred Scott case that affirmed slavery.
Davis’ lawyers, with Liberty Counsel, had just filed an emergency motion with the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals charging that the judge, Bunning, had created a criminal contempt case against the clerk without notifying her and had violated her rights to due process by jailing her.
They noted that Bunning himself seemed uncertain whether or not licenses issued without Davis would be valid.
The attorneys suggested the case makes it look as though Bunning “sought to vindicate [his] own authority and punish Davis for past actions.”
“Thus, Davis is entitled to heightened due process, which she did not receive,” the filing explained.
Bunning also violated the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act by jailing Davis, the attorneys told the 6th Circuit.
“It is not for the district court or any court to question the reasonableness or scriptural accuracy of Davis’ beliefs about marriage, to which she testified at the contempt hearing,” they said. “Indeed, judges should not determine whether Davis’ religious beliefs are ‘mistaken’ or ‘insubstantial.’ … Instead, the ‘narrow function’ … in this context is to determine whether the line drawn reflects ‘an honest conviction.’”
Giving her the choice of violating her beliefs or going to jail certainly “burdens” her religious faith, they wrote.
“Moreover, the compelling government interest inquiry, which the district court omitted in its contempt order, ‘requires the government to demonstrate that the compelling interest test is satisfied through application of the challenged law ‘to the person’ – the particular claimant whose sincere exercise of religions is being substantially burdened,’” they said.
Davis has received support from some Republican presidential candidates, including former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.
As an elected official, she could be removed from office only by the legislature, which doesn’t meet until winter.
Huckabee earlier criticized the judge for a decision that “undermines the Constitution.”
Even before the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision, in which five lawyers decided to redefine marriage, Davis had written to lawmakers asking them to address the issue and protect clerks who had a religious objection to same-sex marriage.
The Kentucky Clerks Association also recommend that the names of clerks be removed from the forms, Staver revealed.
The Supreme Court’s decision was criticized by Chief Justice John Roberts as having no constitutional foundation. Deciding votes also were cast by two justices, Elena Kagan and Ruth Ginsburg, who publicly had advocated for same-sex marriage while the case was before the court. They refused demands that they recuse themselves from the case.
The case illustrates the unwillingness of many Americans to accept the Supreme Court’s imposition of “gay marriage.”
WND reported when James Dobson, the high-profile Christian commentator, author and broadcaster, warned the U.S. Supreme Court before it created same-sex marriage that it was about to constitutionalize sin.
He said the case ultimately isn’t about marriage. Fundamentally, he contends, it’s a way to open up vast new avenues to attack Christianity.
Dobson, who founded the highly influential groups Family Research Council and Focus on the Family, and now runs Family Talk. charged in his monthly newsletter that the Supreme Court’s decision was “an expression of hostility toward people who take their Christianity seriously.”
He said the decision by five justices will prove disastrous for America.
His view is supported by the four dissenting justices, who argued the decision had no connection to the U.S. Constitution and likely will be used to attack Christians.
Dobson wrote: “We are convinced that this unconstitutional decision, issued by five unelected, unaccountable and imperious justices, will ultimately prove to be as catastrophic as Dred Scott v. Sanford in 1857 and Roe v. Wade in 1973. It will touch every dimension of culture.”
He said the decision is not about same-sex marriage, except only tangentially.
“Many gay and lesbian groups have admitted that marriage has never been their primary objective. Instead, it is about everything else,” he wrote.
“What’s at stake is the entire culture war.”
Copyright 2015 WND


Austria Says Syria’s Assad Should Be Part of Fight Against ISIS

Austria Says Syria’s Assad Should Be Part of Fight Against ISIS

Washington has stuck by its position that Assad's treatment of his own people has fuelled extremism

Austria Says Syria's Assad Should Be Part of Fight Against ISIS 
by Shadia Nasralla | Haaretz | September 8, 2015 

The West should involve Syrian President Bashar Assad in the fight against Islamic State, Austria’s foreign minister said on Tuesday, breaking with the view of most Western powers that say Assad is the source of the problem.
Sebastian Kurz’s comments, during a state visit to Iran, reflect what some European diplomats have said privately for months, but they also expose a divide among Western countries on how to deal with Assad and the rise of hardline fighters four years into a war that has killed a quarter of a million and driven 11 million from their homes.
“We need a pragmatic common approach in this respect including the involvement of Assad in the fight against Islamic State terror,” Kurz told reporters. “One should not forget the crimes that Assad has committed, but also not forget the pragmatic view of the fact that in this fight we are on the same side.”
While the U.S. priority in Syria is battling Islamic State, not unseating Assad, Washington has stuck by its position that Assad’s treatment of his own people has fuelled extremism and that he must go, a view shared by Britain and France.
U.S.-led forces have been bombing Islamic State targets in Syria and Iraq for the past year.
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Will Licenses Be Required When Asked?

Will Licenses Be Required When Asked?

Now that Marriage is an issue to NOT to Discriminate then; 
Will the Government Officials anywhere be allowed to mandate you prove to them that you have a Marriage License, man-woman, so that you would NOT be in a Discriminatory position?

The board is getting bigger and bigger for the need to prove how we would NOT Discriminate in all areas, yet this has come down to the Acts and Resolutions of Congress, which one is; “Trading with the enemy Act” of 1917 which makes We The People the Enemy of the Foreign Government Corporation of D.C., which Mandates Licenses!

Please browse through the other documents that got us here:
Nesaranews Constitution And Founding Documents

Labor Day: Why small business works for America

Labor Day: Why small business works for America

Barbershop fined $750 for refusing to cut woman's hair; owner says men want a 'little getaway'

Barbershop fined $750 for refusing to cut woman's hair; owner says men want a 'little getaway'

A Pennsylvania barbershop has been fined $750 for refusing to cut a woman's hair.
Barbiere advertises itself as a high-end gentlemen's barbershop and offers complimentary beers and spirits. The Washington barbershop was recently fined by the state's Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs for gender discrimination.
Owner John Interval tells the (Washington) Observer-Reporter (http://bit.ly/1PZ8SOq ) the fine "infringes" on his shop's environment. Interval says, "Guys come here as a kind of a little getaway, to be around other guys."
The female customer had booked hair appointments online for herself and her boyfriend. She asked for a short haircut known as a wave but was turned away.
Interval says his staff recommended other shops and even offered to pay for a haircut at someplace else to compensate for the inconvenience.
Information from: Observer-Reporter, http://www.observer-reporter.com


Owners warned to vaccinate after West Nile spreads to horses

Owners warned to vaccinate after West Nile spreads to horses

Vet says fewer owners are vaccinating

Published  9:30 AM MDT Sep 08, 2015
Watch Video:
VALENCIA COUNTY, N.M. —West Nile virus has spread to horses in New Mexico.
The New Mexico Department of Health confirmed that a horse in Valencia County was the first horse in the state to contract the illness this year.
West Nile virus can be prevented in horses with a vaccine.
A veterinarian in Valencia County said he has noticed fewer horse owners keeping up with their horses' vaccinations.
For horse owners like Kelsey Prangley, who has been around horses most of her life, it is a top priority to keep her horse healthy.
"We want them to be safe, especially this time of year when there's mosquitoes. We want them have the best care and be safe, so definitely no hesitation for vaccines," she said.
There were five cases of West Nile virus in horses reported in 2014, according to the New Mexico Department of Health.
Louise Nielsen said one of her friends owned a horse who came down with the virus last year and had to be put down.
"Honestly, it's not something that you think about regularly. You think about other kinds of horse diseases, but West Nile wasn't one until that happened," she said.
According to vets, owners can protect horses by spraying them with insect repellent and keeping them inside a barn at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.
Veterinarians say the best defense is making sure horses get the West Nile vaccine.

‘Oops, it was us’: Military concedes British sub, not Russian, damaged UK trawler in April

Oops, it was us’: Military concedes British sub, not Russian, damaged UK trawler in April
Date: Tuesday, 8-Sep-2015 10:14:46

Published time: 8 Sep, 2015 10:36
Edited time: 8 Sep, 2015 12:25

The UK Ministry of Defence admits that a submarine that damaged a British trawler in April this year was one of its own, not Russian. Earlier, Fleet Street was awash with speculation that a ‘hostile Russian sub’ had nearly destroyed the fishing vessel.
“…the RN [the Royal Navy] has now confirmed that a UK submarine was, in fact, responsible for snagging the KAREN's [fishing vessel] nets,” Penny Mordaunt, minister of state for the Armed Forces, said in a statement.
The fishing vessel KAREN sustained damage to its nets and deck equipment while in the Irish Sea after it was dragged violently by unidentified vessel.
“It is standing Ministry of Defence [MOD] policy not to comment in detail on submarine operations but, exceptionally, I can say that this incident occurred because the [UK] submarine did not correctly identify the KAREN as a fishing vessel with nets in the water, and thus did not give her the berth she would otherwise have had.”
According to Mordaunt, if the British submarine was aware of the incident at the time, “which it was not,” then the protocols … “would have required the submarine to surface and remain on scene while the matter was investigated.”
She added that the MoD has already contacted the KAREN's owners “to discuss appropriate compensation.”
READ MORE: ‘Begging’ for help: UK asks US to assist in search for Russian sub off Scotland
Before the official statement, British media was abuzz with speculation about which country owned the vessel that damaged the KAREN. Many media reports were certain it must have been a ‘Russian submarine’.
Russian Submarine Blamed For Snagging Trawler: The Karen was suddenly dragged backwards when a submarine appar... http://t.co/kBXshlIJIw
— E.Newsman (@NewsmanE) April 16, 2015
"There has been Russian activity. There have been Allied exercises going on, the Russians have been taking an interest in it. The question mark now is what kind of a submarine was it?" Dick James, chief executive of the Northern Ireland Fish Producers' Organization told the Telegraph back in April.
Later, the Mirror in its article “Fishing trawler seconds from tragedy after being dragged down by 'Russian submarine' caught in nets” also cited James.
More at source.


Baltimore Reaches $6.4 Million Settlement with Freddie Gray Family

(These funds will come from the Taxpayers and NOT one Penny will come from the Government Corporation or any direct employees!)

Baltimore Reaches $6.4 Million Settlement with Freddie Gray Family

25-year-old man died in April from a neck injury he suffered in police custody

Baltimore Reaches $6.4 Million Settlement with Freddie Gray Family
by Keith L. Alexander | Washington Post | September 8, 2015

Baltimore officials have reached a $6.4 million wrongful death settlement with the family of Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old man who died in April from a neck injury he suffered in police custody, according to two people with knowledge of the agreement.
Baltimore officials could announce details of the proposed settlement as early as Tuesday. Such a deal however, would have to be approved by the city’s Board of Estimates, the governing body that oversees the city’s spending. That group, which includes Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D), is expected to meet Wednesday.
The agreement comes a week after renewed demonstrations sparked by a court hearing in which a judge concluded that the six Baltimore police officers indicted in Gray’s death and arrest should be given separate trials. This week, the judge will consider whether those trials should be held in Baltimore or moved to another jurisdiction.
Gray was arrested the morning of April 12 and died days later from a catastrophic injury that occurred after he was driven, while handcuffed and unbelted, in a police van.
Read more


Pot Revenue Is So High in Colorado, State Will Have to Reimburse Taxpayers

Pot Revenue Is So High in Colorado, State Will Have to Reimburse Taxpayers

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

When Colorado decided to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, everyone expected the state’s tax revenue to increase. What they didn’t realize at the time was that the state government might actually make too much money. So far the state has earned over $150 million from the 30% tax on pot, which exceeded expectations.
Now they may have to pay some of that money back to the taxpayers. According to a 1992 amendment to Colorado’s constitution called the ‘Taxpayer Bill of Rights’ when the state earns more than they anticipated from a given industry, they have to return the difference to the people. When pot was first legalized the state didn’t expect a whole lot of money, so they underestimated future profits. Now they’ll have to find some way to give $50 million back to the public.  
What’s especially funny about this situation, is how the money-grubbing politicians in Colorado are reacting to the news. Neither political party wants to give up the money, and lawmakers are currently working on a bipartisan bill that would ask the voters if they can keep their loot. I guess there’s only one issue that is guaranteed to unite Republicans and Democrats, and that is taking more money from the public.
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by Joshua Krause of The Daily Sheeple.
Joshua Krause is a reporter, writer and researcher at The Daily Sheeple. He was born and raised in the Bay Area and is a freelance writer and author. You can follow Joshua’s reports at Facebook or on his personalTwitter. Joshua’s website is Strange Danger .

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Police are reading your bank & debit card balances without a warrant

Police are reading your bank & debit card balances without a warrant


Thanks to DHS’s own research & development department if you’re arrested, cops can now read your bank balance!
Police are now able to read our bank credit and debit cards, retail gift cards, library cards, hotel card keys, even magnetic-striped Metrorail cards instantly!
Did you catch that? Police will even know the balance of your commuter train/bus cards, all without a WARRANT!  
DHS and Technology Directorate’s Electronic Recovery and Access to Data (ERAD) Prepaid Card Reader is now being used to read EVERY magnetic-striped card.
“The ERAD Prepaid Card Reader is a small, handheld device that uses wireless connectivity to allow law enforcement officers in the field to check the balance of cards. This allows for identification of suspicious prepaid cards and the ability to put a temporary hold on the linked funds until a full investigation can be completed.”
Reading between the lines, once you’re arrested if you’re carrying a ‘suspicious credit or debit card’ police can put a temporary hold on your account! Which begs the question, how the hell can you bail yourself out if they’ve frozen your accounts? What’s to stop a prosecutor/judge from demanding you pay a certain amount in fines or bail? After all they know EXACTLY how much money is in your bank account.
The project, developed by DHS’s Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) First Responder Group(FRG), began in March 2012. The S&T is led by the Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Science and Technology
According to DHS since ERAD was put into field testing, police have seized approximately $1 million dollars in ‘suspicious bank cards, etc.
“The Prepaid Card Reader has generated a lot of interest from our state and local law enforcement agency partners, and there is a growing demand by these agencies for use of this technology by their personnel,” said Deso. “It provides a unique tool for when they encounter suspect cards with magnetic strips during the performance of their duties.”
Of course ERAD is generating a lot of interest from state and local police, they need to find new ways to balance their budgets and keep the American police state going.

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United States Government Debt to GDP Ratio is 312% and Climbing

(It has been since 1933 when THE UNITED STATES, INC. became bankrupt, and then 3 months later We The People became their Collateral as the CREDITORS! Yet they failed to tell the People, and now each and every Government Corporation Official pays us back or goes to jail!!!)

United States Government Debt to GDP Ratio is 312% and Climbing
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Tuesday, 8-Sep-2015 05:00:55

by William Edstrom
The United States (US) government often cites $18 trillion as the amount of money that they owe, but their actual debts are higher. Much higher.
How big is USA's debt?
The government in the USA owes $13.2 trillion in US Treasury Bonds, $5 trillion in money borrowed by the US Federal government from Federal government trust funds like the Social Security trust fund, $0.7 trillion for state bonds issued by the 50 states, $3.7 trillion for the municipal bond market (US towns, cities and counties), $1.97 trillion still owing by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, mostly for bad mortgages in years gone by, $6.23 trillion owed by US government authorities other than Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, $1.04 trillion in loans taken out by the US Federal government (e.g. government credit card balances, short term loans) and $0.63 trillion in loans owed by government authorities (e.g. their government credit card balances, short term loans). As of April 1, 2015, according to the Federal Reserve Bank's Financial Accounts of the US report, the government in the USA has $32.5 trillion in debt excluding unfunded government pension debts and unfunded government healthcare cost.
Debt is money that has to be paid. The government in the USA also has to pay $6.62 trillion for unfunded pension liabilities, as of April 1, 2015. There are thousands of government pension plans in the USA (e.g. County, State, Teacher's, Police). The Federal Employees Pension Plan is now short $1.9 trillion according to the Fed's March 2015 statement plus $4.7 trillion in unfunded state and municipal pension liabilities according to State Budget Solutions which calculates on actual pension returns (approx. 2.5% per year from 2009 to 2014, instead of the fantasy 'assumption' of an 8% return used by the Fed to guesstimate pension fund money). The largest governmental pension fund in Puerto Rico ran out money (became insolvent) in 2012 and the government now has to pay $20.5 billion for that. Pension contributions into government pension plans have been less than what these pension plans pay out to retirees which is why the US government was short by $6.62 trillion for government pensions as of April 1, 2015.
The DJIA has fallen 12.5% since the Spring. $6.3 trillion in governmental pension plan money was invested in wall street as of April 1st. Additional government pension plan losses have been, so far this year, $0.79 trillion. As of August 29, 2015, the government in the US owes $7.41 trillion for pensions. Every additional 10% the DJIA drops (from it's Spring 2015 high), is another $0.63 trillion in unfunded pension costs that the US government has to pay.
The US Federal government owed $1.95 trillion in unfunded entitlements for the Federal Employees Pension Fund as of April 1, 2015. Unfunded entitlements are health care benefits for retirees above and beyond Medicare benefits. States, municipalities and governmental authorities owe an additional $4.2 trillion for retiree health benefits. Medicare and Medicaid costs, about $0.83 trillion in 2014, escalate 6% a year and Obamacare adds $0.18 trillion a year in governmental health costs, mostly for subsidies. Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare costs will escalate to $1.28 trillion in 2018.
Bottom line, as of September 3, 2015, the government in the USA owes $46.04 trillion (bonds, unfunded pension costs, unfunded healthcare costs, credit card balances and loans).
How does USA intend to pay government debt?
