Thursday, September 17, 2015

Blood-sucking assassin bugs spreading Chagas disease in U.S. from Latin America....


Blood-sucking assassin bugs spreading Chagas disease in U.S. from Latin America....


Here is some of what the NWO is causing...How much longer do we have to take this BS from these AHO Gangster Banksters??

Because they tend to feed on people's faces, triatomine bugs are also known as ‘kissing bugs’.
Photo by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images

Obama, Congress Guilty of Treason Written

Obama & Congress Guilty of Treason

Barack Obama and every single member of Congress who voted to send billions of dollars to Iran have already committed the most egregious crime against America clearly outlined in Article III Section 3 of the U.S.

Constitution: Treason. By choosing to provide “aid and comfort” to America’s enemy Barack Obama and the majority of Congress are guilty of treason.

Treason against the United States is defined as 1) “consist[ing] only in levying war against them,” or 2) “in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

Some argue this definition is only applicable during wartime. Regardless of how one defines America “at war” sending cash to Iran, a sworn enemy whose leaders have publicly declared its intent to destroy America, and to continue building nuclear weapons, clearly falls within the Constitutional definition of a treasonous act.

Today’s non-debate and non-media coverage of government officials “negotiating” with Iran about a non-enforceable non-deal, ignore the reality that last year, Congress already allocated billions of American taxpayer dollars and debt to be sent to Iran.

In December 2014, Congress approved a $1.1 trillion omnibus bill, which deliberately and astronomically increased America’s debt while also sending nearly 75 percent of foreign aid to Islamic countries intentionally killing Christians and Jews. The bill allocated $73 billion for State Department “overseas military operations and diplomatic efforts.”  

Included in this was the transfer of $11.9 billion in cash payments to Iran, the very country the State Department has designated for many years as the world’s “most active state sponsor of terrorism.”

Those who voted “yes” on the omnibus bill authorized the federal government to send cash payments to Iran, 56 U.S. Senators (including four abstainers) and 219 Congressman (including 10 abstainers) are already guilty of treason. That’s more than 50 percent of Congress.

Transferring any form of aid/comfort to Iran, a sworn enemy of the United States, is a treasonous act.  
“Providing aid and comfort” ranges from offering an enemy through the transfer of financial resources either in cash or assets; military training, weapons, ammunition, transportation, and troops; material aid such as food, housing, transportation, shelter, medical, technological and communications assistance; and any other means that could improve an enemy’s security and protection that enables it to levy war against the United States.
Only 40 percent of the Senate—40 U.S. Senators—and 47 percent of the House—206 Congressman—voted against it; 56 U.S. Senators (excluding four abstainers) and 219 Congressman (excluding 10 abstainers) voted for it. That’s more than half of Congress and Barack Obama who funded America’s enemy with billions of dollars in cash– instead of spending that money to aid veterans and the roughly one third of Americans out of work and with no access to healthcare. 

(The bill also authorized funding Obama’s executive order on amnesty for illegal immigrants, which Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and 21 other senators valiantly opposed – but lost. 

Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) (according to a congressional GOP aide) aggressively whipped enough Republican votes for executive amnesty, and against Cruz’s amendment.)

Obama’s planned efforts to transfer cash payments to Iran—financially aiding America’s sworn enemy—also coincides with his aggressive measures to eliminate America’s border security and open diplomatic ties with Cuba.

While some members of Congress did attempt (via failed legislation) to “restrict” Iran’s “spending” of American taxpayer dollars; others sought to “require the White House to certify” that Iran would not use the funds to support terrorism. 

Some actually thought a letter would change the State Department’s course of action or the relentless and seemingly unending issuance of executive memorandum.
Because the majority of Congress has committed treason, they will not hold accountable Barack Obama for his treasonous acts. If he goes down, so do they.

Massive-scale impeachment proceedings would create extensive turmoil throughout America and the world. But such upheaval is necessary when America’s 'government' no longer represents or protects its own citizens and actively enables its enemies determined to destroy them. 


Obama set to deport 12 Iraqi Christian refugees

Obama set to deport 12 Iraqi Christian refugees

Detained for 6 months while criminal illegals allowed to stay

Iraqi Christians have been forced out of their homes by ISIS, and many have died rather than agree to forced conversions to Islam.
Iraqi Christians have been forced out of their homes by ISIS, and many have died rather than agree to forced conversions to Islam.

More than half of the 27 Iraqi Christians the Obama administration has been holding for the past six months at an ICE detention center in Otay Mesa, California, are set to be deported in coming weeks, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced earlier this week.
An immigration judge ordered the deportation of 15 of the Christians, ICE spokeswoman Lauren Mack said.
Another five of the Iraqis have been charged with immigration fraud and remain under U.S. Marshal custody at the Otay prison. Seven already have been returned to Europe, where they were living before attempting to enter the United States illegally, said Mack.
Fifteen remain in ICE custody pending their deportation in the following weeks. Five of those are considered “pending cases,” Mack said. Generally, once deportees are given a final removal order by a judge, ICE officials begin making travel arrangements.
If the European nations receiving these Christians decide to send them back to Iraq they will face almost certain death.
The 27 Iraqi Christians — also known as Chaldeans — have been detained in Otay for about six months as their immigration cases proceeded, activists and family members told the San Diego Union-Tribune.
The Chaldeans were detained by immigration authorities after they attempted to cross the U.S.-Mexico border through the San Ysidro Port of Entry without documentation several months ago.
Iraq emptied of its ancient Christian community
Iraq is home to one of the most ancient Christian communities, evangelized by the Apostle Thomas not long after the time of Jesus. It was home to 1.5 million Christians under Saddam Hussein but after the U.S. invaded in 2003, al-Qaida started bombing churches and kidnapping prominent Christian leaders. The attacks became more fierce after al-Qaida in Iraq morphed into ISIS and the country has been virtually emptied of its Christian population since then.
Estimates now range from 200,000 to 300,000 Christians remaining in the country, mostly in Baghdad and in Kurdish-controlled areas to the northeast.
Many of Iraq’s historic churches, some dating back to the second and third century after Christ, have been destroyed or converted to mosques. Others sit empty.

Nowhere to hide
Thousands of Chaldeans have fled Iraq, escaping fierce persecution at the hands of terrorists fighting for the Islamic State, also known as ISIS. Many of their men who refuse to convert to Islam have been beheaded or otherwise killed while their wives and daughters have been sold into sex slavery. Tens of thousands have been forced out of their homes and live in hiding, afraid to even show up at United Nations’ refugee camps, where they often find themselves the victims of further abuse by Muslims.
Lord George Carey, Britain’s former archbishop of Canterbury, confirmed in published reports last week what WND had previously reported, that persecuted Christians in Syria and Iraq are fearful of the refugee camps. Rather than seek refuge there, they are hiding in churches and in the homes of other Christians.
The U.S. has large Chaldean Catholic communities in Detroit and San Diego.
Chaldean families have held regular demonstrations in support of the 27 detainees, the majority of whom have family who are U.S. citizens, but on Monday they were told by government officials they’d better not comment on the issue.

Iraqi Chaldean Catholics rally in support of 27 Chaldeans being held at an ICE detention center in California.

Iraqi Chaldean Catholics rally in support of 27 Chaldeans being held at an ICE detention center in California.

Ordered to stay silent
Lundon Attisha, spokesman for San Diego’s Neighborhood Market Association, told the San Diego Union-Tribune that he and other Chaldean leaders were advised by the attorneys representing the detainees not to comment on the deportation of the Chaldeans.
At the same time the Obama administration deporting Christians, it has over the years allowed in hundreds of Muslim migrants from Africa and the Middle East who crossed the Southern border the same way the Chaldeans did.
Obama targets Christian immigration attorney
Obama’s Justice Department has also gone after the nation’s most successful Chaldean Christian immigration attorney, Robert Dekelaita, 52, of Glenview, Illinois.
DeKelaita has helped thousands of Christians escape the jihadist-inspired violence of Iraq, Egypt and Syria going back to 2001. For his efforts, he was indicted last year on charges of immigration fraud. DeKelaita maintains his innocence and is still awaiting trial.
In an interview with WND last month, DeKelaita said Chaldean-Americans are some of the hardest working of all immigrants. Many in Detroit are successful businessmen who employ hundreds in the convenience store and hospitality industries.
“These are proud Americans who love this country, just very solid families involved in their communities and churches,” he said.
But for at least 12 of them, they will be deported back into a hostile environment that seeks to present them with an age-old jihadist ultimatum: Convert to Islam, pay the Islamic head-tax for a dubious “protection” or die.

Robert DeKelaita outside of federal court in Chicago in September 2014.

Robert DeKelaita, at right holding papers, outside of federal court in Chicago in September 2014.
Copyright 2015 WND

$1 Million Reward If You Can Name ALL The Board Members!

$1 Million Reward If You Can Name ALL The Board Members!

Yes, I said ALL Board Members of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. which has been Bankrupt for 180 days, 16 years, 82 years, or even 152 years.
The Primary Bankruptcy is noted on a few documents posted on the site below.
Go to Nesaranews Constitution And Founding Documents to find THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, UCC LIEN, 2011 and then you will see that NOT a Fraudulent UCC LIEN has been placed back on July 15, 2011, so this MUST be a LEGAL Document as it is the Truth for all of us We The People as it shows:
On July 15, 2011, a UCC LIEN was filed on THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM for $14,300,000,000,000,000.00 (Quadrillion) to be paid for the 'Description of real estate:' of '[-As all real -men with hands and legs, and all real -land in the United States of America 14,000,000,000,000,000.- WITH TRUST IN GOD, this real-estate is with the - PUBLIC -]' so that means We The People are the collateral for which it is presumed that in 1933 the People became the credit for THE UNITED STATES, INC. bankruptcy.

That must be over $47 million for each legal American citizen, but apparently the USA has been bankrupt for everyone's life today and they still get paid.

Hand this to your Sheriff to Enforce it to collect $1,000,000 from me to find the names of the Board Members, or have your Sheriff put behind Bars for doing business with that Federal Bankrupt Corporation!

If there are NO Corporate Board Members then they have been committing Fraud along!

U.S. Gives Yemeni (Al Qaeda Hotbed) Nationals “Temporary” Amnesty

(If you Americans do NOT support this Amnesty to All Nationalities then you can be Arrested for Racism!!!)

U.S. Gives Yemeni (Al Qaeda Hotbed) Nationals “Temporary” Amnesty

SEPTEMBER 17, 2015

Just when it seemed like President Obama’s immigration policies couldn’t possibly get worse, the administration is offering “temporary” amnesty to nationals of an Islamic Middle Eastern country well known as an Al Qaeda breeding ground.
You can’t make this stuff up! The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is offering Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to illegal aliens from Yemen, headquarters of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). In its latest Country Reports on Terrorism, the State Department reveals that AQAP militants carried out hundreds of attacks including suicide bombers, vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs), ambushes, kidnappings and targeted assassinations. The media has also documented this for years with one in-depth report confirming that “Yemen has emerged as the breeding grounds for some of the most high-profile plans to attack the U.S. homeland.”
Why would the U.S. extend to a humanitarian measure designed to temporarily shield illegal immigrants from deportation during emergencies to citizens of this notorious terrorist hub? A stunned Homeland Security official told Judicial Watch that this creates “obvious dangers” because the U.S. government has a “total inability to screen, ID or verify the records” of Yemeni nationals. Remember that the convicted terrorist who planned to blow up an American passenger jet over Detroit on Christmas in 2009 trained in Yemen and the plot was organized by Al Qaeda leaders in Yemen. Also of interest is the fact that at least a dozen terrorists freed from the U.S. military compound in Guantanamo have joined Al Qaeda in Yemen. Last year a study published by the RAND Corporation concluded that the most significant threat to the United States comes from terrorist groups operating in Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
None of this seems to matter to the officials running DHS, the monstrous agency created after 9/11 to prevent another terrorist attack. Obama’s DHS Secretary, Jeh Johnson, cites the “ongoing armed conflict” in Yemen for deciding to grant the country TPS. “Yemen is experiencing widespread conflict and a resulting severe humanitarian emergency, and requiring Yemeni nationals in the United States to return to Yemen would pose a serious threat to their personal safety,” states the DHS announcement made public this month. It assures that individuals with certain criminal records or who pose a threat to national security are not eligible for TPS, though JW’s government source maintains there’s no reliable way to check this. The TPS supposedly expires in 18 months, but we’ve all seen that these temporary amnesty measures get extended indefinitely.
Just a few weeks ago Judicial Watch reported that the Obama administration extended TPS for Haitians for the fifth time since an earthquake hit the Caribbean island in 2010. When Obama’s first DHS Secretary, Janet Napolitano, granted the first Haitian TPS, she stated that it was intended to provide a “temporary refuge for Haitian nationals who are currently in the United States and whose personal safety would be endangered by returning to Haiti is part of this Administration’s continuing efforts to support Haiti’s recovery.” Five years later DHS stated that “following consultations with other federal agencies” it had determined that “current conditions in Haiti support extending the designation period for current TPS beneficiaries.”
Haitian illegal immigrants aren’t the only ones who have enjoyed the long-term benefits of the special measure intended to grant only temporary reprieve. Last year the Obama administration extended TPS for tens of thousands of Hondurans and Nicaraguans. The order was originally issued more than a decade and a half ago after a hurricane (Mitch) hit the Central American countries and has been renewed over and over again, illustrating that there’s nothing temporary about these measures. Less than a year ago the Obama administration created an 18-month TPS for African Ebola nations, including Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.

© 2010-2015 Judicial Watch, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

45 Ways to Reduce Stress

(The major Stress today is whether the Pope will be coming to actually enforce a One World Religion or he will be announcing that America has their Republic back!)

45 Ways to Reduce Stress
Posted By: LuellaMay [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 17-Sep-2015 14:09:11

(The Best Years in Life) Stress has been called "the silent killer" for very good reason. It can lead to a world of physical and psychological problems, it speeds the disease process and it retards and prevents recovery from illness. Following is a list of 44 ways to reduce stress submitted by naturopathic practitioner Loretta Lanphier:
Read More:

Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather AND to Relocate Them Too - USA today

Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather AND to Relocate Them Too - USA today
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 16-Sep-2015 15:53:59

A socialistic world sigh. Yes, we all know about the ice cores and no climate change due to man.
Poorer nations suffering from extreme weather disasters, so much so that their citizens are seeking refuge in safer terrains outside their borders, want rich nations like the United States to pay for reparations and to relocate populations.
Preparatory talks ahead of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change to be held in Paris in December has representatives from developing nations asking for more than an already agreed upon $100 billion per year for climate change mitigation measures. They want additional compensation for weather-related disasters as well as a "displacement coordination facility" for refugees. And they want all this to be legally binding as part of the larger anticipated Paris accord.
The U.S. and wealthier nations in the European Union are balking.
The rationale for the additional funds and refugee facility is based on donor country failures to follow through cohesively on aid pledges following weather-related disasters. For example, last March, Cyclone Pam devastated islands in the South Pacific but attention quickly turned to the massive earthquake in Nepal soon thereafter. That left small nations such as Vanuatu, which was devastated, to manage its own cleanup without much in the way of international assistance.
Poorer nations blame extreme weather-related disasters on climate change stemming from emission-polluting countries that have more developed and wealthier economies.
The U.N. Paris conference aims to reach an international, legally biding agreement on climate change that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thwart global temperature rise. A separate agreement is being eyed to address losses and damages from extreme weather events, thought to be a result of climate change.
As it stands, the Warsaw Mechanism, adopted in 2013 at the U.N. climate conference in Poland, established a structure to address losses and damages associated with climate change impacts. However that mechanism is due to expire this year when a new climate agreement is reached. Poorer nations who say they are on the front lines of climate change and suffer the worst of its extreme weather ramifications aren't pleased by the expiration. They want loss and damage provisions to be extended and expanded upon.
Reports indicate a compromise will be sought whereby the Warsaw Mechanism is extended, yet carved out from any legally binding agreement.
Meanwhile, environmental groups are lobbying to make reparations even more punitive and require polluting companies in the private sector to step up and also pay for extreme weather-related damages.
Property and casualty losses have been a point of contention for years in climate-change discussions. How to handle refugee claims is a relatively new issue that comes at a time when Europe is facing a separate refugee crisis of its own, with hordes of people seeking asylum from war-torn countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Nine civil wars are raging in countries from Pakistan to Nigeria.
Adding climate refugees to those numbers may be too much for government representatives to take on at the moment. Without question, however, a refugee facility needs to be discussed if not negotiated, as do further compensation measures for poor countries.
The $100 billion-a-year-commitment by 2020 seems like a lot of money, but increasingly it isn't looking like enough funding. With extreme weather events on the rise, so too will be the costs of cleanup and the tolls on people's lives. 



One Head Will Be Injured!

One Head Will Be Injured!

Scripture may give you some thinking to do.

Today in history is the First time that there are really 3 Two Headed Leaders to be alive.

The White, Good, Pope has resigned and another has taken over.

The Black, Bad, Pope has resigned and another has taken over.

And in the USA the First Black President that has personally called himself god, yet he is both a Christian and a Muslim, which are impossible to serve two gods according to the Holy Bible.

So one of these may bring the Revelation verses to be true, and confirmation would be if one is physically injured, or their leadership may be put down of the other Head.

Revelation 13 King James Version (KJV)
13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

Assassination Video Series by Larry Engel: ‘Nine US presidents #23 Wallace’

(Could Obama be the Tenth president to be Assassinated so Biden can be the True President?)


Assassination Video Series by Larry Engel: ‘Nine US presidents #23 Wallace’

Zionism VS Constitution
Image: Screen Shot

YouTubeLarry Engel

Published on Oct 4, 2013 
A series of articles exploring the deaths of nine US presidents and other leaders from the point of view [that] they opposed the Globalists’ agenda.

Free States Are Happier and Richer

Free States Are Happier and Richer

Vote with your feet

Free States Are Happier and Richer
by Gabriel Openshaw | | September 17, 2015 

The greater the economic freedom, the wealthier and happier the people.
From minimum-wage laws to higher progressive taxation to greater unionization to larger welfare programs to more regulation, left liberals demand a stronger and more economically active central government. Advocates of laissez-faire, on the other hand, favor smaller government, less regulation, lower taxes, and greater individual opportunity and property rights.
But which economic policy approach actually yields the best results?
We’ve already clearly demonstrated — via international and US state migration rates — that people the world over are naturally drawn toward greater economic freedom. Across countries, and even across states, millions of people every year migrate away from greater taxation and more regulation and toward lower taxation and less regulation. But are they better off?
Let’s take a look at the fifty US states, ranked by their level of economic freedom. The most highly-ranked states have lower tax burdens, deference to property rights, less government spending, and labor market freedom:

Taking into account cost-of-living differences, the top ten most economically free states have an average $52,334 median household income, which is considerably higher than the $43,090 median income for the ten least free. That’s a 21 percent raise for workers by switching state government policies to a smaller government approach. How much more could it be increased if the same were done at the national level?

The observed results are not a question of race or country of origin: African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and immigrants also earn substantially more in the more economically free states. While left liberals should be lauded for their apparent concern for the welfare of minorities, the truth is that their policies yield the worst results for them, a standard of living pay cut just for living in a more regulated and heavily taxed state.
One may think that this could be driven by urban vs. rural states more than policies, but the top ten free states are 71 percent urban vs. 72 percent for the bottom ten — a negligible difference. Moreover, the states in between the two are even more urban, at 75 percent, which effectively rules out correlation.
Another objection may be that “the rich” or “the 1 percent” are skewing the numbers — that income inequality is running rampant with less government to level the playing field, as many persistently believe. The exact opposite is the case.
Using median incomes as the measure (instead of average incomes) effectively eliminates the impact of the very wealthy on the numbers. And the “Poverty Measure” is lower in the most free states (13.3 percent) than in the least free (15.1 percent).
But the real measure of income inequality is the Gini index, and we can put aside for now the fact that median incomes are a far better measure of overall economic well-being than inequality of incomes (i.e., 100 people making $1 a day are perfectly equal but not better off than ninety-nine people making $2 a day and 1 making $5 a day, despite the latter’s higher inequality).

If we assume inequality to be an important economic measure instead of a normal byproduct of economic growth, the most free states do better, with a .446 Gini index vs. a higher and less equal .462 Gini for the least free states. Not only that, but the rate of growth of inequality over the past forty years is lower in the most free states compared to the least free: 22 percent vs. 30 percent. In other words, heavier government involvement has led to more income inequality and faster growth of such, while less government has created a more equal growth in incomes.
A final argument might be that while there may be greater income in more free-market states, the increased government regulation and intervention provides greater care and increases the population’s happiness and well-being. But the opposite is the case.
Gallup publishes an annual Well Being Index, which measures and ranks each state’s population across five core measures of well-being:
Purpose (liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals)
Social (having supportive relationships and love in your life)
Financial (managing your economic life to reduce stress and increase security)
Community (liking where you live, feeling safe, and having pride in your community)
Physical (having good health and enough energy to get things done daily)

Averaging each state’s Wellness rank for the past seven years we find that states with greater economic freedom also bring greater happiness and well-being.

So what happens when you create a more laissez-faire and libertarian environment where people make more money, have less poverty, and find greater happiness in their lives? People want to move there. And indeed, looking at state-to-state migration of Americans between 2006 and 2010, we see a net migration flow of 704,000 from the twenty-five least economically free states to the twenty-five most economically free. That’s hundreds of thousands of Americans choosing to relocate away from more interventionist government to more free market oriented government.
Political Party Just One Factor
On that latter point, it’s important to distinguish small-government ideology from Republican party control in a state. While it’s true that there’s a strong correlation between Republicans and economic freedom — the ten most free states had a Partisan Voter Index (PVI) average of R+10.3 vs. D-6.1 for the ten least free — it’s not a perfect correlation either. Two of the top ten states (Virginia and New Hampshire), for instance, are swing states, and two of the bottom ten economically free states (West Virginia and Mississippi) are solidly Republican.
It’s also worth noting what economic freedom is not: it is not corporatism or crony capitalism, where the government bails out banks and subsidizes politically connected businesses, which both major political parties are heavily guilty of. Rather, it’s smaller, less intrusive government.
The reality on the ground is that states with more libertarian free market policies enjoy better results: greater median incomes, a more equitable distribution, less poverty, greater success for minorities and immigrants, and higher overall levels of happiness and well-being. In the political rhetoric landscape the battle of ideology is fierce and filled with demagoguery; in the real world the difference in results between competing economic policies are strikingly clear.

Student Punished for American Flag Shirt

Student Punished for American Flag Shirt

School administrator determined shirt violated dress code

Student Punished for American Flag Shirt
by | September 17, 2015 

A North Texas student was punished recently for wearing an American flag T-shirt to school.
Watch Video:

An administrator at Seagoville High School determined that the shirt violated the dress code.
The boy wearing the shirt, named Jaegur, was facing in-school-suspension on his record, but his mom apparently knew more about the dress code than that educator.
Jaegur’s mom, Shelly Goode, says her son Jaegur does his best to follow the rules.
Read more

Is CERN Cracking the Earth’s Protective Magnetosphere?

Deep Red Auroras: Is CERN Cracking the Earth’s Protective Magnetosphere?

Truthstream Media) According to research by YouTuber BPEarthWatch, “CERN is destroying Earth’s shields allowing radiation to pour in.”
If the analysis, as well as these animated magnetosphere charts which line up with figures taken from CERN’s own website, are correct – we are potentially in for some global consequences unlike anything ever witnessed by modern human civilization.
As BPEarthWatch has demonstrated multiple times before on his channel, when the scientists at CERN crank up their giant particle accelerator to peak power, the planet’s magnetosphere always begins reacting violently. This phenomenon occurred again just last week.
The magnetosphere is not fully understood by science, but its apparent protective barrier between the radiation effects of the Sun is obviously crucial to life on planet Earth.
Via Wikipedia: A magnetosphere is the region of space surrounding an astronomical object in which charged particles are controlled by that object’s magnetic field. Near the surface of many astronomical objects, the magnetic field resembles that of a dipole. Farther away from the surface, the field lines can be significantly distorted by the flow of electrically conducting plasma edited from a nearby star (e.g. the solar wind form the Sun).
While the fluctuating activities of the sun, including sunspots, solar flares and coronal mass ejections, are known to cause distortions in the magnetosphere, it seems obvious that the activities of man shouldn’t – but what if they are?
BPEarthWatch points out that while there was a solar wind entering the atmosphere reportedly through an otherwise unexplained crack in the magnetosphere, and resulting geomagnetic storms, solar activity was actually very low last week, with a space weather forecast of almost no chance of flares at the time the magnetosphere began distorting.
So what explains it? Official space weather forecasters simply don’t seem to know. BPEarthWatch has a theory…
The atom-smashing Large Hardron Collider at CERN is the largest machine on Earth, and lately scientists there have been cranking it up higher and higher, intensifying runs. (They are set to crank it up to the highest power they ever have later this month on Sept. 23 and 24.) According to CERN’s official website, “All the magnets on the LHC are electromagnets. The main dipoles generate powerful 8.4 tesla magnetic fields – more than 100,000 times more powerful than the Earth’s magnetic field.” [emphasis added]
Why are the rest of us supposed to casually believe running this thing at higher and higher and higher power won’t have some overall effect on the planet? CERN scientists are admittedly experimenting with forces they don’t even fully understand ‘to reveal the secrets of the universe’.
In addition, people all over the world subsequently reported abnormal, blood red auroras in the night sky last week.
The red auroras are apparently also “not fully understood” and “at present, space weather forecasters cannot predict when this will occur.”
BPEarthWatch says, “Well let me help you out space weather forecasters…watch when CERN peaks out, especially when the sun is at low power.”
Visit BPEarthWatch at BPEarthWatch.Com and on YouTube.